[osg-users] Unique colors on a shared Geode

2012-03-22 Thread Hartmut Leister
I'm using a shared Geode/Billboard multiparented to several transforms and want 
to attach a unique color and transparency to each of these.
(Also they will have unique positions, rotations and scalings, but those I 
already got using PositionAttitudeTransform).

What would be the best way to set and change color and transparency?
(If possible, I'd stay with the PositionAttitudeTransform rather than 
calculating the MatrixTransform myself)

Right now I can set a unique color to each PAT, but it's just a constant color 
and I need a 3D-Effect. I'm not really firm with all those Blend-Enums and 
could need a hint how to set source and destination, if this is the solution.

Best regards

// -
osg::ref_ptrosg::Group myGroup = new osg::Group;
osg::ref_ptrosg::PositionAttitudeTransform myPat1 = new 
myPat2 = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform;
osg::ref_ptrosg::Geode myGeode = new osg::Geode;
osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry myGeom = CloneNode3D(); // this is the shared 

// -
const osg::StateAttribute::GLModeValue modeValue =
osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE;
osg::ref_ptrosg::BlendFunc myBF1 = new osg::BlendFunc(),
 myBF2 = new osg::BlendFunc;
osg::ref_ptrosg::BlendColor myBC1 = new osg::BlendColor,
  myBC2 = new osg::BlendColor;




osg::ref_ptrosg::StateSet state1 = new osg::StateSet,
state2 = new osg::StateSet;

state1-setAttributeAndModes( myBC1, modeValue );
state2-setAttributeAndModes( myBC2, modeValue );
//osg::BlendFunc* bf = new osg::BlendFunc( 

// -
m_PAT_to_Id[myPat1] = 1;

m_PAT_to_Id[myPat2] = 2;

// -

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Re: [osg-users] Unique colors on a shared Geode

2012-03-22 Thread Hartmut Leister
after trying a different approach using osg::Material, I found the 
(surprisingly simple) solution (see below)
You just need to create a unique osg::Material for each PAT, add the wanted 
color and transparence. Also you should set the rendering hints to 
TRANSPARENT_BIN for correct transparence calculation.
(I think that's it)

Best regards

osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry geom;
osg::ref_ptrosg::Material myMat1 = new osg::Material;
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Re: [osg-users] Scene as Texture

2012-03-02 Thread Hartmut Leister

thanks for the quick answer.

 Chris Hanson wrote on Tue, 28 Feb 2012 08:55:37 -0700:
   The osgprerender example shows how to setup a scene to render to a
 texture for use on a quad.
I will look into this.

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[osg-users] Performance question: Switch / NodeMask / WriteToFile

2012-03-02 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello everyone,

I'm experiencing performance problems with my osg scene. I have many (up to 
100k) geometries to display a tree. 

I'm building my whole scene graph at the beginning. To view it only partially I 
root - group - PositionAttitudeTransform - Switch - (a/b)
(a) LOD - Geode - Geometry or LOD - BillBoard - Geometry
(b) Geode - Geometry
Now when the scene is only partially visible (using osg::Switch), it's laggy 

If I wanted to load and save my scene on demand, what would be the best 
possibility (in regards of performance)
1) write unneeded subgraphs to a file
2) cache unneeded subgraphs (how would I do this?)
3) use NodeMask on osg::Group (would this also black out the respective 

Looking forward for input. Thanks in advance.
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[osg-users] Scene as Texture

2012-02-28 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello Osg-Users,

I want, at a specific time, capture the screen (of my osgViewer) and use it as 
a texture for a quad.
What would be the best way to achieve this? Is there already an example for 

Thanks for the advice in advance.
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[osg-users] Transparence/Geometry issues with PAT

2012-01-28 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hey all of you,

I have a problem with the coloring of my objects (osg::Geometry). When I
resize any of them (using PositionAttitudeTransform) and the scaling
factor is 1 the opacity of the respective geometry nodes is scaled

So *my question* is:
How can I protect the transparence/opacity of a geometry against scaling?
(some further questions below)

Little description of what I'm doing:
I have lots of similar objects to represent graphs and for each type of
object (node, edge) I create a prototype to copy from. This is an
osg::Geometry with TriangleStrips and TriangleFans. I keep it in memory
as osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry
When building the structure I create a geometry for each object and copy
(member by member) all the PrimitiveSets, Vertices, etc. as well as the
ColorArray and color-binding (which is BIND_OVERALL) from the prototype
to the new clone (- 2nd question). I then insert this geometry into a
osg::Geode node (-3rd question), which I add to a
osg::PositionAttitudeTransform node (to scale, move and rotate) and
finally to the respective osg::Group.
Optionally I insert a osg::LOD to get higher performance. I'm also not
using the osg::ShapeDrawables but my own objects for said performance (I
got up to 10^5 objects to display atm, but very possibly even more to come)

Right now I'm hiding the scaled transparence by creating the prototypes
about the size the objects will be at the end, but they all will have
different sizes so there's still a difference in opacity.

*2nd question*:
How can I more easily create a osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry copied from
another osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry (cloning all the PrimitiveSets,
vertices, normals, colors, states and so on)

*3rd question*:
Can I add a geometry more directly to a PAT than Geometry-Geode-PAT?

*4th question*:
Does anybody have any further suggestions to improve my osg structures,
mainly in means of performance?

Hartmut Leister hartmut.leis...@s2005.tu-chemnitz.de
Hofer Straße 58a, 04317 Leipzig
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Re: [osg-users] Change for need to redraw scene

2011-12-05 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hi Filip,

Am 02.12.2011 12:39, schrieb Filip Arlet:
 If you want redraw on demand

 if( viewer-checkNeedToDoFrame() )
I will try this and keep you updated.

 Btw. comparing two matrices of doubles has to be done with epsilon delta
of course, how could I forget...should have known this.

Thank you

Hartmut Leister haleis...@gmx.de
04317 Leipzig
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Change for need to redraw scene

2011-12-02 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello OSG-Users,

(I'm writing a display application, using osgviewerQt)

I'm looking for a way to check, whether I need to redraw the scene to skip a 
redraw, if would be the same as the previous (fixed image). Or is this already 
done by osg-library?
I figured, I only need a redraw, if
a) Camera changes (position, field of view)
b) scene changes (geometry changes, color changes)

Unfortunately my first guesses and web searches were not successful, e.g. I 
saved the cameras ViewMatrix ( getCamera()-getViewMatrix() ) after a call of 
frame() to compare it to the current before the next call of frame(). Oddly the 
seem to change every time, even though the Viewer showed a fixed image.

Can anyone point me to a direction and offer hints, to how I can achieve this?
Am I carrying coals to Newcastle, since OSG would already be doing this and/or 
I only forgot to set a flag?

Thanks in advance and sunny greetings
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[osg-users] Lighting problem

2011-11-15 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello OSG users,

I'm having a lighting problem in my osgviewerQt (derived from [1]) application 
with a self created drawable object.
All my spheres are basically looking like this [2], with this weird spot on top 
of all spheres.

Has anybody an idea, 
a) what could be causing this or (more important)
b) how to stop it?

Has anyone stumbled upon this himself before?

Grateful for any advise

[2] http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~harl/mail_halde/osg/Sphere_dots.png
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Re: [osg-users] Problems with computeIntersections

2011-09-13 Thread Hartmut Leister
Thanks Chris,

inverting the y-coordinate did the trick! Picking is now super easy and 
correct. And I suppose you're right with the twice listed objects.

Thanks again

Here's the new Code for anyone with the same problem:
void ViewerQT::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
// default mouse control

// continue with picking
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
float x = event-x() * 1.0;
float y = height() - event-y();
if (computeIntersections(x,y,intersections))
hitr = intersections.begin();
hitr != intersections.end();

if (!hitr-nodePath.empty()  
// the geodes are identified by name.
std::cout   Object \
else if (hitr-drawable.valid())
std::cout   Object \
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[osg-users] Problems with computeIntersections

2011-09-08 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello all,

I got a problem with osgUtil::computeIntersections(). I wanted to include it in 
my application (which is nested into the osgviewerQT example). I took the code 
for picking from the osgpick example.
However, when I click on my view, there's the following possibilities
- the picked node/drawable is correct, but listed twice
- no intersection is computed, although I clicked on a drawable
- an intersection is computed, although i clicked into empty space

I can't explain, what I could be doing wrong. Perhaps it's that event comes 
from QMouseEvent and has another coordinate system than osgviewer?

Any hints where to go from here?

Best wishes


void ViewerQT::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
// default mouse control

// continue with picking
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
float x = event-x();
float y = event-y();

std::cout  (  x  ,  y  );
std::cout  std::endl;

if (computeIntersections(x,y,intersections))
for(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator hitr = 
hitr != intersections.end();
if (!hitr-nodePath.empty()  
// the geodes are identified by name.
std::cout  Object \
else if (hitr-drawable.valid())
std::cout  Object \

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[osg-users] Picking ShapeDrawables in osg

2011-08-31 Thread Hartmut Leister

(since I couldn't find this problem searching the www, I'm trying here)

I'm quite new to osg and want to pick a ShapeDrawable in my scene. I got 2 
(1) How can i get a pointer to a picked ShapeDrawable?
(2) I'm not sure whether the intersection 

I started from the standard osgviewerQT example and I'm using only 
ShapeDrawables from osg, since I'm drawing tree layouts (spheres and 
cylinders). All the ShapeDrawables are added to 1 geode (only 1 for performance 
reasons), which is added to 1 group, which is loaded into a model to draw.
I then overwrote AdapterWidget::mouseReleaseEvent to insert the picking 
functionality from osgpick.cpp, but I only get the drawable list (in 

And the returned drawable list looks weird too - when I select some empty 
space, I get 0 or more hits and when I select a point with only 1 ShapeDrawable 
underneath, I also get 0 or more hits.
But perhaps this is just a result of a wrong implementation.

Best wishes
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