Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-07

2018-02-26 Thread Jay Pipes

On 02/24/2018 02:17 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

On 2/16/2018 7:54 AM, Chris Dent wrote:

Before I get to the meat of this week's report, I'd like to request
some feedback from readers on how to improve the report. Over its
lifetime it has grown and it has now reached the point that while it
tries to give the impression of being complete, it never actually is,
and is a fair chunk of work to get that way.

So perhaps there is a way to make it a bit more focused and thus bit
more actionable. If there are parts you can live without or parts you
can't live without, please let me know.

One idea I've had is to do some kind of automation to make it what
amounts to a dashboard, but I'm not super inclined to do that because
the human curation has been useful for me. If it's not useful for
anyone else, however, then that's something to consider.

-1 on a dashboard unless it's just something like a placement-specific 
review dashboard, but you'd have to star or somehow label 
placement-specific patches. I appreciate the human thought/comments on 
the various changes for context.

As do I. Thank you, Chris, for doing this week after week. It may not 
seem like it, but these emails are immensely useful for me.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-07

2018-02-23 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 2/16/2018 7:54 AM, Chris Dent wrote:

Before I get to the meat of this week's report, I'd like to request
some feedback from readers on how to improve the report. Over its
lifetime it has grown and it has now reached the point that while it
tries to give the impression of being complete, it never actually is,
and is a fair chunk of work to get that way.

So perhaps there is a way to make it a bit more focused and thus bit
more actionable. If there are parts you can live without or parts you
can't live without, please let me know.

One idea I've had is to do some kind of automation to make it what
amounts to a dashboard, but I'm not super inclined to do that because
the human curation has been useful for me. If it's not useful for
anyone else, however, then that's something to consider.

-1 on a dashboard unless it's just something like a placement-specific 
review dashboard, but you'd have to star or somehow label 
placement-specific patches. I appreciate the human thought/comments on 
the various changes for context.

I don't think I'd remove anything. One thing to maybe add is work on the 
osc-placement plugin:

We did a grind through a bunch of those in Queens and made good progress 
on providing a minimal useful set of CLIs in osc-placement 1.0.0, so I'd 
like to see that continue, especially as deployments are upgrading to 
the point of needing to interact with placement from an ops perspective.




OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-07

2018-02-16 Thread Chris Dent

Resource provider update 18-07. This will be the last one before the
PTG and there won't be one during the PTG, so the next one will be
18-10 or later.

Before I get to the meat of this week's report, I'd like to request
some feedback from readers on how to improve the report. Over its
lifetime it has grown and it has now reached the point that while it
tries to give the impression of being complete, it never actually is,
and is a fair chunk of work to get that way.

So perhaps there is a way to make it a bit more focused and thus bit
more actionable. If there are parts you can live without or parts you
can't live without, please let me know.

One idea I've had is to do some kind of automation to make it what
amounts to a dashboard, but I'm not super inclined to do that because
the human curation has been useful for me. If it's not useful for
anyone else, however, then that's something to consider.

If, at the PTG, we decide to start making incremental progress on
extracting placement to its own thing, I'll probably add a section on
this related to work on that. I've been doing a lot of spikes to see
where some of the issues are and experiment with solutions. Those need
feedback to decide if the direction has promise or creates problems.

Okay, with that out of the way.

# Most Important

RC2 was cut last night. Bug triage and fixing is important.

There's been a lot of interesting specs started recently. Part of this
is the result of various parties moving their deployments forward (not
just to queens) and real issues with placement (and friends) being
exposed. See the specs section for some links to ones that are
pending. A few have already merged but for sake of visibility:

* Add placement-req-filter spec

* Support member_of param for allocation candidates

PTG planning screams along on etherpads, agenda and retrospective:


# Bugs:

* Placement related bugs without owners:
* In progress placement bugs:

# Specs

* Support traits in Glance

* Update ProviderTree

* Support aggregate affinity filter/weighers
   (Note that this is not placement aggregates and is not a
   placement-oriented solution but is something many of the same people
   are into.)

* Report CPU features to placement

* Account for host agg allocation ratio in placement

* mirror nova host aggregates to placement API

* Network bandwidth resource provider

# Main Themes

We're between themes at the moment so I'll just put everything into
other today:

# Other

* Nested resource providers

* Update references to OSC in old rp specs

* [Placement] Invalid query parameter could lead to HTTP 500

* [placement] use simple FaultWrapper

* WIP: Move resource provider objects

* Do not normalize allocation ratios

* Sending global request ids from nova to placement

* Add functional test for two-cell scheduler behaviors
  (This is old and maybe out of date, but something we might like to

* Make API history doc consistent

* WIP: General policy sample file for placement

* Support relay RP for allocation candidates
 Bug fix for sharing with multiple providers

* Convert driver supported capabilities to compute node provider

* Update resources once in update available resources
  (This ought, when it works, to help address some redunancy
  concerns with nova making too many requests to placement)

* Support aggregate affinity filters/weighers
  A rocky targeted improvement to affinity handling

* Improved functional test coverage for placement

* Functional tests for traits api

* WIP: SchedulerReportClient.set_aggregates_for_provider

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-06

2018-02-09 Thread Chris Dent

Resource provider 18-06 is here.

# Most Important

RC1 was cut last night, so we shouldn't be merging any new features now,
just bug fixes. Which, of course, means finding and fixing bugs is the
thing to do.

In the gaps where that's not happening, planning for Rocky is a useful
thing to be doing.

The PTG is coming up at the end of this month. If you have topics for
discussion that are not already on the etherpad, add them:

A variety of specs, and discussions related to such things, are in
progress and listed below. If I've forgotten something, let me know, as

I wrote a thing describing some of my efforts to break placement:

Placement itself was fine, but I was able to break other stuff. If you
have an environment where you are able to do that kind of concrete
experimentation, it will help to make the release better.

# What's Changed

RC1 happened. Some more "sending global request id" changes merged. A
release note was created to describe the behavior change in
AggregateCoreFilter (and friends):

# Help Wanted

Testing, Testing, Testing.

There are a fair few unstarted bugs related to placement that could do
with some attention. Here's a handy URL:

# Specs

* Support traits in Glance

* Add generation support in aggregate assocation

* Update ProviderTree

* Support aggregate affinity filter/weighers
  (Note that this is not placement aggregates and is not a
  placement-oriented solution but is something many of the same people
  are into.)

* Granular Resource Request Syntax (Rocky)

* Report CPU features to placement

# Main Themes

We've not yet identified the new themes, other than to know that
Nested remains a big deal. Presumably at the PTG we will define and
then narrow the themes.

## Nested Resource Providers

Work continues at

By which I mean that there's lots of active work and discussion on the
patches on this topic. It's the locus of activity.

# Other

Many of these things are bug fixes or doc tuneups, and thus
potentially relevant for Queens.

* Update references to OSC in old rp specs

* [Placement] Invalid query parameter could lead to HTTP 500

* [placement] use simple FaultWrapper

* Ensure resource classes correctly

* Avoid inventory DELETE API (no conflict detection)

* Fix nits in allocation canidate limit handling

* WIP: Move resource provider objects

* Do not normalize allocation ratios

* Sending global request ids from nova to placement

* Update resources once in update available resources
 (This ought, when it works, to help address some redunancy
 concerns with nova making too many requests to placement)

* Support aggregate affinity filters/weighers
 A rocky targeted improvement to affinity handling

* Move placement body samples in docs to own dir

* Improved functional test coverage for placement

* Functional tests for traits api

* annotate loadapp() (for placement wsgi app) as public

* Remove microversion fallback code from report client

* WIP: SchedulerReportClient.set_aggregates_for_provider
 This is for rocky as it depends on changing the api for
 aggregates handling on the placement side to accept and provide
 a generation

* Add functional test for two-cell scheduler behaviors
 (This is old and maybe out of date, but something we might like to

* Make API history doc consistent

* WIP: General policy sample file for placement

* Support relay RP for allocation candidates
Bug fix for sharing with multiple

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-05

2018-02-02 Thread Chris Dent

Here's resource provider and placement update 18-05. 18-04 was skipped
on account of illness.

# Most Important

Feature freeze has come and gone, RC1 is next week. This means that
finding bugs and, where relevant, reporting them with a tag of
'queens-rc-potential' is top priority.

The PTG is coming up at the end of this month. If you have topics for
discussion that are not already on the etherpad add them:

I wrote a blog post to gather some thinking (and links) about
preparing to extract placement from nova (or at least ease the path
when it does eventually happen):

It's probably time to start writing specs for some of the things we
know will be a big deal with placement in Rocky. Eric has started with
a spec that covers the ProviderTree work. Much of that work is already
done, but never had a spec in the first place:

I'm on the hook to create a spec for enabling generation handling when
associating aggregates. If there are others, getting them started
before the PTG can help to make the time at the PTG more effective.

# What's Changed

A limit is now passed to /allocation_candidates to ensure that we
don't cause out of memory errors in big empty clouds.

Traits expressed as 'required' in flavor extra specs are passed in
requests to placement and /allocation_candidates accepts the the
required parameter.

More, but not yet all, requests from nova to placement include the
global request id.

Some, but not all, of the ProviderTree functionality has merged.

The full stack of Alternate Hosts is now merged.

The ironic driver now manages traits.

At least some support for VGPU merged. Not clear what this means for
end users.

# Help Wanted

Testing, Testing, Testing.

There are a fair few unstarted bugs related to placement that could do
with some attention. Here's a handy URL:

# Main Themes

We've not yet identified the new themes, other than to know that
Nested remains a big deal.

## Nested Resource Providers

The work to get nested providers represented in the
/allocation_candidates did not complete before feature freeze. It
remains in progresss at

There's been a lot of discussion in IRC about the sometimes differing
goals on how people want NRP to work. One example is at:

There's an email thread related to that discussion:

I think we'll be doing ourselves a favor if we can work to satisfy concrete
use cases and then generalize from that.

The related provider tree work is now under its own topic:

# Other

Plenty of these are bugs or fairly trivial and/or non-feature fixes.

* doc: mark the max microversions for queens

* [Placement] Invalid query parameter could lead to HTTP 500

* [placement] use simple FaultWrapper

* Ensure resource classes correctly

* Avoid inventory DELETE API (no conflict detection)

* Do not normalize allocation ratios

* Sending global request ids from nova to placement

* VGPU suppport

* Update resources once in update available resources
(This ought, when it works, to help address some performance
concerns with nova making too many requests to placement)

* spec: treat devices as generic resources
This is a WIP and will need to move to Rocky

* Support aggregate affinity filters/weighers
A rocky targeted improvement to affinity handling

* Move placement body samples in docs to own dir

* Improved functional test coverage for placement

* Functional tests for traits api

* annotate loadapp() (for placement wsgi app) as public

* Remove microversion fallback code from report client

* WIP: SchedulerReportClient.set_aggregates_for_provider
This is likely for rocky as it depends on changing the api for

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-03

2018-01-19 Thread Eric Fried
> Earlier in the week I did some exercising by humans and was confused
> by the state of traits handling on /allocation_candidates (it could be
> the current state is the expected state but the code didn't make that
> clear) so I made a bug on it make sure that confusion didn't get forgotten:

I can help with the confusion.  The current state is indeed expected (at
least by me).  There were some WIPs early in the cycle to get just the
?required= part of traits in place, BUT the granular resource requests
effort was a superset of that.  Granular was mostly finished even at
that time, but the final piece of the puzzle relies on code that's in
progress right now (NRP in allocation candidates) so has been on hold.
Whereas I hope it's still possible to tie all that off in Q, we're now
getting to a point where it's prudent to hedge our bets and make sure we
at least support traits on the single (un-numbered) request group.

TL;DR: Yes, let's move forward with Alex's patch:

> (Looks like Alex is working on the correct fix at

...but also make sure we get lots of review focus on Jay's
NRP-in-alloc-cands series to give Granular a fighting chance.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-03

2018-01-19 Thread Chris Dent

Here's resource provider and placement update 18-03. I'm travelling so
this version may be a bit abridged.

# Most Important

This remains mostly the same, getting alternate hosts all the way in
and finishing up nested resource provider support (as ProviderTree
on the nova side and support for nested in /allocation_candidates on
the placement side). Both of these will likely need some time to be
rigorously run through their paces before the end of the cycle, so the
sooner stuff merges the sooner we can start getting the whole suite
exercised by humans.

Earlier in the week I did some exercising by humans and was confused
by the state of traits handling on /allocation_candidates (it could be
the current state is the expected state but the code didn't make that
clear) so I made a bug on it make sure that confusion didn't get forgotten:

I highlight this not because I think that problems is especially a
"most important" but that it is a type of problem that I think we'll
see a fair bit of over the next small number of weeks as we close out
Queens and head for Rocky.

(Looks like Alex is working on the correct fix at

Based on that it seems most of the confusion here is mine, but that it
was hard to tell what is up or the plan is is something we probably
need to get better at.)

The Rocky PTG prep etherpad is in flight at

please add things you think need to be talked about at the PTG.

There's an email thread in progress that is probably pretty important
to understand, if you're working on placement related things:

The behavior of the Aggregate*FilterS has gone awry in the face of
placement satisfying allocation_ratio concerns before those filters
ever see proposed hosts. There are some ideas on how to improve the
situation in the thread, but it appears there are still some open

# What's Changed

An issue with foreign key constraints and deleting a resource provider
whose root is itself has been resolved and the change merged:

Anybody (or thing) that was experimenting with deleting resource
providers with a database with some integrity would have encountered
this problem.

A proposal to create a Resource Management SIG has merged. There was
some email discussion about it:

# Help Wanted

There are a fair few unstarted bugs related to placement that could do
with some attention. Here's a handy URL:

# Main Themes

## Nested Providers

The nested provider work is proceeding along two main courses: getting
the ProviderTree on the nova side gathering and syncing all the
necessary information, and enabling nested provider searching when
requesting /allocation_candidates. Both of these are within the same

One of the challenges this week was working out a reasonable way to
have a read-only and thread-safe duplicate of a ProviderTree so that
tree A and tree B can have what amounts to a diff done on them. This
is being figured out on

## Alternate Hosts

The last piece of the puzzle, changing the RPC interface, is pending:

Related to this, exploration has started on limiting the number of
responses that the scheduler will get when requesting hosts (some
of which will become alternates):

# Other

* Support traits in allocation candidates

* Extract instance allocation removal code

* Sending global request ids from nova to placement

* VGPU suppport

* Use traits with ironic

* Move api schemas to own dir
   Just one of these left

* request limit /allocation_candidate WIP

* Update resources once in update available resources
   (This ought, when it works, to help address some performance
   concerns with nova making too many requests to placement)

* spec: treat devices as generic resources
   This is a WIP and will need to move to Rocky

* log options at DEBUG when starting wsgi app

* Support aggregate affinity filters/weighers
   A rocky

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-02

2018-01-12 Thread Chris Dent

Resource provider and placement 18-02. Getting a bit more warmed up
here, so should be more stuff from more places.

# Most Important

Completing alternate hosts and exposing the basic nested resource
providers functionality is what matters. We've reached that stage in
the cycle where at least some interesting ideas, inspired by current
work, need to be pushed off to Rocky.

Speaking of Rocky, the etherpad for PTG topics is underway at

In typical fashion there's plenty of stuff on there related to
placement already, but there's likely plenty more to talk about. If you
have something, even if it is tentative, add it. The list will get
more structured closer to the PTG.

As we approach the end of the cycle finding and fixing bugs ought to
become the focus.

# What's Changed

Eric gave a nice summary of this week's scheduler meeting in
yesterday's Nova team meeting. It's worth reading:

# Help Wanted

There are a fair few unstarted bugs related to placement that could do
with some attention. Here's a handy URL:

# Main Themes

## Nested Providers

The nested provider work is proceeding along two main courses: getting
the ProviderTree on the nova side gathering and syncing all the
necessary information, and enabling nested provider searching when
requesting /allocation_candidates. Both of these are within the same

We've identified the need to handle conflicts responses (409) in a more
generic fashion in the ProviderTree. The new plan is, when a conflict
is caused by mismatched generations, reset and reload the entire tree
rather than attempting to resync at a granular level.

# Alternate Hosts

The last piece of the puzzle, changing the RPC interface, is pending:

Some issues with resizes and interaction with the CachingScheduler
have been addressed.

Related to this, exploration has started on limiting the number of
responses that the scheduler will request when requesting hosts (some
of which will become alternates):

## Misc Traits, Shared, Etc Cleanups

There's a stack of code that fixes up a lot of things related to
traits, sharing providers, test additions and fixes to those tests. At
the moment the changes are in a bug topic:

# Other

* Extract instance allocation removal code

* Sending global request ids from nova to placement

* VGPU suppport

* Use traits with ironic

* Move api schemas to own dir

* request limit /allocation_candidate WIP

* Update resources once in update available resources
  (This ought, when it works, to help address some performance
  concerns with nova making too many requests to placement)

* Fix resource provider delete

* spec: treat devices as generic resources
  This is a WIP and will need to move to Rocky

* log options at DEBUG when starting wsgi app

* Support aggregate affinity filters/weighers
  A rocky targeted improvement to affinity handling

* Move placement body samples in docs to own dir

* Improved functional test coverage for placement

* Functional tests for traits api

* Functional test improvements for resource class

* annotate loadapp() (for placement wsgi app) as public

* Remove microversion fallback code from report client

* Document lack of side-effects in AllocationList.create_all()

* Fix documentation nits in set_and_clear_allocations

* WIP: SchedulerReportClient.set_aggregates_for_provider
  This is likely for rocky as it depends on changing the api for
  aggregates handling on the placement side to accept and provide
  a generation

* Naming update cn to rp (for clarity)

* Add functional test for two-cell scheduler behaviors

[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] resource providers update 18-01

2018-01-05 Thread Chris Dent

First resource provider and placement update for 2018. This year
I'll be labelling the report with %y-%W to distinguish from last
year, so this is 18-01.

The engine of activity is still warming up for the new year, so much
of this is pre-existing stuff.

# Most Important

Matt posted a message with some words about getting to the end of
Queens smoothly. In general, getting to the end of Queens smoothly is
what's most important. The message:

In there are some bits related to placement and resource providers but
he also identified some gaps related to understanding what's up with
nested resource providers. Eric provided a response with some of that

Related to that, there's some open discussion on a review about
whether or not the ProviderTree system (mentioned in Eric's mail) is
going to track shared providers. See:

# What's Changed

The / of placement no longer requires auth (which helps support
automated version discovery). Placement JSON schemas are now in their
own directory rather than in the handler files. The report client now
uses POST /allocations to set and or clear allocations for multiple
consumer uuids in one request (meaning we no longer need the migration
allocations theme, below).

'limit' on /allocation_candidates has been approved and should merge
today. We should probably have the discussion on if/how to use it
from nova-scheduler. I'll put it on the agenda for the next scheduler

# Main Themes

## Nested Providers

Mentioned above, the nested-resource-providers stack has grown a long
tail of changes for managing nested providers rooted on a compute

## Alternate Hosts

Having the scheduler request and use alternate hosts is real close:

but has hit a snag with resizes and some stuff with the
CachingScheduler, such as

Alternate hosts is something we want to bring to resolution as soon as
possible so it gets as much exposure as possible.

## Misc Traits, Shared, Etc Cleanups

There's a stack of code that fixes up a lot of things related to
traits, sharing providers, test additions and fixes to those tests. At
the moment the changes are in a bug topic:

# Other

 Log options at debug when starting API services under wsgi
 (Make any sense to split this into placement and nova versions? One
 seems easier than the other)

 Proper error handling by _ensure_resource_provider
 (This is already approved for master, but there are backports.)

  Build the placement osc plugin

  request traits in nova

  Extract instance allocation removal code

  cover migration cases with functional tests

  Add nova-status check for ironic flavor migration

  Add support for VGPU

  Put the json schema in their own directory (one left)

  global request id passed from nova to placement in requests (makes
  logging life much easier)

  Move body examples to an isolated directory

  Add functional tests for resource class API

  Add functional tests for traits API

# End

There's probably more but as I'm not fully up to review speed, I've
not seen everything yet. Next week will likely be more complete.
Between now and then there will probably also be some conversations on
priorities and the state of things such that we can picking what's
going to fall off the radar as we race to the end of Queens.

Chris Dent  (⊙_⊙')
freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent__
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] placement/resource providers update 18

2017-04-07 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 4/7/2017 8:35 AM, Chris Dent wrote:

There was a nova-specs sprint this week, so a lot of eyes were on
specs but there continues to be regular progress on resource
providers, the placement API and related work in the scheduler and
resource tracker. If you're doing work that I haven't noticed and
reported in here that you think should be, please follow up with
some links.

# What Matters Most

The addition of traits to the placement API is very close, one patch
remains. Linked below. That means that the top of the priority stack
is the spec for claims via the scheduler. Also linked below.

# What's Changed

There's a new spec for including user and project information in
allocations. This is a start towards allowing placement info to be
used for the counting required for quotas. There's a spec and a
followup review to fix some issues with it:

# Help Wanted

Areas where volunteers are needed.

* General attention to bugs tagged placement:

* Helping to create api documentation for placement (see the Docs
section below).

* Helping to create and evaluate functional tests of the resource
tracker and the ways in which it and nova-scheduler use the
reporting client. For some info see
and talk to edleafe.

* Performance testing. If you have access to some nodes, some basic
   benchmarking and profiling would be very useful. See the
   performance section below. Is there room on OSIC for this kind of

# Main Themes

## Traits

The work to implement the traits API in placement is happening at

There's one patch left to get the API in place and a patch for a new
command to sync the os-traits library into the database:

There is a stack of changes to the os-traits library to add more traits
and also automate creating symbols associated with the trait

## Ironic/Custom Resource Classes

There's a blueprint for "custom resource classes in flavors" that
describes the stuff that will actually make use of custom resource

The spec has merged, but the implementation has not yet started.

Over in Ironic some functional and integration tests have started:

## Claims in the Scheduler

Progress has been made on the spec for claims in the scheduler:

Some differences of opinion on what's possible now and what the API
should expose have been resolved, but now we need to resolve some
questions on how (or even if) to most effectively deal with
reconciling allocations that used to happen in the resource tracker
and will now happen in the scheduler.

Eyes and brains required.

Thinking about this stuff has also revealed some places where it's
possible for allocations to become wrong or orphaned:

## Shared Resource Providers

Progress on this will continue once traits and claims have moved forward.

## Nested Resource Providers

The spec for this has been updated with what was learned at the PTG
and moved to pike and merged:

## Docs

Several reviews are in progress for documenting the placement API.
This is likely going to take quite a few iterations as we work out
the patterns and tooling. But it's great to see the progress and
when looking at the draft rendered docs it makes placement feel like
a real thing™.

Find me (cdent) or Andrey (avolkov) if you want to help out or have
other questions.

## Performance

We're aware that there are some redundancies in the resource tracker
that we'd like to clean up

but it's also the case that we've done no performance testing on the
placement service itself.

We ought to do some testing to make sure there aren't unexpected
performance drains. Is this something where we could get time on the
OSIC hardware?

# Other Code/Specs

 A spec for improving the level of detail and structure in placement
 error responses so that it is easier to distinguish between
 different types of, for example, 409 responses.

 This hasn't seen any attention since March 17, and as a result

[openstack-dev] [nova] placement/resource providers update 18

2017-04-07 Thread Chris Dent

There was a nova-specs sprint this week, so a lot of eyes were on
specs but there continues to be regular progress on resource
providers, the placement API and related work in the scheduler and
resource tracker. If you're doing work that I haven't noticed and
reported in here that you think should be, please follow up with
some links.

# What Matters Most

The addition of traits to the placement API is very close, one patch
remains. Linked below. That means that the top of the priority stack
is the spec for claims via the scheduler. Also linked below.

# What's Changed

There's a new spec for including user and project information in
allocations. This is a start towards allowing placement info to be
used for the counting required for quotas. There's a spec and a
followup review to fix some issues with it:

# Help Wanted

Areas where volunteers are needed.

* General attention to bugs tagged placement:

* Helping to create api documentation for placement (see the Docs
section below).

* Helping to create and evaluate functional tests of the resource
tracker and the ways in which it and nova-scheduler use the
reporting client. For some info see
and talk to edleafe.

* Performance testing. If you have access to some nodes, some basic
   benchmarking and profiling would be very useful. See the
   performance section below. Is there room on OSIC for this kind of

# Main Themes

## Traits

The work to implement the traits API in placement is happening at

There's one patch left to get the API in place and a patch for a new
command to sync the os-traits library into the database:

There is a stack of changes to the os-traits library to add more traits
and also automate creating symbols associated with the trait

## Ironic/Custom Resource Classes

There's a blueprint for "custom resource classes in flavors" that
describes the stuff that will actually make use of custom resource

The spec has merged, but the implementation has not yet started.

Over in Ironic some functional and integration tests have started:

## Claims in the Scheduler

Progress has been made on the spec for claims in the scheduler:

Some differences of opinion on what's possible now and what the API
should expose have been resolved, but now we need to resolve some
questions on how (or even if) to most effectively deal with
reconciling allocations that used to happen in the resource tracker
and will now happen in the scheduler.

Eyes and brains required.

Thinking about this stuff has also revealed some places where it's
possible for allocations to become wrong or orphaned:

## Shared Resource Providers

Progress on this will continue once traits and claims have moved forward.

## Nested Resource Providers

The spec for this has been updated with what was learned at the PTG
and moved to pike and merged:

## Docs

Several reviews are in progress for documenting the placement API.
This is likely going to take quite a few iterations as we work out
the patterns and tooling. But it's great to see the progress and
when looking at the draft rendered docs it makes placement feel like
a real thing™.

Find me (cdent) or Andrey (avolkov) if you want to help out or have
other questions.

## Performance

We're aware that there are some redundancies in the resource tracker
that we'd like to clean up

but it's also the case that we've done no performance testing on the
placement service itself.

We ought to do some testing to make sure there aren't unexpected
performance drains. Is this something where we could get time on the
OSIC hardware?

# Other Code/Specs

 A spec for improving the level of detail and structure in placement
 error responses so that it is easier to distinguish between
 different types of, for example, 409 responses.

 This hasn't seen any attention since March 17, and as a result
 didn't get any attention duri