Re: [MORPHMET] Sliding Semilandmarks

2016-02-21 Thread
As Michael described, the average shape configuration affects the sliding when used as reference for the TPS; the final configurations thus are sample-dependent. However, if the curves/surfaces are covered densely enough by the semilandmarks (e.g., to avoid that a semilandmark can slide away f

[MORPHMET] Multivariate Analysis of Genotype-Phenotype Association

2016-02-25 Thread
I would like to announce a new paper, of which the early view pdf is already online. Mitteroecker P, Cheverud JM, Pavlicev M (2016) Multivariate Analysis of Genotype-Phenotype Association. Genetics It offers an exploratory st

[MORPHMET] Postdoc and Ph.D. position at the Univ. of Vienna on the modelling of developmental canalization in

2016-08-12 Thread
In the working group of Philipp Mitteroecker in the Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna, a two-year postdoc position and a three-year Ph.D. position are vacant. We are searching for enthusiastic persons, who are dedicated to interdisciplinary research in biology and physical

[MORPHMET] Tenure track position in evolutionary morphology at the University of Vienna

2016-12-09 Thread
This open tenure track position in evolutionary morphology at the University of Vienna may also be of interest to the morphometrics community.

[MORPHMET] PhD position in biological anthropology and morphometrics

2017-01-25 Thread
We seek a PhD student for a three-year position in Vienna, working on the morphometrics of human pelvises in relation to childbirth and motherhood: Best, Philipp Mitteroecker -- MORPHMET may be accessed via its webp

[MORPHMET] Re: Does a research sample need to be normally distributed (male/female ratio) for PCA?

2017-05-25 Thread
As an exploratory technique, PCA makes no distributional assumptions; it is used to explore the empirical distribution of the data. The sample does not need to be balanced with regard to sex or other grouping variables, but larger groups have a stronger effect on the PCA than smaller groups. Th

[MORPHMET] Re: number of landmarks and sample size

2017-05-31 Thread
Adding more (semi)landmarks inevitably increases the spatial resolution and thus allows one to capture finer anatomical details - whether relevant to the biological question or not. This can be advantageous for the reconstruction of shapes, especially when producing 3D morphs by warping dense s

Re: [MORPHMET] Re: number of landmarks and sample size

2017-06-02 Thread
I think a few topics get mixed up here. Of course, a sample can be too small to be representative (as in Andrea's example), and one should think carefully about the measures to take. It is also clear that an increase in sample size reduces standard errors of statistical estimates, including tha

[MORPHMET] Open call for a "Professor of Theoretical Evolutionary Biology" at the University of Vienna

2018-04-05 Thread
Dear morphometrics community, Perhaps this call is of interest to some of you. Best, Philipp At the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna the position of a "University Professor of Theoretical Evolutionary Biology" is to be filled. The advertised professorship shall cover th

[MORPHMET] Re: Are more semi landmarks better??

2018-11-06 Thread
I'd like to respond to your question because it comes up so often. As noted by Carmelo in the other posting, a large number of variables relative to the number of cases can lead to statistical problems. But often it does not. In all analyses that treat each variable separately - including the

[MORPHMET] Re: semilandmarks in biology

2018-11-06 Thread
I agree only in part. Whether or not semilandmarks "really are needed" may be hard to say beforehand. If the signal is known well enough before the study, even a single linear distance or distance ratio may suffice. In fact, most geometric morphometric studies are characterized by an oversampli

Re: [MORPHMET] Re: semilandmarks in biology

2018-11-06 Thread
Yes, it was always well known that sliding adds covariance but this is irrelevant for most studies, especially for group mean comparisons and shape regressions: the kind of studies for which GMM is most efficient, as Jim noted. If you consider the change of variance-covariance structure due to

[MORPHMET] Comment and advice on bgPCA

2019-05-28 Thread
Dear all, I also want to comment on the recent bgPCA postings. Andrea et al. and Fred are right that bgPCA produces ordination plots in which two or more groups are discriminated more (i.e., the groups overlap less) than they should, whenever p (number of variables) is large relative to n (sam

[MORPHMET] Dennis Slice

2019-06-15 Thread
Dear subscribers to morphmet, With the deepest grief we must inform you of the sudden death on June 13 of Prof. Dennis E. Slice, holder of the fourth Rohlf Award for Excellence in Morphometrics and tireless founder and moderator of this newsgroup, who suffered a heart