[PEN-L:2850] Re: Fwd: stripes for the backs of fools

1999-02-03 Thread James Michael Craven


That explanation was considered (official position of the Curches was 
that the scratches were for TB testing) Out of 20 pysicians in 
Alberta randoming consulted, not one said that these marks could have 
been related to any known past or present medical procedure or test). 
Further, these marks were not put on all Indian children in all 
schools yet all the schools were governed by the same basic medical 
protocols which would suggest that these marks should be on all or a 
majority of the Indian children.

Personally, knowing the kinds of religious fanatics that ran these 
schools, I think the verse from Proverbs 19: 29 is a plausible 
explanation. Note there is also concrete evidence of Indian children 
and adults being used in the infamous MKULTRA (LSD) experiments in 
the CIA/Canadian Government in the 1960s and 1970s in mental 
institutions and residential schools. Then there is the matter of 
forced and/or duplicitous sterilization of Indian children that still 
goes on today. Plus torture, rape, murder, physical abuse, forced 
abortions of fetus that were the product of rape by clergy, using 
children for "cock fighting" viewed by staff of the schools, use of 
bullies and gangs to enforce compliance, forced suppression of 
traditional language and culture, beating of left-handed children, 
electric shocks, etc. etc.

Jim Craven

On  3 Feb 99 at 9:16, Bill Burgess wrote:

> A different explanation:
> These stripes sound like the scratches made for innoculations against
> smallpox, or was it polio? I faintly remember a little metal instrument
> with serrated edges, that left little parallel marks, though it was on our
> shoulders, not backsides. If not properly cared for, they got infected, and
> left nasty scars.
> Bill Burgess
> At 09:06 AM 03/02/99 EST, you wrote:
> >  
> >
> >   The use of  religion to mark Pikanii Children in Canada for the depths of
> >hell. 
> > 
> >Copyright 1999 by  Long Standing Bear Chief
> > 
> >  "Judgement is prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools."
> >From the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 19, Verse 29
> >  
> > One day in fall of 1949 Pikanii children at the Sacred Heart Residential
> >School 
> >near what is now the community of Brocket, Alberta, Canada the teaching of
> the
> >nature 
> >of sin and how  to pray so that one might overcome evil thoughts was
> initiated
> >and put in. 
> > "They also prepared us for a bad future at these residential schools"
> > agreed George Yellow Horn and Elizabeth Crow Flag. Both are members of the
> > Pikanii Nation which is now called the Peigan Nation by the Government of
> > Canada.
> >  
> > George Yellow Horn, also known by his aboriginal name of Sikkapii
> > (White Horse) said, "In the Fall of 1949 when I was ten years old , our
> >teacher
> > Sister Houle, a Sister of Charity nun, told us we should all line up in the
> > hallway of the school. We would Sikkapii continued, "I remember all the
> small
> >kids 
> >were crying and screaming. I was very afraid since none of our parents were
> >present 
> >and we did not know what was going to be done to us. We were forcefully taken
> >from 
> >our parents so we knew they were not there.
> > '
> > When it was my turn to go into the room I saw my friends having their
> > shirts taken off and their pants pulled down. There were men present with
> > what seemed like needles. ' We were then made ot lean over exposing our
> >backside 
> >and then the men made these scratch marks on our backs, and when they were
> >finished they smeared iodine on the wound. You should have heard the children
> >crying and
> >screaming."
> >  
> > Elizabeth Crow Flag, or Yellow Dust Woman, as she is known among her
> > people, joined in by saying, " The same thing was done to us at the St.
> > Cryprian School near Brocket. We cried and sceamed as well. We have never
> >been
> > able to find out the meaning of the scratch marks. 
> > 
> > On January 29, 1999 at the home of Long Standing Bear Chief in
> > Browning, Montana the key to the mystery of the stripes, consisting of
> six up
> >and
> > down scratch marks became abundantly clear to Sikkapii.
> > While reading from a book entitled, "Spare the Child, The Religious
> > Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse" by
> Philip
> > Greven (First Vintage Books Edition, 1992)  Sikkapii was heard to utter,
> " So
> > this is the meaning of  what the scratch marks are."
> > 
> > Sikkapii had just read a passage from the book that read as follows,
> > from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 19, Verse 29: "Judgement is prepared for
> > scorners, and stripes for the back of fools". He then said, "This is black
> > magic  This is how the Christians... There was  stunned silence in the
> >room. 
> > 
> > Now the Pikanii people are preparing for a cleansing ceremony to rid
> > themselves of the evil put on them when the Christians scratched six ma

[PEN-L:2668] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intern needed

1999-01-27 Thread James Michael Craven

On 27 Jan 99 at 14:32, Tavis Barr wrote:

> STOP!!! PLEASE!!! I referred an intern to Doug once and she had a great 
> _working_ experience.  No interaction with or complaints about his libido.  
> Cheers,
> Tavis
> On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > At 12:36 PM 1/27/99 -0500, Doug Henwood wrote:
> > >Tom Walker wrote:
> > >
> > >>Would that be LBO as in LiBidO?
> > >
> > >I'm too old for one of those.
> > >
> > >Doug
> > >
> >  It is not age, Doug.  It is power, the ultimate aphrodisiac as our
> > fearless leader can attest.
> > 
> > Wojtek

Speaking of  His Royal Slickness and his paramour Monica, Monica, 
tired and depressed over continuous press references to her phenotype 
and weight, checked in to a prestigious Plastic Surgery Clinic and 
told the physicians she wanted her "love handles" removed.

Two days later she emerged from the clinic with no ears.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2628] Appeal for Help

1999-01-26 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Mon, 25 Jan 1999 21:14:24 EST
Subject:   Re: Radio show of interest: Yet Another CIA Deadly Screwup?

Welcome to the real warSomething "strange" is right...My show tomorrow
night with Ralph McGehee, 25 year veteran CIa officer will cover some of that
"strange," which the CIA in their own in-house memos bragged about...
   You see the PAO (Public Affairs Office) of CIA has long been aware that one
bestseller by Tom Clancy has more positive impact for their image than 1000
non fiction tell-alls.  The movie image of Clancy's CIA hero effectively
covers up for thousands of their Keystone Kop screwups and wacko (albeit
deadly and dangerous) stunts they pull, and one book like TRIANGLE OF DEATH,
because of its wide public appeal as "fiction", is also more dangerous to
their image than all the Congressional investigating committees in history
combined... ...
   What this all adds up to is the appearance of a mysterious ISBN number that
gobbles up book orders like an invisible Pacman, and delivers nothing..
Months ago, my wife Laura and I called about 100 stores across the country,
99 of them had from 10 - 35 copies of Triangle of DEath on order for almost a
year, and the orders had never been deliveredThe stores are just too busy
to bother to change a thing...
Could you imagine what we would have found had we called 27,000 book

 And so it goes..
Jim, thanks for your efforts.

Mike Levine

Dear Friends,

I am sending this appeal for help. Mike Levine worked under deep 
cover for 26 years the majority of those years were spent in DEA.
As a result of experiences and seeing with his own eyes DEA 
operations blown by CIA protection of their "assets" who were also in 
the drug business, he wrote three important books: "Deep Cover", "The 
Big White Lie" (which I have read) and "The Triangle of Death" which 
I have not read because I have been unable to get it. For sure I 
recommend his first two books highly. Why?

>From "The Big White Lie": "In the "Big White Lie", Michael Levine, 
former DEA agent and bestselling author of Deep Cover, leads the 
reader through a decade of undercover work.
Levine's prose is fast moving, highly readable, and hard hitting. 
He tells how the beautiful South American 'Queen of Cocaine' seduced 
the CIA into protecting her from prosecution as she sold drugs to 
Americans; how CIA-sponsored paramilitary ousted, tortured, and 
killed members of a pro-DEA Bolivian ruling party; and how the CIA 
created 'La Corporacion', the 'General Motors of cocaine', which led 
directly to the current cocaine/crack epidemic.
As a 25-year veteran agent for the DEA, Michael Levine worked 
deep-cover cases from Bankok to Buesnos Aires, and witnessed 
firsthand, scandalous violations of drug laws by U.S. Officials."

Mr Levine's work is extremely important as his testimony based on 
first-hand knowledge. Unlike the San Jose Mercury story about CIA 
involvement in moving cocaine and introducing crack into minority 
comunities which could be--and was--dismissed as the paranoid 
rantings and "conspiracy theories" of a rogue journalist, Mike Levine 
cannot be so easily dismissed. for that reason, and because of the 
dues he has paid (he was also instrumental in fighting against 
neo-nazis and the World Anti-Communist League also tied-in with dope, 
murder and tortures), his work needs to be widely read. But alas 
something is going on with the ISBN number of his "Triangle of Death" 
and I truly suspect something like what went on with IF Stone's The 
Hidden History of the Korean War" which was suppressed in circulation 
for a long time.

So the correct ISBN for the "Triangle of Death"  is 00440223679. I 
would ask as a favor that each person reading this call at least one 
bookstore (preferably chains but all are welcome) and ask for the 
book and if it is not on sale either order it or at least note to the 
store the correct ISBN and have that ISBN entered in their computers. 
I found two Barnes and Noble with the wrong ISBNs resulting in 
exactly the problem given above. Then please send this message to ten 
friends and ask each of them to make one call to a local bookstore to 
correct the ISBN if not order this book and ask each friend to send 
this message to another ten friends with the same request.

For those on line who might be smoking a little reef now and then or 
in to some form of alternative life-style and who think why should I 
help an ex-DEA agent, well, this man has already risked a great deal 
to fight actual, real-life fascists and has at considerable risk to 
himself, given his name, reputation and background to expose some of 
the ugly forces and follies of key elements of the Imperial State and 
their agents.

Please lend a hand and your fingers on the keyboard and telephone; it 
is a worthy effo

[PEN-L:2620] Re: Re: Immutability of Subjects

1999-01-26 Thread James Michael Craven

> Do I have to spell it out? You know, lump as in "immutable", labour as in
> "labouring subject". The problem with many pomoistas, from my experience, is
> that they seem to be so interested in endlessly "talking about doing"
> something that they don't notice when it is actually being done. 

The pomo stuff reminds me of the story of a woman getting a physical 
exam and suddenly the physician looks troubled. The woman asks: "What 
is the matter do I have a disease?" The physician answers: :no, but I 
see from your chart you have been married three times and I just 
noticed that your hymen is intact. How is this possible?" She 
answers: "Well my first husband was an infantry officer and right 
after the ceremony when were married he was called off to war and was 
killed. My second husband was a physician like you, and on our way 
home for the wedding night, he went to handle an emergency and the 
abulance crashed and he was killed. My third husband was a 
super-salesman in love with hos own rhetoric and he just sat up night 
after night telling me how good it was going to be."

Jim Craven

> Tom Walker
> http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2600] Re: "Church-State-Corporate Triangle" series (

1999-01-25 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Sat, 16 Jan 1999 16:36:27 EST
Subject:   Re: "Church-State-Corporate Triangle" series (

Thanks for the note.  I just wanted to make sure you saw these last two
articles of mine, below.  The way I see it, it all ties in to one economic
fact of life.  The power elite feel that those unfortunate enough to be below
a certain economic level are like mushrooms to be cultivated and harvested by
them.  And you know how they cultivate mushrooms—keep them in a dark place and
feed em bullshit.


Mike Levine

WBAI 99.5 FM,  New York City  (Tuesdays 7-8pm)
KPFK  90.7 FM, Los Angeles 
(Wednesdays, midnight, on "Something's Happening show)

Host:  Michael Levine, author of New York Times bestseller "Deep cover"-"The
Big White Lie" and  "Triangle of Death."

Michael Levine

  No one who listens to THE EXPERT WITNESS show should have been surprised at
the AP story (12/10/98) entitled "60 Minutes to Apologize [for Faked Drug
Story]"  which was followed Sunday night, 12/11 with the actual on-air apology
made by Don Hewitt the producer.
   The text of the story and apology indicates that "60 Minutes" on two
occassions ran a completely faked story about heroin smuggling and that the
producers of the show are blaming the makers of a British Documentary and
corroborating information they obtained from my alma mater, DEA (The Drug
Enforcement Administration) for "fooling" them and causing them to "fool
viewers in fourteen countries."
Well, Holy disingenuous!  Believe that and I have a case of Sammy Sosa homerun 
balls to sell you.
   During my 25 year career as a federal agent assigned to supervise many, many
raids and operations arranged at the request of mainstream media, let me tell
you,  it is impossible to fool a professional media producer, unless he is so
hungry for a dramatic story and/or film footage,  that he does not want to see
the obvious signs that the whole thing is a fraud.
I lost count of the number of Expert Witness radio shows,  since the show
began in June, 1997,  during which we identified fraudulent, faked and
misleading law enforcement and covert ops stories headlined in mainstream
media (print, radio and television).  
We, in fact, showed that many of the current drug war headlines were in
essence, pro forma copies of headlines published 80 and 90 years ago, the only
differences being the names of the arch villains, the countries and the
quantities of drugs.  The lesson being that absolutely nothing has changed in
90 years but the federal drug war budget, which is now more than $19 billion a
The fact is that I cannot remember a week passing, since I retired from DEA
in 1990, during which there is not at least one easily identifiable phony
crime and/or covert operation story prominent in mainstream media. The vast
majority of these stories involve drug cases and/or almost everything the CIA
puts out as "fact."
I recently taped a three hour "Expert Witness" radio show entitled "100 Years
of Inside Experience" during which four federal agents having a total of 100
years service in CIA, FBI and DEA— all of us having taken part in some of our
nation's highest profile criminal cases and covert agency operations —agreed
that mainstream media coverage of these events was almost never even close to
what actually happened, the exceptions being those rare occassions when the
agency involved did everything right. 
In fact, it was during this taping that 25 year veteran CIA officer, Ralph
McGeehee quoted from an in-house CIA document in which their public affairs
division bragged that their "extensive media ties" had enabled CIA to "turn
intelligence failures into intelligence 'successes'" in the media.
Does it get any plainer than that?
During our long careers the reasons for this "through-a-glass-darkly" media
coverage became obvious to each of us. There is a simple equation at work that
the American taxpayer should be aware of because we are paying for it, big
The equation is as follows:
A=Law Enforcement and covert agencies need positive, even frightening media,
for increased budgets and career enhancement,  particularly in the war on
drugs.  Which means that poor, inept and even criminal agency performance is
covered up for,  and  positive activities exagerrated to any point the media
"watchdogs"  will tolerate.
B=Politicians always need media and find that a close association with covert
and law enforcement agencies keeps their names in headlines and their faces on
television. Their roles in enforcement activities, covert and military
operations, etc. are always exagerrated to any point that media allows.  
C=Law enforcement and covert agencies need close, mutually beneficial

[PEN-L:2593] Tribunal

1999-01-25 Thread James Michael Craven

   The Pikanii Nation of the Blackfoot Confederacy
  Post Office Box 430, Browning, Montana USA 59417
   406-338-2882 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
January 21, 1999   

James Craven
Professor of Economics
Clark College
Vancouver, Wasington

Dear Sir:

   This letter is to advise you of a scheduled tribunal being 
scheduled by the Pikanii Nation of the Blackfoot Confederacy that is 
to be held on February 6 and 7, 1999 commencing at 9 am each day and 
ending about 6 p.m. The tribunal is being held to hear evidence of 
the abuse of Indian children in Residential Schools in Canada and in 
boarding Schools of the United States of America from 1871 to the 
present. The enclosed press release confirms the announcement of this 
important event in our history.

This invitation includes the offering of tobacco in the Blackfoot 
tradition. It is offered to you with the clear expectation you are 
not to refuse our request that you sit as a judge for purposes of the 
tribunal and that you assist in organizing the tribunal so that it 
conforms to standards of International and Aboriginal Law. This 
invitation is extended as a result of your previous experience with 
setting up tribunals and because you are a member of the Blackfoot 
Confederacy. The invitation is similar to sending you the gift of an 
eagle feather by other Indian nations, whereby refusal is not 
accepted except in life threatening circumstances.

Please confirm this invitation as soon as possible by means of a 
telephone call or by sending an Email response.

It is expected that your participation will commence on February 4, 
1999 and end on February 8, 1999. Thank you very much for your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Long Standing Bear Chief
Spokesman for the Pikanii Nation
Blackfoot Confederacy

Note: a significant number of Blackfoot Elders raised in the 
Residential Schools all have the same scars in the same place: three 
parallel incisions each of which is 1 1/2 inches long at the base of 
the spine. None of them know exactly what was done to them or why. 
This is the type of stuff--and other horrors--we will be investigating. 
Again, as usual, with reference to the Nuremberg precedents, Common 
Law of Nations, UN Convention on Genocide, UN Convention on Human 
Rights etc.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2521] Radio show of interest: Yet Another CIA Deadly Screwup?

1999-01-24 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Sun, 24 Jan 1999 03:16:36 EST
Subject:   Radio show of interest: Yet Another CIA Deadly Screwup?

 WBAI  New York City (99.5 FM-Tuesdays 7-8pm))
KPFK  Los Angeles  (90.7 FM)
(Los Angeles:  Roy Tuckman's "Something's Happening Show, rebroadcasts all
Expert Witness Shows on Thursdays at 1:am)
 212-209-2800 (voice mail #2970)

Host: Michael Levine, 25 Year veteran federal agent and author of NY Times
bestseller "DEEP COVER" - (just optioned for movie) "THE BIG WHITE LIE" -The
fact-based thriller (now in paperback) THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH  ("Compelling
authenticity..." N.Y. Times )

http://www.radio4all.org/expert ">http://www.radio4all.org/expert
http://www.radio4all.org/expert "> - which includes many of the
shows, taped and archived, books, photos and opinion articles.  Shows may be
downloaded free of charge.

http://www.shineon.org/levine/index.html ">
http://www.shineon.org/levine/index.html ">  - which includes the
ability to order tapes of the old shows, at cost, $8 per show.



Was the CIA warned of the deadly embassy bombings in Africa 9 months before
they happened  and, once again like Keystone Kops missed the warning?  Tune in
to the EXPERT WITNESS radio show at 7:PM on Tuesday January 25 and hear 25
year veteran Federal agent and court qualified expert witness Michael Levine
discusss the facts with 25 year veteran CIA agent Ralph McGehee.

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2478] HES: QUERY -- Institutionalization of Neoclassicism

1999-01-22 Thread James Michael Craven



--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Colander, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Re: HES: QUERY -- Institutionalization of Neoclassicism
Date:  Fri, 22 Jan 1999 15:33:36 EST


I have come to believe that the term neoclassical is no longer a useful
term to capture the ideas that are taught to economists in graduate
school.  What is taught, and what is believed by the majority of
economists,  is much more of a pragmatic application of ideas about
individual self-interest interacting into some result. Most policy work is
econometrically based data mining, not application of theory.

The strong arguments that held the neoclassical economic paradigm
together theoretically have been eliminated and replaced with a pragmatism
about policy. Game theory with no definite result has replaced any
theoretical defense of the competitive model in standard graduate micro. 
In macro there is a mess, but what remains in the majority of schools is
essentially data analysis with slight modifications due to theoretical
preconceptions.  So while I agree with Drue that the U.S. institutional
structure does not approximate "the neoclassical paradigm" I  also agree
with Robin   that  the mainstream economic approach is kept because it
sheds some light, or seems to, on economic policy.  

I see far less ideological content than does Drue and Joan Robinson. The
reality is that the majority of economists I talk to--including the high
up ones--are liberal. They favor redistribution and are open to state
action if they believe it will be beneficial. Look who supports the
economists for peace movement.  Libertarians and conservatives feel as
disenfranchised as radicals (well, almost).  Clearly, the
Samuelson-Solow-Arrow nexus is liberal.  

Liberals are, by nature, hesitant about significantly changing
institutions which leads to a pragmatism about policy and a hesitancy
about changing institutions. This makes their ideas fit in well with  
political forces which are also hesitant about changing institutions.

The few people who care about internal coherence of the broader
paradigmatic approach are exploring other options--that's why complexity
theory at Santa Fe was supported by Arrow.  It has not been accepted
because it has not yet had the major insight or event that overcomes the
inertia associated with the old approach.  

I think what has caused the problem is the combination of theory and
policy--something Marshall warned against. The only economists who can
really delve into theory in a neutral way are those who keep themselves
out of any political fray.  The combination of theory and policy advocacy
makes it seem that the policy arguments are based in theory when in fact
they are based in a pragmatism. Most economists simply aren't much
interested in theory.  

The rise of the support of the market among these pragmatic economists and
among economists has more to do with recent history--the market seems to
be working--than it does with theory. The fall of communism, the success
of market oriented development plans, and the continued strength of the
U.S. economy has  led to the pro-market mood of the country. 

David Colander

For information, send the message "info HES" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2379] Re: Re: Re: Re: Judith Butler, etc.

1999-01-20 Thread James Michael Craven

On 20 Jan 99 at 19:30, Dennis R Redmond wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, James Michael Craven wrote:
> > I wonder how many working class women or women on Reservations could 
> > relate to or understand the rhetoric in the example of Butler's 
> > writings given in the Doublespeak award? I suspect few if any.
> So what? Are all those scientists who use mathematical tools
> noone else understands just wasting their time? Are people who read
> foreign languages we can't read indulging in nonsense? If Butler
> claimed to speak for the people on the Rez, then you could slam her for
> yakking away. But she's not. Writers don't just write to be understood;
> they write for the future readers who may someday understand what they
> were trying to say. Adorno said somewhere that the only thoughts worth
> thinking are those which do not fully understand themselves, i.e. do
> something new and unexpected, which hasn't yet fully emerged into its
> content, and is therefore open to history and dialectics. 
> -- Dennis

No I have no problem with people writing convoluted stuff not 
designed to be read or understood except by  a few or to narcissistically 
savor their own rhetoric. I just have a problem when they pretend to 
be progressive instead of the elitist, self-indulgent, narcissistic, 
careerist rhetorical masturbators that they obviously are. At least 
Talcot Parsons openly admitted to being an effete elitist and 
reactionary who was not writing to really change anything but rather 
carve out a small but elite market niche for himself. 

I am reminded of a saying in Kerala: In the land of the people with 
no nose, the one with half a nose is king. I suspect this woman has a 
following of groupies too pretentious or too mediocre to admit there 
is a lot of wind and not much substance there. Again, I am waiting 
for some stuff from her admirers that they think is really 
innovative, compelling, significant, useful and relevant to something 
serious and let's take a look at it and deconstruct it.

That's my opinion.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2356] Re: Re: Judith Butler, etc.

1999-01-20 Thread James Michael Craven


Not as an "excuse" but if that empty pretentious rhetoric and totured 
syntax given in the example from Butler that won the 
Doublespeak/Gobbledegook Prize is an example of her normal prose and 
speech, I would need at least six Captain Morgan spiced Rums
to go to hear her and six more to begin to deconstruct the 
deconstructionist to find some small pearl of something worth 

I wonder how many working class women or women on Reservations could 
relate to or understand the rhetoric in the example of Butler's 
writings given in the Doublespeak award? I suspect few if any. Just 
as progressives need to deal with issues that matter to workers in 
language that is understandable and allows feedback from those 
workers and oppressed the same applies to the so-called Feminists 
about issues and language that matter to women. Otherwise, it is 
nothing but narcissism, careerism, opportunism, market-nicheism, 
semantic masturbation, CV-buildingism  and pretentious crap. That's 
OK but label it for what it is and please take it to the right-wing 
and out of progressive issues and movements where serious issues in 
comprehensible language and subordination of big egos are desperately 

I openly admit ignorance to much of Butler's work--not self-imposed 
igorance simply as a result of scarcity of time and other pressing 
issues e.g. genocide in Indian Country. I am open to being shown that 
I have missed and/or fail to see some substance and penetrating 
insights that would be valuable for my teaching or activism. But so 
far, as for an "impression", I just see another pretentious and 
narcissistic academic careerist latching on to a unique market niche 
and I most certainly do not see evidence of "one of the ten smartest 
people on the planet."

Jim Craven

On 20 Jan 99 at 13:10, Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

> Jerry,
> But, gee, Louis has confessed to all of us his bad 
> behavior.  We now know that he was drunk at the LM 
> conference, by his own admission, and that he skipped 
> crucial sessions because he was in his room reading, by his 
> own admission.  So, we can all see what his behavior was 
> and judge for ourselves.
>  Why doesn't this satisfy you?
> Barkley
> PS:  Congrats on finally opening the OPE-L archives.  
> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 06:56:43 -0500 (EST) Gerald Levy 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Reply to Michael P:
> > 
> > a) I did not re-raise this issue. Proyect did when he revealed his drunken
> > behavior, etc. at the "Rethinking Marxism" conference.  Blame him.
> > 
> > b) There was nothing in my post that could fit any reasonable definition
> > of a flame.
> > 
> > c) The *reason* this issue won't go away is because it is a legitimate one
> > to raise.
> > 
> > d) You say that Proyect is a "valuable member" of PEN-L. THIS WAS
> > GUARANTEED TO EVOKE A RESPONSE FROM ME. How is Proyect "valuable"? Is he
> > valuable when he libels the late Paul Mattick Sr. the other day? Is he
> > valuable when he sends us *daily* doses of *SPAM*  Yes, spam.
> > Posts that have *nothing* to do with PEN-L, were authored for another
> > list, and are sent here as junk mail. Is this "valuable"? (I won't even
> > bother going into Proyect's other "valuable" contributions here -- like
> > the time he engaged in and later admitted to outrageous sexism on this
> > list). BUT, MICHAEL, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. If you don't want us
> > -- anyone on this list -- to say anything to or about Proyect, fine. I
> > can live with that. But, if you  have praise for him, then you MUST expect
> > and allow those with a contrary perspective to be heard.
> > 
> > Jerry 
> > 
> -- 
> Rosser Jr, John Barkley

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2314] Re: Re: 1998 Bad Writing Contest winners

1999-01-19 Thread James Michael Craven


Absolutely dead on in my opinion. There are many forms of language 
and modes of communication/miscommunication/deceptive communication 
and just like the meaningless and overblown tortured syntax, 
caricatures and empty of real rhetoric (to persuade you must be 
understood) shown below, so elaborate math like elaborate 
vocabulary/syntax can be used to present the commonplace or empty 
caricatures, tautologies ,metaphysical assertions and contrived 
syllogisms as having substance and force and "scientific merit" that 
just isn't there.

As they say in Kerala "If the crow bathes can it become a swan?"

Jim Craven

On 19 Jan 99 at 9:11, Jim Devine wrote:

> It's really too bad that when they do these Bad Writing Contests,
> mathematical writing is not included in the hopper. 
> After all, it is quite common for economists to go on for pages and pages
> with math that really doesn't add anything to the (often-bad) assumptions
> that the math is based on. These pages of math often seem deliberately
> obscure, though this is often the fault of editors who insist that papers
> be short. The math often adds absolutely nothing to the prose summary at
> the start, while the assumptions, which are almost never defended, usually
> reflect the implicit or explicit political positions of their authors. 
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Faculty/JDevine/jdevine.html

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2297] Re: Re: Judith Butler, etc.

1999-01-19 Thread James Michael Craven

On 19 Jan 99 at 8:39, Gerald Levy wrote:

> Barkley asks:
> > Are you happy now, Jerry?
> Not yet.
> Had a published "review" of your book been authored by someone who
> admitted (afterwards) that s/he only read the dust jacket, would your
> response be so cavalier?
> I doubt it.
> What makes this fraud *more* important than the "Social Text affair" is
> what it says about how certain "Marxists" communicate with each other.
> Let's take a step back and ask ourselves how this *FRAUD* began.
> Proyect didn't like the "Rethinking Marxism" conference based *ONLY* on
> has reading of the conference schedule. I.e. the TITLES alone of
> presentations led to his condemnation.
> This, by itself, is *at best* unsound, unscholarly and uncomradely
> practice.
> In a similar way, what are we to make of Jim Craven's comments about
> Judith Butler? 
> Craven says "I have only read portions" of Butler's writings and "I have
> not read her work fully". Fair enough. Yet, why do you then go on to
> present a "critique"?  Aren't scholars obligated to be less
> impressionistic and more rigorous?
> (btw, I think the appropriate response to Craven's post should be: tell us
> what you think *after* you have read her writings).
> Of course, Proyect was much worse since he knowingly perpetrated a fraud
> on the readers of a radical publication. Not only was his mind made up
> before the first session, but he was drunk and indifferent to the
> proceedings. This was because he didn't need to be sober or attend since
> the review was -- for all intense and purposes -- written before the
> conference began. The fix was in.
> Yet, this slash and burn mentality has become the norm for how many
> "Marxists" communicate with each other. Don't bother reading what others
> write. Don't bother listening to what others say. Don't respond to the
> arguments that are actually put forward -- invent "straw men" instead.
> Then claim that anyone who disagrees with you is a a  
> counter-revolutionary agent (or similar libel). [Note the inference about
> Mattick Sr. and Rakesh last week]. This is a mentality which
> says -- win [the argument] at all costs no matter what the price in terms
> of the truth. It is, in brief, the scourge of unprincipled dogmatism. And
> it is a major reason why many leftists who are not Marxists look at
> "Marxists" with contempt.
> Jerry 

Just as a note, I did not label my comments a "critique" but rather 
clearly characterized them as my initial impressions and also noted 
clearly that these were impressions based on limited reading, noted 
that I have been wrong on many occasions and am open to 
counter-evidence/impressions/argument. My impressions perhaps were as 
superficial as someone who has read a touch of Marx characterizing 
Marx as an "economic determinist". The stuff of Butler I had read on 
"permanentivity" was some time ago so I'd have to dig it up and 
comment specifically.

Better yet, give some examples of Butler's work that you find 
particularly lucid, penetrating, innovative, unique and my mind is 
wide open. I do not apologize for impressions clearly labelled as 
such nor do I consider it fraud to give such impressions with the 
proper and honest caveats and limits of my knowledge presented.

In general, I do find the pomo stuff tedious, pretentious, overblown 
and often as superficial and impressionistic or lacking in foundation 
as my own comments. Imagine if Noam chomsky were a pomo, with his 
command of linguistics, it would be over the top.

Just my opinions and impressions. I am still allowed to have and 
express such am I not?

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2273] Re: Re: Judith Butler, Alan Sokal and Doug Henwood

1999-01-18 Thread James Michael Craven

I enter this with some trepidation. I have read only portions of 
Judith Butler's work. Frankly, I just dropped it because the Talcott 
Parson-like tortured syntax coupled with pomobabble along with the 
soc/antho/econ penchant for telling people what they already know or 
is obvious in language few can understand was just too much.

I saw a promo on this woman describing her as "one of the ten 
brightest people on the whole planet". Really? It has been my 
experience that the brighter, the less pretentious and the better 
able to simplify without losing the essence.

Because I have not read her work fully--along with Foucault, Lacan et 
al--I am open to correction or being shown substance that I fail to 
see. At this point however, from what little I have read, I see a 
somewhat pretentious and narcissistic pretender spewing overblown 
rhetoric and convoluted syntax masquerading as something of substance 
or something unique worth pondering.

But I've been wrong many times before.

Jim Craven

On 18 Jan 99 at 18:03, Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

> Jerry,
>  Gosh!  Wow!  Am I ever glad that you raised that 
> issue!  Louis!  Behave yourself!  The next time you report 
> on a conference, don't drink so much and attend more 
> sessions!  (Are you happy now, Jerry?)
> Barkley Rosser
> On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:32:08 -0500 (EST) Gerald Levy 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Proyect on his participation at the December 1996 Rethinking Marxism
> > conference in Amherst:
> > 
> > > At the opening night's reception, I downed 3 scotches in rapid
> > > succession to put me in the proper frame of mind for the opening
> > > session.
> > 
> > He then went on to make a comment in the discussion period at the plenary
> > which he describes, no doubt accurately, as "my drunken tirade".
> > 
> > Then, rather than attending the plenary where Judith Butler spoke, he says
> > that he:
> > 
> > > remained in my hotel room reading a history of coffee production in
> > > Central America.
> > 
> > For those unfamiliar with this affair, let me refresh your memory:
> > 
> > 1) On an Internet list, Proyect denounces the conference in the harshest
> > possible terms based only his reading of the conference schedule.
> > 
> > 2) Proyect then decides to go to the conference anyway, having agreed to
> > report on the conference for the German journal _Sozializm_.
> > 
> > We already knew that his reportage could hardly be considered impartial
> > and unbiased. Now we see that he was either not attending the very
> > sessions that he claimed to be reporting on or was engaged in a "drunken
> > tirade".
> > 
> > Why has there been so much discussion about the "Social Text affair" and
> > so little discussion about this fraud?
> > 
> > Jerry
> > 
> -- 
> Rosser Jr, John Barkley

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:2197] (Fwd) (Fwd) Information

1999-01-15 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:48:38 PST8PDT
Subject:   (Fwd) Information

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Hasart, Tana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:Campus Master List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Information
Date:  Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:24:19 -0800 

One of the values I hold very high is that of open, honest
communication. For obvious reasons, however, personnel and legal issues
require maintenance of confidentiality. I commit to sharing information
of campus-wide significance when it becomes appropriate. Please
remember, any information shared prior to that time from other sources
may be incomplete or out of context.


Another view:

This sounds to me a lot like the National Security State argument: If 
you only knew what I know, if you only had access to the secret 
information to which I had access, you would understand. but, since 
you don't, take my word for it that any view other than mine is not 
to be trusted.

This commitment to "confidentiality" did not prevent this President 
from publicly proclaiming--and summarily finding on a matter yet to 
be reviewed by this President--that I had indeed put the college "in 
a great deal of liability" and did indeed make "inappropriate use of 
State resources". Since the College "might" have some potential 
liability if I had indeed committed defamation, libel or slander, 
and since truth is an absoluteand complete  defense against 
defamation, libel or slander, this summary pronouncement and finding 
basically says that I knowingly, willfully and maliciously told an 
untruth that I knew to be untrue and/or told an untruth with 
wreckless disregard for easily available counter-evidence that would 
expose an untruth as an untruth and that I caused damages in doing 
so (the tests for defamation, libel or slander.) Further, the 
determination that I made "inappropriate use of State policy" comes 
from someone who not only is the reviewer of my grievance (imagine 
the confidence I have in the fairness of any hearing) but also from 
someone who has consistently refused to produce Board-passed 
policies e-mail use, refused to produce proof of how and when those 
policies were communicated--along with penalties for breaches of 
policies--and has not produced examples of people who were similarly 
charged and treated for similar alleged breaches of the purported 

But since we are talking about "open and honest communications", the 
Independent carried a headline--unrefuted--that said that Dean Fulton 
had "asked" to be reassigned. Was that true? Further, as Dean 
Fulton's contract was up, his pay was extended over the summer to 
make a bridge between paychecks at Clark and at his new place of 
employment; he was supposedly "assigned" to "special tasks". Is that an 
example of open and honest communication?

Just as saying it's so don't make it so applies to me, so it applies to 
others. This is where we need evidence and reasoning and open due 
process and sunlight. Where there is no sunlight, where evidence is 
not collected or valued, where there is no due process, the only 
result will be a climate of demoralization, social darwinism, lies, 
toadying, bullying, high employee turnover rates, malaise and lack of 
productivity and innovation or risk-taking.

Imagine, at Clark, if you have to file a grievance, the grievance is 
heard at State I by the administrator who made the determination 
being grieved and then at State II it is heard by the President who 
likely was aprised of and approved the determination being grieved.
Then, beyond Stage II the person grieving has to use private funds 
and resources while those against whom the grievance has been filed 
use State resources to tie them up and thwart real discovery and a 
real hearing by impartial reviewers. Numerous people have been abused 
and had their basic due process rights abused under this system which 
this present "honest communicating" Administration refuses to change.

Three environmental scans have shown some very serious problems in 
need of elimination and some needed changes. The problem is that 
these problems in need of amelioration did not just fall out of the 
sky recently; they are deep-seated and endemic to this institution. 
This of course begs some questions: Why weren't these problems 
perceived and addressed before this? What is the role of some of the 
present administrators and trustees and faculty and staff--in place 
or promoted in the previous regime--in allowing these problems to go unattended 
and continue as threats to the integrity, credibility and productivity of this 

[PEN-L:2196] (Fwd) RE: Email Addresses for NASC

1999-01-15 Thread James Michael Craven

Dear Pen-l Friends,

I have been "allowed" to contact pen-l and 21 other addresses while 
there is a decision pending whether or not I will be banned 
permanently from contacting those addresses from work. Part of the 
change was due to union pressure and also my colleague Gerry Smith 
put the heat on them (see below).

All of you who cared and wrote in to protest have made a difference 
and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. A Mr. Monahan 
from the Chronicle of Higher Ed is doing a story on the blacklisting 
and harassment at Clark and since our illustrious are climbers--to 
"Peter Principle" levels of incompetence far beyond their present 
levels of incompetence, I can only hope that they will get some 
publicity among their "peers" they so richly deserve.

Thanks to all.


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Ramsey, Chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:"Smith, Gerard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   RE: Email Addresses for NASC
Date:  Mon, 11 Jan 1999 07:22:28 -0800

Gerry, I left a voice mail on your phone last week. You are free
to use those email addresses. Please check your messages. Chuck

-Original Message-
From: Gerard Donnelley-Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 08, 1999 10:22 AM
Subject: Email Addresses for NASC

Concerning my voice mail about blacklisted email addresses for 
James Craven, I have yet to hear your response.  So I am making this 
a very formal request.  As the Co-Advisor for the Native American 
Student Council at Clark College, as founder of the Native 
American Center for Holocaust Studies, and as a teacher of Native 
American Literature, I request permission to send email to ALL the 
addresses that you have told Professor Craven he can't send email to 
or receive email from using campus resources or campus email.  I, like 
Professor Craven, simply wish to be an effective citizen and a role 
model for Clark students.  As a Clark College faculty member I 
believe teachers should take an active role in the political and 
social life of the community, a duty that is specifically noted in 
our faculty contract: indeed prior community involvement is considered 
in our hiring process.  In order to fulfill my contractual 
obligations and to fulfill my duties as NASC advisor, I 
must be given permission to contact the blacklisted persons and 
discussion groups.  In order to protect my academic freedom, I must 
be given access to these groups, and such access should not be 
subject to prior approval.  Because these groups have been 
blacklisted, I have not written them.

Dr. Gerard Donnelley Smith

Gerard Donnelley-Smith
Clark College
Vancouver, Washington


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1458] Re: HES: QUERY -- welfare theory and Mussolini

1998-12-10 Thread James Michael Craven

On 10 Dec 98 at 11:00, Ross B. Emmett wrote:

> I received the following query today from a graduate student in
> economics. Since I have no idea about the answer, I am presenting it to
> the list for feedback. Responses will be forwarded to the list and the
> inquirer. -- RBE
> QUESTION: Did Mussolini utilize pareto welfare theory as a basis for his
> economic policy?
> For information, send the message "info HES" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No it was more the reverse; Pareto was guided in his approach, 
assumptions and what he assumed away  by Mussolini-like ideology.
Unless you want to assume that fascists seek to achieve a state at 
which no one person can be made better of without necessarily making 
another person worse off-- assuming away that anyone non-fascist is 
not a person (very common among fascists.)

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1453] New Zealand pushing for producer board

1998-12-10 Thread James Michael Craven

On  9 Dec 98 at 19:51, Ken Hanly wrote:

> James Michael Craven wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Comment: What exactly is "empirical" about neoclassical economics?
> RESPONSE: While I agree with much in the material you enclosed, at the 
> level of particular issues rightwing think-tanks such as the Fraser 
> Institute in Canada do quite a bit of empirical research. Research funded 
> by and serving the interest of large corporations, including it would 
> seem the publicly owned Sask. Power that belongs to the institute! For 
> example there is a whole book on rent control that uses a lot of data 
> from Sweden and the US to show it doesn't work and allegedly verifies 
> what neo-classical theory would predict. I wrote a paper on the Ethics of 
> Rent Control and found the data in the book quite useful. The institute 
> has done a lot of empirical work on the health care system in Canada. 
> Much of it, for example data about waiting lists, is useful and shows 
> real problems in the system  even if the interpretation of the data is 
> slanted.
>   As I recall, Milton Friedman in a famous paper, whose title 
> escapes me( Economics as a Positive Science?), justified the unrealistic 
> concepts embedded in theoretical models of neo-classical economics in 
> terms of their predictive value. They are justified by the fact that the 
> empirical facts conform to what the models predict.
> (Me, not Uncle Miltie) All you need is the proper selection of facts 
> and proper interpretation. Data that do not confirm the  model are 
> ignored or re-interpreted to show they really do not disconfirm it.
>   Consider telephone deregulation. Theory would say that regulation 
> would result in greater competition and this in turn to lower rates. Wow. 
> It does for long distance. Theory confirmed. We need more deregulation. 
> Ignore the fact that local rates skyrocket as compared to before 
> deregulation. Ignore the fact that jobs may be lost. Oh but it produces 
> new jobs. Right. Good paying union jobs are replaced by poor
> telephone marketers trying to get you to join AT and T or Sprint, or 
> whomever. As good neo-classical researchers they should ask us how much 
> we would pay for to be rid of these annoyances but of course these things 
> will not be part of any analysis. THey might generate incorrect data that 
> disconfirm the hypotheses. 
>   Economics seems to be the only science in which  deductive 
> hypotheses can be disconfirmed over and over again with no discernible 
> effect. The disconfirmed system is still used. Could it be because the 
> theory is of great service ideologically and practically in advancing 
> capitalist interests?  
>Cheers, Ken Hanly

Ken, One of the several problems associated with Friedman's 
caricature of the  the "positivist" notion of prediction being the 
sole and necessary test of validity (presumably also confirming 
adequacy of core assumptions of the syllogism or hypothesis) is how 
to operationalize and confirm the confirming prediction. For example, 
neoclassicals predict that "deregulation" increases degree of 
competition which in turn supposedly closes the gap between existing 
conditions of "inefficiency" and conditions of efficiency 
(technological, economic, production, exchange, consumer and overall 
allocative) is operationalizing the concept of "deregulation" (de 
jure versus de facto), operationalizing and measuring "degree of 
competition" and assessing exting process and conditions in light of 
presumed ooutcomes under conditions of "efficiency" .

For example, under the schemes proposed by most of the neoclassicals, 
under de jure "deregulation" are all sorts of pro-capital de-facto 
subsidies, socialized costs and risks that would be called highly 
regulatory if applied to labor. In other words, underneath the de 
jure "deregulation" are highly developed and extensive applied forms 
of de fact regulation.

Then measuring de facto versus de jure degreees of competition. For 
example we have seen time after time that nominal de-regulation may 
lead to nominal or de jure competition but it is usually increased 
competition in certain market niches or segments while overall 
economic concentration (larger and larger shares industry revenues or 
profits accruing to fewer and fewer core or industry leaders) 
increases--e.g. airlines. This is one of the arguments for the Wheat 
Board that with de-regulation and Darwin day the small farmers would 
soon be extinct. Time horizons also need to be specified--unspecified 
in the static world of neoclassical economics.

Then there is the contrived statistics and sources and methods 
problem so common among the neoclassicals. First what is the 
ideologically desi

[PEN-L:1440] Re: New Zealand pushing for producer board reforms

1998-12-09 Thread James Michael Craven

On  9 Dec 98 at 16:34, Ken Hanly wrote:

 This material is from Reuters (Wellington N.Z.) and appear in the Manitoba 
 for October 29, 1998, p. 25)
 The New Zealand government on October 20 stepped up efforts
 to convince farmers that producer board reform was in their interests.
 COMMENT (Contrary to Jim Devine, I think that the term "reform" is consistently 
 if it is used to describe changes that are not improvements or removal of defects 
etc. My 
 dictionary agrees. Right wingers use the term 
 "reform" because they want people to believe they are making changes that are 
 improvements. Otherwise why use "Reform" rather than "Change". )
 THe government released 300 pages of Treasury advice on the topic, which argued 
that the loss of monopoly export powers held by some boards would be more than made up 
 for by other advantages for farmers as their industry focuse more on markets.
Dairy farmers and pip fruit growers have been vocal in their oppposition to any 
forced change to their boards' export monopolies, currently enforced by statute.
But Treasurer Bill Birch said the consistent advice from Treasury was that 
deregulation of the boards (COMMENT The same theme as Fields on Wheels) would yield
 a net benefit to farmers, relevant industries and the economy...
Birch said the Treasury advice in favor or reform was based on robust economic 
analysis of single-desk selling, an understanding of the marketplace, the experience 
 similar moves overseas, and "available empirical evidence". (COMMENT: I assume 
 economic analysis is  analysis done by properly educated neo-classicals who come to 
 proper conclusions.)
> Cheers Ken Hanly
>P.S. Paul Phillips needs to undergo a re-education process obviously.

Comment: What exactly is "empirical" about neoclassical economics? 
Game Theory?  IMHO Samin Amin in his "Accumulation on a World Scale" 
put it succinctly:

"On the plane at thich theory is worked out, mathematics must be 
used, at least where appearances are involved. Mathematics helps us 
avoid hazy reasoning in which the writer gives different meanings to 
the same concept, as his argument dictates. But a system of false 
concepts remains a system of false concepts, even if the body of 
theorems be deduced from it in rigorous fashion (that is, avoiding 
vague concepts characteristic of a 'literary' tradition of 
intellectual mediocrity), and the reduction of the system to 
equations does not itself endow it with any scientific quality. 
Economics is then merely an esoteric and useless, even if rigorous, 
jeu di'espirit." (p 11)


"Everything is for the best in the best of worlds [hypothesized 
sterile pure competitive capitalism]: phenomenon is rational merely 
because it exists. The entire theoretical construction of marginalism 
is erected upon this monstrous tautology, and is therefore nothing 
but an ideology, without anything scientific about it--the ideology 
of universal harmonies. It can be shown that each of the 'pieces' of 
this 'economic science' is itself basec on question-beggin derived 
from this original tautology." (p.6)

"Now, marginalism, by virtue of its approach, is without the concept 
of structure. Current university economics talks of structures, in 
the plural (technical, demographic, intra-enterprise, institutional, 
and so on), as empirical facts that are without any interconnections, 
and without any connection with 'theory', which remains 'general'. It 
thus forbids itself from the outset to raise the question of the 
dynamic of systems (the transformation of structures), which it even 
excludes from its field of study, calling it a matter for historians. 
It also forbids itself to raise the real question of 
underdevelopment, namely, how it began historically." (p. 6)

"There is something even more serious. Preoccupation with the 
ideology of universal harmonies compels 'economic science' to put on 
the garb of a 'theory of general equilibrium', which is necessarily 
statis in the sense that progress and change are seen as originating 
outside the system. The internal dynamic--accumulation--which is of 
the essence of the capitalist system, has to disappear. This is why 
marginalism carries out the feat of banishing profit from its schema. 
Profit is no longer even 'income of a factor': it vanishes because it 
is no longer anything but the 'difference between any income as it 
actually is and what it would be in the theoretical position of 
general equilibrium of the economic system as a whole. All 
incomes--wages, rent, interest--thus contain 'a little profit'. It is 
clear that the assumption of a 'static capitalism' on which the 
entire construction is based is not just factually unreal: it can 
lead nowhere but to a false theory, since it begins by eliminating 
the essential phenomenon." (pp 6-7)


"...triumphant marginalism has set itself the task of working out an 
economic science that is

[PEN-L:1423] UofAz: education without ethics

1998-12-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
   sovernet-l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:  KOLA International Campaign Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   UofAz: education without ethics
Date:  Wed, 09 Dec 98 14:07:19 PST

Eastern Arizona Courrier
Safford, Arizona - Wed. Dec. 2, 1998


Dear Editor:

 University of Arizona (UA) President Peter Likins, in a recent 
UA campus newspaper article entitled "Likins: Most Apaches 
don't mind Mt. Graham desecration" declared he approved of 
the telescopes since the Apache he had talked to didn't object.

 It is sad that a supposedly learned man like President Likins
would show such disrespect for the beliefs of others. The many,
many Apaches who have objected to the telescopes on Dzil
Nchaa Si An, (Mt. Graham), are pained by the UA's continued
attempts at skirting around and circumventing U.S. religious
and cultural protection laws.

 Our spiritual life is important to us. Mt. Graham is a reminder 
of our continuing Apache struggle as a people. We didn't get
citizenship until 1924. As students, our feet were shackled if we
dared speak our native tongue. The ban on our right to worship
as Indians was not removed until 1934. Apache finally got the
right to vote in 1948 after giving their lives in two World Wars.
The NO APACHES, NO DOGS signs in stores next to our
reservation continued into the 1960's.

 It is a national disgrace that UA has spent millions in
congressional lobbying and in court attempting to take 
religious freedom from us. We have never yet been lawfully 
consulted by the government on this very sacred place. 
Countless declarations by our Tribal Council, Medicinepeople, 
Elders, the National Congress of American Indians, the National
Council of Churches, etc. have been ignored by UA. Likins just
keeps on building.

 Instead of this profound insult to our people, Likins should 
lead his institution of "higher" learning on an ethical path -- to
religious freedom and a telescope location off of Dzil Nchaa Si An.

Ola Cassadore Davis
Chairperson Apache Survival Coalition

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this 
material is distributed without profit or payment to those 
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this 
information for non-profit research and educational 
purposes only.
"Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere"

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1420] CANADA's Transcript on Self-Determination

1998-12-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Mon, 4 Jan 1904 01:40:03 +0100
From:  NetWarriors/WarriorNET Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   CANADA's Transcript on Self-Determination


Statement of Canada on Self-determination UN Working Group on the Draft
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples December 7, 1998
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

The issue of self-determination is of fundamental importance to Indigenous
Peoples and is ing  central to the Draft Declaration.  Canada spoke at
length about our understanding of the  evolving nature of this right at the
Second Meeting of the Working Group in 1996, and our  statement from that
year remains the definitive expression of Canada's position.

However, I would likely to briefly restate a number of key points which are
drawn from it.  The  right of self-determination is set out in Article 1 of
the two international covenants.  We  recognize that this right applies
equally to all collectivities, indigenous and non-indigenous, which
qualify as peoples under international law. Neither the term
self-determination nor peoples is  clearly defined under international law.
Traditionally, the right of self-determination has been  understood to
apply to the entire population of a state and to peoples in a colonial
situation  where it was equated essentially with the right to statehood.

The question raised by the Draft Declaration is whether the right also
exists to peoples, including  indigenous peoples, living within an existing
democratic state, and if so, what that right consists  of.  A survey of
state documents and academic literature suggests the continuing evolution
in the  understanding of the right of self-determination.  In addition,
over the past several years, we  have witnessed an evolution in the views
of some states as a result of the discussion in this  working group.

Self-determination is now seen by many as an on-going right which can
continue to be enjoyed  in the functioning of a democracy, without
threatening the political or territorial integrity of the  state.  For its
part, the government of Canada accepts the right of self-determination for
indigenous peoples which respects the political, constitutional and
territorial integrity of  democratic states.  We see no necessary
incompatibility between the mainenance of the  territorial integrity of the
state and the right of peoples to attain the full measure of self-
determination.  A state whose government represents the will of the people
or peoples resident  within its territory, on a basis of equality and
without discrimination, and respect the principles of  self-determination
in ts own internal arrangements is entitled to the protection, under
international law, of its territorial integrity.

In this context the right of self-dtermination is intended to promote
harmonious relations between states and  indignous peoples.  Exercise of
the right must therefore involve negotiations between the states and
indigenous peoples.  These negotiations will need to take account of the
jurisdiction, responsibilities and competence of governments, as well as..."

The statement ended shortly after this; unfortunately my tape ran out
before the government representative finished speaking.  My sincere
apologies.  If any of you out there can get a complete copy, that would be
extremely helpful.  Thank you.

A surve

Dedication to Solidarity >< Calling for World Action
>>> NetWarriors <<<
   Peace without Truth is Genocide
 Una Paz sin la  Verdad es Genocidio
 La paix sans la verite est Genocide
 Subscribe to   WarriorNET
 A discussion listserve dedicated to
  Indigenous Solidarity

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GenevaStatement of Canada on
Self-determination UN Working Group on the Draft Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples December 7, 1998

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

The issue of self-determination is of fundamental importance to
Indigenous Peoples and is ing  central to the Draft Declaration. 
Canada spoke at length about our understanding of the  evolving nature
of this right at the Second Meeting of the Working Group in 1996, and
our  statement from that year remains the definitive expression of
Canada's position.

However, I would likely to briefly restate a number of key points which
are drawn from it.  The  right of self-determination is set out in
Article 1 of the two international covenants.  We  recognize that this
right applies equally to all collectivities, indigenous and
non-indigenous, which  qua

[PEN-L:1419] "Fields on Wheels Conference"

1998-12-09 Thread James Michael Craven


I guess I didn't make myself clear enough. I support the Wheat Board 
idea and practice of marketing wheat, and you know what I think of 
neoclassical economics which I regard as the AIDS of economics. If 
Harly were going to sell to Cargill in Great Falls, I would argue 
that you can't have it both ways--benefits without costs. But this is 
a case where free associations are guaranteed in Treaty 7 and 
further, these associations are absolutely necessary for the survival 
of the Nation. Just as no domestic Canadian Law would be legitimate 
under international law promoting sat slavery, the same applies to 
any laws or practices that have the clear and foreseeable effect of 
promoting the destruction of a Whole People or Group--UN Convention 
on Genocide 1948 ratified by Canada in 1953.

Harly took is grain to Browning as a result of a specific request 
from the Peigan Tribe. Prices for grains are extremely high at 
Browning because all of the businesses are owned by non-Indians who 
sell at unconscionable prices. Plus, this was to make the point and 
enforce the Treaty. The Canadian Government was worried more about 
the "slippery slope" of recapture of more and more Sovereign and 
Treaty Rights of Indigenous Peoples than it was worried about the 
"slippery slope" of an Indian being used as a precedent for 
non-Indian farmers. So behind this practice and action of Harly much 
much more is at stake than Harly's grains. It is literally about the 
survival of what is left of a Nation that is dying by the inches 

And thanks for the kind letter and support.

Jim Craven

On  8 Dec 98 at 23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ken,
> You should know that it is the very superior efficiency
> of the Canadian single desk system of the wheat board
> that completely discredits the neo-cons (and Charles
> Mueler on the PKT net) and which requires these economists,
> (including my colleagues) to rail against the marketing
> system -- simply because it works, and works well and more
> efficiently that the private enterprise system.  I used to
> teach the seminars in ag ec on the marketing boards because
> there was no one in the ag ec department at the U of M who knew
> enough about them to teach it -- and they wouldn't learn because
> the marketing boards produced superior results to open markets
> and since that was contrary to neoclassical ideology, it must
> necessarily be wrong.  The wheat board has had its failings,
> though moderate ones I would argue, but on the whole it has
> been a great benefit to the Canadian farmer for over half a
>  century.  That is the essense of the beef of the American
> farmers.  They can't have a wheat board because the cappos
> won't let them.
>   As to Jims complaints about Indian exports -- sorry Jim, but
> I can't support an interpretation of aboriginal rights that
> serves a small (and I would argue, questionable) economic
> interest at the expense  of the rest of rural society.
> Paul Phillips,
> Economics,
> University of Manitoba.

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1411] Response: The New Boss

1998-12-09 Thread James Michael Craven

On  8 Dec 98 at 19:24, Ken Hanly wrote:

> James Michael Craven wrote:
> > 
> > Response:
> > 
 1. Harley Frank was not smuggling cigarettes or running a Casino or
 whatever; he is a farmer. But activities such as cigarette smuggling
 and casinos, very injurious to Indigenous Cultures--are often seen as
 the last resort as a result of the continual abridgments and
 arrogance of the non-Indigenous systems and practices;

 Response: But my point is that if Frank is allowed to export 
 without a permit without challenge by the Wheat Board then this would 
 leave the way open for a commercial arrangement with large corporations 
 such as Cargill. Producers of many different backgrounds fought for Wheat 
 Pools and for single desk selling and they will fight to keep it as well. 
 The wheat board may be wrong but I can see why they took the action they 
 did. Since they hurt a member of the Blackfoot nation you seem blind to 

Ken, it is not because it was a Blackfoot and I don't know what the 
other Nations are doing--perhaps this case was to deter them to. 
Harly wasn't transporting grain to sell to Cargill in Great Falls, he 
was transporting grain to sell to another Tribe of hhis own People; a 
People divided by an imperially imposed dividing line--the 
border--between two imperial Nations that did everything possible to 
exterminate/assimilate Indigenous Peoples. I might add, that at 
Browning, the surrounding white farmers give Indians no quarter and 
prices in generally are highly inflated. Further, free and continual 
associations are imperative for the survival of what is left of 
Blackfoot and other Indigenous Nations and are guaranteed under a 
plethora of Treaties (Treaty 7 in Canada) and International Laws and 
Principles that supercede any Wheat Board or indeed Canadian 
Government decrees. No Canadian Law or Wheat Board decision can ever 
govern a People when the effect of that Law is to promote genocide 
and the destruction of that People--intended or unintended--that is 
what the UN Convention on Genocide (Canada ratified in 1953) is 
about. Further, throughout Canadian and US history Indians have been 
treated--and have sufffered--as targeted individuals because they 
were members of targeted groups. Now all of the sudden, Indians are 
just like everybody else--after the damages have been done/are being 
done--through group treatment, now Canada and the US want to say 
there are no group Indigenous rights or Status only individual 
rights--each the same as the other. This is the usual 
anti-affirmative action argument ignoring hundreds of years of 
"affirmative action" for non-Indians and now history is dead and 
disembodied from the present with the sweep of the imperial hand.

Waywayseecapo is 14 miles west of me. There are two Dakota Sioux 
reserves to the south and west of me, and a Cree reserve to the east. 
There is not one single peep I have heard from them complaining about 
the  wheat board. Around here, at least, it is non-aboriginal farmers near the 
border who want to take advantage of temporary price differentials and 
 export grain without licences. I know of no native in Manitoba (or 
 Saskatchewan) who is in jail because he (no shes have tried this as far 
 as I know) violated the export regulations.  

 2. Extraterritoriality is exactly what is going on when the Canadian
 Government arrogates laws and divisions and practices on Indigenous
 Nations (A Nation does not make treaties with its own citizens nor
with even groups of its own citizens only with
 sovereign--alien--Nations. Indigenous Peoples in the US and Canada
 were never asked if they wanted to be "citizens"--they were
 summarily declared as such in the US and in Canada, they were
 offered bribes and inducements to de-status or de-Indianize;

Until land claims are settled most if not all border crossings 
 will be in the alien's (Canada's) territory and Canadian law will apply 
without there being any extraterritoriality.  
 Are you saying you do not want to be a US citizen and have the 
 right to vote etc.? How does becoming a citizen de-status or 
 de-Indianize?  Anyway it is impossible to de-Indianize the Inuit. One of 
 my sons has dual citizenship, US and Canadian, since he was born in the 
 US. Does this warp his identity?

Response: Ken, check out the Canadian naturalization/assimilation 
laws that "gave" Indians the "right to vote" (for the lesser of evils 
or the evil of lessers) and made First Nations Peoples "citizens" 
only upon formally renouncing First Nations Status. Actually I am a 
Canadian and US Citizen (two passports) but when I cross into Canada 
I use my Tribal ID Card which causes some problems. The Canadian and 
US Governments demand STatus Cards which  Blackfoot refuse to use 
for the same reason that no Jew should every allow a nazi to define 
and "certify"


1998-12-08 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


It is not for the USG to define self-determination for Indigenous Peoples or
anyone else for that matter. Public International Law has already done this.
Francis A. Boyle
Professor of International Law

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, Ill. 61820
Phone: 217-333-7954
Fax: 217-244-1478

This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use
of the intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please delete all copies.

> --
> Sent: Monday, December 07, 1998 9:37 AM
> Dedication to Solidarity >< Calling for World Action
> >>> NetWarriors <<<
>Peace without Truth is Genocide
>  Una Paz sin la  Verdad es Genocidio
>  La paix sans la verite est Genocide
> >><<<
>  Subscribe to   WarriorNET
>  A discussion listserve dedicated to
>   Indigenous Solidarity
>no subject in the header and in the body write:
>subscribe warriornet your email addresss

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*


1998-12-08 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Tue, 8 Dec 1998 05:16:37 -0600 

Dear Indigenous Friends:
   It is not for the governments to "define" Indigenous Peoples. You
must define Yourselves.

Francis A. Boyle
Professor of International Law

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820

> --
> Sent: Saturday, January 02, 1904 5:13 PM
> The agenda has been changed and today the governments move to define:
> Indigenous Peoples
> Dedication to Solidarity >< Calling for World Action
> >>> NetWarriors <<<
>Peace without Truth is Genocide
>  Una Paz sin la  Verdad es Genocidio
>  La paix sans la verite est Genocide
> >><<<
>  Subscribe to   WarriorNET
>  A discussion listserve dedicated to
>   Indigenous Solidarity
>no subject in the header and in the body write:
>subscribe warriornet your email addresss

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1375] Response: The New Boss

1998-12-08 Thread James Michael Craven


1. Harley Frank was not smuggling cigarettes or running a Casino or 
whatever; he is a farmer. But activities such as cigarette smuggling 
and casinos, very injurious to Indigenous Cultures--are often seen as 
the last resort as a result of the continual abridgments and 
arrogance of the non-Indigenous systems and practices;

2. Extraterritoriality is exactly what is going on when the Canadian 
Government arrogates laws and divisions and practices on Indigenous 
Nations (A Nation does not make treaties with its own citizens nor 
with even groups of its own citizens only with 
sovereign--alien--Nations. Indigenous Peoples in the US and Canada 
were never asked if they wanted to be "citizens"--they were 
summarily declared as such in the US and in Canada, they were 
offered bribes and inducements to de-status or de-Indianize;

3. We are talking about the survival of a Whole People--historically 
recognized as a Whole People--almost extinct; to trivialize this with 
ugly racist references/pseudo analogies to preserving cannabilism in New 
Zealand is extremely offensive and demeans you. To suggest that 
Indian Rights necessary for their survival is to set precedent that 
may be used by non-Indians, and use that as a pretext to deny 
National Self-determination, is to trivialize and de-Indianize 
Indians and Indian Nations and their right to survival;

4. It is through assimilation and integration--not its opposite--that 
Indians have sufffered the greatest threats to survival and National 
existence. Those who would exterminate Indians, rarely openly 
declared that as their "intention"; they often define extermination 
in physical existence terms only, they often will assert that they 
are all for Indians surviving as along as they integrate and no 
longer remain Indians--only stated intentions are not the issue, 
rather, clearly foreseeable and inexorable effects of given policies 
and practices are the issue;

5. If I come to your house, put a gun to your head, drive you out and 
destroy all records and names that could reveal your original 
occupancy, can I sell your house and can the buyer retain it once the 
true story of acquisition has been told--under bourgeois law? Can I 
return a portion of your house under the condition that you occupy a 
portion of it solely and only under my conditions and limits--under 
bourgeois law? Can I divide your family into different sections of the 
house and forbid to to freely associate with or assist another part of your 
family in another part of the house?

6. Blackfoot and other Nations existed on both sides of what is now 
the US-Canadian border before there was a US or Canada. Obviously the 
Jay Treaty, guaranteeing free mobility across the line is meaningless 
if accepted and recognized by the US alone. Since the Canadian 
Government is more often and out-and-out whore of US imperialism, why 
the sudden selectivity and surge of phony "nationalism"--when it 
comes to Indians?  In any case, can the Government of Poland dictate 
who is or is not a Canadian, where Canadians may go and to whom 
Canadians may sell? Indigenous Nations regard control by the Canadian 
Government to be like control of Canadians by the Polish Government 
or the government of some other Nation. In fact, so many of the 
bourgeois nationalists in Canada who are incensed about the 
penetration and control of US Multinationals in Canada as projections 
and instruments of  US Imperial power ought to understand how Indians feel 
about the Canadian Government--Maybe its Karma Time for Canada.

7. Whole groups of animals have never had anything to fear from 
Aboriginal hunting and fishing practices--only from the high-tech and 
blood-lusts of the non-Aboriginals. If anyone is arguing about the 
parity of animals with Indians in terms of conern for survival, well 
I can only say that is just more of the usual. All forms of life feed 
on other forms of life and Aboriginal hunting and fishing practices 
have never led to the threat of extinction of any species--rather the 
opposite as many species survived as a result of the holistic wisdom 
embodied in Aboriginal hunting/fishing practices.

Jim Craven

On  8 Dec 98 at 15:21, Ken Hanly wrote:

> James Michael Craven wrote:
>   The Wheat Board is no angel, though I doubt it has any genocidal intension in 
> prosecuting Frank, even though requiring an export permit may alter traditional 
>modes of 
> activity somewhat. My understanding is that one can get an export permit from the 
> I am not sure how that works but I imagine Frank would not get directly paid then 
>but it 
> would go through the board and he would be reimbursed in the same way as other 
> through several payments -as noted in the article I sent. 
>   One possibility is to have an exception for this type of trading. The wheat board 
> is probably concerned that if it allows this type

[PEN-L:1361] Re: The New Boss

1998-12-08 Thread James Michael Craven

Response (Jim Craven)

Let me provide another view for consideration--the case of Harley 
Frank, a Kainai Blackfoot. Among the Pikuni (Blackfoot) People there 
are three main "Tribes": Siksika (Blackfoot), Kainai (Blood) and 
Peigan (Pikuni). The Siksika and Kainai Reserves are in Alberta and 
the Peigan Reservation is at Browning, Montana just across the U.S. 
Canadian Border. The Reserves/Reservations are almost geographically 
continguous and the Pikuni People have lived in this region before 
there was a United States of America or Canada certainly before any 
existing border--a whole People and Nation is divided by this border.

Harly Frank, a Kainai Blackfoot farmer and former Tribal chairman 
brought his wheat across the border to sell and distribute ONLY to 
his People of another Tribe of the Nation--Peigan Blackfoot. For this 
he was charged with violation of the wheat export control act. Canada 
refuses to recognize the Jay Treaty of 1794 guaranteeing Indians the 
absolute right to freely migrate unmolested across the US and 
Canadian borders--the US supposedly recognizes the Treaty.

Harly Frank was put on trial in Alberta, harassed, almost bankrupted 
dealing with the Canadian Federal government and the case remains in 
abeyance as a result of massive protests and, as a result of new 
twists and turns in the case. There is overwhelming evidence that 
when it came to abducting Indian children for adoption and forced 
placement in Boarding/Residential Schools or chasing fugitives, the 
Canadian-US Border was no obstacle. But when it comes to unification 
and free and natural association and trading between Tribes of a 
whole and Sovereign Nation, then the Canadian-US border and the wheat 
export control act are strictly enforced--even after NAFTA. 

Further, this division and interference with imperative associations 
between Peoples of different Tribes of a whole Nation is a deliberate 
and inevitable instrument of genocide; it facilitates the more rapid 
and more extensive destruction/extermination/extinction of a whole 
People as a People by threatening and interferring with traditional 
bonds that are imperative to maintain to maintain the survival of a 

The Canadian Wheat Board and the Canadian Government clearly moved 
against Harly Frank out of fear of precedent that could be used by 
non-Indian farmers thus also attempting to de-Indianize Harley Frank 
and breat Status Rights of Indians to break any and all Status 
recognition or protections or Tribal/Nation--"Group"--Rights.

So there is another side to all of this and a very ugly and genocidal 
side to the Wheat Board and the Canadian Government. We don't need 
the Canadian Government or the US Government to selectively, 
arbitrarily and capriciously "define" our Status and  Status Rights 
or indeed degree of Sovereignty--International Law and History have 
already done that.

Jim Craven

On  8 Dec 98 at 8:33, Ken Hanly wrote:

 This is from the Western Producer a farm newspaper published in Regina 
 Sask. It is written by Robert Rampton from their Winnipeg (Manitoba) 
 bureau. NOTE:The Wheat Board is the single desk seller of all of some 
 grains such as wheat. The Board is a favorite target of many US prairie 
 farmers who accuse it of dumping. They have had the board audited under 
 the terms of NAFTA many times, always with negative results. This hasn't 
 convinced them otherwise. Yesterday entry points were blocked by farmers 
 in North Dakota and Montana. The real problem is world prices for wheat 
 and some other grains. Market prices have fallen below the costs of 
 production. This is true both for US and Canadian farmers.
  Ask any economist for the U of Saskatchewan whether the board 
gets a premium price for the farmer's grain and they will claim it does. 
You will get a different answer from some U of California economists. 
There is conflict in Canada about the role of the board. Some farmers 
have gone to jail for exporting without proper permits. Of course these 
farmers blather on about freedom to sell where they wish all to the great 
glee of industry giants such as Cargill. Anyway don't get the idea that I 
 don't support the board or that it is a bad thing even though this post 
may not show it in an entirely positive light. Australia, I believe, has 
a simiilar system for marketing grain, or some types of grain.
   Cheers, Ken Hanly
"The pleas of a Manitoba farm group for higher initial payments 
 for hard red spring wheat may not compute.
  Keystone Agricultural Producers wants the Canadian Wheat Board to 
narrow the 38 to 58 dollars per tonne spread between initial prices and 
 the October pool return outlook.
 "Its the farmer's own money, its increased cash flow," explained 
Don Dewar, president of KAP.
  He said the wheat board should recommend an increased payment to 
the federal government so farmers get some extra money by Christmas, 
 while they wait for a larger aid package


1998-12-07 Thread James Michael Craven

December 3, 1998
FR: Sheila Whitelaw, Press Secretary, Colville Business Council
   Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Nespelem, WA

 Please find attached the 2-page press advisory that has been authorized
by the Colville Business Council for distribution to media outlets and
other interested parties.

 We will have a final press advisory and/or prepared press release for
distribution from our Hotel Santa Fe press conference/work room on
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1998, in addition to press kits which we have
available at the press conference.

 Jim: Please distribute the attached press advisory to your outlets. We
are faxing you a copy today.

 Fidel: Please distribute the attached press advisory to your outlets.
We are faxing you a copy today.

 People: Take note of the 11:30 start time at the press conference which
should give us 30 minutes for arrivals, blessings and intros before the
moment of silence at 12/noon sharp.

 For your information, Connie Johnston, the legislative assistant to the
Colville Business Council and I will be arriving in Santa Fe, Tuesday
afternoon, Dec. 8. We will be located at the Hotel Santa Fe.

 If you have any questions, call me at (509) 634-2223. You will more
than likely hear a message on that number. Our office phone has been
partially out-of-order lately!


FE, NEW MEXICO ON DEC. 10, 1998?
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
Review Committee Meeting and Public Hearing is being held at the Hotel
Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico on December 10-12, 1998.
At the site of this three-day meeting, American Indian Tribes and
others will promote national and intertribal support for the NAGPRA
which is danger of being changed to allow scientific access and study of
the ancient remains of American Indians throughout the United States.
Now is the time to unify in support of the immediate repatriation of
all American Indian human remains and funerary objects. Through this
effort, we can restore the dignity and respect that the American Indian
people in this country so rightfully deserve.

Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Nespelem, Washington
 GARY JOHNSON, GOVERNOR, State of New Mexico
 ALVIN MOYLE, CHAIRMAN, Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe, Fallon, Nevada
Indigenous Peoples Coalition Against Biopiracy (IPCAB), Nixon, Nevada

Presentation of Colors-American Indian Veterans Honor Guard
 Opening Prayer & Spiritual Blessing-American Indian Elder
 Marla Big Boy, Reservation Attorney, Colville Tribes-Introductions
 Governor Gary Johnson, State of New Mexico (or his designee)
State of New Mexico Proclamation & Statement
 Alvin Moyle, Chairman, Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe-Statement
 Debra Harry, Coordinator, IPCAB-Statement
 Marla Big Boy, Reservation Attorney, Colville Tribes-Final Statement
 Speakers Meet The Press-Questions/Answers

Press Conference is expected to last approximately one hour.
See attachment for additional “Honor Our Ancestors” Rally & Honor Vigil


December 10-12, 1998 - Santa Fe, New Mexico








Marla Big Boy, Reservation Attorney, Colville Tribes
(509) 634-2383 - Voice Mail For Messages 24-Hours-A-Day
(505) 982-1200, Hotel Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Dec. 7-12, 1998

Sheila Whitelaw, Press Secretary, Colville Tribes
(509) 634-2223 - Voice Mail For Messages 24-Hours-A-Day
(505) 982-1200, Hotel Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Dec. 9-10, 1998

Press Room Available At 


1998-12-07 Thread James Michael Craven

Gerald Keddy

House of Commons

Parliament Buildings

Ottawa, On

K1A 0A6

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you regarding the United Nations Draft Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples which is currently under review by the UN
Intersessional Working Group in Geneva. As you may already know, the United
States Department of State has just released its position regarding this
critical document. Unfortunately, the United States Department is
essentially trying to render the Declaration meaningless.

The recommendations outlined by the United States are not only numerous,
they are also far-reaching. For instance they seek the creation of a new
Declaration emphasizing individual rights rather than collective ones. They
also would like to see the elimination of self-determination and the
redefinition of Indigenous Peoples as individuals or groups rather than as
peoples or nations. These recommendations if agreed upon would mark the end
of the Declaration.

Over 160 Indigenous Peoples’organizations, forty two United Nations
state members, nine specialized UN agencies, and other interested
non-government organizations have been diligently working for eleven years
to develop the current 1993 Draft. This document in essence, represents a
minimum standard of human rights for Indigenous Peoples. An erosion of this
basic standard would send the wrong message to Indigenous Peoples and to
the world. It would indicate that the international community does not
believe in international standards of human rights when they interfere with
the polical desires of its most powerful player. I do not want to abide by
this cynical view.

I am writing to you as a member of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal
Affairs and Nothern Development, to pressure the Canadian Government with
regard to this Draft Declaration and to ensure that, contrary to what is
happening south of the border, we adopt a position which recognizes the
minimum standard of human rights as outlined in this Draft Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Yours sincerely,

Jo=EBlle Favreau
Dedication to Solidarity >< Calling for World Action
>>> NetWarriors <<<
   Peace without Truth is Genocide
 Una Paz sin la  Verdad es Genocidio
 La paix sans la verite est Genocide
 Subscribe to   WarriorNET
 A discussion listserve dedicated to
  Indigenous Solidarity

   no subject in the header and in the body write:
   subscribe warriornet your email addresss

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1331] Response Re: Sovereign Nations Within a Nation

1998-12-07 Thread James Michael Craven


Ken, you have it exactly right. Further, under exting Federal Law 
(Titles 9, 18 and 25 USC) Indians are not treated as individuals but 
as members of Groups--Tribes and Nations--and furthermore, 
individual Indians are typically treated not as individuals but 
members of a broader collective by a whole plethora of racist 
attitudes and practices by segments of the non-Indian World.

Indians were summarily declared to be U.S. citizens in 1924--not one 
Indian was ever asked if he/she wanted to be summarily declared a 
U.S. Citizen. The whole concept of the BIA is a Federal Agency to 
deal with "foreign entities and Peoples" within the broader U.S. (Do 
we have a Bureau of Caucasian Affairs or a Bureau of African-American 
Affairs? Indinas could not even vote in Arizona until 1958.

The official U.S. government position at Geneva would summarily strip 
Indians of collective identities and any rights exercised through any 
sovereign powers (collective) in recognized and Treaty-protected 
Indian lands. The Dawes Act of 1887 which turned collective and 
communal Tribal lands into individualized "allotments" was in the 
same veign--designed to privatize, individualize and commodify Tribal 
communal lands--saleable to non-Indians--so as to summarily break and 
abrogate communal lands, relations, institutions and even 
identities--while racist institutions remained to treat individual 
Indians as part of broader groups stereotyped, slandered and 
discriminated against as whole groups with each individual member 
suffering as a member of the targeted whole group.

There is also the matter of the UN Convention on Genocide. Denying 
Treaty-protected "Indian Nation Status and Collective Rights" not 
only violates the Vienna Convention on Treaties, it would forcibly 
"transfer" Indian children as members of currently-Federal 
Government-recognized groups with group rights to another group in 
which they supposedly have only rights as isolated individuals 
(violation of Article II)  The shere arrogance is unbelievable. Just 
like the U.S. Government summarily declaring that 25% blood-quantum 
is required to be recognized as a US Government approved Indian 
regardless of one's recognized status within a given Tribe or 
Nation--this was done to more easily facilitate aquisitions of 
allotted lands that could not be passed on to non-Status Indians.

If this goes through, there will be ample grounds to impeach Clinton 
far more serious than blow-jobs in the Oral Office.

Jim Craven

On  7 Dec 98 at 12:54, Ken Hanly wrote:

> James Michael Craven wrote:
>   Surely the  position of the US reps. involves a logical contradiction.
> I assume treaties were signed with tribes not individual natives. These 
> treaties give certain rights to GROUPS of individuals. Because of these 
> group rights INDIVIDUALS within tribes who have signed treaties with the 
> US government will have certain individual rights that other US citizens 
> will not have. Therefore, it is simply not the case that aboriginals who 
> have signed treaties with the US govt. have the same individual rights as 
> every other US citizen, and the US reps' claim is contradictory.
>   How on earth can the US reps' position be defended-- or even make 
> sense given that treaties surely exist?
>    Cheers, Ken Hanly
> > 
> > --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
> > From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
> > Date:  Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:04:36 PST8PDT
> > Subject:   Sovereign Nations Within a Nation
> > Priority:  normal
> > 
> > Dear Mr. President:
> > 
> > I am writing to you as a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy to
> > protest and register very strong indignation at the official
> > positions being taken by your State Department at the UN Conference
> > on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva Switzerland. Your
> > Administration has taken the position that American Indians have only
> > individual rights--those of any other American Citizen--and not
> > collective or Tribal/National Rights of Self-determination.
> > 
> > The official position of your Administration: a) Would summarily deny
> > or abrogate existing Treaties with Indian Nations (Nations do not
> > make Treaties with their own individual citizens only with other
> > Sovereign Nations); b) Would summarily violate and deny the core
> > principles of the Vienna Convention the definitive, International Law
> > of Treaties; c) Would summarily do what hundreds of years of infected
> > blankets, alcohol and drugs, stolen lands, the BIA and other forms
> > and instrume

[PEN-L:1322] Sovereign Nations Within a Nation

1998-12-07 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:04:36 PST8PDT
Subject:   Sovereign Nations Within a Nation

Dear Mr. President:

I am writing to you as a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy to 
protest and register very strong indignation at the official 
positions being taken by your State Department at the UN Conference 
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva Switzerland. Your 
Administration has taken the position that American Indians have only 
individual rights--those of any other American Citizen--and not 
collective or Tribal/National Rights of Self-determination.

The official position of your Administration: a) Would summarily deny 
or abrogate existing Treaties with Indian Nations (Nations do not 
make Treaties with their own individual citizens only with other 
Sovereign Nations); b) Would summarily violate and deny the core 
principles of the Vienna Convention the definitive, International Law 
of Treaties; c) Would summarily do what hundreds of years of infected 
blankets, alcohol and drugs, stolen lands, the BIA and other forms 
and instruments of Genocide have been unable to completely 
finish--the total extermination and extinction of Indian Nations as 
Nations; d) would violate several Articles of the UN Convention on 
Genocide (that it took the U.S. over 40 years to sign and still the 
U.S. remains arrogantly outside of with the Lugar-Helms-Hatch 
"Sovereignty Amendment of 1988)--specifically, Article II (b) 
"Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group", (c) 
"Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to 
bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", and (e) 
"Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group"; and  in 
addition, all of the sub-sections of Article III.

This may seem to you to be hyperbole, but the fact is that it is 
integration with non-Indian American society that has accelerated 
rather than ameliorated the conditions leading to the 
destruction/extinction of Indian Nations, Cultures and even individual 
Indians. What is left of Indian Cultures and Peoples remains only as 
a result of refusal to integrate or assimilate and collective 
protection/enforcement of Treaties and collective Rights, and the position of 
your Administration would arrogantly and summarily define away 
Sovereign Rights embodied in legitimate Treaties--already broken and 
betrayed on so many occasions and for narrow interests.

We do not beg you to "give" us Collective Rights of  
Self-Determination and National Sovereignty, we 
demand and assert them as a matter of the same principles and concepts 
of International Law  and  Covenants to which the U.S. Government regularly 
holds other Nations --and to which we have been held--enforced 
through bloody projections of U.S. military power.

No Nation can remain a Great Nation and engage in arrogance, bullying 
and summary abrogations of principles of International Law that it 
demands to be held for itself only. Please reverse this official 
position immediately and: a) Recognize officially the Right of 
Indigenous Peoples of the U.S. to the Status and Recognition of all 
Indigenous Peoples throughout the World; b) Support the International 
Right of Self-Determination for All Indigenous Peoples; c) Support 
the Draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as 
currently written; d) Acknowledge that International Human Rights 
must embrace both Individual and Collective (National 
Sovereignty/Survival) Rights; e) Acknowledge and affirm that all 
Treaties between the U.S. and Indigenous Peoples are binding 
International Documents subject to interpretation and enforcement by 
impartial international Tribunals and International Law; 

Pay the US dues owed to the UN as other Nations have and must pay, and stop the 
hypocrisy, superpower/imperial arrogance and selective interpretation/enforcement of 
International Law. Differnetial treatment under the law and 
differential enforcement of Law--Domestic or International--only 
facilitates anarchy and Social Darwinism that ultimately destroys 
even its beneficiaries.


   James M. Craven
 Member, Blackfoot Confederacy
Professor, Economics
   Biographical Subject in Marquis "Who's Who in:
  The World, America, The West, Science and Engineering, Finance and Industry

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost g

[PEN-L:1292] Begish: Open Letter to HAARP Supporters

1998-12-06 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Sun, 06 Dec 1998 13:26:39 -0800
From:  Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   [MC] Begish: Open Letter to HAARP Supporters
Reply-to:  Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-- Forwarded --

Earthpulse Press Incorporated
Dr. Nick Begich
P.O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska 99520  USA
Internet: www.earthpulse.com
Fax 907-696-1277

November 17, 1998

An Open Letter to our HAARP Supporters:

I ran into the HAARP story quite by accident in 1994. At the encouragement
of my friends Gael and Patrick Flanagan I wrote the first significant
article on HAARP and co-authored a book about the technology with Jeane
Manning, Angels Don't Play This HAARP. That story led to research in
non-lethal weapons, electromagnetic systems, environmental weapons, new
types of biological weapons and related technologies.

For four years my wife, children, a few close friends and I processed tens
of thousands of inquiries related to these subjects, wrote and responded to
interviews for hundreds of publications, were aired on thousands of radio
programs and gave lectures on the subjects in twenty states and  twenty
countries. By 1995, I had left my position with the Anchorage School
District in order to keep up with the demands of the HAARP story.

By the end of 1995 we had begun to move back into the other areas of
interest to us yet HAARP continued to pull large amounts of time and
energy. Since that time, we have allowed HAARP related work to dominate
much of our time at the expense of other work. We felt that the subject
needed this level of commitment in order to reach a high level of public
and political debate. As an author and publisher I realized that the
freedom of the press means more than the right to print what it wants to
print.  It has more to do with the idea of maintaining an informed
population through open public debate and discourse, particularly on topics
related to public policy.

We built a significant database of research materials on weapon systems
which we disseminated around the world to news organizations, elected
officials and scientists.

I had an interesting and in some ways an unsettling past few months. I was
in Brussels in early October reviewing some draft resolutions of the
European Parliament in opposition to HAARP, certain non-lethal technologies
and new electromagnetic weapon technology which can debilitate human
health. While finishing this work I received word of the death of one of my
dearest friends, Gael Flanagan, who was in large part the inspiration for
the book Angeles Don't Play this HAARP.  Gael spoke with my wife often in
the days before she died and strongly encouraged me to withdraw from the
HAARP debate and leave it to others to resolve the issue. There comes a
time when others who hold positions and citizens generally have to decide
if the issue is important enough to take action on.

While in Europe, I was informed that the US State Department had sent
someone there after my testimony in the Security and Disarmament
sub-committee of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. This
was a hearing in early February which NATO refused to attend and debate the
issues when asked by the Chairman of the Committee to provide information.
The State Department official spent some weeks in Brussels but was
unsuccessful in dissuading our supporters, who now have extensive documents
on these matters. Presently, the inevitable is happening here in Alaska.
The military in cooperation with our Congressional delegation has begun the
process of locating and funding a new ICBM Defense system here in Alaska.
The project is to be funded at $11.4 Billion USd. In addition, a number of
other related installations are being expanded and funded here.

We have continued to reinvest all of our organizations revenues into
expanding our work and increasing the scope of our activities in the belief
that an activist media organization like ours is needed.  As a family and
small organization we are limited in what we can do. As an activist
publisher we have to balance our time commitments in order to continue to
bring forward leading information in many areas of science, technology and

I have attached some excepts from recent communications to further clarify
our position in these matters. I personally want to thank you for your
interest and help in brining these issues forward. We appreciate your
support on the HAARP problem and ask that you stay in touch with us through
our publishing and communication efforts on the other important subjects of

Thank you.

Always In Service,

November 17, 1998
Excerpts from Private communique

In February, when I was giving testimony in Europe, and on this most recent
trip, the issue of the US building a new Star Wars defense system was
discussed. These are the most recent developments:

1. Alaska is one of the two primary lo

[PEN-L:1276] (Fwd) (Fwd) A Life Lesson

1998-12-05 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
To:"Campus Master List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Fri, 13 Nov 1998 12:02:59 PST8PDT
Subject:   (Fwd) A Life Lesson 

This was forwarded to me and I just had to share it with the campus. 
Although some people have a problem understanding that the real 
"business" of Clark College is education-- knowledge ideas, opinions, 
information and data and how they are formulated and evaluated and 
utilized-- as opposed to architecture, grounds, revenue raising, 
influence in Olympia (also important but subordinate to the central 
purpose education), this is indeed "business related" and therefore 
should go out for serious consideration.

Jim Craven


1. Start with a cage containing five apes. In the cage,
hang a banana on a string and put stairs under it.
Before long, an ape will go to the stairs and start
to climb toward the Banana.

2. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of
the apes with cold water. After a while, another ape
makes an attempt with the same result--all the apes
are sprayed with cold water.

3. Turn off the cold water.  If later another ape tries
to climb the stairs, the other apes will try to prevent
it even though no water sprays them.

4. Now, remove one ape from the cage and replace it with
a new one. The new ape sees the banana and wants to
climb the stairs. To his horror, all of the other apes attack
him.  After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he
tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

5. Next, remove another of the original five apes and
replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the
stairs and is attacked.  The previous newcomer takes
part in the punishment with enthusiasm.

6. Again, replace a third original ape with a new one.
The new one makes it to the stairs and is attacked as
well.  Two of the four apes that beat him have no idea
why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why
they are participating in the beating of the newest ape.

7. After replacing the fourth and fifth original apes,
all the apes which have been sprayed with cold water
have been replaced.

Nevertheless, no ape ever again approaches the stairs.
Why not?

"BECAUSE that's the way it's always been done around here."

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1235] Re: Re: Re: Ford and GM's Nazi ties

1998-12-04 Thread James Michael Craven

Response: So would courage on this man's part been to have joined the 
"America First" Movement? Of course World War II was an 
inter-imperialist war in many respects; but the everyday airmen, 
sailors, soldiers were used as cannon fodder and little to do with 
that. And once the war began, the defeat of fascism was an imperative 
and yes bombs were dropped on civilians (some outright supporters of 
fascism, some not) on all sides. But ask those liberated from 
concentration camps and occupied territories if they minded whatever 
it took to break Germany, Japan and Italy; many in the resistance 
movements called bombs down on their own positions for strategic 

And as someone who once served as an instrument of U.S. imperialism 
as a young man at a different stage of consciousness, it does take 
courage to go on even with your doubts to try to carry through with 
the lot that has been handed to you and yes, perhaps you were too 
ill/un-informed to make an alternative choice if one was indeed 
available. My father served in China-Burma-Indian Theater and perhaps 
he bombed civilians but whatever he did was nothing compared with the 
Rape of Nanking and the ugliness of the forces that had to be 
defeated. All war is sick but sometimes the nature and uglyness of 
the enemy dictate the means that are imperative to defeat and stop 
that ugliness.

Jim Craven

On  4 Dec 98 at 7:59, William S. Lear wrote:

> On Thu, December 3, 1998 at 23:08:01 (-0800) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >Bill Lear wrote:
> >> 
> >> Dropping bombs on civilians from 25,000 feet is courage?
> >
> >Actually, the airman had one of the highest mortality rates in the war.
> >So, if you grant the reasonableness of the war ...
> ..., then, dropping bombs on civilians from 25,000 feet while being
> shot at is a reasonable and courageous act.
> I thought the brave refused such things...
> I guess I don't mind so much credit given for flying about, being shot
> at by Germans, but I do wish a bit more care was taken in slapping
> this fellow on the back without mentioning on whose heads the bombs
> were dropping.
> The dark side needs to be shown the light as well.
> Bill

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1209] Re: Re: pen-l questions

1998-12-03 Thread James Michael Craven

On  3 Dec 98 at 16:07, Michael Perelman wrote:

 I very much appreciate Jim Devine's question that he put to all of us.  I think
 that those economists among us could do more to help each other, enlighten each
 other, and to find ways to contribute to social change.
 Like Jim, I enjoy the banter as well as much of the other non-economic material,
 but I think that Jim is absolutely correct that we should do more.
 I wish that we could work as a service where unions or activist organizations
 could throw questions at us.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901
Here Here Michael!

During the early 70s I was in London and went to Highgate Cemetary to 
visit Karl Marx's grave (he is buried a few feet from Herbert Spencer 
the social darwinist). I was sitting there alone meditating and along 
came a contingent of Chinese from the PRC Trade Legation. We sat 
around together talking (they were surprised that I had a pocket copy 
of Chair man Mao's sayings) and discussed the inscription on Marx's 
grave from his "Theses on Feuerbach": "The Philosophers have only 
interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to 
change it." I was taken with the notion that of all of Marx's 
sayings, this one in particular was so appropriate and indeed summed 
up Marx's life and contributions and passion.

Theory is indeed important as practice, without theory or guidance, 
leads to groping in the dark and many painful and bloody and 
avoidable mistakes being made. On the other hand, theory without 
being linked to concrete practice, is like a compass without a 
ship--interesting but sterile--and further, it is through the sailing 
of the ship (application in concrete practice), guided by the compass, 
that the compass gets calibrated (tested and validated/refuted) as well as 
the ship going more directly to a given destination. 

Just a few meagre thoughts. And thanks Michael.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1208] One More Thought

1998-12-03 Thread James Michael Craven


One more thought:

The Administrator and Politician as Slave

"Before delivering a Law Day speech at a Western university, I 
attended a reception with its president. By the time the evening was 
over, the poor man had osculated the hindquarters of every dowager 
and shaky old fossil who might die in the near term and leave the 
school even a pittance. His nose, brown as a little acorn, had been 
worn smooth from a lifetime of toadying and truckling. He knew all 
the politicians within three hundred miles of the campus by their 
first names, as well as the names of their spouses, their lovers, and 
their children, all of whom he mentioned with the most exuberant 
affectionh, but whom, in his heart, he must have despised.

The president told me he had answered forty-three phone calls between 
his arrival from work and when he left home to have dinner with 
several of his board members. He had recently suffered a heart bypass 
surgery, though he was quick to advise me that he was in the best of 
health. He could not afford to be seen as ill, old, or tired. His 
belly hung over his belt like bread dough over a pan, but he passed 
it off as a temporary condition he was happily rectifying on his 
treadmill. His eyes were puffy, his skin as pallid as old newspapers. 
When he walked into the reception, without missing a beat, without 
forgetting a name, he sucked up to every professor, every assistant, 
every spouse of every secretary--indeed, at last to everyone, for he 
could afford no enemies. Not one.

Although this man had the power to fire half the house in attendance 
that evening, to maintain his position at the top of the heap he had 
to be allied with everyone. And thus he lacked the liberty to take a 
stand on any issue. He could not permit himself to lead, to create 
controversy, to be brave. As the time for my speech approached, he 
began to fret at the thought that I might say something offensive to 
the audience (as I have been known to do), because, ostensibly, I was 
speaking under his auspices.

In the end, few likely respected him at all. I thought him one of the 
most wretched men I had ever met, the quintessential organizational 
slave who is cloned in nearly every politician, administrator, 
corporate minion, and public servant."
(Gerry Spence "Give Me Liberty pp 33-34)

Jim Craven:
 To the Campus Community:
 In the spirit of our Campus-wide Abilities and in the spirit of the 
 real "business" of Clark College--education--and two of the essential 
  Is it not time to throw off the shroud? Is it not time to speak 
 out, to cry out, to fly, to test wings, to fall, and to laugh with 
 joy over the divine bruises?
 Gerry Spence
 "Give Me Liberty: Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century" 

Good one, Jim; very stirring, very true.  I doubt its effect on
people of the bottom line, however, such as college administrators.
I have said things to bank officers that would have evoked fisticuffs
in anyone with so much as the balls of a jackrabbit, but all I ever 
got was the brilliant flash of capped teeth, behind which was intoned
a silent mantra: The important thing is the money.

VERY well, you liberals,
And navigators into realms intellectual,
You sailors through heights imaginative,
Blown about by erratic currents, tumbling into air pockets,
You Margaret Fuller Slacks, Petits,
And Tennessee Claflin Shopes--
You found with all your boasted wisdom
How hard at the last it is
To keep the soul from splitting into cellular atoms.
While we, seekers of earth's treasures,
Getters and hoarders of gold,
Are self-contained, compact, harmonized,
Even to the end.

Epitaph of Thomas Rhodes, banker, 
in The Spoon River Anthology 
   (Edgar Lee Masters, 1915)

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has f

[PEN-L:1200] Re: Re: Ford and GM's Nazi ties

1998-12-03 Thread James Michael Craven

On  3 Dec 98 at 9:59, Jim Devine wrote:

 does anyone know about the truth of the story (that circulated years ago
 and I think first appeared in RAMPARTS magazine) that the Allied air forces
 deliberately refrained from bombing GM- and Ford-owned factories in greater
 Germany during World War II?

Sometime ago when I first posted portions of the speech of Parenti, I 
got two messages from a regular reader of pen-l who personally likes 
Parenti and did not want to debunk him but who had been with the 
Eight Air Force in combat over Europe during World War II. He noted 
that they would bomb at 25,000 ft, were continually under fire from 
flak and fighters, were often shit scared and wanted to bomb and get 
out. He noted that precision bombing from that altitude and under 
those conditions would be impossible--to save selected plants. He 
noted further, that the British bombed at night and would have had to 
declare whole cities off-limits to save a few plants. He also noted 
that literally hundreds of aircrews would have had to have been 
briefed--letting them all in on the dirty little secret and risking a 
security leak from someone incensed about treason and aid and comfort 
to the enemy.

Later he wrote that he had found some memorabilia and noted that his 
old bomb group on May 14, 1943 (before he got there) "... the second 
mission of 17 aircraft...bombed General Motors and ford Plants and 
nearby locks at Antwerp Belgium." He said that he had heard the idea 
of off-limits targets (US companies) many times before and found it 

I most certainly defer to this gentleman's experience--and courage I 
might add--and find his arguments compelling. But as I wrote back to 
him I also found it very odd that targets would be explicitly named 
in bombing reviews as "General Motors" and "Ford" plants--retaining the 
American names of firms supposedly totally expropriated by the Nazis.

I do believe that Charles Higham--with the assistance of I.F. 
Stone--gave compelling and overwhelming evidence of extensive and 
ongoing contacts/collaboration between American businessmen and even 
government officials and German, Japanese and Italian businessmen and 
officials; and I believe that Higham gave compelling evidence that 
the Ford, GM, Texaco, Standard Oil and other entities in occupied 
territories were anything but expropriated by the nazis.

Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Perhaps some plants 
were bombed due to their proximity to other strategic targets and 
perhaps others--relatively isolated--were not bombed. In his 
"Sovereign State of ITT", Anthony Samson records that as late as 1967, ITT 
received $27 million for the bombing of the Focke Wulf (fighter)--made 
by ITT indirectly--plants in Hamburg. That alone is a very 
significant finding (An "American" company gets reparations for the 
bombing of a plant manufacturing fighter aircraft shooting down 
American aircraft--priceless).

I know that Parenti is an excellent and careful researcher. On the 
other hand, we have all fallen victim to myths that were honestly and 
innocently transmitted to and by us for the best of reasons.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1199] A Thought

1998-12-03 Thread James Michael Craven

To the Campus Community:

In the spirit of our Campus-wide Abilities and in the spirit of the 
real "business" of Clark College--education--and two of the essential 
foundations of real education--Free Speech and Acadmemic Freedom:

 "The zoo, the walls, the wire mesh above. Slam up against the 
concrete wall. Beat in the skull. The wall is, at last, the mind. The 
wall is, at last, the prejudices foisted upon us by those who wish to 
own our minds. Hate our brothers. Love God. Hate the color of skin 
and love green money. Pay the priest. Pay our taxes, and the 
television cable company. Shun knowledge, shun the dearness of 
questioning and the joy of shivering naked in the early morning sun, 
alone. Shun freedom.

 We are slaves to ourselves. Preserve a closed mind and what you 
have is the walking dead. All slaves are a form of the walking dead.

 Is it not time to throw off the shroud? Is it not time to speak 
out, to cry out, to fly, to test wings, to fall, and to laugh with 
joy over the divine bruises?

Gerry Spence
"Give Me Liberty: Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century" 
p. 113

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund Burke)

"I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for
severity? I will be as harsh as truth,and as uncompromising as justice. On this 
I do not wish to think,or speak,or write with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose 
is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the 
of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into 
it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in  a cause like the present. I am in 
I will not equivocate--I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch--and I will 
be heard. 
(William Lloyd Garrison, 1831, Abolitionist Leader)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1165] NDP BC's continuing "child protection" genocide (fwd)

1998-12-02 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 2 Dec 1998 01:24:31 -0800 (PST)
From:  John Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:    James Michael Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   NDP BC's continuing "child protection" genocide (fwd)

Hi Jim, fyi . Hope all goes well. cheers js
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 00:42:29 -0800
Subject: NDP BC's continuing "child protection" genocide

BC Report, November 16, by Derek DeCloet

[S.I.S.I.S. note: The residential schools are now finally closed, but
Canada is still stealing indigenous children from their families and
alienating them from their nations and cultures. Like the residential
schools, the Ministry of Social Services purports to apprehend aboriginal
children for their own good, hiding the often devastating effects this has
on the children and on their communities. "Forcibly transferring children
of [a national, ethnical, racial or religious] group to another group" is
specifically prohibited by the UN Genocide Convention. Please scroll down
to the excerpt from the report "Liberating our Children - Liberating our
Nations," appended to the end of this article.
The following mainstream news article may contain biased or
distorted information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or context. It
is provided for reference only.]

Bill Christiansen wanted to do some good. Hired by the Ministry of Social
Services in 1996 as the native youth and family advocate for the Terrace
office, his job was to help Indian families understand the role of social
workers. But he quickly became disillusioned with a system that often hurts
children more than it helps. He quit in the summer of 1997, shortly after
the new Ministry for Children and Families (MCF) was created, and now says
he can no longer keep quiet about his experiences. "A lot of people just
won't say anything, either for fear of losing their funding," says Mr.
Christiansen, a soft-spoken man who grew up on the Kitsumkalum reserve. "I
believe they have to hear it."

Mr. Christiansen alleges that Indian children were apprehended by social
workers and put in foster homes not because they were abused, but because
their parents had past problems with alcohol and drugs. In the case of one
Indian mother - a woman whom Mr. Christiansen says had conquered a drinking
problem - social workers arrived at the hospital in Terrace to await the
birth of her baby girl so they could apprehend her. He also heard a
ministry social worker remark in a meeting that "the only solution to help
these aboriginal people is put them in adoption." This sentiment has been
common in BC since 1995. That was the year of the release of the Gove
inquiry into the death of Matthew Vaudreuil, a Fort St. John boy who was
killed by his mother despite repeated interventions from social workers.

The inquiry led to the creation of the MCF - and a mindset that family
lawyers, psychologists and parents rights advocates say has made social
workers so afraid of one another Vaudreuil case they now apprehend given
the merest hint of abuse - even a telephone call from an estranged parent.
Mr. Christiansen argues that this new child protection regime hurts Indian
families the most, because they are far more likely to be known to social
workers. August 1998 figures show that 38% of the children in "continuing
custody" of the ministry - those in foster homes or staying with other
relatives - were Indian. In the North West region, which includes Terrace,
the figure was 78% (Indians are about 4% of the BC population.)

Dr. John Goyeche, a Kelowna psychologist who believes the ministry takes
too many children from their parents says "systemic racism" is partly to
blame for the inordinate numbers of Indian children in foster homes. Stan
Parenteau, deputy director of aboriginal services for the ministry, denies
race is a factor, but says he cannot really explain why Indians make up
such a large proportion of children in MCF care. Mr Parenteau does not
think many children are being apprehended without cause, since social
workers must always justify their decision in court. "The courts are, in
part, ensuring that we're operating within the legislation when we remove a
child," he says.

Perhaps so, but Dr. Goyeche believes the legislation (the Child, Family and
Community Service Act) and MCF policies make it far too easy to apprehend
children. Ever since Gove social workers have been pressured to look into a
person's past for any sign he or she might be an unfit parent. Drug and
alcohol use, rampant on many Indian reserves, are among the warning signs.
Such information is plugged into a "risk assessment" model that social
workers use to determine likely child abusers. Risk asses

[PEN-L:1159] (Fwd) Capital and "Patriotism"

1998-12-01 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:08:50 PST8PDT
Subject:   [PEN-L:1350] Capital and "Patriotism"

The following is exerpted from "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of 
the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, by Charles Higham, Dell 
Books, N.Y. 1983

"What would have happened if millions of American an British people, 
struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned 
that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's 
fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping 
Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in 
Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars 
worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head 
office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the 
German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, 
Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the 
international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York 
to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's 
communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated 
London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on 
British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were 
shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the 
collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in 
partnership with Goering's cousin in Philadelphia when American 
forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were 
known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately 

For the government did sanction such dubious transactions--both 
before and after Pearl Harbor. A presidential edict, issued six days 
after December 7, 1941, actually set up the legislation whereby 
licensing arrangements for trading with the enemy could be granted. 
Often during the years after Pearl Harbor the government permitted 
such trading. For example, ITT was allowed to continue its relations 
with the Axis and Japan until 1945, even though that conglomerate was 
regarded as an official instrument of United States intelligence. No 
attempt was made to prevent ford from retaining its interests for the 
Germans in Occupied France, nor were the Chase Bank or the Morgan 
Bank expressly forbidden to keep open their branches in Occupied 
Paris. It is indicated that the Reichsbank and Nazi Ministry of 
Economics made promises to certain U.S. corporate leaders that their 
properties would not be  injured after the Fuhrer was victorious. 
Thus, the bosses of the multinations as we know them today had a 
six-spot on every side of the dice cube. Whichever side won the war, 
the powers that really ran nations would not be adversely affected." 

And it is important to consider the size of American investments in 
Nazi Germany at the time of Pearl Harbor. These amounted to an 
estimated total of $475 million. Standard Oil of New Jersey had $1230 
million invested there; General Motors had $35 million; ITT had $30 
million; and Ford had $17.5 million. Though it would have been more 
patriotic to have allowed Nazi Germany to confiscate these companies 
for the duration--to nationalize them or to absorb them into Hermann 
Goering's industrial empire--it was clearly more practical to insure 
them protection from seizure by allowing them to remain in special 
holding companies, the money accumulating until war's end. It is 
interesting that whereas there is no evidence of any serious attempt 
by Roosevelt to impeach the guilty in the United States, there is 
evidence that Hitler strove to punish certain German Fraternity 
associates on the grounds of treason to the Nazi state. Indeed, in 
the case of ITT, perhaps the most flagrant in its outright dealings 
with the enemy, Hitler and his postmaster general, the venerable 
Wilhelm Ohnesorge, strove to impound the German end of the business. 
But even they were powerless in such a situation: the Gestapo leader 
of counterintelligence, Walter Schellenberg, was a prominent director 
and shareholder of ITT by arrangement with New York--and even Hitler 
dared not cross the Gestapo." (pp 14-15)

By virtue of an persuant to the authority vested in me by sections 3 
and 5 of The Trading with the Enemy Act as amended, and by virtue of 
all other authority invested in me, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 
President of the United States of America, do prescribe the 

A general license is hereby granted, licensing any

[PEN-L:1158] "War is a Racket"

1998-12-01 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:59:49 PST8PDT
Subject:   [PEN-L:1029] "War is a Racket"

The following is an excerpt from a speech by Major General Smedley 
Butler, USMC, TWICE awarded the Medal of Honor (1914, 1917) made in 

"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as 
something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a 
small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the 
benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a 
nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with 
America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then 
it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag 
follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.

I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy 
investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight 
for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of 
Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is 
blind to. It has its 'finger men' to point out enemies, its 'muscle 
men' to destroy enemies, its 'brain men' to plan war preparations and 
a 'Big Boss' Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. 
Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four 
months in active military service as a member of this country's most 
agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned 
ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major General. And during that 
period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big 
Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a 
racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of 
it. Like all members of the military profession, I never had a 
thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties 
remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of 
higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil 
interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for 
the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the 
raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of 
Wall Street. The record of raceteering is long. I helped purify 
Nicaragus for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 
1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to 
the Dominican REpublic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China 
I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a 
swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al 
Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in 
three districts. I operated on three continents."

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"...but this letter being unofficial and private, I may with safety give you a more
 extensive view of our policy respecting the Indians, that you may better comprehend 
the parts dealt to to you in detail through the official channel, and observing the 
system of which they make a part, conduct yourself in unison with it in cases where 
you are obliged to act without instruction...When they withdraw themselves to the 
culture of a small piece of land, they will perceive how useless to them are their 
extensive forests, and will be willing to pare them off from time to time in exchange 
for necessaries for their farms and families. To promote this disposition to exchange
lands, which they have to spare and we want, for necessaries which we have to spare 
and they want,we shall push our trading houses, and be glad to see the good and 
influencial individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these 
debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off 
by cession of lands...In this way our settlements will gradually circumscribe and 
approach the Indians, and they 

[PEN-L:1157] (Fwd) Capital and "Patriotism"

1998-12-01 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Thu, 27 Aug 1998 12:37:46 PST8PDT
Subject:   [PEN-L:1272] Capital and "Patriotism"

>From a speech my Michael Parenti at Berkely, September 23, 1995 
entitled "Fascism: The False Revolution":

" I mean, how do you murder 6 million Jews, a quarter of a million Gypsies, 
several million Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and others, and  thousands of 
homosexuals and get away with it?  Unless, the only way you get away 
with it is that the very people who are supposed to look into these 
crimes were themselves complicit.

What happened to the U.S. businesses that collaborated with fascism? 
Coporations like Dupont, Ford, General Motors, ITT. They owned 
factories in these enemy countries that produced fuel, tanks and 
planes that wreaked havoc on allied forces during World War Two. And 
after the war, instead of being prosecuted for treason, instead of 
being prosecuted, ITT collected twenty-seven million from the U.S. 
Government [in 1967] for  war damages inflicted on its German plants by allied 
bombings. General Motors collected thirty-three million. Pilots were 
given instructions not to hit certain factories. The devastation of 
Cologne, there were several factories owned by ITT and Chrysler, that 
after awhile, German people learned to go in there and  use them for 
air-raid shelters because they wouldn't get hit by the American 
pilots because they were owned by the American corporate interests."

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"...but this letter being unofficial and private, I may with safety give you a more
 extensive view of our policy respecting the Indians, that you may better comprehend 
the parts dealt to to you in detail through the official channel, and observing the 
system of which they make a part, conduct yourself in unison with it in cases where 
you are obliged to act without instruction...When they withdraw themselves to the 
culture of a small piece of land, they will perceive how useless to them are their 
extensive forests, and will be willing to pare them off from time to time in exchange 
for necessaries for their farms and families. To promote this disposition to exchange
lands, which they have to spare and we want, for necessaries which we have to spare 
and they want,we shall push our trading houses, and be glad to see the good and 
influencial individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these 
debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off 
by cession of lands...In this way our settlements will gradually circumscribe and 
approach the Indians, and they will in time either incorporate with us as citizens 
of the United States, or remove beyond the Mississippi.The former is certainly the 
termination of their history most happy for themselves; but, in the whole course 
of this, it is essential to cultivate their love. As to their fear, we presume that
our strength and their weakness is now so visible that they must see we have only to 
shut our hand to crush them..."
(Classified Letter of President Thomas Jefferson ("libertarian"--for propertied white
people) to William Henry Harrison, Feb. 27, 1803)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1156] Re: Re: US auto Nazis

1998-12-01 Thread James Michael Craven

On  1 Dec 98 at 21:58, Tom Kruse wrote:

> John Barkley Rosser Jr. notes:
> > The top story in yesterday's Washington Post was about 
> >a likely class action suit that will be brought against 
> >Ford Motor Co. and also probably against General Motors by 
> >former slave laborers who worked under the Nazis in 
> >factories owned by Ford and GM during World War II.  The 
> >suits allege much higher levels of complicity and 
> >cooperation between those companies in terms of helping 
> >with retooling for the German war effort, while resisting 
> >doing so in the US, and receipt of profits from the wartime 
> >activities of those subsidiaries.   It might be noted that 
> >both Henry Ford and a high GM official, James Mooney, 
> >received major medals from the Nazis.  Hitler apparently 
> >used to keep a life-size photo of Ford in his office.
> >Barkley Rosser
> What an intersting season of historical amends-making this is becoming.
> First Pinochet, now this.  I love it when people don't "leave well enough
> alone"!  The precedents set for the future are great: no hiding place for
> (some) facists; no impunity for (some) capitalists.  Optimistic?  Golly
> yes, but do let's enjoy the feeling of possibility, if only for a moment.
> Tom
> Tom Kruse
> Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
> Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

Just came in to clear my computer--home very sick today-- and saw this. BTW, thanks 
and all for your support and I'll be writing individual letters. The 
College has backed down a bit (I was about an hour away from losing 
my job last week because I will never give up the messages sent to 
me) but the College now only wants what I sent to public newsgroups 
or to Annett. I told them just to ask Annett for what he has and 
evaluate that for possible libel or slander (I asked over and over to 
sue me personally as truth is an absolute and complete defense in 
libel and slander). So anyway a partial victory.

On the matter above, typical of the newsmedia or as they used to say 
about "Pravda" (truth) and Isvestya (news) in the old USSR:  What is "news" is not 
true and what is true is not "news". Charles Higham wrote a very well 
documented book called "Trading With The Enenmy: An Expose of the 
Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949", Dell Books, N.Y. 1983; some of 
his research was aided by IF Stone. It is well worth reading. This 
crap about Ford and GM having been totally expropriated by the 
Nazis--defense of Ford and GM--is pure fiction. On December 13, 1941, 
6 days after Pearl Harbor, FDR issued the following exemption of 
Trading With The Enemy Act (exact copy)


By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by sections 3 
and 5 of The Trading with the Enemy Act as amended, and by virtue of 
all other authority vested in me, I Franklin D. Roosevelt, President 
of the United States of America, do prescribe the following:

A general license is hereby granted, licensing any transaction or act 
proscribed by section 3 (a) of The Trading with the Enemy Act, as 
amended, provided, however, that such transaction or act is 
authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury by means of regulations, 
rulings, instructions, licenses, or otherwise, pursuant to the 
Executive Order No. 8389, as amended.

  December 13, 1941
  Secretary of the Treasury
  Attorney General of the United States

This was noted in a previous piece "The Enemy of my Enemy" which 
pissed off some people on Warriornet and elsewhere. Where have the 
networks been? Also Michael Parenti has also written on this topic.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1194] Emergency civil liberties appeal for Jim C

1998-11-24 Thread James Michael Craven

Comment on Barkley's Comments (Jim Craven)

1) Without painting a broad brush for all administrators, I do 
believe that Plato's axiom--"Those who seek power are invariably the 
least fit to wield it"--does indeed apply to many if not most of the 
administrators with whom I have had dealings or have met. It takes a 
certain sense of self-importance, narcissism, megalomania to actively 
seek and exercise power over large numbers of people. Ask the average 
person: would you like to have anyone to have arbitrary and 
capricious power over you? the answer would be obvious--even when 
administrators are asked. Well, then why would someone want over 
others--arbitrary and capricious powers--that which they wouldn't 
want exercised over themselves? 

2) Secondly, although it is absolutely true that tenure can be and 
often is used to protect incompetent or abusive or sycophantic 
faculty, it was designed to be used--and has been used--to protect 
the opposite--free and controversial thought, competence, just cause 
activism etc. Tenure is not as iron-clad as some outside academia 
think. Even tenured, faculty may be fired for "cause" with the 
administrators generally defining "cause" and controlling the 
mechanisms of dismissal review and/or possessing enough financial 
clout to bankrupt anyone who dares to take them on in Court. 
Generally, tenured faculty may be fired for: a) moral turpitude; b) 
gross, documentable, repeated incompetence with refusal to remediate; 
c) program cuts (real or engineered) and, d) insubordination. In my 
case, the Administration is trying to set up an unconscionable 
directive and when and if I disobey it, I will be charged with 
"insubordination" and then State resources and my own special AG (Jim 
Tuttle, who by the way was also involved in a lawsuit involving my 
wife who sued against the College--beofre I was tenured--for racial, 
age and geneder discrimination with the result of a $165,000 
settlement against the College) will atempt to bankrupt me as I take 
them on in Court (This has been the modus operandi in several recent 
firings--all minorities). 

3) There was a celebrated case at this College involving a faculty 
member who used State resources to collect child pornography. Not 
only was he collecting commercial child porn, he was posing as an 
adolsecent to lure teenage girls to send polaroids via internet 
according to press reports and the Washington State Patrol 
Dectectives. It took a Washington State Auditor's subpoena to enter 
his computer and since the subpoena was mishandled he beat the rap 
but a separate ethics complaint found him guilty. He was a favored 
insider, the College Admin under the previous President actively 
blocked the investigation and prosecution of him. He was also very 
close with the previous Dean who has been canned (and sent to another 
Washington State College to do more damage) and that Dean, was a very 
close friend and associate of Interim Vice-President Ramsey who know 
holds his position for one-year. By the way, I was the Whistleblower 
on the case involving Child pornography but I did it in the open, due 
process was followed and the stuff he was caught with (over 1700 
files) would be enough to be gone for anyone but a favored insider 
and toady/sycophant. He is still on faculty.
4) further, the new President Tana Hasart has previously claimed to 
support my activism, knowing full well it is with College resources 
(Under the Diminimus rule of the Washington State Government we are 
allowed to use State Resources for outside causes--especially those 
that gives us skills and knowledge to bring into the classroom) and I 
openly sign my name and invite a lawsuit against me for libel or 
slander if someone feels that is what I have done; the College has no 
liability from my actions and they know it. Further I have in e-mails 
praise from President Hasart for my activism and exposing corruption 
and violations of due process etc at the College saying that changes 
were being made that ought to "affirm" my positions and activism.
5) Adminstrators hate tenure and they are trying to destroy it 
anywhere and everywhere. Without it radical scholars like Michael P and 
Barkley and so many others would surely be driven out of academia and 
worse. Further, it is the tenured faculty--the one's who have the 
guts to actually use their tenure rights--that find hidden pots of 
money that administrator's typically love, that fight due process 
issues fro non-tenured faculty, that engage in activism that surely 
would bring down the powers of the State for dismissal etc. Just as 
not all administrators--there has to be an administration separate 
from faculty for many duties--should not be painted with the broad brush 
of scum, megalomaniacs etc just because a large percentage of them 
are probably that, so all tenured academics should not be painted 
with the broad brush to be included with the academics who use tenure 
to protect incompet

[PEN-L:1192] Re: residential school activists on "hit list" (fwd)

1998-11-24 Thread James Michael Craven

Dear Friends on Pen-l

I am writing to thank all of you who wrote in to the President of my 
College in support of this struggle in which I am involved. From the 
material below, it should be clear that this is about more that 
academic freedom, freedom from harassment in the workplace, freedom 
of candid academic exhanges and thought, freedom of activism in just 
causes, freedom from workplace surveillance as an instrument for 
other agenda, differential treatment of favored insiders versus 
troublesome outsiders by Administrators, due process etc.

Based solely on a complaint by Kevin Annett living in Canada and a 
threat of a lawsuit, Annett alleges defammation, maligning reputation 
etc. I have repeatedly asked him to sue me as truth is an absolute 
defense in libel and slander. He did not provide even one sample 
e-mail that he feels shows maligning and defammation but instead, 
called for the College to go through all my e-mails (e-mails never 
sent to him and that he has never seen) instead of filing a proper 
legal action and subsequent motions for discovery.

Ordinarily the Administration would have asked him to provide hos own 
copies of any e-mail he feels to be defammatory and/or tell him about 
academic freedom. By the way, this is a guy who recently publicly 
slandered actual victims of Residential School Abuse as tied-in with 
pedophile rings--the same victims who had expelled him from the 
Circle of Justice.

Now here is why this request is particularly damaging. As can be 
illustrated from below, this Annett openly and callously leaked out 
sensitive information to which he was privy and compromised activists 
and covert operations by Indians who can go where he could never go. 
Further, his name was never even mentioned as a candidate for a 
hit--only mine--but to do self-promotion and to feed his narcissism 
and credentials in this market niche--Residential School Abuse--he 
put out the following. Now the College wants all e-mails many of 
which were private and never even addressed to him and that he has 
never even seen and I fear the worst in terms of even more damage to 
particular individuals and activism.

This is not about some personality dispute; this is fundamental and 
real lives are on the line here. No hyperbole, just a fact. The 
Administration, presently involved in two lawsuits against the 
College , the Trustees and President, claims to be only interested in 
determining legal liability. They claim that my own activism on other 
issues--due process, insider hiring, academic standards, differential 
treatment of employees, unconscionable firings, hidden funds and 
slush funds while claiming pay increases may be problematic etc--have 
nothing to do with acquiesing to this unconscionable request of 

Let me quote from a sworn deposition from a former Dean in a 
personnel matter involving me (This Dean was canned and my battles 
with him had something to do with it):

"I did, in fact, ask our state attorney who handles Craven 
affairs--that's different from our state attorney general who handles 
everything else from the college--a man named Jim Tuttle who is 
stationed up in Seattle. I did ask him what kind of protection I 
could get from the state. His reaction was legally there was nothing 
the state attorney could do, that I would have to handle thoe 
affairs on my own." (Deposition of Dean Richard Fulton p. 10)

This is the College's way of "handling affairs on their own." and 
they don't care who is put at risk or what cases are compromised/

I will write all of you individually to thank you when my e-mail is 
no longer being screened.

Jim Craven


Greetings Kevin,

We will not be posting this, as we do not have permission from Jim Craven
to do so.   has informed me that he has already written you a letter
expressing our concerns, so I will not repeat that here.

I would like to add, however, that you do *not* have permission to
broadcast my full name in any capacity unless you have contacted me and
obtained that permission. If my name is to be attached to any posting, I
expect to be consulted to make sure it is OK to do so.

Although all S.I.S.I.S. members have, at various times, signed our names to
S.I.S.I.S. correspondence, we also have sought some degree of anonymity in
terms of not identifying any one person with S.I.S.I.S. In future, please
consider this when releasing letters written to S.I.S.I.S.

Thank you for your attention to this.


 Sept. 1, 1998


I want to share with you information I've just received that needs
to be circulated through your network, if you're willing.

I received a call today from Jim Craven, a Blackfoot friend who
served as a Panel Judge at our International Tribunal into the residential
schools last June. Jim says that he spoke yesterday to a Vancouver elder
from a local band, who is closely connected to the top native brass in
B.C. This source claims that both Jim and I are on a "hit list

[PEN-L:983] Residential school settlement: All in the family (fwd)

1998-11-10 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Tue, 10 Nov 1998 10:17:03 -0800 (PST)
From:  John Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:    James Michael Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Residential school settlement: All in the family (fwd)

fyi - typical. ciao js

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 01:50:46 -0800
Subject: Residential school settlement: All in the family

The Vancouver Sun, Nov. 4, 1998, by Douglas Todd

[S.I.S.I.S. note: The cast of characters involved in this out of court
settlement for residential school sexual abuse victims suggests that this
BC settlement may be a fixed game & "all in the family".
The same north Shuswap Bands negotiating this were responsible for
"putting behind them" the much criticized "healing circle" of Bishop Hubert
O'Connor. They were also working closely with the RCMP and Canadian
authorities during the Gustafsen Lake affair. Bryan Williams was elevated
to the position of BC Supreme Court Chief Justice shortly after
representing the BC Attorney General (BCAG) against the jurisdictional
challenge of the Gustafsen Lake Defenders in the Supreme Court of Canada on
September 12, 1995. Lawyer for the complainants Don Sorochan is also
closely connected to the BCAG, who has employed him as "special prosecutor"
for sensitive political matters.

More information on the residential schools atrocities:
 http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/resschool/main.html ]

 All sides are cheering a precedent-setting agreement between the Catholic
church, the federal government and 10 native Indian men who were sexually
assaulted as students at a B.C. residential school.

 The out-of-court settlement, which each party is calling an "historical
breakthrough," marks the first time in Canada the federal government, a
major religious denomination and native Indians have found a way to resolve
one of the hundreds of civil lawsuits that have been launched over the
country's native residential-school system.

 "This is all good," said Father Vincent LaPlante, spokesman for the Oblate
brothers who ran St. Joseph's residential school near Williams Lake, where
dozens of young native boys were abused by church officials in the 1950s
and '60s.

 The settlement -- which was reached just before a court case was to start
in Vancouver this week -- includes an undisclosed financial payout to the
native men of Alkali Lake and Canim Lake, and apologies from the Catholic
church, Oblate Brothers and federal government. As well, all the parties
have agreed to take part in a healing circle, which will be held at the
same time as the official blessing of Alkali Lake's newly renovated
Catholic church.

 "We're all happy about it,' Laplante said. "We know the past can't be
changed, but we can do something for the future. The native people want to
rebuild and restore the good relationship with the Catholic church that was
there for about 125 years."

 Native Indians across Canada havelawsuits against the federal government and the 
various Christian
denominations that ran Canada's 130 native residential schools until the
last ones were disbanded in the 1970s.

 The 10 complainants in the lawsuit settled this week were sexually abused
at St. Joseph's by either Oblate brother Len Doughty or Harold McIntee. The
10 men, plus the estate of another victim who committed suicide, claimed
damages for sexual assault and what they charged was the residential
school's general attack on native culture.

 Former Prince George Bishop Hubert O'Connor was principal of St. Joseph's
at the time Doughty and McIntee worked there.  O'Connor -- who recently had
several sex convictions related to St. Joseph's overturned on appeal -- was
accused in the native men's lawsuit of ignoring complaints they were being
assaulted while sleeping, boarding, working and taking classes at St.

 The native men's lawyer, Don Sorochan, said the negotiations that led to
the Catholic church and federal government accepting "vicarious liability"
for the sexual assaults came about largely because of the extra efforts of
B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Bryan Williams.  "He negotiated it in two
days. He's a leader in trying to offer an alternative way to resolve these
disputes," Sorochan said, noting that Williams was the lawyer who
represented the B.C. government in treaty negotiations with the Nisga'a.

 Shawn Tupper, who is the federal government's senior policy adviser on
native issues, said he would not be surprised if the out-of-court
settlement in the St. Joseph's case helped lead to the early resolution of
numerous other potentially lengthy residential school lawsui

[PEN-L:967] Re: Re: unemployed Ph.D.

1998-11-09 Thread James Michael Craven

On  9 Nov 98 at 20:20, michael perelman wrote:

> I am sorry that Paul thought that I was criticizing his post.
> > 1.  I don't think/believe that university teaching is the only
> > unalienated application of  academic training.
> > Indeed, I spent three years working as an intellectual worker
> > for the unions, and another year working for the government in
> > which I was less alienated than I have in my 30 some odd years
> > teaching at the academy.
> I absolutely agree.
> > 2. There is no evidence in my experience that the existing
> > professoriate attempt to restrict the entry of new, intelligent
> > recruits.
> I was not intending anything like what you seem to have read into my
> remarks.  I only meant that new positions depend on retirements now.
> > What bothers me is this alegation that existing faculty is either
> > protecting its position somehow or its elite status by descriminating
> > against new, particularly brilliant, hires.
> I meant nothing of the kind.  I am sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 530-898-5321

Response: I hate to intrude on this and ordinarily I would just let 
it go, but the operative terms are: a) not in my experience; b) 
intelligence and brilliance; c) competence; d) turf protection.

At Manitoba there are indeed some very open faculty--and Paul 
Phillips is one of them. But please, let's not extrapolate throughout 
all of academia. What is this, "radical" means only when the critique 
is not about academia.

What would happen to a New School Grad, extremely well published, 
dedicated to teaching more than publish-or-perish, published in 
heterodox journals, very well-versed in neoclassicism higher-level 
calculus but just doesn't want to bother with Walras and general 
equilibrium theory (thinks it is all a pile of esoteric shit) at 
Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Chicago or whatever?

It is how "brilliant" and competent are defined in petit-bourgeois 
academia (read brilliant and competent means like me, educated where I was, 
published in the same journals I was published in, mentored by my 
mentors, interested in my little niche (but not too much I have the 
monopoly). Shit, this sounds like some kind of love fest.

There are many academics who thank God are publishing or perishing 
(spin-offs of spin-offs) because they are pampered, selfish, 
underworked, over-paid prima donnas who are totally narcissistic and 
despotic--along with boring and uninspiring--in the classroom, 
arrogant and abusive to grad and undergrad students and so full of 
themselves they reek of it; the good news is they are mostly out at bullshit 
conferences and publishing footnotes to footnotes and esoteric 
irrelevencies that they are not much in the classroom where the real 
action is. Once in awhile you get a Romer type who does radical chic 
by marrying the acceptable neoclassical stuff with some hybrid 
esoteric ersatz Marx which allows him to move in mutiple circles and 
milieu (radical acceptability or acceptable "radicalism).

The radicals are consigned to the "lesser establishments" (not lesser 
in my eyes but lesser in the eyes of the "big boys" of the ivy 
leagues) to form their own radical enclaves; but many of them are 
playing publish or perish, let's wax esoteric, class struggle in 
differential calculus etc to get their own type of acceptability in some 
niche of the "mainstream".

Let's be honest; the administrations mostly leave us alone because we 
may write some radical stuff, huff and puff about imperialism or 
racism or sexism, but try really doing something and one's radical 
ass will be drummed out of academia--or marginalized/demonized-- faster than 
Paul Baran or Paul Sweezy were. What ever happened to Fusfeld's 
Principles of Political Economy as an Intro Text? How many of the 
tenured academic radicals used that text or are teaching Intro courses or courses 
to students with learning disabilities or teaching in prisons?

I am in academia, I am tenured, I do a few things but in academia 
there are as many frauds and forms of outright repression and 
oppression (more with a velevet glove) as in the business world--it 
is just a slicker act sometimes.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wo

[PEN-L:962] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: unemployed Ph.D.'s

1998-11-09 Thread James Michael Craven

 Later the same year, Andrei Zhdanov, Stalinism's principal
ideologue proclaimed the symmetrical doctrine which divided the world into
imperialist and anti-imperialist camps. The Cold War had begun.  
Excuse me, but this USIA/Radio Free Europe-level rendition of the origins of the "Cold 
frankly leaves me cold. The division of the world into imperialist 
and anti-imperialist camps occurred long before Zhdanov--by the 
imperialists themselves. Then there is the matter of for 
whom--really--was the Atom Bomb dropped on Japan. Then there is the 
matter, going back to 1917-18 of continual seige and attempts by the 
imperialist powers to sabotage the Soviet Union and Bolshevism. Then 
there is the matter of even during World War II, the imperialist 
powers rounding up aiding/abetting the escape of nazi war criminals 
and turning them into intelligence assets (The Gehlen Org) against 
the USSR while the War was still going on and while the USSR was a 
formal ally. Then there is the matter of all the anti-communist scum 
winding up in high-level positions in the post-war allied 
governments. Then there is the matter of ongoing and systematic 
social system engineering campaigns against Eastern Europe and later 
China. There is the matter of the horrible costs incurred by the USSR 
during World War II and the often meagre support and relief given to 
Soviet forces (the British were often occupied where the oil reserves 
were) relative to the contributions and sacrifices they made. Then 
there is the matter of the post-war rehabilitation of Europe--with 
former and present fascists often running the show--versus any 
post-war aid and reconstruction for the USSR.

We could go on and on with this. And this might sound like some kind 
of apology for Stalin, but I also do not believe in the "Cult of 
Personality" and that the sins--or blessings--of a whole system and 
epoch can be laid at the feet of one person or even a few. This is 
the bourgeois view--mystification--of history that fits in nicely 
with a system focused on ultra-individualism.

On the unemployed Ph.Ds, some feel that times are really bad when 
"even" Ph.Ds are unemployed (The title of an Article in a local 
paper) with the implication that merely having a PhD should be 
an automatic ticket to permanent and full-time employment. For those 
who have such feelings, try reading some of the dissertation 
abstracts from the Michigan archives sometime. Some of it is such rot 
and drivel. The old joke goes that stealing the work of one person 
without attribution is plagiarism; stealing the work of many is 
"research" and stealing the "research" of many is a dissertation or a 
thesis. Then there is the perfunctory bootlicking, bowing to the 
masters, being on the right committees, TAing for the right mentors, 
publishing in the "right" and permissible journals, ghostwriting for 
the right master (footnote I wish to thank my TA Slave Frank whose 
help was significant--read wrote the whole paper and the scholar 
despot took the credit and notch on the ol CV), hanging out and 
toadying at the ol faculty club, going to the right conferences to 
hang out and get noticed by the "masters", putting on some bullshit 
seminar at one of the big conferences , drooling over one of the 
grand old men about their latest article or book (The Color Purple 
and Its Significance in World History Volumes I,II,III or 
Deconstructing the Deconstruction of Deconstructionism-A General 
Equilibrium Approach), running around like a frightened and beaten dog ("Did he 
say anything about my paper? Did he know I wasn't really disagreeing with his thesis 
in his book..., it may have sounded like it but honestly I really admire his 
work, can you tell him I agree with him 100%?..."), sitting at the 
knee of some pompous narcissistic asshole at some conference who 
deigns to give the poor grad student a few precious moments and pearls 
of the master's wisdom if he's horny or drunk enough or just in need 
of some stroking. etc.

I remember at the History of Economics Conference in Vancouver B.C. 
listening to some of these pathetic pompous creatures arguing about 
footnotes in Walras or what Marshall really meant and then as they 
waited with bated breath for the main speaker to give the opening 
speech (Axel Leijonhufvud) and then listening to the most boring, 
inept, incompetently presented (overheads no one could read), 
droning, painful lecture full of cliches and platitudes and after 
that all these poor souls kissing his ass and drooling all over him; 
it was just too much. That is why I just don't go to these 
conferences any more (I heard even the hookers go on vacation).

So although I don't wish unemployment on anyone per se (well actually 
I do wish it for conscious whores and toadies of the system) in the 
scheme of things, black lung among miners, genocide, torture, war, 
racism, sexism, widening wealth/income inequality, the prospects of 
fascism etc etc probably ke

[PEN-L:869] United Church makes res-school apology

1998-11-04 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 4 Nov 1998 00:37:42 -0800
To:(Recipient list suppressed)
Subject:   United Church makes res-school apology

1. United Church makes res-school apology
2. Res-schools: Government, Church "knew"

[S.I.S.I.S. note:  The following mainstream news articles may contain
biased or distorted information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or
context. They are provided for reference only.]

The Vancouver Sun, October 28, 1998, by Douglas Todd

 The moderator of the United Church of Canada officially apologized Tuesday
for his denomination's complicity in the "pain and suffering" caused by
church-run residential schools for native Indians. Saying B.C. has become
the prime testing ground for mending the centuries-old rift between native
Indians and other Canadians, Bill Phipps said his denomination is "truly
and most humbly sorry" for those who were physically, sexually and
emotionally abused as students at United Church-run residential schools.

 The United Church statement is arguably the furthest-reaching apology any
group has issued on residential schools. Phipps said he doesn't know of any
Canadian denomination or government that has issued such a "bald" and
specific acknowledgment of blame for residential schools.

 The leader of Canada's largest Protestant denomination said it's important
to issue the apology at the same time the church is contesting a recent
precedent-setting B.C. Supreme Court decision that concluded the United
Church and the federal government are equally liable for compensating
victims of a Port Alberni residential school.

 The United Church of Canada faces almost 100 civil lawsuits relating to
how it ran some of Canada's 130 residential schools. Many of those lawsuits
have been aired in court this month by former students at the United
Church's Port Alberni residential school, where former dormitory supervisor
Arthur Plint has already been convicted of molesting dozens of native boys.

 "The B.C. lawsuits have made the residential school system the lightning
rod, or even a metaphor, for our over-all relation to the First Nations
people," Phipps said in a telephone interview.

 While many in the United Church are justifiably nervous that Tuesday's
apology will increase the financial liability of the 800,000-member United
Church to civil lawsuits, Phipps said, the vast majority of the
denomination's 70-member executive decided this week it was worth the risk.

 However, Willie Blackwater, one of the roughly 30 native victims of Plint
who is seeking damages, said the United Church should also accept legal
responsibility if it's serious about apologizing. "They should advise the
court that they are prepared to accept legal responsibility equally with
Canada for the assaults we all suffered while at the school, and that they
are now prepared to compensate us for those assaults," Blackwater said.

 But Phipps said the United Church wanted to issue the apology at this
point because questions of legal liability are "very complex... and subject
to argument and debate and legal niceties."

 Phipps said he was terribly saddened by the death last weekend of Darryl
Watts, one of the students of the Port Alberni school in the 1950s and '60s
who was suing the United Church and the government of Canada. If Watts'
drowning death is determined to be a suicide, as many suspect, he would be
the second suicide among sexual-abuse victims at the Port Alberni school.

 Natives across Canada have to date launched more than 1,400 civil lawsuits
aimed at Canadian churches and the federal government, which funded the
schools. The majority of the lawsuits are directed at the Oblate Brothers
and the Catholic church, which ran most of Canada's residential schools.
Former Prince George Bishop Hubert O'Connor and several other Catholic
clergy have been either convicted or charged with sex crimes while
operating B.C. residential schools in the 1960s. Catholic officials have
expressed worry that the lawsuits could bankrupt churches.

 On Tuesday, a $1.7-billion class-action lawsuit was launched against the
federal government and the Anglican Church of Canada by former students of
an Ontario residential school and their family members. Russell Raikes, the
London Ont., lawyer representing the natives, told reporters at a press
conference Tuesday it is the largest financial claim in regard to alleged
abuses at a residential school. About 360 natives are already on board, and
Raikes said he expects more than 1,000 former students from Mohawk
Institute Residential School in Brantford to take part in the suit. Shawn
Tupper of the federal department of indian affairs said it is the first
class-action lawsuit dealing with residential schools brought against the
federal government.

 Phipps' apology on Tue

[PEN-L:737] Re: Re: Indian gambling casinos

1998-10-29 Thread James Michael Craven

On 29 Oct 98 at 8:03, James Devine wrote:

> I can see the downside of Indian gambling casios _compared to_ say, a
> rational investment policy for the reservations involving education,
> improved technology, and the like (I'll let the Indians decide what they
> need here). But this doesn't tell me whether or not I should vote for the
> California initiative (I think it's Prop. 5) concerning this issue. What do
> you think?
> I think it would do Cockburn good to live on a reservation for a week.
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/ECON/jdevine.html

Hi Jim,

You know I just don't know how to answer this; I don't know the 
specifics of the initiative in California. When we had the same kind 
of initiative in Washington (I'm assuming it is about pro or 
anti-Indian gaming) I voted against Indian gaming. This was a very 
painful decision for me personally because it was supported by the 

Aiding and abetting the genocide are the "Indian" powers-that-be 
themselves. I am on the phone every single day for two hours a day 
with the Reservation at Browning. The whole place is imploding and 
some dissidents, of which I am one, are carefully documenting a whole 
host of horrible crimes (murders in the Tribal jail, severe beatings 
of the children of dissidents, massive payoffs to members of the 
Tribal Council, rampant nepotism and cronyism, murder threats and 
atempted murder, summary firings of anyone with a conscience etc 
etc). And this is not only going on at Browning, I have close friends 
among other Nations who give the same stories. When people are on the 
brink of extinction all sorts of forms of desperation, corruption and 
evil are possible including by Indians against Indians.

Right now two Canadian oil companies are vying for rights to oil and 
minerals at Browning and in Alberta and the competition is intense 
(very oil-rich and mineral-rich lands) and payoffs, so-called 
"consultants" and all sorts of inducements are being applied to the 
powers-that-be heavy duty. 

There is no hope except not only true Sovereignty but also, there is 
no hope without elimination of all forms of corruption and those who 
practice them--I don't mean killing them, I mean removing them from 
any positions of influence--so that the outsiders, the non-Indians 
have nothing to work with--you can't buy what's not for sale. 
Although the gaming monies are desperately needed, they are not going 
where they are most needed anyway. Plus, the gaming revenues act like 
methadon does for someone on heroin withdrawal--they substitute 
another form of Nation-destroying dependency and addiction. This is 
why the Makah for example, refused to put in a casino when the U.S. 
Air Force left Neah Bay and they lost over half their revenue base; 
and this is why the Makah want to resume whaling--to provide not only 
for traditional diets but also to produce handicrafts made from whale 

It is a sad commentary that something like gaming is seen as a 
necessary and viable source of revenues for Indian survival. The 
really rich people do not go to Indian casinos to gamble--you know 
where they go--so most of the non-Indians who go to the casinos are 
working class or middle class and gaming also acts like a hope-tax on 
the people on the margins--Indian and non-Indian--sort of like the 
State lotteries. Many of the Indian casinos that were started with 
large capital outlays in the hope of generating long-term streams of 
revenues are now languising as any initial profit opportunities 
signal new entrants wiping out any long-term profit potentials 
(market saturation) quickly. After the initial euphoria, the Indian 
casinos quickly find themselves with declining revenues coupled with 
substantial fixed costs and maintence cost commitments. There are 
exceptions of course, but these casinos are simply not the panacea 
that was hoped for. 

And just like the gamblers who go to the casinos, who lose and keep 
putting money in to "break even" before going home, "the odds are with 
the house"--only in this case, the non-Indian powers-that-be, the 
investors, the developers with their eyes on acquiring assets of 
failed enterprises are "the house" and the Indian casinos are the 
poor gambler looking to "break even" as "bad luck must turn around if 
I play this slot or at this table long enough".

As for Mr. Cockburn, I have a perfect place for him to stay in mind. 
It is the HUD home of a Blackfoot Elder who has severe diabetes as he 
was forced on a non-Indian diet many years ago when he was in a 
Boarding School, there are holes in the roof and all of the walls so 
that when the winter winds come from the Rockies no amoung of 
internal heating will keep you worn, the house is full of asbestos 
which he can't get removed after repeated protests--the house was 
built with HUD money at a time when asbestos-based materials were 
used in Indian housing but had been banned in non-Indian housing,

[PEN-L:735] drug experiments on children

1998-10-29 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 28 Oct 1998 23:46:04 -0500
From:  Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   [MC] drug experiments on children
Reply-to:  Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Alberta sterilization victims also used as guinea pigs
Revelation comes as 40 victims win $4M settlement
Marina Jimenez  National Post

As many as 100 of the children at the centre of the Alberta
sterilization scandal of the late 1960s and early 1970s were also
used as guinea pigs in drug trials, the National Post has learned.
The children lived at the Provincial Training School in Red Deer.
Some were wards of the province and others were placed in the
school by their parents, who did not consent to the sterilization or
medical experimentation, which included the administration of
powerful steroids and anti-psychotic drugs. Experts say one of the drugs
used, the anabolic steroid norbolethone, is illegal today. The
anti-psychotic tranquilizer haloperidol was also used. Its effect on
children is said to be akin to hitting them over the head with a
sledge hammer.

Yesterday, 40 people who were sterilized against their will
reached a settlement totalling $4-million with the government of
Alberta. This brings to 540 the number of people who have settled with the
province for being sterilized under the now-defunct Alberta
Sterilization Act, which was in effect from 1928 to 1972. The operations
were ordered by Alberta's eugenics board to prevent the mentally disabled
from passing on their defects to offspring.
Lawyers say they want more money from the government for
victims who had to endure being tested with powerful drugs in
addition to being sterilized. "Invading people's rights in the form of
unauthorized research and taking advantage of people who couldn't
look after themselves is the kind of thing that courts award
punitive damages for," said Jon Faulds, an Edmonton lawyer representing 109
sterilization victims still negotiating settlements. 

Allan Garber, another Edmonton lawyer acting for the former training school
residents, said they were treated like cattle. "The experimental drug
treatment only compounds the evil that was done to our clients."  Dr.
Leonard J. LeVann, medical superintendent from 1949 to 1974 at the Red Deer
school, published the results of his drug experiments in scholarly
journals, which were recently turned over to lawyers for the victims.  The
articles show that Dr. LeVann, who is dead, gave 100 undersized children
the anabolic steroid
norbolethone over a 12-month period in 1971. The drug -- now
illegal in Canada -- made the children gain weight. But it
also produced some side effects: the genitals of two boys
increased in size and one girl's voice deepened."The treatment of retarded
growth in children with anabolic agents is controversial," he wrote in the
September 1971 edition of the International Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology. Nonetheless, he called the drug study
"entirely satisfactory."

Norbolethone is illegal today because of its powerful side effects -
damage to the liver and negative psychological symptoms. Anabolic steroids
can also increase aggressive sexual behaviour in
men and cause secondary sexual characteristics, for example,
facial hair in girls. Dr. LeVann also gave 100 children haloperidol, an
anti-psychotic tranquilizer, over a period of 40 days in
the late 1960s to counter hyperactivity and excitability. Dr. Louis
Pagliaro, a professor of educational psychology and the
associate director of the substance abusology research unit at the
University of Alberta, says haloperidol "would essentially knock
(children) out. (It) generally decreases people's ability to learn and
adversely affects memory and behaviour." Dr. LeVann's studies are "full of
half-truths, assumptions and by today's standards, lack proper research
methodology," says Dr. Pagliaro.

About 2,800 people were sterilized in Alberta before the Sexual
Sterilization Act was finally repealed. Documents now show that
many of the people sterilized were not mentally disabled. In 1996, the
Alberta Court of Queen's Bench ordered the provincial government to pay
Leilani Muirer $740,000 for being wrongfully confined in the Red Deer
school and sterilized. Her landmark victory opened a floodgate of
litigation. In June, 1998, the government agreed to
pay 500 more sterilization claimants up to $100,000. Many continue to live
in the Red Deer facility, known today as the Michener Centre. The  province
has spent $54 million on settlements to date.
The compensation deal for the sterilizaiton victims announced
yesterday, much the same as those announced last June, gives
claimants $75,000 now and another $25,000 after three years, if
they are then living outside institutions.

   <= we're not machines you know =>
  +++ we're not going to fall over in rows +++

[PEN-L:652] Re: Re: Student Feedback

1998-10-24 Thread James Michael Craven

On 22 Oct 98 at 20:50, valis wrote:

> Jim Craven proudly announces, in part:   .
> > Today a student came up to me at said that he wanted to thank me for 
> > the course I gave that it has changed his life. .. 
> > Instead he just said that my course had got him laid by a gorgeous woman. 
> > He said that he had been at a company retreat and this woman looked 
> > familiar  they started discussing economics, The Fed, imperialism, 
> > increasing wealth/income inquality and other issues and before long they 
> > were in the old sack. He said that it looks like they will hook up for an 
> > extended relationship.  [Etc.]
> > ... on public promos ("take Craven's class and get laid with stimulating 
> > and interesting foreplay") .. 
> I actually think Jim is being a tad too jock-ular about this subject,
> and deserves to be more straightforwardly proud of the reported outcome.
> Thinking about all the inane Zippy-drivel that assails my ears and yet
> deeper organs when I'm around today's students and 20-somethings,
> I can only consider the recounted relation as honest as broccoli pizza.
> Those two are set to meet the future on its own terms, which won't be 
> kind to prisoners of petit bourgeois fantasy. 
>  valis
Thanks Valis,

I even recounted the story to the rest of my class (under the cover 
of critical thinking ability mandated by the College). This whole 
conversation just tripped me out. When I told a colleague about 
it--to explore the possibilities of using it in promotional 
materials--he just looked aghast and said "You 'allow' your students 
to talk to you like that?" I just responded with a smile and said 
"Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, Let all Ideas Contend" and walked off.

I also noted to this student that I might get blamed not only if they 
wound up fighting in the sack over Marxism versus Keynesianism, but 
if possibly one of them started screaming "Oh Karl, Oh, John Maynard 
or Oh Joan [Robinson] on the downstroke.

Anders, thanks for your kind note, I could make more bucks going 
distance learning--often pushed by our administration who have 
visions of more and bigger buildings (with their names on them)--but 
no amount of money could pay me for theses types of genuine 
interactions and feedback that I have received. And I give the same 
to my teachers--some of whom are reading this net--from University of 
Minnesota and University of Manitoba--who gave me so much.

Let me tell all of you a true story that can be verified by Jesse 
Vorst who was one of my greatest teachers. I was in Winnipeg and 
Jesse and I got together and Jesse wanted to go to this Jewish Deli 
on Sherbrooke. It was a Sunday about 3:30 p.m. and I had never been 
to this deli. This was in 1990 I believe--time runs on so much and 
mixes together for me.

Jesse was a little burned out, talking about retiring, some students 
not with the program of real learning etc and I was giving my 
"meaning of teaching speech." As we were about to enter the deli, a 
voice called out my name and a young man came up to me and said "Do 
you remember me?" I was your student at Red River Sommunity College 
in 1974. I'm Ed Roy". I said "I don't remember but its great to see 
you. What are you doing now?" He said that he had his own Metis 
handicrafts store but that was not his primary job. He said that he 
was teaching economics at Red River Community College (I was involved 
in hiding Chilean Refugees and the official reason given for my 
departure was "budget cutbacks" but the head of my deaprtment, a 
former U-boat commander and not a nazi, actually a nice guy, told me 
in confidence that the RCMP had approached the College to get riod of 
me as a dangerous subversive and told him I was under continual 
surveillance for my work with Chilean refugees--setting up safe 
houses--and other things).

I looked at Jesse, who looked shocked and said, "That's why you are a 
teacher. Just look at this, what are the odds, in a city of 600,000 
people, on a Sunday afternoon at  a little off-the-wall Jewish Deli, 
we have three generations--I am here with my teacher whose student 
became a teacher, and now we have my student who became a teacher 
where I used to teach.. See how far your influence has travelled and 
is travelling? Jesse took Ed's card for his Metis handicrafts store.

Jess thought I had set up the thing. How could I know he was a little 
burned out? How could I set up this meeting in a little off-the-wall 
deli on a Sunday afternoon in a city of 600,000 people? It was 
impossible even if I had known before seeing Jesse he would be a 
little burned out.  It was just like out of the Twilight Zone. And this is a
true story--ask Jesse Vorst.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863

[PEN-L:621] Student Feedback

1998-10-22 Thread James Michael Craven

All of us know the feeling of having students returning years after 
finishing our courses to let us know they are doing well, making more 
money than we do and got something valuable--perhaps even 
life-changing-- from our courses.

Today a student came up to me at said that he wanted to thank me for 
the course I gave that it has changed his life. Well I was ready for 
a list of skills that he was launched to acquire or new perspectives 
and insights that he may have been exposed to or even perhaps a 
change in major after exposure to political economy. Instead he just 
said that my course had got him laid by a gorgeous woman. He said 
that he had been at a company retreat and this woman looked familiar 
but he couldn't place her. After a short time turned to what they had 
been doing last summer, that they were both in school and then that 
they were both in the same economics class. He said that after he 
realized where he had seen her, they started discussing economics, 
The Fed, imperialism, increasing wealth/income inquality and other 
issues and before long they were in the old sack. He said that it 
looks like they will hook up for an extended relationship.

I noted to him that I really appreciated the feedback and that 
although economics and dry equations and graphs are not normally 
considered a good subject for foreplay, well whatever works. I asked 
him if he had also picked up on the part of the course dealing with 
critical thinking and cause and effect--had he and she employed "safe 
sex" and considered not bringing a little future JM Keynes or Joan 
Robinson or Karl Marx into the world until or if such was desirable 
from the point of view of the little future whatever. He said that 
yes, he had indeed picked up on that part of the course as well.

I also noted that I would just love to use this little story--perhaps 
even a personal endorsement from the two students involved--for 
promotional materials for the course; he said he thought it would be 
OK from his point of view but I should ask the other student--he had 
indeed learned something in my class. I noted that  alas, our administration has 
certain Calvinist tendencies such that they might not appreciate it 
on public promos ("take Craven's class and get laid with stimulating 
and interesting foreplay") and if something happened that they broke 
up, I might get blamed for that (e.g. fight erupting in the sack over 
Keynesianism versus Marxism) so I'll just share the story with a few 


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:618] Columbus arrested, deported from Eugene, Oregon

1998-10-22 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 21 Oct10:19:59 -0700
Subject:   PR: Columbus arrested, deported from Eugene, Oregon

Please send comments or inquiries about this post to the original sender,

--Forwarded message
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 05:11:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Indigenous Support Coalition of Oregon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Indigenous Support Coalition of Oregon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Indigenous Support Coalition of Oregon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PR: Columbus Arrested, Deported from Eugene, Oregon

Eugene, OR 97440October 20, 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Contact: Fred or Beth
[EMAIL PROTECTED](541) 607-7064


Eugene, Oregon USA October 12, 1998

Admiral Christopher Columbus, infamous explorer and pillager of already
occupied continents, was arrested Monday at the University of Oregon in
Eugene.  He was charged with aggravated murder, first degree rape, first
degree sodomy, kidnapping, theft, fraud, assault with deadly intent,
trespass, and criminal mischief when a bystander witnessed the Admiral
accosting students, yelling "Happy Genocide Day!" demanding gold and
threatening to cut off their hands or abduct and sell them into slavery.

"Get outta here with your rotten attitude!"  Heckled University students,
who tried to chase him away, throwing rocks and beer bottles.

Travelling with fencing "Conquistadores", Spanish soldiers in heavy
armament, Columbus roared defiantly when confronted by students.  "What!?
It's MY holiday.  Happy Genocide!"  Fleeing citizens arrest and assaulting
a bus dirver, he was pepper-sprayed by Eugene Police and subdued.

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were arrested by Customs Agents
at the Madrid Airport trying to transport stolen property- gold from Jews
and Indians, and could not be reached for comment.

Witnesses said Columbus cowered and waived his Miranda rights while taken
into custody, muttering about "liberal plots" against him.  A search
warrant was served on his ship, which was towed by a mountain bike.  When
searched by EPD several dredlocked EarthFirst!ers were found in the hull
and released.  "Discovered" in Columbus' ship were ten dozen bars of Black
Hills gold, several hundred million board feet of timber stolen from the
Willamette National Forest, and a card from a Florence-area developer.

Suspicious the Admiral was hording other contraband, the EPD strip
searched him and held him at the Lane County Corrections Facility until
Friday.  Determining that the nefarious colonist suffers from paranoid
schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur, Health Officers forcibly
administered Halizon, Lane County Corrections officials said.

The Conquistadores were arrested at the California-Mexican border by the
Mexican Army.  Extradited to Mexico City they face similar charges and if
convicted, the death penalty by a Mexican Firing Squad, according to an
Amnesty International press release.

Christopher Columbus was deported by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service Friday to Geneva and charged for violating international laws
against slavery, torture, genocide and ecocide.  He, Ferdinand and
Isabella face a United Nations tribunal comprised of Pagans, Jews, Moors,
African-Americans and Indigenous Americans.

Call (541) 607-7064 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.


S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2

WWW: http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/SISmain.html

SOVERNET-L is a news-only listserv concerned with indigenous
sovereigntist struggles around the world.  To subscribe, send
"subscribe sovernet-l" in the body of an email message to
  For more information on sovernet-l, contact S.I.S.I.S.

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for 

[PEN-L:332] Part 2 "The Enemy of my Enemy"

1998-10-01 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
Date:  Thu, 1 Oct 1998 18:54:43 PST8PDT
Subject:   Re: "The Enemy of my Enemy"

On  1 Oct 98 at 19:58, Raphael Seliger wrote:

 Dear Prof. Craven,  
If Zionists managed to get SS  money to pay to train and save German Jewish youth 
by getting them to  Palestine, that was terrific!   

Answer (Jim Craven): In return for that money they passed on 
intelligence on the British to the SS. I am no supporter of  
British imperialism in any way but,  this is more enemy of my enemy is 
my friend--just like the Grand Mufti (disgusting and evil), the Irish 
who hated the British and collaborated with Nazis (ditto), Indians 
who hated the British and collaborated with Japanese and Nazis,  
(ditto), Israel's collaboration with South Africa (ditto) and we 
could go on and on. Further, was it terrific that older Jews and 
secular or left Jews (called "dry branches on the tree of Judaism") 
were left to die? Was it "terrific" that Zionists--along  with others 
among Communists and Social Democrats-- obstructed the formation of 
broad-based United Fronts Against Facism in times when the nazis 
could have been clearly neutralized or at least more effectively 
combatted (the real answer to dealing with fascists, not collaboration or fuck 
everybody else)? This use of the word "terrific" leaves me cold.

  This is not so strange, since Mussolini was not personally anti-Semitic and even 
had had a Jewish  mistress. 

Response (Jim Craven): So did Joseph Mengele have a "Jewish mistress"
So did a whole host of nazis have "Jewish mistresses"; and?

The most extreme wing of the Revisionist movement, the
 Lehi or Stern Gang underground (commanded by Yitzhak Shamir), turned
 their guns on the British Army DURING World War II!  

Response (Jim Craven): They also turned their guns on each other. 
Yitzhak Shamir became head of the Stern Gang by murdering his rival 
for the position on a beach.

But they were very  fringe in doing so.  The vast majority of Palestinian Jews and 
Zionists (both Revisionists and Haganah supporters) were committed body
and soul to defeating Nazism.  

Response (Jim Craven): The necessity of military defeat of naziism 
was partly do to the evil thing not being strangled in the cradle; 
this was prevented partly  by factionalism, failure to form broad-based 
secular united fronts,  failure to take the nazi threats seriously and 
early on etc; Zionists--along with others--played a role in this 
through with some divisiveness and Jewish exclusivism ("Don't trust the 
Goyim, deep down they are all anti-Semites, we have only 
ourselves..".);  that,  the nazis acknowledged in their own documents as 
critical to their efforts to divide-and-rule in occupied territories 
and subdue/slaughter large numbers efficiently with smaller numbers 
(e.g. Jewish Agency in Hungary etc).

  This very high dedication in the fight against Nazism surely
 outweighs a few efforts to bargain with the devil. 

Response (Jim Craven) Exactly some of the same sentiments uttered by 
the supporters of the Grand Mufti, the Irish collaborators with the 
nazis etc. Better, those who struggled resolutely against the nazis 
and made no "bargains with the devil whatsoever". The victims of 
those "few" bargains with the devil might be as angry about their 
pain and suffering being denied or diminished--in the name of 
ideology--as the Jewish and non-Jewish victims of the nazi Holocaust 
feel about the denial or diminishing of that Holocaust.

The links with apartheid South Africa ARE an embarrassment and many 
Zionist supporters like myself were appalled.  These were efforts to counter 
the isolation which Israel faced during the '70s and '80s-- this is by way of
 explanation, not justification.  Similarly, Israel armed Guatemala and
 other oppressive regimes in Latin America-- again, morally repugnant
 associations, which many Israelis and Zionists opposed, and most others
 excused as making good business sense.  

Response (Jim Craven): And this shows exactly how rabid and twisted 
Zionism can become. Justifying as "good business sense" the arming 
and training of,  for example, the Pinochet Regime forces of Chile,  
whose chief advisor for Internal Security was none other than Walter 
Rauff, designer of the mobile gas chambers, sentenced to death in 
absentia, a high-level wanted war criminal? And then add all of those 
death squads in Central and Latin America, linked in with the White 
Hand and the World Anti-Communist League,  run by hard-core 
anti-Semites and out-and-out nazis? What kind of sick ideology could 
ever justfiy, eve


1998-09-28 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   NCAA v. ILLINIWAK
Date:  Mon, 28 Sep 1998 17:15:08 -0500

 The following Editorial  is from the September  28, 1998 issue of The NCAA
 News.  I am very pleased to forward it to you.   
 The NCAA News 
 September 28, 1998  
 Guest editorial -- Use of Indian mascots shows lack of respect 
 NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee 
 The charge of the NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee is
 to increase opportunities for ethnic minorities in intercollegiate
 athletics, and our primary focus is the education and welfare of the
 ethnic minority student-athlete. The committee also oversees the
 enhancement of opportunities for ethnic minorities in coaching, athletics
 administration, officiating and within the NCAA governance structure.  
 The committee was established to enhance the NCAA commitment to foster
 racial equality and diversity in collegiate athletics. Thus, we strongly
 support the elimination of Indian names and mascots as symbols for our
 member institutions' sports teams. We also support the elimination of
 Native American rituals for entertainment purposes.  
 Member institutions with Indian mascots that promote Indian caricatures
 and mimic ceremonial rites do not comply with the NCAA's commitment to
 ethnic student welfare. The use of these symbols and mascots is not
 respectful to Native American culture and is considered by that culture to
 be sacrilegious. No other race of people in America is used for mascots or
 nicknames for sports teams.  
 The continuation of this practice sends a clear message that
 administrators, who have the responsibility of nurturing our students,
 have an insensitive disregard for the native culture of this country.  
 For Native Americans, dance is the ceremonial embodiment of their
 indigenous values and represents their response to complex and often
 profound historical experiences. Their dance depicts a vital means of
 surviving culturally and a powerful means of asserting cultural identity,
 fulfilling family and community obligations while 
 celebrating the group.  
 American Indian dance is performed throughout America, in venues from the
 most traditional and private spaces to those that are very public.
 Thousands of dances are performed every day -- not to satisfy paying
 audiences or fans, but to assure the continuation of ancient customs, to
 honor deities and each other, to associate with friends 
 and kin, and toaffirm an Indian identity.  
 The half-time show that mimics this heritage denigrates the culture and
 demeans an entire people. This is not entertainment to those who are a
 part of the culture.  
 Institutions that have continued to use stereotypes of Indians and justify
 their actions as a way to honor the Native American have failed to listen
 to the protests of the Native American population.  
 We must all listen and learn to respect what all cultures respect, not
 just what some of them cherish. Institutions that have heard the request
 and eliminated the symbols -- institutions such as Stanford University,
 Dartmouth College, Marquette University, Syracuse University, Miami
 University (Ohio), the University of Oklahoma and Bradley University --
 recognized the significance of this concern. I applaud these and other
 institutions that have stopped the egregious abuse of the culture of our
 indigenous brothers and sisters.  
 The efforts of the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee serve to
 encourage and support collegiate environments that welcome and respect
 differences. We believe that accountability for the success of our
 student-athletes and the successful welfare of the student body as a whole
 must include our efforts to educate our students to cultural sensitivity.
 If we offer our students anything less, we have hindered their growth.  
 When we choose not to speak out against the perpetuation of disrespectful
 images of Native Americans, we fail to respect ourselves. Far too many of
 us have denied our insensitivity and have tried to justify our actions
 with a delusional belief that we do not dishonor Native Americans with
 these stereotypical mascots. Instead, these mascots are perpetuating
 negative stereotypes of an ethnic group and diminishing the right and
 opportunity of Native Americans to appropriately identify their culture.
 It is simply another form of institutional racism.  
 To end this debauchery requires an extraordinary commitment to devote our
 efforts to identify the abuse and eliminate it.  
 The NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee joins with
 organizations such as the National Congress of American Indians, the
 Inter-Tribal Council of United Indian Nations in Oklahoma, the National
 Rainbow Coalition, the NAACP, the Center for t

[PEN-L:134] Article on Makah Whale Hunt (corrected)

1998-09-11 Thread James Michael Craven

Paul Watson allies with a far-right Republican in his fight against 
aboriginal whaling
by: M-J Milloy

HOUR Magazine
Montreal, Quebec
10.9.98/page 12

It took the early white missionaries and explorers weeks to navigate 
the rugged coastline of northern Washington State to reach the Makah 
nation, perched on the very northwestern tip of the U.S. It won't 
take that long for Paul Watson.

Sometime next month the veteran anti-whaling activist will make that 
trip with a three-ship flotilla from his Sea Shepherd Society. Their 
goal is to disrupt, by almost any means necessary, the first 
traditional whale hunt by the Makah in over a half-century.

Watson--who promises to "talk to the whales" with Orca-like  sonar 
signals and may try to physically block the Makah vessels--is no 
stranger to uncompromising, and very media-savvy, direct action. Like 
a modern-day Hemingway hero, this not-so-old man wears his adventures 
on the sea like a badge of pride. Jailed in Holland. Rammed by the 
Norwegian navy. Co-founder of Greenpeace. World-wide defender of the 
international ban on commercial whaling.

It's an image that sells--and his exploits and opinions are rabidly 
eaten up by many in the media and trendy liberals in Hollywood 
including Daniel Baldwin and "Dr. Quinn" Seymour.

But when Watson's three-ship flotilla and the Makah whaling boats 
weigh anchor in early October, their conflict in the Juan de Fuca 
Strait will be about more than just the fate of some unlucky grey 
whales. Their clash will recall earlier battles over culture and 
sovereignty between the Makah and white outsiders like missionaries 
and government agents.

And there will be more than just the spirits of the past along on 
Watson's armada: supporting Watson's actions are Jack Metcalf, the 
local Republican congressman, who has links to the American far right.

With missionary zeal, Paul Watson has made an unholy alliance--and 
chosen a no-longer endangered species over an endangered nation.

For the Makah that support the hunt--most of the tribal elders and 
about 85 percent in a 1995 referendum, according to the tribal 
administration--the hunt means a chance to revive Makah traditions 
lost through forced assimilation and the end of the commercial hunt 
in the 1920s.

"Many of us believe that the problems besetting our young people stem 
from a lack of discipline and pride. We believe the restoration of 
whaling will help us to restore that", wrote the Makah Whaling 
Commission in a public release. No one at the Commission would speak 
to Hour.

The Commission also notes that they are guaranteed the right to whale 
in their 1885 treaty with the U.S. government, and that the Makah 
would take at most 20 whales by the year 2000--out of a total 
population of over 20,000.

Watson is dismissive of the Maka's claim of cultural revival. All 
they're reviving is "pulling the trigger on a 50-calibre gun", 
according to Watson. In addition, the Sea Shepherd Society has 
condemned the hunt as an "archaic and inhuman ritual" and claimed 
that traditional Makah hunting culture would include disinterring and 
mutilating the corpse of a Makah child.

"Progress affects everyone living in this new era of the Global 
Village. No legitimate argument can be made that the Makah, or any 
other ethnic group, can move their culture forward through ritual 
killing", according to a public release from the society.

Although these words echo early Christian missionaries--who condemned 
aboriginal culture as savage and obsolete during colonization--Watson 
isn't comfortable acting as the arbiter of Makah culture or progress.

"If you want to revive culture and traditions, how do you do that by 
killing something", he said.

Watson's arrogance is almost more than one local observer, a 
professor in Vancouver, Washington, and a Blackfoot, can take. "I'm 
watching daily, the destruction of Indian people--and culture is a 
central aspect of that. I see our culture ridiculed, mocked, 
defiled...and all this emotion about whales and nothing said about 
people far closer to extinction", said Jim Craven of Clark College.

For Watson, the Makah motivations are neither social good nor 
cultural revival--but strictly economic gain.

"This is a community that is very well off. I've not seen any poverty 
in their community. They've wiped out their fishery and now they want 
to take the whales", he said.

The hunt will only enrich part of their community, and is being 
supported by whaling nations--like Japan and Norway--who want to use 
"cultural exemptions" to restart their own whaling fleets, according 
to Watson.

But while Watson uses the alleged Makah connection to the Japanese 
whaling industry to oppose the hunt, he has entered into his own 
marriage of unholy convenience.

Congressman Jack Metcalf represents the extreme northwestern chunk of 
Washington State that includes the Makah territory. Watson and 
Metcalf are longtime op

[PEN-L:118] Peltier - Please help (fwd)

1998-09-11 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Fri, 11 Sep 1998 02:23:57 -0800
To:(Recipient list suppressed)
Subject:   Peltier - Please help (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 12:40:42 -0700
From: Arthur J Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please help!

P.O. Box 5464
Tacoma, WA 98415-0464 USA


 American Indian Movement prisoner Leonard Peltier is being made to suffer
the full impact of the U.S. government's historical genocidal policies
against the indigenous people of the land now called America. Even though
the U.S. Government has stated many times that they don't know who
committed the act that Leonard is in prison for, even though Leonard's
defense has disproved the government's case against Leonard, Leonard
remains in prison as an example of what the U.S. government will do to
those that stand-up for the people against the interests of the
transnational corporations and the policies of the U.S. government.

 Because Leonard's voice has been strong for over 22 years from inside the
U.S. dungeons, the U.S. government is trying to break Leonard by using
torture on him.


 Torture is the act of allowing or causing excruciating pain for the
purpose of punishment. Leonard has a medical problem with his jaw. Because
of the malicious medical treatment at the Springfield Federal Medical
Center, which came close to killing him, the condition of his jaw is much
worse. The prison will not allow any outside doctor to examine Leonard,
which is a right that other prisoners have, but Leonard is denied. The Mayo
Clinic, which has done medical work on federal prisoners before has agreed
to treat Leonard. Leonard is in excruciating continuous pain. He cannot
even chew his food. Still the federal prison refuses to allow Leonard to
get the treatment he needs. This is nothing short of blatant outright

 We ask that all members of the NWLPSN, all supporters of Leonard and all
those who believe in justice and oppose the use of torture to please, right
now, e-mail messages asking that Leonard be allowed to be treated by the
Mayo Clinic.

 Send messages to:
 Kathleen Hawk, Director, Bureau of Prisons, "attention indicator" via:

 U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell
In your message, please not only bring up Leonard's medical condition, but
also, that the prison's refusal of medical treatment should be a part of
the Congressional hearings on Pine Ridge and the case of Leonard Peltier.
Also please ask him when these hearings will take place.

 President Clinton at; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The e-mail campaign to end the torture of Leonard Peltier started last
July. At that time people around the world sent e-mail messages. So many
were sent that the Bur
that they wanted us to send out our e-mail list in the hope that it would
end the e-mail campaign. The NWLPSN will not send out the BOP's lies, nor
will we call off this campaign until Leonard receives the medical treatment
he needs.

 The torture of Leonard will continue until there is enough of a public out
cry that demands that it end. Please take the time to send the needed
e-mails and please pass along this information to other people,
organizations, e-mail lists and web sites. Thank you for your time. In
 Arthur J. Miller

S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2

WWW: http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/SISmain.html

SOVERNET-L is a news-only listserv concerned with indigenous
sovereigntist struggles around the world.  To subscribe, send
"subscribe sovernet-l" in the body of an email message to
  For more information on sovernet-l, contact S.I.S.I.S.

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into 

[PEN-L:117] "Logic" of Profit/Power

1998-09-11 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:32:01 -0400
From:  Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   [MC] AIDS Canada - Clinton connection
Reply-to:  Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Friday 11 September 1998
HIV blood came from Arkansas jail
U.S. firm linked to Clinton bought from prisoners and sold to Montreal
blood broker in '80s
Mark Kennedy   The Ottawa Citizen

A U.S. firm with links to U.S. President Bill Clinton collected HIV-tainted
blood from Arkansas prison inmates in the 1980s and shipped it to Canada,
newly uncovered documents reveal. The contaminated plasma -- used to create
special blood products for hemophiliacs -- is believed to have been
infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. As well, it's likely the
prisoners' blood was contaminated with hepatitis C. The story of how that
plasma was collected and found its way into the bloodstreams of
unsuspecting Canadians stands as one of the most shocking -- yet least
explored -- aspects of the tainted-blood tragedy. Its significance is
magnified by the fact that Mr. Clinton's name is associated with the story.
 Mr. Clinton was governor of Arkansas when the Canadian blood supply was
contaminated in the mid-'80s. He was generally familiar with the operations
of now-defunct Health Management Associates (HMA), the Arkansas firm that
was given a contract by Mr. Clinton's own state administration to provide
medical care to prisoners. 
In the process, HMA was also permitted to collect prisoners' blood and sell
it elsewhere. 

HMA's president in the mid-1980s was Leonard Dunn, a personal friend
and political ally of Mr. Clinton. Later, Mr. Dunn was a Clinton appointee
to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission, and he headed Mr.
Clinton's 1990 gubernatorial re-election finance committee. It's not known
how many Canadians contracted HIV from the plasma of Arkansas prisoners,
who were paid $7 a unit, although it's likely that several hundred, perhaps
thousands, were infected by the tainted products.  At the time, U.S.
companies that fractionate blood products had stopped buying prison blood
because it was widely understood that, since many inmates practised unsafe
sex or were intravenous drug addicts, their blood posed a high risk of
carrying the AIDS virus. However, HMA found a willing buyer in a Montreal
blood broker, who then sold the plasma to Toronto-based blood fractionator
Connaught Laboratories. Connaught apparently didn't realize the plasma had
come from prisoners. Canadians learned of the prison connection in 1995,
when Justice Horace Krever's inquiry on the tainted-blood scandal unearthed
some aspects of the story. In his voluminous report last November, Judge
Krever chronicled what he knew of the prison plasma contract. But nowhere
before now has any mention been made of Mr. Clinton's name, even though the
facility in question -- Cummins prison in Grady,  Arkansas -- was located
in his state during an era when the governor's office was active in
overseeing many aspects of public administration. Two new developments are
bound to focus public attention on Mr. Clinton's knowledge of the
prison-blood collection system -- all this at a time when the president is
bracing himself for the fallout over independent counsel Kenneth Starr's
report on the Monica Lewinsky affair. 

This month, a new book, Blood Trail, is being released in Canada and the
U.S. It is a novel, and its Illinois publisher is carefully taking the
usual legal precaution to declare in the book that if any characters in
this "work of fiction" bear resemblance to real people, it is "purely
However, the book is a thinly veiled account of how an Arkansas governor
gets caught up in a prison-blood scheme gone bad, becomes U.S. president,
and tries to cover up his past.  What adds to the book's mystique is that
it is written under a pseudonym, "Michael Sullivan," to temporarily hide
the author's true identity. The Citizen is aware of the author's real name,
and has agreed to keep it confidential. The author is a medical
practitioner in Arkansas who has direct knowledge of how the prison system
worked when Mr. Clinton was governor. He wishes to remain anonymous
temporarily because he fears retribution in his home state, but
acknowledges that he will be willing to reveal his name once the media have
reported details of the prison-blood collection program. At that point, he
says, he won't feel as vulnerable. 

In another development, the Citizen has obtained copies of internal
Arkansas state police documents written by investigators who were
examining HMA in the mid-'80s. The investigators were following up on
complaints the company supplied poor medical service to the prisoners
(some had died, and one had lost a leg) and were probing rumours that the
Clinton appointees on the prison board had demanded a bribe in return for
renewing HMA's $3-million health

[PEN-L:106] Apology to Max

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven


I agree with what you are saying and see--possibly--where it is 
coming from. But you know, the highest tribute and honor to the 
victims of the nazi Holocaust--Jewish and non-Jewish-- is to learn 
and  apply the lessons (paid for with horrible suffering and death) 
that flow inexorably from it.

The nazis came to power and exercised their powers through playing on 
self-centered feelings of special victimization and refusal to "walk 
a mile in the shoes of another" on the part individuals  of various 
targeted groups--Jews, de-classed workers, Gypsies, etc. Divide and 
rule was their main instrument of rule. It is easy for some to focus 
on the horrors of the Holocaust as props for various agenda to 
counter those who deny the Holocaust for their own sick agenda, but 
learning and consistently applying the lessons is not so easy. that 
is why someone like Israel Shahaak is so vilified because he did 
suffer horribly and yet refuses to use wallow in it or use it for 
cynical and narrow purposes or to deny the victimization of others, 
including non-Jews. So when Israel engages in collective punishments, 
forced relocations or alliances with outright nazis as in the case of 
Pinochet's Chile or Apartheid South Africa or death-squad regimes of 
Central America, precisely because of his suffering and the 
sufferings of so many others, he cannot let it slide or join in the 
sycophantic cheerleading because justifying such would be the 
ultimate in Holocaust denial and desecration--refusal to learn and 
apply the lessons paid for by those in whose name the lessons are not 
being learned and applied under the banner of cynical political or 
ideological agenda.

I don't question Zionists not living in Israel; many of the ones over 
there right now are more dangerous to the survival and prosperity of 
Jews and non-Jews in the region than anything the Arab States could 
come up with. I question their zealotry, hypocrisy and mercenrary 
opportunism in taking patently un-Jewish positions in the name of 
Judaism equated with Zionism. I question their 
congitive-dissonance-driven (congnitive dissonance for them) and 
unprincipled stands and alliances probably formed to give them some 
psychic release for not living over in Israel while professing to be 
so Zionist thus driving them to even more extremes.

Thanks for your comments and position.


On 10 Sep 98 at 17:17, Max Sawicky wrote:

> >If I in any way miscontrued or misunderstood your position or confused with
> with Barkley's I sincerely apologize.>
> No problem.
> >I do not believe that in my response to either you or Barkley I was hurling
> invective as I tried to present my position with supporting evidence and/or
> reasoning and/or supporting opinion free of invective.>
> Rather than rake over that, let me suggest
> a potential benefit in putting ourselves
> in the other guys' shoes for a moment.
> I'm no doctor of psychoanalysis, but I
> never thought much of them anyway.
> You describe your adversaries as Holocaust
> deniers for their indifference to the fate
> of non-jews during WWII or any other time.
> For most, I would say, the issue is not
> a lack of knowledge of the facts, especially
> regarding the European holocaust.  They may
> not know beans about Indians or Armenians.
> What's in question is their emotional scope,
> not their intellectual understanding;
> what they care about and how they
> relate to other people.  By contrast,
> among deniers of the Nazi sort, the
> issue is either a disbelief that
> mass murder ever occurred, or a
> desire to deny it for perverse
> political reasons.  This sort of
> denial is somewhat different from
> those Jews who don't want to hear
> about the suffering of other groups.
> I think that's really what's operating.
> Not, "I don't believe you," but "I don't
> want to listen to you."  The political
> corrollary is, our fates have nothing
> in common.
> Isn't this exactly part and parcel
> of racism in the overarching historical
> sense?  The isolation of a group for
> victimization is aimed at inducing
> the victims to isolate themselves,
> as in divide and conquer, 101.
> Isolation is expressed as desperate
> efforts of self-defense ('we have to
> save ourselves first'), in betrayal
> of one's own for the sake of an
> individual or narrow sub-group, and,
> after the fact, in a denial of the
> suffering of others.  In other words,
> what you call holocaust denial, which
> in a certain literal sense is an apt
> description, is also an artifact of
> victimization, and perhaps better
> understood in the latter respect.
> Victimization in this sense is obviously
> much more attenuated for some than for
> others.  Nobody borne after WWII could
> have known anyone who fell victim to
> the Nazis.  The transmission of pain
> from elder to younger would obviously
> vary among families and according to
> individual sensitivity.  Some with
> virtually no experience of such grief
> are

[PEN-L:104] Indigenous peoples and death by "acciden

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven
 must be 
> noted that there were some who immigrated who did so with 
> the intent of trying to get along with the Indians and to 
> treat them fairly, William Penn and the Quakers being a 
> prominent example. One can laugh at the purchase of 
> Manhatten by the Dutch for wampum beads, but in fact wampum 
> beads were used by the East Coast tribes as a medium of 
> exchange for intertribal trade (plus there was no way of 
> knowing how valuable real estate in Manhatten would become 
> several centuries later, not that the behavior of the 
> Dutch was admirable overall). Unfortunately, even when 
> organized groups of colonists or immigrants started out 
> with such intentions and even behaviors, they were usually 
> succeeded sooner or later by others whose attitudes/actions 
> took a more aggressive and hostile form, even up to 
> including conscious (and often successful) efforts at 
> either removal or outright extermination.
>  I am well aware that there are many Indian tribes that 
> have been completely wiped out, both physically and 
> culturally, in some cases as the result of conscious effort 
> and design by European immigrants or their descendents.  
> Although generally there were fewer people involved, these 
> were in some sense more awful holocausts than what happened 
> to the Jews under Hitler because they were indeed fully 
> successful in their exterminating outcomes.
> Barkley Rosser 
> On Wed, 9 Sep 1998 15:03:21 PST8PDT James Michael Craven 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Response: Jim C
> > 
> > Barkley, with all due respect, if you think Louis' comments are 
> > "overdone" I would suggest that you read the works of Bartolome de 
> > Las Casas who was a contemporary of Columbus and eye-witness to many 
> > of the practices of the Spaniards. See: "The Spanish Colonie" and 
> > "Historia de las Indias" Newsweek magazine (July 15, 1991) magazine 
> > called him a "revisionist historian" which is interesting because de Las Casas was 
> > the FIRST historian (how to you revise when there is nothing before 
> > you to revise) to chronicle and detail Columbus' actities. For 
> > example:
> >   [The Spaniards] made bets as to who would slit a man in
> >   two, or cut off his head at one blow; or they opened up 
> >   his bowels. The tore the babies from their mother's 
> >  breast by their feet and dashed their heads against the 
> >  rocks...They spitted the bodies of other babes, together
> >  with their mothers and all who were before them, on 
> >  their swords.
> >  and:
> >  "... in this time, the greatest outrages and 
> >  slaughterings of people were perpetrated, whole villages 
> >  being depopulated...The Indians saw that without any 
> >  offense on their part they were despoiled of their 
> >  kingdoms, their lands and liberties and of their lives,
> >  their wives and homes. As they saw themselves each
> >  day perishing by the cruel and inhuman treatment of 
> > the Spaniards, crushed to earth by horses, cut in pieces
> > by swords, eaten and torn by dogs, many buried alive
> > and suffering all kinds of exquisite tortures...[many
> > surrendered to their fate, while the survivors]fled to
> > the mountains to starve."
> > and:
> > "By massacres and murders...they have destroyed and 
> >  devastated a kingdom more than a hundred leagues square,
> >  one of the happiest in the way of fertility and 
> >  population in the world. This same tyrant {Alvarado] 
> >  wrote that it was more populous than the kingdom of 
> >  Mexico; and he told the truth. He and his brothers, 
> >  together with the others, have killed more than four or
> >  five million people in fifteen or sixteen years, from 
> >  the year 1525 until 1540; and they continue to kill and
> >  destroy those who are still left; and so they will kill 
> >  the remainder."
> > 
> > Those are just some samples of many many eye-witness accounts. With 
> > respect, this "a priorism" of sweeping away the possibility of 
> > intended bacterialogical warfare, wholesale slaughter etc on the 
> > basis of a syllogism assuming that it would not be "rational" to do 
> > so as

[PEN-L:94] Apology to Max

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven


If I in any way miscontrued or misunderstood your position or 
confused with with Barkley's I sincerely apologize.

I do not believe that in my response to either you or Barkley I was 
hurling invective as I tried to present my position with supporting 
evidence and/or reasoning and/or supporting opinion free of 

On the issue of the Nizkor list, I did get riled up because 
unfortunately that list is dominated by some Holocaust Deniers of 
another sort and it really pisses me off when I see the notation we 
do not allow Holocaust Deniers on this list and that list is being 
dominated by another and more acceptable type of Holocaust denier.

I am sick of people who know nothing about the dimensions of the nazi 
Holocaust other than those that relate to Jews, summarily, apriori and arrogantly 
dismissing the sufferings of other groups like Roma and Sinti Peoples (Gypsies)--the 
Porrajmos in Romani language means the same as Shoah--or Homosexuals, 
or Slavic Peoples or Communists or Righteous Gentiles or Others or 
summarily, apriori and arrogantly dismissing the notion of other 
Holocausts with lies like: a) Other groups were not specifically 
targeted for extermination; b) Other groups did not suffer 
proportionately as much as Jews; c) Other groups may have been 
tageted for "Cultural" but not physical extinction; d) Other groups 
were not specifically "intended" for extermination (read Mein Kampf); 
etc; these are out-and-out lies.

Further I resent Jewish exclusivism, a pernicious and more acceptable 
form of Holocaust denial being used to promote agenda and reactionary 
forces that themselves desecrate in the worst way, because they 
cynically use and manipulate the justifiable horrors and anger at was 
has been done to Jews in the Holocaust, to promote/justify reactionary agenda
of some Zionists that represent the ultimate in Holocaust denial and 
desecration (e.g. selling cluster bombs to the Pinochet Regime 
employing Walter Rauff as chief Internal Security Advisor or sharing 
nuclear weapons technologies and other support to Aparteid South 
Africa whose regimes were riddled with self-professed nazis). And 
further I resent people who know nothing about past and present 
realities of Indians summarily asserting contrived syllogisms and 
supposed logic that "it wouldn't be rational, It couldn't have 
happened that way..." to promote Jewish exclusivism.

And finally, and this is not directed at you in any way, I resent 
some of these "Super Jews" and allied non-Jews, caught in a cognitive 
dissonance trap (If one is a such a Zionist, why isn't he/she living 
in Israel putting body and lifestyle on the line?) who attempt to 
resolve their psychological problems flowing from their congitive 
dissonance situation, with rabid Zionism, sycophantic whoring and 
support for anything Israel does and supports and even further 
desecrating other groups of brutalized peoples by vigorously 
denying/slandering their true sufferings or the possibility that they 
also, like Jews, have suffered horribly.

That Nizkor list is an abomination and represents the worst in 
sycophantic dishonesty and true Holocaust denial.

thanks for listening to my rant.


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:82] Makah Whale Hunt

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven

Paul Watson allies with a far-right Republican in his fight against aboriginal whaling
by: M-J Milloy

HOUR Magazine
Montreal, Quebec
10.9.98/ page 12

It took the early white missionaries and explorers weeks to navigate the rugged 
coastline of northern Washington State to reach the Makah nation, perched on the very 
northwestern tip of the US. It w

Sometime next month the veteran anti-whaling activist will make that trip with a 
three-ship flotilla from his Sea Shepherd Society. Their goal is to disrupt, by almost 
any means necessary, the first

Watson ­ who promises to ³talk to the whales² with Orca-like sonar signals and may try 
to physically block the Makah vessels ­ is no stranger to uncompromising, and very 
media-savvy, direct action. 

It¹s an image that sells ­ and his exploits and opinions are rabidly eaten up by many 
in the media and trendy liberals in Hollywood, including Daniel Baldwin and Jane ³Dr 
Quinn² Seymour.

But when Watson¹s three-ship flotilla and the Makah whaling boats weigh anchor in 
early October, their conflict in the Juan de Fuca Strait will be about more than just 
the fate of some unlucky grey 

And there will be more than just the spirits of the past along on Watson¹s armada: 
supporting Watson¹s actions are Jack Metcalf, the local Republican congressman, who 
has links to the American far r

With missionary zeal, Paul Watson has made an unholy alliance ­ and chosen a no-longer 
endangered species over an endangered nation.

For the Makah that support the hunt ­ most of the tribal elders and about 85 per cent 
in a 1995 referendum, according to the tribal administration ­ the hunt means a chance 
to revive Makah tradition

³Many of us believe that the problems besetting our young people stem from a lack of 
discipline and pride. We believe the restoration of whaling will help to restore 
that,² wrote the Makah Whaling C

The Commission also notes that they are guaranteed the right to whale in their 1885 
treaty with the US government, and that the Makah would take at most 20 whales by the 
year 2000 ­ out of a total p

Watson is dismissive of the Makah¹s claim of cultural revival. All they¹re reviving is 
³pulling the trigger on a 50-calibre gun,² according to Watson. In addition, the Sea 
Shepherd Society has conde

³Progress affects everyone living in this new era of the Global Village. No legitimate 
argument can be made that the Makah, or any other ethnic group, can move their culture 
forward through ritual k

Although these words echo early Christian missionaries ­ who condemned aboriginal 
culture as savage and obsolete during colonization ­ Watson isn¹t uncomfortable acting 
as the arbiter of Makah cultu

³If you want to revive culture and traditions, how do you do that by killing 
something?² he said.

Watson¹s arrogance is almost more than one local observer, a professor in Vancouver, 
Washington, and a Blackfoot, can take.

³I¹m watching daily the destruction of Indian people ­ and culture is a central aspect 
of that. I see our culture ridiculed, mocked, defiled... and all this emotion about 
whales and nothing said abo

For Watson, the Makah motivations are neither social good nor cultural revival ­ but 
strictly economic gain.

³This is a community that is very well off. I¹ve not seen any poverty in their 
community. They¹ve wiped out their fishery and now they want to take the whales,² he 

The hunt will only enrich part of the community, and is being supported by whaling 
nations ­ like Japan and Norway ­ who want to use ³cultural exemptions² to restart 
their own whaling fleets, accord

But while Watson uses the alleged Makah connection to the Japanese whaling industry to 
oppose the hunt, he has entered into his own marriage of unholy convenience.

Congressman Jack Metcalf represents the extreme northwestern chunk of Washington State 
that includes the Makah territory. Watson and Metcalf are longtime opponents of the 
Makah hunt, and Metcalf has

How do you explain a Republican supporting an environmentalist, let alone the most 
militant of the lot? Metcalf¹s involvement in the wise-use movement tells most of the 

Sometimes called ³property rights² advocates, wise-users¹ main concern is the defense 
of individuals¹ property rights, including the rights of individuals to own, develop 
and enjoy ­ primarily throu

Metcalf has been at the centre of the movement. Before being elected to Congress in 
the ³Contract with America² Republican wave, Metcalf helped start the United Property 
Owners of Washington, a prop

One observer believes Metcalf¹s support of Watson is an alliance of convenience to 
support Metcalf¹s greater goal of rolling back native treaty rights.

³I don¹t believe for a minute that Jack Metcalf cares about the whales,² said Bill 
Watson of the Northwest Coalition, a Seattle NGO.

³It¹s a way to go after the tribe. It¹s a way to extend his anti-Indian campaign. 
Believe me, if it wa

[PEN-L:68] Re: RE: Re: Indigenous peoples and death by "acciden

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven

Response to Max:

With all due respect Max, this is why this Jewish exclusivism 
vis-a-vis ONE Holocausts and ONE group of victims that were unique in 
that they were specifically targeted for extermination  is so 
pernicious and feels for other victims of THE Holocaust or victims of 
other Holocausts exactly how the "scholarship" and rantings of  the neo-nazi 
Holocaust deniers feel for Jewish victims. And this is why I have 
written on this subject.

Even in terms of the nazi Holocaust, the Wannsee Conference included 
Sinti and Romani Peoples (so-called Gypsies) to be targeted for total 
destruction and in fact, the "genetic test" for defining who was a 
Gypsie to be targeted for extermination was even more stringent than 
for defining who is a Jew to be targeted for extermination. But 
beyond that, I urge you to read Ward Churchill's "A Little Matter of 
Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to Present" as 
the scholarship is overwhelming and voluminous and will perhaps 
disabuse you of this notion that Indians were not specifically 
targeted for total extermination as it might illustrate to you that 
there have been indeed other Holocausts by any criteria you might 
care to use to define what happened to Jews as a Holocaust; and 
indeed even in the Nazi Holocaust, there were indeed other groups, 
targeted as whole groups, for total annihilation.

Just as some anti-Zionists and the Holocaust deniers are using 
Holocaust denial as a cover for rabid antisemitism that is 
unpalatable for many in its more rabid and overt forms, so this 
Jewish exclusivity and the ONE Holocaust and only ONE group of people 
specifically targeted for extermination is being used to cover all 
sorts of ugly crimes and Faustian Bargains done in the name of 
Zionism and "Never Again." for example, the sale of cluster bombs to 
the Pinochet Government at precisely the time that the Chief Internal 
Security Advisor to Pinochet was none ofhter than Walter Rauff, 
formerly of the nazi SS, designer of the mobile gas chambers masked 
as red cross vans, sentenced to death in absentia (why didn't they 
kidnap him like Eichmann?).

So if you admit that you know nothing about the history of Indians or 
Armenians, then why summarily a priori dismiss the notion of other 
Holocausts or the notion of other groups of people specifically 
targeted for extermination? And what does specifically targeted for 
extermination mean? What does it take to show "mens rea"?. 
Acknowledging more than one Holocaust or other groups of victims of 
the nazi Holocaust does not "dillute" or deny or disrespect the 
suffering of the Jewish victims of the nazi Holocaust; rather it 
disrespects those non-Jewish  victims, real Judaism (that is free of chauvinism 
and exclusivism when it comes to the worth of victims) and indeed the 
Jewish victims as well since the became victims through a system and 
by nazi creatures who practiced divide and rule, isolate individual 
groups of victims from their natural allies  and assigned "hierarchies" 
when discussing the worth and value  of human beings or victims. 
(so-called Lebensuwertes Leben or "life unworthy of life").

Please do some research on the subject. I'm sure that you would not 
want you and your sentiments  to be unwittingly used for purposes and 
by forces that have nothing to do with real Judaism or with real 
respect for the victims of the nazi Holocaust--Jewish and non-Jewish.

>From Israel Charny Executive Director of the Institute on the 
Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem:

"I object very strongly to the efforts to name the genocide of any 
one people as the single, ultimate event, or as the most important 
event against which all other tragedies of genocidal mass death are 
to be tested and found wanting...For me, the passion to exclude this 
or that mass killing from the universe of genocide, as well as the 
intense competition to establish the exclusive 'superiority' or 
unique form of any one genocide, ends up creating a fetishistic 
atmosphere in which the masses of bodies that are not to be qualified 
for the definition of genocide are dumped into a conceptual black 
hole, where they are forgotten (quoted in Churchill p. 52)

In the Russia House, the central charaacter, Barley Scott Blair, a 
drunken, cynical, self-centered, hedonist publisher of an inherited 
and failing publishing house is drunk with some Russian friends in a 
dacha and he is waxing eloquent:

   "If there is to be hope, we must all 'betray' our country. We 
have to save each other because all victims are equal and none is 
more equal than others. It is everyone's duty to start the avalanche.

Nowadays you have to think like a hero just to behave like a merely 
decent human being."

Anyway, I know the feeling; we have Indian exclusivists who don't 
recorgnize or care a wit about Jewish suffering in the nazi 

Holocausts are Holcausts; Victims are Victims; Holocaust Denial is 
Holcaust Denial.


[PEN-L:62] (Fwd) BC's Round Lake Treatment Center Sex-abuse Case

1998-09-10 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Thu, 10 Sep 1998 07:14:05 -0800
To:(Recipient list suppressed)
Subject:   BC's Round Lake Treatment Center Sex-abuse Case

Vancouver Sun, August 28, 1998 by Stewart Bell

[S.I.S.I.S. note:  The following mainstream news article may
contain biased or distorted information and may be missing
pertinent facts and/or context. It is provided for reference only.]

 An Agassiz woman is claiming she was raped repeatedly by her counsellor,
Charles Andrew, while attending the centre as a teenager. She also says a
staff member acted as a look-out during the assaults.

 Wayne Christian, executive director of the Round Lake society, said the
allegation by De Roux is the first of its kind in the 20 years the society
has been operating. More than 5,000 aboriginal people from across Canada
and the U.S. have been treated at the centre, which is on Okanagan Indian
reserve land near Vernon.

 Eight out of 10 completed the intensive program, which combines the
philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous with traditional aboriginal healing
beliefs. Two-thirds have stayed sober.

 "It changed my life," said Anita McPhee, a North Vancouver resident who
went to Round Lake in 1994 to deal with her alcohol and drug problem. "It
was one of the most positive experiences of my life."

 But Annette De Roux says she was sexually assaulted "in my room, in his
office, in the gym bathroom, in the storage room in the basement and at
other places on the site of the Round Lake Treatment Centre premises." De
Roux, now 23, has launched a lawsuit against Andrew, who has not been seen
since 1993, and the Interior Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Society, which
runs the Round Lake facility. The case will be in court in Vancouver Sept.
8 to schedule a trial date.

 The case is part of a trend in which victims of abuses are seeking to make
institutions liable for the alleged misdeeds of their employees. The courts
appear to be moving in that direction, having found, for example, that the
United Church was partly responsible for the abuses of a residential school

 Christian said the centre thoroughly checks out prospective employees and
keeps close track of clients during their stay.

 But De Roux, who also claims she was sexually assaulted by her stepfather,
John Wells, beginning at age three, tells a different story. De Roux lives
on the Sea Bird Island Indian reserve and has a daughter she says was
fathered by Andrew. On the advice of her lawyer, Theresa Stowe, De Roux
declined to be interviewed. "No comment and no picture and no thank you,"
she said.

 De Roux was born on May 27, 1975, the daughter of Sharon and Clayton De
Roux. She lived in remote Hendrick's Lake until age two, when she moved
with her mother to Vancouver. Her mother lived in a house on Quebec Street
with Wells, then at a place on Welwin Street. It was at this home, and at
nearby Clark Park, that de Roux claims the sex assaults began. The abuse
continued after the family moved to another home on Broadway, she claims.
Wells, who is also named as a defendant in her lawsuit, denies the

 At age 12, De Roux became a ward of the province and moved into a Maple
Ridge foster home. She was discharged to her mother the next year. That
Christmas, during a visit to Wells's home, she claims in her suit, she and
Wells had intercourse for the first time.

 In the new year, she went to another foster home, but soon went absent
without leave, a pattern that continued at various foster homes throughout
Vancouver over the next three years. She went to Templeton secondary
school, but left after a week. At age 16, she moved in with Wells in Hope.
It was 1992. She attended the Hope Alcohol and Drug Program. "During my
stay with him, Wells sexually assaulted me on a daily basis," she says in
her court statement. She left after eight months.

 Addicted to drugs and alcohol, she arrived at Round Lake on Nov. 2, 1992
for an intensive treatment program. De Roux's drug and alcohol counsellor
was Andrew, the adopted son of a retired RCMP officer. He started work at
Round Lake two months before De Roux arrived. During the Christmas holiday,
De Roux returned to Wells's home and Andrew visited. She alleges Andrew
sexually assaulted her at a Best Western hotel in Vancouver, then again at
a motel in Kamloops.

 After she returned to Round Lake, the assaults continued "on frequent
occasions" the suit says. "Members of the Round Lake Treatment Centre were
aware of the sexual assaults," she says in her suit. She says she has
suffered posttraumatic stress disorder, headaches, eating disorders,
sleeping disorders, depression, anxiety and suicidal periods.

 She further claims that Andrew took advantage of her vulnerable condition,
and that she was legally an "infant" as defined by B.C. law and therefore
unable to consent to sex. Andrew, she says, 

[PEN-L:46] Koreans and Indians

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

Oh, the historical as well as present-day parallels are so striking: 

>From Marty Hart-Landsberg's "Korea:Division, Reunification and U.S. 
Foreign Policy", Monthly Review Press, NY, 1998

p. 46 : "In 1871 the U.S. Asiatic Squadron sent five warships to 
Korea, in part to avenge the 1866 killings of the crew of the 
'General Sherman'. After being fired upon, U.S. Marines attacked 
forts on Kanghwa Island, which guarded the river entrance to Seoul. 
Unable to make contact with the Korean court to gain either an 
apology or commercial treaty, the fleet soon withdrew. After that 
victory, the Taewon'gun [ruling regent and father of the new young 
king] placed stone markers on main streets in Seoul and at other 
important points in the country reading 'Western barbarians invade 
our land. If we do not fight, we must then appease them. To urge 
appeasement is to betray the nation.' "

and from p. 52:  " Japan's immediate economic interest in Korea was as a 
producer of food and raw materials. Thus one of the colonial 
government's first actions was to initiate a comprehensive land 
survey from 1910 to 1918, the purpose of which was to establish the 
land relations necessary to guarantee the desired export of food and 
primary products to Japan. The survey involved mapping all existing 
plots of land, classifying them according to their type and 
productivity, and most importantly, establishing ownership.
As part of the survey process, the Japanese created a complex 
system in which Koreans were required to document their ownership; 
those who could not or did not understand the requirements of the 
registration system had their land seized by the colonial government. 
This happened to many small farmers. The system also allowed the 
colonial government to legally seize all lands that had previously 
been clasified as public or royal land. As a result, the colonial 
government became Korea's largest landholder. In 1930 it held 
approximately 40 percent of the total land area of Korea. It 
eventually sold some of the best land at bargain prices to Japanese 
development companies and individual Japanese farmers."

Editorial Note: Even today, people of Korean descent, born in Japan, 
many of whom speak only fluent Japanese, can never become Japanese citizens 
and must carry by law, special ID Cards identifying their Korean  orgins; this ID Card 
looks a lot like the Registration Process/ BIA Card carried and endured by some 
Indians in America. The historical and present-day parallels are striking.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:45] Marty's Book

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

I just received today  from  Marty Hart-Landberg a copy of his book 
"Korea: Division, Reunification, and U.S. Foreign Policy", Monthly 
Review Press, 1998 and I'm already over half-way through it because I 
just can't put it down (except for a few pauses to give some of my 
comments on various matters). This is a perfect example of how a book 
can be rigorously researched and argued and yet also be "a good 
read." for both the specialist and non-specialist.

Marty gives just the right historical background and 
identifies/interweaves the most salient Korean and non-Korean 
historical events and trends that are necessary to understand 
present-day Korean realities: division, the desire/imperative for 
unification, political-economic structures of dependency and U.S. 
hegemony, the special content and character of "North" Korean 
socialism, the puppet dictatorships of "South" Korea, 
powers/influences of the Chaebol, the Korean student and unification 
movements, special prospects/features of Korean unification when 
compared with other countries like Germany historically divided and 
then reunified, historical/present-day roles and nature of the KCTU, 
the real Kim Young Sam and his origins and the importance of Korea 
geopolitically/economically to U.S. and other imperialist designs and 

It is well worth reading and is an important contribution to an 
important subject. Caution, can be addictive once beginning reading.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:44] Re: Re: Re: rude jokes heard at lunch

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

Response: Yes I understand what you mean, but then again "gallows 
humor" is less funny to the one going to the gallows. Sometimes these 
kinds of jokes desensitize to the true magnitude and horrors for the 
victims of that about which the joke is being made and 
desensitization is useful for those who would outright advocate what 
is being "joked about."

But maybe I'm just too uptight or too dogmatic or perhaps too jaded, 
so being the empiricist I am, I'll try that joke on a woman I know 
who was sexually abused by Catholic "Priests" (one of which is now a 
Bishop) from the time she was 8 years old until she was 13 years old 
(then she became "too old" to be further sexually abused, but other 
forms continued). I'll let you know if the thinks its funny.


On  9 Sep 98 at 15:33, James Devine wrote:

> I don't think that a joke about something condones that activity. Gallows
> humor has always been a part of human life, part of human efforts to
> survive the absurdity and cruelty of society and many of our fellow human
> beings. 
> I wrote: 
> >> 2. Joe discovers that his girlfriend is packing her bags and moving out of
> >> his apartment. When he asks why, she says "I can't stand your pedophilia."
> >> Says he: "that's a pretty big word for a 10-year old!"
> Jim Craven writes:
> >There will be another Tribunal in Canada dealing with sexual  
> >and other forms of abuse, murder and forced assimilation of Indian 
> >Children (Oct 3-4) and I'm sure that this joke will be a real hit-- 
> >especially for the victims.
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/ECON/jdevine.html


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:43] (Fwd) Prime Ministerial involvment in Gustafsen Lake

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:08:58 -0700 (PDT)
From:  John Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Prime Ministerial involvment in Gustafsen Lake

Revelations have emerged and are making headlines that the Prime
Minister's office was involved in the pepper-spraying of protesters during
anti-Apec protests last year. No similar interest has been shown into the
involvement of Chretien and other high ranking federal and provincial
politicians in the 1995 Gustafsen Lake Affair - the largest paramilitary
operation in Canadian history. 

In the interest of pointing out that the spraying of machine gun fire at
Indigenous people is every bit as worthy of an inquiry as is the
pepper-spraying of University students - or should be, the following
excerpts from disclosed documents is presented. The release was originally
run last year.
 -- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 12:26:44 -0700
Subject: August 26th: Gustafsen 2 years ago

:-:-:-:-S.I.S.I.S. Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty:-:-:-:-:
Aug. 26, 1997   Bulletin


"The allegations of police and government wrong-doings are so serious that
there is no question there should be a public inquiry into whether or not
the rule of law was respected."
 - Canadian Forum Magazine: April '97.


Two years ago the governments of British Columbia and Canada were mounting
the largest paramilitary operation in Canadian history against a small
group of Indigenous and non-native resisters occupying sacred, unceded
Sundance grounds at Ts'peten (Gustafsen Lake). A massive cover-up has thus
far kept the truth from public view. After a corrupt and bizarre kangaroo
court process during which they were denied their counsel of choice, an
acknowledged expert in international and constitutional law, Defenders are
being held as political prisoners. World-wide, supporters have called for
their release and a full public inquiry with international supervision. In
the interest of furthering this inquiry call - we look back.

   August 26, 1995 : Gustafsen Lake - Two Years ago today.


Bruce Clark, LL.B., M.A., Ph.D.(Law)
Barrister & Solicitor


August 26, 1995

Elizabeth II
c/o The Right Honourable Sir Robert Fellowes, KCB, KCVO
Private Secretary to Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
London, UK

Your Majesty:

August 24th I asked the Governor General to perform his single most
important constitutional duty: to apprehend the crimes in progress by the
Canadian Ministers of State, Judges and Police of treason and fraud against
the Canadian constitution and genocide against the traditionalist sector of
the aboriginal peoples. By replying on the 25th that I should apply to the
alleged criminals themselves for relief he has, knowingly, elected to aid
and abet the said crimes in progress. The salvation of the Canadian nation
from its errant political and juridical leadership is now up to you. This
is constitutionally appropriate. Your office relative to this country
exists for no higher, more rational, more just or justifiable purpose.
Please delay no longer in performing the constitutional duty required of
you by my clients' petition dated January 3, 1995. A handful of lives
depends upon your immediate response today, more in the years to follow. On
behalf of all Canadians I thank you for your unwavering vigilance for and
devotion to their constitution.


Bruce Clark


Copies: The Right Honourable the Governor General of Canada Romeo Leblanc
The Honourable the Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien
The Right Honourable the Chief Justice of Canada Antionio Lamer
The Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police P. Murray
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Staff Sergeant M. P. Sarich



[information in squared brackets is a S.I.S.I.S. addition.]

"Premier [of British Columbia] does not want to be drawn into or bound by

"Prov - concerned about post-event news release - manage"

"Apex - Gov't will not expropriate - a 1036 Order in Council request. New
Hazlelton - going for injunction. Prov. advised. - end 8:48 AM. - 5 minutes
later Quantz [BC Attorney-General's assistant] wants to send list of
question for our written response. - told to send by Victoria S/D secure fax.
- questions & responses to

[PEN-L:40] Re: rude jokes heard at lunch

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

> 2. Joe discovers that his girlfriend is packing her bags and moving out of
> his apartment. When he asks why, she says "I can't stand your pedophilia."
> Says he: "that's a pretty big word for a 10-year old!"
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/ECON/jdevine.html


There will be another Tribunal in Canada dealing with sexual  
and other forms of abuse, murder and forced assimilation of Indian 
Children (Oct 3-4) and I'm sure that this joke will be a real hit-- 
especially for the victims.

Jim C


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:39] Re: Re: Indigenous peoples and death by "accidental"

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

Response: Jim C

Barkley, with all due respect, if you think Louis' comments are 
"overdone" I would suggest that you read the works of Bartolome de 
Las Casas who was a contemporary of Columbus and eye-witness to many 
of the practices of the Spaniards. See: "The Spanish Colonie" and 
"Historia de las Indias" Newsweek magazine (July 15, 1991) magazine 
called him a "revisionist historian" which is interesting because de Las Casas was 
the FIRST historian (how to you revise when there is nothing before 
you to revise) to chronicle and detail Columbus' actities. For 
  [The Spaniards] made bets as to who would slit a man in
  two, or cut off his head at one blow; or they opened up 
  his bowels. The tore the babies from their mother's 
 breast by their feet and dashed their heads against the 
 rocks...They spitted the bodies of other babes, together
 with their mothers and all who were before them, on 
 their swords.
 "... in this time, the greatest outrages and 
 slaughterings of people were perpetrated, whole villages 
 being depopulated...The Indians saw that without any 
 offense on their part they were despoiled of their 
 kingdoms, their lands and liberties and of their lives,
 their wives and homes. As they saw themselves each
 day perishing by the cruel and inhuman treatment of 
the Spaniards, crushed to earth by horses, cut in pieces
by swords, eaten and torn by dogs, many buried alive
and suffering all kinds of exquisite tortures...[many
surrendered to their fate, while the survivors]fled to
the mountains to starve."
"By massacres and murders...they have destroyed and 
 devastated a kingdom more than a hundred leagues square,
 one of the happiest in the way of fertility and 
 population in the world. This same tyrant {Alvarado] 
 wrote that it was more populous than the kingdom of 
 Mexico; and he told the truth. He and his brothers, 
 together with the others, have killed more than four or
 five million people in fifteen or sixteen years, from 
 the year 1525 until 1540; and they continue to kill and
 destroy those who are still left; and so they will kill 
 the remainder."

Those are just some samples of many many eye-witness accounts. With 
respect, this "a priorism" of sweeping away the possibility of 
intended bacterialogical warfare, wholesale slaughter etc on the 
basis of a syllogism assuming that it would not be "rational" to do 
so as they would be depriving themselves of a source of labor, works 
just like the Holocaust deniers who summarily and a priori assert 
that mass murder of so many Jews would have been technologically 
impossible and/or not "rational" as Jews were a source of slave labor 
desperately needed. This kind of a priorism, so common in economics 
and other disciplines, and employed in lieu of concrete scholarship 
and research  in a given area or on a particular subject, not only 
leads to tautologies or contrived syllogisms, it is also very 
offensive to those who do serious research in these areas and/or are 
the descendants of those victims being summarily dismissed with "It 
just couldn't have happened that way..."

Jim Craven

On  9 Sep 98 at 17:00, Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

> Louis,
> Oh, I probably shouldn't get into this, but I do think 
> this is overdone.  It would seem that you imply that most 
> European immigrants to the Western Hemisphere were fully 
> (or at least partly) aware when they got on a boat to come 
> here that they were carrying diseases which the Native 
> American Indian population did not possess resistance to.  
> I find this highly unlikely.  There was an awful lot of 
> very unfortunate accident in what happened.
>  Of course there were instances of conscious spreading 
> of disease with overt genocidal motives, the famous giving 
> of smallpox-ridden blankets being the most notorious such 
> example.  And plenty of European colonizing leaders engaged 
> in genocidal acts in many other ways.
>  I think the sign of the incongruity here is that 
> indeed the Spanish would just as soon not have had the 
> Indians of the Caribbean die off.  What was the benefit to 
> them?  None.  They had to pay Portuguese slave traders to 
> bring in African slaves who had sufficient disease 
> resistance.  And of course there were areas where there was 
> either a sufficiently large Indian population base and/or 
> rate of intermarriage with the colonists so that many 
> people of Indian ancestry survived, if sometimes with their 
> cultures no longer intact, Mexico being the prime example.
>   There is no question for me that 

[PEN-L:35] Fidel's speech

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Roland Chrisjohn, Ph. D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Fw: Fidel's speech
Date:  Wed, 9 Sep 1998 09:01:26 -0400

Kahn-Tineta's morning message to me...

> From: Kahn-Tineta Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: John Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Fidel's speech
> Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 10:51 PM
> what do you think of this.  kh
> SEPTEMBER 2, 1998
> The President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, Mr. Vice President,
> President of the Inaugural Session, Heads of State and Government,
> Distinguished Delegates and Guests:
> To endure the global struggle between the superpowers is bad. To live
> under total hegemonic domination by one of them is worse.  Let us speak
> frankly.
> It is not possible to resign oneself to a world order whose highest
> principals and objectives embody a system that colonized, enslaved and
> plundered us for decades.  There is no swan-song, no close of history,
> no end to the struggle of this movement of non-aligned countries -- the
> group of peoples that during the Cold War fought,
> supported and defended the interests and just causes of Third World
> nations in the struggle for national liberation.
> We do not have to ask permission or seek excuses from anyone to exist
> and to continue the struggle.  Even the United States vehemently sought
> to be included in this summit as an observer. This way, the great
> emperor can see how its modest subjects behave.
> The United Nations needs to be reformed and democratized. The
> dictatorship of the Security Council needs to end. The General Assembly
> needs to recognize its rights and bring together representatives from
> every country in the world. The Council should
> be enlarged in proportion to the current number of countries.  Its
> permanent members should be doubled, even tripled if necessary.
> Why the limitation on one representative for Latin America and the
> Caribbean, one for Asia and one for Africa?  Whose idea was that?  Who
> accepted it?  Why not two or three representatives from each of these
> regions that together constitute the vast majority of the
> United Nations? If Western Europe has two members, why do more than four
> billion people of the Third World not have even one?
> The right to veto should disappear.  Moreover, it should be impossible
> and unacceptable to have members of two different categories.  If they
> are not going to rotate, they will only exist to deceive, confuse,
> divide and diminish the qualifications of new members. Everyone should
> have the same rights.
> The International Monetary Fund should also be transformed and
> democratized.  It needs to cease being an overall political
> destabilizing agent and a financial gendarme in the interests of the
> United States. Nobody should have the power to veto its decisions.
> This applies to the World Bank as well.
> The World Trade Organization, in which we are a majority, cannot be
> converted into a medium of deceit and division by using it as a tool to
> impose cruel, global neo-liberalism on the world.  Nor can it be a party
> to a binding multilateral accord on investment which is a creation of
> the Organization for Development and Cooperation in Europe -- an
> exclusive club for the rich in which none of our countries participate
> but who are, nevertheless, forced to jump onto the bandwagon or be left
> out with numerous consequences.  Freedom of movement should not only
> apply to capital and commodities but above all to human beings.
> No more bloodied walls along the border between the USA and Mexico that
> costs hundreds of lives each year!  End the persecution of immigrants
> and the accompanying xenophobia!  Stop the hypocritical cries of protest
> when other nations attempt to build nuclear arms while your privileged
> nuclear capability becomes more and more potent, precise and deadly!
> This only stimulates interminable proliferation that will never truly
> lead to total nuclear disarmament.
> The arms race has not slowed for one second -- not so much in volume as
> in quality. It serves only to guarantee the privileges of the new order
> and is a source of profitable and dishonest business.  Armaments are
> increasingly more expensive. Developing nations ruin themselves and kill
> each other with them. Trafficking in arms is worse than trafficking in
> drugs.
> Neo-liberal globalization is rapidly destroying our natural environment,
> poisoning our air and water, deforesting our lands, eroding our soils
> into wasteland, squandering our natural resources, changing our
> climate.  How and with what shall 10 billion hum

[PEN-L:34] Alternate Indigenous NAFTA Summit Calgary (fwd)

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Wed, 9 Sep 1998 07:39:55 -0700 (PDT)
From:  John Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Alternate Indigenous NAFTA Summit Calgary (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 09:30:36 -0400
From: Kahn-Tineta Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Alternate Indigenous NAFTA Summit Calgary

Imagine a race between two individuals in which one runner is held back
until the other is 80% around the track; the winner is certain.  Now,
imagine that the pre-ordained winner of the first race gets  advanced in
the second race to 90% around the track while the  pre-ordained loser of
the first race is again held back. Inevitable and inexorable
conclusion/result: dynamic inequality where inequality begets inexorably
only more inequality.

 As the above applies to Indians within the Canadian and U.S.
systems/contexts, so the same applies to Canadian workers and farmers
within the contexts of globalization and structures like NAFTA. you
will not have the non-property incomes (wages and salaries and
single-proprietor income draws) of the poor countries RAISED to the
levels of Canada and the U.S. rather, you will find inexorably--from
the inner and defining "logic"--and derivative dynamics and
trajectories--of capitalism, the non-property incomes of Canadian and
U.S. workers driven DOWN to those of the poor countries. This is
especially true with the globalization and more rapid response/mobility
capabilities of capital, information, labor, and  space combined with
increasing pressures on working-class families to  take anything or
starve combined with  declining unionization and  union influence
combined with increasingly reactionary capitalist
 States bought and paid for by migratory capital.

 All of the above-mentioned--and more--are dimensions of the NAFTA and
the like problem and suggest that once-privileged workers in Canada  are
experiencing what Indians have always known: the system and its
"formal" freedoms, opportunities, goodies etc are a sham or at best
very transitory offerings to be taken at will according to the  dictates
and profit/accumulative imperatives of transnational  capital.

 More and more workers, farmers and intellectuals are realizing and
decoding some of the shams/scams of the system and the possibilities
for natural alliances (on principled bases not merely on the basis of
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend") are possible if developed,
articulated and popularized properly. This is what such a conference
 could do.

 Rather than take on somne of the more reactionary Canadian
nationalists, start with their own rhetoric and logic. As they scream
about loss of Canadian "Sovereignty" through NAFTA (what Ross Perot
called "that giant sucking sound" ) amd U.S. workers the same (all  the
big unions are against NAFTA) this portends some natural
 alliances because NAFTA does to the possibility of Canadian
"Sovereignty" the same as it does to Indian sovereignty. Rather than
debating about the ugly aspects of Canadian " Sovereignty" or the
extent to which Indian "Sovereignty" might threaten the Canadian
structures and forms of "Sovereignty", leave that debate on the  margins
and form common alliances on the basis that NAFTA and the  like is
simply a threat to the freedoms, jobs, incomes and yes  sovereignty of
all who are non-propertied Indian and non-Indian.

 We Indians are like the proverbial "Canary in the Mine" Today it's  us,
tomorrow the non-Indians; they are getting a taste of what we  have
always got from the time the first whites came. Rather than  turning it
into "fuck you non-Indians, now you get it for a change",  turn it into
we, the non-propertied and disenfranchised, Indian and  non-Indian have
no vested interest in something like NAFTA. Whatever  basis your
opposition, join in and learn about/oppose the interactive  and
interrelated dimensions/scams/false promises of NAFTA.

 Set up the conference with input from U.S. and Canadian Unions,  Indian
Nations, Small Entrepreneurs, yes even some crude populist  nationalist
types--the more the merrier.

  James Craven
  Dept. of Economics,Clark College
  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consid

[PEN-L:32] (Fwd) Leonard needs our help

1998-09-09 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Tue, 8 Sep 1998 22:21:48 -0700
Subject:   Leonard needs our help
From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur J Miller)

P.O. Box 5464
Tacoma, WA 98415-0464 USA


  American Indian Movement prisoner Leonard Peltier is being made to
suffer the full
impact of the U.S. government's historical genocidal policies against the
indigenous people of the land now called America. Even though the U.S.
has stated many times that they don't know who committed the act that
Leonard is in prison for, even though Leonard's defense has disproved the
government's case against Leonard, Leonard remains in prison as an
example of what the U.S. government will do to those that stand-up for
the people against the interests of the transnational corporations and
the policies of the U.S. government.
  Because Leonard's voice has been strong for over 22 years from inside
the U.S. dungeons, the U.S. government is trying to break Leonard by
using torture on him.

  Torture is the act of allowing or causing excruciating pain for the
purpose of punishment. Leonard has a medical problem with his jaw.
Because of the malicious medical treatment at the Springfield Federal
Medical Center, which came close to killing him, the condition of his jaw
is much worse. The prison will not allow any outside doctor to examine
Leonard, which is a right that other prisoners have, but Leonard is
denied. The Mayo Clinic, which has done medical work on federal prisoners
before has agreed to treat Leonard. Leonard is in excruciating continuous
pain. He cannot even chew his food. Still the federal prison refuses to
allow Leonard to get the treatment he needs. This is nothing short of
blatant outright  torture! 
  We ask that all members of the NWLPSN, all supporters of Leonard and
all those who believe in justice and oppose the use of torture to please,
right now, e-mail messages asking that Leonard be allowed to be treated
by the Mayo Clinic.
  Send messages to:
 Kathleen Hawk, Director, Bureau of Prisons, "attention indicator"

   U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell
In your message, please not only bring up Leonard's medical condition,
but also, that the prison's refusal of medical treatment should be a part
of the Congressional hearings on Pine Ridge and the case of Leonard
Peltier. Also please ask him when these hearings will take place.

  President Clinton at; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The e-mail campaign to end the torture of Leonard Peltier started last
July. At that time people around the world sent e-mail messages. So many
were sent that the Bureau Of Prisons contacted the NWLPSN with a message
that they wanted us to send out our e-mail list in the hope that it would
end the e-mail campaign. The NWLPSN will not send out the BOP's lies, nor
will we call off this campaign until
Leonard receives the medical treatment he needs.
  The torture of Leonard will continue until there is enough of a public
out cry that demands that it end. Please take the time to send the needed
e-mails and please pass along this information to other people,
organizations, e-mail lists and web sites. Thank you for your time.
 In Solidarity
 Arthur J. Miller


- End forwarded message --

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:19] (Fwd) Indigenous Peoples Tribunal Indictment (1992)

1998-09-08 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:"'AALS Section on Minority Grps. mailing list'"
Subject:   Indigenous Peoples Tribunal Indictment (1992)
Date:  Tue, 16 Jun 1998 14:00:45 -0500

> Introduction
>   All citizens of the World Community have both the right and the
> duty under public international law to sit in judgment over a gross
> and consistent pattern of violations of the most fundamental norms of
> international criminal law committed by any member state of that same
> World Community.  Such is the case for the International Tribunal of
> Indigenous Peoples and Oppressed Nationalities in the United States of
> America that convenes in San Francisco during the weekend of October
> 1-4, 1992.  Its weighty but important task is to examine the long
> history of international criminal activity that has been perpetrated
> by the Federal Government of the United States of America against the
> Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of Color living in North America since
> it was founded in 1787.
>   Toward that end, I have the honor to present to the Members of
> this Tribunal the following charges against the Federal Government of
> the United States of America under international criminal law.  In
> light of the gravity, severity, and longstanding nature of these
> international crimes and also in light of the fact that the Federal
> Government of the United States of America appears to be irrevocably
> committed to continuing down this path of lawlessness and criminality
> against Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of Color living in North
> America and elsewhere, I hereby petition the Members of this Tribunal
> to issue an Order proscribing the Federal Government of the United
> States of America as an International Criminal Conspiracy and a
> Criminal Organization under the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and
> Principles as well as the other sources of public international law
> specified below.  For that reason, I also request that the Members of
> this Tribunal issue an Order dissolving the Federal Government of the
> United States of America as a legal and political entity.  Finally, I
> ask this Tribunal to declare that international legal sovereignty over
> the Territories principally inhabited by the Native American Peoples,
> the New Afrikan People, the Mexicano People, and the People of Puerto
> Rico resides in the hands of these respective Peoples Themselves.
>   In this regard, I should point out that the final Decision of
> this Tribunal will qualify as a "judicial decision" within the meaning
> of article 38(1)(d) of the Statute of the International Court of
> Justice and will therefore constitute a "subsidiary means for the
> determination of rules of law" for international law and practice.
> The Statute of the International Court of Justice is "an integral
> part" of the United Nations Charter under article 92 thereof.  Thus,
> this Tribunal's Decision can be relied upon by some future
> International Criminal Court or Tribunal, as well as by any People or
> State of the World Community that desires to initiate criminal
> proceedings against named individuals for the commission of the
> following international crimes.  The Decision of this Tribunal shall
> serve as adequate notice to the appropriate officials in the United
> States Federal Government that they bear personal criminal
> responsibility under international law and the domestic legal systems
> of all Peoples and States in the World Community for designing and
> implementing these illegal, criminal and reprehensible policies and
> practices against Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of Color living in
> North America.  Hereinafter, the Federal Government of the United
> States of America will be referred to as the "Defendant."
> The Native American Peoples
>   1.  The Defendant has perpetrated innumerable Crimes Against
> Peace, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes against Native American
> Peoples as recognized by the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and
> Principles.
>   2.  The Defendant has perpetrated the International Crime of
> Genocide against Native American Peoples as recognized by the 1948
> Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
>   3.  The Defendant has perpetrated the International Crime of
> Apartheid against Native American Peoples as recognized by the 1973
> International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the
> Crime of Apartheid.
>   4.  The Defendant has perpetra


1998-09-08 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Roland Chrisjohn, Ph. D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Tue, 8 Sep 1998 19:14:07 -0400

This was the initial message...

From: Kahn-Tineta Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, September 06, 1998 11:35 AM

MNN Mohawk Nation News.  5 Sept. 98.  The Canadian government is putting
on the "First Nations NAFTA International Summit & Trade Show" at the
Calgary Convention Centre (Marriott Hotel) on October 17 to 19, 1998.
Their prime concerns are trade relations, creation of an Indigenous
trade group, overcoming possible barriers and opposition, making
treaties and laws.

What a line-up of promoters!  Selling the North American Free Trade
Agreement will be representatives of the Canadian Government’s Indian
Act band councils; premiers of provinces; Jane Stewart, the apologetic
Minister of Indian Affairs; even US UN representative Bill Richardson;
Phil Fontaine head of the Assembly of First Nations, the main Canadian
government financed lobby group; Blaine Favel, the world ambassador on
Indigenous issues; Ron Allen of the US National Congress of American
Indians.  Featured is Simon Reisman who made the NAFTA deal for former
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; Ms. Nina Sibal of the UNESCO; and Kevin
Grover, head of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs.  The keynote address
will be given by the former Mayor of Atlanta Georgia. Luminaries from
Foregin Affairs and International Trade will be paneling with some hard
core indigenous band council persons such as Chris Shade, Joe Norton,
Marvin Mull, Willie Little Child, Deni Leonard and Jessie Fisher.

Elijah Harper is billed as "Ambassador at Large". The Canadian
government loves him because he promotes his spiritual religious vision
that "Aboriginal people do not own the land, in fact, treaties were
visions to live and co-exist with each other and to share our land and
resources .. The land was created by God to benefit all people".

It looks like the Indigenous representatives are about to sign an
internal NAFTA trade deal on behalf of the Canadian government. It will
look like it’s between the Indigenous people of Canada, the United
States, Mexico, Central and South American countries.  Actually it is
between Canada and Mexico and Brazil and Nicaraugua and… get the
picture?  The true traditional Indigenous sovereign nations have, of
course, not been consulted on this latest maneuver to sell off their
resources to benefit the multinational corporations who are behind this
whole thing.

Either they’ve forgotten or don’t care.  Last February the traditional
Mohawk Nation condemned the human rights violations by Mexico against
those Indians who rebelled against NAFTA, murdering 45 men, women and
children in Acteal on December 22nd 1997.  On March 16th they marched to
the Kahnawake band council office and presented Joe Norton with a letter
of protest. They were opposing the impending theft of Iroquois cultural
symbols by these nation states for worldwide marketing, to be made
cheaply in labour camps in Oaxaca, Mexico.  As well, Joe Norton and the
government announced at that time the setting up of a trade commission
to oversee the use of Iroquois cultural symbols and intellectual
property so that those wishing to use their own symbols would have to go
through this private commission.  Now it looks like this commission will
control all Indigenous trade.

The question comes up as to what can be done with Indigenous
collaborators who work with oppressive states to undermine Indigenous
peoples’ lives, rights and possessions?  They are helping Canada and the
US find ways to use NAFTA to exploit and sell off more Indigenous
resources such as oil, gas, forestry, mining, fishery and agriculture.
Rather shouldn’t they demand that Canada and the US boycott trade with
Mexico over their human rights violations?  The Mohawk tried to reach
their brothers and sisters, the Mayans, to tell them of their
opposition.  In fact, real nation-to-nation agreements are possible
between true traditional Indigenous governments similar to international
contracts which must be honoured.  Band councils can only exercise those

rights delegated to them by the Canadian government who created them.

Sovereignty can only be with the true traditional Indian governments. At
a 1977 UN conference, Ross John of the Seneca Nation said, "What do
these trade agreements with our nations mean?  Is it international
trade, nation to nation?  Will it be manipulated by large businesses and
certain nations?  If so, all the dollars will go back to international
organizations".  Kakwirakeron of the Mohawk Nation asked, "Does the
international community and the UN define who a nation is?  Or is it
only the U.S. and Canada who make the definition s

[PEN-L:16] Hannibal Lecterwy430@victoria.tc.ca

1998-09-08 Thread James Michael Craven

(From "A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the 
Americas 1492 to the Present" by Ward Churchill, City Lights Books, 
San Francisco 1997 pp. 93-94)

The Specter of Hannibal Lecter

"At this juncture, the entire planet is locked, figuratively, in a 
room with the sociocultural equivalent of Hannibal Lecter. An 
individual of consummate taste and refinement, imbued with indelible 
grace and charm, he distracts his victims with the brilliance of his 
intellect, even while honing his blade. He is thus able to dine alone 
upon their livers, his feast invariably candlelit, accompanied by 
lofty music and a fine wine. Over and over the ritual is repeated, 
always hidden, always denied in order that it may be continued. So 
perfect is Lecter's pathology that, from the depths of his scorn for 
the inferiors upon whom he feeds, he advances himself as their sage 
and therapist, he who is incomparably endowed with the ability to 
explain their innermost meanings, he professes to be their savior. 
His success depends upon being embraced and exalted by those upon 
whom he preys. Ultimately, so long as Lecter is able to retain his 
mask of omnipotent gentility, he can never be stopped. The spirit of 
Hennibal Lecter is thus at the core of an expansionist European 
'civilization' which has reached out to engulf the planet.

In coming to grips with Lecter, it is of no useful purpose to engage 
in sympathetic biography, to chronicle the nuances of his childhood 
and catalogue his many and varied achievements, whether real or 
imagined.  The recounting of such information is at best 
diversionary, allowing him to remain at large just that much longer. 
More often, it inadvertently serves to perfect his mask, enabling him 
not only to maintain his enterprise, but to pursue it with ever more 
arrogance and efficiency. At worst, the biographer is aware of the 
intrinsic evil lurking beneath the subject's veneer of civility, 
but--because of morbid fascination and a desire to participate 
vicariously--deliberately obfuscates the truth in order that 
his homicidal activities may continue unchecked. The biographer thus 
reveals not only a willing complicity in the subject's crimes, but a 
virulent pathology of his or her own. Such is and has always been the 
relationship of 'responsible scholarship' to expansionist Europe and 
its derivative societies.

The sole legitimate function of information compiled about Lecter is 
to unmask him and thereby lead to his apprehension. The purpose of 
apprehension is not to visit retribution upon the psychopath--he is, 
after all, by definition mentally ill and consequently not in control 
of his more lethal impulses--but to put an end to his activities. It 
is even theoretically possible that, once he is disempowered, he can 
be cured. The point, however, is to understand what he is and what he 
does well enough to stop him from doing it. This is the role which 
must be assumed by scholarship vis-a-vis Eurosupremacy, if 
scholarship is to have any positive and constructive meaning. 
Scholarship is 'never' neutral or 'objective'; it 'always' works 
either for the psychopath or against him, to mystify sociocultural 
reality or to decode it, to make corrective action possible or to 
prevent it.

It may well be that there are better points of departure for 
intellectual endeavors to capture the real form and meaning of 
Eurocentrism than the life, times, and legacy of Christopher 
Columbus. Still, since Eurocentrists the world over have evidently 
clasped hands in utilizing him as a (perhaps the) signifier of their 
collective heritage[was Columbus Italian, Spanish, Jewish, Portugese 
etc?--different claims made], and are doing so with such an apparent 
sense of collective jubilation, the point has been rendered 
effectively moot. Those who seek to devote their scholarship to 
apprehending the psychopath who sits in our parlor thus have no 
alternative but to use him as a primary vehicle of articulation. In 
order to do so, we must employ the analytical tools which allow him 
to be utilized as a medium of explanation, a way to shed light upon 
phenomena such as the mass psychologies of fascism and racism, a 
means to shear Eurocentrism of its camouflage, exposing its true 
contours, revealing the enduring coherence of the dynamics which 
forged its evolution.

Perhaps through such efforts we can begin to genuinely comprehend the 
seemingly incomprehensible fact that so many groups are queueing up 
to associate themselves with a man from whose very memory wafts the 
cloying stench of tyranny and genocide. From there, it may be 
possible to at last crack the real codes of meaning underlying the 
sentiments of the Nuremberg rallies, those spectacles on the plazas 
of Rome during which fealty was pledged to Mussolini, and that 
amazing red-white-and-blue, tie-a-yellow-ribbon frenzy gripping the 
U.S. public much more lately. If we can understand, we can appreh

[PEN-L:13] Re: Re: Re: Re: taboo2: of wolves and waves and sour

1998-09-08 Thread James Michael Craven

On  8 Sep 98 at 15:17, William S. Lear wrote:

> On Tue, September 8, 1998 at 12:17:22 (-0700) michael perelman writes:
> >    My read on
> >history is that crises open up possibilities, but do not necessarily
> >cause people to analyze the objective conditions correctly nor to act
> >in their best interest.
> Very true, particularly when means of communication are so thoroughly
> biased toward information that obscures "objective conditions".  But,
> weren't much of the movements of the 60s made possible by higher
> living standards, due to WWII?  Not to mention all the "tenured
> radicals" who got their start from the GI bill...
> >Workers in the U.S. have seen their living standards erode since the
> >1970s.  So they elect Reagan, Bush and Clinton -- or was it Curley,
> >Moe and the other guy.  The people got mad, but the right figured out
> >how to focus the anger.
> No: business got mad and organized a small segment of society.
> People (workers) stayed home in droves.
> >Louis has been vocal all the time about the importance of
> >organization.  The right has been effective in interpreting the
> >problems -- Here in California, they have effectively convinced many
> >people that the problem is welfare mothers, Mexican immigrants,
> >affirmative action.  The left is nowhere to be heard.
> >
> >We have no organization to articulate an alternative interpretation,
> >hence the possibility of a Buchananite solution.
> >
> >I do not rule out the possibility of a massive wave of outrage leading
> >to a left solution.  We all would love to see it happen, but the fact
> >is that we have not done a good job of laying the groundwork.
> >
> >I hope that I am wrong.  Somebody, please, correct me on this.
> I'd guess that 70% of the population are basically leftists who are
> not aware of the fact that they are leftists.  I think in many ways
> the groundwork is there --- it's the finishing and sewing together
> that has not yet occurred.
> Bill


Personally, I think a large percentage of the population are 
"populists" on many individual issues with the potential to be taken 
to "Right-wing" populism or "Left-wing" populism. you have left-wing 
populists like Jim Hightower who have excellent analyses on many 
individual issues and they actually share--at one level only--some 
similarity with some of the Right-wing populists who are also into 
"Holocaust denial" and antisemitism with which the left-wing 
populists would be totally at odds.

The Republicans--and the Democrats-- have a problem in that their 
policies and practices are basically geared for the ultra-rich whites 
and a few token non-whites but in a system based on the illusion of 
"participatory democracy" they need a mass social base to ratify, or 
not protest vigorously against and to "vote" for parties that can 
never serve/represent the interests of those voting for that party. 
Hence the single issues: abortion, gay bashing, prayer in schools, 
family values, anti-immigrants, anti-"Big" government, regional 
chauvinism, national jingoism, anti-feminism etc to divide and rule. 
split the votes to allow small pluralities to take elections and to 
tap into/cynically use certain populist interests/prejudices. The 
nazis  and Italian fascists had the same problem hence the Nazis use 
of "National Socialist German Workers Party" to tap into 
working-class alliances/allegiances, anti-capitalism, and then after 
the assumption of State power, the "Socialists" are the first ones in 
the concentration camps and the SA Brownshirts, full of 
pseudo-socialist elements are purged.

Part of the task of the left in my opinion, is to take the right-wing 
populist rhetoric of the likes of Pat Buchanan and show who is really 
being served by it and to link narrow, parochial and local concerns 
and struggles into larger frameworks showing in concrete terms the 
connections with other struggles not apparently connected and to show 
how demogogues are using populist issues to support/maintain a system 
than can never address those issues--only make them even worse.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1498] NCAA v. ILLINIWAK et al.

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   NCAA v. ILLINIWAK et al.
Date:  Thu, 3 Sep 1998 16:35:21 -0500 

 From:  Boyle, Francis
 Sent:  Thursday, September 03, 1998 4:26 PM
 Subject:   NCAA v. ILLINIWAK et al.
 Professor Tony Waldrop
 Chair, UI Athletic Board and NCAA Certification Review Steering Committee
 Dear Professor Waldrop:
I understand that your Committee will be considering the issue of
NCAA recertification. Attached for your information and action is a
 Complaint I filed against Chief Illiniwak with the NCAA Minorities
 Opportunities and Interest Committee, dated July 30, 1998. I hereby
 incorporate this Complaint against Chief Iliniwak by reference, and renew
 and repeat everything I said in my July 30, 1998 Letter. I hereby request
 that you bring this Complaint against Chief Illiniwak to the attention of
 the members of your Committee and that you enter this Complaint formally
 into the Report of your Committee to the NCAA. For the reasons set forth
 in my Letter, I also request that your Committee recommend the immediate
 termination of Chief Illiniwak.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours very truly,

Francis A. Boyle
Professor of Law
 Francis A. Boyle
 Law Building
 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
 Champaign, Ill. 61820
 Phone: 217-333-7954
 Fax: 217-244-1478
 This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole
 use of the intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is
 strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please delete
 all copies.
> --
 From:  Boyle, Francis
 Sent:  Thursday, July 30, 1998 11:49 AM
 To:* All Faculty and Deans
 Subject:   NCAA v. ILLINIWAK et al.
(Please forward and act.)
 July 30, 1998
 Mr. Charles Whitcomb
 Chair, NCAA Minorities Opportunities and Interest Committee
San Jose State University 1 Washington Square
San Jose, California  95192-0060
FAX NO:  408-924-2990
 Dear Mr. Whitcomb:
It has come to my attention that the NCAA Minorities Opportunities
 and Interest Committee will consider the issue of racial stereotyping and
 racist mascots in university athletics at their next meeting on 
August 4, 1998.  As you may know, we here at the University of Illinois have our own
racist mascot and so-called "honored symbol": Chief Illiniwak, America's
premier Little Red Sambo.  Attached to this letter is a formal Memorandum
 of Law I prepared on Chief Illiniwak, entitled Illiniwak: Racial
 Discrimination, and dated 25 July 1997, that was submitted to the Board of
 Trustees of the University of Illinois.  This Memorandum explains why a
 racist mascot and symbol such as the University of Illinois' Chief
 Illiniwak violates the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of
 All Forms of Racial Discrimination, to which the United States Government
is a contracting party.  I will not bother to repeat any of this analysis
 here since the Memorandum speaks for itself.  However, the analysis found
 in this Memorandum also applies to any racist mascot or symbol at a
 publicly-financed educational institution.
 As an educator, I have repeatedly witnessed the devastating effects
 that this Little Red Sambo, Chief Illiniwak, has had upon Native American
 students, faculty and staff here at the University of Illinois.  For
 example, several years ago I had a Native American law student in my
 course on International Human Rights Law who asserted his opinion in class
 that Chief Illiniwak was genocidal.  My Native American student was then
 verbally attacked, berated, and abused by his fellow law students.  As his
 teacher, I felt terrible.  This one incident alone proved to me that
 racist mascots and symbols such as Chief Illiniwak are inimical to higher
 education.  The existence of these racist sports mascots and symbols only
 encourage and perpetuate racism, discrimination, harassment,
 threats and intimidation against minority students, faculty and staff on
 campus.  This happens all the time here at the University of Illinois
 because of its Chief Illiniwak.  I recommend in the strongest terms
 possible that the NCAA prohibit all of its member institutions from having
 Native American sports mascots or symbols effective immediately.
Yours very truly,
Francis A. Boyle
Professor of Law
Board of Directors,
Amnesty International   USA (1988-92)


 From:  Boyle, Francis
 Sent:  Saturday, July 26, 1997 1:57 PM
 To:Boyle, Francis

[PEN-L:1493] Re: Re: Last Message, How to Confront Holocaust De

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

Dead On.

In the film the Russia House, the central character, Barley Scott 
Blair, a drunken, cynical, "a-political", publisher of a failing 
publishing house he inherited, is drunk in this dacha with Russina 
friends and he is waxing eloquent and says:

"If there is to be hope, we must all 'betray' our country. We have to 
save each other because all vicitms are equal and none is more equal 
than others. It is everyone's duty to start the avanalche.

Nowadays you have to think like a hero just to behave like a merely 
decent human being."

take care,


On  3 Sep 98 at 8:31, jf noonan wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, James Michael Craven wrote:
> > How to Confront Holocaust Deniers
> >
> > 3) Do not discuss only the Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust 
> Unless you're trying to open a Holocaust museum in New York, in which
> case you'd better not mention anybody but Jews and certainly not
> homosexuals.
> > and/or deny that other Holocausts have occured as a) this will cause 
> > you to lose credibility; b) feed into Nazi propaganda--past and 
> > present--that Jews only care about themselves with very narrow 
> > definitions of "What and Who is a Jew";
> --
> Joseph Noonan
> "[There] is looming up a new and dark power;
>   the enterprises of the country are aggregating
>   vast corporate combinations of unexampled capital,
>   boldly marching, not for economical conquests only,
>   but for political power. The question will arise
>   and arise in your day, though perhaps not fully in mine,
>   which shall rule - wealth or man; which shall lead -
>   money or intellect; who shall fill public stations -
>   educated and patriotic freemen, or the feudal serfs of
>   corporate capital"
> -- Edward G. Ryan, Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court,
>in an address to the 1873 graduating class
>of the University of Wisconsin Law School

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1492] Education of our youth

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

>From the World Book Encyclopedia, circa 1920

"What is a Mexican? Mexico had in 1910 a population of about 
15,112,600 people; an accurate census has never been taken because of 
the superstitious fears of the people. When a census taker appears 
they conceal from him as many facts as possible, thinking that he may 
do them harm in some way--at the very least make them pay heavier 
taxes. The people are for the most part very ignorant; this is not 
strange when it is considered that out of the whole population only 
nineteen per cent may be classed as pure whites, while the remaining 
eighty-one percent are Indians or of mixed Indian and white blood. 
The typical Mexican, then, is quite sure to have Indian blood in his 
veins and to have inherited with it most of the superstitions, the 
customs and the vices which his Indian ancestors possessed four 
centuries ago, before the Spanish conquest. See subtitle, Government 
and History.

It is somewhat difficult to give the characteristics which 
distinguish Mexicans, so poorly have the different Indian tribes been 
assimilated; but for the most part it may be said  that, whether 
Indian or half-breed, they are pleasure-loving, fond of ease, 
unreliable and totally incapable of understanding the principles of 
wise and sane living. The wages they earn are all too small, but 
whatever they can save above the bare necessities of life they almost 
invariably spend foolishly. Particularly strong is their love for 
intoxicating liquors, and every festive day serves as an excuse for 
excessive drinking.

Living Conditions. The foreigners, of whom there are about 100,000 in 
the country before the revolutions which began in 1911, have 
introduced so far as possible their own modes of life, and the 
results are notable in the large cities. Here, to some extent, 
European and American methods have been introduced, and it is 
frequently possible for the traveler to find a fairly good hotel with 
electric lights and only a moderate amount of dirt, instead of the 
indescribable lodging houses of the past. The 'native whites', if 
so they may be called, are Spaniards; and many of them live in a 
style which has much of the display if very little of solid comfort.

But the mass of people, the Indians and the half-breeds, live in the 
most squalid poverty. Their little one-story houses of adobe, or 
sun-dried brick, lack all means of comfort and of sanitation, and the 
death rate, especially from filth diseases, is very high. Having 
resisted all progress for centuries, they live to-day on the same 
food which satisfied their ancestors hundreds of years ago, and for 
the most part they cook it in the same way. There are 'tortillas', or 
thin cakes of corn, and 'frijoles', or black beans, cooked with the 
pungent red peppers of which they are so fond; these are the staple 
articles of food the year around. Even such variation of diet as the 
poorest family can hope for in the United States or Canada is unknown 
to these Mexicans. Indeed, it is scarcely fair to compare the present 
Indians of Mexico with those that Cortez found there, for the latter 
were in a more advanced state of civilization.

The official language of Mexico is spanish, but the Indian tribes 
have clung steadfastly to their own languages, which are numerous.

Education. The government of the republic has not neglected the 
question of education, but the task before it is an appalling one. 
Every state has free primary schools, and each has compulsory 
education laws, but in the disordered condition of affairs which has 
prevailed almost without cessation since the founding of the republic 
these have not been enforced, and illiteracy is till widespread. 
Among most of the Indian tribes no progress has been made, for it has 
never been possible to convince them that there could be the 
slightest value in education; two tribes, hoever, the Mixtecas and 
Zapotecas, have been more progressive, and some of the foremost men 
of the nation have come from them.

In addition to primary schools, almost 1,000 in number, which are 
supported in part by the Federal government and in part by the states 
and municipalities, there are a number of secondary schools, normal 
schools and professional schools. The United States is proud of the 
institutions of higher learning which were founded in its very early 
history, but Mexico had a university in 1553--before the vast region 
to the north of it had even been explored. For over three centuries, 
until 1862, this institution carried on work, but in that year it 
closed its doors. In 1910, however, it was reorganized, and bids fair 
to exert a strong influence on educational affairs in Mexico.

Religion. Mexico has no state Church, but no country with an 
established religion has people more uniformly of one faith. The 
Roman CAtholic Church to which most of the people belong, has always 
had an important place in the history of the country; indeed, 
missionaries fired wi

[PEN-L:1490] Re: Nizkor-l: Re: Briefly followup to Frances'

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

On  3 Sep 98 at 12:14, Andrew Mathis wrote:

> just what the hell is the matter w/you, anyway? haven't you gotten the 
> message? your contributions to the nizkor-l list turned out to be 
> something less than appreciated, if not exactly for the reasons you 
> fantasize
> why not just call it a day?
> a.m.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

For the same reason I will never "call it a day" when dealing with 
deniers of the Holocaust against Jews, I will never "call it a day" 
when scum like you who misappropriate, desecrate and arrogate a 
sacred cause through your petty and incompetent  attempts to marginalize 
those doing serious work on the subject and your hidden agenda which 
you dress up using a sacred cause.. I intend to expose scum like 
you--doing with work of the Holocaust deniers by your incompetence, 
lack of serious scholarship and hidden agenda--for the same reasons I 
go after Holocaust deniers.

In the case of Indians, we are not simply dealing with a PAST 
Holocaust, the Holocaust against American Indians is it going on as we speak 
and scum like you who dare to speak of only ONE Holocaust or only ONE group 
of "worthy" victims, (Gypsies?, Gays? Righteous Gentiles?, Freedom 
Fighters? Slavic Peoples, Communists/Socialists? Disabled People?)  
are to the serious cause of combatting Holocaust denial what 
painting-by-numbers is to art.

The same way you feel about neo-nazis denying the magnitude and 
dimensions of the victimization of Jews is exactly how I feel about 
your kind  who cover-up other horrible genocide,--past and presently 
ongoing-- for your own psychological, personal, political, cognitive dissonance 
reasons and agenda.

Since you say your a Zionist, fine, get your ass over to Israel and 
defend your beliefs with your body and your pocketbook rather than 
the easy route of just running your mouth with no serious scholarship to back 
anything up. But do not, do not, misuse, coopt, mainpulate or 
proscribe serious discussions on serious topics and attempt to censor 
me because I will meet your pathetic refusal to deal with substantive 
facts and logic with facts and logic your kind can never handle.

"Warrior" against Holocaust denial my ass.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1477] Re: Briefly followup to Frances' post

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

On  3 Sep 98 at 10:26, Frances Bolton (PHI) wrote:

> Just wanted to comment on my use of the word "goyim." I was speaking
> within the context of the young Jewish wish to create a new Jew. Hope no
> one was insulted.
> fb
> On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Frances Bolton (PHI) wrote:
> > Max, 
> > 
> > I'm going to look into this later, but I definitely recall older,
> > religious Jews going to the gas chambers and young Zionists going to
> > Palestine. At least part of the thing about creating a Jewish state ws
> > creating a New Jew. The kibbibutzim were founded on socialist principles,
> > and more importantly, Hebrew, rather than Yiddidish, was adopted as the
> > official language. Yiddish was the mamaloshen, associated with the shetl
> > and the weak Jew who lived  at the mercy of the goyim. It's a language, as
> > Leo Rosten puts it, of insults and complaints. Hebrew was the language of
> > the warrior Jew, the Bible, the sign of Jews chosen-ness. Way more butch.
> > For people interested in the sexual politics of Hebrew and Yiddish, check
> > out Naomi Seidman's scholarship. Unfortunately, I don't have any titles,
> > she told me this stuff. 
> > 
> > Frances
> > 
> > On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Max Sawicky wrote:
> > 
> > > > . . .
> > > >that there are some references--e.g. certain Zionist leaders
> > > >collaborating with Nazis to get young and religious Jews to Palestine and
> > > leave older and more secular Jews to the gas chambers . . . >>
> > > 
> > > Although I've read some about nazi-zionist
> > > transactions, this is the first I've heard
> > > of age/religiousness dimensions.  I'd
> > > appreciate any references you might be
> > > aware of.
> > > 
> > > The age thing is consistent with an interest
> > > in nation-building, but the religion aspect
> > > seems less so.  My understanding is that the
> > > zionist movement was founded and largely led
> > > by secularists, and mostly opposed before
> > > WWII by orthodox Jews.
> > > 
> > > MBS

When I wrote to the nizkor list (I use the Nizkor archives all the 
time) I thought they might be interested to learn how an Indian 
(Indians know very well about Holocaust denial) is using the 
materials and lessons, reinforcing not in any way denying the 
magnitudes of the Nazi Holocaust, for Indian struggles. Instead I 
got--in essence, not in explicit words-- what are you bringing this stuff about 
Indians here? This list is about how to fight against Holocaust 
denial. OK, as someone who is in the same business, fighting against 
Holocaust denial, this is what I'm doing and how we might link up. 
Wrong answer, you see because there was only ONE Holocaust and 
further, even, there was only ONE group of victims worth 
discussing--Jewish victims. OK, now I got it.

So then I figure, OK, only ONE Holocaust and only ONE group of 
victims worthy of discussion, so let's talk about some of the causes 
and dimensions of that ONE Holocaust worthy of discussion, so I put 
out some stuff from Christopher Simpson's "Blowback" about the CIA 
recruitment and uses of nazi war criminals as intelligence assets, 
aiding their escape and evasion, certifying in U.S. Courts they 
weren't nazis and placing/financing  them and organizations like the 
Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), Association of Captured 
European Nations (ACEN), the Liberty Lobby etc etc because, for those 
who know anything about the organizational connections of Holocaust 
deniers, they know that these organizations were precisely the ones 
that began the "theoretical" and revisionist historical tracts used 
by present-day Holocaust deniers and you can't fight against the 
Holocaust deniers unless you know their histories and organizational 
connnections. In these pieces I posted were also some lessons about 
the disastrous consequences associated with unprincipled alliances 
under the banner of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." but that 
was too subtle or painful for some of these self-professed, 
legends-in-their-own-minds fighters against Holocaust denial.

I also posted Louis' missive because I thought they should see that 
you can't fight against Holocaust denial unless you link up--in 
principled ways--with those having common objectives and here is a 
serious scholar and definite anti-fascist and fighter against 
historical revisionism who was driven off their little list and his 
perceptions--these are valuable lessons for those who have the guts 
to face them.

No doubt the Holocaust deniers are getting more sophisticated, which 
means that responses to them need to be more sophisticated which 
means serious scholarship is needed. Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Chair in 
Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory has written "Denying the 
Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory" and does an 
excellent job in refuting the outright deniers (it din't happen, 
technologically coudn't have happened) as well as the newer forms of 
denial (yes, but... there were others who suffered, yes

[PEN-L:1467] Re: RE: The full dimensions of the Holocaust

1998-09-03 Thread James Michael Craven

On  3 Sep 98 at 9:49, Max Sawicky wrote:

> > . . .
> >that there are some references--e.g. certain Zionist leaders
> >collaborating with Nazis to get young and religious Jews to Palestine and
> leave older and more secular Jews to the gas chambers . . . >>
> Although I've read some about nazi-zionist
> transactions, this is the first I've heard
> of age/religiousness dimensions.  I'd
> appreciate any references you might be
> aware of.
> The age thing is consistent with an interest
> in nation-building, but the religion aspect
> seems less so.  My understanding is that the
> zionist movement was founded and largely led
> by secularists, and mostly opposed before
> WWII by orthodox Jews.


The leadership of the Jewish Agency in Hungary, Dr. Rudolf Berger et 
al cut a deal with Eichmann to get 1350 rich Conservative Jewish 
families out of Hungary in return for helping identify, round-up and 
deport 450,000 mostly working-class and secular Jews who were 
described as "Dry branches on the tree of Judaism." Later, some of 
the worst war criminals beat the hangman because of members of the 
leadership testifying for them at the 2nd Nuremberg Trials saying 
they had actually saved Jews (the 1350 rich Jewish families).

This case was dug up by a man named Samuel Goldman, an Israeli 
printer who publicized the betrayal; he was sued and the case went to 
the Israeli Supreme Court (Case No. 180) who found for Goldman--he 
had told the truth. Berger (I'm not fully sure about the name anymore 
because it was many years ago that I reviewed this case) was 
assassinated in Tel Aviv the day after the Supreme court decision.

I'll look through my files for all of the particulars.


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1437] Nazi link with medical experimentation in Ca

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

Dear Marco,

Thanks for the note. I hope that you continue serious scholarship on 
some of these vital questions. When I was a Tribal Judge at a recent 
UN-sponsored Tribunal in Vancouver, B.C. we had some solid evidence 
of torture techniques used on Indians that were employed by "religious 
elements" with ties to the Nazis during and after World War II. We 
also had some evidence of escaped Nazis winding up in Canada, 
protected, and winding up working in remote Indian Schools doing 
their same old crimes.

If what was suffered by so many is to have any meaning at all, the 
serious lessons must be learned and taught not only to refute the 
Holocaust deniers, their influence is really not that great, but also 
to prevent future Holocausts and to understand others that have 
occurred. Those who conduct genocide often use the same methods and 
for the same interests.

But you know I have to say this to all of those who wrote Why are you 
talking about Indians on a list dedicated to fighting against denial 
of THE Holocaust? You are real scum. Because with that contempt and 
arrogance you are NO DIFFERENT, than those scum who still deny that 
the NAZI Holocaust occurred. In fact, you are worse, because those 
who deny that the Nazi Holocaust occurred are simply diseased 
organisms and unlike you, they don't wrap themselves up in selective 
concern for some parts of humanity but not others, they are basically 
inhuman and care nothing about any humans, whereas here we have people 
so concerned and so passionate about only their own narrow agenda and 
definitions of what is/was THE Holocaust. You feed right into the 
ugly propaganda of the Nazis ("Jews never care about you Goyim, you 
can't trust them...") It is really sickening.

I'm not speaking about you Marco. Keep up the good work.

No need to write further, I'll leave the list after this message.


On  2 Sep 98 at 16:25, Marco de Innocentis wrote:

> Jim Craven,
> Many thanks for the interesting info. I am also very
> interested in the Paperclip project and the escape of
> nazi war criminals in general.
>Paperclip has deep connections with Holocaust 
> denial; in fact, it's precisely how I became interested
> in Holocaust denial in the first place. Think of 
> Arthur Rudolph or Wernher von Braun, for instance. 
> The fact that they were employed by the United States
> for rocket construction after the war, after all the
> crimes they had committed (especially Rudolph) meant
> that these crimes had to be conveniently "forgotten".
>Most people still don't know that von Braun had
> been a member of the nazi party and a major in the SS,
> for example. But von Braun and Rudolph were by no 
> means special cases. As you rightly point out, there
> were several nazi scientists and beureaucrats involved
> in medical experiments against concentration camp
> inmates. When people think about nazi medical 
> experiments today, they usually think about Mengele
> and Auschwitz. Actually, the most important experiments
> were those carried out using Dachau inmates, such as
> the high-altitude or cold water experiments. It was
> Dr Sigmund Rascher, a member of the SS and a protege
> of Himmler, who first had the idea of using prisoners
> for these kinds of experiments in 1941. Himmler was
> enthusiastic. Rascher died in 1945, but many other
> doctors implicated in these gruesome experiments 
> were shipped to the United States after the war under 
> projects Paperclip and National Interest. Among them
> Siegrfied Ruff, Hermann Becker-Freyseng, Konrad 
> Schaefer and Hubertus Strughold. 
>The subject of medical experiments in the United
> States and Canada is perhaps off topic on this list.
> Paperclip however has deep links with holocaust denial.
> A different kind of holocaust denial than the one you
> meet usually, which has less to do with the hatred
> of Jews than with protecting the image of the US,
> although the two can be linked together sometimes.
> For instance when Arthur Rudolph had to leave the
> US because the OSI had started to investigate his 
> nazi past, there were some demonstrations protesting
> about this, most of which were backed by Lyndon
> LaRouche and other right-wing groups.
> Marco de Innocentis 
> -== Sent via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==-
> http://www.dejanews.com/  Easy access to 50,000+ discussion forums

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not lab

[PEN-L:1436] Last Message, How to Confront Holocaust Deniers

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

How to Confront Holocaust Deniers

1) Do not take them on on their own turf; do not go as the "token 
opposition" to forums packed with their own kind, that are basically put on for 
publicity and narcissism;

2) Serious research the organizational, political and funding 
connections between individuals and organizations associated with 
Holocaust denials;

3) Do not discuss only the Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust 
and/or deny that other Holocausts have occured as a) this will cause 
you to lose credibility; b) feed into Nazi propaganda--past and 
present--that Jews only care about themselves with very narrow 
definitions of "What and Who is a Jew";

4) Do serious scholarship on various dimensions of the Holocaust and 
practice high levels of integrity, credibility and intellectual 
honesty at all times--do not try to cover-up the uncomfortable or 
that which doesn't fit in with hidden or narrow agenda;

5) Learn some basic logic, critical thinking, research skills, sound 
versus superficial sources and how to look for patterns, connections, 
correlations and interrelationships between aspects of the Holocaust;

6) Do not desecrate the victims and lessons of the Holocaust by 
attempting to use, for political purposes of whatever type, selective 
data, selective interpretations, selective data sources or contrived 
syllogisms for hidden agenda;

7) Link up with victims of the Nazi Holocaust from various 
communities to talk and share common experiences, data, testimonies 

8) Show you are truly anti-Holocaust not just the Nazi one as again 
this undermines credibility and feeds into fascist caricatures and 

9) Organize boycotts against any organization or supporters of any 
organization that openly or covertly promotes holocaust denial;

10) Organize increased efforts for widened and more rapid releases of 
data and information under FOIA and for the U.S. Government and the 
Governments of all countries involved in promoting or fighting 
against the holocaust to open their files and locate victims of the 
Holocaust who may be near death;

11) Do active work particularly among the young so that the old nazis 
and their supporters can die off without continuing to infect/recruit younger 

12) Take on the issues squarely and directly and do not attempt to 
narrowly define issues to suit one's lack of knowledge, hidden 
agenda, personal sensibilities or inability to reason effectively; 
this will only hurt the credibility of the one arguing against 
Holocaust denial which hurts the cause of opposing Holocaust denial;

13. Bring in spokespersons who actually know something, can actually 
reason at a high level and hold it together in the heat of battle 
rather than emotional cheerleaders who seek to feed their own 
psychological needs and who think that somehow the more forceful, 
virulent and offensive the language therefore the more forceful their 
arguments--they'll get chewed up.

Just some suggestions. Thanks it has been real. From the tone and 
level of intellect demonstrated on this list that I have seen so far, 
I unfortunately fear for the cause of opposition to fascism and 
Holocaust denial; it is not in good hands from what I have seen and I 
can only hope there is better lurking.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1434] Re: Nizkor-l: (Fwd) Were Nazis in "Solidarity" With America

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

On  2 Sep 98 at 23:29, Dene Bebbington wrote:

> James Michael Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
> >From:      "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
> >Date:  Tue, 9 Jun 1998 09:18:15 PST8PDT
> >Subject:   Were Nazis in "Solidarity" With American Indians
> >Priority:  normal
> >
> >Louis,
> >
> >You can publish this on your list if you wish.
> >
> >I cannot even begin to describe the pain and rage I feel when I see a 
> >title like "Were Nazis in 'Solidarity' With American Indians?" It 
> >makes me absolutely sick and represents a new low in slander against 
> >Indians.
> [rest snipped]
> I've just received about a dozen emails from the Nizkor list authored by
> James Craven, few (if any) of which appear to have any relevance to
> Holocaust denial. Ken, will you be doing anything about this off topic
> spamming?
> --
> Dene

Fist of all, my understanding was that the subject of this list was 
to explore the full and documentable dimensions of the Nazi 
Holocaust to arm those who are dealing with Holocaust deniers and in 
addition, to provide scholarship on various aspects of the Holocaust 
that might be of interest to people desiring to explore the FULL 
dimensions of the Holocaust and what forces 
produced/supported/collaborated with the Holocaust. This is my 

How many on this list have read Christopher Simpson's books? His work 
was directly instrumental in exposing a whole lot of nazi war 
criminals hiding in the U.S. and Canada. How many have read Charles 
Higham's "Trading With the Enemy"? How many know the legal 
precedents--only now being used--associated with the Trial and 
charges against Julius Streicher and others at Nuremberg?

It seems that some, admitting they haven't read the missives and/or 
having read them only superficially, instead of dealing with some 
uncomfortable content and scholarship--uncomfortable for rabid 
ideologues or fanatics perhaps--just want to censor, under the banner 
of "this is off topic and I'll narrowly define what the topic 
is"--what they can't or won't deal with. Well, that's exactly what 
the Nazis did.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1433] Re: Re: hey asshole

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

On  2 Sep 98 at 18:30, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Jim Craven wrote:
> >Poor Louis,
> >
> >See why he left this nizkor list. I just came on the list hoping to 
> >get/share some information on the issues with which the Nizkor 
> >project deals as I have been resarching in this area--among 
> >others--for 30 years.
> Heh-heh. They just went from the frying-pan into the fire.
> Louis Proyect
> (http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)
Louis, Watch in a minute or so for the next one. This is like dueling 
with a quadraplegic.


 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1432] The full dimensions of the Holocaust

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

On  2 Sep 98 at 15:33, Andrew Mathis wrote:

> hey jerk,
> all find and good, except you posted your friend louis' rant against 
> this list to the very list he was attacking in the first place. you 
> accused me of not reading your propaganda. i read it enough to catch 
> that, eh?
> does that give you any idea why people (well, me, for one) would get 
> angry? especially when louis did nothing except trash zionism, and many 
> of us on the list are jews *and* zionists?
> a.m.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Well Andrew,

First of all, I think the point that Louis--very Jewish-- was raising 
was that  Jewishness and Zionism are not one in the same thing 
although some Zionists would have us believe that. Secondly, if all 
you read was that, what makes you think my other submissions were 
simply "propaganda", if, by your own admission, you did not get to 
reading them? Thirdly, Andrew, are you of the opinion that calling 
people "asshole" and "jerk" somehow gives force, evidence, reason and 
weight to your arguments? Do you not understand that it only makes 
you look empty and devoid of the ability to reason? Fourthly, I am not 
particularly interested in discussing Zionism, except perhaps to the extent 
that there are some references--e.g. certain Zionist leaders collaborating with 
Nazis to get young and religious Jews to Palestine and leave older 
and more secular Jews to the gas chambers--in the materials that 
speak to a more balanced and accurate portrayal of the Nazi Holocaust 
and thus depriving the Holocaust deniers less to work with. Fifthly, 
Holocaust denial does not come only from anti-Semites; it also comes 
from those who would cynically use the Nazi Holocaust, and narrow 
proscribed views of it (e.g. not mentioning Gypsies, Slavs, 
Homosexuals, Freedom Fighters etc ) for whatever agenda; they also 
desecrate the memory and lessons of the victims--Jewish and 
non-Jewish--of the Holocaust.

Some feel that to even mention the non-Jewish victims of the 
Holocaust is necessarily a desecration of the Jewish victims and/or a 
cynical attempt to "dillute" or "mitigate" the horrors suffered by 
Jews. This view is very un-Jewish. Some of those non-Jews were 
murdered (e.g. Father Maximilian Kolbe) hiding or stepping up for 
Jews. But in any case, separating out and classifiying people, 
including by degree or worth or victimhood, on the basis of Jewish 
versus non-Jewish is precisely what the Nazis did and what allowed 
them to do what they did as it prevented the formation of united 
fronts that could have dealt with the nazis in their embryo forms,
 facilitated the easier identification and rounding up of Jews and non-Jews 
for extermination and, fed right into the nazi propaganda that Jews 
don't care about anybody but themselves.

Use some logic and reasoning Andrew, whatever you are or were "born" 
religiously, is an automatic  "credential" of absolutely nothing.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1429] hey asshole

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

Poor Louis,

See why he left this nizkor list. I just came on the list hoping to 
get/share some information on the issues with which the Nizkor 
project deals as I have been resarching in this area--among 
others--for 30 years. So I shared some of my research notes, 
particularly dealing with use/collaboration of U.S. Government with 
known nazi war criminals (on their own wanted lists) as intelligence 
assets along with some work on connections between Nazis and U.S. 
businesses throughout the war, and to my surprise, Andrew here, 
greets me to the list by calling me an "asshole" (a totally necessary part 
of the human anatomy I might add and an anatomical structure we would all dealy 
miss were we without one, hence I don't understand its perjorative 
use) and then asking me "kindly" to stop spamming--sending in more 
than one submission, or sending in too many and too literate 
submissions for Andrew to read before sending off his invective 
calling me an "asshole"?

Well, as Sean O' Casey said in "The White Plague"; something like  Nothing is so 
an a vested interest dressed-up [or masquerading] as an intellectual 


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
To:"Andrew Mathis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Date:  Wed, 2 Sep 1998 14:52:15 PST8PDT
Subject:   Nizkor-l: Re: hey asshole

On  2 Sep 98 at 14:38, Andrew Mathis wrote:

> would you kindly stop spamming the nizkor list?
> a.m.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

This is not spamming, if you bothered to read the missives, they all 
deal with subjects covered by the list. I know documented evidence is 
difficult for the intellectually-impaired, rabid ideologues and other 
pathetic creatures who can only hurl invective in lieu  of 
counter-evidence, counter-reasoning, but heh, get used to it and 
perhaps post a counter to that with which you disagree that is based 
on more than gutter language.

Have a nice day.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1427] Correction

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

On Louis Proyect's long missive in which I and others were quoted and 
my background described, I would like to make one correction so that 
there is no misrepresentation--due in no way to Louis.

I am a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy whose Blackfoot 
blood-quantum has been acknowledged but I am not BIA enrolled. Prior 
to 1962, an Indian was anyone with Indian blood, self-acknowledged to 
be an Indian and living as one and acknowledged by his/her Tribal 
affiliation to be an Indian; all of this applies to me.

After 1962, the BIA formally defined an "Indian" as someone with 25% 
or more Indian blood--this was despite the fact that many Nations and 
Tribes accepted less than 25% because of their histories--rape, 
abduction, adoption, inter-marriage etc-- and the BIA put this rule 
in, in violation of National Sovereignty (imagine if the U.S. 
government tells the Polish Government who and what is a true "Pole" 
etc) in order to break the ties between Indians and their lands and 
cultures and to de-allot/privatize for sale to non-Indians, their 
lands and to define out of existence, Indians and the "Indian 
problem." Today, formal enrollment means the final say rests with the 
BIA, a process to which I will never submit for the same reason that 
no Jew should be asked to sumit to a process involving nazis being 
the final authority as to what and who is a "true Jew."

Although my Blackfoot "blood-quantum" is far more than 25% and has 
been so established, I will never submit to any enrollment process in 
which the BIA or DIA has any influence or say whatsoever. As a member 
of the Blackfoot Confederacy, I am fighting for full-national 
sovereignty and full integration of the "Tribes" of the Blackfoot 
Nation. I will never carry a DIA or BIA card and I proudly carry--and 
use at all border crossings-- my ID Card as a recognized member of the Blackfoot 

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1425] The enemy of my enemy...

1998-09-02 Thread James Michael Craven

An old aphorism, usually attributed as being Arabic but actually is 
said in many languages, goes: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." 
This is usally employed as a justification for all sorts of 
unprincipled alliances and Faustian Bargains e.g.: Israel supports 
the Apartheid Regime of South Africa, riddled with nazis and 
anti-Semites because that regime is, after all, pro-capitalist and 
anti-communist, and, in addition, the African National Congress is on 
record as supporting Palestinian struggles; or, the U.S. Government, 
at the end of World War II and subsequently, recruits, as 
"intelligence assets", war criminals wanted on their own lists, sets 
them up and aids the escape of nazis like Klaus Barbi and Joseph 
Mengele, places them in high positions in and outside the U.S. and 
crushes any attempt to bring them to justice, all because they are 
"anti-communists" and have intelligence/political capabilities that 
may be useful

A particularly interesting case, worthy of exposure and 
consideration, to illustrate how sick and twisted the logic and 
effects of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" can get is 
illustrated with the case of Otto von Bolschwing, who became one of 
the highest-ranking CIA Contract Employees after World War II,  and 
is illustrated/fully documented in  "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its 
Effects on the Cold War" by Christopher Simpson, Collier Books, N.Y. 

"The recruit's name is Baron Otto von Boschwing. Supremely 
opportunist, von Bolschwing succeeded in traversing the whole 
evolution of U.S. policy toward Nazi criminals. He had profited 
during the war from Nazi confiscation of Jewish property, then later 
from the defeat of Nazi Germany itself. Von Bolschwing enlisted as a 
CIC informer for the Americans in the spring of 1945, and before two 
years were out, CIA agents in Vienna, Austria, had recognized his 
skills and recruited him for special work on some of the most 
sensitive missions the agency has ever undertaken.

Von Bolschwing was deeply involved in intelligence work--and in the 
persecution of innocent people--for most of his adult life. He had 
joined the Nazi party at the age of twenty-three, in 1932, and had 
become an SD (party security service) informer almost immediately. In 
the years leading up to 1939, von Bolschwing became a leading Nazi 
intelligence agent in the Middle East, where he worked under cover as 
an importer in Jerusalem. One of his first brushes with espionage 
work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a 
covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, a commander of 
the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom von Bolschwing had 
met through business associates in the Middle East. Under the 
arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training 
camps for Jewish youth inside GErmany. these young people, as well as 
certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were 
encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in 
return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British 
affairs in Palestine. Captured German records claim that Polkes 
believed the increainsgly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could 
be turned to Zionist advantage--at least temporarily--by compelling 
Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander's 
sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS.

It was in the course of these negotiations that the young Baron von 
Bolschwing gained the trust of Adolf Eichmann, who was at the time, 
an obscure SS functionary specializing in intelligence on Freemasonry 
and Jewish affairs for the Nazi party. The acquaintance was more than 
a casual one, for von Bolschwing went to play a central role in 
arranging conferences between Eichmann and Polkes in Vienna and 
Cairo, contacts that established Eichmann as the SS's 'Jewish affairs 
expert' and laid the foundation for his later career as the architect 
of the extermination of European Jewry.

Perhaps it was inevitable that Eichmann--ever the plodding and 
careful clerk--would have learned about Jewry and Zionism from 
someone. But as fate would have it, it was Otto von Bolschwing who 
became Eichmann's teacher. 'The first time I was occupied with Jewish 
matters', Eichmann testified under interrogation prior to his 1962 
trial for crimes against humanity, 'was when [Nazi agent Theodor von] 
Mildenstein visited me at my workplace together with von 
Bolschwing--never before that.'

Thereafter 'Herr von Bolschwing would often drop in at our office and 
talk to us about Palestine', Eichmann recalled. 'He spoke so 
knowledgeably of the aims and situation of Zionism in Palestine and 
elsewhere that I gradually became an authority on Zionism...I kept in 
touch with Herr von Bolschwing...because no one else could give me 
firsthand information about the country I was most interested in for 
my work.'

Von Bolschwing teamed up with Eichmann in 1936 and 19

[PEN-L:1406] What if...?

1998-09-01 Thread James Michael Craven

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  James Michael Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   What if...?
Date:  Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:06:43 -0700 

>From "The Circle Game: Shadows and Substance in the Indian REsidential 
School Experience in Canada" by Roland Chrisjohn and Sherri Young 
with Michael Maraum. Theytus Books Ltd. Penticton, B.C. 1997


What if the Holocaust had never stopped?

What if no liberating armies invaded the terriroty stormed over by 
the draconian State? No compassionate throng broke down the doors to 
dungeons to free those imprisoned within? No collective outcry of 
humanity arose as stories on the State's abuses were recounted? And 
no Court of World Opinion seized the State's leaders and held them in 
judgment as their misdeeds were chronicled? What if none of this 

What if, instead, with the passage of time the World came to accept 
the State's actions as the rightful and lawful policies of a 
sovereign nation having to deal with creatures that were less than 
fully human? And, what if, curbing some of the more glaring 
malignancies of its genocidal excesses, the State increasingly became 
prominent as both a resource for industrial powers and as an 
industrial power in its own right? What if the State could depend 
upon the discretion of other nations, engaged in their own local 
outrages, to wink at its past, so that the lie told to and accepted 
by other nations was one the State could tell itself and its 'real' 
citizens without fear of contradiction? What if the men who conceived, 
fashioned, implemented, and operated the machinery of destruction 
grew old and venerable and acclaimed, hailed as 'Fathers' of their 
country and men of insight and renown?

What if the Holocaust had never stopped, so that for the State's 
victims, there was no vindication, no validation, no justice, but 
instead the dawning realization that this was how things were going 
to be? What if those who resisted were crushed, so that others, tired 
of resisting, simply prayed that the 'next' adjustment to what 
remained of their ways of life would be the one that, somehow, they 
would be able to learn to live with? What if some learned to hate who 
they were, or to deny it out of fear, while others embraced the 
State's image of them, emulating as far as possible the State's 
principles and accepting its judgment about their own families, 
friends and neighbors? And what if others could find no option other 
than to accept the slow, lingering death the State had mapped out for 
them, or even to speed themselves along to their State-desired end?

What if?

Then you would have Canada's [and the U.S. and elsewhere where there 
are Indigenous Peoples] treatment of the North American Aboriginal 
population in general, and the Indian REsidential School Experience 
in particular.

And here and now we are going to prove it to you. "

transcribed by Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863

"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their
land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit
of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the
superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 

property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1404] pt 2 The Circle Game

1998-09-01 Thread James Michael Craven

Part 2 of Excerpts from a Speech by Dr. Roland Chrisjohn on "The 
Circle Game" given in Edmonton, Alberta (date unknown)

"...we must misunderstand Indian Residential School to the extent to 
which we think that the pathology in the system lies within the 
survivors of the individual survivors of the  Residential 
School experience. The pathology that you are looking for is not in 
the pathology of the people who went through the experience, the 
pathology is in the system of order that gave rise to that 
Residential School,  that saw it in operation, that put it in 
operation, that thought it was a good thing, that patted itself on 
the back occasionally saying:  'aren't we doing well by our brown 
cousins?; we're bringing them freedom and we're bringing them into this 
particular world;  aren't we generous?; and all they are paying for it 
is all of their land, all of their trees, all of their minerals, all 
of their water, their freedom, their language, their religions, every 
aspect of their form of life, that's all their paying.'

Now the fact that they didn't make that bargain, that they didn't ask 
for that, means that well they are kind of stupid you know; they 
don't recognize just how superior our way is. So even though they are 
kicking and screaming, we're going to do for them. There's the 
patriarchy, there's the patronizing aspect of it. The "Therapeutic 
State" will constantly congratulate itself that it's doing good as it 
is doing the most horrendous thing.

the extent to which we ourselves as First Nations People have continued that 
task, by not examining those kinds of questions, by accepting that 
the problem is our own individualized pathology, by running all kinds 
of workshops where we'll say 'we'll let's get together and we'll hug 
a lot and this will overcome what happend to us in the Residential 

Oh, I'm sorry, it is a political problem, it is a legal problem, for 
the churches and for the Government of Canada, it's also a financial 
problem, because they've got mighty big bills to pay if  the Canadian 
public begins to realize what what done to human beings in their 
name. This is one of the reasons you won't find the United Nations' 
Genocide Charter inside history books, textbooks and in Canadian 
schools because the Canadians don't want to tell their people what 
they've been doing in their name. They don't want to see, starkly, in 
Article Two and Article Three, what their responsibilities were as 
human beings, and how, the acquiesence to the Residential School, 
even if they never even heard of an Indian or ever saw an Indian, how 
they were implicated in the crime as well--by their governments, by 
their churches.

They don't want to hear about that, so we don't put this in the 
textbooks. We don't put in the textbooks what  Canadian 
responsibilities are in terms of language, religion, education, our 
educational rights as human beings on this planet. Where they say 
'oh, well, we don't have enough money for that. You want to have your 
own Indian university or you want to have your own Aboriginal research 
center, we'll, there's just not enough money.' Well, that's a 
violation of the Common Law of Nations that Canada is signatory to. 
Their avoiding their responsibilities and they're covering-up by 
putting over it all the  veneer of the "Therapeutic State."

And God help us; a lot of us are involved in that "Therapeutic 
State." We sit down and we do not go into the grounds of what's going 
on, why is this happening, what are the historical backgrounds for 
this. One of the wisest things Dr. Szasz has ever said is: 'the 
libraries are open, go and read, you want to find out about this 

There's nothing here in "The Circle Game" that's esoteric; we didn't 
have to burrow into the national archives late at night and come out 
with secret scraps of paper. Everything we've got is public, and open 
and available. But we've got blinders on, and the blinders are 'oh 
well Indian people are suffering and we've got to deal with that.'

I'll tell you. Give us back all the land, gives back the payment for 
everything  stolen, meet your obligations under the Treaties and I 
will see how many of us are still sick. Even if we are sick, we have 
the right as sovereign people to decide what we are going to do about 
it--not accept Health and Welfare Canada's pronouncement that 'it's 
twenty sessions with a psychologist and you're out the door, that's 
it, you're cured.'

These are part of our sovereign responsibilities. We do not need 
research;  we need to think clearly about these issues. I come to a 
conference like this and I hear people saying 'there aren't any 
practical suggestions. Well, I'm sorry, when Dr. Szasz says that 'you're 
not fighting facts, you're fighting ideologies', that's what we have 
to understand. The philosophy that stands behind what was done to us 
in the Residential School is the philosophy that stands behind the 
health and welfa

[PEN-L:1398] "The Circle Game" Part I

1998-09-01 Thread James Michael Craven

The following are exercepts from a Speech by Dr. Roland Chrisjohn, 
member of the Iroquois Confederacy (Oneida), Healer ("Psychologist") 
delivered in Edmonton, Alberta (date unknown)

"Residential schools were one of many attempts at the genocide of 
the Aboriginal Peoples inhabiting the area now commonly called 
Canada. Initially, the goal of obliterating these peoples was 
connected with stealing what they owned (the land, the sky, the 
waters, and their lives, and all that these encompassed); and 
although this connection persists, present-day acts and policies of 
genocide are also connected with the hypocritical, legal and 
self-delusion need on the part of the perpetrators to conceal what 
they did and what they continue to do. A variety of rationalizations 
(social, legal, religious, political and economic) arose to engage 
(in one way or another) all segments of Euruocanadian society in the 
task of genocide. For example, some were told (and told themselves) 
that their actions arose out of a Missionary Imperative to bring the 
benefits of the One True Belief to savage pagans; others considered 
themselves justified in the land theft by declaring that the 
Aboriginal Peoples were not putting the land to 'proper' use; and so 
on. The creation of the Indian REsidential Schools followed a 
time-tested method of obliterating indigenous cultures, and the 
psycosocial consequences these schools would have on Aboriginal 
Peoples were well understood at the time of their formation. 
Present-day symptomology found in Aboriginal Peoples and societies 
does not constitute a distinct psychological condition, but is the 
well-known and long-studied response of human beings living under 
conditions of severe and prolonged oppression. Although there is no 
doubt that individuals who attended Residential Schools suffered, and 
continue to suffer, from the effects of their experiences, the tactic 
of pathologizing these individuals, studying their condition, and 
offering 'therapy' to them and their communities must be seen as 
another rhetorical maneuver designed to obscure (to the world at 
large, to Aboriginal Peoples, and to the Canadians themselves) the 
moral and financial accountability of Eurocanadian society in a 
continuing record of Crimes Against Humanity.

I'm not denying that people in the Residential Schools--some of 
them-- are having troubles today. But I don't want to talk about the 
pathology, the alcohol and drug abuse, and the suicide of people who went 
to Residential School when that takes us away from talking about the 
real issues, and that is,  what are the political, the economic and 
the legal ramifications of what occurred to First Nations People in 
these schools. We keep talking about how sick we are but we never 
ask: how sick were these people who created these things? Why is the 
sickness on our side? Why is it we have to prove how sick we are in 
order to get something done about these kinds of things?

I was in a room, early on in the Royal Commission work [Royal 
Commission on Aboriginal Peoples], and everybody was telling me oh, 
well,  all this great work you are going to do, that is going to talk about the 
healing and the therapy that is necessary with Residential Schools. 
And I'm looking around, there's a former Supreme court Justice, 
there's a lawyer, there's another judge over here, there's another 
person with legal training who has written law books or whatever, 
they're sitting around telling me all of this and I said "it sounds 
like I'm in a room with damn psychologists." In a room full of judges 
and lawyers does nobody recognize that crimes have been committed 
here? And why aren't we talking about crimes? No, no that's not even 
a fit topic for conversation. What we have to talk about is how sick 
the damn Indians are; and well we are going to take care of them.

Right. Let's see how that game works; how the "Therapeutic State" 
works here. Well the Indians are sick, so do we  do? We're going to 
take some money, we're going to give to  largely, white, anglo-saxon 
protestant Eurocanadian therapists, and they're going to visit with 
these people for 20 fifty-minute hours, after which time they're 
going to be cured. So isn't interesting that we're going to transfer 
white people's money from one pocket to another pocket and we're 
going to call  this 'money spent on Indian People.' 

The same game is being played in the education system. Where what we 
do, is if weve got a child with some difficulty with education, we 
send them to a psychologist, and in the Province of Alberta, that 
psychological assessment costs $4,500. That's $4,500 that goes from 
the Federal Government to the pocket of a white, anglo-saxon, 
protestant psycholgist who writes a report and says 'kid is not 
learning very much.' Oh, well thank you for clearing that up. That's 
$4,500 that is counted as 'money spent on Indian Education', but it's 
money that we merely get to authorize th

[PEN-L:1371] Canada's Secret Indian Archives

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

Alberni Valley News, August 25, 1998

[S.I.S.I.S. note:  The following mainstream news article may
contain biased or distorted information and may be missing
pertinent facts and/or context. It is provided for reference only.]

 NANAIMO - The federal government has secret archives relating to the
Alberni Indian Residential School, Peter Grant, lead lawyer for 31 former
students suing the government and the United Church of Canada, told B.C.
Supreme Court Monday.

 In the midst of lawyers wrangling over the scheduling of witnesses late
Monday afternoon, Mr. Grant told Mr. Justice Donald Brenner that he
recently discovered that the federal government has "secret archives that
exist that have not been disclosed. These are not in the National

 Mitchell Taylor, lead lawyer for the federal government, said there are no
secret archives. He told Mr. Justice Brenner that Mr. Grant's allegation
was a "surprising, shocking, outrageous comment to just pop up like that in

 In an interview, Mr. Grant said he recently learned of the existence of
the secret archives and he is convinced they exist. He said "Canada,"
meaning Mr. Mitchell's team, is also aware of the archives, and "I intend
to make demands for these from Canada."

More information on Canada's genocidal residential schools:

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed
a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit
research and educational purposes only.

S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2

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 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1370] "Inferior People"

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

The following essay "Inferior People" was taken from "America 
Besieged" by Michael Parenti, City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1998

  "Inferior People"

For centuries, colonialists have justified their mistreatment of 
other peoples by portraying them as lacking ethical, cultural and 
political development. If there is turmoil in some part of the Third 
World, then the trouble supposedly rests with the people themselves 
and not with anything the intruders are doing to them.

In 1973, when the CIA-engineered coup in chile overthrew Salvador 
Allende and led to the bloody repression of the Pinochet regime, 
'blaming the people' became the media's favorite explanation. CBS 
commentator Eric Severeid announced that the Chilean people brought 
it on themselves, another Latin American example of 'an instability 
so chronic that the root causes have to lie in the nature and culture 
of the people.' By way of explaining why Chileans would support 
Allende and the Popular Unity government, Bernard Collier wrote in 
the 'New York times', 'The Chileans do not believe in facts, numbers 
or statistics with the earnest faith of an English speaking people.' 
While talking to a correspondent who had just reported on the 
rebellion in Tigre, NBC's Tom Brokaw could only think of asking, 
'You're in London now, which is one of the most sophisticated and 
civilized cities in the world. Do you have much culture shock after 
being in that part of Africa?'

During the Cold War years, the Russians were a prime target of 
stereotype pronouncements. They were described by one U.S> 
correspondent as 'unsmiling', 'rude', and 'unable to look you in the 
eye.' A former 'Washington Post' reporter, appearing on ABC's '20/20' 
program declared that 'the Russians have a great urge for order. It 
is part of their personality.' To which host Barbara Walters 
responded that the Russian people lacked 'a sense of responsibility 
because they are told what to do and when to do it.' In 1991, at a 
time of dramatic transition within the Soviet Union, the 'New York 
Times' noted that Russian free-market advocates 'faced the mammoth 
task of civilizing their country.'

The Arabs are another people who are treated to a superabundance of 
negative stereotypes. A CBS correspondent ended his report on the 
Middle East by saying, 'But of course, sound argument has not always 
dictated Arab behavior.' 'New York times' columnist Flora Lewis saw 
'the Islamic mind' as unable to employ 'step-by-step thinking'. Had 
such an assertion been applied to 'the Christian mind' or 'the Hebrew 
mind', the 'Times' likely would have rejected it as nonsensical and 
bigoted, and rightly so.

The 1990-91 Gulf War waged by the United States against Iraq brought 
a wave of anti-Arab stereotypes.(Iraq was an Arab nation but so were 
six of the nations allied with Washington.) 'Newsday referred to 'the 
treacherous standards of Arab politics.' Judith Miller in the 'New 
York Times' claimed that the Gulf Cooperation Council, 'in typical 
Arab style' made a 'veiled reference' to the presence of U.S. forces 
in the Gulf. Miller would never describe an Israeli leader as making 
a veiled reference in 'typical Jewish style'. Nor would that be a 
proper or correct usage.

'US News and World Report' quoted 'Middle East specialist' Judith 
Kipper on the devious nature of the 'Arab mind': 'We go in a straight 
line; they zig-zag. They say one thing in the morning, another thing 
at night and really mean a third thing.' 'New Republic editor Martin 
Perez warned us, 'Nonviolence is foreign to the political culture of 
Arabs generally and of the Palestinians particularly.' 'New York 
Times' columnist A.M. Rosenthal listen Iranians as Arabs, leaving his 
readers to remind themselves that Iranians are in fact Persians. That 
they all live in the Middle East is no reason to lump Arabs and 
Persians together, no more than we would think of the French as being 
German because they both live in Europe.

One of the media's favorite Middle East 'experts' Fouad Ajami 
(praised by columnist William Safire 'for the amazing way he reads 
the Arab mind') described Iraq as 'a brittle land...with little claim 
to culture and books and grand ideas.' In fact, Iraq was the cradle 
of a long and fertile civilization. And before it was destroyed by 
American bombs, Baghdad was a major center of literature, art, and 

NPR's Susan Stamberg interviewing two Arab intellectuals, asked them 
to comment on an association in her mind: 'Arabs and death.' They 
patiently explained that like everyone else, Arabs preferred life 
over death for themselves and their loved ones. Then she gave them 
another association: 'Arabs and violence'. Stamberg resides in the 
United States, a country with one of the highest violent crime rates 
in the world, a country that spends $275 billion yearly on the 
military and supports violent repression throughout much of the Third 
World, an

[PEN-L:1365] Nizkor Project

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

A la Louis' endorsement of the Nizkor Project, I would also endorse 
all to visit and read there. Among many things one will find the Red 
and Blue Book series of Nuremburg Trial documents and transcripts 
well worth reading. I use this source continually with reference to 
work I do on the question of Genocide against Indians and the 
parallels with the most well-known of the Holocausts--by the Nazis.

The Opening arguments of Justice Jackson are well worth reading as 
well as the transcipts of the examinations/cross-examinations of 
those being tried at Nuremburg. The case of Julius Streicher is 
particularly noteworthy and I must admit, that when I am depressed or 
just frustrated with teaching or whatever, I go home and put on an 
old U.S. Army Signal Corps Film I have on tape showing the actual 
hangings of those sentenced to death at Nuremburg--it just gives me a 
real lift, much better than Prozac could ever do.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1364] Re: Re: Krugman Column

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

On 31 Aug 98 at 15:26, michael perelman wrote:

> Can anybody read the Krugman column or is the troll up to one of his tricks?
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 916-898-5321
I can't read it and I am sure it is some kind of 
capitalist/imperialist conspiracy because of Krugman's impeccable 
credentials as an anti-imperialist, hard-core Red, snake in the 
pocket of the ruling classes and also because of Krugman's known 
humility, dynamic personality and ability to win friends and 
influence hearts and minds everywhere he goes.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1363] Re: Nazis

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

On 31 Aug 98 at 17:38, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Apropos of Barkley Rosser's comments on Russian Swastikas and Jim Craven's
> (on PEN-L only) citation from "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of the
> Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," by Charles Higham, I should mention
> that I have been in a month-long battle with a "leftist" holocaust denial
> on the alt.politics.socialism.trotsky newsgroup. Although I have been
> acquitting myself decently there, I was pleased when people from the Nizkor
> site showed up to join the battle. This is the reaction of the holocaust
> denier to their arrival:
> ---
> Not even the tiniest doubt is permitted in a newsgroup generally hostile to
> the notion of debate of the gas chamber controversy, although usually
> critical of Zionism. So along come the thought police to recycle their
> rebuttals of revisionist claims. I defend their right to do so. Who funds
> the Nizkor site to search the WWW day in day out for any crumbs of dissent
> that seeps into into the public domain?
> For those unconvinced of the irrefutable veracity of the Nizkor site,
> please access:
> http://www.abbc.com/aaargh/
> Regards
> Neil
> Louis Proyect
> (http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)

For your lists also. a "leftist" holocaust denier is an oxymoron; 
there is simply no such thing. No true leftist could ever deny that 
the Holocaust against Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Slavic Peoples and 
others in Conquered Territories, POWs etc occurred.

There are some populaists who appear anti-capitalist and nominally 
appear "leftist"--as did the Brownshits or S.A. of the Nazis--who are 
anti-Semites, holocaust deniers etc. They are "leftists" only on the 
most superficial levels.

There are some leftists, and I am one of them, who believe that "The 
Holocaust" has been cynically and abusively used/misused to promote 
Zionism or to deflect any criticisms of Israel, but they would also 
argue, as do I, that for example speaking only of the Jewish victims 
of the Holocaust, is a desecration of the Jewish as well as 
non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust (after-all, so many Jews were 
slaughtered because of articifial and deadly divisions between Jews 
and non-Jews--and their natural allies--who could have formed effective 
united fronts against fascism had both Jews and non-Jews not allowed 
historical divisions and forms of mistrust to be used and 
manipulated) employed for cynical and manipulative purposes. There 
are some leftists who also argue, as do I, that Zionism is to real 
Judaism what the Crusades were to real Christianity or what the 
Taliband or House of Saud are to real Islam.

But no true "leftist" can ever promote racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, 
national chauvinism, Holocaust denials, Zionism, 
ultra-sectarian/bigoted Christianity or some other religion, 
imperialism, fascism etc etc.

Jim Craven

 James Craven 
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

[PEN-L:1350] Capital and "Patriotism"

1998-08-31 Thread James Michael Craven

The following is exerpted from "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of 
the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, by Charles Higham, Dell 
Books, N.Y. 1983

"What would have happened if millions of American an British people, 
struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned 
that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's 
fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping 
Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in 
Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars 
worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head 
office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the 
German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, 
Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the 
international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York 
to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's 
communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated 
London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on 
British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were 
shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the 
collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in 
partnership with Goering's cousin in Philadelphia when American 
forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were 
known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately 

For the government did sanction such dubious transactions--both 
before and after Pearl Harbor. A presidential edict, issued six days 
after December 7, 1941, actually set up the legislation whereby 
licensing arrangements for trading with the enemy could be granted. 
Often during the years after Pearl Harbor the government permitted 
such trading. For example, ITT was allowed to continue its relations 
with the Axis and Japan until 1945, even though that conglomerate was 
regarded as an official instrument of United States intelligence. No 
attempt was made to prevent ford from retaining its interests for the 
Germans in Occupied France, nor were the Chase Bank or the Morgan 
Bank expressly forbidden to keep open their branches in Occupied 
Paris. It is indicated that the Reichsbank and Nazi Ministry of 
Economics made promises to certain U.S. corporate leaders that their 
properties would not be  injured after the Fuhrer was victorious. 
Thus, the bosses of the multinations as we know them today had a 
six-spot on every side of the dice cube. Whichever side won the war, 
the powers that really ran nations would not be adversely affected." 

And it is important to consider the size of American investments in 
Nazi Germany at the time of Pearl Harbor. These amounted to an 
estimated total of $475 million. Standard Oil of New Jersey had $1230 
million invested there; General Motors had $35 million; ITT had $30 
million; and Ford had $17.5 million. Though it would have been more 
patriotic to have allowed Nazi Germany to confiscate these companies 
for the duration--to nationalize them or to absorb them into Hermann 
Goering's industrial empire--it was clearly more practical to insure 
them protection from seizure by allowing them to remain in special 
holding companies, the money accumulating until war's end. It is 
interesting that whereas there is no evidence of any serious attempt 
by Roosevelt to impeach the guilty in the United States, there is 
evidence that Hitler strove to punish certain German Fraternity 
associates on the grounds of treason to the Nazi state. Indeed, in 
the case of ITT, perhaps the most flagrant in its outright dealings 
with the enemy, Hitler and his postmaster general, the venerable 
Wilhelm Ohnesorge, strove to impound the German end of the business. 
But even they were powerless in such a situation: the Gestapo leader 
of counterintelligence, Walter Schellenberg, was a prominent director 
and shareholder of ITT by arrangement with New York--and even Hitler 
dared not cross the Gestapo." (pp 14-15)

By virtue of an persuant to the authority vested in me by sections 3 
and 5 of The Trading with the Enemy Act as amended, and by virtue of 
all other authority invested in me, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 
President of the United States of America, do prescribe the 

A general license is hereby granted, licensing any transaction or act 
proscribed by section 3(a) of The Trading with the Enemy Act, as 
amended, provided, however, that such transaction or act is 
authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury by means of regulations, 
rulings, instructions, licenses or otherwise, persuant to the 
Executive Order No. 8389, as amended.  

  1   2   3   4   5   >