Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-15 Thread Renato Silveira
Hi Thomas,

I tested your code and I got an error:
OsgAnimationTools AnimationSplit XML Config ERROR: AnimationSplit nodes
must contain a 'splitCount' property.

The function that reads my FPS returns 0, even when I set to 30 in the xml
Also, the function ReadAniSplitFromConfigNode() has a variable splitCount
that is never used.
If you can help me, I will be thankful.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Renato Silveira silveira@gmail.comwrote:

 Thank you very mutch!
 I will check it.


 On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Thomas Hogarth 

 Attached is the cpp and an example config file. I think it's pretty
 straight forward.

 Looks like the forum blocked my xml config so here is a copy in the post

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-15?
 OsgAnimationTools sourceFile='./Data/Models/Terrorist/terrorist.FBX'
 destinationFile='./splitExport.osgb' fps='30'
  AnimationSplit sourceAnimation='Take 001'
 NewAnimation name='staying' startFrame='0' endFrame='49'/
  NewAnimation name='fire_standing' startFrame='50' endFrame='89'/
 NewAnimation name='running' startFrame='90' endFrame='111'/
  NewAnimation name='walking' startFrame='112' endFrame='147'/
 NewAnimation name='grenade_throw' startFrame='148' endFrame='187'/
  NewAnimation name='hide_behind_wall' startFrame='188' endFrame='213'/
 NewAnimation name='from_standing_to_squat' startFrame='214'
  NewAnimation name='fire_sguating' startFrame='242' endFrame='291'/
 NewAnimation name='from_sguating_to_stand' startFrame='292'
  NewAnimation name='jump_down' startFrame='314' endFrame='359'/
 NewAnimation name='fire_lying' startFrame='360' endFrame='379'/
  NewAnimation name='stand_up' startFrame='380' endFrame='425'/
 NewAnimation name='dying_on_belt' startFrame='426' endFrame='532'/
  NewAnimation name='dying_on_spin' startFrame='533' endFrame='568'/
 NewAnimation name='jump' startFrame='569' endFrame='614'/

 Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

 Informatics Institute - UFRGS
 Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

Informatics Institute - UFRGS
Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-13 Thread Thomas Hogarth
Hi Renato / others

I've finished my animation splitting system, seems to do the job for me. I
used osgDB XmlPaser to allow an xml file to be used for config and have
successfully loaded my original long animation file and split it
into separate 'takes'.

Attached is the cpp and an example config file. I think it's pretty straight

Let me know if you get stuck

At the moment exporting to .osgb seems to be the only format that works.
Source file can be whatever you previously had e.g. fbx
//Simple animation split util, will load an xml config file from ./splitConfig.xml and
//use it to specify a source file, output/destination file and a set of new split animations
//key use of this tool is to split one long animatiob from 3ds max into multiple 'takes'

#include osgDB/ReadFile
#include osgDB/WriteFile
#include osgDB/FileUtils
#include osgDB/XmlParser

#include osgAnimation/BasicAnimationManager
#include osgAnimation/AnimationManagerBase

//finds and returns the fist AnimationManagerBase in the subgraph
struct AnimationManagerFinder : public osg::NodeVisitor
osg::ref_ptrosgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager _am;
AnimationManagerFinder() : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) {}
void apply(osg::Node node) {
if (_am.valid())
if (node.getUpdateCallback()) {
osgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase* b = dynamic_castosgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase*(node.getUpdateCallback());
if (b) {
_am = new osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager(*b);

//Finds an Animation by name, returning a pointer to the animation
//and a pointer to the manager it was found in
struct FindOsgAnimationByName : public osg::NodeVisitor
	//the name of the source animation we are looking for
	std::string _sourceAnimationName;

	//used to return the animation and the manager it was stored in
	osgAnimation::Animation* p_ani;
	osgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase* p_manager;

	FindOsgAnimationByName(std::string sourceAnimationName) 
		: osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN),
	void apply(osg::Node node) {

		if (node.getUpdateCallback()) {
			osgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase* b = dynamic_castosgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase*(node.getUpdateCallback());
			if (b) {
//we have found a valid osgAnimation manager, now look for the single long animation inside with the desired name
osgAnimation::AnimationList aniList = b-getAnimationList();
for(unsigned int i=0; ianiList.size(); i++){
	if(aniList[i]-getName() == _sourceAnimationName){
		p_manager = b;
		p_ani = aniList[i].get();

class AnimationUtils

	//returns the index of the keyframe closest to the passed time
	//returns -1 if the time is out of range of the key container
	template typename ContainerType
	static int GetNearestKeyFrameIndex(ContainerType* keyContainer, double time)
		if(!keyContainer){return -1;}

		int closestFrame = -1;
		double closestDiff = 9.99f;

		//loop all the keys
		for(unsigned int i=0; ikeyContainer-size(); i++)
			double diff = fabs(time - (*keyContainer)[i].getTime());
			if( diff  closestDiff){
closestFrame = i;
closestDiff = diff;
		return closestFrame;

	 Helper method for resampling channels
	template typename ChannelType, typename ContainerType
	static osg::ref_ptrChannelType ResampleChannel(ChannelType* sourceChannel, unsigned int startFrame, unsigned int endFrame, int fps)
		osg::ref_ptrChannelType newChannel = NULL;
			return newChannel;

		//get the key frame container from the source channel
		ContainerType* sourceKeyCont  = sourceChannel-getSamplerTyped()-getKeyframeContainerTyped();

		if (sourceKeyCont)
			OSG_INFO  OsgAnimationTools ResampleChannel INFO: Resampling source channel '  sourceChannel-getName() 
	  ', from startFrame '  startFrame  ' to endFrame '  endFrame  . Total frames in source channel '  sourceKeyCont-size()  '.  std::endl;
			if(startFrame = sourceKeyCont-size() || endFrame = sourceKeyCont-size())
OSG_WARN  OsgAnimationTools ResampleChannel ERROR: startFrame or endFrame is out of range,  std::endl
		   startFrame '  startFrame  ', endFrame '  endFrame  . Total frames in source channel '  sourceKeyCont-size()  '.  std::endl;

return newChannel;

			//determine the copy direction, i.e. lets see if we can copy frames in reverse as could come in handy
			unsigned int from=startFrame;
			unsigned int to=endFrame;
			if(startFrame  endFrame){
from = endFrame;
to = startFrame;

			//get our frames as a times 
			double fromTime = from == 0 ? 0.0f : 

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-13 Thread Thomas Hogarth
Attached is the cpp and an example config file. I think it's pretty
straight forward.

Looks like the forum blocked my xml config so here is a copy in the post

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-15?
OsgAnimationTools sourceFile='./Data/Models/Terrorist/terrorist.FBX'
destinationFile='./splitExport.osgb' fps='30'
AnimationSplit sourceAnimation='Take 001'
NewAnimation name='staying' startFrame='0' endFrame='49'/
NewAnimation name='fire_standing' startFrame='50' endFrame='89'/
NewAnimation name='running' startFrame='90' endFrame='111'/
NewAnimation name='walking' startFrame='112' endFrame='147'/
NewAnimation name='grenade_throw' startFrame='148' endFrame='187'/
NewAnimation name='hide_behind_wall' startFrame='188' endFrame='213'/
NewAnimation name='from_standing_to_squat' startFrame='214'
NewAnimation name='fire_sguating' startFrame='242' endFrame='291'/
NewAnimation name='from_sguating_to_stand' startFrame='292'
NewAnimation name='jump_down' startFrame='314' endFrame='359'/
NewAnimation name='fire_lying' startFrame='360' endFrame='379'/
NewAnimation name='stand_up' startFrame='380' endFrame='425'/
NewAnimation name='dying_on_belt' startFrame='426' endFrame='532'/
NewAnimation name='dying_on_spin' startFrame='533' endFrame='568'/
NewAnimation name='jump' startFrame='569' endFrame='614'/
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-13 Thread Renato Silveira
Thank you very mutch!
I will check it.


On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Thomas Hogarth thomas.hoga...@gmail.comwrote:

 Attached is the cpp and an example config file. I think it's pretty
 straight forward.

 Looks like the forum blocked my xml config so here is a copy in the post

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-15?
 OsgAnimationTools sourceFile='./Data/Models/Terrorist/terrorist.FBX'
 destinationFile='./splitExport.osgb' fps='30'
  AnimationSplit sourceAnimation='Take 001'
 NewAnimation name='staying' startFrame='0' endFrame='49'/
  NewAnimation name='fire_standing' startFrame='50' endFrame='89'/
 NewAnimation name='running' startFrame='90' endFrame='111'/
  NewAnimation name='walking' startFrame='112' endFrame='147'/
 NewAnimation name='grenade_throw' startFrame='148' endFrame='187'/
  NewAnimation name='hide_behind_wall' startFrame='188' endFrame='213'/
 NewAnimation name='from_standing_to_squat' startFrame='214'
  NewAnimation name='fire_sguating' startFrame='242' endFrame='291'/
 NewAnimation name='from_sguating_to_stand' startFrame='292'
  NewAnimation name='jump_down' startFrame='314' endFrame='359'/
 NewAnimation name='fire_lying' startFrame='360' endFrame='379'/
  NewAnimation name='stand_up' startFrame='380' endFrame='425'/
 NewAnimation name='dying_on_belt' startFrame='426' endFrame='532'/
  NewAnimation name='dying_on_spin' startFrame='533' endFrame='568'/
 NewAnimation name='jump' startFrame='569' endFrame='614'/

Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

Informatics Institute - UFRGS
Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-04 Thread Thomas Hogarth
Hi Renato

 I thought it was not possible. How can you save your FBX file with multiple
 animations? I'm using 3DS Max 2010 and I do not see a way to save multiple
 animations. I'm not familiar with modeling ...

I need to do something similar at the moment. I know MotionBuilde can export
fbx with multiple takes, but 3ds max can not. I plan to write a node visitor
that will find and split any osg animations into multiple takes. Perhaps
using a config file. Shouldn't take long, I'll send you a copy when I'm
done. If you export your fbx from osg as a .osg file you can see how the
data is stored and looks petty straight forward to split it.

Alternatively you can use MotionBuilder and I know the FBX plugin is capable
of loading the multiple takes.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-04 Thread Mr Alji
Hi Renato  Thomas,

I came to the same conclusion :* multiple animations on the same fbx file
can only be done with MotionBuilder*, until i found this
with multiple animations : Run, Walk , Shoot ... and at the beginning of the
file there is this line:

Creator: FBX SDK/FBX Plugins build 20061101

It seems a little bit contradictory


*Mohamed ALJI*
Élève ingénieur en Informatique troisième année à l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA
(Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - IPB)
Webmaster bénévole de l'association L'eau du désert:

2011/2/4 Thomas Hogarth

 Hi Renato

 I thought it was not possible. How can you save your FBX file with
 animations? I'm using 3DS Max 2010 and I do not see a way to save multiple
 animations. I'm not familiar with modeling ...

 I need to do something similar at the moment. I know MotionBuilde can
 export fbx with multiple takes, but 3ds max can not. I plan to write a node
 visitor that will find and split any osg animations into multiple takes.
 Perhaps using a config file. Shouldn't take long, I'll send you a copy when
 I'm done. If you export your fbx from osg as a .osg file you can see how the
 data is stored and looks petty straight forward to split it.

 Alternatively you can use MotionBuilder and I know the FBX plugin is
 capable of loading the multiple takes.


 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-04 Thread Renato Silveira
Hi Thomas and Alji

I will try the MotionBuilder. When you write the node visitor, and if you
can share it, I'll be very grateful!

Thank you!


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Mr Alji wrote:

 Hi Renato  Thomas,

 I came to the same conclusion :* multiple animations on the same fbx file
 can only be done with MotionBuilder*, until i found this 
 with multiple animations : Run, Walk , Shoot ... and at the beginning of the
 file there is this line:

 Creator: FBX SDK/FBX Plugins build 20061101

 It seems a little bit contradictory


 *Mohamed ALJI*
 Élève ingénieur en Informatique troisième année à l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA
 (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - IPB)
 Webmaster bénévole de l'association L'eau du désert:

 2011/2/4 Thomas Hogarth

  Hi Renato

 I thought it was not possible. How can you save your FBX file with
 animations? I'm using 3DS Max 2010 and I do not see a way to save
 animations. I'm not familiar with modeling ...

 I need to do something similar at the moment. I know MotionBuilde can
 export fbx with multiple takes, but 3ds max can not. I plan to write a node
 visitor that will find and split any osg animations into multiple takes.
 Perhaps using a config file. Shouldn't take long, I'll send you a copy when
 I'm done. If you export your fbx from osg as a .osg file you can see how the
 data is stored and looks petty straight forward to split it.

 Alternatively you can use MotionBuilder and I know the FBX plugin is
 capable of loading the multiple takes.


 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

Informatics Institute - UFRGS
Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-03 Thread Mr Alji
Hi Silveira,

I had almost the same problem, rather than specifying the frames to be
played, I choosed to use FBX Model with multiple animations, the animation
Manager took care of the rest.

I hope I helped a little bit
*Mohamed ALJI*
Élève ingénieur en Informatique troisième année à l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA
(Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - IPB)
Webmaster bénévole de l'association L'eau du désert:

2011/2/3 Renato Silveira


 In my application I’m using osg with FBX plug-in.

 The FBX model that I’m using has a unique sequence of animations, called
 “Take 001”. The sequence includes a walk, stand, and run animations.

 Is there a way to specify that from frame 0 to 100 I have the walk
 animation, from frame 1001 to 3000 I have the stand animation, and so on?

 I’m using the AnimationTimelineHandler, as in the example, but I could not
 figure out how to do it. I play the entire sequence of animations, but I
 cannot separate them.

 Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

 Informatics Institute - UFRGS
 Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Controlling animations in FBX models

2011-02-03 Thread Renato Silveira
Thank you! You really help me.

I thought it was not possible. How can you save your FBX file with multiple
animations? I'm using 3DS Max 2010 and I do not see a way to save multiple
animations. I'm not familiar with modeling ...

How can I split the animations?

Thank you!


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Mr Alji wrote:

 Hi Silveira,

 I had almost the same problem, rather than specifying the frames to be
 played, I choosed to use FBX Model with multiple animations, the animation
 Manager took care of the rest.

 I hope I helped a little bit
 *Mohamed ALJI*
 Élève ingénieur en Informatique troisième année à l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA
 (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - IPB)
 Webmaster bénévole de l'association L'eau du désert:

 2011/2/3 Renato Silveira


 In my application I’m using osg with FBX plug-in.

 The FBX model that I’m using has a unique sequence of animations, called
 “Take 001”. The sequence includes a walk, stand, and run animations.

 Is there a way to specify that from frame 0 to 100 I have the walk
 animation, from frame 1001 to 3000 I have the stand animation, and so on?

 I’m using the AnimationTimelineHandler, as in the example, but I could not
 figure out how to do it. I play the entire sequence of animations, but I
 cannot separate them.

 Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

 Informatics Institute - UFRGS
 Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

Renato Silveira (Ph. D. Student)

Informatics Institute - UFRGS
Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
osg-users mailing list