RE: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Jonathan M. Thompson

Because its not, the first open system was
the material they snagged from 3.0. That’s it from WotC. Only the
material in the SRD is open (as it applies to WotC). 


Jonathan M. Thompson

President, Battlefield Press, Inc.


Open Core Role Playing System & Ted Nomura's Luftwaffe 1946 Role Playing Game -
Available now. Pulp Fantasy d20 campaign setting - Coming
Soon & Men of Mystery: A Game of Weird Menaces in the days of WWII
using the Unisystem - Coming in 2007


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Conner
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006
10:22 AM
Subject: [Ogf-l] 2nd still


Why is 2nd not an OGL system??  I don't wanna have to convert my
whole world to 3rd or 3.5.  There are some things I don't like in that


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Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Paul W. King
> Why is 2nd not an OGL system??

Because WotC has chosen not to open it up.

> I don't wanna have to convert my whole world to 3rd or 3.5.

No one's making you convert. In fact, 3.0 has been out since 2000. As you've 
obviously not converted over to 3.0/3.5, I don't know what you're complaining 

> There are some things I don't like in that system.

So if you do convert, house rule out the things you don't like.

Paul W. King
Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Eric Anondson

On Aug 17, 2006, at 10:21 AM, Daniel Conner wrote:

Why is 2nd not an OGL system??

Because WotC has not released it under the OGL.

I don't wanna have to convert my whole world to 3rd or 3.5.  There  
are some things I don't like in that system.

Then check out OSRIC!

(Extra punctuation makes all the difference!!) ;)

Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread eol
> Why is 2nd not an OGL system??  I don't wanna have to convert my whole
> world to 3rd or 3.5.  There are some things I don't like in that
> system.

What exactly did you want to do?  Publish your world using 2nd edition
stats?I hate to rain on your parade, but that's probably a really...
unprofitable idea.

But unless you want to publish something using 2E (which as I mentioned is
a bad idea) then OGL or non-OGL doesn't really matter.

Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Mark Wilkinson

On Aug 17, 2006, at 9:21 AM, Daniel Conner wrote:

Why is 2nd not an OGL system??  I don't wanna have to convert my  
whole world to 3rd or 3.5.  There are some things I don't like in  
that system.

Well, just wait.  Rumor is that version 4.0 isn't far away.

I feel your pain.  We went away from the Dungeons & Dragons system  
(in all its color flavors) a long time ago.  Even with the d20  
license and the OGL license (which, admittedly, are very flexible and  
open), there just isn't enough room to do what you want.


Mark Wilkinson
Tower Ravens

Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Highmoon Media Productions
  On Aug 17, 2006, at 9:21 AM, Daniel Conner wrote:> Why is 2nd not an OGL system?? I don't wanna have to convert my > whole world to 3rd or 3.5. There are some things I don't like in > that system.  Someone already said it, and I'll repeat it:  You want to go check out OSRIC. M. PerezHighmoon Media      Products available at:,, e23, ENWorld Game Store 
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Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Ryan Dancey
Title: Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still


Their license page is simply incorrect in many of its assertations.

To the extent that the charts of ability scores do not represent a non-linear mathmatical function (i.e., the figures are arbitrarily made up by the original writer) they're protected by copyright and can't be reused without permission.

To the extent that the class & racial limitations and individual power descriptions and level dependent abilities and game modifiers match those of AD&D (any edition) and are not the result of a simple linear mathematical function, those templates represent selection, arrangement and presentation copyrights inherent in AD&D and suffer the same limitations.

Spell names which are not OGC but are in AD&D and are "not obvious" (i.e. they contain some creative element) are copyright by WotC.

The 'to hit' charts, to the extent that they represent non-linear functions, are protected by WotC copyright.

In summary:  I wouldn't touch this without SERIOUS work to ensure everything I used was actually OGC.


Ogf-l mailing list

Re: [Ogf-l] 2nd still

2006-08-17 Thread Clark Peterson
I'm with Ryan. I have serious, serious concern about
the legality of OSRIC.

I'll summarize as follows:

I found out about it when someone emailed me: "Is this
legal?" and sent me the link. I emailed back: "I
wouldnt touch that with a 10' pole."


--- Ryan Dancey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Their license page is simply incorrect in many of
> its assertations.
> To the extent that the charts of ability scores do
> not represent a
> non-linear mathmatical function (i.e., the figures
> are arbitrarily made up
> by the original writer) they're protected by
> copyright and can't be reused
> without permission.
> To the extent that the class & racial limitations
> and individual power
> descriptions and level dependent abilities and game
> modifiers match those of
> AD&D (any edition) and are not the result of a
> simple linear mathematical
> function, those templates represent selection,
> arrangement and presentation
> copyrights inherent in AD&D and suffer the same
> limitations.
> Spell names which are not OGC but are in AD&D and
> are "not obvious" (i.e.
> they contain some creative element) are copyright by
> WotC.
> The 'to hit' charts, to the extent that they
> represent non-linear functions,
> are protected by WotC copyright.
> In summary:  I wouldn't touch this without SERIOUS
> work to ensure everything
> I used was actually OGC.
> Ryan
> > ___
> Ogf-l mailing list

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