Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies

2019-01-04 Thread Libman
Python has had considerable growth over the past few years, and it was just named the **TIOBE Programming Language Of The Year** again for 2018. I wonder if that makes my above point of "Appeal to Python Fans" worthy of a second look. My points about appealing to freedom zealots ("license

Re: "Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts

2019-01-03 Thread Libman
I recommend the following: * Creating a simple wiki server in Nim (possibly backed by [Fossil](, in similar style and UX as this forum (but Markdown support would be great). * Moving all content from [the GitHub

Re: [help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST

2019-01-01 Thread Libman
Nim + Intel's proprietary C/C++ compiler == easy benchmark wins over languages married to LLVM. 

Re: Forum Colors - some low contrast

2018-12-28 Thread Libman
Nim is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft, a corporation very much in bed with the US government. To contribute to Nim, one must create a GitHub account, thereby automagically agreeing to [15]( \+

Re: Future of Nim ?

2018-12-21 Thread Libman
> I'm afraid that "being the most libertarian programming language: no > restrictive licenses / patents" also has quite little influence; for most > "it's free" (beer & freedom) is good enough. We are talking about small niches. Using [TIOBE]( as a rough

Re: What pattern language does the OS module use ?

2018-12-20 Thread Libman
Everyone's been whining for markdown support from day one (especially me). But that's no excuse to not click that "[Styling with RST is supported](" link and RTFM. And use "Preview". You can edit your comments. Place ```nim on the line before your code

Re: Nim video lists

2018-12-19 Thread Libman
Can you link to specific ones that aren't duplicates of the ones on YouTube?

Re: How to parse JSON at compile time?

2018-12-19 Thread Libman
I'm glad that a solution was found for this specific `macros` case, but it's indeed disappointing that all Nim JSON libraries fail if used in static / compile time context... The `jsmn` module was somewhat promising, but failed for another reason - your mileage may vary. In case anyone finds

Re: Future of Nim ?

2018-12-19 Thread Libman
> Hello **the Nims** ^^ BTW, did the Nim community ever decide on whether we are Nimers, Nimrods, Nimists, Nimsters, Nimblers, Nimians, Nimberts, or even Nimbertarians? Should we have a vote? ☺ (I used to be one of the original "Pythoneers" \- long before it was cool, and long before the

Re: Future of Nim ?

2018-12-18 Thread Libman
> Do you think that Nim will have a future ? Definitely. It is open source and liked by thousands of programmers (most of whom are waiting for it to stabilize and mature). No matter what happens, there will be some people interested in developing Nim. As I recently posted, [Nim's package

Nim video lists

2018-12-17 Thread Libman
I have two Nim video playlists on YouTube: * * * # * [English-language playlist]( (40 videos) It grew slowly over the past [3 years](

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-14 Thread Libman
I was hoping for a more adult analysis of [Alexandrescu's introspection talks]( and Nim vs D... > FWIW I had a look at D multiple times and learned to fervently dislike it. My > personal summary is that D is but yet

Re: Get the line ending of the current OS

2018-12-12 Thread Libman
I can't find anything like this in stdlib. Maybe you're remembering something like `ospaths.DirSep` or Python's [os.linesep]( System [readline]( works with either line

Re: Parallel progress bar/message

2018-12-10 Thread Libman
There's a [progress]( module in nimble: `nimble install progress` Here's a (very crude) example of using it with spawn: # import os, strutils, progress, threadpool const

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-08 Thread Libman
" **I believe we are the language with the best static introspection in the world** " — [AA]( @ [Dconf 2018 in Munich](, three minutes into "[Ask Us

Re: How to lookup the IPV6 addr of a domain name?

2018-12-03 Thread Libman
I am confused by lots of things, including that the same constants like AF_INET6 are present with different values in `lib/nativesockets.nim` vs `lib/posix/posix_linux_amd64_consts.nim`. The edited above code now uses posix's AF_INET6 value (10.cint) cast to nativesockets Domain enum for

Re: How to lookup the IPV6 addr of a domain name?

2018-12-01 Thread Libman
I'm a n00b, and I've spent some time trying to research this without finding a good answer. I'm posting my notes in case they are helpful for someone... In C one would use [getaddrinfo]( This is much easier in Python, which has a high-level

Re: FE web libraries

2018-11-30 Thread Libman
> The Nim Forum software is a solid example of a fully functional app in Karax. I wouldn't call it "a solid example of a fully functional app" until threads can be archived (ex. [](,

Re: IpAddress to/from disk problem

2018-11-28 Thread Libman
It's probably specific to your code, so a code paste would be helpful.

Re: The future of NIM's WASM?

2018-11-24 Thread Libman
This thread could use some pointless grumpy whining. (Or at least that's all I can contribute right now.) I'm wondering about the future of `nim js`. Nim has invested considerable effort into the JS backend - time that could have been invested into delivering a more competitive "product" with

Re: how to run vim and get output

2018-11-22 Thread Libman
Having a conversation in two places at once is annoying, and I think this forum is much more valuable than Reddit, so I'll reply here: > Oh. Awesome! Thank you. I have been traveling with the family for the > holidays so haven’t been checking. I’ll test it as soon as I can. Knew I > should

Re: how compile nimedit?

2018-11-20 Thread Libman
**(1)** I think both nimedit and aporia were small experimental projects that didn't get very far and that no one really uses. [More than half]( of Nim devs use [vscode](, which has by far the

Re: need some advice on how to do this

2018-11-20 Thread Libman
I couldn't reproduce the problem, neither on nim v0.19.0 release nor today's #devel, running under Ubuntu 18-10. For my test I created two basic download loop daemons: **dlHttpClient.nim** using Nim stdlib as above - import os, times, httpClient var client =

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks

2018-11-20 Thread Libman
Seems like there was a misunderstanding here. Note that there are different iterations of the tests, and we are talking about the ones published as " **round 17** ". Also note that there are 12 result tab combinations: 6 tests times 2 test environments. **Nim participated in four of the twelve

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-18 Thread Libman
> [...] with v1.0 closer than ever before [...] That's a very complex theological claim. I for one will only believe in v1.0 if I see it, before I die. > it may be time to have an official vote That's a very complex political claim. Is Nim a democracy now? Are votes to be somehow weighed by

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks

2018-11-16 Thread Libman
A quick `jq '.[][]["memory usage"]["used"]'` through all stats.txt.json files in [latest]( [results]( dumped to [a

Re: How can I compile for DOS?

2018-11-15 Thread Libman
I'd just like to second this endeavor. I've always wanted to tinker with getting [djgpp]( (or one of the abandonware compilers) in dosbox to work with Nim-generated C89 code, but never found the time / energy. DOS support is the ultimate

Re: how to run vim and get output

2018-11-15 Thread Libman
Maybe you want something like: import os, osproc, posix, strutils proc userEditString(content = "", editor = "vim"): string = let tmpPath = getTempDir() / "userEditString" let tmpFile = tmpPath / $getpid() createDir tmpPath writeFile tmpFile, content

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks

2018-11-03 Thread Libman
Some people claim that TechEmpower is a Java shop and so their benchmarks are biased. I think those benchmarks are still very useful, but there's one very important factor that gives JVM languages an edge: the great abundance of RAM. The "Cloud" benchmarks are run on an [Azure

TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks

2018-11-02 Thread Libman
Round 17... * [JSON serialization, cloud]( (Azure D3v2): Nim's [httpbeast]( is **THE WINNER, #1 among the 328 web frameworks tested!** Also present is [mofuw]( at

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread Libman
Markdown and [HastyScribe]([]( FTW!

Re: Nim developer retention data and out-of-date packages

2018-09-27 Thread Libman
Nim isn't something you just quit. A part of Nim stays in you, always. Every missing semicolon that D smacks you for, every undefined WTFism in C++, every second you wait for your 40mb Golang binary to upload, every time you realize that half of your screen is taken up by repetitive

Re: Jester server without a reverse proxy

2018-09-05 Thread Libman
Reverse proxies like Varnish or Nginx can be used to bundle different Web services (multiple HTTP APIs, static files, etc) together under one domain, and offer additional benefits like caching, load balancing, and DoS protection. But it is entirely possible to run a server like Jester by itself

Re: [Proposal] Import a with 'b' (<- refers to importing as bxyz)

2018-09-02 Thread Libman
I still like [my old proposal]( for the use keyword (instead of from ... import nil). Then import means "import into namespace"; use means "use with a prefix". Both can be used with the from, except, and as keywords: from mymodule import myproc #

Re: Equivalent of dir() in python

2018-09-02 Thread Libman
Here's a very **very** stupid script that I find useful: #!/bin/sh libPath=~/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-0.18.0/lib # libPath=$(choosenim --noColor show | grep ' Path: ' | awk '{print $2}')/lib nimFile=$(find $libPath -iname $1.nim | sed 1q) [ -f

Re: What is needed for choosenim installation to support linux_arm (raspbian)

2018-09-02 Thread Libman
I once played around with the idea of setting up qemu instances of many platforms * many OSes for building binaries, automating as much as possible with qemu's telnet monitor console / ssh in the OS install. Full system virtualization is not as good as doing it on bare metal, but better than

Re: Can you leave a link to download the Nim in Action book in pdf / djvu format?

2018-08-10 Thread Libman
Some public libraries take recommendations for what books to purchase, and do free inter-library book shipping on request. Doesn't hurt to ask them.

Re: Can you leave a link to download the Nim in Action book in pdf / djvu format?

2018-08-09 Thread Libman
I really like dom96 and I would encourage everyone to financially support his book. That said: []( Sorry. I didn't leak it. I just happen to notice its there.

Re: Nim partners with

2018-08-07 Thread Libman
**Excellent news!** (Does everyone still think I'm crazy for [pushing Nim on the license freedom front](

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks: Round 10

2018-04-07 Thread Libman
[httpBEAST](, _yaay!_

Re: Is there email support for the forum

2018-04-05 Thread Libman
Think of this forum as a minimalist server API (with a little bit of HTML parsing). Write your own client libraries, tools, JSON / FUSE / SQL interfaces, vim / emacs / WordPerfect integrations, and bots.

Re: could Nim benefit from upcoming C++ modules to speedup compilation times?

2018-04-05 Thread Libman
The biggest thing that would reduce compile time is putting the compiler on a (quantum?) supercomputer in the cloud...


2018-03-31 Thread Libman
Random thought: IPFS

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks: Round 10

2018-03-23 Thread Libman
A [new Web Frameworks benchmark]( includes Jester... Nim is ranked 12th out of 12. Now Python and even Ruby have frameworks that score better...

Re: What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?

2018-03-17 Thread Libman
> To really appeal to Python programmers, Nim would have to support dynamic > compilation and a REPL. Not necessarily. Being a Python programmer doesn't mean you can't do anything other than Python. It means that you're used to _The Python Way_ of doing things, and don 't want to deviate from

What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?

2018-03-15 Thread Libman
[]( ^ I'd like to propose this as a discussion topic. Some brief thoughts: * **Python 's popularity is growing** (and all other measures seem to confirm). * I still think it would benefit Nim to

Re: Increasing Nim exposure

2018-03-14 Thread Libman
[Related thread.]( I hope the Nim ecosystem comes up with it's own alternatives - eventually even to GitHub, Linux, and the browser stack.

Re: Defining variable in nim.cfg

2018-03-12 Thread Libman
A long long time ago we had this crazy thing called shell scripts. We used them to set environmental variables, build complicated command lines, etc...

Re: Before you start !

2018-03-11 Thread Libman
> I was able to read on the web efficient garbage collector offers you, it's > fine but is it possible to use it without... in the manner of Rust for > example ? Nim is GC by default - which is the way to go for the vast majority of cases, and most people who think they need manual memory

Re: Nim's status discussion

2018-03-06 Thread Libman
I wouldn't say that "corporations suck" \- they are a means to an end. They need to make things work in a cost-effective and dependable way, without making themselves dependent on genius. Average-IQ programmers are the base, the bread and butter of the industry, and so they are the standard.

Re: need an explanation of strings/add behavior

2018-03-06 Thread Libman
Thanks for pointing that out. So we don't know what the extent of the 's' bug was, but the Playground is now at 0.18.0 and it's gone.

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-05 Thread Libman
This forum is Araq's property, so this conversation here is over. Please don't reply, as this thread getting bumped would increase its annoyance. I apologise that I've gotten drawn into a debate where it isn't appropriate. I'm confident that I've made a correct, complete, and thorough argument

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-05 Thread Libman
Dear StasB, First and foremost, please note that **I am criticizing your argument** against my position on NAP and "copyfree"dom advocacy, **not you personally**. Also please keep in mind that this isn't a fully off-topic discussion for this forum, because Nim's ecosystem ranks #1 in

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-04 Thread Libman
BTW, did this thread get started by someone who got censored or self-deleted? Much confusion (even before I made it worse). There are much less bad ways for the forum software to handle that... Either way, snapshotting is always a good idea -

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-04 Thread Libman
First of all, even in a hypothetical discussion, there's not one "AnCap-istan" but a free market of a zillion jurisdictions competing for subscribers, trade, patronage, etc. Some would have different explicit contractual agreements than others, including on the construct of copyrights, software

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-04 Thread Libman
I am not on a crusade to take away anyone's left-wing utopia, only to preserve my right to not be a part of it. Some individuals and organizations (ex. Richard Stallman, FSF, and most recently GitHub) have crossed a line in polluting the free software ecosystem with calls for government force.

Re: Can we use warmer names?

2018-03-04 Thread Libman
I'm still screaming bloody murder about GitHub (to which most people here are addicted worse than heroin) injecting communist blind-faith-in-government anti-Internet-freedom propaganda in everyone's code. To retaliate, I'll have my libraries randomly inject chapters from Ayn Rand / Milton

Re: Nim 0.18

2018-03-02 Thread Libman
Leading version zeros smell of weakness. And real code warriors do regular release engineering, like OpenBSD. I'd move the damn decimal point and call it version 18.xx. Release 19.xx next year.

Re: Nim's status discussion

2018-02-23 Thread Libman
> Does standard library is stable for usage in the enterprise? No. The "enterprise" had reluctantly transitioned from their legacy systems only because COBOL programmers were dying of old age. IBM / SAP / Oracle / etc were pushing Java, and Microsoft was pushing BASIC and C# (especially in

Re: need an explanation of strings/add behavior

2018-02-23 Thread Libman
That unexplained trailing 's' character doesn't appear for me locally (v0.17.2), but only on [Nim Playground]( (which is also used by this forum's "Run" button). System [add](,string,string)... proc add*(x: var

Nim Dogfooding

2018-02-06 Thread Libman
I would like to start a discussion about the virtues of [dogfooding]( within the Nim community. This comes in response to [a comment on reddit]( > "For god's sake use

Re: Nim Syntax ''Skins''

2018-01-23 Thread Libman
> This thread scares me as a new Nim user This brainstorming session is long expired. * * * Summarizing Araq's verdict with quotes from above: { * "Skins were part of my original Nim 'vision'." * "I now think syntax skins should be an editor feature, not a compiler feature, so relax."

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-12 Thread Libman
@Ar: > I think a significant portion of nim users found Nim through Rust. Not sure > why, but there used to be some sort of competition between the two (or at > least Nim was more known in the Rust community). That, if true, is very interesting. I would've thought that Nim's closest

Re: Nim Backend Support Plans? JS Backend Sample

2018-01-11 Thread Libman
Our caveman ancestors had this silly belief that a tool should "do one thing and do it well"... But then came Nim! _Nim does everything!_ It slices, it dices, it generates code that generates code that generates code... Write a kernel in Nim. Write your Web client-side in Nim. Earlier today

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-11 Thread Libman
Yeah, I can't seem to resist responding to a mention of Rust's "SJW cancer" with a pent-up rant about politics in free software ecosystems... (The GitHub situation has been particularly traumatic...) I agree about Nim's technical merits. There's something about the "just works" qualification

Re: What can I do the help get to v1.0?

2018-01-11 Thread Libman
That is entirely up to Araq. Everyone (including myself) has been hyping up the idea of [The Great Epic Version One Point Oh Release](, as if that really requires some rigid standard of achievement. I am starting to

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-11 Thread Libman
The original post contains two interesting points that may or may not be connected. The first point, emphasized by the title, is that it (Nim) "all 'just works'". The second point, mentioned in passing, talks about dissatisfaction with the political culture in competing projects encouraging

Re: Hiring Nim Devs for Ethereum Implementation

2017-12-10 Thread Libman
I'd just like to say that **this project is very good news**, for both Nim and Ethereum. * * * I've been critical of [cpp-ethereum]( being GPLv3, which means not everybody can use it (for either practical or philosophical reasons). As always, I

Re: Nim Wiki stuff

2017-10-27 Thread Libman
(I'm that annoying voice that pops up here every once in a while for a quick anarcho-individualist tinfoil rant against governments, corporations, copyright, [clouds](, etc.) I think that GitHub is getting way too powerful, and there's no

Re: What should d0m96 work on in his next Nim livestream?

2017-10-20 Thread Libman
I think the most valuable effort is that which is effective at attracting more people to Nim, which is a force multiplier for less inspirational tasks. Everyone knows that things like IRC and other library improvements can be done given someone's time and effort. But many people are judging

Re: Compile time table keys checking?

2017-10-16 Thread Libman
> Is it possible to get an compile-time error in the last line? If that line is executed at compile-time, like in a static block: import tables const myTable = { 1: 14.cint, 2: 23.cint, 3: 4.cint }.toTable() static: echo myTable[33]

Re: How to write (mostly) "architecture independent" (32/64 bits) code?

2017-10-08 Thread Libman
I never had this problem, but I've heard of NASA software projects that were commanded to use an [arbitrary precision library]( for absolutely positively everything numeric. I think they had an auditing tool that

Re: Date time with millisecond output?

2017-09-25 Thread Libman
Probably not the prettiest way to do this, but here's a thought: import times, strutils let startEpochTime = epochTime() startEpochSec = ($startEpochTime).split(".")[^1] startTimeInfo = getLocalTime(fromSeconds(startEpochTime)) startTimeStr =

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-30 Thread Libman
apers, or is it a means to an end? In [a Quora answer]( I summed up what I see as Nim's top strengths: performance to productivity ratio, safety to syntax cleanliness ratio, license simplicity (very

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-29 Thread Libman
Pardon my satiric pessimism. Nim is my #1 favorite programming language, and I very much hope that it succeeds. But, in answer to this thread's question about the past 9 months, I think there's very little to celebrate. Growth exists, but it's far slower than it should be. People are

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-29 Thread Libman
> I've been away from Nim for about 9 months. Can anyone give me a quick update > ... We keep [accelerating toward C](, but v1.0 [remains

Re: Editor profiles fo Nim

2017-08-29 Thread Libman
As far as I know, the most advanced Nim development environment so far is [VSCode]( \+ [this]( [extension]( Someone please correct me if I'm

Re: Any method to set backend by configuration or nim code?

2017-08-06 Thread Libman
With a sufficiently ugly hack, all things are possible... import strutils static: proc getNimCompilerCmdLine(): string = return staticRead("/proc/self/cmdline").replace('\0', ' ') const nimCompilerCmdLine = getNimCompilerCmdLine()

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-05 Thread Libman
I agree with @Jehan on most points, which really complement rather than contradict what I've said. Yes, there's no such thing as a perfect benchmark, a perfect survey / opinion poll, etc. But that doesn't take away from the fact that these things are still useful, and that the TIOBE index is a

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-04 Thread Libman
[Crystal]( has gotten a highly distinguished mention in [this month's update summary]( of the prestigious [TIOBE prog lang popularity index](

Min: a Nim-based minimalist, concatenative, functional REPL & script lang

2017-08-04 Thread Libman
I just came across ** [Min]( ** [[GH]](, a [concatenative]( scripting language written in Nim by [Fabio]( * * * EMPHASIS ON MAIN LINK:

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-28 Thread Libman
That would be consistent and logical. But (IMHO) pragmas are ugly...

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-24 Thread Libman
(My previous post was posted before mapi's post became visible due to new account moderation.) > Only I used `require` for its name. The three related keywords (`import`, `include`, and this proposed new one) should be easy to remember which is which. * `include` reminds people of C

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread Libman
Looks like my `load` macro example has become `require` [on Reddit]( (which I am now boycotting, along with the rest of social media, due to the _still_-unexplained [shadow censorship

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread Libman
> if the condition is never met importing xyz is wasteful Yeah, unused imports still increase binary size despite deadCodeElim (`--d:release` `--opt:size`). In a perfect world that would not be the case... * * * > you can use `from math import nil` Yup. But I

Re: String pattern matching / regular expression libs

2017-07-23 Thread Libman
Semi-related to this discussion: I just added Nim to the "Languages" section of Wikipedia's [[[Comparison of regular expression engines]]]( Someone more knowledgeable may wish to review and complete the "Language

Re: Overloading by Return Type?

2017-07-04 Thread Libman
The top-rated answer to [this SO question]( is a very interesting read. Some teaser quotes: > Overloading by return type is possible and is done by some modern languages. > > Two of the languages I regularly (ab)use

Re: Overloading by Return Type?

2017-07-03 Thread Libman
[C++, Java](, Dlang, [C#]( etc don't allow this either... But IMSHO (in my humble stupid option) it would still be a good idea. I thought Nim's philosophy was to

Re: Overloading by Return Type?

2017-07-01 Thread Libman
I never understood why Nim doesn't allow this. If you want to keep the same name and use overloading, one option is to use a _var_ argument instead of return. This works: proc myBirthday(n: var int) = n = 372297600 proc myBirthday(s: var string) = s = "October

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks: Round 10

2017-06-29 Thread Libman
I'm sorry that I cannot contribute to this effort directly. I'm glad that some efforts are being made... (BTW, there's now a [TechEmpower round 15 preview](

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-28 Thread Libman
[Some people say](\(journalism\)#Anonymous_sources) it stands for: New [Indented]( [Modula-3](

Re: Some short remarks

2017-06-15 Thread Libman
> Libman, I hope you will come back to the thread and correct false critics? > Dom already does it very well, but I guess he has to do more important stuff. Yeah, I didn't return there fast enough, and dom96 has already made all the important points. But I did add my own rant or two

Re: TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks: Round 10

2017-06-12 Thread Libman
Bump for [Round 14](, just in case it gives anyone some ideas... Nim web frameworks are still MIA... Random thought: [h2o]( [[src]]( seems to be an emerging C web server / framework

Re: Specify directory for binary

2017-06-12 Thread Libman
I like having a little compiler wrapper to execute nim just the way I like it. I wrote one for my needs called [nimr]( [[pb]](, but I think most programmers will want to write their own rather than deal with

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-12 Thread Libman
> When was Nimrod renamed to Nim? Officially as of [version 0.10.2]( **2014-12-29**. // Or [a day later in Russia]( >

Re: HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.

2017-05-07 Thread Libman
If you read [the actual article](, look at its horrifying Rust code trying for a ConfigParser substitute, and see the author's [conclusion]( to stick with Python - **"Use Nim" is EXACTLY the

Re: HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.

2017-05-07 Thread Libman
HackerNews (and Slashdot) are dominated by intolerant trigger-happy nazi scum. That doesn't mean one should stop trying to inject an unorthodox opinion there once in a while, but don't get your hopes up...

Re: Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark

2017-05-06 Thread Libman
Nim has an added trick up its sleeve when going toe to toe with the Rustkies: benchmark Nim using all available backend compilers (ex. Intel's icc) and go with the fastest.

Re: Fastest way to pack CSV file

2017-04-24 Thread Libman
Araq is always right... **_Except_** when he tells you to throw away [TAoUP]( (Or makes me use RST, which doesn't let me italicize a link.) There's the [minimalist school](\(computing\)) of

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-10 Thread Libman
You are of course free to release your software under any license you want, and I really don't want to hijack this thread, but your summation of the Apache License is not accurate. Your summation ("it is as free as you can get, with the only requirement that if you actually do modifications to

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