Re: [NTG-context] Chinese in ConTeXt

2005-05-31 Thread Hans Hagen

Lutz Haseloff wrote:

b.t.w. I think, \dohandleunicodeflowglyph doesn't handle
some glyphs right. Particularly the glyphs with parenthesis
{} and Backslash.

ConTeXt complains about my qianziwen-Big5.tex:

! Use of \dohandleunicodeflowglyph doesn't match its definition.
recently read 

\handleunicodeflowglyph ...ttoken [EMAIL PROTECTED] `\string #2
l.18 \

Attached GBK-file works fine.

Is it possible to make \dohandleunicodeflowglyph more robust
to handle those big5 glyphs right?
Or is it my mistake again?

i may be wrong (long ago that i made that-) but those file needs some treatment 
(esp when one uses arguments)

tex2uc yourfile
texexec yourfile
uc2tex yourfile

actually, since i have a indirect option in texexec (for xml) i can make this 
automatic, e.g. when the first line has something

% preprocess=tex2uc

I must think of it; remind me


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
# ConTeXt uc converter / beta version / 2-12-1999 / don't redistribute 

$filename = $ARGV[0] ; 
$recoded  = 0 ; 

sub unirecoded
  { print chr($_[1]) ; ++$recoded ; return chr($_[0]).chr($_[1]) } 

if ((open(INP,$filename.tex))(open(OUT,$filename.tmp)))
  { print processing file $filename.tex  ;
while (INP) 
  { s/\\uc\{(\d*)\}\{(\d*)\}/unirecoded($1,$2)/goe ; print OUT $_ } 
close(INP) ; 
close(OUT) ; 
unlink $filename.tec ; 
rename $filename.tex, $filename.tec ;
rename $filename.tmp, $filename.tex ; 
if ($recoded) 
  { print  - $recoded glyphs recoded - original saved as $filename.tec\n 
  { print - no glyphs recoded\n } }
  { print invalid filename\n } 
# ConTeXt uc converter / beta version / 2-12-1999 / don't redistribute 

if ($ARGV[0] ne '') 
  { @filenames = @ARGV } 
  { @filenames = glob *.tex }

foreach (@filenames) { s/\.tex$//io }  

sub unirecode
  { my ($a,$b) = @_ ;
if ((ord($b)0x80)($b !~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/))
  { print $b ; ++$recoded ;  
return \\uc\{ . ord($a) . \}\{. ord($b) . \} }  
  { return $a$b } } 

foreach $filename (@filenames) 
 { if (open(INP,$filename.tex))
 { $recoded  = 0 ; 
   print processing file $filename.tex  ;
   $/ = \0777 ; 
   $_ = INP ;
   close(INP) ; 
   s/([\x80-\xFF])(.)/unirecode($1,$2)/mgoe ; 
   if (($recoded)(open(OUT,$filename.tmp)))
 { print OUT $_ ;
   close(OUT) ; 
   unlink $filename.tec ; 
   rename $filename.tex, $filename.tec ;
   rename $filename.tmp, $filename.tex } 
   if ($recoded) 
 { print  - $recoded glyphs recoded - original saved as 
$filename.tec\n } 
 { print - no glyphs recoded\n } }
 { print invalid filename\n } }

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] force columns smaller in Table

2005-05-31 Thread Hans Hagen

Paul Tremblay wrote:

Is there a way to force colums to be narrower than the default in the
Table (basic) table environment? 

The first line of my column is:

Amount spent on store modernization by the chains

The columns underneath are all single numbers, meaning they have huges
spaces to the right:

year  Amount spent on store modernization by the chains
===   =

1933  33,000,000
1934  37,000,000

Do I have to use the more sophisticated TABLE module? (I hope not,
because I have already laid out things with Table!)

\starttable [|c|lp(3cm)|]

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fleurons

2005-05-31 Thread Hans Hagen

Adam Lindsay wrote:

Hans Hagen said this at Tue, 31 May 2005 08:37:26 +0200:

Adam Lindsay wrote:

\loadmapfile[pdftex_dl14] % Make sure we embed the dingbats
\definefontsynonym [ZapfDingbat] [pzdr] % maybe uzdr 

better use uzdr since pzdr is an aliassed file

another thing to work on: uzdr.tfm wasn't on my gwTeX install, but an
aliased pzdr was. Sigh.

this differes per year; i keep changing these names and always lag behind one 
tex live version because i find out afterwards

Let's ask the Master Of TeXLive Fiel Management:


i think that we need to get rid of the urw mappings in the aliases file

we can just have two copies of those (few) files and we need to make sure that 
we don't change it [i wonder, is it possible to make some parts of the 
repository write only, i.e. avoid the danger of removal?)

one of the previous tex lives someone moved the urw's to some 35vf folder, after 
that things went bad (got lost and such); i discussed this with Staszek and he 
reverted it;

this kind of things has to do with the everlasting some urw fonts can be 
exchanged with some built in ps fonts as claimed by walter cum suis (which is 
not true, ask nelson -)

i have no problem if this introduces a mess for latex users but context (users) 
expect the whole set of urw (afm  pfb) to be present because they generate 
other encodings and such;

[i cc to volker * jerzy + staszek because they may know of similar problems 
bering reported]


ps. i know that thomas has a minimalistic approach: as less files as possible 
and this is one source of the aliasses file; maybe fine for tetex, but 
potentially disastrous for tex live

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] vertical shift in tabulate

2005-05-31 Thread Peter


I have the following tabuation:


In the third column I put just single words, but in the middle column 
whole paragraphs.
I want the word in the third column to be vertically aligned with the 
lowest line of the paragraph in the middle column (like the html 

I cannot find how to accomplish this. Maybe someone can give me a hint?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] \definetyping[C][option=commands] and the tabulator

2005-05-31 Thread Peter Münster
here is a typing-problem:

With option=commands the tabulator is reduced to one space:
#include stdiostream.h
int main(){
return 0;
/BTEX{\em unreachedCode;}/ETEX

TIA for any help, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fleurons

2005-05-31 Thread Adam Lindsay
Hans Hagen said this at Tue, 31 May 2005 12:14:44 +0200:

ps. i know that thomas has a minimalistic approach: as less files as
and this is one source of the aliasses file; maybe fine for tetex, but 
potentially disastrous for tex live

All good points. The solution (work-around that fits in currently
existing schemes) that presented itself about 15 minutes after hitting
send was to add 
\definefontsynonym [uzdr] [pzdr] each of the adobekb typescripts.

And to add uzdr.tfm to the list of candidates for cont-fnt dist, as well. :)
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \definetyping[C][option=commands] and the tabulator

2005-05-31 Thread Hans Hagen

Peter Münster wrote:

here is a typing-problem:

With option=commands the tabulator is reduced to one space:
#include stdiostream.h
int main(){
return 0;
/BTEX{\em unreachedCode;}/ETEX

it has to do with the fact that in order to 'count tabs' some parsing has to be 
done and there the /BTEX etc conflicts with this parsing,

now, since your kind of tabbing mostly happens at the beginning of a line, we 
can do something:


(just a few lines patch); i'll send you the files.


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] fleurons - reprise

2005-05-31 Thread Adam Lindsay
Keith McKay said this at Tue, 31 May 2005 20:16:19 +0100:

Thanks to Hans and Adam for the helpful advice.  The code from Adam looked a
bit daunting to me as a learner at first but when I changed [pzdr] to [uzdr]
it worked fine.

Oh good. The available fonts and metrics (sadly) vary with every
distribution, so that's a hard thing to get right.

Sorry the code was dense. If you want it broken down and explained, let
me know.

  I attach the output from Adam's code which also includes
his query about symb-run in a previous message. Hope this is of use.  From
the further discussion between them I hope I didn't open a can of worms.

The attachment was probably too big for the list--if you want another
pair of eyes on it, feel free to send it off-list.

One last question.  I did a search on the web for fleuron fonts and came up
with a few interesting hits.  

Yeah, I picked up the Fleurons of Hope recently, and have been thinking
of interesting ways to use it in ConTeXt.

To use these in Context is it a case of
following the 'Texfont explained' and 'Fonts in Context' manuals?  I think I
have seen some 'My Way' (or is it 'This way'... well, 'Whatever way' ;) )
on the Wiki about this as well.  

I think Bill McClain's page is a great place to start. My MyWays sort of
pick up on topics after that.

I realize this is not a trivial pursuit for
a beginner but I would like to give it a try. Are there any pitfalls to look
out for or should I just dive in?

Dive in!
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] force columns smaller in Table

2005-05-31 Thread Paul Tremblay
On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 12:18:57PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
 From: Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: mailing list for ConTeXt users
 Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 12:18:57 +0200
 Subject: Re: [NTG-context] force columns smaller in Table
 User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)
 \starttable [|c|lp(3cm)|]

This works, but it had the unintended consequence of making a footnote
in the same column the same width. The footnote on the bottom of the
table looks like:

1 There was a recession in 1938 which
  damp ened sp ending on modernizing.
  Though, the 1938 figure was still above
  the spending of 1936.




*Paul Tremblay *

ntg-context mailing list