[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Druzyne

haha  that Kevin is just too quick for me :)
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Druzyne

> For the sake of experimentation, I've told MoneyWell that I have my
> entire bank balance to spend. This amount is much more than I've
> allocated on my spending plan. The Allocate Income dialogue box can
> see the money in my income buckets now, so that problem's solved. But
> it has three columns: Planned (my spending plan amount, I assume),
> Allocated (?? How is this determined? Why is it different than
> planned?), and New Flow (???! New flow of what? From Where? Why?).

These columns have to do with the "Timing" of the allocation.
"Allocated" is what you have already flowed into the bucket this
month. "New Flow" is what will be added if you click the "Save
Allocation" button.

> OK, I click the save allocation button and some amount smaller than my
> spending plan figures flows into the expense buckets. I can't figure
> out why it's less than my spending plan figures, because the amount of
> money in my income buckets is higher, as is the amount of money I've
> alloted on my spending plan. Then there's the column called "New
> Flow." I have no idea what that is, but the figure in New Flow
> decreases when I click "Save Allocation." It turns out that I can
> click "Save Allocation" multiple times and allocated keeps going up,
> new flow keeps going down, but the amount I planned in my spending
> plan and as well as the amount I indicated I have to spend initially
> doesn't ever fully reach my expense buckets.

Again, this has to do with the "timing" of the allocation. Some users
want all of their income allocated at the beginning of the month,
while some want it allocated in two parts - for example those that
want to break their tendency to spend everything at the beginning of
the month, and leave nothing for the end of the month. So, they
allocate once at the start of the month, then allocate the rest on the

If you want to allocate the entire Spending Plan amount at the
beginning of the month, then you need to set the values of the
"Timing" column in your Spending Plan to "All Month" for all buckets.

This topic is also discussed in the FAQ, under the question: "How is
the "Timing" setting used on buckets, spending plans, and

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Kevin Hoctor
On Jun 3, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Chuck B wrote:

> I made a copy of my MoneyWell file and am working with that just to
> experiment and get a sense of how it works. I am still very, very
> confused and I've read most of the manual, the tutorials, and the
> FAQs.
> For the sake of experimentation, I've told MoneyWell that I have my
> entire bank balance to spend. This amount is much more than I've
> allocated on my spending plan. The Allocate Income dialogue box can
> see the money in my income buckets now, so that problem's solved. But
> it has three columns: Planned (my spending plan amount, I assume),
> Allocated (?? How is this determined? Why is it different than
> planned?), and New Flow (???! New flow of what? From Where? Why?).
Hi Chuck,

Planned: The amount you have planned for the month.

Allocated: The total of all money flows for this month (what you have  
allocated or manually dragged into this bucket)

New Flow: The amount that will be added to the bucket when you click  
Save Allocation

> OK, I click the save allocation button and some amount smaller than my
> spending plan figures flows into the expense buckets. I can't figure
> out why it's less than my spending plan figures, because the amount of
> money in my income buckets is higher, as is the amount of money I've
> alloted on my spending plan. Then there's the column called "New
> Flow." I have no idea what that is, but the figure in New Flow
> decreases when I click "Save Allocation." It turns out that I can
> click "Save Allocation" multiple times and allocated keeps going up,
> new flow keeps going down, but the amount I planned in my spending
> plan and as well as the amount I indicated I have to spend initially
> doesn't ever fully reach my expense buckets.
> I really don't get any of this. Please help me because I've devoted a
> lot of time to setting up and trying to learn this. If you can, I'd
> very much appreciate a phone call.

MoneyWell is using your Timing settings to determine how much goes  
into your buckets. Read How is the "Timing" setting used on buckets,  
spending plans, and allocations? for the details on this please.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Chuck B

Thanks Kevin,

More questions:

I made a copy of my MoneyWell file and am working with that just to
experiment and get a sense of how it works. I am still very, very
confused and I've read most of the manual, the tutorials, and the

For the sake of experimentation, I've told MoneyWell that I have my
entire bank balance to spend. This amount is much more than I've
allocated on my spending plan. The Allocate Income dialogue box can
see the money in my income buckets now, so that problem's solved. But
it has three columns: Planned (my spending plan amount, I assume),
Allocated (?? How is this determined? Why is it different than
planned?), and New Flow (???! New flow of what? From Where? Why?).

OK, I click the save allocation button and some amount smaller than my
spending plan figures flows into the expense buckets. I can't figure
out why it's less than my spending plan figures, because the amount of
money in my income buckets is higher, as is the amount of money I've
alloted on my spending plan. Then there's the column called "New
Flow." I have no idea what that is, but the figure in New Flow
decreases when I click "Save Allocation." It turns out that I can
click "Save Allocation" multiple times and allocated keeps going up,
new flow keeps going down, but the amount I planned in my spending
plan and as well as the amount I indicated I have to spend initially
doesn't ever fully reach my expense buckets.

I really don't get any of this. Please help me because I've devoted a
lot of time to setting up and trying to learn this. If you can, I'd
very much appreciate a phone call.

On Jun 3, 2:34 pm, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:43 PM, Chuck B wrote:
> > I'm a new user whose spent several hours with the tutorials, help
> > files, FAQ, and setting everything up, but I still don't quite seem to
> > get it.
> > I've made several income buckets because I have several sources of
> > income and I'd like to track each in the future as new money comes in.
> > At the same time, since I'm starting out and don't yet have new
> > deposits to put into my income buckets yet, I have the total amount of
> > money of my starting balances in my combined bank accounts that I've
> > put into an odd income bucket that I called "Initial Dough" that I
> > want now to flow into my expense buckets according to my spending
> > plan, which I've created. To do that, I assume that I click on the
> > Allocate Income button. But doing that just opens the allocate Income
> > dialogue box, which has a button to "Save Allocation," but no button
> > to flow the allocation to my expense buckets, as I'd expect. I don't
> > get this. Shouldn't I be able to automatically flow the money out of
> > my income bucket to all the expense buckets as I indicated in my
> > spending plan?
> Hi Chuck,
> Look at the top of the Allocate Income panel. Under the Income to  
> Allocate heading, there is a pop-up selector. It will show you  
> "Combined Income Buckets" by default but this will only show money to  
> allocate if you have check the "Include in Combined Income" option on  
> the Account Detail (click on an account and look at the detail to the  
> right on the main window). If you want to allocate from one specific  
> income bucket, select it from this pop up and then use Allocate Income.
> > I know from the tutorial that I can drag the income bucket over each
> > expense bucket one at a time, but why would I want to do that? Too
> > much work. Shouldn't this process be combined and automated in one
> > step with the higher priority buckets getting more money and the lower
> > priority buckets getting less?
> > What don't I get?
> Also make sure that you have told MoneyWell how much money you have to  
> spend initially. You don't have to use a special "Initial Dough"  
> bucket because MoneyWell can put your initial amount into your main  
> income bucket if you want. Check out these FAQs:
> How can I get my balance in MoneyWell to match my bank balance?
> How do I tell MoneyWell how much money I have to spend at the start?
> And others in our FAQ section.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Kevin Hoctor
On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:43 PM, Chuck B wrote:

> I'm a new user whose spent several hours with the tutorials, help
> files, FAQ, and setting everything up, but I still don't quite seem to
> get it.
> I've made several income buckets because I have several sources of
> income and I'd like to track each in the future as new money comes in.
> At the same time, since I'm starting out and don't yet have new
> deposits to put into my income buckets yet, I have the total amount of
> money of my starting balances in my combined bank accounts that I've
> put into an odd income bucket that I called "Initial Dough" that I
> want now to flow into my expense buckets according to my spending
> plan, which I've created. To do that, I assume that I click on the
> Allocate Income button. But doing that just opens the allocate Income
> dialogue box, which has a button to "Save Allocation," but no button
> to flow the allocation to my expense buckets, as I'd expect. I don't
> get this. Shouldn't I be able to automatically flow the money out of
> my income bucket to all the expense buckets as I indicated in my
> spending plan?
Hi Chuck,

Look at the top of the Allocate Income panel. Under the Income to  
Allocate heading, there is a pop-up selector. It will show you  
"Combined Income Buckets" by default but this will only show money to  
allocate if you have check the "Include in Combined Income" option on  
the Account Detail (click on an account and look at the detail to the  
right on the main window). If you want to allocate from one specific  
income bucket, select it from this pop up and then use Allocate Income.

> I know from the tutorial that I can drag the income bucket over each
> expense bucket one at a time, but why would I want to do that? Too
> much work. Shouldn't this process be combined and automated in one
> step with the higher priority buckets getting more money and the lower
> priority buckets getting less?
> What don't I get?

Also make sure that you have told MoneyWell how much money you have to  
spend initially. You don't have to use a special "Initial Dough"  
bucket because MoneyWell can put your initial amount into your main  
income bucket if you want. Check out these FAQs:

How can I get my balance in MoneyWell to match my bank balance?

How do I tell MoneyWell how much money I have to spend at the start?

And others in our FAQ section.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Chuck B

Thanks, your response if helpful. Maybe I don't need an "Initial
Dough" bucket (although I'm still not too clear on that). However, it
still doesn't address the main issue I raised; perhaps I didn't make
that issue clear; perhaps you or someone could read over my initial
post again.

You said the "Save Allocation" button creates the "Money Flows."
Great, but what good does that do if I don't have a means to flow the
money from my spending buckets into my expense buckets? How do I do
that? Dragging to each bucket one at a time? That doesn't make sense
to me. Every time I make a deposit I have to drag to 15 or so
different buckets, one at a time, in order to allocate that month's

On Jun 3, 9:27 am, Druzyne  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 9:43 pm, Chuck B  wrote:
> > I'm a new user whose spent several hours with the tutorials, help
> > files, FAQ, and setting everything up, but I still don't quite seem to
> > get it.
> > I've made several income buckets because I have several sources of
> > income and I'd like to track each in the future as new money comes in.
> > At the same time, since I'm starting out and don't yet have new
> > deposits to put into my income buckets yet, I have the total amount of
> > money of my starting balances in my combined bank accounts that I've
> > put into an odd income bucket that I called "Initial Dough" that I
> > want now to flow into my expense buckets according to my spending
> > plan, which I've created. To do that, I assume that I click on the
> > Allocate Income button. But doing that just opens the allocate Income
> > dialogue box, which has a button to "Save Allocation," but no button
> > to flow the allocation to my expense buckets, as I'd expect. I don't
> > get this. Shouldn't I be able to automatically flow the money out of
> > my income bucket to all the expense buckets as I indicated in my
> > spending plan?
> The "Save Allocation" button will create all the Money Flows you have
> set up in your Spending Plan. I think you were just tripped up by the
> wording...
> Also, your "Initial Dough" bucket might be unnecessary. There won't be
> any transactions tied to your initial Cash Flow amount, so it could
> really go into any bucket. The only place it would show up is in the
> Money Flows for your buckets. It sounds like you're more concerned
> about tracking deposits with the buckets, so maybe you could eliminate
> this bucket?
> //Drew
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Trouble allocating income

2009-06-03 Thread Druzyne

On Jun 2, 9:43 pm, Chuck B  wrote:
> I'm a new user whose spent several hours with the tutorials, help
> files, FAQ, and setting everything up, but I still don't quite seem to
> get it.
> I've made several income buckets because I have several sources of
> income and I'd like to track each in the future as new money comes in.
> At the same time, since I'm starting out and don't yet have new
> deposits to put into my income buckets yet, I have the total amount of
> money of my starting balances in my combined bank accounts that I've
> put into an odd income bucket that I called "Initial Dough" that I
> want now to flow into my expense buckets according to my spending
> plan, which I've created. To do that, I assume that I click on the
> Allocate Income button. But doing that just opens the allocate Income
> dialogue box, which has a button to "Save Allocation," but no button
> to flow the allocation to my expense buckets, as I'd expect. I don't
> get this. Shouldn't I be able to automatically flow the money out of
> my income bucket to all the expense buckets as I indicated in my
> spending plan?

The "Save Allocation" button will create all the Money Flows you have
set up in your Spending Plan. I think you were just tripped up by the

Also, your "Initial Dough" bucket might be unnecessary. There won't be
any transactions tied to your initial Cash Flow amount, so it could
really go into any bucket. The only place it would show up is in the
Money Flows for your buckets. It sounds like you're more concerned
about tracking deposits with the buckets, so maybe you could eliminate
this bucket?

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