[Nant-users] msi structure question

2005-11-06 Thread William_Martin
I'm not complaining because the msi task is very useful, but I'm wondering if there is any reason behind some of the structure being the way it is. I'm looking specifically at the dialogs section. To me it would seem most logical to have controls as a nested element of the dialog node, and then

[Nant-users] MSI Problem with Crystal Reports

2005-11-23 Thread William_Martin
Hi, I'm trying to build an MSI that includes Crystal Reports, but I can't get the regwiz merge module to include properly. I have the following snipprt in my build script: mergemodules merge feature=F_DASetup modules include

Re: [Nant-users] Re: [Nant-users] £100 Cash offered for a resolution to the Issue with large nant project build file re building each inner proj

2005-11-23 Thread William_Martin
Simpler that this, there is an uptodate task in NAnt thae will validate if any of the files in one fileset are newer that those in another fileset and set a property to true if they are. you can then use this in the if attribute in vbc/csc. As for the suggestion of including your project files

Re: [Nant-users] double quotes in buildfile

2005-11-30 Thread William_Martin
Because it's an XML file, you need to escape the quotes within attribute values. try: ReplaceText OriginalValue=value=quot;truequot; ReplaceValue=value=quot;falsequot; / HTH, Bill Koen Mayens [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30/11/2005 09:41 To:

[NAnt-users] Reverse Dependency Order

2006-02-17 Thread William_Martin
Can anyone think of an easy way round this? I want to execute by build in reverse dependency order. Why? Well because I have a target in there called register that regieters the components that are build in COM+ so a developer can do a build all register and be aboe to run the system for

Re: [NAnt-users] Building MSI files using NAnt Contrib

2006-03-01 Thread William_Martin
Hi Goel, Yes, you need some nested elements to the msi task. At a minimum, I think you'll probably need something the snippet below. The documentation on the msi task assumes that you already know a bit about the windows installer database. A good starting point for this if your not familiar

Re: [NAnt-users] MSI Task: Wrong default location/targetdir

2006-03-20 Thread William_Martin
Tom, Try adding a Custom Action to set the TARGETDIR property. Something like: customactions !-- Sets the default installation directory -- customaction action="" type=51 source=TARGETDIR target=[ProgramFilesFolder]\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName] / /customactions

Re: [NAnt-users] Looking for a NAnt MSI web setup example.

2006-03-27 Thread William_Martin
Tom, I'm pretty sure there is an example of this on the NAnt Wiki under the MSI FAQ. However, the Wiki seems to be down at the moment with some sort of database error. I'm not sure who administers it, but if they read this, is it possible to fix it? I've not used the built in stuff in msi/VS as

Re: [NAnt-users] MSI Task: License Text not displayed!

2006-04-03 Thread William_Martin
Hi Tom, To include a license file, all you need to do is (as you have done) set the license attribute on the msi task and point it to an RTF file. If this doesn't work, check that the location pointed to by ${license.rtf} is definately valid. Try ssomething like echo

Re: [NAnt-users] NAnt Arrays

2006-04-25 Thread William_Martin
If you want an array of files (such as solution files), then the best way to do it is probably with a fileset. e.g. fileset id=solutions include name=*.sln / /fileset then use: foreach item=file property=filename in items refid=solutions / /in do whatever... / /do /foreach

Re: [NAnt-users] Directory paths with spaces

2006-04-25 Thread William_Martin
Because you are in XML, you need to use the quote entity. Try: exec program=cmd.exe commandline=/c quot;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenvquot; ${source.code.folder}\mobilens.sln /rebuild Debug / HTH, Bill From Jay Williams [EMAIL

Re: [NAnt-users] Fileset pattern groups

2006-04-28 Thread William_Martin
Brad, I don't believe you can define include blocks in script. As an alternative, you could extract your copy to a separate task and set a property for the base dir before calling it? Something like: !-- My Copy Target -- target name=MyCopy copy basedir=${copy.base} include name=*.dll /

Re: [NAnt-users] msi task: How to remove an existing installation before installing a new version?

2006-05-04 Thread William_Martin
Thomas, I'm not sure if there is an easier way, but as you (presumably) know the GUID of your application, you could try the following. I haven't tried it myself, but I think it should work: Add a search to your script to check the registry for

Re: [NAnt-users] How to modify the MSITaskTemplate.msi file?

2006-05-05 Thread William_Martin
Hi Thomas, I did edit the default template that comes with the msi task as I wanted to remove the user name and the License agreement dialogs (as it's an internal install) As I don't have any commercail software for editing the msi, I simply used Orca. To remove the dialogs, you need to edit

RE: [NAnt-users] How to modify the MSITaskTemplate.msi file?

2006-05-09 Thread William_Martin
Hi Thomas, The snippet of Nant Script you posted looks sensible. Are you allowed to post the whole script? It would help to see what the rest of the script looks like. When you view the created msi, what entries do you get in the FeatureComponents table? Is there a directory structure under your

RE: [NAnt-users] NANT taking longer than the standard IDE compile? What's up?

2006-05-25 Thread William_Martin
I'm definitely not complaining, because NAnt is a wonderful tool, but given that by your admission and by my experience, the current nightly builds are far more stable that 0.85, would it not be a good idea to make the next release a proper release rather than another RC? There could even be an

Re: [NAnt-users] MSI Task: Remove all files/folder during uninstall

2006-07-17 Thread William_Martin
Hi Tom, There are two ways to do this. One is to use the RemoveFile table, and the other is to use a custom action. The RemoveFile table is probably simpler as it links to the conponents you are installing, but unfortunately it's not directly supported by the msi task so you have to use the

Re: [NAnt-users] Do you use includes?

2006-07-20 Thread William_Martin
I certainly think this is a good way to go, but I don't fragment to quite the level you have here. Basically, I have a file called generictasks.build which contains tasks such as compile, clean, assemblyinfo etc. Another file called properties.build contains property definitions that are global

Re: [NAnt-users] Load properties from a file

2006-07-25 Thread William_Martin
Hi Brad, With Ant, you could specify a file in the property task to load a set of properties from a file, but in NAnt you have to do this through using the include task (as you guessed) to include the properties file. One thing to watch out for (as it often comes up on the list) is if you are

Re: [NAnt-users] Dependency tracking

2006-08-04 Thread William_Martin
Boni, Have a look at the uptodate task, that should do what you want. Something like: uptodate property=isUpToDate sourcefiles include name=*.my_ext / /sourcefile targetfiles include name=*.my_compiled / /targetfile /uptodate exec program=my_compiler.exe unless=${isUpToDate} /

Re: [NAnt-users] Shared Components

2006-09-14 Thread William_Martin
It's not as bad as it may sound. The system I developed this for had around 220 assemblies in it in a mixture of C# and VB.NET, but maintenance of the scripts was never a problem. Cheers, Bill From Eric Fetzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]@lists.sourceforge.net Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [NAnt-users] passing property as argument of function

2006-11-14 Thread William_Martin
Basically, everything inside a ${ ... } block is evaluated, so there's no need for the second nested block. Try: echo message=version saved ${functions::set_value_to_file('C:\Autotests\V5.2.1\Results\Logs\NAnt.status.xml', 'version', Version)} / Cheers, Bill From Vrata Cermak [EMAIL

Re: [NAnt-users] How to Automate build numbering process?

2006-11-15 Thread William_Martin
Hi Bob, The way that I do this is to use the asminfo task to generate the assemblyinfo file on the fly rather than having one in the project. This way I can work out the version numbers into properties (I use a time stamp style version number) and set this to the AssemblyVersionAttribute.

Re: [NAnt-users] Query regarding nant contrib and Installshield.

2006-11-29 Thread William_Martin
If you are using the msi task to create the install set in the first place, why do you need to pot process it with InstallShield? Why not just do the COM+ and database stuff in your NAnt script for the msi task? Registering COM+ components in fairly trivial in a custom action using the

Re: [NAnt-users] Visual Build Pro Question

2007-02-09 Thread William_Martin
You don't need to go as far as NAntContrib - have a look at the servicecontroller task in NAnt. http://nant.sourceforge.net/release/latest/help/tasks/servicecontroller.html Cheers, Bill From Phil Sayers [EMAIL PROTECTED]@lists.sourceforge.net Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/02/2007

Re: [NAnt-users] How to put asp.net1.1 assembly in GAC using NANT

2007-04-30 Thread William_Martin
You can't, however, you can install an assembly to the gac with the gac-install task in nant-contrib: http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net/release/latest/help/tasks/gac-install.html Cheers, Bill From Rosy Malhotra [EMAIL PROTECTED]@lists.sourceforge.net Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [NAnt-users] How to put asp.net1.1 assembly in GAC using NANT

2007-04-30 Thread William_Martin
You need to give your assembly a strong name. You can do this by setting an AssemblyKeyFile attribute in the assemblyinfo file. To kenerate a key file use the sn.exe utility (look on MSDN for details.) Something like: Assembly: AssemblyVersion( Assembly:

Re: [NAnt-users] any way to use a pre-defined fileset in foreach?

2007-06-04 Thread William_Martin
Haven't checked this, but logically if items is a fileset, then you should be able to use: foreach item=”File” property=”filename” in items refid=”svnchg”/ /in do echo message=”${filename}”/ /do /foreach HTH, Bill From Mark Modrall [EMAIL

Re: [NAnt-users] long filenames in property overrides

2007-06-13 Thread William_Martin
Eric, Presumably if the configuration is machine dependant, then you are only concerned with the properties on the command line changing as I would imaging the name of the build script, log file etc will always be the same? In this case, have you considered defining the properties in a

Re: [NAnt-users] Creating custom Nant Tasks

2007-06-19 Thread William_Martin
Thatcher, How are you decorating your elements? The attributes you need are different for attributes and elements. e.g. This will be an attribute of the mcc task, and is optional. [TaskAttribute(targetDir, Required = false)] public bool TargetDir { get {...} set {...} } This will be

[NAnt-users] Sandcastle task

2007-07-11 Thread William_Martin
Folks, I've put together a sandcastle task for NAnt. Although I still need to tidy the code up a bit, it seems to work ok. Would anyone find it useful? Does anyone want to test it? It only works with version 2 of the framework, and looks in the registry to find hhc.exe, so it probably

Re: [NAnt-users] Launching VB script file

2007-07-12 Thread William_Martin
Don't think you can do this directly with NAnt. The simplest way is probably to use the exec task to run WScript.exe and pass the .vbs file in the arguments. Cheers, Bill From Tim Mayert [EMAIL PROTECTED]@lists.sourceforge.net Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/2007 22:15 To

[NAnt-users] Fw: VB project compilation issue

2007-08-10 Thread William_Martin
DOH! Sent this to just Ashish When resolving a reference, the VB6 compiler will look first at the CLSID hive in the registry for the GUID specified in the VBP file. If it cannot find this, then it will use the path specified in the VBP file to try and file the reference. If you are

Re: [NAnt-users] File::Exists with a fileset

2007-11-30 Thread William_Martin
If you have a pre-defined fileset, you can use the fileset::has-files function in NAntContrib: http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net/release/latest/help/functions/fileset.h as-files.html Cheers, Bill -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL

Re: [NAnt-users] Walking directory trees for .build files ...

2008-02-21 Thread William_Martin
This is pretty easy to accomplish by iterating a fileset created using **/*.build to list all the build files in your sub-directory structure and then execute the nant task on each one with the necessary parameters. It does however sound a bit dangerous unless all your assemblies are (and

Re: [NAnt-users] msi task - 'cabarc' failed to start

2008-02-29 Thread William_Martin
Have you adding it to the Path environment on the machine? I'm not sure, but I believe nant starts a new process to run cabarc, and this would presumably get the default Path from the machine settings, not from your current process, and so wouldn't include the value you have just set. Just a

Re: [NAnt-users] Adding Files to an Existing Fileset

2008-04-18 Thread William_Martin
I don't think you can do what you are after, but two other options spring to mind. One is as you suggest, which is to define the fileset and just add to it. This is OPK if you are just generating the fileset of .build files, but may be a pain if you have to add it to several filesets. E.g.

Re: [NAnt-users] How do I remove a standard dialog/sequence with MSI Task?

2008-06-16 Thread William_Martin
According to the documentation, you should be setting the value attribute to Null, not 0. 0 will just determine the order the sequence steps get executed in. Try value= instead. If that doesn't work, there are two other ways of doing this that I can think of: 1) Do what I did and create your own

Re: [NAnt-users] task/function to rename files with a prefix?

2008-08-26 Thread William_Martin
You are using a fileset by using items. If you check the documentation, you'll see that the items element is of type fileset. This approach is used a few places in NAnt and can be confusing - basically, fileset is a type, and so any element in a task can be of this type without actually having

Re: [NAnt-users] msi custom actions

2008-10-08 Thread William_Martin
Here's what I use as a custom action to install a COM+ component. The same should work for a Windows Service, or anything else using InstallUtil and an installer class. customaction action=General.install type=1025 source=InstallUtil target=ManagedInstall /

Re: [NAnt-users] IF file::exists inside ARG inside EXEC tasks

2008-11-13 Thread William_Martin
Alon Get rid of the escaping round the property. You are already escaped for the function. i.e. exec program=${fxcop} failonerror=false arg value=/file:${core.source}\SomeAssembly.dll if=${file::exists(core.source'\ SomeAssembly.dll ')} / /exec HTH, Bill From Alon Amsalem, iFOREX

Re: [NAnt-users] IF file::exists inside ARG inside EXEC tasks

2008-11-13 Thread William_Martin
Also, it might be prudent to use the path::combine function just to be on the safe side wrt slashes etc. i.e. exec program=${fxcop} failonerror=false arg value=/file:${core.source}\SomeAssembly.dll if=${file::exists(path::combine(core.source, '\ SomeAssembly.dll'))} / /exec From

Re: [NAnt-users] msi task - 'cabarc' failed to start

2009-01-30 Thread William_Martin
Don't know if this helps Beth, but I wrote an install for Nant so developers can install it to their machines (mostly because we have some custom tasks etc) but because our build scripts also create installers, I included cabarc.exe and cabinet.dll in the install. These are installed to the

Re: [NAnt-users] fileset Function only work when file exists ?

2009-03-25 Thread William_Martin
I don't think you'll be able to do this as that's not how the FileSet works. The FileSet enumerates the files that match one or more patterns. When you specify a fileset as you have done below, you are not actually adding Project1.csproj to the FileSet, you are adding the pattern. This

Re: [NAnt-users] fileset Function only work when file exists ?

2009-03-26 Thread William_Martin
There is a file::exist() function in NAnt that you could use. May not be that elegant, but you could just create a target that calls this function on all the files you need to validate. You could either hard code the file names to test for, or if they are already available (i.e. as the output of

Re: [NAnt-users] how to access environment variable in NAnt

2010-07-22 Thread William_Martin
Use the environment::get-variable function. http://nant.sourceforge.net/release/latest/help/functions/environment.get- variable(System.String).html Cheers, Bill _ From: subrat.w...@gmail.com [mailto:subrat.w...@gmail.com] Sent: 22 July 2010 08:59 To: