Re: [NTG-context] Language issues

2005-03-06 Thread Matthew Huggett
> Then I tried searching for the file texmf.cnf, but it is nowhere to be
> found.

On my system, it's in texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf -- if that helps at all.



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Additional steps taken since the first e-mail

2005-02-26 Thread Matthew Huggett

>   Also, what does "mktexlsr" refer to

I don't know how it really works, so I can only explain this in
layman's terms.  If you look in your texmf directory, you should see a
ls-R file.  If you have a texmf-local tree, there should be one there
too.  These ls-R files make up a database that are used to locate
various files in a TeX system.  After you make changes, like updating
and rebuilding formats, or copying texexec.rme to texexec.ini, you
need to update the databases before TeX becomes aware of the changes.
This is what mktexlsr does.  On some systems, the command might be


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Additional steps taken since the first e-mail

2005-02-26 Thread Matthew Huggett
Mats Broberg wrote:
>   I have also done the following since the first e-mail:
>   - Copied the contents of "texexec.rme" to "texexec.ini"


>   - Uncommented the "set TeXShell to miktex" line in the new "texexec.ini"
>   file.
>   - Added the string "C:\texmf\miktex\context\perltk" to the PATH
>   (however, there is no "context" or "perltk" folder in the "miktex"
>   folder. Shouldn't there be?)

As far as I remember, apart from installing Perl (ActivePerl) and
adding it to PATH, I only had to add MikTeX's bin directory to

Have you also generated the formats?  From texexec.rme:

| % If this file is called 'texexec.rme', copy it to 'texexec.ini',
| % check the settings above, change them according to your TeX
| % distribution, and say:
| %
| %   texexec  --verbose
| %
| % When set up properly, you should see your local settings fly by.
| % When these settings are ok, the next call should work:
| %
| %   texexec  --make
| %   ^^^
| % and you should be able to process a file by saying
| %
| %   texexec  filename

And then of course, be sure to run:

| mktexlsr

Regarding the files not having line breaks, I made the same mistake
when I started using ConTeXt.  The files have Unix end of line
characters, so Notepad and other Windows-only editors will just give
you a long string of garbage, as you discovered.  Hans has put a lot
of work in making Scite work nicely with ConTeXt, so you might find
that helpful.  Other users have their favorites (Emacs, jEdit, etc.).

Good luck,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Navigation of site.

2005-02-19 Thread Matthew Huggett

>   I had problems recently navigating the pragma-ade site. I use
>   Slackware Linux but I also have Win 2000. Unfortunately the
>   browsers haven't kept up with pdf navigation of sites, except for
>   Internet Explorer. The others I tested, Konqueror, Opera, Mozilla,
>   Lynx etc. cannot navigate the site because they use external
>   plugins for interpreting pdf code, and the environment for those
>   interpreters is local to my computer and not to
> (Lynx of course doesn't have pdf facilities at all.)

As far as I can see, everything on is html except,
of course, for the manuals.  I don't see what is difficult about using
the site.  If people can't load PDFs in their browsers, they can
always download the files and load them offline in their PDF reader of
choice.  Loading PDFs in IE and Mozilla-based browsers should be
trivial anyway.  As far as the "forward and back buttons" not working,
I'm running both Firefox and IE, and both seem fine.  I'm sure
Konqueror must be fine as well.



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Which version is best for MSWindows users.?

2005-02-19 Thread Matthew Huggett
>   I am writing some e-books on free software. I am recommending TeX
>   (of course) and Context instead of LaTeX. The vast majority of my
>   readers will be using some flavor of MSWindows. Unfortunately
>   there have been problems in synchronizing Context releases and
>   Miktex releases, in re. hyphenation and fonts in general. I need
>   to recommend a download package for readers who will be newcomers
>   to the world of TeX. Which is the safest pointer? I see Miktex as
>   a possibility but also the stripped versions of the TeX
>   distribution maintained on the Context site. So how would you
>   start an absolute newbie to e.g., Context and pdfetex? Where would
>   you point them for their first download?

I think both MikTeX and Hans' minimal tree are good.  The MikTeX
installer might feel a bit more familiar to a newbie, but if you give
them instructions on how to install the minimal tree, it shouldn't be
anymore challenging than MikTeX.  Also, I think it's easier to stay in
sync with Hans' development of ConTeXt using the minimal windows
distribution and updating via the texsync script.  Although, using
texsync would also entail installing Ruby and Cygwin (to get the Rsync

I think the only unexpected thing I had to do to get the minimal
windows tree working was to make the files in texmf-mswin\bin
executable (the permissions were not right).



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ! Undefined control sequence.

2005-02-08 Thread Matthew Huggett
   > K. David Prince wrote:
>   >=20
>   >> TeXVersion 0.1 / Taco Hoekwater 2004
>   >>
>   >>texexec : TeXExec 5.2.4 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-200=
>   5
>   >>texutil : TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-200=
>   4
>   >>tex : pdfeTeX, 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
>   You also need new pdfetex binary (at least 1.20). (TeXLive 2004, teTeX 3)=
>   =2E
>   Vit Zyka

In which case, you may be better off using the minimal Context tree
for Linux from the Pragma site.  (I think you said you were running
Debian, so the packages are bound to be old.)


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] texsync

2005-02-01 Thread Matthew Huggett

A question about the texsync script: 

   ruby -S texsync.rb --force --list

gives me
   TeXSync | 
   TeXSync | fetching list of trees from ''
   rsync: failed to connect to 
Connection refused (111)
   rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at
   TeXSync | available trees:
   TeXSync | 
   TeXSync | 

I've read the texsync manual but I'm not sure what else I have to do
with rsync to get a connection to Pragma-ade.  I'm running rsync under
Cygwin on WinXP.

I'd be grateful for any pointers.



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] can I upgrade yet?

2005-01-11 Thread Matthew Huggett
> Is there some other way besides my traditional method of unzipping 
> file into /localtexmf ?

I'm on MikTeX as well.  I've kept my system up to date via the
MikTeX Update Wizard.  But just to see if unzipping over
my \texmf would break anything, I just tried it.  No problem.
That said, I updated my installation via the wizard only a few weeks

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] TeXFont Problem

2004-12-18 Thread Matthew Huggett
> mktexlsr: c:/Program is not a directory. Skipping...
I can't comment on font installation, but I think you should be
careful with the space in "Program Files".  It looks like mktexlsr is
having trouble with it.  For that reason, I usually keep my TeX tree
under C:\tex or something like that.

Best wishes,


Matthew Huggett
Hiratsuka, Kanagawa

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Notes and questions on 432 page book.

2004-05-05 Thread Matthew Huggett
John Culleton wrote:
I use a master file and call components into it with \input 

Is there any advantage to using a master file with \input statements 
compared to using ConTeXt project and component files?  Or are these 
totally different things?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and the blind

2004-04-14 Thread Matthew Huggett
You'd have to do it a file at a time, but does the Acrobat Reader's 
"save as text" function do what you need?

A much bigger solution would be to have your source as xml and then go 
from there to ConTeXt and pdf or straight to plain text via XSLT.


Alan Bowen wrote:

I have very recently launched a new journal which has been designed on 
the assumption that it will exist in both electronic form and in 
print—hence, it is produced using ConTeXt and exists natively in PDF 
files. This morning I was asked by a colleague who is totally blind 
whether it would be possible to for him have ASCII or .txt files that 
he could use easily with his screen reading software. (My sense is 
that he may be able to use PDF files with this software, but that it 
is not easy.)

So, does anyone on the list have ideas about how to produce such files 
from the files I currently have in hand or any experience with this 
sort of problem? Is there, for instance, a way to strip away all the 
formatting commands from a ConTeXt source file automatically so as to 
leave an unencoded .txt file that I could send him? I gather that he 
can use .htm files, but so far as I can tell there is no path from a 
ConTeXt source file to an HTML file—at least, a specific query about 
this made recently on this list by someone else seems to have gone 

Cheers, Alan
ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Pragma-ade site down?

2004-04-14 Thread Matthew Huggett
Both and work here.

John Culleton wrote:

I can no longer access the site. What has 
happened?  I recommended it to others and they were blocked 

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and emacs

2003-11-29 Thread Matthew Huggett
Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:

Dear co-listers,

I'm (very slowly) trying to use emacs with ConTeXt. I have tried 
Berend de Boers context.el which offers a good many nice features, but 
I couldn't find for the life of me how to do a couple of things (such 
as run texexec on the file I'm editing).
In Emacs, to process a file with texexec you can select "TeX file" from 
the TeX menu or you can hit C-c C-f. (providing context.el is loaded)
If you need to run texexec with any switches, I guess you could start up 
eshell (M-x eshell) and do it manually from there.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] scite

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett
Willi Egger wrote:

Hans Hagen wrote:


At 18:00 30/09/2003 +0900, you wrote:


Setting an environment variable SciTE_HOME to the path of all my SciTE
properties files helped.
I also changed the "import latex" statment in my
to "import tex" so that Hans'
new is loaded instead.  I'm almost happy I have some


to do tonight so I can try it out. :-)

strange, i though that i'd put a in;
will look into it

You probably did.  I'm running the distribution from .

Hans Hagen wrote:
ah .. fetch the one from our site (based on the latest 1.55)

Hm, does not work for me. Okay I donwloaded first the version from Scintilla
site. Later I replaced this version with the version from the pragma-site.
Still the problems mentioned remain.

I just wiped out my installation from Scintilla and started again with 
the Pragma one.  I had to get the dll that Willi linked to earlier, but 
now everything works as expected. 

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Context Ruby scripts

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hi :

Where can we get the ruby scripts that are mentioned in the new SciTE stuff?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] scite

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett
Willi Egger wrote:


At 01:12 30/09/2003 +0900, you wrote:


I have the same trouble as Willi.  My is definitely
not being loaded.  If I put the import statements in my, I get the ConTeXt menu items plus replacement of
commands while I type.  However, there is no colouring and "compile"


LaTeX.   Two questions:
1) Can we use the ConTeXt stuff with the SciTE distribution from the main
SciTE website, or must we use the one from Pragma?
2) The standard SciTE distribution's imports the
main  Should we delete this?

I wonder why the user props are not loaded, this file should be in you
Document And Setting \ SomeUserName path. If you open the file (options
menu) you can see in the heading where it is located

I tried in the meantime again. The file resides in the
by Hans mentioned place.There are no other copies of this file in other
directories. I have set the environment variable so that I am able to start
sciTE from a cmd-window. The and the
cont* files reside in the directory where sciTE.exe lives.
The strange thing is, that after starting sciTE form the commandline I get
the list of cont-"country" in the options dialog but there
is no and also no Hence there
are also no commands available as defined in
I am a bit puzzled.


Have you tried setting a "SciTE_HOME" environment variable.  I set it to 
the path of SciTE.exe, which is where I'm keeping all the properties 
files.  After setting this, my was loaded (it 
contains only "import context" and "import metafun-scite").   I only had 
to edit the path to texexec and texutil in  My only 
problem now is that I have no syntax highlighting.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] scite

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett
Jules Colding wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 14:49, Hans Hagen wrote:


If you are in search for an editor:

Has anyone looked into an emacs mode?


Both Patrick Gundlach and Berend de Boer have some emacs stuff for ConTeXt.
Patrick has a ConTeXt command look up mode called etexshow
and Berend has a mode for syntax highlighting etc.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] scite

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hans Hagen wrote:

At 18:00 30/09/2003 +0900, you wrote:

Setting an environment variable SciTE_HOME to the path of all my 
SciTE properties files helped.
I also changed the "import latex" statment in my to "import tex" so that Hans'
new is loaded instead.  I'm almost happy I have some 
work to do tonight so I can try it out. :-)

strange, i though that i'd put a in; 
will look into it

You probably did.  I'm running the distribution from .

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] scite

2003-09-30 Thread Matthew Huggett

I have the same trouble as Willi.  My is definitely 
not being loaded.  If I put the import statements in my, I get the ConTeXt menu items plus replacement of 
commands while I type.  However, there is no colouring and "compile" calls 
LaTeX.   Two questions:
1) Can we use the ConTeXt stuff with the SciTE distribution from the main 
SciTE website, or must we use the one from Pragma?
2) The standard SciTE distribution's imports the 
main  Should we delete this?

I wonder why the user props are not loaded, this file should be in you 
Document And Setting \ SomeUserName path. If you open the file (options 
menu) you can see in the heading where it is located
Setting an environment variable SciTE_HOME to the path of all my SciTE properties files helped.
I also changed the "import latex" statment in my to "import tex" so that Hans'
new is loaded instead.  I'm almost happy I have some work to do tonight so I can try it out. :-) 

Best wishes,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] scite

2003-09-29 Thread Matthew Huggett

Further I am not sure how to get ConTeXt support in SciTE. I have opend the file which resides in \Documents and Settings. There I
added the files mentioned in the manual
import cont-de-scite
import cont-en-scite
import cont-nl-scite
import cont-xx-scite
import metafun-scite
import context
Starting the editor is no problem. Opening a texfile gives acceptable
coloring but I doubt the font which should be LMR (which I installed
yesterday) - You mentioned that the system must be aware of this? How do you
do that in Windows?
Futher when compiling a texfile then latex is started ? So I conclude, that
there is currently no loading of the SciTEUser properties file. - Whould
this file be put into the directory where scite.exe resides?
Sorry for the  many questions.



I have the same trouble as Willi.  My is definitely 
not being loaded.  If I put the import statements in my, I get the ConTeXt menu items plus replacement of 
commands while I type.  However, there is no colouring and "compile" 
calls LaTeX.   Two questions:
1) Can we use the ConTeXt stuff with the SciTE distribution from the 
main SciTE website, or must we use the one from Pragma?
2) The standard SciTE distribution's imports the 
main  Should we delete this?

Thanks for the SciTE extensions Hans.  I look forward to using them.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

2003-09-27 Thread Matthew Huggett
Patrick Gundlach wrote:

Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



Gibt es etwa Bücher zum Thema ConTeXt?

come on, guys. Posting in a wrong language can happen. So what.
Answering (an obviously private mail posted in the ML) here in the
same language on this mailinglist is not the best thing, but this can happen,
too. But we should not keep up this german thread. It is not polite
for the other non-german speaking people out there, that get
completely bored. 

I never understand half of what gets written on this list anyway ;-)
It's all German to me. 

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] FONT-CHI.TEX

2003-09-22 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hi again:

Line 660 of FONT-CHI.TEX has a \starttabulate while ln 812 has 
\starttabel .   Is this a mistake?  They should both be Dutch, shouldn't 


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] M-GAMMA.TEX

2003-09-22 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hello All:

I was just trying to generate a pdf of M-GAMMA.TEX.  TeX complains that 
\OTP\ in line 16 of the source,
  << %D We define a couple of symbolic \OTP\ filters  >>
hasn't been defined.  I was able to process the file by replacing \OTP\ 
with \type{\OTP\}


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: beginner question re: counters

2003-09-21 Thread Matthew Huggett
Patrick Gundlach wrote:


Matthew Huggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I apologize for asking such a basic question.  What is the correct way 
to increment a counter such that each time a macro is used, the counter 
is augmented by 1.  

"Pawel Jackowski na Onet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Hmmm... It can happens for many reasons. 
Try for instance

General remark (not really concerning this thread):

It would be nice if the original posters would comment answers like
this one if this works fine or not. Since these mails are archived,
other people might come across this post and wonder if this is a good
solution or not. 

Just my $50^{-1}$ Euro



Yeah, the solution worked.  Just to recap:
What I wanted was a macro and counter such that each time the macro gets 
used the counter gets augmented + 1.
The solution was:
   \global\advance\MyCounter by 1 \relax
   \number\MyCounter #1}

\MyMacro{Hello again}
--> 1Hello 2Goodbye 3Hello again

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] beginner question re: counters

2003-09-17 Thread Matthew Huggett

I apologize for asking such a basic question.  What is the correct way 
to increment a counter such that each time a macro is used, the counter 
is augmented by 1.  So far,  I have \newcount\MyCounter and have tried 
\advance\MyCounter by1 and a few other things I found online,  but 
whenever I try to increase its value by 1, all references to it's value 
return 1.  Not a particularly useful counter ;-) . 



ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] parsetrees

2003-09-16 Thread Matthew Huggett
//Ed Cashin wrote:

I'm making some notes on English grammar for some students and I want
to analyze a few sentences using parse trees.  Is there a way to do
trees in ConTeXt?  I guess I'd need to use Metapost.  Any pointers
would be appreciated.

Please let us know if you find anything.  I was in a linguistics class
and would have tackled this myself if there had been more time.

I don't think it would be too bad in MetaPost.  I haven't quite gotten
the hang of ConTeXt's MetaPost integration to the degree where I'd
know how to make use of both their features in a practical way.
I found the following manual but haven't had a chance to try anything out.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] finding external figures

2003-09-10 Thread Matthew Huggett
Pawel Jackowski na Onet wrote:

Is there any way to use absolute path for external figure in ConTeXt code?


Is the following example from the manual of any help?
Note that the path needs /  not \

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \dosetupsystem ????!

2003-08-28 Thread Matthew Huggett

it seems that something is happening in the top file (the option file 
writtemn by texexec); did you change something in texexec.ini? is 
there some magic in your local cont-sys.tex? can you grep you system 
for {\setupsystem ?

Is texexec in any way influenced by OS environment variables?  The 
warning "Don't change language in unprotected mode" in my log file 
caught my attention because a few days ago I added an environment 
variable LANG =en to my system (my OS not TeX).When I deleted this 
variable, texexec went back to running without any trouble.  The error 
can't have been caused by any customizations in my texexec.ini or 
cont-sys.tex because even when I re-installed TexLive from scratch and 
didn't setup those files, texexec still ran into trouble in the top file 
with \setupsystem.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \dosetupsystem ????!

2003-08-27 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hans Hagen wrote:

sounds like you set the directory string to some \setupsystem command, 
are you sure that your file is ok?

I get the error even on a simple file like:

This is a test.
If I insert a } when tex reports the error, it runs to the end and 
produces a good pdf.  However,
it does say "Don't change language in unprotected mode!"   My log file 
is attached.

Any ideas?


This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211-2.1 (Web2c 7.3.7x) 
(format=cont-en 2003.8.27)  27 AUG 2003 13:27
entering extended mode
**&cont-en test.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.8.21  fmt: 2003.8.27  int: english  mes: english

language   : language en is active

system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
system : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns 2:2-en-2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout2 = `'.

system : loaded
Runaway argument?
\c!gebied ={\setupsystem [inputfile=test.tex] \protect 
! File ended while scanning use of \dosetupsystem.
\dodoreadfile ...normalinput \readfilename \relax 
  \the \everyafterreadfile 
 ...file \openutilities \loadoptionfile 
  \checknotes \initializeMPg...
? i
\openout0 = `'.

\openout0 = `'.

\openout0 = `'.

\openout0 = `'.

specials   : loading definition file tpd
specials   : loading definition file fdf
system (E-TEX) : [line 1907] \ifcsname 
specials   : fdf loaded
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
systems: don't change language in unprotected mode!
pdftex : using map file:
pdftex : using map file:
pdftex : using map file:
systems: begin file test at line 2
Warning: pdfetex.exe (file c:/tex/texmf-var/dvips/config/ entry for
 `cmssbxo10' already exists, duplicates ignored
Warning: pdfetex.exe (file c:/tex/texmf/pdftex/config/context/original-context- entry for `contnav' already exists, duplicates ignored
Warning: pdfetex.exe (file c:/tex/texmf/pdftex/config/context/original-vogel-sy entry for `fmvr8x' already exists, duplicates ignored
systems: end file test at line 6
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 777 strings out of 33069
 11779 string characters out of 745237
 4414755 words of memory out of 5520935
 31128 multiletter control sequences out of 1+5
 10284 words of font info for 34 fonts, out of 50 for 1000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 45i,16n,49p,166b,246s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,5000p,20b,4s
 7 PDF objects out of 30
 0 named destinations out of 131072
 0 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536

Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 4750 bytes).

[NTG-context] \dosetupsystem ????!

2003-08-26 Thread Matthew Huggett

Can anybody tell me what might cause this error:

Runaway argument?
\c!gebied ={\setupsystem [inputfile=rice.tex] \protect
! File ended while scanning use of \dosetupsystem.


\dodoreadfile ...normalinput \readfilename \relax
 ...file \openutilities \loadoptionfile
Everything was running smooth a few days ago.  Now every document I 
process causes the same error.  What actions does \dosetupsystem carry out?



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Texexec changing directories

2003-08-24 Thread Matthew Huggett
David Arnold wrote:


I need some help with an annoying feature that has cropped up after an
update of Miktex and Context.

I don't want to knock MikTeX, but recently, I've had a whole lot less 
trouble buy running fpTeX.  The download is a lot slower though.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] parse trees

2003-08-23 Thread Matthew Huggett

I'm making some notes on English grammar for some students and I want to 
analyze a few sentences using parse trees.  Is there a way to do trees 
in ConTeXt?  I guess I'd need to use Metapost.  Any pointers would be 

Best wishes,


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] building formats under MikTeX

2003-08-14 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hello All:

When I run texexec --make to (re)build my formats (under MikTeX), 
texexec reports that it can't read TEX.POOL and MP.POOL .  Then a 
window's dialog box reports that pdfetex has crapped out.   Any any ideas?

Thanks and best wishes,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] building formats under MikTeX

2003-08-05 Thread Matthew Huggett
Hans Hagen wrote:

At 23:47 05/08/2003 +0900, you wrote:

Hello All:

When I run texexec --make to (re)build my formats (under MikTeX), 
texexec reports that it can't read TEX.POOL and MP.POOL .  Then a 
window's dialog box reports that pdfetex has crapped out.   Any any 

Thanks and best wishes,

do you have the pool files?

kpsewhich mp.pool
Yes, I have the files, but kpsewhich can't find them unless it's 
actually run from the directory containing the files!  I've updated the 
databases but that doesn't help either.  Also, when I process a tex 
file, pdfetex can't find/open pdftex.cfg .  

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] texfont and type-tmf.dat

2003-08-02 Thread Matthew Huggett

When I run texfont as follows:
   texfont --en=texnansi --fontroot=/usr/share/texmf/fonts 

texfont reports  "unknown subpath ../fonts/afm/urw/[font name]" for each 
font listed in type-tmf.dat.  Where should the fonts be found?



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Newbie screwed up his installation

2003-07-13 Thread Matthew Huggett
Can you provide an example file?  If you haven't made any changes to 
your installation, you can't have messed anything up, so you must be 
missing something in your input.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Improving the Documentation of Context

2003-06-14 Thread Matthew Huggett
Matthias Vogel wrote:

I think it would be nice to have the manuals improved in the
following not very costly way (??? indicates my ignorance):
width dimension fit middle .width, ??? and 
orientation of main text
heightdimension fit middle .height of main text
backspace dimension
topspace  dimension
nxnumber.   ???
nynumber.   ???
dxdimension..   ???
dydimension..   ???
lines number.   number of lines on the 
[I don't know the 
relation to height]
grid  yes no.   invoking setting to grit

Since the manual doesn't even mention all those options, even a very
short hint is much better than just trying around to get an idea what's
the idea of an option.
I usually find the "etexshow" mode for Emacs helpful.   It gives you 
easy access to the details of ConTeXt commands.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Writing Japanese using ConTeXt

2003-06-10 Thread Matthew Huggett

Hans, please tell me what I can do to help implementing Japanese support in
ConText, or what more information you need to get a better overview of
things that need to be done. I don't know much about ConTeXt yet, but I'll
promise to do my best.
My best,

If you need any help with documentation (writing, proof-reading, etc.) 
let me know.  

Matt H.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Writing Japanese using ConTeXt

2003-06-10 Thread Matthew Huggett
Matt Gushee wrote:

What would a good sample consist of? I can probably find something.


Well, for starters I guess samples showing the interaction of the four 
writing scripts (I'm thinking of glyph spacing and line-breaking here; 
e.g., in the transition from native script to Romaji and back again). 
Do you know much about different heading styles?  I suppose they are 
similar to the Chinese ones depending on how traditional the text is; 
i.e., kanji or Arabic numerals, the presence of a "section" kanji before 
the numbering, etc.   Examples of Furigana would be good.

Matt Huggett

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Writing Japanese using ConTeXt

2003-06-09 Thread Matthew Huggett
Tim 't Hart wrote:

Recently, I've made the 'unwise' decision to start studying Japanese next
year, and of course I want to keep on using ConTeXt to write my school
papers. [] So I decided to find a way to
write Japanese in ConTeXt.
First I tried using the eOmega/ConTeXt combination since I have some great
OTPs for it, but soon found out that Omega is still "the TeX of the future",
in other words, not the "TeX of today" and extremely unstable.
Then I decided to try ConTeXt's UTF-8 support. I created the following test

I asked about Japanese a while back.  Hans requested more information on 
encodings, fonts, etc.  I don't know enough about these things or 
ConTeXt to know what is needed exactly.

From what I've read, unicode is not that popular in Japan itself.  The 
most common encodings here are
a) iso-2022-jp (7bit)
b) japanese-iso-8bit (a.k.a euc-japan-1990, euc-japan, euc-jp)
c) japanese-shift-jis (shift jis 8bit; common under MS Windows)
"Describe Language Environment" under MULE in Gnu Emacs gives some info. 
Ken Lunde of Adobe has a book or two on processing Japanese.

Typesetting Japanese could be more complicated than Chinese because of 
the concurrent use of four writing systems:
a) Kanji (Chinese Characters)
b) Hiragana (Syllabic script for representing grammatical endings and 
words for which Kanji are not commonly used.)
c)  Katakana (Syllabic script for representing foreign words, some 
scientfic words (flora, fauna), and for emphasis)
d) Romaji -- lit.  "Roman Characters" (Sometimes foreign languages, 
especially English, are represented in latin script)  It is more common 
than you might imagine.

I guess I need to track down a few sample documents.  I tried to turn up 
some info on Japanese typesetting rules but had no luck.

best wishes,


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] encodings

2003-06-07 Thread Matthew Huggett

Not a direct ConTeXt question, but I was wondering if Hans or someone 
else could suggest a good resource for learning about encodings.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] No MP graphics after installation under MikTeX

2003-06-06 Thread Matthew Huggett
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:

SK>> But I noticed the warning (not in the log-file):

SK> Unknown command "mpost"

SK> Does this give a clue to what is wrong?

Yes, you either don't have metapost installed or it's not in
the path.

SK> I found a file mpost.exe (only 4 kb) in
SK> c:\texmf\miktex\bin. Is this 
SK> sufficient evidence that metapost was installed?

Uhm. It should be.

SK> Isn't metapost installed when installing MikTeX?

I think it's only installed in some cases (e.g. not with the
"Small" package)
SK> This directory c:\texmf\miktex\bin is in the MS-DOS path.

SK> I still get the warning: Unknown command "mpost"

Can you please try the following? Open an MS-DOS prompt, and
(making sure you're not in c:\texmf\miktex\bin but in any other
directory) please try to run
mpost --version

and report what happens.


Isn't metapost called with the command "mp" under MikTeX?
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