Un-friend my Heart - Ilana Gershin on Facebook

2018-03-24 Thread David Garcia
Un-friend my Heart - Revisiting Ilana Gershin on Facebook Despite being nearly a decade old its a good time to take another look at the work of anthropologist Ilana Gershin’s work The Ethics of Disconection in Neo-liberal Age on Fb pioneering role of schooling a generation in becoming

Re: The System Development Corporation

2018-03-14 Thread David Garcia
imensional approach in an era when multi-dimensional thinking and acting is required. David Garcia On 13 Mar 2018, at 23:26, Morlock Elloi <morlockel...@gmail.com> wrote: > > What do you mean by "confronting on an infrastructure level" and > > "libe

Re: Reflections on Florian Cramer & Angela Nagle, discussion

2018-03-07 Thread David Garcia
Hi Florian, thanks to you and Angela Nagle for the fascinating discussion in Berlin.. I wish I had been present but at least we have the recording.. I take your point that you and Angela soon took the conversation away from sub-cultures and as you indicate in the paragraph below the focus is

Re: social media critique: next steps?

2018-01-16 Thread David Garcia
so doing infrastructural politics. David Garcia On 15 Jan 2018, at 19:16, Florian Cramer <flrnc...@gmail.com> wrote: > One could argue that today's mainstream social media critique has finally > caught up with the critical media theory of 10-15 years ago. The major > arguments have a

Re: Locating ArtScience

2017-12-09 Thread David Garcia
nterdsicciplinarity). While we are on the subject of Latour.. here is a terrific review of, Facing Gaia: 8 Lectures on the new climate regime.. http://www.publicbooks.org/we-have-never-known-mother-earth/ David Garcia # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderate

Re: Brexit democracy

2017-11-13 Thread David Garcia
On 13 Nov 2017, at 09:21, Alex Foti wrote > The problem of the revolutions of 2011 is that they failed to produce durable > organization and to use their term institutions of the common, save for > limited success on the municipalist front. Now that nazi-populism is >

Re: Brexit democracy

2017-11-06 Thread David Garcia
ommon Market". He believed we would never fit in. We may learn from our mistakes and future generations may have a change of heart (there are signs of this) but for now, sadly.. very sadly de Gaulle may have been right. David Garcia > > Brexit: Democracy robbery? > > > > I

Reckless Boat Burning

2017-10-11 Thread David Garcia
Like Cortez burning his boats to make it impossible to take a backward step the nihilistic kamikaze UK brexiteers are fighting tooth and nail to close off every exit. This is not based on confidence in their position it is because they know that with every passing day it is becoming

New "thought rhythms'

2017-10-04 Thread David Garcia
New "thought rhythms'- announce the fact that Rock (including Punk) is dead. The old rhymes of largely white indy (largely white) guitar bands superseded by Hip Hop and Grime.. As my kids grow up I realise that though I can hear that the UK movement Grime and US Hip Hop are powerful .. on

You Want it Darker..he kills the flame

2017-09-20 Thread David Garcia
You Want it Darker.. He kills the flame. -Is this the point when Liberalism becomes a fighting creed? Stephen King has no monopoly on evil clowns. We Brits can certainly compete with Boris Johnson, a kind of inverted vampire clown (he shrivels when out of the spotlight). Buried in his

Re: Up with moderation

2017-08-19 Thread David Garcia
Many thanks to the Mods.. On 19 Aug 2017, at 04:12, Morlock Elloi wrote: > Agree on both items. > > a) Cheers! > > b) The moderators need to be coerced back, by any means, to clunky and > imperfect moderation. > >> As moderation arguably allowed nettime to survive

Re: Who said the US is boring?

2017-08-17 Thread David Garcia
rather than a citizen, a patient, a student or a passenger. But being re-categorised is no guarantee of being better looked after, or that our best interests will be served. David Garcia On 17 Aug 2017, at 07:05, Keith Hart <ke...@thememorybank.co.uk> wrote: > Brian, > > T

Nagle's Question..

2017-08-16 Thread David Garcia
Referencing Angela Nagle’s short piece for the Baffler -Goodbye Pepe-The End of the alt-right- Nagle (that most astute chronicler and interpreter of the dynamics behind the rise of the alt-right) has written piece on how Charlottesville and the death of Heather Heyer, marks the end of a

Re: [spectre] the EU's first rogue state

2017-08-10 Thread David Garcia
So Patrice… shouldn't the anti-democratic neo-liberal structures of the EU, that actually forbid radical socialist restructuring and are able to enforce these strictures by means of what Varoufakis called “fiscal waterboarding” give us some pause for thought? This leftist scepticism on the

Re: The alt-right and the death of counterculture

2017-07-10 Thread David Garcia
Felix Stalder wrote.. > > Looking back, the shortcomings of the approaches "emanating out of > Amsterdam", say tactical media in particular and, but the cultural/media > left more generally, seem to be twofold, in my view. > > First, while the intuition about the necessity to interrupt the

Re: Why I won't support the March for Science

2017-04-23 Thread David Garcia
3) Just as opposition against Trump creates false solidarity with neoliberals, opposition against climate change-denying, creationist etc. politics can create false solidarity with a Popperian understanding of research and knowledge. (Coincidentally, Popper's philosophy

Re: Phillips/Beyer/Coleman: "false assumption that

2017-04-21 Thread David Garcia
Hi, there is a very informative essay published a month ago on Motherboard by Whitney Phillips, Jessica Beyer and Gabriella Coleman with the rather long title Trolling Scholars debunk the Idea that Alt.right’s Shitposters have Magic Powers. These three ethnographic researchers have been

Martin Bosma the Steve Bannon ofthe Netherlands

2017-03-19 Thread David Garcia
Geert Wilders has his own Steve Bannon - His name is Martin Bosma an early player in Amsterdam's Tactical Media games. Martin Bosma, chief ideologue and consigliere of Gert Wilders, cut his political teeth in Amsterdam's Tactical Media scene of the 1990s. And so when Bosma joined team Wilders

Re: Armin Medosch (1962-2017)

2017-02-24 Thread David Garcia
Sadly not in Berlin.. But also the same HUG! --- d a v i d g a r c i a On 24 Feb 2017, at 12:15, Shulea wrote: # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net

will someone explain

2017-02-02 Thread David Garcia
) the political equivalent of Blitzkrieg in which the sheer speed and number of initiatives create panic and confusion in his enemies? Where, if any, are the lilekly constraints and when, if at all, will they be able to actually constrain? David Garcia # distributed via : no commercial use

Re: 10 Preliminary Theses on Trump

2017-01-26 Thread David Garcia
no such qualms.. Any thoughts on this ? David Garcia > > 10. The present crisis being virtually ushered in by Trump must be met > with a crisis of our own making. > > As things increasingly disintegrate, it will not be possible to remake > what has become undone. Awash

Re: The Meme Wars

2017-01-16 Thread David Garcia
ight meme magicians is that exposure of the workings of power is a poor substitute for taking power. David Garcia # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the n

The Meme Wars

2017-01-13 Thread David Garcia
tp://www.nybooks.com/articles/1975/02/06/fascinating-fascism/ If any of you are around in Amsterdam next Thursday Jan 20th 10.00hrs -13.oo hrs and would like to join us please register at: E-mail: meme-...@hotmail.com Thanks David Garcia # distributed via : no commercial us

Re: John_Berger (5 November 1926 - 2 January 2017)

2017-01-03 Thread David Garcia
lling-1983.html David Garcia --- # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: http://mx.kein.org/ma

Re: [SPAM] PTS post trump syndrome - the suicide of the west

2016-11-10 Thread David Garcia
e of campaign down to the attitude that this blunder revealed. And we must achieve all of this without slipping into what Auden called -the windiest millitant trash- or worse into tribalsised, lefist version of ad hominem attack (you Blairite!), or other forms of hate speech ourselves. Its a tall or

Re: Franco Berardi & Geert Lovink: Zero Work is the Tendency, Negative Money is the Tool

2016-11-02 Thread David Garcia
accompany that conclusion and begin the detailed work of both opposition and re-design. Above all it means holding fast to the idea that democracy must mean halting the drift towards reducing social justice to market justice andopen boarders to barbed wire, forced marches and conscentration camps

Re: PeerValue conference review on INC MoneyLab blog

2016-09-14 Thread David Garcia
I agree.. And perhaps David Graeber's well known "bullshit jobs" essay which also looked at the energies that might be released when people were given the economic possibilities to shape their own time and labour. Along with the fear that this possibiliy engenders as "the devil

Re: Greek reality board game.: 'Pawnshop- Days of Mistrust' (Ruth Catlow)

2016-09-07 Thread David Garcia
and possible futile game -I reman a remainer-. david garcia # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: http://mx.kein.org/mailman/listinfo/nettime

Stuart Lee's Divine Comedy (of the Real)

2016-06-13 Thread David Garcia
-Stuart Lee's Divine Comedy of the Real - A Cancelled TV Show; so what! Here's a novel definition of neo-liberalism: A neo-liberal is a man who, if he saw the aurora borealis twinkling over a Scandinavian snowfield would only see a missed opportunity for a public private

Re: Paper Tiger programs: Media History for FREE!

2016-04-29 Thread David Garcia
From: [1]deedeehall...@gmail.com There is an old saying: April is the cruelest month. Certainly for me this past month has been especially cruel. I have been working to help clear the two offices (Paper Tiger and Deep Dish) that have been an important workplace

Re: Guardian > Monbiot > Neoliberalism -- the ideology at

2016-04-25 Thread David Garcia
> Now, you can respond like the Regulation school or even Deleuze and Guattari, > and say that capitalism continually changes certain axiomatic propositions, > in order that its major principle of endless accumulation through labor > exploitation can continue. That's what I think. But such a

Re: salafi easter and finis europae: let's break the loop

2016-04-07 Thread David Garcia
Alex wrote: > if europe was over with the end of schengen, now it's deader than > dead. we're no longer europeans, but french, germans, italians, > spaniards (and catalunyans), belgians (whatever it means in a country > split along language lines with autonomous brussels being claimed > by

President Trump... its gonna happen

2016-03-15 Thread David Garcia
President Trump… Its gonna happen A bit of a meme has sprung up recently having some ineffectual fun with the uncanny resemblance of Trump to Biff Tannen the bully from the 80’s hit movie, Back to the Future, its more than the physical resemblance, in the second movie of the series Biff is

Re: typology of leaking (was The Nefertiti 3D Scan Heist Is A Hoax)

2016-03-11 Thread David Garcia
On 11 Mar 2016, at 09:51, Felix Stalder wrote: > On 2016-03-09 02:29, nettime's_scanner wrote: >> >> https://cosmowenman.wordpress.com/2016/03/08/the-nefertiti-3d-scan-heist-is-a-hoax/ >> >> The Nefertiti 3D Scan Heist Is A Hoax > > I'm not sure I would call it a hoax. I

Re: notes from the DIEM25 launch

2016-02-13 Thread David Garcia
Where is the British Labor party's new radical leadership under Corbyn in relationship to the Diem initiative? Is it my imagination or is it non-existent? This is not simply a parochial question as within months a generational in/out referendum will be taking place in the UK and

late to Volkswagen

2015-10-21 Thread David Garcia
Sorry that this is a rather late and somewhat synoptic addition to the recent thread on the Volkswagen scandal.. The Volkswagen case reminded me of case study (more of an anecdote really) related by the distinguished Sociologist the late Ulrich Beck. It was a story he told to

From the Nuclear Family to the Quantum Family

2015-09-24 Thread David Garcia
The Quantum Family There has long been a question over whether the methodological "interiority" of the traditional 20^th century "literary novel" was equipped to say anything fresh about life in the technological society. Proponents of speculative or science fiction from Ballard to

nettime Corbyn as a medium is the message

2015-08-30 Thread David Garcia
Corbyn the Medium is the Message- A Thought Experiment Partly in response to Alex Foti’s -rallying cry- posted this morning I thought it might be useful to indulge in the thought experiment by imagining that something hopeful may be happening in Britain. Obviously I mean the astonishing

Re: nettime Claire Bishop?s Game: Subversive Compliance

2015-06-28 Thread David Garcia
Hi Alan, I agree that Claire Bishop has made important contributions to scholarship and discussion in this domain, not least in the thorny question of the specator’s position in participatory practice. I think the lively discussions on the list is testimony to the value of her work. However

Re: nettime Claire Bishop’s Game: Sub

2015-06-25 Thread David Garcia
Hi Armin, thanks for the feedback. And thanks for the recommendation to read Josephine's Berry's review which I missed. David does, to perpetuate this thinking in camps and then once more sullenly remark how unfair it is that the art world keeps leaving us out. I think a bit

Re: nettime Claire Bishop’s Game: S

2015-06-24 Thread David Garcia
institutional endorcement. Their eyes are fixed firmly on an external horizon. --- David Garcia # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text

nettime Claire Bishop’s Game: Subversive Compliance

2015-06-22 Thread David Garcia
Claire Bishop’s Game: Subversive Compliance through Strategic Exclusion. As that most straightforward of publishing platforms, the mailing list, also turns out to be one of the most resilient of the collaborative media forms to have emerged from the internet revolution, it makes sense for

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