Re: Stormy weather?

2023-02-15 Thread d . garcia
Brian's original Stormy Weather post semed designed to wake up the many of us who feel we are all sleep walking towards the precipice. I couldn't help remembering the book “Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914” (Christopher Clark. 2012). The title alone seems an apt way to describe o

Its a Language thing

2022-11-30 Thread d . garcia
It’s a Language Thing In a brilliant article in the FT, last September, Janen Ganesh correctly predicted that as ever the US mid term elections would be obsessively followed by the English political elite when many of the same people would struggle to name a cabinet minister in Berlin or Paris

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-11-30 Thread d . garcia
Nothing brings the gently glowing embers of nettime to life quite like the prospect of its immanent demise, when the mods launch one of their cunningly infrequent "shake-em-up" interventions. Whatever the outcome of this latest experiment the kick-up-the-arse alone makes it worthwhile. Thank You

I Am For... 1961

2022-07-19 Thread d . garcia
Yesterday at a ripe old age of 93 Claes Oldenburg died. For those who may know him only as a purveyor of bloated corporate pop art of his later years may be surprised just how radical he was when he started out and just how different he was from the pop-artists who bought uncritically into cons

Re: On the return of the interventionist state 7 fact-check

2021-09-15 Thread d . garcia
Hi Andreas, many thanks for the detailed fact-check and yes I should have been more careful. I do recognise that calling the Commissioners "unelected" was simplistic given that there the EU parliament must approve the appointments presented to them. But if I am honest this generally seems lik

Re: On the return of the interventionist state

2021-09-15 Thread d . garcia
Thanks Paolo for this very interesting article. Just a few questions that I imagine will be answered by reading the book. I am unclear what is meant here by ‘the state’. Is it interchangeable with ‘government’? Does the argument that neoliberalism (market fundamentalism) is being replaced by ‘

Re: Let the Archive Speak

2021-07-31 Thread d . garcia
Hi Ryan, thanks for the encouraging words and the link to what looks a very useful book by Debbie Gould.. I know it a little but have not yet fully engaged but I will. There is one general point I would add to what I took from Schulman's book and that is the answer to the question of what make

Let the Archive Speak

2021-07-29 Thread d . garcia
Let the Archive Speak All this week I’ve been reading (or rather devouring) Sarah Schulman’s book ‘Let the Record Show’ A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1983, a stunning history of the New York branch of the legendary campaigning ‘AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power” (ACT UP). Sometime

What ACT UP’s successes can teach today’s protest movements

2021-06-08 Thread d . garcia
This is article and book is a great reminder of the amazing ACT UP movement . Attending their meetings in Cooper Union in the early 90s was one of the most memorable moments of my life. It had impact on the fight against AIDS it also changed people's ideas about everything that activism could

Re: Democracy Net Zero

2021-06-03 Thread d . garcia
On 2021-06-02 18:54, Ryan Griffis wrote: Hi all. This is maybe jumping the tracks of this thread started by David's essay, or maybe it’s actually bringing it back online… not sure. But, Patrick’s anecdote about verbalizing the urgency of the climate catastrophe is something many of us here, I’m

Telematics to Teletrust

2021-06-02 Thread d . garcia
Telepresence to Teletrust Call for Expressions of Interest to Participate in Day 2 of an Online Symposium 2021 The Telepresence to Teletrust Symposium is a two-day event focusing on the ‘third space’ between tangible and mediated presence’. The event takes place on-line on 8-9 July 2021 and

Re: Democracy Net Zero

2021-05-31 Thread d . garcia
Hi Ryan, yes I take your point that calling Silent Spring 'fiction' when maybe the word fable might have been more appropriate was a mistake. I guess this usage followed without enough reflection on from work I have been doing over the last few years around the idea of 'fiction as method' https

Democracy Net Zero

2021-05-28 Thread d . garcia
Full text: Net Zero Democracy “by the end of the twentieth century, the era of party democracy had effectively passed: although parties themselves remain they have become so disconnected from wider society and pursue a form of compet

Re: International anti slavery BLM

2021-05-19 Thread d . garcia
Hi I think that some attention needs to be paid to some institutional changes that occurred in the Netherlands (I don't live there anymore so some of this maybe behind the curve). Out of the anti-modern art blood bath of recent years in NL that was concurrent with the populist ascendancy. This s

Re: 3 or 4 good links on NFTs

2021-04-27 Thread d . garcia
But when a supermodel is doing tactical media that's far more compelling than all of nettime combined, and writing about it in ways that radiate relevance to issues that are (let's say) less 'pale, male, and stale,' it's time for a rethink. I found Ted's list of articles is very useful (than

Re: 3 or 4 good links on NFTs

2021-04-27 Thread d . garcia
But when a supermodel is doing tactical media that's far more compelling than all of nettime combined, and writing about it in ways that radiate relevance to issues that are (let's say) less 'pale, male, and stale,' it's time for a rethink. I found Ted's list of articles is very useful (th

Re: deep humanities initiative

2021-04-25 Thread d . garcia
On 2021-04-24 08:10, Geert Lovink wrote: And do not forget the term 'deep Europe', one of the many inventions coming from the nettime scene… neither East nor West or continental… We could track contemporary versions of the so called ‘depth narrative’ back

Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-18 Thread d . garcia
In 1977 the Tate gallery bought the work 'Equivalent VIII' from US minimalist Carl Andre. It was a rectangular arrangement of 120 fire bricks all of which shared the same height, mass and volume and were therefore ‘equivalent’ to each other. Andre used common industrial materials that could be

Re: THE Q IN QONSPIRACY: QAnon as a Paradigm for Future Social-media-driven Conspiracism

2021-03-11 Thread d . garcia
Very much looking forward to this discussion... The approach of Q's followers (along with myriad other conspiracy theorists) reflects the Ninth lesson from historian Timothy Snyder’s text ‘On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons for the 20th Century’ which begins with the sentence: ‘Investigate. Figure thin

Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-29 Thread d . garcia
On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 6:20 PM Sean Cubitt wrote: ‘The unthinkable has to be thought.’ Sean Cubitt ‘An eco-state’ Brian Holmes The wretchedness of Covid has gifted one important good. It is easier to *think the unthinkable* as the unthinkable has already happened. The revelation I’m referr

Re: why is it so quiet (in the US)

2020-11-13 Thread d . garcia
This recent piece in the New Yorker (below) shows that Felix's anxieties are well unfounded. And ably facilitated by the rise and rise of Don Junior the once despised prodigal son who has morphed into the formidable and terrifying heir apparent's fascistic rants about 'total war', aided and abe

Re: A question in earnest (Max Herman)

2020-10-08 Thread d . garcia
Hi Max et al, In terms of how things look from here, Biden as a candidate cuts a distinctly unimpressive figure. Not only is he the ultimate compromise candidate (a political 'weather vane' as Brian Holmes put it) but also his age and frailty stands in stark contrast to Trump’s remarkable vig

Re: 'The unrelenting horizonlessness of the Covid world'

2020-09-28 Thread d . garcia
Thanks Felix, yes I take your point about the importance of adjusting our/my frame of reference. And yes I got a bit 'up myself' so would like to apologise to Ingrid for (Ted's term) the snarky reaction. Best David On 2020-09-28 15:51, Felix Stalder wrote: Hi David, Nobody doubts the diffic

Re: 'The unrelenting horizonlessness of the Covid world'

2020-09-28 Thread d . garcia
Boohoo indeed Ingrid, strange that you think this is a condition only suffered by white males in these weird and particular times. In the UK at least Black and Asian minorities are disproportionally affected by the pandemic and so also highly likely to be disorientated not just in the old but

'The unrelenting horizonlessness of the Covid world'

2020-09-28 Thread d . garcia
Just read an eerie and insightful essay by Nick Couldry and Bruce Schneier's 'The unrelenting horizonlessness of the Covid world' which Identifies the fact that although we may not all be depressed we are more likely be suffering from the condition of Acedia. A malady of medieval monks desc

Re: Lev on the embarressment of digital art

2020-09-21 Thread d . garcia
Before the digital cultures insurgency of the 1990s the previous decade had seen a similar burst of excitement around so called video art. Like "new media” or digital cultures movement the power of the video moment came from the breadth of its reach and multiple touch points in art, political a

Re: This is what fascism looks like

2020-09-01 Thread d . garcia
How to survive the American autumn? How to de-nazify the USA? How to set up new local, national and regional systems for the heavy weather that's coming - the heavy weather of the Anthropocene? --- Dear Brian, thank you for rattling ou

Re: Evgeny Morozov and the Perils of "Highbrow Journalism"

2014-10-17 Thread d . garcia
The Morozov article is indeed very misleading. There is nothing in the New Yorker headline to indicate that this is anything other that an article full of the ideas and research by Morozov himself. His passing reference to the book, The Planning Machine, does little to allay this inference. By most

Just Like Us

2014-04-13 Thread d . garcia
Just Like Us: From Cyber-Separatism to the Politics of Anyone Can the occupation of the cyber mainstream of the big social media platforms by post 2011 political protesters be seen as the repudiation of the "cyber separatism" of the Indymedia of the 90s and early Noughties? Could this developmen

Re: How Silicon Valley’s CEOs

2014-01-31 Thread d . garcia
Re: The Techtopus: How Silicon Valley?s most celebrated CEOs conspired to drive down 100,000 tech engineers? wages By Mark Ames --- This story reinforces the need to focus more analytical energy and imagination on the wider problem of how to re-connect political activism to some form of