Huffman encoding (was Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance)

2008-06-01 Thread David Green

On 2008-Apr-30, at 1:29 pm, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Apr 30, 2008, at 15:14 , Jon Lang wrote:

On a side note, I'd like to make a request of the Perl 6 community
with regard to coding style: could we please have adverbal names that
are, well, adverbs?  "is :strict Dog" brings to my mind the English

-ly suffixes everywhere conflicts with Huffman coding, which per  
@Larry is a primary design concern.  Consider the leading colon to  
be the Perl6 equivalent.

Logically, yes, a ":" on the front of a word is as good an indicator  
of an adverb as an "ly" on the end.  Psychologically, however, it  
isn't; for one thing, my mind doesn't pronounce punctuation the same  
way as letters.  Whatever the reason, I've been reading English for  
decades longer than I have P6 (and by the time I've spent that many  
decades getting familiar with P6, I'll be even more familiar with  
English... which is of course one of the reasons why Perl tries to  
look kinda sorta like English in the first place; it may as well try  
to look like half-decent English!).

But the more general point I wish to make is that extra characters  
don't necessarily conflict with the goal of Huffman encoding.  I  
assume the idea was that extra 'ly's everywhere take up space that  
isn't needed -- of course Huffman himself was concerned with  
minimising bits, but in terms of Perl what we're interested in is  
efficient understanding, not efficient storage.

Now "short code" is not a bad first approximation to "understandable  
code", since longer reading-time will contribute to longer  
understanding-time.  But that's only a very rough rule of thumb: if  
something is too short, it will take even more work to figure out what  
it's saying, and thus any time saved by shortness will be swamped by  
the much greater effort to figure out what the heck it means.

(In this particular example, it seems quite reasonable that the  
cognitive dissonance from seeing an adjective where one's English- 
trained brain is expecting an adverb will outweigh the negligible time  
it takes to scan a couple of extra letters.)

That's why Perl6 has abandoned all the punctuation-variables from P5  
in favour of their "use English" equivalents.  Real words are longer  
to read (and write) but easier to understand overall.

(Of course, more characters are less efficient to type, but except for  
throw-away one-liners, code gets written once and read multiple times,  
so Huffman meta-encoding dictates that we should optimise for  
reading.  And anyway, making code more efficient to write is the job  
of one's text-editor, not the language.  Maybe we should work on auto- 
completion files for popular editors that will expand things like  
":str" into ":strictly", etc.)


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Jon Lang
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:
> > IIRC, the supertyping proposal involved being able to "anti-derive"
> > roles from existing roles or classes, working from subtypes to
> > supertypes (or from derived roles to base roles) instead of the other
> > way around.  The proposal got hung up on terminology issues,
> > specifically a discussion involving intensional sets vs. extensional
> > sets.  I find this unfortunate, as I see a lot of potential in the
> > idea if only it could be properly (read: unambiguously) presented.
> >
> > >From an "intensional set" perspective, a supertype would be a role
> > that includes the structure common to all of the classes and/or roles
> > for which it's supposed to act as a base role.  From an "extensional
> > set" perspective, the range of values that it covers should span the
> > range of values that any of its pre-established "subtypes" cover.  A
> > proposal was put forward to use set operations to create anonymous
> > supertypes, and then to provide them with names via aliasing; where it
> > got hung up was whether it should be based on a union of extensional
> > sets (i.e., combining the potential set of values) or on an
> > intersection of intensional sets (i.e., identifying the common
> > attributes and methods).
>  I agree that is unfortunate.
>  Perhaps, although you didn't show me that specific proposal (and reopen the
> arguments), you explained the ideas behind them enough that I see some of
> that description in the algorithm I used for the £ operator.

I just reviewed the threads in question; they're from December 2006.
Search the list archives for "supertyping" to find them.

The bottom line was that there were two competing visions of what
supertyping was supposed to do.  My own view was that supertyping
should be used as a way of extracting subsets of behavior out of a
preexisting role as new roles in such a way that the original role
would count as a subtype of the extracted roles, nominally as well as
structurally.  The other view involved using these extracted roles to
back-edit new behavior into existing roles.  Larry's final word on the
subject was to suggest a versioning mechanic whereas instead of
mutating a role to add new behavior, one would be able to create newer
versions of the role that included the new behavior while preserving
the older version for cases where the new behavior was inappropriate.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:

IIRC, the supertyping proposal involved being able to "anti-derive"
roles from existing roles or classes, working from subtypes to
supertypes (or from derived roles to base roles) instead of the other
way around.  The proposal got hung up on terminology issues,
specifically a discussion involving intensional sets vs. extensional
sets.  I find this unfortunate, as I see a lot of potential in the
idea if only it could be properly (read: unambiguously) presented.

>From an "intensional set" perspective, a supertype would be a role
that includes the structure common to all of the classes and/or roles
for which it's supposed to act as a base role.  From an "extensional
set" perspective, the range of values that it covers should span the
range of values that any of its pre-established "subtypes" cover.  A
proposal was put forward to use set operations to create anonymous
supertypes, and then to provide them with names via aliasing; where it
got hung up was whether it should be based on a union of extensional
sets (i.e., combining the potential set of values) or on an
intersection of intensional sets (i.e., identifying the common
attributes and methods).


I agree that is unfortunate. 

Perhaps, although you didn't show me that specific proposal (and reopen 
the arguments), you explained the ideas behind them enough that I see 
some of that description in the algorithm I used for the £ operator.

The synopses claims that classes are set-like.  With generics we are 
moving in the direction of intentions based.  So there is the conflict. 

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Daniel Ruoso
Sex, 2008-05-02 às 15:32 +0200, TSa escreveu:
> Daniel Ruoso wrote:
> > I don't really see what this "is :strict" means in the runtime
> > environment. Perl 6 takes OO so deeply that even the type checking is
> > implemented as a cal to the object. There isn't really a way of asking
> > "are you trully really a Dog?", there's only "do you 'Dog'?".
> Sorry, where is this specced?

It's an implicit consequence of supporting different metamodels and
representations. The operator cannot assume to know how the object is
laid out, it must ask the object about it. Again, of course
optimizations can simplify that if everybody knows each other, but it
still should be able to take a Glib object as if it was an Array.

The only types the operators can assume to know are the native types.

>From S12:

   All public method calls are "virtual" in the C++ sense. More 
   surprisingly, any class name mentioned in a method is also
   considered virtual, that is, polymorphic on the actual type of the

   You may derive from any built-in type, but the derivation of a
   low-level type like int may only add behaviors, not change the
   representation. Use composition and/or delegation to change the

Specially the "polymorphic on the actual type of the object". There's no
direct relation between the class "Dog" and the "actual type" of some
Dog object, which may imply on how this object is laid out, so the
operators can't really do anything except asking the object "do you


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Jon Lang
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> TSa |Perl 6| wrote:
> > Take e.g. my supertyping proposal. I guess it was regarded as
> > a curiosity rather than an innovative feature.
>  Which idea was that?  Maybe I already took the wind into account when I
> rounded up the ideas in need of documentation/elaboration in the first
> place.

IIRC, the supertyping proposal involved being able to "anti-derive"
roles from existing roles or classes, working from subtypes to
supertypes (or from derived roles to base roles) instead of the other
way around.  The proposal got hung up on terminology issues,
specifically a discussion involving intensional sets vs. extensional
sets.  I find this unfortunate, as I see a lot of potential in the
idea if only it could be properly (read: unambiguously) presented.

>From an "intensional set" perspective, a supertype would be a role
that includes the structure common to all of the classes and/or roles
for which it's supposed to act as a base role.  From an "extensional
set" perspective, the range of values that it covers should span the
range of values that any of its pre-established "subtypes" cover.  A
proposal was put forward to use set operations to create anonymous
supertypes, and then to provide them with names via aliasing; where it
got hung up was whether it should be based on a union of extensional
sets (i.e., combining the potential set of values) or on an
intersection of intensional sets (i.e., identifying the common
attributes and methods).

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

Hmm, I always had the impression of strong headwind.

How so?

Take e.g. my supertyping proposal. I guess it was regarded as
a curiosity rather than an innovative feature.

Regards, TSa.
Which idea was that?  Maybe I already took the wind into account when I 
rounded up the ideas in need of documentation/elaboration in the first 

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Daniel Ruoso

Qua, 2008-04-30 às 12:53 -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH escreveu:
> It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs, i.e.  
> ``is :strict Dog''.

I don't really see what this "is :strict" means in the runtime
environment. Perl 6 takes OO so deeply that even the type checking is
implemented as a cal to the object. There isn't really a way of asking
"are you trully really a Dog?", there's only "do you 'Dog'?".

P.S.: Of course optimizations may be more static, but it should be also
able to pessimize when dealing with an unknown object implementation.


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread TSa


Daniel Ruoso wrote:

I don't really see what this "is :strict" means in the runtime
environment. Perl 6 takes OO so deeply that even the type checking is
implemented as a cal to the object. There isn't really a way of asking
"are you trully really a Dog?", there's only "do you 'Dog'?".

Sorry, where is this specced? If anything than Perl 6 is operator
oriented. That means it is *not* the object that decides for itself
but the does operator. The split between the method form and the infix
form is just there to distinguish the question form "does it?" from
the command form "make that it does!". Also the "call to the object"
has the wrong connotations. You should think about it as a "call on the
object" or "call with the object" because the important concept is the
call not the object.

Classical OO has serious design flaws. E.g. a ball cannot kick itself.
That is the ball in a game is a proper object that has nothing to
decide about its kicking. It is the players who kick the ball. You
can think of them as objects if you like, but in grammatical terms
the players are subjects! Or think of adding numbers. It's hardly
the case that a number object either adds itself to another or the
other to itself or whatever. It is of course the addition operation
that deals with the numbers.

Also the idea of methods being subordinate to objects is fundamentally
flawed, as well. Getting at methods through an object is a very good
implementation strategy for single dispatch that's all. For MMD that
simply breaks down and the method is up front.

Now the other important feature of classical OO is privileged access
to internal or hidden data---encapsulation for short. But there are
different implementation strategies to achieve this goal, e.g.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Dr.Ruud
TSa schreef:
> Brandon S. Allbery:

>> It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs,
>> i.e. ``is :strict Dog''.
> Great idea!

And it leaves room for ':stricter' and ':strictest'. 

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Ovid
--- "Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > On a side note, I'd like to make a request of the Perl 6 community
> > with regard to coding style: could we please have adverbal names
> that
> > are, well, adverbs?  "is :strict Dog" brings to my mind the English
> -ly suffixes everywhere conflicts with Huffman coding, which per  
> @Larry is a primary design concern.  Consider the leading colon to be
> the Perl6 equivalent.

This may be the case, but it would be nice to limit the ambiguity.  If
we're going to be stealing a number of linguistic ideas (with the side
effect of transforming our entire language from a pidgin to a creole),
then we might as well consider that a couple of extra letters to
introduce clarity may not be all that bad.


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Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread TSa


Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
I was guessing, I still haven't had a chance to mindmeld with all the 
synopses.  The point remains that this is not a new keyword but an 
adverb modifying the existing keyword.

I fully agree. As an add on 'strict' is a very well established
concept elsewhere in the language.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 May 2, at 5:50, TSa wrote:

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs,  
i.e. ``is :strict Dog''.

Great idea! But aren't named args required to be after required ones?

I was guessing, I still haven't had a chance to mindmeld with all the  
synopses.  The point remains that this is not a new keyword but an  
adverb modifying the existing keyword.

brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university   

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread TSa


Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs, i.e. 
``is :strict Dog''.

Great idea! But aren't named args required to be after required ones?
That is we have "is Dog :strict"? I would actually like to relax the
syntax if that were possible because e.g. '3 == log:base(2) 8' looks
more natural than '3 == log 8 :base(2)'. Or '3.001 ==:eps(0.1) 3.01'.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-05-02 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

Hmm, I always had the impression of strong headwind.

How so?

Take e.g. my supertyping proposal. I guess it was regarded as
a curiosity rather than an innovative feature.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On a more fundamental level, I wonder what the social ramifications
are.  First, to what extent is this something that will interfere
with people who don't want to learn higher-order typing in order
to get their job done, but will be forced to because one of their
cohorts is using it, or the boss mandates it?  And will Perl get
a Haskellian only-a-genius-can-use-it reputation because of that?
Second, is anybody actually going to implement it?  We're pretty short
of volunteers as it is, and I don't think I'm smart enough to do it,
and I'm very, very slow to put anything into Perl that I don't know
how to implement.

I've posted on PerlMonks to get a broader opinion from those besides who 
directly told me what was needed/semiplanned already.

My own interest is in incrementally adding types to "maintain" existing 
code that grows, so I'm keeping that clearly in mind.  That's also why I 
proposed "isa", to let people stay in their comfort zone and know they 
are checked against accidentally needing the fancy stuff to proceed.

Maybe it will be as exotic as those who write the DB ties.  But it's 
under the hood and there for others to use the benefits from.

In other discussions (with Prof Simmons) I've looked at how run-time 
checking blends into optional strong typing, as part of this design.

I also want to document the algorithm in some detail, to make sure that 
different implementations conform.  So implementors will be told exactly 
how to do it.  It's really no worse than generics already planned in the 
synopses, really!  I can get very close to F-bounds constraints just by 
using existing features and syntactic sugar.


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Apr 30, 2008, at 15:14 , Jon Lang wrote:

only is "is :strictly Dog" more legible, but it leaves room for the
possible future inclusion of adjective-based syntax such as "big Dog"

It occurs to me that we already have this:  we call them "types".

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Apr 30, 2008, at 15:14 , Jon Lang wrote:

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs,  
i.e. ``is

:strict Dog''.

On a side note, I'd like to make a request of the Perl 6 community
with regard to coding style: could we please have adverbal names that
are, well, adverbs?  "is :strict Dog" brings to my mind the English

-ly suffixes everywhere conflicts with Huffman coding, which per  
@Larry is a primary design concern.  Consider the leading colon to be  
the Perl6 equivalent.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread James Fuller
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Jon Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> > TSa wrote:
>  > > I totally agree! Using 'isa' pulls in the type checker. Do we have the
>  > > same option for 'does' e.g. 'doesa'? Or is type checking always implied
>  > > in role composition? Note that the class can override a role's methods
>  > > at will.
>  >
>  >  It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs, i.e. 
> ``is
>  > :strict Dog''.
>  Agreed.  I'm definitely in the category of people who find the
>  difference between "is" and "isa" to be, as Larry put it, eye-glazing.
>   I can follow it, but that's only because I've been getting a crash
>  course in type theory.


>  Brandon's alternative has the potential to be less confusing given the
>  right choice of adverb, and has the added bonus that the same adverb
>  could apply equally well to both 'is' and 'does'.
>  On a side note, I'd like to make a request of the Perl 6 community
>  with regard to coding style: could we please have adverbal names that
>  are, well, adverbs?  "is :strict Dog" brings to my mind the English
>  "Fido is a strict dog", rather than "Fido is strictly a dog".  Not
>  only is "is :strictly Dog" more legible, but it leaves room for the


>  possible future inclusion of adjective-based syntax such as "big Dog"
>  (which might mean the same thing as "Dog but is big" or "Dog where
>  .size > Average").  To misquote Einstein, things should be as simple
>  as is reasonable, but not simpler.

and can I add another quote, from someone who's last name is appropriate ;)

'Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.' (Alan Perlis)

cheers, Jim Fuller

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Jon Lang
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> TSa wrote:
> > I totally agree! Using 'isa' pulls in the type checker. Do we have the
> > same option for 'does' e.g. 'doesa'? Or is type checking always implied
> > in role composition? Note that the class can override a role's methods
> > at will.
>  It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs, i.e. ``is
> :strict Dog''.

Agreed.  I'm definitely in the category of people who find the
difference between "is" and "isa" to be, as Larry put it, eye-glazing.
 I can follow it, but that's only because I've been getting a crash
course in type theory.

Brandon's alternative has the potential to be less confusing given the
right choice of adverb, and has the added bonus that the same adverb
could apply equally well to both 'is' and 'does'.

On a side note, I'd like to make a request of the Perl 6 community
with regard to coding style: could we please have adverbal names that
are, well, adverbs?  "is :strict Dog" brings to my mind the English
"Fido is a strict dog", rather than "Fido is strictly a dog".  Not
only is "is :strictly Dog" more legible, but it leaves room for the
possible future inclusion of adjective-based syntax such as "big Dog"
(which might mean the same thing as "Dog but is big" or "Dog where
.size > Average").  To misquote Einstein, things should be as simple
as is reasonable, but not simpler.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Apr 30, 2008, at 8:43 AM, TSa wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:
"isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at  
the end of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that  
are not on the Synopses".

I totally agree! Using 'isa' pulls in the type checker. Do we have the
same option for 'does' e.g. 'doesa'? Or is type checking always  

in role composition? Note that the class can override a role's methods
at will.

It occurs to me that this shouldn't be new keywords, but adverbs, i.e.  
``is :strict Dog''.

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 07:29:58AM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> I am listening.  I'm synthesizing and documenting.  I'm also disappointed 
> with the lack of feedback from Larry, considering the amount of effort and 
> time I'm putting into it.  But I'm sure he'll squawk if I say something 
> really off, rather than flesh out the existing skeleton.

Well, I mentioned before that I have very little bandwidth at the
moment, due to health and employment issues, plus needing to prepare
for a number of upcoming talks.  (Not to mention stealing time to hack
on the STD grammar and longest-token matcher.)  My only choice is to
operate in the bear-of-very-little-brain mode to see if any of this
will be remotely understandable to normal people.  I can tell you my
uncomfy spots, but I haven't the energy to defend them at the moment.

First some nitpicky things.

I don't like using ::?CLASS for something that is not a compile-time
constant.  The ? twigil is supposed to mean that, and that's why
we don't use ::?SELF anymore, but "self", because that can vary in
meaning dynamically.  So I'd rather have a keyword or a pseudo-package,
if it's needed.  Or a different twigil for generically instantiated
items, if it comes into common use, and gets applied to a variety
of names, neither of which is certain.  But ::CLASS would be an
improvement over ::?CLASS, if we reserve that pseudo-package.  Are
there other things that fall into the same twigilish category?  Or
can they all be found via ::CLASS?

I don't like the indentation style that makes the closing quote look
like part of the contents of a block.  You can do whatever you like
in your own papers, of course, but we've spent many years teaching
people in the Perl community to outdent their final curly so that
it means something, rather than hiding it on the end like it's an
embarrassing non-pythonism.  So you'll get better acceptance of any
standards document if you follow that community standard.

The £ seems rather gratuitous from a language design point of view.
Every such symbol in a paper increases the number of people whose eyes
glaze over when they try to read it.  I understand it's a placeholder,
but the current syntax can already express such a "like" constraint via:

$dog where .like(Goat)

We could also have syntactic relief for such a concept by making "like"
work like "where" syntactically:

$dog like Goat

On a more fundamental level, I wonder what the social ramifications
are.  First, to what extent is this something that will interfere
with people who don't want to learn higher-order typing in order
to get their job done, but will be forced to because one of their
cohorts is using it, or the boss mandates it?  And will Perl get
a Haskellian only-a-genius-can-use-it reputation because of that?
Second, is anybody actually going to implement it?  We're pretty short
of volunteers as it is, and I don't think I'm smart enough to do it,
and I'm very, very slow to put anything into Perl that I don't know
how to implement.

Basically, I'm not a types person, historically speaking, so I'm
naturally a bit skeptical.  But over the last few years I've seen some
of both the power and peril of strictly-typed FP.  I'm interested in
making sure Perl 6 is close enough to supporting any paradigm that
it can be warped into full support of that paradigm in any lexical
scope, but I'm leary of any paradigm that starts sucking in all the
other lexical scopes into its sphere of influence whether they like
it or not.  Compile-time typing tends to have that effect, and I'm
wondering how we avoid that problem.

> "isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at the end 
> of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that are not on the 
> Synopses".

>From a language design point of view, having both "is" and "isa"
is a dreadfully powerful stink.  Either something need to be unified,
or something needs to be better distinguished.

> Nobody's objected to it. In this group, I'm preaching to the 
> choir anyway.  Everyone knows higher-order typing is the idea, and I'm just 
> trying to work out the ramifications and details that are in-tune with the 
> orthodox documentation and discussions here.

That's fine, but please don't mistake the general silence for anything
other than people's eyes glazing over.  If a fancy concept can't be
made easily understandable to the general public (or can't at least
be hidden from the general public beneath some cargo-cultable syntax),
it's not going into baseline Perl 6.  I can be pretty clever at times,
but right now I'm standing up for Joe Blow, who doesn't give a rip
about orthodoxy.  What's in it for him?

All that being said, I do like the fact that this whole effort is
exploring semantic niches that need to be fleshed out.  I wish I had
time to think through the Perlish answers to some of these good
questions.  I hope other people will continue to participate in
thrashing some of these things out.


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Ovid |Perl 6| wrote:

So, isn't "isa" and the "£" merely things which can be added by
programmers by changing the grammar?  That was one of the design goals
of the language.

The capability needs to exist as part of the overall type system, with 
primitive hooks provided in the metaobjects.  The understanding of 
subtype and F-bounds both need to be built into the "is this type OK?" 
binding logic and the very implementation of binding.  The syntax to 
access these features -- to mark which type uses which matching rules -- 
is far more arbitrary and cosmetic.

The "isa" as a synonym for "is" would be a no-brainer macro.  But 
marking the metaobject with the intention and updating all the calls to 
the metaobject that build the class based on the items in the class's 
main block, to do the subtype covariance/contravariance checking, is 
more than just updating the grammar.  I also have one other trick 
planned -- perhaps using "isa" can suppress virtual type redefinitions, 
if used with suitable modifiers.  That way you can turn off the 
"feature" that is making your parameters covariant without you 
explicitly overriding them.


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:


John M. Dlugosz wrote:
"isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at 
the end of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that are 
not on the Synopses".

I totally agree! Using 'isa' pulls in the type checker. Do we have the
same option for 'does' e.g. 'doesa'? Or is type checking always implied
in role composition? Note that the class can override a role's methods
at will.

'doesa'?  I suppose, but I had not thought about it.  The issues are the 
same:  The final type made with composed roles does not have to follow 
subtyping rules with respect to treating the role as an "interface" 
abstract type.

 Nobody's objected to it.  In this group, I'm preaching to the choir 
anyway.  Everyone knows higher-order typing is the idea, and I'm just 
trying to work out the ramifications and details that are in-tune 
with the orthodox documentation and discussions here.

Hmm, I always had the impression of strong headwind.

How so?

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Daniel Ruoso

Qua, 2008-04-30 às 15:55 +0200, TSa escreveu:
> But the type system is part of the language core.
> As such 'isa' and 'like' or assignment and binding semantics
> need a definition.

Actually, this is one of the hardest parts of implementing Perl 6,
because even 'isa', 'like', assignment and binding are dependent on the
representation of the given objects, so even such basic operations are

This makes the bootstrap of the type system harder, but not impossible.
What happens is that, as it is polymorphic, I can provide known
low-level implementation of higher-level types that will interoperate
transparently with them. By doing that I can bootstrap by special-casing
the low-level implementations and getting out of the water that way.

This also allows some other interesting features, like the fact that I
may have a constant identifier that interoperates with Str while I still
can compare to of them simply by comparing their pointer addresses, or
by providing a shadow object that points to the inner data structure of
other object in order to expose the expected API.

In fact, that is the exact point that makes it possible for Perl 6 to
have a *fully* boostrapped type system. What defines native types in
Perl 6 is not that they have a incompatible lowlevel structure (because
they don't, unless optimized), but that they are the only types that the
interpreter may expect to know how they look like. Everything else
should be opaque to the interpreter (but eventually the optimizer may
have a catalog to inspect the internals directly).

Take a look at

and at

To see how that's being implemented in SMOP.


Pragma for type matching alternative implementations (Was: Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance)

2008-04-30 Thread Daniel Ruoso

Ter, 2008-04-29 às 21:03 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:
> In response to questions on my whitepaper, I made this companion
> to bring people up to speed on the issue.

Very interesting reading... :)

It actually made me think that it would be possible to implement it as a

   class A { has $.a };
   class B { has $.b };
   sub foo { A $a } { ... }
   foo(; # FAIL
   use typematch 'like';
   foo(; # OK
   use typematch 'does';
   foo(; # FAIL 

This could be achieved simply by scope-redefining
infix:<~~>(Object,Object) to use another implementation.

(Note that I'm trying at all costs to avoid adding that as a signature
trait, because that would complicate the dispatching ;)


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread TSa


Ovid wrote:

So, isn't "isa" and the "£" merely things which can be added by
programmers by changing the grammar?  That was one of the design goals
of the language.

With a changeable grammar this applies to everything except the
changeability itself. But the type system is part of the language
core. As such 'isa' and 'like' or assignment and binding semantics
need a definition.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Ovid
--- "John M. Dlugosz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at
> the end of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that are 
> not on 
> the Synopses".  Nobody's objected to it.  In this group, I'm
> preaching to the choir anyway.

So, isn't "isa" and the "£" merely things which can be added by
programmers by changing the grammar?  That was one of the design goals
of the language.


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Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:
"isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at the 
end of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that are not on 
the Synopses".

I totally agree! Using 'isa' pulls in the type checker. Do we have the
same option for 'does' e.g. 'doesa'? Or is type checking always implied
in role composition? Note that the class can override a role's methods
at will.

 Nobody's objected to it.  In this group, I'm preaching 
to the choir anyway.  Everyone knows higher-order typing is the idea, 
and I'm just trying to work out the ramifications and details that are 
in-tune with the orthodox documentation and discussions here.

Hmm, I always had the impression of strong headwind.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

HaloO John,

interesting to note that you are now nailing down things that
I'm advocating for quite a while. Are you sure that Perlkind
is following? E.g. $Larry hasn't written 'isa' into S12 yet.

Regards, TSa.
I am listening.  I'm synthesizing and documenting.  I'm also 
disappointed with the lack of feedback from Larry, considering the 
amount of effort and time I'm putting into it.  But I'm sure he'll 
squawk if I say something really off, rather than flesh out the existing 

"isa" as a synonym for "is" that turns on warnings is documented at the 
end of my paper under "Concepts discussed in this paper that are not on 
the Synopses".  Nobody's objected to it.  In this group, I'm preaching 
to the choir anyway.  Everyone knows higher-order typing is the idea, 
and I'm just trying to work out the ramifications and details that are 
in-tune with the orthodox documentation and discussions here.


Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:


just to deepen your understanding of co- and contravariance
you should digest 
The important point to get from it is that dispatch-relevant
parameters are also covariant.

Regards, TSa.

Thanks for the link.

I did mention that the invocant was an exception, since it is already 
known to be the correct type.

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread TSa

HaloO John,

interesting to note that you are now nailing down things that
I'm advocating for quite a while. Are you sure that Perlkind
is following? E.g. $Larry hasn't written 'isa' into S12 yet.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread TSa


just to deepen your understanding of co- and contravariance
you should digest 
The important point to get from it is that dispatch-relevant
parameters are also covariant.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"  -- C.A.R. Hoare
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

treatment of "isa" and inheritance

2008-04-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz

In response to questions on my whitepaper, I made this companion
to bring people up to speed on the issue.

"Think you know what “polymorphism” means? Well, the Object-Oriented 
textbooks have been keeping a dirty little secret from you. Polymorphism 
isn’t just the base/derived reuse capability you know from modern 
languages. That is just one limited way that these languages support 
polymorphism. If you’ve done any template metaprogramming or used the 
C++ STD much, you might be seeing another way to support it."