Hello everyone,

I'm experiencing performance problems with my osg scene. I have many (up to 
100k) geometries to display a tree. 

I'm building my whole scene graph at the beginning. To view it only partially I 
root -> group -> PositionAttitudeTransform -> Switch -> (a/b)
(a) LOD -> Geode -> Geometry or LOD -> BillBoard -> Geometry
(b) Geode -> Geometry
Now when the scene is only partially visible (using osg::Switch), it's laggy 

If I wanted to load and save my scene on demand, what would be the best 
possibility (in regards of performance)
1) write unneeded subgraphs to a file
2) cache unneeded subgraphs (how would I do this?)
3) use NodeMask on osg::Group (would this also black out the respective 

Looking forward for input. Thanks in advance.
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