Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cumulonimbus
If you mean compiling _from_ python, there's 
 which has gained "deprecated" in its name since I last looked at it.

It's not very complete though.

If you compiling _to_ python, there's 
 which is also incomplete.

The biggest question is _why_. If you want to use Python from nim, or the other 
way around, then nimpy and nimporter might be better choices than trying to fit 
everything into the same language runtime.

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread cumulonimbus
> Well technically you can replace all uses of inheritance with object variants 
> (I think). But in some cases it will get too verbose :)

In the sense that all turing-complete languages are equivalent...

With variants, you have to know and handle all the possible classes at every 
"method" implementation.

With inheritance, the implementations can be done independently.

Equivalent capability, of course, but vastly different from a 
management/maintenance perspective.

Re: Copy-on-write container

2020-07-02 Thread cumulonimbus
@snej @mratsim \- Thank you both very much. I've re-watched Andreas' talk and 
gone through the String CoW and mratsim's example. It looks like I'm covered, 
but there's one thing that I haven't managed to convince myself of, described 

Is this enough to guarantee that the compiler won't lend something "behind my 
back?"; by which I mean something like:

proc action(a:cowType, b:cowType, c:cowType, d:cowType):
 var x = cowType("Hello world");


Now, as far as refcounting goes for "liveness", it's enough to count 'x' once 
on entry to action() (or even zero, as it is lent). But for CoW purposes, we 
need to count all 4 uses, so that if 3 of them modify it, they each get their 
own copy (but the 4th modification doesn't - it can modify x in place because 
that's the last copy and it's a sink.

At the very least, looks like cowType always has to be passed by value for this 
tracking to occur (even "modify"), and var shouldn't really be used. But I have 
still not been able to convince myself that there is no case in which the RC 
will be enough for liveness tracking but not enough for CoW tracking. Perhaps I 
just need to spend more time on it.

Another question I came up with while sketching a solution: I'm trying to 
implement a (sort-of-) language/dsl, in which the CoW makes everything have 
value-semantics, although in-place array and table modifications are efficient. 
That, unfortunately, necessitates refcounting. However, many times one would 
only call "pure" functions which are guaranteed not to modify anything, 
directly or indirectly -- and if so, the reference is completely lent, and no 
refcounting is needed.

Nim's effect system should be able to help with that: have a 
.tag[modify_refcount] on the proc funcs that actually modify refcount; and 
.tag[] on those that shouldn't, and the compiler would verify that those that 
shouldn't are indeed side-effect-free (w.r.t refcounting). But how would it be 
elided in practice? by passing them as "var"? Can a template/macro have access 
to the inferred tags, so it can act on this and perhaps save the incref/decref 
in this case?

I'm hoping to dive into the compiler this weekend to figure out, but would 
still appreciate any help/pointers. 

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-26 Thread cumulonimbus
Automatic tracking requires really explicit documentation about what it does. 
It won't be common, but it will happen that SELECT and UPDATE actually happen 
in different transactions (or in otherwise a non-ACID mode) -- in which case, 
just comparing content is not a good idea (you do rec.field='the value i want' 
to guarantee it is that way, and it was that way in the SELECT, but has since 
changed in the DB.

The only reasonable "automatic" way is to track actual assignments and execute 
them _even_ the newly set value is the same as the previous one; either that or 
updating everything. Any other way to subset the update should be explicitly 
specified by the user..

Re: Copy-on-write container

2020-06-24 Thread cumulonimbus
So ... It's been a while, and an awful lot has happened on the arc/orc front; 
so hopefully it's OK to bump this up:

  * What's a good strategy for implementing copy-on-write with --gc:arc and/or 
  * Is it possible to inspect/access the refcounter, implicit or explicit, from 
--gc:arc and/or --gc:orc?

@mratsim switched away from CoW, but it is put to great use in APL / J / K 
implementations; In general, they simulate a "value only" system by using only 
references and reference counts; Anything that is only referenced once is just 
modified in place when you want to modify it. So you get easy to debug value 
semantics, and (most of the time, with very little care required) reference 
performance. This is in contrast with e.g. Clojure's persistent vector 
implementation which clones a limb on _every_ modification and thus generates a 
lot of garbage; or with R (v3, haven't looked at the v4 changes) using 
inaccurate refcounts, which requires some care to not generate too much garbage.

As --gc:arc and --gc:orc already maintain refcounts (some in memory, some in 
the AST), sane access to them would greatly simplify such CoW schemes - which 
otherwise duplicate all the refcounts (or otherwise has use ptrs instead ...)

Any ideas / docs / pointer?

Re: NvP: s.add('x') 100M times

2020-06-24 Thread cumulonimbus
Possibly something to do with this being main() and not inside a function? 
Can't think of a reason why for this one, but many benchmarks change 
significantly (for the better) when put inside a function

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-23 Thread cumulonimbus
> 4\. Better safe than sorry. I've deliberately removed the migration 
> capabilities like add column, remove, rename table, etc. Turns out, 
> migrations are never trivial, and it's always better to just write SQL 
> manually than to try to automate it somehow.

That's very true. However, even if there is no automatic migration, it is 
helpful to have a tracking of which schema is in the database and which one is 
expected by the code.

As you generate a DDL statement that creates the tables (and in the future - 
maybe also indices, and/or triggers, and/or stored procs), perhaps you can use 
a sha1 of that statement to "name" the created/expected model, and then -- 
perhaps with a helper table that names the existing schema, you can verify 
whether the data model matches.

Migration from one schema to a another should NOT be within the scope of the 
main ORM in my opinion -- however, it is useful if versions of the software can 
ship with "migrate-HASH1-to-HASH2" scripts, many of which will be trivial -- 
and the applicator of which CAN be included with the ORM.

Just my thoughts and experience, mostly from using web2py (nowadays py4web) 
which made a lot of controversial choices, some good and some bad -- and most 
of those related to migration have a lot to teach by being bad 

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-23 Thread cumulonimbus
That's a nice use of dup, I wasn't aware it could take multiple procs - and I 
think the name "flow" would be more standard for this use case if it is ever 
revised -- but I do not suggest changing a name - 99% of the cases probably 
involve exactly one proc for which the name "dup" is definitely fine, and also, 
backward compatibility >> naming preferences.

Re: New blog, with some Nim articles

2020-05-15 Thread cumulonimbus
> Do you think that "optimization wall" is understood by most people?

"I tried to do X but I hit a wall" (meaning, an obstacle I couldn't get around 
and wasn't sure it was even possible to get around) is an often used expression 
in American English; I think it's understandable. see e.g. 

Re: Error: type mismatch: got but expression is of type: type Float32Sort

2020-05-06 Thread cumulonimbus
Would it be possible to make the error instead:

> required type for s: type Float32Sort (defined at file1.nim:17:3) > but 
> expression 'Float32Sort_3735007' is of type: type Float32Sort (defined at 
> file2.nim:917:1)

Or something like that? That would make it less confusing. Perhaps having it 
always is information overload and it should only be provided if the string 
representing the type name is the same?

That's not a complete solution, because I except that this problem would happen 
mostly with template/macro instantiations from the same template/macro (and 
thus the exact same point of definition...). A complete solution, perhaps, 
would need a stack of the source locations of all template/macro expansions 
that lead to the type definition, and then eliminating the common prefixes and 
suffixes between the mismatched types to point to where the problem exactly is.

(Have no idea if the compiler even keeps all this info, and if it does - 
whether the implementation complexity is worth it for this)

Semantic grep, a very cool idea (currently mostly for Python)

2020-05-05 Thread cumulonimbus
I just saw this, haven't had a chance to try yet, but it looks very nice.

The idea is a "grep" style tool that understands language scoping and semantics 
well enough to be useful as a semantic search tool and a simple linter, 
currently implemented for C / Java / JavaScript / Python / Go . It also has a 
ruleset database of code errors/smells that should help find security issues 
and other errors although from what I can tell, it's mostly Python rules so far 
with only a few for other languages.

It supposedly allows, for example, a grep for `os.system(...)` in Python to 
find direct uses after `import os`, or unqualified uses after `from os import 
system` and even stuff like `from os import system as execute; execute(args)` 
and `import os as x; x.system(args)`. Also allows matching on parameter values, 
backreferences and other stuff.

I think it could be useful for Nim (as another backend, perhaps some ideas 
integrated directly into the compiler or nimgrep). Still thinking about what 
rules I would write and what searches I would use, and I think it's much LESS 
useful for Nim than it is for e.g. Python or JS because the Nim compiler & 
tooling do so much more than Python or JS - but still, I think it's a neat idea 
and wanted to share.




Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread cumulonimbus
Super cool! Do you have plans to support kerning, glyph composition, 
ltr/rtl/ttb/btt layout fonts? (Or are they already supported?)

Re: NOOB: Is there a way to do: + my.nim ==> my.exe (Just ONE file)

2020-04-28 Thread cumulonimbus
I assume it's an EXE file even if it is called .com; It is possible but 
complicated to do completely in memory (if has threads or uses DLLs). A 
relatively simple way, if it is acceptable, is to put a copy of into 
your executable (as a RES file, or with staticRead, or something like that), 
and then your Nim program can write a copy of "" and run that copy.

This will require space you can write to, and might trigger some anti viruses - 
but that's the kind of thing that e.g. PyInstaller does to pack a Python 
project with all dlls and graphics files into one executable.

Re: Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example

2020-04-25 Thread cumulonimbus
Disclaimer: Based mostly on my C++ experience with this kind of problem, did 
not run into it with Nim and can't test this second.

> If you're including other people code in your project you just have to trust 
> them in the same way you trust it to work.

Linus Torvalds has said more than once that "security bugs are not special, 
they are just bugs that have security implications" (paraphrasing from memory), 
and I think he's right - the reason we (in general) care more about them is 
that rather than producing a wrong answer or no answer at all, they allow a 
determined malicious actor to willfully do disproportional damage.

To put this in concrete terms, instead of `foo(x)`, assume it's `draw(x)` \- 
Library A deals with drawing on a canvas, and Library B deals with drawing 
money from a bank account; for whatever reason, Library A's `draw[T](x:T)` is a 
template that can draw anything that can be converted to a string. and Library 
B's previous version did NOT have a `draw(x:money)` (it only had a 
`transfer(x:money)` proc), but now it does.

There is no malicious intent on the part of any library author (indeed, the 
library authors don't know each other or the user or the main program that uses 
those libraries), but a malicious user can cause money to be drawn from the 
account by triggering an action that needs to draw some money value on the 

This example is a bit contrived and colorful (and based on one of 
Stroustroup's), but not so far fetched; You could have an `execute(x:T)` 
template that does a well defined, well secured thing -- and then another 
library adds `execute(x:string)` that shells out and executes a command line. 
Or -- much harder to catch -- the new proc has the same functionality as the 
old one it overrides, but implemented in a different way that overall creates a 
TOCTOU or race condition or otherwise harms integrity.

I didn't have time to try these in Nim (maybe most cases already have a 
warning), I have encountered something similar (not security related, just 
plain old bug) with C++ templates, which is just one of the reasons I've 
avoided C++ for more than a decade.

It should be possible to warn that "import B specializes template from A but 
they are not related" or something like that, I think - e.g. if both a concrete 
and a template definition match at a call site, then the template definition 
must be known at the concrete definition's site or something like that.

Re: Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems

2020-04-22 Thread cumulonimbus
Is --gc:orc still a thing? It says in the docs it is hard to reason about 
(which is understandable), but is it possible to use with a time limit like the 
old --refc? Are there any other docs about it?

"If you need an embedded C compiler" - from the latest zig blog includes an suggestion for Nim

2020-03-24 Thread cumulonimbus
Quoting from 

> For example, maybe you have a programming language that compiles to C. Zig is 
> an obvious choice for what C compiler to ship with your language.

(The link for "programming language that compiles to C" is to

The zig tarball is 45MB (!) but that supposedly includes a fully working clang 
that properly cross compiles to Windows, Mac, Linux, 32-bit, 64-bit, musl, 
glib, mingw64 and other goodies. Haven't played with this release yet, but 
everything Andrew Kelley has released so far was working as advertised, so this 
likely does to.

Useful perhaps, as Andrew suggests, to include in a "batteries included" Nim 
distribution that can cross-compile from any arch to any arch.

Re: Nimble raiseOSError: cannot install a package

2020-03-24 Thread cumulonimbus
Great. Probably a good idea to add [solved] to the title of your original post, 
makes it easier for others facing the same problem to discover.

Re: help information sécurité

2020-03-22 Thread cumulonimbus
> For hardcore security jobs I still use Ada, for (rare) GUI jobs I still use 
> FreePascal, for pure crypto jobs like porting or optimizing crypto algos I 
> still use C along with formal modelling, proto verif. and formal (usually 
> static) analysis.

Extremely interesting! Could you give a list of your C formal modelling toolkit 
/ workflow ? And a hint about what kind of common things it flags in Nim 
generated C code?

Also, since you mentioned using formally verified C for crypto work - is there 
anything helping with verifying constant time stuff? How useful is everything 
given that anything practical uses a non-verified compiler somewhere along the 
high-level -> machine code path?

Re: How Seq work with objects ?

2020-03-22 Thread cumulonimbus
As Stefan_Salewski wrote,

> When you delete reference objects, the object itself where the references 
> pointed to has to be deleted too, at least when there is no other reference 
> to it to keep it alive. And that delete costs time too, generally alloc() and 
> dealloc() calls are expensive.

This is almost surely the reason. You can verify that by making another copy of 
the ref "buff" before starting the deletion, so something still holds the 
references. Also, you're likely to find big differences if you measure gc:arc, 
gc:boehm or the old mark

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2020-03-17 Thread cumulonimbus
Tangential: I haven't done GUI work in a long long long time, but I discovered 
FLTK in 1998 (then pre-1.0), and came back to it again and again, last time in 
2012, for the simple reason that it never flickered thanks to built-in double 
buffering - and every other toolkit, even in 2012, had cases where it did.

I don't know if it's still a problem these days, but if it s - GUI toolkit 
developers, please pay attention to it.

Re: FOSDEM 2020 - Brussels February 1st & 2nd

2020-03-08 Thread cumulonimbus
Possibly they are waiting for you to review and ok it before putting it on the 
lecture webpage? It's still not on the website.

Re: Performance test agains Python

2020-03-07 Thread cumulonimbus
You are also testing cache effect times at least as much as you are testing the 
code you are running; Either take minimum-of-5 sequential runs, or an average 
of 10 loops or so (or both); Not sure about Win10, but for sure Windows used to 
report times in multiples of ~16ms at least as late as Win7, unless you took 
special care -- so as long as you are measuring times so small, that may also 
be a confounding factor.

Re: GC:ARC passing '...' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy; use 'move(...)' to prevent it

2020-03-04 Thread cumulonimbus
Maybe there should be a pragma {. expensive .} (or alternatively {. cheap .} 
which could be set on hooks and which would trigger a warning if they are 
implicitly invoked?

Also: I was reading the destructor docs in 

> Objects that contain pointers that point to the same object are not supported 
> by Nim's model. Otherwise swapped objects would end up in an inconsistent 
> state.

Is this really true? Seems to me it's just not supported by the "swap" builtin 
(and that should be fixed, because self-pointing structures do happen and are 
not always immediately evident from the source code - e.g. a circular linked 
list with one element).

Re: GC:ARC passing '...' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy; use 'move(...)' to prevent it

2020-03-03 Thread cumulonimbus
If so, please make the current aggressive warning an option - and provide 
copy() to suppress it. Not sure what the default should be, but one of the the 
reason I switched back from C++ back to C is because it's way too easy to 
introduce unwanted operations (copies and other) -- which is usually fine in 
high level code, but a big problem in performance sensitive code.

Re: Doubt! Proc and import

2020-02-28 Thread cumulonimbus
> That's way too negative, the binary will contain the required parts of the 
> Nim compiler and its VM and all you need to do is to provide lib/system/, 
> system.nim (and maybe strutils, etc) with your app and patch the line let std 
> = findNimStdLibCompileTime() to something appropriate.

Was not intending to be negative, and this comment was in the context of 
compiling down to native code; you are of course correct (and that was my first 
paragraph - use the nim vm),

> That limit can be changed at compile-time but it's a very useful thing for 
> sandboxing. In the few benchmarks that I did, the VM runs Nim code faster 
> than Python's VM runs Python code.

Indeed, that's very useful for sandboxing; I remember when Python tried to 
introduce sandboxing, by way of putting such limits, but it never converged - 
there were issues with loops, string multiplications, e.g. `` 10e10 * 'hello 
world' `` or `` range(10e10) `` would blow up memory; they were fixed as they 
were found, but their approach of rewriting bytecode was doomed to fail (and 
did). Implementing these restrictions within the VM is much more practical.

And I've never had a chance to use Nim VM for anything speed related, but the 
python speed comparison is very good news.

Re: Doubt! Proc and import

2020-02-27 Thread cumulonimbus
If you don't really care about speed - you could use the built in Nim 
compiler+virtiual machine as a script interpreter, (though IIRC there are 
limits by default that may surprise you and that can be removed, e.g. how many 
iterations a single loop can have is limited to 1,000,000 as this is meant to 
be used _while_ compiling). Otherwise ...

Your users will need an installed, accessible compiler compatible with the one 
you used to build the main; that's easy if you do everything in JS (you already 
have the relevant JS runtime and likely compiler) but more complicated if you 
use other targets (C / Objective-C / C++) - is it VS2015, VS2019, mingw32, 
mingw64, gcc, llvm, nlvm, ...?

If the users don't provide source code, but only need to pick which module to 
load from a given set you already provide, either (a) import all of them in the 
first place, and have some logic to call the right one, or (b) use dynamic 
loading and possibly hot-code-reload to pick the right one to use -- and save 
your users the headaches from needing to have a usable compile environment.

Re: DSLs and macros: custom function signature

2020-02-27 Thread cumulonimbus
If you insist (and I agree with Araq you probably shouldn't ... ), you should 
probably be aware of 
 which would allow you to do such a translation in a standard, compose-able 
manner -- which may boil down to just replacing "def" with "proc".

I am not sure if it will work for your specific use case, but some 
macros/pragmas could be set for a context (once in the file, or a block, 
essentially - see e.g. 
 , and there are other ways to apply a macro to a block of definitions rather 
than to a specific one through the `{.pragma.}` syntax - e.g.

> dspcode: > proc foo(args:) ... > 

Where dspcode is a macro that does the magic onto it's subtree. What's left is 
just the proc<->def exchange.

Re: Weird Behaviour

2020-02-25 Thread cumulonimbus
> var a = number.len -2 #throws invalid Indentation error

That's because it is equivalent to `number.len(-2)` and/or `len(number, -2)` ; 
 followed by something that looks like a negative number is a 
negative number (and not a "subtract" operation).

Re: Code cleanup suggestions: ctors

2020-02-23 Thread cumulonimbus
Why are you using ptrs instead of refs?

You could do "type person = object[id:int;name:string]; type male=distinct ref 
object of person; type female=distinct ref object of person;" to get an 
equivalent effect (while dropping ptrs for refs).

However, I highly recommend instead having a "type person = 
tuple[id:int;name:string;isMale:bool]" which would take a tiny bit more space 
but would make your code considerably simpler.

The argument against my proposal would be: If you encode the constraints into 
the type system, the compiler can validate a lot of things for you -- which is 
correct, and which I support when it does not result in code duplication; 
However the issue is that in this case it results in a lot of duplication (some 
of which can be reduced, but not all).

Re: Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code

2020-02-20 Thread cumulonimbus
It's been a decade or so since I've used Windows, but IIRC at least one of 
cygwin/mingw32/mingw64 contained a linux cross compiler in the repository.

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-19 Thread cumulonimbus
>From several decades of experience, tabs eventually always cause the 
>(potential) problems, but only rarely deliver the (potential) benefits.

For the people who can't live without them, Nim provides 
 ; an `#? expandTabs(tabwidth:int)` filter can easily be written. Personally, I 
think it's a bad idea and would recommend against including such a filter in 
the standard library.

Re: Why does the this code work?

2020-02-18 Thread cumulonimbus
You're right, thanks; There probably could be issues in convoluted cases (will 
try to construct one later for fun, e.g. `varargs[string | seq[string]]` , or 
with default conversions -- but you're right that this is unlikely to ever 
pop-up om regular use even if these cases can artificially be constructed.

Re: Why does the this code work?

2020-02-18 Thread cumulonimbus
> There is another case where the Nim compiler uses its knowledge of types to 
> help the programmer: this is the automatic dereferencing of references and 
> pointers.

No, it's just a stylistic decision, one that some people find surprising as it 
is a special case.

Python could have just as well automatically expanded a list into varargs - in 
fact, it has more information at the time of the call than Nim does, being 

If you want to pass just one list argument to a vararg Nim proc, you need to 
call e.g. `printStuff(@[lines])`, because `printStuff(lines)` would ""unwrap"" 
it and provide a list of unknown length; whereas either 
`printStuff(lines,lines)` or `printStuff(@[lines,lines])` would result in an 
argument list of 2 arguments, regardless of the length of lines.

This (apparent) inconsistency is the source of the confusion. Personally, I 
prefer the Python behaviour, but since we're past v1.0, I don't think it's 
worth discussing a breaking change even if everyone agrees with me (And not 
everyone does).

Re: Why does the this code work?

2020-02-17 Thread cumulonimbus
The surprise (as I understand it, and I remember it surprised me too reading 
the docs) is the automatic expansion of the arguments. The consistent way would 
be for `printStuff(lines)` above to provide 1 argument of type seq[string], in 
the same way each arg of `printStuff(lines, lines)` would do. As it is, a 
single "lines" argument results in an arbitrary length x, but two arguments 
result in x.len==2.

e.g. in Python, you have the same functionality, but you have to prefix the arg 
with a `*` to say "I wish to expand this list into an argument list and not 
pass it as a single argument", which is consistent with the use of `*` in 
similar contexts, and with the passing of any other individual argument.

Re: Compile time FFI

2020-02-04 Thread cumulonimbus
Agree with Araq here;

find a way to do it with (a possibly improved) staticExec - or alternatively, 
it could be solved with a bidirectional communication channel through pipes (or 
sockets or shared memory, though these aren't good ideas either) if Nim code 
with access to compiler types etc. needs to interact with external code.

But invading the compiler's memory address space is a recipe for disaster. At 
first it will work, but down the line people will complain that the nim 
compiler is buggy and unstable, but it will later turn out that the crash is 
caused because of a memory corruption caused by importing a library 3-layers 
deep which uses the compile time FFI.

But seriously, I think even staticExec+staticRead is more than enough. At some 
point, you have to rely on a build/make tool that can do more than your 
language do internally.

Re: Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)

2020-01-29 Thread cumulonimbus
I have randomly wondered onto 
 today and haven't had a chance to play with it, but it sure looks interesting; 
Are you familiar with it? Obviously less relevant if you're going to do a pure 
Nim BLAS ...

Re: Naming conventions - need leading underscore

2020-01-19 Thread cumulonimbus
> Hungarian notation encodes the type in the name and is widely regarded as the 
> wrong idea. Why should it be any different with visibility.

While i completely agree, it is my impression that it is really helpful for 
beginners to carry around the type information in their first few programs - as 
did old BASIC versions in which `SPEED` was a floating point variable, `SPEED%` 
was an integer and `SPEED$` was a string.

But I also believe that beginners don't stay beginners for long, and Nim is not 
(at this point in time, and probably not ever going to be) a programming 
language for absolute beginners - so the consideration should be those that are 
useful for experienced programmers - as I believe they had been all along 
(thanks, Araq!)

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-25 Thread cumulonimbus
Just to make sure I'm not confused - there are no changes to the source code 
needed, though "sink" and "lent" annotations do provide optimization? And it's 
independent of the bacon/dingle "owned" system (and is it going to stay or is 
it deprecated and going away?)

In what way does "async" need to be ported to arc? Is it just a performance 
thing, a cycle thing, or is it a deeper issue?

Re: Pandas Equivalent for Nim?

2019-12-02 Thread cumulonimbus
Arrow provides a common data storage format, but not much more; It is not a 
replacement for pandas. It is nice if you have a lot of multiple languages 
cooperating and a lot of serialization/deserialization happening - though 
personally, in every use case I had, HDF was a much better choice and just as 
well supported if not more.

Re: recvmsg on AsyncSocket

2019-11-30 Thread cumulonimbus
> I'm curious what you're trying to achieve at a high level though, maybe there 
> is another way that doesn't require FDs being sent across processes?

@AMIGrAve already answered, but I'd like to add: This is the most efficient way 
to do hand-off between processes if you can do, whether it is a listening 
socket or a connected one.

If all is symmetric, (e.g. multiprocess nginx), then you can have multiple 
processes listening on the same port; Another common way to deal with this is 
the old "accept-and-fork", which works very well for long lived connections 
where overall processing dominates the forking time -- but not with e.g. 
preforking or long-lived backends.

Unfortunately, the most common way to deal with it -- especially if the backend 
is itself a long-lived process -- is for the original accepting process to 
proxy to the actual backend. This is wasteful in cpu , memory, kernel 
resources, and also requires the proxying process to remain up and responsive 
(adding latency and reducing reliability). While this is a necessary evil if 
backends are on a different machine, it is a complete waste if all is running 
on the same machine - and with 32-64 core servers relatively common these days 
(especially with containers), it is often the case that you can use the more 
effiicient route.

The other way to avoid sending FDs is shared memory - which is just a bit less 
efficient than transferring the FD (basically, just another memory copy and 
almost uncontended synchronization), but still has the latency/reliability 
drawback, and is significantly more complicated to get right.

It's available on Linux and most Unix variants, but not on Windows AFAIK.

Re: Pragmas Above Procs

2019-11-27 Thread cumulonimbus
The one that's a thread is the one that has a table parameter

There are two not-entirely-orthogonal questions here:

1\. What's more important to emphasize? That's the thing we work on is thread 
code, oh, and it's a proc rather than a variable? Or that we're going to define 
a proc. Oh, and it's intended to run in its own thread?) Well, that obviously 
depends on your specific circumstances, and in the proc() case I might agree 
that the attributes (side effects, thread, async, ...) are as important as this 
being a proc, though no more important. In the case of variables, though - I 
totally disagree; the name is the most important thing (given that Nim chose 
suffix everything unlike C) -- see e.g. 
 for example (and there was a DAL/ORM with similar good use, but I can't find 
it now). I had used prefix annotations in C# when using WCF and stuff, and even 
people who like C# (I don't) said it sucked. So, unless you think you should 
have annotations before for procs and after for vars, I think after wins.

2\. What are you used to? Well, this is totally subjective; I'm used to both, 
and have no preference for procs (but the preference I stated above for vars) 
and do have a preference for uniformity.

And I offer again: If "thread" or "async" is the important character - use a 
macro to make a thread_proc or async_proc the same way func makes a 
"nosideeffect" proc; no need for language changes for that.

The only language change that might make sense that I can think of (and perhaps 
everyone happy) is {.next_is thread}, which is like {.push thread} wiith 
automatic pop at the end of the scope; But I really think that this discussion 
should only be carried if you've _tried_ to get used to suffix for a while and 
couldn't -- not because it looks weird at first. Have you tried?

Re: Pragmas Above Procs

2019-11-26 Thread cumulonimbus
C# has prefix everything (types, annotations) because it inherits the C syntax

Nim has suffix everything (types, pragmas).

Python has it mixed because ... well, they didn't think about it at the same 
time, and added @ annotations as prefix and type annotations as suffix.

But there's a sort-of-precedent in nim too, which might generalize: -`func` is 
`proc  {.noSideEffecots.}` ; you could just make `aproc` or `asyncproc` 
into a `proc  {.async.}` using a macro (maybe even a template), and get 
your prefix without having to modify the language.

Re: recvmsg on AsyncSocket

2019-11-26 Thread cumulonimbus
@mp035: While descriptors are local, they CAN be passed between processes as 
@AMIGrAve is trying to do. The details depend on the socket type, which must be 
an AF_LOCAL or AF_UNIX, IIRC; You can google "sending fd between processes" for 
answers; a random one I found with examples in C is 
 ; {{man recvmsg}} describes it as well.

But I've only ever done this in straight C

Re: NaN tagging in Nim?

2019-11-19 Thread cumulonimbus
(edited previous reply)

Re: NaN tagging in Nim?

2019-11-18 Thread cumulonimbus
You could have tables-of-refs-to-objects, e.g. allInts:@seq[int], 
allFloat:@seq[float], and NaN tag the indices to those lists; it would require 
one more redirection to actually get the value, but would otherwise work well 
with any gc.

Also, subnormals (neé denormals) are also useful for tagging. And unlike NaNs 
which could be a result of a computation (e.g. 0.0/0.0) which you must 
differentiate from your tagged values, if you set the FPU "flush to zero" mode, 
they will not be generated as a result of a computation; see e.g. 

Re: Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?

2019-11-17 Thread cumulonimbus
The python os.walk is exceptionally convenient and supports such a use case - 
the iterator returns 3 components: "path", "dirs" and "files"; the user has to 
enumerate "files" (or dirs) themselves, and join themm to the "path" for the 
list of files, but can also ignore dirs or modify it - the iterator will only 
recurse into those still listed into dirs when re-called, so: if you ignore 
dirs, you get a standard recursion; if you empty it out, you get no recursion 
down from this path; and if you filter it, you get selective recursion. It has 
a few more bells and whistles that cover just about all use cases I've 

Worth adding to standard library, I think. 

Re: Multi-threading and data sharing

2019-10-10 Thread cumulonimbus
gc:boehm / .gcsafe. would make the compiler shut up about accessing another 
thread's data, but one would still get the spawn interference warnings if 
detected, right?

Re: Copy-on-write container

2019-10-06 Thread cumulonimbus
So ... I was trying to read up on `=sink` and `=destroy`, and am a bit confused:

 , which appears to be outdated, forwarding to 
 which refers to 
 which does not document which version it actually references.

Also, the latest destructors doc refers to `lent` and `owned` references which 
are only documented there and not in the 1.0.0 language manual, and you mention 
the "old default `seq` implementation" which fails to call `=destroy`, implying 
that there's a new one? (but how do I choose which one is used?)

I would like to implement a "functional" copy-on-write refcounted sequence 
(a-la APL / J / K / Ocaml without references), that is - the semantics of every 
value of this kind is equivalent to a value type, and thus can have no cycles 
-- much like refcounted strings. (so .. refcount is precise)

Araq, hopefully this is not too much to ask - but, what would you recommend as 
an implementation strategy? My idea would be own-managed ptrs to memory, and 
using the `=`,``=sink``,``=destroy``, `[]=` operators to manage the references. 
It seems like `sink`, `owned` and `lent` may help with removing unneeded refcnt 
operations in some places, but since they are not in the 1.0.0 manual I am at 
loss about whether they can be relied on to be there, and/or which gc model 
they assume/require.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Copy-on-write container

2019-10-04 Thread cumulonimbus
Thanks! I'm still going to try to CoW, using a similar style to C++, though 
using the standard GC, that would essentially mean the refcounting will happen 
twice all the time ... I'll look for a way to piggyback on Nim's refcounter 
when I have the time.

Re: Copy-on-write container

2019-10-03 Thread cumulonimbus
I might need a copy-on-write implementation, and was wondering if this is still 
a good way.

Am I right in thinking that this will only work with the refcount gc, and not 
with the new (owned/bd) or alternative (mark & sweep, boehm, regions) gcs?

Re: Language Design Question: Backend C vs LLVM IR

2019-06-15 Thread cumulonimbus
But there's also 
[]( \- 
so you'll likely get to choose the one you prefer.

Re: What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?

2019-03-12 Thread cumulonimbus
Wholeheartedly recommend not reinventing the daemon wheel - self-daemonizing 
programs and self log-rotating problems never do things quite the way one needs.

use systemd, if that's what on your system, or (I recommend) a djb-inspired 
system: daemontools, s6, nosh , etc - they are ultra simple and roc solid.

Re: Some nim builtin libs not doing enough error checking?

2019-01-13 Thread cumulonimbus
This pattern (of e.g. checking dirExists before doing things in the directory) 
is known as LBYL (Look Before You Leap), and often leads to security problems 
known as TOCTOU (Time-of-check/Time-of-use) if the answer changes between the 
test time and the use time - depending, of course, on program logic; exploiting 
these is often not deterministic but possible if you can afford a few thousand 

I to prefer no exceptions of any sort in these cases, but I do like to have 
some signal if interested; C's "errno" is a useful, if error prone, compromise 
- but it doesn't quite fit with Nim; and unfortunately, I have no other 
solution to offer. 

Re: Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?

2019-01-07 Thread cumulonimbus
This is not code; This is data of some sort.

Re: still no success binding DLL's callback function

2019-01-07 Thread cumulonimbus
FLTK's widgets are full on pointers, and coordinates in FLTK-1.3 are at least 
32-bit (they were 16-bit in FLTK-1.0 and FLTK-1.1); You might have problems 
from the int16<>ptr mismatch, as well as the int16<->int32 mismatch if you ever 
use coordianates > 32768.

Re: release: a current-runable, error-in-the-future msgbox for wNim

2018-11-14 Thread cumulonimbus
> You should follow the language's conventions, not the libraries.

Off topic for this thread, sorry, but ...

I can't square this with Nim's liberal grouping of camelCaseWhichIHate and 
camel_case_which_I_hate. So far, I only use Nim on linux, interfacing with 
existing libraries all using lower_case_underscore_naming_convention.

I don't disagree that a convention might be a good idea. But if so, then .. why 
have Nim's identifier rules, which though simple and useful once you get used 
to them, are confusing to new users, often ridiculed by non users, and 
essentially guarantee that this discussion will never end?

Re: should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)

2018-11-05 Thread cumulonimbus
You are probably right, I've been away from this level of implementation for 
the last decade, but I was under the impression that if the branch target is 
fully known enough cycles in advance (as could be in this case if the jump 
table is in L1, if loading of ebp was pushed further back, and which IIRC 
LuaJIT2 does do) there is, in fact, no prediction involved. I'm likely wrong, 
though, and extrapolated the state of the art farther than where it actually is.

Re: should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)

2018-11-04 Thread cumulonimbus
I can't find it right now, and I might be mistaken, but IIRC Mike Pall (of 
LuaJIT fame) managed to make this call/ret trickery obsolete in the LuaJIT2 
interpreter, by pipelining the decoding of the next instruction to overlay with 
the fetching of the next address, along the lines described in 

In my opinion, if you have to resort to machine code (which the context 
threading solution does), then you might as well spend a little more to overlay 
the operations; it will be obsolete within 10 years either way thanks to 
architecture differences. Their solution does carry more easily to more 
architectures, I'll give them that, but the question is "how fast can you go", 
not "how fast can you go for only 400 implementation lines".

Re: How to write a Windows service?

2018-10-24 Thread cumulonimbus
The (non-)selected Stack Overflow response recommends using NSSM (The "Non 
Sucking Service Manager"), and I do to - it can run any executable as a 
service, collect and rotate its stdout/stderr, and makes it easy to register, 
inspect etc.

I'm not sure how it passes e.g. suspend requests, but for 99% of use cases, it 
seems to make running and using services much much simpler.

Re: `import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)

2018-10-10 Thread cumulonimbus
I've edited my comment above while you posted yours ...

With respect to "sticks out enough", I totally agree at the early adopter stage 
Nim is still in, but totally disagree for the time it reaches more widespread 
audience (and of course total world domination) - to many programmers, 
especially from a C++ / Java background, slapping a "private" or "public" onto 
things until the compiler is happy is a way of life.

Re: runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?

2018-10-10 Thread cumulonimbus
> What's currently been missed in this discussion here IMO is that 
> runnableExamples are not just documentation, they are also tests

That's a very important point. Perhaps there's merit to having 
runnableExamples: and runnableTests: , the former copied to docs and the latter 
not? (or, perhaps start hidden behind a "show runnable test" button in HTML?); 
perhaps an arg to runnableExamples? 

Re: `import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)

2018-10-10 Thread cumulonimbus
It's a good idea to have an escape hatch, but like all "break the glass" 
devices it should stick out as the wrong thing to do unless absolutely 
necessary; not sure how to achieve that, though.

Re: Interesting idea implemented in Zig

2018-09-17 Thread cumulonimbus
> at least for error detection you can also have none of X strings

Yes, the result of a minimal perfect hash is always "it is either this specific 
string, or none of them; you'll have to compare to this specific string to 
tell". The result of a non-minimal perfect hash is "its none of these strings; 
or it's this specific string (compare to verify) or none of them". Error 
detection is part of the standard use case.

The "list of strings is known" is a common use case, e.g. for keywords in a 
stream parser, or an an IFF atom (... yes, I'm old), or Windows messages, etc. 
Obviously it's not for every use ...

Am I understanding correctly that you want to implement BTrees for read-only 
compiled "case" statements or read only mapping types?

Interesting idea implemented in Zig

2018-09-16 Thread cumulonimbus

This post from about Zig, a language with slightly different goals than Nim, 
but is probably interesting in the context of Nim as well.

Perfect string hashing is useful for matching one-of-x strings, when the list 
of strings is known in advance; at runtime, it requires a small number of 
constant operations (good implementations get 1 or 2), usually a single short 
(often single byte) lookup, and then you have a candidate which is either the 
right one, or the string you hashed isn't in the list.

There are various methods to find a perfect hash; one is guaranteed to exist 
although the algorithms to find it are often non trivial. Most implementations 
eventually resort to picking a random seed, using it to compute a standard 
hash, and just retry until finding one with no collisions on the list given. In 
this context, this paragraph has an interesting suggestion:

> Another way this can be improved, to reduce compile times, is to have the 
> perfectHash function accept the RNG seed as a parameter. If the seed worked 
> first try, great. Otherwise the function would find the seed that does work, 
> and emit a compile error instructing the programmer to switch the seed 
> argument to the good one, saving time in future compilations.

But he also mentions other strategies (e.g. by length or by a single byte or 
pair of bytes that differ) - and the good thing is, its compile time. When I 
have the time (any day now for the past 3 years :( oh well) I'll try to 
implement something like that - but I thought others would be interested in the 
mean time,


2018-03-25 Thread cumulonimbus
I assume OP is referring to the "leftpad" case, in which pulling one one-line 
package out of NPM caused hundreds of other NPM packages (and thousands of 
projects that built right off NPM) to stop working. This is a problem with NPM, 
not with package management in general - CPAN, CRAN, CTAN, Anaconda, PyPI and 
others have been active for years and even decades with no such mishaps.

Packages in any registry, however "real", can disappear because of security or 
legal reasons.

Nimble is way ahead of the game, in that hosting your own copy is a "git clone" 
away, and this should (in my opinion) be the recommended way to use it.

Re: [RFC] Cyclic imports and symbol dependencies

2018-02-26 Thread cumulonimbus
I am baffled by the need to have circular imports; I think I've been looking 
for an example in which they are actually needed (rather than "it saves 3 lines 
and a couple of minutes of reorganization") since Turbo Pascal added them in 
version 5.5 ; Indeed, dom's suggestion of having a types module has always 
solved any example I found without requiring circular imports.

Re: Module logging: how to create the right Logger(s) in a library?

2018-02-18 Thread cumulonimbus
Araq, you are doubtlessly correct in that the right way to do it is a hook that 
receives structured data. Perhaps there is something worth putting in the 
standard library even in this case (e.g., an easy, consistent way to timestamp 
and mark severity - even if only as a concept).

Nevertheless, it is essentially guaranteed that as Nim becomes more popular 
(and I hope it does), people will go to their old ways of textual logging; and 
it is probably better to have some uniform way of approaching that, rather than 
a plethora of incompatible ones. Is there some kind of generic "logger" 
interface that you would approve of? Even if it's a callback interface that 
just prints the time and the type of the passed object by default? (And not 
e.g. the text itself if the object is text, so as not to promote that use?)

Re: Nim Dogfooding

2018-02-06 Thread cumulonimbus
If I had a vote, it would be for keeping the forum mostly as is.

It is functional. It is easy to use. It is fast. It runs nim code.

It does not support nested threads. Neither do many other popular forums, and 
in my opinion it results in much more focused discussions, especially in 
smaller communities like Nim currently is (and no, this is not an impediment to 
growth at this point)

It is a fine example for a web+db application written in Nim, for anyone who 
wants to study such a thing.

Also, like HN, it is my impression that the lack of notification contributes to 
a lively focused discussion.

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-31 Thread cumulonimbus
Most programming today is incredibly bureaucratic.

Nim makes programming fun again and does away with a lot of the beaurucracy, 
the way Python and Lua do; But unlike Python, you don't have to give up static 
typing, fast runtime, ease of distribution. For now, compared to Python, you 
give up some aspects of the REPL, and the ecosystem (many packages, a lot of 
documentation) but I think both of these have improved tremendously.