MD new member

2000-04-11 Thread Enliten3
hi Everyone: I'm a fairly new subscriber and was wondering if I might get a bit of advice - Because I don't check my email everyday there are many times when the postings are quite abundant and intimidating. How do you sort them (slips, perhaps?) in chronological order? As I have never been

Re: MD new member

2000-04-13 Thread Enliten3
I appreciate your reply...maybe this takes some getting used seems to me like some of the members are more concerned with impressing us with their intellect as opposed to concise, constructive dialogue. Thanks, Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive -

MD Conference

2000-10-12 Thread Enliten3
Hi: Was just "lurking" about and wondering if the idea of a Conference was still viable. I hadn't been keeping up with recent posts but would be interested in knowing if this is still a consideration, oui? Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive -

MD photo

2000-10-26 Thread Enliten3
Does anyone know if Pirsig is willing to supply his fans with an autographed photo? The only other autographed photo I have is of Alice Cooper and it cost me a hundred bucks. And I even hold Pirsig a notch or two higher in esteem. Would it help if my request came from the "Make A Wish"

Re: MD Pirsig's letter - A response

2000-11-01 Thread Enliten3
Hume???!!! It was Hume's "common sense and reason" that manifested itself(among a few other British Rationalists) in that great institution known as THAT was a real "value" system! Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive -

Re: MD Elvaleach the bumpy thing

2000-11-22 Thread Enliten3
Hey JoVo: How 'bout "elfie"? It's perhaps an eponymous stretch, but cute and memorable. Kind of like "quark". Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the

MD in defense of Struan

2001-01-13 Thread Enliten3
Hey Guys: Please don't run Struan off because this is actually kind of enjoyable. Maybe he is a bit of an irritant at times but my teachers used to tell me the same thing. And the guy is really pretty smart, IMHO. By the way, how do you pronounce "Struan"? I'm just a poor white-trash Suth'na

Re: MD wudeness

2001-01-22 Thread Enliten3
PPL, You inquired as to why an individual would be rude, mean-spirited, etc...I'm not a psychologist but have read Freud and Jung and Fromm and my girlfriend's a PhD in psych(and not bad-looking either!) This kind of anti-social behavior is symptomatic of a real or perceived "shortcoming" in

Re: MD MORALITY struan

2001-01-26 Thread Enliten3
Struan, Were you aroused by the image? Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the instructions at:

Re: MD Heidegger

2001-02-06 Thread Enliten3
Kev: I've read enough to know that there are enough similarities with Heidegger's "being", Pascal's "wager", and Keirkegaard's "will to be a Christian" to believe that your idol who embraced the Nazi regime certainly pilfered a bit here and there. And who can deny the coalescence of

Re: MD Heidegger

2001-02-07 Thread Enliten3
Kev: I was not discounting Heidegger's philosophy because of his Nazi sympathizing, I mention it merely for the sake of "tweaking". But while most of the great "thinkers" ran from the Third Reich, a la Freud, or danced around it for the sake of self-preservation, a la Jung, or were wrongfully

Re: MD Heidegger

2001-02-07 Thread Enliten3
Kev: I said "coalescence" of thought re: Neitzsche's discovery of Schopenhauer. N. found a dusty copy of S. and practically turned cartwheels over the revelatory tome. He was attracted to the clarity of a "God-less" philosophy and ran with that theme...he turned on Schopenhauer after reading

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-12 Thread Enliten3 'bout "I am aware, therefore I value" or "I am aware of a great value, therefore I'm heading to the store" Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-12 Thread Enliten3
My "I am aware..." syllogism was in response to Jonathan's Cartesian allusion...and then I remembered that the cogito is not even a was more the statement of a process...and for further fun, I once read that Descartes never even made that statement, it was actually an

Re: MD Transformation or translation?

2001-04-27 Thread Enliten3
Seems like any transformation would be a plus for this squirrel...oops, sorry... Clarke

Re: MD An Introduction to the Metaphysics of Quality

2001-05-16 Thread Enliten3
ZAMM was a required text for one of my Poli Sci classes at the University of New Orleans in 1976. I didn't consider at the time to find out how it became so. It may have been a particular quirk of the Professor. Clarke

MD friends

2001-05-17 Thread Enliten3
Hey Folks: It's somewhat of a colloquialism to refer to a male/female non-sexual relationship as "Platonic". My incredible intellect leads me to believe that this may have something to do with Plato. What little I've read of Plato has never touched upon this derivative. In fact it seems as if

Re: MD Hi

2001-05-18 Thread Enliten3
Hey All You Creative Geniuses: Julian Jaynes in "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" (the snazziest of titles) surmises that music, poetry, et al. that seems to dynamically appear from some other "source" is (paraphrasing) merely a temporary conflict between

Re: MD Authors Rights

2001-05-21 Thread Enliten3
Diana: Please send photo, Clarke

Re: MD HELP - Consumerism, homogonisation and the degregation of quality

2001-05-22 Thread Enliten3
Hello Evolve: Thanks for such an excellent, thought-provoking post. While I certainly agree with most everything you said I can only allude to the portion of Lila in which Pirsig warns us to avoid playing the "blame game"(my words). I don't have my copy handy but he clearly indicates that

Re: MD Advertising as a social control device

2001-05-23 Thread Enliten3
Hello Evolve, new members, and all: Let me start by stating I am NOT unsubscribing, and wonder what in the world caused that mini-exodus. I well remember the "oat" craze, and what made Quaker's campaign doubly effective was the fact that they used the grandfatherly character actor Wilfred(sic?)

MD needs

2001-05-24 Thread Enliten3
While I have enjoyed the recent consumerism-based posts, I do think that I need to be more aware of Bodvar's assertion (correct, IMO) that there is a danger in drifting too far from MoQ-ista world and becoming just another AOL-sounding chat room. But the current discussion has reminded me

Re: MD md death penalty

2001-05-25 Thread Enliten3
I probably lean more on the pro side of capital punishment, but, like the abortion issue, the squeamish side of these things causes me to distance myself from a position of conviction. I'm not sure if I fully comprehend Pirsig's anti-capital punishment stance, and the pending execution of Tim

Re: MD md death penalty

2001-05-25 Thread Enliten3
Rasheed: Isn't the average time served for a murder conviction something like 4 years? Now excuse me while I go to the board and write I will not get involved in a capital punishment discussion unless it pertains to the MoQ one hundred times. Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail

Re: MD md death penalty

2001-05-25 Thread Enliten3
Marco: I think if i attempt to answer your questions dircetly then we begin to violate the standards of subject matter for this particular group. I guess the nature of my query was related to the standing of individuals and/or systems that commit heinous acts, and if one can slip a level in

Re: MD needs

2001-05-25 Thread Enliten3
Hey Dean: I think Pirsig makes it pretty clear that the intellect will not reign supreme until it respects the social level, which it appears to hold in disdain. Anybody remember the song Cara Mia by Jay and the Americans? It has no relevance but it happens to be playing on the radio now. I

Re: MD bonne nouvelle !

2001-06-07 Thread Enliten3
french MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the instructions at:

Re: MD True Libertarians Please Stand Up

2001-06-12 Thread Enliten3
Jonathan: Actually the Bill of Rights is quite vague when it comes to addressing the right to bear arms. And I'm pretty certain that it doesn't even address the individuals' right, only those associated with a militia. The actual scope of the amendment is debatable, vis a vis the actual

Re: MD Emotions

2001-06-22 Thread Enliten3
To David Lind: Are you a real person, or do you just play one on TV, stage, etc.? :) My first inclination was to dismiss your take on Brian's query regarding the realm of emotions because you equated this with your stage work...and all the world is really not a's a pretend land for

Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-22 Thread Enliten3
Evolve: I don't have my copy of Lila handy, but I'm pretty sure Pirsig indicated that the peyote was a shortcut to enlightenment, necessary because of the infringement of Western society. Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD

Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread Enliten3
Wim: You are correct. When I responded to Evolve's mescaline query I didn't have a copy of Lila, so I was remembering my particular impression of what I had actually read. It's happened frequently that I will get a distinct impression of something Pirsig said, and then when I try to find the

Re: MD so you wanted to hear about DQ...

2001-06-25 Thread Enliten3
Welcome Jeremy...I know you are young, but are you into the Jefferson Airplane? Pass it around, brother. Clarke MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the instructions

RE: MD Pirsig's hypocrisy

2001-07-05 Thread Enliten3
Platt said: So, like you, I have my doubts. But this group is so intelligent on balance that by the simple expedient of talking things through I fully expect us to collectively arrive at a higher plane of understanding eventually. I just hope I'm still around when it happens. (-: Are your