Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-06-16 Thread Bruce Momjian

URL added to TODO list.


Neil Conway wrote:
> P. Scott DeVos wrote:
> > I'm on it.
> Actually, don't worry about it -- I've made the corrections I had in 
> mind myself. Attached is a revised patch. On looking closer, I didn't 
> really like the way the patch accumulated the lines of the traceback: 
> AFAICS _PyString_Join() is not an "official" Python C API function (it's 
> not documented, at any rate), and besides it is cleaner and more 
> efficient to build up the traceback string in a StringInfo rather than 
> using Python lists and strings.
> The attached patch isn't quite finished: "No Traceback" when there is no 
> traceback information doesn't seem like the best message, I need to 
> update the regression tests and some comments, etc. But I plan to apply 
> something similar in substance to the attached patch to HEAD in the next 
> day or two, barring objections.
> -Neil

> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-05-04 Thread Neil Conway
Bruce Momjian said:
> Neil, where are we on this patch?

My apologies for forgetting about this -- there are a few details I need
to finish off in the patch before I'd like to apply it. I'm on vacation at
the moment and not really in a position to write any code, but I'll
definitely be able to finish the patch when I return at the end of May. If
you'd like to apply the patch sooner, anyone is welcome to finish the
patch -- my recollection is that the only outstanding issues are updating
the regression tests, improving some comments, and considering how this
ought to generalize to other PLs.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-04-28 Thread Bruce Momjian

Neil, where are we on this patch?


Neil Conway wrote:
> P. Scott DeVos wrote:
> > I'm on it.
> Actually, don't worry about it -- I've made the corrections I had in 
> mind myself. Attached is a revised patch. On looking closer, I didn't 
> really like the way the patch accumulated the lines of the traceback: 
> AFAICS _PyString_Join() is not an "official" Python C API function (it's 
> not documented, at any rate), and besides it is cleaner and more 
> efficient to build up the traceback string in a StringInfo rather than 
> using Python lists and strings.
> The attached patch isn't quite finished: "No Traceback" when there is no 
> traceback information doesn't seem like the best message, I need to 
> update the regression tests and some comments, etc. But I plan to apply 
> something similar in substance to the attached patch to HEAD in the next 
> day or two, barring objections.
> -Neil

> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-22 Thread P. Scott DeVos

P. Scott DeVos wrote:

Are you sure this works: "PyString_AsString(lno)"?  lno is a python 
integer object.  Maybe we want, "PyString_AsString(PyObject_Str(lno))"

Wait, this is not the way to do it because PyObject_Str returns a new 
reference.  I think you have to assign PyObject_Str(lno) to another 
variable so that you can decrement the reference on it.  Unless your 
code works as it, in which case, never mind...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-22 Thread P. Scott DeVos

Neil Conway wrote:

Actually, don't worry about it -- I've made the corrections I had in 
mind myself. Attached is a revised patch. On looking closer, I didn't 
really like the way the patch accumulated the lines of the traceback: 
AFAICS _PyString_Join() is not an "official" Python C API function (it's 
not documented, at any rate), and besides it is cleaner and more 
efficient to build up the traceback string in a StringInfo rather than 
using Python lists and strings.

I like it.  You can tell I'm a python programmer, not a C programmer.


Are you sure this works: "PyString_AsString(lno)"?  lno is a python 
integer object.  Maybe we want, "PyString_AsString(PyObject_Str(lno))"

The attached patch isn't quite finished: "No Traceback" when there is no 
traceback information  doesn't seem like the best message

OK, how about "There is no traceback information"

, I need to
update the regression tests and some comments, etc. But I plan to apply 
something similar in substance to the attached patch to HEAD in the next 
day or two, barring objections.

Thanks for your attention to this!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-22 Thread Neil Conway

P. Scott DeVos wrote:

I'm on it.

Actually, don't worry about it -- I've made the corrections I had in 
mind myself. Attached is a revised patch. On looking closer, I didn't 
really like the way the patch accumulated the lines of the traceback: 
AFAICS _PyString_Join() is not an "official" Python C API function (it's 
not documented, at any rate), and besides it is cleaner and more 
efficient to build up the traceback string in a StringInfo rather than 
using Python lists and strings.

The attached patch isn't quite finished: "No Traceback" when there is no 
traceback information doesn't seem like the best message, I need to 
update the regression tests and some comments, etc. But I plan to apply 
something similar in substance to the attached patch to HEAD in the next 
day or two, barring objections.

Index: src/pl/plpython/plpython.c
RCS file: /Users/neilc/postgres/cvs_root/pgsql/src/pl/plpython/plpython.c,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -c -r1.71 plpython.c
*** src/pl/plpython/plpython.c	20 Feb 2006 20:10:37 -	1.71
--- src/pl/plpython/plpython.c	22 Feb 2006 22:36:29 -
*** 48,53 
--- 48,54 
  #include "commands/trigger.h"
  #include "executor/spi.h"
  #include "fmgr.h"
+ #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
  #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
  #include "parser/parse_type.h"
  #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
*** 2489,2494 
--- 2490,2534 
  static char *
+ build_python_traceback(PyObject *tb)
+ {
+ 	PyObject *cur_tb;
+ 	StringInfoData buf;
+ 	initStringInfo(&buf);
+ 	appendStringInfoString(&buf, "Traceback (most recent call last):\n");
+ 	/* skip the first element in the traceback list */
+ 	cur_tb = PyObject_GetAttrString(tb, "tb_next");
+ 	while (cur_tb != Py_None)
+ 	{
+ 		PyObject *lno = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_lineno");
+ 		PyObject *frame = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_frame");
+ 		PyObject *code = PyObject_GetAttrString(frame, "f_code");
+ 		PyObject *file = PyObject_GetAttrString(code, "co_filename");
+ 		PyObject *name = PyObject_GetAttrString(code, "co_name");
+ 		PyObject *prev_tb;
+ 		appendStringInfo(&buf, "  File \"%s\", line %s, in %s\n",
+ 		 PyString_AsString(file),
+ 		 PyString_AsString(lno),
+ 		 PyString_AsString(name));
+ 		Py_DECREF(lno);
+ 		Py_DECREF(frame);
+ 		Py_DECREF(code);
+ 		Py_DECREF(file);
+ 		Py_DECREF(name);
+ 		prev_tb = cur_tb;
+ 		cur_tb = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_next");
+ 		Py_DECREF(prev_tb);
+ 	}
+ 	return;
+ }
+ static char *
  PLy_traceback(int *xlevel)
  	PyObject   *e,
*** 2498,2503 
--- 2538,2544 
  			   *vob = NULL;
  	char	   *vstr,
+ 			   *tbstr,
  			   *xstr = NULL;
*** 2515,2521 
  	PyErr_NormalizeException(&e, &v, &tb);
- 	Py_XDECREF(tb);
  	eob = PyObject_Str(e);
  	if (v && ((vob = PyObject_Str(v)) != NULL))
--- 2556,2561 
*** 2524,2540 
  		vstr = "Unknown";
  	 * I'm not sure what to do if eob is NULL here -- we can't call PLy_elog
  	 * because that function calls us, so we could end up with infinite
  	 * recursion.  I'm not even sure if eob could be NULL here -- would an
  	 * Assert() be more appropriate?
  	estr = eob ? PyString_AsString(eob) : "Unknown Exception";
! 	xstr = PLy_printf("%s: %s", estr, vstr);
  	 * intuit an appropriate error level based on the exception type
--- 2564,2594 
  		vstr = "Unknown";
+ 	 * If there is a traceback object, build a string containing a
+ 	 * textual representation of the traceback.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (tb)
+ 	{
+ 		tbstr = build_python_traceback(tb);
+ 		/* we're done with the traceback object itself now */
+ 		Py_DECREF(tb);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		tbstr = pstrdup("No Traceback\n");
+ 	/*
  	 * I'm not sure what to do if eob is NULL here -- we can't call PLy_elog
  	 * because that function calls us, so we could end up with infinite
  	 * recursion.  I'm not even sure if eob could be NULL here -- would an
  	 * Assert() be more appropriate?
  	estr = eob ? PyString_AsString(eob) : "Unknown Exception";
! 	xstr = PLy_printf("%s%s: %s", tbstr, estr, vstr);
+ 	pfree(tbstr);
  	 * intuit an appropriate error level based on the exception type

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-22 Thread P. Scott DeVos

Neil Conway wrote:

Context diffs are preferred. Also, diffs should be against the root of
the source tree, and attached as MIME attachements if possible (it seems
the mailing list software munges the patch somewhat otherwise).

Minor nit: lowercase "Append". Similarly, consistent capitalization for
all the preceding comments in the block (adjacent to the variable
declarations) would be nice.

tbstr points into storage owned by tb_log, but the reference to tb_log
has already been released.

I'm on it.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-19 Thread daveg
On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 08:09:09PM -0500, Neil Conway wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 16:05 -0600, P. Scott DeVos wrote:
> > I have been working with plpython for several months and have
> > been hampered by the lack of a traceback being logged when a
> > plpython function raises an error.  I have written a patch causes
> > the PLy_traceback function to fully log the traceback.  The
> > output looks just like the traceback output provided by the
> > python interpreter.
> Can any PL/Python folks comment on whether they want this patch?

Yes. Absolutely. This is a required feature for any serious Python user.

One of the great things about python is that almost all debugging can be
done with just the excellent standard python tracebacks. Not having them is a
a not only a inconvience, it signals that the implementation is incomplete
in major ways and, unready for real use.


If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-19 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Neil,I have written a patch causes> the PLy_traceback function to fully log the traceback.  The
> output looks just like the traceback output provided by the> python interpreter.Can any PL/Python folks comment on whether they want this patch?I am just a humble user of PL/Py, but tracebacks are very wellcome. Not qualified to judge it's code quality I am.
Harald-- GHUM Harald Massapersuadere et programmareHarald Armin MassaReinsburgstraße 202b70197 Stuttgart0173/9409607

Re: [PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-19 Thread Neil Conway
On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 16:05 -0600, P. Scott DeVos wrote:
> I have been working with plpython for several months and have
> been hampered by the lack of a traceback being logged when a
> plpython function raises an error.  I have written a patch causes
> the PLy_traceback function to fully log the traceback.  The
> output looks just like the traceback output provided by the
> python interpreter.

Can any PL/Python folks comment on whether they want this patch?

> Feedback appreciated.

Context diffs are preferred. Also, diffs should be against the root of
the source tree, and attached as MIME attachements if possible (it seems
the mailing list software munges the patch somewhat otherwise).

> + hdr = PyString_FromString("Traceback (most recent call last):");
> + tmpl = PyString_FromString("  File \"%s\", line %s, in %s");
> + ftr = PyString_FromString("");
> +
> + tb_list = PyList_New(0); /* create the list of strings */
> + PyList_Append(tb_list, hdr); /* Append the header to the list */

Minor nit: lowercase "Append". Similarly, consistent capitalization for
all the preceding comments in the block (adjacent to the variable
declarations) would be nice.

>   estr = eob ? PyString_AsString(eob) : "Unknown Exception";
> - xstr = PLy_printf("%s: %s", estr, vstr);
> + xstr = PLy_printf("%s%s: %s", tbstr, estr, vstr);

tbstr points into storage owned by tb_log, but the reference to tb_log
has already been released.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[PATCHES] plpython tracebacks

2006-02-06 Thread P. Scott DeVos

I have been working with plpython for several months and have
been hampered by the lack of a traceback being logged when a
plpython function raises an error.  I have written a patch causes
the PLy_traceback function to fully log the traceback.  The
output looks just like the traceback output provided by the
python interpreter.

Feedback appreciated.


--- plpython-1.70.c.orig2006-02-06 14:24:42.0 -0600
+++ plpython-1.70.c.patched 2006-02-06 15:34:05.0 -0600
@@ -2499,7 +2499,8 @@
   *vob = NULL;
char   *vstr,
-  *xstr = NULL;
+  *xstr = NULL,
+  *tbstr;

 * get the current exception
@@ -2523,6 +2524,82 @@
vstr = "Unknown";

+   /* If there is a traceback object, we build a string containing
+  the traceback information. */
+   if (tb != NULL)
+   {
+   PyObject
+   *cur_tb,  /* traceback (tb) item being handled */
+   *old_tb,  /* holds tb so we can decrement reference to 
it */
+   *hdr, /* First line of logged output */
+   *tmpl,/* PyString template for the logged tb item */
+   *ftr, /* Last line of logged output */
+   *tb_list, /* Each tb item create a PyString in this 
list */
+   *ln,  /* The line number of the item in the 
traceback */
+   *frame,   /* the tb_frame */
+   *code,/* the f_code this guy has filename and 
method name*/
+   *fn,  /* the filename of the item in the tb */
+   *nm,  /* the function/method name of the item in 
the tb */
+   *args,/* A tuple of the form (fn, ln, nm) */
+   *logline, /* The assembled string with the logged 
message */
+   *os,  /* points to the os module */
+   *sep, /* line separator */
+   *tb_log;  /* PyString with the assembled log msg */
+   hdr = PyString_FromString("Traceback (most recent call last):");
+   tmpl = PyString_FromString("  File \"%s\", line %s, in %s");
+   ftr = PyString_FromString("");
+   tb_list = PyList_New(0); /* create the list of strings */
+   PyList_Append(tb_list, hdr); /* Append the header to the list */
+   /* 1st tb is useless; throw it away */
+   cur_tb = PyObject_GetAttrString(tb, "tb_next");
+   while (cur_tb != Py_None)
+   {
+   ln = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_lineno");
+   frame = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_frame");
+   code = PyObject_GetAttrString(frame, "f_code");
+   fn = PyObject_GetAttrString(code, "co_filename");
+   nm = PyObject_GetAttrString(code, "co_name");
+   args = Py_BuildValue("(OOO)", fn, ln, nm); /* args 
tuple */
+   logline = PyString_Format(tmpl, args); /* build logged 
string */
+   PyList_Append(tb_list, logline);   /* append string 
to list */
+   /* decrement references on all our objects */
+   Py_DECREF(logline);
+   Py_DECREF(args);
+   Py_XDECREF(nm);
+   Py_XDECREF(fn);
+   Py_XDECREF(code);
+   Py_XDECREF(frame);
+   Py_XDECREF(ln);
+   old_tb = cur_tb;
+   /* get the next traceback item */
+   cur_tb = PyObject_GetAttrString(cur_tb, "tb_next");
+   Py_DECREF(old_tb);/* we're done with old_tb so 
decref it */
+   }
+   PyList_Append(tb_list, ftr); /* append the log msg footer */
+   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
+   sep = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "linesep"); /* get os EOL char 
+   tb_log = _PyString_Join(sep, tb_list);   /* create tb log 
msgs */
+   tbstr = PyString_AsString(tb_log);
+   Py_DECREF(tb_log);
+   Py_DECREF(sep);
+   Py_DECREF(os);
+   Py_DECREF(tb_list);
+   Py_DECREF(ftr);
+   Py_DECREF(tmpl);
+   Py_DECREF(hdr);
+   }
+   else
+   tbstr = "No Traceback";
 * I'm not sure what to do if eob is NULL here -- we can't call PLy_elog
 * because that function calls us, so we could end up with infinite
@@ -2530,7 +2607,7 @@
 * Assert() be more appropriate?
estr = eo