Re: [Mpls] Arts Action Needed Now

2005-12-07 Thread Erik Riese
While I was out delivering a major metropolitan daily to parts of the 
Lynnhurst neighborhood this morning, I heard a story that included a 
discussion of mortgage rates – I think. The reporter used something he 
called the Anderson Report, which was a survey of mortgage rates. I 
often hear reports on gas prices quoting the Lundberg Report that 
surveys gas prices nationwide.

I decided right there, in front of 4936 & 4940 Newton to start the 
Riese Report, a survey of public art across the nation. I'm thinking of 
starting with questioning builders and developers about their 
expenditures on art for their projects. I'm also considering using 
public art resources like Forecast here in the Twin Cities to gather 

What is public art?
I make and circulate porcelain money – coins with values incised on 
each side. A coin may have "work" on one side "play" on the other. ( 
You can view these coins and my functional pottery at: I think of this attempt to 
redirect our value system as public art. Over 28,000 pieces of coin are 
now in circulation. My coins have reached every corner of the earth, 
below the ocean surface and into low earth orbit. I don't solicit 
funding for my project although my customers have paid me for coin. The 
coins have become a new value that stimulate trades, inspire 
conversation and debate & even changed the course of peoples' lives.

Are they public art?
Does public art have to be for everyone. Can a piece in a public place 
become a private monument? What about architecture? Is good design 
public art?

When the City Council's Ways & Means Committee votes to remove $200,000 
from one line "Public Art" and put it into another "Public Works" does 
this reduce the arts in Minneapolis? Does the city have a role to play 
in developing and supporting art or arts organizations?

While I've been a supporter of the Mayor, I haven't been so impressed 
with the his arts work. It seems to me to be a cronies' game. If you 
are "in" you are asked to participate, if you are "out" your 
involvement is not only unwanted, it's actively thwarted.

What does the Mayor's budget do for arts in the city? Why should we 
contact our CouncilMembers on this issue?


On Dec 6, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Connie Beckers wrote:

Talking Points: Support the Mayor’s proposed 2% for public art, as 
this is
consistent with the strategies outlined in the approved cultural plan. 
proposed strategy of moving half of the public art budget into Public 
would be contrary to the Cultural Plan and current public art policy 
would be an inefficient way to develop and maintain public art 

In cooperation,

Erik Riese
Seward US@:
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[Mpls] arts action needed now

2005-12-06 Thread c lee
Have been a big supporter of the arts--particularly visual arts---since 
'56...even a "sunday"painter...fortunate to have participated with Joan 
Mondale's LRT station art (citizen groups)

The funding discussion for this expenditure goes back several years...CLIC 
recommendations questioned expenditure (part of list response to inquiry 
several months ago).  Basically, should capital dollars be used for 
salaries/admin..although not generally accepted accounting procedure, 
creative financing has been developed to get around this.  Lack of project 
outcomes was also a CLIC concern.  While CLIC and several council people had 
a problem with this practice (Cp. Zerby gave the most articulate reasons), 
the Mayor's Finance dept is comfortable... although I'd guess probably not 
comfortable with the library or park board use of this means of financing. I 
know administrative costs are sometimes charged to individual projects but 
why can some entities do this and not others?

The original recommendation was for $200K.  It was bumped up to $400K in 
mayor's budget.
As much as I'd like to see city public art support increased (the 
independent libraries have added some very fine work, particularly the 
mosaics at franklin and the stained glass window at Hosmer), I am very 
uncomfortable with this funding mechanism.

I think the decision was a reasonable compromisesince the mayor 
recommended the extra $200 K, dedicating it to ward projects might not be 
the worst idea (at least it's a little more bottom-up decision making).  If 
the mayor had not recommended that extra money, would have liked to have 
seen it go to community libraries and other local projects...perhaps the 
ward system is the best way of distributing that money to the communities 

So I plan on contacting city council member and urging them to support arts 
projects on the local level...even if it is througH  Public Works.

Just no more "snowmen" ideas...Snoopy was different!
Best wishes,
Cheryl Luger

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Re: [Mpls] Arts Action Needed Now

2005-12-06 Thread wmmarks

Connie Beckers wrote:

Dear Arts Supporter, ... Details: Last week the Ways & Means Committee in a 
process called budget “mark-down” reduced the Mayor’s proposed budget of 2% for 
public art to 1%, and moved the remaining $200,000 to Public Works “to do 
improvements, public art, pedestrian improvements, or to leverage funds for
projects conducted collaboratively with other jurisdictions.” 

They want to use the money toward "enhancements" on Lake St., Central 
Ave. and Broadway as well, is my guess. They're a little short of what 
they want in their wards' projects and this is the way to get it.

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Arts Action Needed Now

2005-12-06 Thread Connie Beckers

Dear Arts Supporter,

Please contact City Council member as soon as possible and request he or she
support Mayor Rybak’s proposed public art budget. Last week the Ways & Means
Committee of the City Council reduced the Mayor’s proposed budget for public
art by 50%. You can locate your City Council Member at this web site: Please forward this email to other
arts supporters you know.

Details: Last week the Ways & Means Committee in a process called budget
“mark-down” reduced the Mayor’s proposed budget of 2% for public art to 1%,
and moved the remaining $200,000 to Public Works “to do environmental
improvements, public art, pedestrian improvements, or to leverage funds for
projects conducted collaboratively with other jurisdictions.” The members of
the Ways & Means Committee who voted to reduce the Art in Public Places
Program were Barbara Johnson, Sandy Colvin Roy, Natalie Johnson Lee, Dan
Niziolek, and Barrett Lane. Paul Zerby voted no. Paul Ostrow and Gary Schiff
were present and spoke against the motion, but they are not members of the
committee, and therefore did not vote. CM Benson spoke in favor of reducing
the budget. (Note that CM Lane left office on Friday and was replaced by
Betsy Hodges.)

Talking Points: Support the Mayor’s proposed 2% for public art, as this is
consistent with the strategies outlined in the approved cultural plan. The
proposed strategy of moving half of the public art budget into Public Works,
would be contrary to the Cultural Plan and current public art policy and
would be an inefficient way to develop and maintain public art projects.

The Full Council will be voting on this Committee’s recommendation this
month, so please contact your Council Member as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Katie Nyberg
Chair, Minneapolis Arts Commission Advocacy Committee

Posted by Connie Beckers, Folwell Neighborhood
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