[mou] Sax-Zim Bog sightings

2005-06-22 Thread Kim R Eckert
Several birds of note were seen yesterday and today (21-22 June) while guiding a VENT group in the Sax-Zim Bog. Hopefully these might be of interest to other birders, since so little has been reported from there lately: Great Gray Owls - one on Stickney Rd (CR 207), 0.1 mi N of Arkola Rd (CR 5

[mou] Little Gull in Duluth

2005-05-13 Thread Kim R Eckert
This afternoon I found an adult Little Gull at Park Point in Duluth. It was on the lake side of the Point out from Lafayette Square / 31st St, associating with a large flock of Bonaparte's Gulls. Counting by tens, I estimated there were about 1,400 Bonaparte's in this single group, with a total

[mou] Jackson Co sightings

2005-05-07 Thread Kim R Eckert
Today, 7 May, the Minn Birding Weekends group found a good number of migrants in Jackson Co, especially at Robertson Co Park on Loon Lake. Most significant among the 13 warbler species at the park was a singing Blue-winged Warbler. Also of note there was a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Among the other

[mou] SW Minn sightings

2005-04-07 Thread Kim R Eckert
To add to Craig Mandel's posting from April 5, here are some more sightings from SW Minn that might be of interest. Barb Akre and I birded Martin, Jackson, Rock, Pipestone & Lyon Co's Mon PM - Wed AM: very nice weather in the mid-upper 70s Mon & Tue, but the birding was generally very dull, esp

[mou] Am Three-toed, Hoary Redpolls

2005-03-26 Thread Kim R Eckert
For those who may be in the area looking for owls et al., the male Am Three-toed Woodpecker was still present yesterday, 25 May, in the Sax-Zim Bog along McDavitt Rd. It was with 2 Black-backeds on the E side of the road, 2.7 mi N of Sax Rd. Hoary Redpolls were also seen at two locations, one o

[mou] Duluth area update

2005-01-25 Thread Kim R Eckert
As of this morning, 25 Jan, here are some of the more significant=20 sightings I'm aware of from the past few days. My apologies for=20 duplicating any information already posted by others. - Kim Eckert Gadwall - male presumably still overwintering with the Mallard/Am Black=20= Duck flock along

[mou] Clarks Nutcracker - St Louis Cty

2005-01-15 Thread Kim R Eckert
--Apple-Mail-2-795451645 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed To elaborate on the Clark's Nutcracker (and other birds): - The nutcracker was found by Mike Overton and a group from Texas about=20= 8:30 this morning

[mou] Boreal Owls, Am Three-toed Woodpecker

2005-01-09 Thread Kim R Eckert
To elaborate on Mike Hendrickson's earlier posting: Boreal Owl =96 one found this afternoon by Otto _ (? =96 sorry, = forgot=20 his last name) in Two Harbors and seen by m.ob.: follow the trail=20 behind the lighthouse, and after 300 yards or so turn left on the main=20= cut-off trail which l

[mou] Harlequin Duck in Duluth

2004-12-23 Thread Kim R Eckert
A birder from Iowa (I couldn't quite hear his name on my answering=20 machine =96 Aaron Breece?) called me today to report he found a=20 female-plumaged Harlequin Duck around noon today in Duluth. He gave the=20= location as behind the convention center in Canal Park (which would be=20= in the ha

[mou] Boreal Owl in Duluth

2004-12-14 Thread Kim R Eckert
Mike Hendrickson just called to report a Boreal Owl out actively hunting in Duluth about noon today. He gave the location as along the east side of Maxwell Rd, near the second utilty pole just N of Elm Rd. To reach this location, from the corner of Glenwood St and Jean Duluth Rd, go N on Jean D

[mou] owl survey volunteers

2004-12-02 Thread Kim R Eckert
--Apple-Mail-1--828214950 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed As many of you are already aware from previous mou-net postings from=20 Mike Hendrickson, a systematic survey of owls is being planned this=20 winter

[mou] Lark Sparrow & Townsend's Solitaire in Cook Co

2004-11-08 Thread Kim R Eckert
During the Minn BIrding Weekends trip up the North Shore, we found a=20 very late & out-of-range Lark Sparrow in Grand Marais. It was present=20 much of the morning of Nov 7 along the S side of Hwy 61 across the road=20= from the post office. Initially it was feeding with a small flock Snow=20= B

[mou] Lesser Black-backed Gull / Knife River

2004-10-28 Thread Kim R Eckert
The first-winter Lesser Black-backed Gull found by Chris Wood on Tuesday was still present this morning at the gravel beach at the mouth of the Knife River in Lake Co. Jim Lind and I saw it and took additional photos. - Kim Eckert

[mou] Pacific Loons on Mille Lacs & L Winnie

2004-10-24 Thread Kim R Eckert
Two Pacific Loons and a probable Red-throated Loon were found this weekend during a Minn Birding Weekend trip to Mille Lacs and L Winnibigoshish. One Pacific Loon was seen Saturday in Wigwam Bay on Mille Lacs (on the W side of the lake, about 3 mi N of the casino), and the other was seen today

[mou] Grand Marais harbor development

2004-10-22 Thread Kim R Eckert
I and others recently received a letter from active birder and MOU member Molly Hoffman of Grand Marais. She is seeking letters/e-mails from birders who would be opposed to the proposed development of a "large-scale marina" in the Grand Marais harbor. According to Molly, one of the proposals su

[mou] Com Grond-Dove update

2004-10-18 Thread Kim R Eckert
I just received a message at 1 pm Monday that Denny & Barb Martin just relocated the Com Ground-Dove along MN Hwy 61 in Lake Co. I don't know the location, but presumably it is still near mile marker 48, which is 3 mi SW of Beaver Bay. - Kim Eckert

[mou] Sabine's Gull in Duluth

2004-09-15 Thread Kim R Eckert
Mike Hendrickson just called to report he saw a juv Sabine's Gull a few minutes ago flying by the bay side of the Park Point Recreation Area. There are currently strong NE winds blowing in off L Superior, so perhaps a jaeger or something else of note might also be seen today. - Kim Eckert

[mou] Clark's Grebe, Snowy & Cattle egrets

2004-08-16 Thread Kim R Eckert
The Minn Birding Weekends group saw a few things of note on Aug 14-15 in Douglas & Grant Co's: - Clark's Grebe, 2 or 3 at L Osakis, Douglas Co; visible among dozens of Westerns from the park on Lake Ave in the town of Osakis - Snowy Egret, one along Minn Hwy 79, Grant Co, 1.5 mi W of the Dougla

[mou] Felton Prairie correction

2004-07-02 Thread Kim R Eckert
There was an error in the directions to the Yellow-breasted Chat in yesterday's postings of the statewide and NW Minn RBAs. Clay Co Rd 108 goes E from Minn Hwy 9 and ends at a T 3 miles E of Hwy 9, not 2 miles. From here, where the paved road ends, you would turn north (left) to look for the R

[mou] Henslow's Sparrow

2004-06-01 Thread Kim R Eckert
A Minn Birding Weekends group found a singing Henslow's Sparrow at Great River Bluffs State Park in Winona Co yesterday. It was in the eastern-most field along the north side of the main park drive, just before the road comes to a hiking trail along an obvious row of pines. The bird was quite v

[mou] Black Vulture in Lake Co

2004-05-26 Thread Kim R Eckert
Jim Lind just called to report a Black Vulture he saw this afternoon around 4:00 along Hwy 61 in Lake Co. It was near the Gate 11 Road in the Encampment Forest area, which is about 7 mi NE of Two Harbors. It was with a group of Turkey Vultures that flew back into the woods and out of sight as J

[mou] Nobles/Jackson Co dowitcher, geese & grackles

2004-03-29 Thread Kim R. Eckert
--_-1131520291==_ma Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" During a very windy & rainy Minn. Birding Weekends trip to Nobles & Jackson Co's March 27-28, we found a very early Long-billed Dowitcher on Saturday in Worthington on a partly flooded athl

[mou] additional Duluth-area birds

2004-01-23 Thread Kim R. Eckert
To supplement Dave Benson's nicely done Duluth Birding Report from yesterday, this information might also be of interest to visiting birders: - Gyrfalcon / Best place this week for this adult gray-morph bird has been on and around the first 3 grain elevators W of the I-535 bridge in Superior;

[mou] MOURC nominations & documentations

2003-11-24 Thread Kim R. Eckert
At the end of every calendar year, the term of at least one member the MOU Records Committee (MOURC) expires, and accordingly we are looking for persons who wish to be considered for service on MOURC. Nominees must be MOU members, have access to e-mail (most of the records we consider are handled e

[mou] MOU field trips

2003-11-22 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Mike Hendrickson called me today to report that his computer and e-mail had crashed, and that it may take several days before he is back on-line. Accordingly, he wanted me to inform those who may have questions or want information about MOU field trips that for the time being he is best reached by

[mou] Spotted Towhee in Duluth

2003-11-03 Thread Kim R. Eckert
It was recently learned that a Spotted Towhee has been coming to a back yard of a house on Park Point in Duluth for about a week. Chuck Krulas, Jeff Stephenson and others saw the bird between 4:00 and 4:15 Sunday afternoon and confirmed the ID. Several of us returned this morning, but it was not se

[mou] Mountain Bluebird in Cook Co

2003-10-31 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Dave Benson just called to report that he saw a male Mountain Bluebird this afternoon, 31 Oct, near Grand Marais. It was along the lake shore near the W end of the Croftville Rd. (The Croftville Rd turns off Hwy 61 about a mile east of Grand Marais.) Kim Eckert

[mou] Lazuli Bunting in Cook Co

2003-10-26 Thread Kim R. Eckert
A female-plumaged Lazuli Bunting was found about noon today, 26 Oct, in Cook Co along U S Hwy 61 at mile marker 121, which is about 11 mi E of Grand Marais, or 2 mi W of Paradise Beach. I first spotted it while with 10 other birders, and it was in view for a total of a couple minutes before flying

[mou] Sage Thrasher update

2003-10-24 Thread Kim R. Eckert
The Sage Thrasher, first spotted by Jim Lind Oct 17 in Grand Marais during the Minn Birding Weekend, was still present today, Oct 24. As far as I know, all the sightings this week have been between the W side of the harbor and 8th Ave W in the vicinity of the power plant. No other rarities reported

[mou] Sage Thrasher, etc.

2003-10-17 Thread Kim R. Eckert
For those heading up to Grand Marias to look for the Sage Thrasher seen today in Grand Marais, also keep an eye open for the following birds found on the North Shore by the Minn Birding Weekends group: Red-throated Loon (juv) - Flood Bay, Lake Co Surf Scoter (3) - Good Harbor Bay, Cook Co White-wi

[mou] Superior Entry update

2003-09-28 Thread Kim R. Eckert
To update Tony's earlier posting on the birds at the Superior Entry this morning. I just talked to Mike Hendrickson who said it was best for now to just call it a probable Pomarine Jaeger. Also an adult light-morph Parasitic Jaeger later flew by both sides of the Superior Entry. (The Superior E

[mou] record count at Hawk Ridge

2003-09-15 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Today, 15 Sept, there was a new record high raptor count at Hawk Ridge in Duluth. As of 6:00 pm, over 100,000 raptors (over 99,000 of these Broad-winged Hawks) were counted by Tim Smart (the new Counter at Hawk Ridge), with assistance from Dave Carman, Frank Nicoletti, and others. Lew Oakland and D

[mou] disregard Wilson's Plover

2003-09-13 Thread Kim R. Eckert
The unconfirmed report this morning of a possible Wilson's Plover at Park Point in Duluth remains unconfirmed this evening. The Hawk Ridge counter and other birders who talked to the observers today told me that their description did not rule out Semipalmated Plover. - Kim Eckert

[mou] umconfirmed Wilson's Plover

2003-09-13 Thread Kim R. Eckert
I received a third-hand report of a Wilson's Plover being seen this morning on the beach somewhere at Park Point in Duluth. I was told it was written on the bird sightings board at Hawk Ridge, and I don't yet know who the observer is or who wrote it on the board. There were Semipalmated Plovers at

[mou] new address

2003-08-25 Thread Kim R. Eckert
If MOU members and others have had trouble reaching me since early July about the MOU Records Committee, Minn. Birding Weekends, etc., it's because I've moved. Please note my new mailing address is 1921 W. Kent Rd., Duluth MN 55812. My e-mail address is the same (kreck...@cpinternet.com), and my ol

[mou] request for documentation

2003-06-02 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Since the Spring 2003 season has ended and seasonal reports from observers are now due, this would be a good time to remind birders of those reports of unusual species which still need to be documented. Most of these were posted on the mou-net listserve. While birders are certainly free to include

[mou] Lazuli Bunting, White-faced Ibis et al.

2003-06-01 Thread Kim R. Eckert
This weekend, May 31-June 1, the Minnesota Birding Weekends group found several birds of note in Rock & Pipestone Co's, especially a male Lazuli Bunting and 5 White-faced Ibis. The bunting was at Blue Mounds State Park Saturday morning in the wooded area near the main park entrance, about 100 yards

[mou] N Mockingbirds and Brewer's Sparrow in ON

2003-05-28 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 23:06:36 -0400 From: "Nicholas G. Escott" Subject: Re: [mou] 2 more N Mockingbirds, etc To: "Kim R. Eckert" MIME-version: 1.0 X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600. X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2720.3000 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMai

[mou] 2 more N Mockingbirds, etc

2003-05-26 Thread Kim R. Eckert
In addition to Jim Lind's mockingbird seen in Two Harbors, the Minn Birding Weekends group had 2 others this weekend in Cook Co, for an amazing total of 3 along the North Shore on the same weekend. (Undoubtedly there must have been others undetected by any birders.) One of these was early morning o

[mou] White-winged Dove update

2003-05-08 Thread Kim R. Eckert
Bill Tefft called me to report that there was an unconfirmed report today (May 8) of a White-winged Dove near Ely, presumably the same individual which was seen at a feeder two weeks ago. The observer, who is the same person with the feeder, said the dove was flying along the Fernberg Trail / Lake

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