Re: new experimental nim plugin for neovim

2019-04-20 Thread mikebelanger
Just installed this plugin, and I have to say: nice work! I tried installing an autocomplete plugin for Python on nvim, and it wasn't nearly as straightforward. Thanks @leorize!

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-24 Thread mikebelanger
I'd just like to thank all the developers who contributed to this. What stands out for me is the new importjs pragma. Much more intuitive than the importcpp thing. Great work!

Re: Nim for Statistics

2019-11-09 Thread mikebelanger
Have you tried []( ? Doesn't have everything but its got a lot - I've tried it - pretty good so far.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-07 Thread mikebelanger
As a long-time Blender user, Nim and Godot fan - I'm unsure what you mean. Blender already has a well documented Python API. Godot has Nim bindings, which others here have already linked to. Yes, Python is slow - but it is a scripting language that can be reloaded dynamically - which makes it

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-19 Thread mikebelanger
I'd like to bump this just because I'm also interested in working with kind of thing. In my case, I'm interested in opening .grib2 files. I know the netcdf4 python wrapper can do it - but if I could work in nim, that'd be sweet :) I looked at the examples section in the HDF5 repo that Vindaar

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-20 Thread mikebelanger
It looks like Netcdf4 is based on HDF5 ([](\)). But it doesn't look like grib2 is based on HDF5. Although their usage cases are the same. That said, if you think the HDF5 library could

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-19 Thread mikebelanger
Actually in doing some more research - I found that GDAL ( []( ) opens grib2s, and some kind of netcdf formats. Not sure if its the specific version you're looking for. Looks like somebody has already started writing headers for gdal in nim, too:

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-25 Thread mikebelanger
@Vindaar sorry my mistake! I made the assumption that grib2 was a kind of HDF5 format. But the more I read into it - it looks like grib2 is a totally different beast. As to why I'm doing this - I'm always looking for more performant ways of reading grib2s. They can get big, and many existing

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-08 Thread mikebelanger
> And since Nim and Python are roughly the same Syntactically, yes Nim and Python are very similar. Admittedly one of the main reasons I use Nim is I'm already fluent in Python, and that makes learning Nim relatively easy. That said - Nim and Python differ significantly in terms of their

Re: Styling Karax app

2020-02-26 Thread mikebelanger
Like enthus1ast, I assumed it was just a matter of adding the tachyons class names to whatever file you'd compile to js. Provided you include the tachyons CSS, it should work. That said, I haven't actually tried this myself. So I'm interested in seeing the results. I'm a fan of both tachyons

Re: Simple excel/xlsx reader, support some basic operators.

2020-01-09 Thread mikebelanger
Sweet - thanks for sharing! Lots of stuff still comes in excel and docx - so this will definitely come in handy

Re: new experimental nim plugin for neovim

2020-01-13 Thread mikebelanger
Still using this plugin lots - and works great! One thing I'm wondering about is opening and closing sections. It's nice to have top-level things collapsed when a file is first opened, and I can just open the section I'm interested in. Only thing is, I'm not sure how to close a section after

Re: new experimental nim plugin for neovim

2020-01-13 Thread mikebelanger
Ah ok, thanks :)]