Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey: What do you do with ConTeXt?

2005-11-07 Thread Bernd Militzer
Am Freitag, den 04.11.2005, 15:49 +0100 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

What do you do with ConTeXT?

Two years ago -- I switched from LaTeX to ConTeXt.

I typeset examinations and test for my wife's students at school. 
For that task I wrote based on exam.cls (LaTeX) a ConTexT-modul.

All private und business letters are typeset with my special
DIN-Brief-Modul, based on akletter.cls  (LaTeX) and DIN-letter (ConTeXt)
from Holger Schöner.

I typeset different articles for my father.

I typeset a book (350 page) with lots of tables, german and many czech

my next project is a book about my family from 1600  to now.


Bernd Militzer
Dipl. oec. Dipl.-Hdl. OStR a.D.
Hubertusstr. 34  47906 Kempen

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] maximum of \externalfigure in MP

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

andrea valle wrote:
If I comment out some of the lines requesting \externalfigure, 
(remaining) pdfs are again displayed.

No such luck here, I get empty rectangles whatever I comment
out (randomly). I you can produce a file for me that *does* work,
perhaps I can look for differences.


ntg-context mailing list

Debian Installation (was: [NTG-context] cont 2005.10.27 t5-lmtt10 font problem)

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hi guys,

A request for action: I've split off the Debian instructions
from the generic teTeX 3.0 installation page to avoid the
confusion that was (apparently) created by the intermixed
comments. While doing that, it became obvious that there
are severe holes in those instructions. Someone with Debian
knowledge really should fix the page ...

Cheers, Taco

Tobias Wolf wrote:

This package was installed on my teTeX system.

Do you also use the lmodern Debian package from unstable?
ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] maximum of \externalfigure in MP

2005-11-07 Thread andrea valle

(Thanks Taco)

Could you try with this?

It's the same file but I commented out a part of the section dedicated 
to importing and drawing little notes attached to arrowlines between 
music fragments.
Everything not commented is now displayed: on my machine it seems to be 


PS. I'm on macosx 10.3.9 using context via texshop

On 7 Nov 2005, at 09:24, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

andrea valle wrote:
If I comment out some of the lines requesting \externalfigure, 
(remaining) pdfs are again displayed.

No such luck here, I get empty rectangles whatever I comment
out (randomly). I you can produce a file for me that *does* work,
perhaps I can look for differences.


ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] ConTeXt update for teTeX

2005-11-07 Thread Peter Münster
Just a small helper script:

Cheers, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] maximum of \externalfigure in MP

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

andrea valle wrote:
It's the same file but I commented out a part of the section dedicated 
to importing and drawing little notes attached to arrowlines between 
music fragments.
Everything not commented is now displayed: on my machine it seems to be 

Ok, got it. There is a bug in (inside metafun). Because
of a wrapping number, it fails to recognize the fact that there are
embedded specials at all. Attached is an updated version of

The corrected definition of add_special_signal is:

  vardef add_special_signal = % write the version number
if (length _global_specials_0) or (length _local_specials_ 0) :
  special (%%MetaPostSpecials: 1.0   decimal _special_signal_ ) ;
fi ;
  enddef ;

It now tests for not equal to zero instead of larger than zero:
because of all the included files, the string _local_specials_ becomes
longer than the maximum number 'length' can return, so it returns
-32768 instead, and that is of course less than zero.

Don't forget that you have to re-create the metafun format as well!

Cheers, Taco
%D \module
%D   [,
%D  title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
%D   subtitle=special extensions,
%D author=Hans Hagen,
%D   date=\currentdate,
%D  copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \ Ton Otten}]
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
%C details.

% Spot colors are not handled by mptopdf !

% (r,g,b) = cmyk : r=123 g=   1 b=hash
% = spot : r=123 g=   2 b=hash
% = transparent rgb  : r=123 g=   3 b=hash
% = transparent cmyk : r=123 g=   4 b=hash
% = transparent spot : r=123 g=   5 b=hash
% = rest : r=123 g=n10 b=whatever

%D This module is rather preliminary and subjected to
%D changes. Here we closely cooperates with the \METAPOST\
%D to \PDF\ converter module built in \CONTEXT\ and provides
%D for instance shading. More information can be found in
%D type {supp-mpe.tex}.

if unknown context_tool :input mp-tool ; fi ;
if   known context_spec : endinput ; fi ;

boolean context_spec ; context_spec := true ;

numeric _special_counter_ ; _special_counter_ :=   0 ;
numeric _color_counter_   ; _color_counter_   :=  11 ; %  10 reserved
numeric _special_signal_  ; _special_signal_  := 123 ;

%D When set to \type {true}, shading will be supported. Some
%D day I will also write an additional directive.

boolean _inline_specials_ ; _inline_specials_ := false ;

%D Because we want to output only those specials that are
%D actually used in a figure, we need a bit complicated
%D bookkeeping and collection of specials. At the cost of some
%D obscurity, we now have rather efficient resources.

string _global_specials_ ; _global_specials_ :=  ;
string _local_specials_  ; _local_specials_  :=  ;

vardef add_special_signal = % write the version number
  if (length _global_specials_0) or (length _local_specials_ 0) :
special (%%MetaPostSpecials: 1.0   decimal _special_signal_ ) ;
  fi ;
enddef ;

vardef add_extra_specials =
  scantokens _global_specials_ ;
  scantokens _local_specials_ ;
enddef ;

vardef reset_extra_specials =
  % only local ones
  _local_specials_ :=  ;
enddef ;

boolean insidefigure ; insidefigure := false ;

% todo: alleen als special gebruikt flush

extra_beginfig :=
   insidefigure := true ;  
   reset_extra_specials ;  
extra_beginfig ;

extra_endfig :=
   add_special_signal ; 
   add_extra_specials ; 
   reset_extra_specials ;   
   insidefigure := false ;  ;

def set_extra_special (expr s) =
  if insidefigure :
_local_specials_  := _local_specials_   s ;
  else :
_global_specials_ := _global_specials_  s ;
enddef ;

def flush_special (expr typ, siz, dat) =
  _special_counter_ := _special_counter_ + 1 ;
  if _inline_specials_ :
  ( special 
   (  ditto
   decimal _special_counter_   
   decimal typ   
   decimal siz
   ditto  ); ) ;
  else :
  ( special 
   (  ditto
   decimal siz   
   decimal _special_counter_   
   decimal typ
   ditto  ); ) ;
  fi ;
enddef ;

%D The next hack is needed in case you use a version of
%D \METAPOST\ that does not provide you the means to configure
%D the buffer size. Patrick Gundlach suggested to use arrays
%D in this case.

boolean bufferhack ; bufferhack := false ; % true ;

if bufferhack :

  string _global_specials_[] ; numeric _nof_global_specials_ ;
  string _local_specials_[]  ; numeric _nof_local_specials_ ;

  _nof_global_specials_ := _nof_local_specials_ := 0 ;

  vardef add_special_signal = % write the version number
if (_nof_global_specials_0) or (_nof_local_specials_0) :
  special (%%MetaPostSpecials: 1.0   decimal 

Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey: What do you do with ConTeXt?

2005-11-07 Thread Frank
After using LaTeX I use ConTeXt in my work environment (MS office 
based) for:

- Letters, Quotes and Faxes
- Reports (with floats and references)
- Pricelists using perl based conversion of a database export

But I must admit that I now increasingly use Apple Pages to write 
letters, faxes and the like as it just works faster (copy/paste graphic 
for example). For large documents ConTeXt stays the preferred option.

What I miss is:

- A layer on top of ConTeXt for common documents like Letters, 
Invoices, etc.. I had to build my own templates, which are not nearly 
as robust as the LaTeX classes I used before.

- An IDE like LyX as it is easy to forget the macro's and getting in to 
a compile/error/correct cycle. Especially as the TeX error messages are 
not very clear to me.

- A large user base.



On 04 Nov 2005, at 15:49, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Hi all,

For the next issue of the ntg's Maps journal, Hans and I believe
it would be nice to publish the collected responses to this simple

  What do you do with ConTeXT?

We think it would be nice to see all the various ways in which people
experience ConTeXt. We are not looking for articles, in fact we really
want just a small amount of text per user, nothing longer then you
would normally type in an email message.

One, perhaps two paragraphs that simply tell about your personal 
experience using (or playing with) (or fighting with) (or yelling at) 
(or staring at in bewilderment) (or revelling in) (or running away 


If you like this idea, just reply to this message. I will then
collect and merge the responses, and finally put a pdf on-line

Don't be shy!


ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] xml, context and hyphenation

2005-11-07 Thread Wolfgang Zillig


sory for the late reply but I checked it again and I created an example
document please look at: : now one word
Vollständigkeit ist
not hyphenated but übernehmen is hyphenated. As I process from a XML
file I can not do something like \hyphenation{Voll-stän-dig-keit}. What
can I do?



Hans Hagen schrieb:

Wolfgang Zillig wrote:


I have problems with hyphenation when german ��� are in these words. 
I'm processing xml files which are in unicode. The font encoding for 
the pdf is EC (as I was told there are problems with OT1 encoded fonts).

normally ec enoding should work ok; the context log mentions what 
patterns are loaded under which encodings.

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] maximum of \externalfigure in MP

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

andrea valle wrote:
Thanks a lot Taco, I'm very happy not to have wasted sunday on an 
obvious mistake of mine. At least I found a bug.

You can think of finding your first conTeXt bug as a kind of
initiation, you are now officially anm advanced user :-)

 I think I've located the file where to cut and paste the updated 
version (there so many ...tex postfixed files on my mac in different 
distribution, I don't know why. And two version of context. Who knows.). 

I'm not really the right person to answer this, being
a linux user myself, but I can explain the general idea.

There is a file named on your harddisk somewhere
(and possibly more than one). That file is indirectly used
for each metapost graphic in context, because it is one of
the parts needed to create 'metafun.mem', that is then
itself used by mpost while creating your graphic.

You need to replace the file on your disc with the
one from my e-mail message, then you have to re-generate the
metafun.mem file (a user on unix would execute texexec --make
metafun for that, while being root), and finally you have
to re-compile your document with it's included graphic.

I cannot give you the precise steps, sorry. I hope someone
else can help you if my description is not adequate, esp. on
how to decide which is the right , and how to
re-create metafun.mem, making sure it ends up in the right
place on your disk.

Greetings, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] xml, context and hyphenation

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Wolfgang Zillig wrote:


when I add \hyphenation{Voll-stön-dig-keit} into my tex file I get the 
following error:

loading : Context XML Macros (UTF-8)
! Not a letter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@adiaeresis -\char 228
   \utfunihashglyph ...r \utfdiv 

inserted text Voll-stä
\hyphenation ...malhyphenation {\the \scratchtoks
l.118 \hyphenation{Voll-stän-dig-keit}

Any ideas?

Perhaps your input is latin1, only pretending to be utf-8.
In a latin-1 text editor, it should look like this:


But this sort of stuff is tricky to get right in e-mail,
and I am just guessing. What I tried is attached, and that
worked for me.

Cheers, Taco

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] [Fwd: [dev-context] custom page number format]

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

 Original Message 
Subject: [dev-context] custom page number format
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 16:50:15 -0600
From: Stuart Jansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Guru Labs, L.C.
To: ConTeXt Development Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've scoured the list archive and the wiki trying to figure out how to
create an interactive table of contents that includes the chapter number
as part of the page number.

I'm looking for a solution that given something like:

Table of Contents
 \placelist[...] % full TOC
 \placelist[...] % local TOC
 \placelist[...] % local TOC

produces something like:

Table of Contents
  One   1-1 Two 2-1
a   1-2 d   2-2
b   1-3 e   2-4
c   1-7
One% page 1-1
a   1-2
b   1-3
c   1-7
  a% page 1-2
  b% page 1-3
  c% page 1-7
Two% page 2-1
d   2-2
e   2-4
  d% page 2-2
  e% page 2-4

I've found solutions to print the page number on individual pages using
the chapter-pagenumber format. I can get \placelist to produce the
format I want. It's easy to produce interactive lists using the
pre-defined formats. But I haven't been able to produce an interactive
custom formatted list. And at any rate, my solutions are kind of ugly
leading me to believe there's probably an easier way I've missed.

How should I be doing this?

Guru Labs, L.C.

Description: PGP signature
dev-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] xml, context and hyphenation

2005-11-07 Thread Wolfgang Zillig
Hello Taco,

when I try to compile your example file:


Then I get no output! The logfile is at the end of the message! It
complains about that the coding utf is unknown! 

You are right, selecting the right encoding is not always easy. I'm
quite sure that my xml input is utf but I'm not always sure what scite
is doing whatever I select. Perhaps I should change the text editor.

Here the log file:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded
format=cont-en 2005.10.23)  7 NOV 2005 18:44
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.08.31  fmt: 2005.10.23  int: english  mes: english

language: language en is active
protectionstate 0
system  : cont-new loaded
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
color   : palette rollover is available
system  : cont-old loaded
loading : Context Old Macros
system  : cont-fil loaded
loading : Context File Synonyms
system  : cont-sys.rme loaded
bodyfont: 12pt rm is loaded
language: patterns en-ec:ec-1-2:2 uk-ec:ec-2-2:2
nansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 fr-texnansi:texnansi-5-2:2
 es-ec:ec-7-2:2 pt-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 pt-ec:ec-9-2:2
:texnansi-10-2:2 it-ec:ec-11-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-12-2:2
13-2:2 cz-il2:il2-14-2:2 cz-ec:ec-15-2:2 sk-il2:il2-16-2:2
-17-2:2 pl-pl0:pl0-18-2:2 pl-ec:ec-19-2:2 loaded
specials: tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system  : loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf
specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
encoding: unknown coding utf8
(./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo)
(./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo)
(./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo) (./vols-utf-1.tuo)
systems : begin file vols-utf-1 at line 4

Underfull \hbox (badness 1) in paragraph at lines 5--5
[] \*10ptrmtf* Voll-stän-dig-keit

\hbox(8.86499+1.94443)x16383.8, glue set 9784.75977 []

systems : end file vols-utf-1 at line 6
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 1312 strings out of 61144
 19912 string characters out of 647756
 514394 words of memory out of 1076582
 37078 multiletter control sequences out of 6
 78048 words of font info for 38 fonts, out of 100 for 2000
 183 hyphenation exceptions out of 4999
 31i,2n,28p,405b,479s stack positions out of
PDF statistics:
 0 PDF objects out of 30
 0 named destinations out of 30
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536

No pages of output.

Zitat von Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
  when I add \hyphenation{Voll-stön-dig-keit} into my tex file I get
  following error:
  loading : Context XML Macros (UTF-8)
  ! Not a letter.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@adiaeresis -\char 228
 \utfunihashglyph ...r \utfdiv 
  inserted text Voll-stä
  \hyphenation ...malhyphenation {\the \scratchtoks

  l.118 \hyphenation{Voll-stän-dig-keit}
  Any ideas?
 Perhaps your input is latin1, only pretending to be utf-8.
 In a latin-1 text editor, it should look like this:
 But this sort of stuff is tricky to get right in e-mail,
 and I am just guessing. What I tried is attached, and that
 worked for me.
 Cheers, Taco

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug / feature request tracking

2005-11-07 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz


great to have your bug collector, and let's hope it'll be a bug  
squasher before long...

I had submitted a couple of bugs and feature requests for the index  
command that don't seem to be resolved and which didn't make it to  
your list. I'd say they are fairly critical because they will really  
mess up index generation:

1. index ranges inserted via \startregister[index] will gobble all  
other entries for the term;

2. \seeindex gives an error and will foul up the .tui file when  
processed with newtexexec;

3. again with newtexexec: capital letters at the beginning of terms  
are disregarded for the index, thus Taco will be sorted under a.

4. and a feature request: it would be good to have some formatting  
options like LaTeX makeidx offers: \index{keyword|textit} will  
produce a page-number in italics in the register. That would be  
immensely useful to produce a structured index.

All best


On Nov 7, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Hi all,

Some of you may be aware of the fact that there is a bug /
feature request tracker for ConTeXt. The URL is:

I have to do a call-to-arms for the people that have made
feature requests and / or found bugs in the past few months,
especially if the extension /solution has not been included
in the latest distribution (2005.10.27).

Will you all please have a look at the current list, and see
if I have added your item(s) already?

I have a rather large archive of context-related email (because
I let it slip for a while), and  I fear that may have missed
some extant bugs. This is quite important, because if it is not
in the list, it is much less likely to get fixed.


ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey: What do you do with ConTeXt?

2005-11-07 Thread Jose Antonio Rodriguez
A las 15:49 del vie 04 nov, Taco Hoekwater tuvo a bien escribir:
   What do you do with ConTeXT?

Hi all,

I started some years ago to study ConTeXT out of my interest for
typesetting. I just choose it over LaTeX for his integrated model seemed
better to me, and never regretted.
It have been a rough step learning curve, though. 
Til now I used to typeset/illustrate books with  DSP tools and 
my aim is use ConTeXT/MetaFun to do it. 
Right now I'm converting html based documentation through the xml
toolchain (texml), but most of the time I fight with some obscure
parameter trying to put things where I want.
Integrating MetaPost is definitely a plus for a designer.

Thanks for the tools - (and the mental gym :)


José Antonio Rodríguez

'El Fuego vive en los corazones de quienes aman el futuro' (Agni Yoga)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug / feature request tracking

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:


great to have your bug collector, and let's hope it'll be a bug  
squasher before long...

I've added your register items, thanks.

I forgot to point out in my original post that the software for
the collector is kindly provided and hosted by Michael Guravage
and his company (

I am only the person (tries) to manages the list of issues.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey: What do you do with ConTeXt?

2005-11-07 Thread Tom Fossen
Op vrijdag 4 november 2005 15:49, schreef Taco Hoekwater:
What do you do with ConTeXT?

I use Context for making the church-magazine of the parish of which I am the 
minister. With Metafun I constructed headers, page-numbers and all sorts of 
symbols - forming a style that connects all sorts of input from members and 
bodies within the community. 
It's great fun to see each monthly edition grow, from (sometimes) scraps of 
paper into an well-organized and good looking magazine, complete with photos 
and other illustrations.

I learned using Context while writing papers for my training as a contextual 
therapist. And since I started a practice as contextual therapist I use it 
for flyers, correspondence, bills.

There is still a lot to learn. I haven't studied yet the project management 
facilities which might be helpful for my monthly editors job.
I would like to explore the chart flow module to see if it would be useful in 
creating genograms which are used in contextual therapy.
I am very interested in using Context for texts with mixed left to right and 
right to left texts (i.e. dutch (or english) and hebrew).  

With so much still to explore in this great project, I am far from being able 
to contribute to it. I owe so much to Hans and all the others who really 
build this wonderful 'thing'. May be some day  


Tom Fossen
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey -- Community

2005-11-07 Thread andrea valle

Just a curiosity.
Can anyone estimate how many people are using ConTeXt?


On 7 Nov 2005, at 19:54, Jose Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

A las 15:49 del vie 04 nov, Taco Hoekwater tuvo a bien escribir:

  What do you do with ConTeXT?

Hi all,

I started some years ago to study ConTeXT out of my interest for
typesetting. I just choose it over LaTeX for his integrated model 

better to me, and never regretted.
It have been a rough step learning curve, though.
Til now I used to typeset/illustrate books with  DSP tools and
my aim is use ConTeXT/MetaFun to do it.
Right now I'm converting html based documentation through the xml
toolchain (texml), but most of the time I fight with some obscure
parameter trying to put things where I want.
Integrating MetaPost is definitely a plus for a designer.

Thanks for the tools - (and the mental gym :)


José Antonio Rodríguez

'El Fuego vive en los corazones de quienes aman el futuro' (Agni Yoga)
ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Trying to use Avant Garde - output font in very low resolution

2005-11-07 Thread Kári Hreinsson

I was trying to use a new font (not Computer Modern) in my tex file
and all I get is the font in a very low resolution (see  This output was the
result of the following files:

I created the typescript file according to the information in ConTeXt
and pdfTeX Beginners help file

The interesting thing is that I can get the fonts with good quality if
I only use TeX.  The output of running the file flipp3.tex:
* with pdftex:
* with texexec --pdf:
So it seems that texexec is doing things a bit differently then pdftex
but I can't figure out where or how to fix it.

I also tried having the font inclusion in the same tex file and not in
a typescript file with the same results:

Then there came one strange thing.  When I tried the same thing with
the Bitstream Charter Bold font as he did in the beginners help file I
got a low resolution font when the inclusion was inside the same but
that worked fine with the online texexec program
(  However, when I used the typescript file as
he did in the help file I got good quality on the bistream font.

I am quite lost now so any help is very appreciated!

Output of texexec --version:
 TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005
   texexec : TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005
   texutil : TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004
   tex : pdfeTeX, 3.141592-1.30.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
   context : ver: 2005.08.31
   cont-en : ver: 2005.08.31  fmt: 2005.10.16  mes: english

Thanks in advance,
Kári Hreinsson
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Trying to use Avant Garde - output font in very low resolution

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Kári Hreinsson wrote:

The interesting thing is that I can get the fonts with good quality if
I only use TeX.  The output of running the file flipp3.tex:
* with pdftex:
* with texexec --pdf:
So it seems that texexec is doing things a bit differently then pdftex
but I can't figure out where or how to fix it.

That's definately a clue. I'll wager you can get the texexec
version working by adding


to the document. Stand-alone plain pdftex reads that file to find
font mappings, but context does not use it (any more).

The 'clean' way would be to put your AvantGarde lines in a 'Avant
Garde map' file, and load that using \loadmapfile[],
for instance.

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Creatin metafun.mem on OSX (was: Re: [NTG-context] maximum of \externalfigure in MP)

2005-11-07 Thread andrea valle

You can think of finding your first conTeXt bug as a kind of
initiation, you are now officially anm advanced user :-)

It would be nicer if only I would be able to work it out :-)

There is a file named on your harddisk somewhere
(and possibly more than one). That file is indirectly used
for each metapost graphic in context, because it is one of
the parts needed to create 'metafun.mem', that is then
itself used by mpost while creating your graphic.

I think I found the mem file. In fact, I created a .mem file and  when 
I substitute the old with the new one, nothing get printed out anymore.

I'm getting really lost with all this unix-filename always repeating in 
different parts of the directory tree.

I never know exactly what's happening.

Any hint would be very appreciated


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug / feature request tracking

2005-11-07 Thread andrea valle

should I add the metafun bug?


On 7 Nov 2005, at 20:14, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

great to have your bug collector, and let's hope it'll be a bug  
squasher before long...

I've added your register items, thanks.

I forgot to point out in my original post that the software for
the collector is kindly provided and hosted by Michael Guravage
and his company (

I am only the person (tries) to manages the list of issues.


ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug / feature request tracking

2005-11-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

andrea valle wrote:

should I add the metafun bug?

No need, I did that one already.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug / feature request tracking

2005-11-07 Thread Vit Zyka

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:


great to have your bug collector, and let's hope it'll be a bug  
squasher before long...

I had submitted a couple of bugs and feature requests for the index  
command that don't seem to be resolved and which didn't make it to  your 
list. I'd say they are fairly critical because they will really  mess up 
index generation:

1. index ranges inserted via \startregister[index] will gobble all  
other entries for the term;

2. \seeindex gives an error and will foul up the .tui file when  
processed with newtexexec;

3. again with newtexexec: capital letters at the beginning of terms  are 
disregarded for the index, thus Taco will be sorted under a.

Yes, I agree.

4. and a feature request: it would be good to have some formatting  
options like LaTeX makeidx offers: \index{keyword|textit} will  produce 
a page-number in italics in the register. That would be  immensely 
useful to produce a structured index.

This is already present in the ConTeXt even in more general way then in 
the LaTeX is. More info in the manual.


All best


On Nov 7, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Hi all,

Some of you may be aware of the fact that there is a bug /
feature request tracker for ConTeXt. The URL is:

I have to do a call-to-arms for the people that have made
feature requests and / or found bugs in the past few months,
especially if the extension /solution has not been included
in the latest distribution (2005.10.27).

Will you all please have a look at the current list, and see
if I have added your item(s) already?

I have a rather large archive of context-related email (because
I let it slip for a while), and  I fear that may have missed
some extant bugs. This is quite important, because if it is not
in the list, it is much less likely to get fixed.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Trying to use Avant Garde - output font in very low resolution

2005-11-07 Thread Kári Hreinsson
Thanks, this worked.

I added the appropriate lines to found in the local texmf
root.  That should be clean enough? :)

Thanks again,
Kári Hreinsson

On 11/7/05, Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kári Hreinsson wrote:
  The interesting thing is that I can get the fonts with good quality if
  I only use TeX.  The output of running the file flipp3.tex:
  * with pdftex:
  * with texexec --pdf:
  So it seems that texexec is doing things a bit differently then pdftex
  but I can't figure out where or how to fix it.

 That's definately a clue. I'll wager you can get the texexec
 version working by adding


 to the document. Stand-alone plain pdftex reads that file to find
 font mappings, but context does not use it (any more).

 The 'clean' way would be to put your AvantGarde lines in a 'Avant
 Garde map' file, and load that using \loadmapfile[],
 for instance.

 Cheers, Taco
 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] placing headings

2005-11-07 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear gang,

I am having difficulties with heading placement. Consider the following sample 

% output=pdf interface=en

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]









\chapter{Ch. Knuth Knuth}

\section{Sec. Knuth Knuth}
\dorecurse{20}{\input knuth\par\ }


This file should compile fine.

Problem 1:

I would like the headings in the footer to be flush with the top of the footer 
space instead of at the bottom;

Problem 2:

After making the footer headings flush with the top of the footer space, I 
would now like to mid-align the headings so each is just above the page number 
in the footer space (I thought this would be trivial but it's apparently not);

Problem 3:

I would like to have marginal headings: how do I

i) keep the headings boxed within the margin width;

ii) raise (or lower) the box containing the margin headings?

Thnx in advance for helping me solve these problems!


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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