Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

"Bryan C. Warnock" wrote:
> Generically speaking, modules aren't going to be running amok and making a
> mess of your current lexical scope - they'll be introducing, possibily
> repointing, and then possibly deleting specific symbols

How much do you want to pay for this feature? 10% slower code? 50%
slower? Do you want the feature at any price?

I don't like run-time frobbing of the symbol table. Not even
precise tweaking. ;) I think it's in bad style and inconsistent with
the purpose of lexicals. *But* bad style isn't a good argument
and I wouldn't be pursuing this if it were just a style issue.

The trouble lies in running the code. Lexicals used to be known at
compile time. Now they can change practically anywhere. It's like
using C and having *everything* be volatile. Except worse because
you don't even know the address where something is going to be.

A simple solution would be to allow lexical scope editing at
compile time, but not run-time. Change a BEGIN block's caller() so
that it is the scope being compiled instead of main. This achieves
the majority of the benefits (lexical imports at compile time)
without any downside.

There are two other things that are easy to add. If the
compiler knew in advance which lexicals might dynamically change,
it could generate better code and not slow everything down. A
trait called ":volatile" or something. IMHO this would also
show intent to the people reading the code that something funny
might happen to the variable. (Macros or compile-time injected
lexicals could declare the :volatile trait, so I would imagine
that some pretty interesting packages could still be written.)

The other thing is to permit attaching attributes to a
lexical scope. This allows undetected channels of communication
between callees. There are interesting things that could be
used for (carrying state between function calls in the same
scope or simple thread-local storage). And It wouldn't impact
compiled code at all.

- Ken

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Friday 07 September 2001 12:13 am, Ken Fox wrote:
> Damian Conway wrote:
> > Bzzzt! The line:
> >
> > %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
> >
> > assigns a reference to $z to the *symbol table entry* for $x, not to $x
> > itself.
> So I should have said:
>   %MY::{'$x'} = $z;
> That's pretty magical stuff isn't it? Sorry I used the wrong syntax.
> I'm just taking it from your "Perl 6 Overview" PDF slides. This stuff
> changes *fast*, eh?

No, he was buzzing me.  I was still thinking in terms of pads, and missed 
the extra pointer.  You were correct...  Forget what you just 

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Damian Conway wrote:
> Bzzzt! The line:
> %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
> assigns a reference to $z to the *symbol table entry* for $x, not to $x itself.

So I should have said:

  %MY::{'$x'} = $z;

That's pretty magical stuff isn't it? Sorry I used the wrong syntax.
I'm just taking it from your "Perl 6 Overview" PDF slides. This stuff
changes *fast*, eh?

If I want to bind a sub, do I use:

  %MY::{'&die'} = &my_die;  # reference to sub my_die? (from slides)


  %MY::{'&die'} = my_die;   # magical symbol table assignment rule?

> "3, 1, 3" is the correct answer.

That's what I thought. Dan's not going to be happy. ;)

- Ken

Re: what lexicals do?

2001-09-06 Thread David L. Nicol

Dave Mitchell wrote:
> Here's a list of what any Perl 6 implementation of lexicals must be able to
> cope with (barring additions from future apocalyses). Can anyone think of
> anything else?

I would like 

perl -le 'my $Q = 3; {local $Q = 4; print $Q}'

to print 4 instead of crashing in confusion.  In other words,
have a lexical shadow a temporary (that's what we decided to call
locals, right?) when the temporary is asking for a name that has
been associated with a lexical.

Doing this takes two pieces.  The first piece is package-justifying
any argument to C before replacing symbols with scratchpad
lookup hooks.  The second is creating a lexical to hide the same-named
enclosing lexical and making it an alias to the new temporary.

perl -le'$Q=2;my$Q=3;print do{local$main::Q=4;($Q,$main::Q)},$Q,$main::Q'

Or did I miss the meeting where it was declared that temporaries
are just history.

It is not a big deal any way; can't think of a situation where this
would be useful.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187
Refuse to take new work - finish existing work - shut down.

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 07:44 pm, Damian Conway wrote:
> Bzzzt! The line:
>   %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
> assigns a reference to $z to the *symbol table entry* for $x, not to $x
> itself.

So you're saying that the symbol table entry contains a reference to the 
variable it represents?  Okay, I'll buy that for now.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Damian Conway

Bryan thought:

   > >   my $x = 1;
   > >   my $y = \$x;
   > >   my $z = 2;
   > >   %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
   > >   $z = 3;
   > >   print "$x, $$y, $z\n"
   > My $x container contains 1.  ($x = 1)
   > My $y container contains a ref to the $x container.  ($x = 1, $y = \$x)
   > My $z container contain 2.  ($x = 1, $y = \$x, $z = 2)
   > My $x container now contains a ref to the $z container. 
   >($x = \$z, $y = \$x, $z = 2)

Bzzzt! The line:

%MY::{'$x'} = \$z;

assigns a reference to $z to the *symbol table entry* for $x, not to $x itself.

"3, 1, 3" is the correct answer.


Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 06:01 pm, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> From: Ken Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > I think we have a language question... What should the following
> > print?
> >
> >   my $x = 1;
> >   my $y = \$x;
> >   my $z = 2;
> >   %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
> >   $z = 3;
> >   print "$x, $$y, $z\n"
> >
> > a. "2, 1, 3"
> > b. "2, 2, 3"
> > c. "3, 1, 3"
> > d. "3, 3, 3"
> > e. exception: not enough Gnomes
> >
> > I think I would expect behavior (c), but it's not obvious to me.
> I would have said (c) as well.
> And if I can figure it out... it ain't that tricky.

%MY:: ain't no different than %main::, except its contents are heaviliy 
restricted to the current scope level.  Whatever you used to be able to do 
with globals, you'll now be able to do with lexicals.  You just lose the 
globalness of it.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 05:52 pm, Ken Fox wrote:
> I think we have a language question... What should the following
> print?
>   my $x = 1;
>   my $y = \$x;
>   my $z = 2;
>   %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
>   $z = 3;
>   print "$x, $$y, $z\n"
> a. "2, 1, 3"
> b. "2, 2, 3"
> c. "3, 1, 3"
> d. "3, 3, 3"
> e. exception: not enough Gnomes
> I think I would expect behavior (c), but it's not obvious to me.

SCALAR(addr),SCALAR(addr), 3

$$x,$$$y,$z = "3,3,3"

My $x container contains 1.  ($x = 1)
My $y container contains a ref to the $x container.  ($x = 1, $y = \$x)
My $z container contain 2.  ($x = 1, $y = \$x, $z = 2)
My $x container now contains a ref to the $z container. 
   ($x = \$z, $y = \$x, $z = 2)
My $z container now contains 3.  
   ($x = \$z, $y = \$x, $z = 3, or $$x = 3, $$y = \$z, $z = 3, or 
   $$x = 3, $$$y = 3, $z = 3)

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 08:53 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> But surely %MY:: allows you to access/manipulate variables that are in
> scope, not just variables are defined in the current scope, ie
> my $x = 100;
> {
> print $MY::{'$x'};
> }
> I would expect that to print 100, not 'undef'. Are your expectations
> different?

Yes.  I would expect that to print 'undef'.  '$x' doesn't exist as a key in 

> I think any further discussion hinges on that.

Yes.  My expectations are different. My expectations are exactly like my 
previous PATH example.  

my $x = 100;
$MY::{'$x'} = 200;   # Equivalent to 'my $x = 200'
print $x;
print $x;

That should print 200, and 100, should it not?
You are creating a lexical in the current scope, and assigning it the value 
of 200.  You are not finding a currently existing $x and assigning it the 
value of 200, resulting in 200 / 200.  

But let's be a little more pragmatic about it, shall we?  Look beyond the 
fire and brimstone for a moment. As Dan said, we can already screw up your 
entire world.  So other than a couple clever hacks from Damian, how will 
they be used?

Generically speaking, modules aren't going to be running amok and making a 
mess of your current lexical scope - they'll be introducing, possibily 
repointing, and then possibly deleting specific symbols out of that scope's 
symbol table.  Very precise actions - not random reassignment of values from 
hither and yon.  Furthermore, unlike the value determination of a variable, 
which meanders through the various scopes looking for the most applicable 
target, %MY:: table manipulation is a singular entity, and needs to be 
treated as such.  You certainly don't want to be targetting random scopes 
'n' levels up.  You know exactly which level you need control over - 99% of 
the time, the immediate parent - and that is where any change should be 
limited too. 

Believe it or not, this feature is designed to reduce action at a distance - 
why would we want to create even more?

my $x = 100;
use some_pragma; # Introduces some $x
# The original pragma's scope has ended... why should we be using the
# same $x?  We shouldn't.  The $x was created in the inner scope, and
# we're back to ours

%MY:: access the pad, not the variable.

Bryan C. Warnock

RE: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Ken Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I think we have a language question... What should the following
> print?
>   my $x = 1;
>   my $y = \$x;
>   my $z = 2;
>   %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
>   $z = 3;
>   print "$x, $$y, $z\n"
> a. "2, 1, 3"
> b. "2, 2, 3"
> c. "3, 1, 3"
> d. "3, 3, 3"
> e. exception: not enough Gnomes
> I think I would expect behavior (c), but it's not obvious to me.

I would have said (c) as well.

And if I can figure it out... it ain't that tricky.

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Dan Sugalski wrote:
> On the other hand, if we put the address of the lexical's PMC into a
> register, it doesn't matter if someone messes with it, since they'll be
> messing with the same PMC, and thus every time we fetch its value we'll Do
> The Right Thing.

Hmm. Shouldn't re-binding affect only the *variable* and not
the value bound to the variable? Maybe I misunderstand a PMC, but
if the PMC represents a value, then re-binding a lexical should
create a new PMC and bind it to the variable.

I think we have a language question... What should the following

  my $x = 1;
  my $y = \$x;
  my $z = 2;
  %MY::{'$x'} = \$z;
  $z = 3;
  print "$x, $$y, $z\n"

a. "2, 1, 3"
b. "2, 2, 3"
c. "3, 1, 3"
d. "3, 3, 3"
e. exception: not enough Gnomes

I think I would expect behavior (c), but it's not obvious to me.

Anyways, it looks like you just reached the same conclusion I have: we
can't shadow a named variable in a non-PMC register. This might have
a surprising effect on the speed of

  foreach (1..10)


  foreach my $i (1..10)

- Ken

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:44 PM 9/6/2001 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
>Could you compile the following for us with the assumption that
>g() does not change its' caller?

Maybe later. Pressed for time at the moment, sorry.

>What if g() *appears* to be safe when perl compiles the loop, but
>later on somebody replaces its' definition with the scope changing
>one? Does perl go back and re-compile the loop?

Maybe. We might also do any number of other things, including refetching 
every time.

On the other hand, if we put the address of the lexical's PMC into a 
register, it doesn't matter if someone messes with it, since they'll be 
messing with the same PMC, and thus every time we fetch its value we'll Do 
The Right Thing.

>The compiler could watch for uses of %MY, but I bet that most
>modules will eventually use %MY to export symbols. Can the
>compiler tell the difference between run-time and compile-time
>usage of %MY?

Sure. We scan the syntax tree after we're done with compilation, and if 
there aren't any MY accesses, we're OK. Mostly. do, require and string eval 
are still issues.

> > Now, granted, it might be such that a single "uses string eval" or "uses
> > MY" in the program shuts down optimization the same way that $& kills RE
> > performance in perl 5, but we are in the position of tracking that.
>To quote Timone: "And you're okay with that?"

Yes. "I shut off the optimizer and my code ran slow!" "Well, don't do that."


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 02:05 PM 9/6/2001 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
> >You wrote on perl6-internals:
> >
> >get_lex P1, $x  # Find $x
> >get_type I0, P1 # Get $x's type
> >
> >[ loop using P1 and I0 ]
> >
> >That code isn't safe! If %MY is changed at run-time, the
> >type and location of $x will change. You really need to put
> >the code for finding $x *inside the loop*.
> Only if $x is active. (i.e. tied) In that case we need to do some other
> things as well. I was assuming the passive case, for which the code was
> valid since there wasn't any way for it to be changed.

Could you compile the following for us with the assumption that
g() does not change its' caller?

  sub f {
my $sum = 0;
for (0..9) {
  $sum += g()

Now what if g() is:

  sub g {
my $parent = caller().{MY};
my $zero = 0;
$parent{'$sum'} = \$zero;

What if g() *appears* to be safe when perl compiles the loop, but
later on somebody replaces its' definition with the scope changing
one? Does perl go back and re-compile the loop?

The compiler could watch for uses of %MY, but I bet that most
modules will eventually use %MY to export symbols. Can the
compiler tell the difference between run-time and compile-time
usage of %MY?

> Now, granted, it might be such that a single "uses string eval" or "uses
> MY" in the program shuts down optimization the same way that $& kills RE
> performance in perl 5, but we are in the position of tracking that.

To quote Timone: "And you're okay with that?"

- Ken

RE: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Ken Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >
> > I think you're also overestimating the freakout factor.
> Probably. I'm not really worried about surprising programmers
> when they debug their code. Most of the time they've requested
> the surprise and will at least have a tiny clue about what
> happened.
> I'm worried a little about building features with global effects.
> Part of Perl 6 is elimination of action-at-a-distance, but now
> we're building the swiss-army-knife-of-action-at-a-distance.

Would it be possible/desirable to have 'static' and 'dynamic' properties for
lexical scopes? Could we have static lexical scopes for things that can be
resolved before runtime, yet could be explicitly promoted to dynamic scopes
at runtime if needed?

Speaking from a solid position of ignorance, I must ask: does supporting one
exclude support for the other?

is static|dynamic {
  my $pop = 0;
  sub incr { ++$pop }

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:05 PM 9/6/2001 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
>Dan Sugalski wrote:
[stuff I snipped]

>I'm worried a little about building features with global effects.
>Part of Perl 6 is elimination of action-at-a-distance, but now
>we're building the swiss-army-knife-of-action-at-a-distance.

I don't know how much of a stated design goal this is. Most of the globals 
that are getting eliminated are mostly because of coarseness issues. ($/, say)

>What worries me the most is that allowing %MY to change at run-time
>slows down code that doesn't do it. Maybe we can figure out how
>to reduce the impact, but that's time IMHO better spent making
>existing code run faster.

Maybe, but... with this sort of thing, if we know about it before we code, 
we're fine. It's one of the things worth spending some design time on. Even 
if we ultimately don't do it, I think it'll be time well spent. (There have 
been a number of features that have been discussed that ultimately were 
discarded, but thinking about them expanded the interpreter's design in 
pleasant ways)

>You wrote on perl6-internals:
>get_lex P1, $x  # Find $x
>get_type I0, P1 # Get $x's type
>[ loop using P1 and I0 ]
>That code isn't safe! If %MY is changed at run-time, the
>type and location of $x will change. You really need to put
>the code for finding $x *inside the loop*.

Only if $x is active. (i.e. tied) In that case we need to do some other 
things as well. I was assuming the passive case, for which the code was 
valid since there wasn't any way for it to be changed.

>Maybe we can detect a few cases when it's safe to move
>get_lex out of a loop, but if the loop calls any subs or
>non-core ops we're stuck.

Maybe. I think we're going to end up assuming ops have no side effects 
unless explicitly noted to have some, and those rules will be given to the 
compiler. As for subs, we do have to worry some, but we are in the nice 
position of being able to know if a sub does or doesn't change things 
globally. We're certainly not limited to keeping C's pathetic "just 
parameters" as the only metadata stored about functions. We can have "uses 
string eval", "uses MY", "OK but calls x, y, and Z", or whatever stored for 
each sub so we can have an idea of what alters things.

Now, granted, it might be such that a single "uses string eval" or "uses 
MY" in the program shuts down optimization the same way that $& kills RE 
performance in perl 5, but we are in the position of tracking that.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: what lexicals do?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Dave Mitchell wrote:
> Can anyone think of anything else?

You omitted the most important property of lexical variables:

  [From perlsub.pod]

  Unlike dynamic variables created by the C operator, lexical
  variables declared with C are totally hidden from the outside
  world, including any called subroutines.  This is true if it's the
  same subroutine called from itself or elsewhere--every call gets
  its own copy.

- Ken

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Dan Sugalski wrote:
> I think you're also overestimating the freakout factor.

Probably. I'm not really worried about surprising programmers
when they debug their code. Most of the time they've requested
the surprise and will at least have a tiny clue about what

I'm worried a little about building features with global effects.
Part of Perl 6 is elimination of action-at-a-distance, but now
we're building the swiss-army-knife-of-action-at-a-distance.

What worries me the most is that allowing %MY to change at run-time
slows down code that doesn't do it. Maybe we can figure out how
to reduce the impact, but that's time IMHO better spent making
existing code run faster.

You wrote on perl6-internals:

   get_lex P1, $x  # Find $x
   get_type I0, P1 # Get $x's type

   [ loop using P1 and I0 ]

That code isn't safe! If %MY is changed at run-time, the
type and location of $x will change. You really need to put
the code for finding $x *inside the loop*.

Maybe we can detect a few cases when it's safe to move
get_lex out of a loop, but if the loop calls any subs or
non-core ops we're stuck.

- Ken

what lexicals do?

2001-09-06 Thread Dave Mitchell

Here's a list of what any Perl 6 implementation of lexicals must be able to
cope with (barring additions from future apocalyses). Can anyone think of 
anything else?

>From Perl 5:

* multiple instances of the same variable name within different scopes
of the same sub

* The notion of introduction - a variable that has been defined but does
not yet mask an outer var, eg  my $x = 1; { my $x = $x+1; ... }

* an inner sub referring to a lexical in a lexically enclosing outer sub
- ie closures.

* eval - ie delayed compilation of an inner sub with restored scope

* typed lexicals

* our

New in Perl 6:

* %MY:: dynmaically changing the values and visibility of lexicals

* lexically scoped named subs - so caller(){MY::}{'&die'} = &mydie does
something useful.

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:44 AM 9/6/2001 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
>Yeah, I can see it now. Perl 6 has three kinds of variables:
>dynamically scoped package variables, statically scoped lexical
>variables and "Magical Disappearing Reappearing Surprise Your
>Friends Every Time" variables. Oh, and by the way, lexicals
>are really implemented using "Magical Disappearing Reappearing
>Surprise Your Friends Every Time" variables, so I guess we only
>have two kinds of variables...

Not to put a damper on your rant here (and a nice one it was... :) but this 
is doable now. Heck, I can write a sub that completely rewrites the code 
for its caller at will now, in perl 5. Your code is only safe by 
convention. That safety isn't enforced in any way by the interpreter.

I think you're also overestimating the freakout factor. You already have 
the easy potential for global variables and subroutines to change contents 
and behaviour at whim, and the world's not come to an end. If someone does 
go so far as to write a module that does truly bizarre and, more to the 
point, unexpected and undocumented things that nobody'll use it.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:51 AM 9/6/2001 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
> > "DS" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   DS>my $foo = 'a';
>   DS>{
>   DS>  {
>   DS>%MY[-1]{'$foo'} = 'B';
>   DS>print $foo;
>   DS>  }
>   DS> }
>explain %MY[-1] please.
>my impression is that is illegal/meaningless in perl6. maybe you meant
>something with caller and getting the last scope.

Yup. I don't know that caller will be right when walking up plain block 
scopes, so I punted on the syntax.

I could probably give you the bytecode... :)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Uri Guttman

> "DS" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DS>my $foo = 'a';
  DS>  {
  DS>%MY[-1]{'$foo'} = 'B';
  DS>print $foo;
  DS>  }
  DS> }

explain %MY[-1] please.

my impression is that is illegal/meaningless in perl6. maybe you meant
something with caller and getting the last scope.


Uri Guttman  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
SYStems ARCHitecture and Stem Development --
Search or Offer Perl Jobs  --

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Ken Fox

Dan Sugalski wrote:
> ... you have to take into account the possibility that a
> variable outside your immediate scope (because it's been defined in an
> outer level of scope) might get replaced by a variable in some intermediate
> level, things get tricky.

Other things get "tricky" too. How about when the compiler
optimizes away a lexical with a constant? How about when
the compiler optimizes away a sub call because it's side-
effect-free and called with a constant? What about dead
code elimination? What about when the compiler selects a
register-based call op because of the prototype and then
the sub gets replaced with an incompatible sub at run-time?
What about inlining?

We're not just talking symbol table frobbing. The whole ball
of wax is on the table.

> Personally, I'd argue that it should print 'B'.

I totally agree. What's the point in injecting *broken* lexicals?!

Yeah, I can see it now. Perl 6 has three kinds of variables:
dynamically scoped package variables, statically scoped lexical
variables and "Magical Disappearing Reappearing Surprise Your
Friends Every Time" variables. Oh, and by the way, lexicals
are really implemented using "Magical Disappearing Reappearing
Surprise Your Friends Every Time" variables, so I guess we only
have two kinds of variables...

- Ken

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:19 PM 9/6/2001 +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
>On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 18:38:20 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >At 09:20 AM 9/5/2001 +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> >>The main uses are (surprise):
> >>
> >> * introducing lexically scoped subroutines into a caller's scope
> >
> >I knew there was something bugging me about this.
> >
> >Allowing lexically scoped subs to spring into existence (and variables, for
> >that matter) will probably slow down sub and variable access, since we
> >can't safely resolve at compile time what variable or sub is being
> >accessed.
>Eh... isn't the main use for this, in import()? That's still compile
>time, isn't it?

Sure, but the issue isn't compile time, it's runtime. The main use for 
source filters was to allow compressed source, but look what Damian's done 
with 'em... :)

>So you optimize it for compile time. Once compile time is over, the
>lexical variables table is frozen. If you want to add more stuff at
>runtime, it'll cost you.

Right. But since you have to take into account the possibility that a 
variable outside your immediate scope (because it's been defined in an 
outer level of scope) might get replaced by a variable in some intermediate 
level, things get tricky. (On the other hand, Simon and I were chatting and 
I think we have a good solution, but it'll take some time to pan out)

>BTW if you add new variables at the back of the table, I don't see how
>any old references to existing variables would be compromised.

Well, if you have this:

   my $foo = 'a';
   %MY[-1]{'$foo'} = 'B';
   print $foo;

(modulo syntax) should the print print a, or B? We bound to a $foo way 
outside our scope, then injected a $foo in the middle.

Personally, I'd argue that it should print 'B'. Others may differ. I don't 
care much, as long as I know what I should be doing at the internals level.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

RE: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Dave Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> "Bryan C. Warnock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mused:
> > Consider it like, oh, PATH and executables:
> > `perl` will search PATH and execute the first perl
> > found, but 'rm perl' will not.  It would only remove
> > a perl in my current scope..., er, directory.
> But surely %MY:: allows you to access/manipulate
> variables that are in scope, not just variables are
> defined in the current scope, ie
> my $x = 100;
> {
> print $MY::{'$x'};
> }
> I would expect that to print 100, not 'undef'. Are your 
> expectations different?

Hmm, shouldn't that print something like SCALAR(0x1b9289c)?

If you meant ${$MY::{'$x'}} then I'd agree...

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dave Mitchell

"Bryan C. Warnock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mused:
> Consider it like, oh, PATH and executables:
> `perl` will search PATH and execute the first perl found, but 'rm perl' will 
> not.  It would only remove a perl in my current scope..., er, directory.

But surely %MY:: allows you to access/manipulate variables that are in scope,
not just variables are defined in the current scope, ie

my $x = 100;
print $MY::{'$x'};

I would expect that to print 100, not 'undef'. Are your expectations different?

I think any further discussion hinges on that.

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

%MY:: manipulates my lexical pad.  If, to resolve a variable, I have to 
search backwards through multiple pads (that's a metaphysical search, so as 
to not dictate a physical search as the only behavior), that's a different 

Consider it like, oh, PATH and executables:
`perl` will search PATH and execute the first perl found, but 'rm perl' will 
not.  It would only remove a perl in my current scope..., er, directory.

On Thursday 06 September 2001 08:28 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> > > my $x = 100;
> > > {
> > > my $x = (%MY::{'$x'} = \200, $x+1);
> > > print "inner=$x, ";
> > > }
> > > print "outer=$x";
> > >
> > > I'm guessing this prints inner=201, outer=200

Oops, I may have been wrong.  This might give you {some random number}, 100,
depending on how the reference is handled.

What you are, in essence, doing, is creating a lexical $x in my current 
scope, and setting that to be a reference to 200.  You're then taking that 
newly created lexical $x, adding 1 to it (which currently is adding one to 
the address of the constant, but whatever), and that is being stored in, 
effectively, itself.

> >
> I was just trying to confirm whether similar semantics apply to the use of
> %MY:: - ie when used where a lexical has been defined but not yet
> introduced, does %MY{'$x'} pick up the inner or outer lex?
> I especially wanted to confirm whether delete %MY{'$x'} will delete the
> outer $x because the inner one isn't yet quite in scope.

The delete should be no-oppish, as the lexical variable doesn't exists yet 
in the current lexical scope.  If you want to mess with your parent's scope, 
you have to mess with it directly, not indirectly.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dave Mitchell

"Bryan C. Warnock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 06 September 2001 06:16 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> > One further worry of mine concerns the action of %MY:: on unintroduced
> > variables (especially the action of delete).
> >
> > my $x = 100;
> > {
> > my $x = (%MY::{'$x'} = \200, $x+1);
> > print "inner=$x, ";
> > }
> > print "outer=$x";
> >
> > I'm guessing this prints inner=201, outer=200
> Perhaps I missed something, but %MY:: refers to my lexical scope, and not my 
> parents, correct?
> Why isn't this inner=201, outer=100?

Because on the RHS of a 'my $x = ...' expression, $x is not yet in scope
(ie hasn't been "introduced"), so

my $x = 100; { my $x = $x+1; print $x }

prints 101, not 1 - the $x in the '$x+1' expression refers to the $x in the
outer scope.

I was just trying to confirm whether similar semantics apply to the use of
%MY:: - ie when used where a lexical has been defined but not yet introduced,
does %MY{'$x'} pick up the inner or outer lex?

I especially wanted to confirm whether delete %MY{'$x'} will delete the outer
$x because the inner one isn't yet quite in scope.

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bart Lateur

On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 18:38:20 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:

>At 09:20 AM 9/5/2001 +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
>>The main uses are (surprise):
>> * introducing lexically scoped subroutines into a caller's scope
>I knew there was something bugging me about this.
>Allowing lexically scoped subs to spring into existence (and variables, for 
>that matter) will probably slow down sub and variable access, since we 
>can't safely resolve at compile time what variable or sub is being 

Eh... isn't the main use for this, in import()? That's still compile
time, isn't it?

So you optimize it for compile time. Once compile time is over, the
lexical variables table is frozen. If you want to add more stuff at 
runtime, it'll cost you.

BTW if you add new variables at the back of the table, I don't see how
any old references to existing variables would be compromised.


Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 06:16 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> One further worry of mine concerns the action of %MY:: on unintroduced
> variables (especially the action of delete).
> my $x = 100;
> {
> my $x = (%MY::{'$x'} = \200, $x+1);
> print "inner=$x, ";
> }
> print "outer=$x";
> I'm guessing this prints inner=201, outer=200

Perhaps I missed something, but %MY:: refers to my lexical scope, and not my 
parents, correct?

Why isn't this inner=201, outer=100?

> As for
> my $x = 50;
> {
> my $x = 100;
> {
>   my $x = (delete %MY::{'$x'}, $x+1);
>   print "inner=$x, ";
> }
> print "middle=$x, ";
> }
> print "outer=$x";
> If delete 'reexposes' an outer version of that variable, then I'd
> speculate the output would be
> inner=51, middle=50, outer=50

Again, I though that %MY:: referred to my current scope, in which case the 
delete doesn't do anything.  That would make it 101, 100, 50.

Is my understanding incorrect?

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 06 September 2001 07:15 am, David L. Nicol wrote:
> in file
>   use Pollutte::Locally;
>   use Carp;
> and in
>   sub Carp {print "outer carp\n"};

sub frok { Carp(); }

>   {
>   use;
>   local *{$_} foreach @PolluteList;
>   Pollute();
>   Carp("Inner Carp"); # goes to STDERR

frok();# We want this to print "outer carp"

>   }
>   Carp(); #prints "outer carp\n"

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread David L. Nicol

Damian Conway wrote:

> proper lexically-scoped modules.

sub foo { print "outer foo\n"};
local *foo = sub {print "inner foo\n"};

did what I wanted it to.   Should I extend Pollute:: to make
this possible:

in file

use Pollutte::Locally;
use Carp;

and in

sub Carp {print "outer carp\n"};

local *{$_} foreach @PolluteList;
Carp("Inner Carp"); # goes to STDERR


Carp(); #prints "outer carp\n"

Or is that just too complex.  Local must be visible at compile-time
I suppose.

local use Carp;

is how local import should look IMO, that might have gotten into an RFC

   David Nicol 816.235.1187
Refuse to take new work - finish existing work - shut down.

RE: What's up with %MY?

2001-09-06 Thread Dave Mitchell

One further worry of mine concerns the action of %MY:: on unintroduced
variables (especially the action of delete).

my $x = 100;
my $x = (%MY::{'$x'} = \200, $x+1);
print "inner=$x, ";
print "outer=$x";

I'm guessing this prints inner=201, outer=200

As for

my $x = 50;
my $x = 100;
my $x = (delete %MY::{'$x'}, $x+1);
print "inner=$x, ";
print "middle=$x, ";
print "outer=$x";

If delete 'reexposes' an outer version of that variable, then I'd speculate
the output would be

inner=51, middle=50, outer=50

Re: CLOS multiple dispatch

2001-09-06 Thread David L. Nicol

Hong Zhang wrote:

> How do you define the currently loaded? If things are lazy loaded,
> the stuff you expect has been loaded may not have been loaded.

We could load placeholders that go and load the bigger methods
as needed, for instance.  

   David Nicol 816.235.1187
do be do be do