Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Request for translation of pgAdmin3 into Traditional Chinese

2003-06-26 Thread Jean-Michel POURE
On Thursday 26 June 2003 04:28, Chih-Hsin Lee wrote:
> Dear Jean-Michel,
> Sorry, another question. I saw the po files other translators made. Some
> included "&" in the translated strings, while some did not. What should I
> treat it when I do it with traditional Chinese, a multibyte language? Does
> wxWindows treat "&Copy" to keyboard hotkey such as "alt-C"?
> Sincerely,
> Chih-Hsin Lee

Dear Chih-Hsin,

Yes, wxWindows treat "&Copy" as a keyboard hotkey such as "alt-C". The hotkey 
is displayed undelined. Sometimes, it is hard to determine hotkeys in 
translations, because you have to make sure there are no duplicates. 
Therefore, I only keep hotkeys is same as in English.

But you may also like to wait until the translation is finished and determine 
your "own" hotkeys using pgAdmin3.

Best regards,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Request for translation of pgAdmin3 into Traditional Chinese

2003-06-25 Thread Jean-Michel POURE
On Wednesday 25 June 2003 05:38, you wrote:
> I've read the documentations you mentioned in your last e-mails and got
> poEdit and pgAdmin3.pot. However, I am not familiar with the rules for the
> strinngs in pgAdmin3.pot. I am not sure what should I do with the back
> slashes or the double quote mark... etc, could you send me some example
> files other translators made to me? I think the simplified Chinese version
> by Weiping He would be most useful for me. Then I will make a try again.

Dear Chih-Hsin,

Thank you very much for trying to translate pgAdmin3 into traditional Chinese. 
I am adding you to the list of translators to make sure that two persons do 
not work on the same translation at the same time.

Also, maybe you should register [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

This can be done sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message. I CC my answer to the 
list if you don't mind.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] allows translators to share knowledge and 
answers. Typicaly, your question is interesting because poedit is able to 
hide double quotes. In menu Display, unset Show Quotes (sorry, I use the 
French localised version, the menu may be a little bit different in English).

If you have any problems with quotes, do not hesitate to get back to us on the 
list and CC me (because the list is sometimes slow to deliver messages).

We thank you again for your kind help.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Request for translation of pgAdmin3 into Traditional Chinese

2003-06-24 Thread Jean-Michel POURE
> Dear Jean-Michel,
> I appreciate your kind invitation to join the translation team of pgAdmin3.
> I am an amateur programmer using visual basic and java, however, without
> any experience on c++. I know nothing how the i18n is done in wxWindows.
> Actually, I have no idea how Gettext and poEdit work. Could you provide me
> more information on how should I do to make a translation file for your
> project?
> sincerely,
> Chih-Hsin Lee,
> Department of Internal Medicine,
> Far-Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Dear Chih-Hsin,

Thank you very much! We would be very gratefull if you could help for the 
translation of pgAdmin3. You do not need to be a programmer to translate. 
Please find enclosed a copy of the translation_steps.html file, which can be 
found in our documentation.

So not hesitate to come back to us for any question.

Best regards,
Jean-Michel POURE
Title: Translation steps

Translation steps

	pgAdmin3 is a localised application, which means it was designed to be easily translated into several languages, using Gettext technologies and Unicode (UTF-8). Also, as described in the translation guidelines, we made sure that all strings could be translated.

  Anyone can translate pgAdmin3 into his/her mother tongue. You don't need to be a programmer. The required steps for translation are the followings:

Declare yourself as a translator by sending an email to pgAdmin3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. Anonymous post is not aloud, you may need to subscribe by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject "subscribe".

In the case of widely spread European and Asian languages, we prefer native speakers translating to their mother tongue. In the case of less common languages, we have no special requirements.

  Download and install a Gettext translation software. We recommend using poEdit as it can be installed under GNU/Linux or MS Windows and has a nice GUI interface, which makes translating easier.

  Download the latest pgadmin3.pot language file from CVS. There are two ways of doing it:
			The easy way
  Download pgadmin3.pot from our graphical CVS interface. It is very fast, but if you are planning to update your translations often, you may prefer to checkout from CVS.
  The hard way
  Checkout pgAdmin3 source code using a CVS client. Under Windows, we recommend using WinCVS. Under GNU/Linux, there are several command lines and graphical clients available.
  Anonymous read access is available at the following CVSRoot (no password is required): <:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/disk1/cvsroot>. You need to checkout pgadmin3 repository.
  Under GNU/Linux, the checkout command line is:
			# cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/disk1/cvsroot co pgadmin3
  Create an empty folder in pgadmin3/src/ui, using the "Languagecode_COUNTRYCODE" code, like for example de_DE (German spoken in Germany), fr_FR (French spoken in France), pt_BR (Portuguese spoken in Brazil), etc... The list of language codes can be found on Debian site. Copy the .pot file to the new folder and rename it pgadmin3.po.


  Translate the pgadmin3.po file into your mother tongue. Because poEdit is sometimes instable, do not hesitate to save partial work every 10 minutes.

  When the translation is finished, send the resulting pgadmin3.po and pgadmin3.pot files to [EMAIL PROTECTED] after zipping of taring them.

	Because pgAdmin3 is under heavy development, we recommend updating translations regularly. Under GNU/Linux, you can retrieve the latest pgadmin3.pot with:
	# cd path_to_pgadmin3_source_code
  # cvs update -P -C -d
	poEdit has a nice feature, at startup of software, which merges the updated pgadmin3.pot file into your pgadmin.po file.
  When you are finished with translations, create a patch:
	# cvs diff -u path_to_your_pgadmin3_po_file > language_patch.txt
  and send it to us.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly