Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
frank, that does sound like a source of this error. i think the problem is though, that the sssad abstraction is now included in pd-extended. so the included version would need to be modified in order for it to work. ___ mailing list UNSU

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-30 Thread hard off
>>As a workaround for now I would recommend to add extra/sssad to your Pd search path in the traditional way: "-path .../extra/sssad" and then use [sssad] as object name. (I don't think, much is gained by having to include a prefix like "sssad/" to a library that just includes a single classname an

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-30 Thread hard off
as far as i can see, there is only the 'path' flag, and changing that does not fix the problem. only changing the actual name of the sssad.pd file works. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep, list-abs is broken too. today i did a search for all sssad files / folders on my computer and deleted them all. i was quite sure that none of these folders were in pd's search path, but i guess i was wrong. after deleting all instances of sssad, and then re-installing this new version of p

Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
unless you've got a really weird pd setup. then i guess that it's not tabread4~ that is complaining about the power of 2 + 3 error. it's usually tabosc4~ that does that. tabread4~ should do what you want. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
hans, [list-abs] definitely doesn't work for me here...i get exactly the same error that i had previously got with sssad. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
oh. libdir loader $Revision: 1.8 $ written by Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
if you give me some info libdir loader, then i'll see if i can find out if there is a solution to this problem already. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep hexloader is still on in extended-RC3 hex loader $Revision: 1.5 $ written by IOhannes m zmölnig, IEM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> compiled on Jun 27 2008 at 03:24:22 compiled against Pd version 0.40.3.extended-20080627 ___ mailing l

Re: [PD] getting the sample rate + channels of .wav

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
there is an external in pd-extended called [wavinfo] that does most of that i think. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] getting the sample rate + channels of .wav

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep, samples, channels, bitsize, samplerate ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yeah, and you can use [vline~] if you don't want to loop ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] best way to do 1/x

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
[expr 1/$f1] ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] i need a bit of help to understand overlapped blocks

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
recently i have discovered the joys of using overlapped blocks in sound patches. however, i'm having a little bit of difficulty understanding exactly WHAT gets overlapped, and what doesn't get overlapped. it seems to me that control messages and do not get overlapped, and i can't really tell what

Re: [PD] fft newbie - rifft~ filter

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
if you use overlapped blocks, it makes the hanning window less intrusive. so instead of [block~ 512], use [block~ 512 2 1] or even [block~ 512 4 1] ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] possible to reset phasor~?

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
changing speed within a cycle using vline: [metro 1] | | [r to-float] | | [f ] [enter your new speed here( | | [t f f][* 44.1] | | | | [+ 44.1] | |\ | | [s to-float] | | [pack] | [$1, $2 1( | [vline~] | [tabread4~] _

Re: [PD] best way to do 1/x

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
yes, [t ] triggers right to left, that's just a typo ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
>>one drawback in using [vline~] as the 'table index driver' - compared to [phasor~]: it doesn't allow to change speed at samplerate (yeah, it is possible, but only by sending sr * times messages per second -> very expensive, i suppose). phasor~ doesn't allow speed change at samplerate either. i

Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
i found my problem, which was that pd was going nuts trying to find sssad. once i sorted that out, the loading of my patches didn't take so long. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-04 Thread hard off
oops, my mistake. here's the patch which i based my faulty logic on, and in hindsight all it proves is that signals are delayed one block before affecting the phasor's pitch. phasor-rate.pd Description: Binary data ___ mailing list UNSU

Re: [PD] print all abstractions and externals

2008-07-04 Thread hard off
excellent! that is so useful. thanks for sharing. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] Seam carving audio

2008-07-08 Thread hard off
i'm thinking about how you'd do this, and the picture in my mind is of a single 2 second long clarinet note with a hihat being hit after about 1 second. so, if you were going to stretch or compress that, you'd want to preserve the parts with the most 'colour' ...which i would guess would be the a

Re: [PD] analog-modelling 808 hihat and cowbell

2008-07-08 Thread hard off
that's a brilliant idea to use receives on the oscillators, so that the same ones can be used for both the bell and the hat. sounds great too. here are some other drum sounds i have made and/or collected: __

Re: [PD] frequency components analysis

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
you looked at [fiddle~] right? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
i was going to post about the readsf~ dropout problem today. good timing. in my case though, i am sending the open message, and then manually banging to start, usually at least 15-20 seconds after opening, but i still get dropouts! not all the time, not in any pattern that i can recognise, but

Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
julian! you're a legend!!! that was totally the problem. it totally makes sense too, because when i sent a couple of 'open' messages in a row, i wouldn't get clicks, but if i left it for a while, it would drop out. now i have zero dropouts. awesome. _

[PD] 2 questions for hans about the upcoming 0.40 extended release

2008-07-13 Thread hard off
sorry, i know i could have just emailed hans directly, but the pd list is at the very top of my contacts list :) question 1) did you remove [sssad] from pd-extended? i don't want to download a new version just to check, as my current version is up and working beautifully. question 2) how long

Re: [PD] 2 questions for hans about the upcoming 0.40 extended release

2008-07-14 Thread hard off
hans, my library is not externals, its a library of abstractions. lots of building blocks for drums, synths, effects and samplers. i'd really like to include it in pd-extended,a s it contains a lot of stuff that would be very useful for people making music with pd. ___

Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-14 Thread hard off
i just found that removing the [wavinfo] external from my patch also helped reduce clicking. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-15 Thread hard off
why do tilde objects work in vanilla pd, but the zexy tilde objects are so uncooperative? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-16 Thread hard off
oh sorry i should have been clearer. yes i was referring to >~ and <~ specifically. pd vanilla can load both the > and < characters, and tilde~ characters too.but pd extended can't load them together as part of the zexy library. iohannes, i really appreciate all your hard work, and maybe my o

Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
ok, sorry to have caused a fuss. last question: hypothetically, if miller was to include >~ and <~ into vanilla, would they load properly then? i think those objects SHOULD be a part of vanilla pd anyway. in any sort of audio synthesis patch i do, they invariably need to be used. __

[PD] sssad glitch

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
frank, i found a glitch with sssad. if you use sssad to save the state of a toggle, then sending a [set( message to SSSAD_ADMIN will force a bang on the toggle, even if sssad has not received any data for that toggle. a [route bang] or [sel bang] before the [sssad] outlet fixes this problem. ___

[PD] the fastest way to read/write a lot of information from memory/hard disk

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
i have a couple of sequencers with 16 steps and about 5 parameters for each step , and then a bunch of synths and drum machines running. i have always used textfile for saving sequence and control data for such setups, but if i have a hundred patterns or more, it gets really slow. i guess its so

Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-18 Thread hard off
yeah totally. it seems nonsensical that pd has > and < for control signals, but not for audiorate signals. and as andy obiwan mentioned before [pow~] would also be very useful. as far as i can guess, all of these objects are very simple code-wise. ___

Re: [PD] sssad key-name in abstractions

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
OTOH you can also deliberatly give many [synth]s the same name, if they should share their settings, for example to make a polyphonic synth with 12 copies of the same synth voice. Just make enough [synth /shared] abstractions and control them with [poly] (or use [polypoly]) wow, never thought of

[PD] pd settings (preferences) in ubuntu studio

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
i just installed pd-extended on my ubuntu studio machine, and used synaptic to delete the older version of pd, but my old preferences are still being used. can somebody tell me what the preference file might be called so i can delete it? i tried searching for .pdsettings and .pdrc but all i can f

Re: [PD] Fwd: finding the cause of clicks when using sssad WAS: saving state of a patch

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
what i have done is create a large textfile for presets that can be loaded when the patch is opened, which in turn sends its data to up to 1000 textfile objects. pd seems to have no problem with so many textfile objects storing data it might even be cheaper to do it this way than storing numbers

Re: [PD] pd settings (preferences) in ubuntu studio

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
yeah got that, but its the default for the new build i just installed. pd-extended is still loading with my old settings, and i know this because my abstractions folders and stuff are all still in the pathlist. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE

Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
instead of arrays, use [table], that should help a fair bit. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
by the way, is it even possible to get clicks when rapidly changing osc~ speeds? i didn't think it was, and i have never experienced that. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
if you attach a [dac~] directly to the osc~ object, do you still get crackles? if not, then i guess your problem might lie further down the line. looking at your PAN module, the panning amount is sent as a float into [*~ ] objects without [line~] smoothing. that would be the likeliest culprit i

Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
a jump down to 0 wouldn't cause any problems though, the oscillator's waveform would just flatline for a moment. and in the tests i just did, only very significant jumps, like from 100hz to 2hz caused major clickiness. i think it is pretty safe to say that the speed of the oscillator isn't wh

Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
i would assume that the size of the [table16] tables would just be half of the original tables that soundfiler creates.. so, if you have your [table16] objects indexed with integers (and i guess you do if you have 1400 of them), then you would just take the original array size, halve it, and then w

Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
sorry, the overuse of the words 'table' and 'array' in my last post make it quite hard to understand. but i promise it works. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] change knob width on sliders?

2008-07-26 Thread hard off
bit of a hack, but you can put a canvas on top of the slider, and have it receive position data from the slider's value ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] 'pure' pd DSP abstractions wanted!

2008-08-26 Thread hard off
my diy library (work in progress) is not all pure pd, but fair chunks of it are. it shouldn't be too hard to rip the dsp guts out of some abstractions for your purposes. or ___

Re: [PD] 'pure' pd DSP abstractions wanted!

2008-08-27 Thread hard off
jamie, my diy collection has no licence, no need for credit., etc.. i'm more than happy for you to do whatever and use it. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] DIY library - samplers, synthesis, effects, etc

2008-08-27 Thread hard off
here's the mailing list link to my DIY library, lots of plug and play units for music and sound production. at the moment there is no formal licence, so anyone may use these however they want. also, i am in europe travelling round until mid-october, so if anyone w

Re: [PD] Read damaged sound file

2008-09-08 Thread hard off
this is really handy to know. cheers. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] execution order for ~ objects that output messages

2008-09-26 Thread hard off
an easy way might be to put a [bang~] in a subpatch, so that it is triggered after the [env~ ] objects, and then connect each [env~] to the right inlet of a [f ]...then you can bang the floats with [t b b] from the [bang~] ___ mailing list

Re: [PD] Berlin Pure Data Meetings

2008-10-13 Thread hard off
i'm playing in berlin on wednesday night. the gig starts and finishes early. the flyer is a bit dodgy, but there should be heaps of good live sets. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-m

Re: [PD] Berlin Pure Data Meetings

2008-10-13 Thread hard off
nster Zoku Onsomb- an electro surf trash 4 piece from Australia, Nero's Day At Disneyland- baroque electronics with noisey breakcore beats from San Francisco, Hard Off- Japan's global underground brokencore hero, and YobKiss- Rotterdam's lazer-gloved mega-drummer! Brought to you by Dj

Re: [PD] basic stats on a table?

2008-10-24 Thread hard off
do the calculation as data is written INTO the table? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] dubstep bass/other patches?

2008-11-09 Thread hard off
it's really not a secret. you can just google "how to make dubstep bass" and find lots of stuff ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] frey-wubwubwub (basic dubstep loop, purepd+samples)

2008-11-14 Thread hard off
zip file is missing the tr808-bd~.pd drumkick everything else works well. sounds great. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] frey-wubwubwub ACTUALLY FIXED

2008-11-15 Thread hard off
wow yeah great. you should keep going. make it into a song. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] Beatrepeat (preview)

2008-11-17 Thread hard off
cheers frank ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] looking for a way to dump fft~ info

2008-11-19 Thread hard off
hope this ascii graphic stuff works. [bang~] | | [r spigotswitch] | / [spigot] | [t b b] | | | [; | spigotswitch 0( | [tabwrite~ mytable] [table mytable 256] just make sure your table is big enough to fit the whole FFT vector. and send a

[PD] restrict pd to one instance

2008-11-19 Thread hard off
on ubuntu, every time i double click on a pd file to open it, a new instance of pd is created. is there any way i can restrict this so that only one instance of pd is opened, and then new files are opened within that same instance? ___ mai

Re: [PD] restrict pd to one instance

2008-11-20 Thread hard off
>>pd/src$ grep -- -new notes.txt pd to find running ones (pd -new to defeat)<< sorry, i am quite clueless with this stuff. exactly what do i type or modify, and where? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.p

Re: [PD] using a constant without bang

2008-11-20 Thread hard off
send the value to the LEFT inlet of the float object? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] hot and cold inlets don't always make sense

2008-11-21 Thread hard off
no, they are hot and cold for a very good reason...the order of dataflow is often vital to how a patch runs. it's not too hard to turn a cold inlet into a hot one though. [t b f] usually does it. see attached patch add-fixed.pd Description: application/extension-pd

Re: [PD] how to send named commands/arguments to an abstraction?

2008-11-23 Thread hard off
i think the object you are looking for is [route] ie: [route file bpm loop .] ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] "argument out of range" when using $1/$2 for send/receive name

2008-11-24 Thread hard off
ahh, the problem is with gui objects? do they even support the new way of handling $??? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] "object" or "class" in pdpedia

2007-09-12 Thread hard off
it took me 5 months to figure out the difference between objects, externals, and abstractionsgod only knows how much longer it would have taken if i'd had to deal with 'classes' as well. i probably would have given up. 'object' has always been used (even if it is sometimes incorrectly used).

Re: [PD] arpeggiator

2007-09-12 Thread hard off
this is how i order notes in a table: when a new note is input, read through the table until you reach either a 0, or a number higher than the new note. if you reach a zero, then put the new note in place of the zero. if you reach a higher note, then shift every remaining note 1 step forward in

Re: [PD] Is this wierd or am I missing something?

2007-09-13 Thread hard off
check the send/receive properties for your 'slew' slider. ;) ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] line limits in textfile/msgfile?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
just do this to check: [1( <--- add a higher number to see how far you can go | [t f b( |\ | \ [until] [clear( | / [add symbol something( | / |/ | / [textfile] ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and acco

[PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
i have something i'd like to add to pdpedia, but it seems the datapool is still not functional. the current version says 'this is how pdpedia MIGHT look' when will it actually be ready to use? i think that rather than arguing about silly stuff like 'classes vs objects' it would be better ju

Re: [PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
i prepared a document which included ascii style patch representations (eg.. [t f f] | / |[set $1-array] | / [tabread 0-array] ) but the wiki format doesn't like the multiple spaces you need for this, so i made .png files from screenshots, and tried to upload them, but i g

Re: [PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
ok, sorry for saying 'silly' i'm just an idiot. but i want to edit pdpedia!!! ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
bugger, forgot to reply to list again. here's my reply: ok. i know pdpedia only a rough draft at the moment, which is why i felt more comfortable messing round and editing stuff. i have saved my input as .txt files and will add it to the real pdpedia when you get it up and running. i also a

Re: [PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-15 Thread hard off
yeah i know. i already had a go at editing your test page ;) as far as i see. you're just setting it up as an explanation of objects (or classes, or whatever they're called now.) but pd is more about how you string objects together, than the actual objects themselves. anyway. the community wi

Re: [PD] pddp drafts

2007-09-16 Thread hard off
i agree with frank. no way should help patches rely on externals. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] pddp drafts

2007-09-17 Thread hard off
the niagara / packel stuff you can easily substitute with [list split 1] and then you're rocking pddp vanilla style! ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] settable send (pd 0.40+)

2007-09-18 Thread hard off
to follow on from a previous thread, how does the settable send work in pd 0.40 (i haven't installed it yet) if it is just like: [set x( | [send y] then, won't this break backwards compatibility? i often use [send] to pass set messages on, particularly for example when using [tabread4~] __

Re: [PD] settable send (pd 0.40+)

2007-09-18 Thread hard off
ah good. thanks for clearing that up. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] getting cue/loop points from WAV files

2007-09-18 Thread hard off
the workaround i have at the moment is that audacity lets you export cue points as a .txt file. As long as you don't add any labels to your cue points, then that text file contains a list of cue point times which you can read directly into an array in pd. in audacity, do the following: Project -

Re: [PD] settable send (pd 0.40+)

2007-09-18 Thread hard off
i guess it would help for debugging of newer patches on older versions of pd. if you create [send x] and feed it [symbol x] [symbol y] symbol z], then it will always send to x in older versions of pd, so it might be harder to find the source of error. however, if you just create [send], it will

Re: [PD] pdpedia - when can we start doing stuff?

2007-09-21 Thread hard off
it seems that the media pool (database) still hasn't been set up. once that works, i can start doing some pages. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] URL for mediawiki (aka pdpedia status report)

2007-09-24 Thread hard off
i think that '' sounds and looks better. pdpedia.puredata is a bit of a tongue twister. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] URL for mediawiki (aka pdpedia status report)

2007-09-25 Thread hard off it says it all. it's a WIKI with INFO on PUREDATA. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] Interrupted sound

2007-09-27 Thread hard off
if you dont need the audio routing from jack, then the plain ALSA driver is much easier to get workign properly. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] Clicks between slices (slicer)

2007-10-01 Thread hard off
when you send a message to trigger a new slice, do the following: 1) send a [vline~] ramp to cut the volume ie, [tabread4~] | | [0 5. 0 5 5( | | | [vline~] | | [*~ ] 2) delay your slice message 5 ms so that the new slice is retriggered exactly when the volume is zero. _

Re: [PD] pd arpeggio sound

2007-10-02 Thread hard off
i wrote a fair bit about arpeggiators here: ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] timestretching for slicer

2007-10-02 Thread hard off
i'd love it if someone would actually explain the ableton process fully or code it in pd. everyone always just says 'they do it like this, it's easy'but no-one actually makes it as far as a patch. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and accou

Re: [PD] timestretching for slicer

2007-10-02 Thread hard off
cool!!! Can you post a simple patch that does abelton-esue time-stretching on a loop? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] timestretching for slicer

2007-10-03 Thread hard off
roman, sorry i use gmail, which has a nice threaded view for mail. i forgot that not everyone gets this function. derek wrote: "Time stretching is usually done one of two ways, both of which involve a kind of "windowing" of the array: you can use an FFT analysis (of which there are examples wh

Re: [PD] Good sounding PD reverb patches - anyone?

2007-10-14 Thread hard off
did you try freeverb~ ? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] reset a block

2007-10-15 Thread hard off
is there any way to reset a block? i am using the guts from the phase vocoder in the documentation, but it clips off the attack when i trigger percussion samples. so what i need to do (unless someone has a better suggestion) is retrigger the block at the same as triggering the sample to play. is

Re: [PD] syntax of Pd files

2007-10-16 Thread hard off
>#X connect 60 0 62 0; this is easy. 60 = the 61st object in that window to be created (because 0 is also counted) 0 = 1st OUTLET of that object 62 = the 63rd object in that window to be created 0 = 1st INLET of that object ___ mailing

Re: [PD] syntax of Pd files

2007-10-16 Thread hard off
#X array $1-THREE 6485 float 0; as i just found out, you need a backslash in front of $ args. eg.. /$1-THREE no idea what the float 0 means though. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] webring name and url (!) changed to pd_ring

2007-10-18 Thread hard off
yeah, and as if anyone was taking away their revenue by using the term. bloody hell i hate trademark/copyright laws. understand you just doing the sensible thing and standing clear of the bastards though. the PD-RING is cool though. thanks for putting it up. _

Re: [PD] Hey ;)

2007-10-18 Thread hard off
^ don't even think about clicking on this. it's spam and i got it in my inbox too. how the hell it ended up on this list i don't know. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Re: [PD] metastudio released

2007-10-22 Thread hard off
holey dooley! you want to try that out on a 13" monitor! looks like there's heaps of good stuff in there though. i tried loading a demo song, still just getting very clicky sounds, but i will give it more of a go to find its sweet spots. the rhythms are cool. ___

Re: [PD] Can you help me with this patch?

2007-10-26 Thread hard off
i think it will delay until the next block. not sure how reliable it is though. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

[PD] about sexy-ism

2007-10-26 Thread hard off
i went to the [pool] last week, and met this zexy girl, she was a real GEM - a totally rradical chick. We started to [swap] some glances, and not being one to do anything [unauthorized], i asked her, "hey, do you want to [route]?" ..she said "sorry it's that [time] of the month" and i said, "he

Re: [PD] about sexy-ism

2007-10-27 Thread hard off
i promise never to do this kind of thing again, as long as you guys promise that any future discussions of sexism, or politics, or anything not pd related is kept OT, where it belongs. fair enough eh? ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and acc

Re: [PD] Set as maximum value of a number box, another number

2007-10-29 Thread hard off
right click on the box to bring up the help menu, and there should be a subpatch called [pd edit] this will show you how to set limits. ___ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

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