Re: [PERFORM] Question regarding the file system

2004-11-08 Thread Josh Berkus

> By any chance, do you have some reference or some tests that talk about the
> fact that RAID5 with less than 5 disks is not performing?

Just this list.  But it's easy to test yourself; run bonnie++ and compare the 
performance of seeks and random writes (which PG does a lot of) vs. a plain 
single disk.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Slow performance with Group By

2004-11-08 Thread Tom Lane
Erik Norvelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> it=> explain select codelemm, sectref, count(codelemm) from indethom  
> group by codelemm, sectref;
>>> --- 
> -
>>> GroupAggregate  (cost=2339900.60..2444149.44 rows=1790528 width=13)
>>> ->  Sort  (cost=2339900.60..2364843.73 rows=9977252 width=13)
>>> Sort Key: codelemm, sectref
>>> ->  Seq Scan on indethom  (cost=0.00..455264.52 rows=9977252  
> width=13)

Actually the painful part of that is the sort.  If you bump up sort_mem
enough it will eventually switch over to a HashAggregate with no sort,
which may be a better plan if there's not too many groups (is the
estimate of 1.79 million on the mark at all??)

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread John Meinel
patrick ~ wrote:
Hi John,
Thanks for your reply and analysis.
--- John Meinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

patrick ~ wrote:
pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_01(241 );

One other thing that I just thought of. I think it is actually possible 
to add an index on a function of a column. So if you have the 
"is_really_pending" function, you might be able to do:

CREATE INDEX pkk_is_really_pending ON pkk_purchase
But you need a better guru than I to make sure of that.
This *might* do what you need.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[PERFORM] Slow performance with Group By

2004-11-08 Thread Erik Norvelle
Greetings all,
This question has probably been asked many times, but I was unable to  
use the list archives to search, since the term "Group" matches  
thousands of of messages with the names of user groups in them... so  
sorry if I'm repeating!

Here's the problem:  I have a table of 10,000,000 records called  
"indethom", each record representing a word in the works of a  
particular author.  Each record contains, among other columns, an  
CHAR(5) column representing the "lemma" code (i.e. which word it is)  
called "codelemm", and an integer representing a textual unit, i.e.  
chapter or other division of a work (these are numbered consecutively  
from 0 to around 50,000), called "sectref".  What I want to do is find  
out how many times every word occurs in each textual unit (or no row  
returned for textual units where a particular word doesn't appear).  I  
used a group-by clause to group by "sectref", and then used the  
COUNT(codelemm) function to sum up the occurrences.  The codelemm  
column had to be grouped on, in order to satisfy Postgres's  
requirements.  Here's the query as I have it:

> create table matrix2.tuo as select codelemm, sectref, count(codelemm)  
from indethom group by codelemm, sectref;

And the explain results are as follows:
>it=> explain select codelemm, sectref, count(codelemm) from indethom  
group by codelemm, sectref;
> GroupAggregate  (cost=2339900.60..2444149.44 rows=1790528 width=13)
>   ->  Sort  (cost=2339900.60..2364843.73 rows=9977252 width=13)
> Sort Key: codelemm, sectref
> ->  Seq Scan on indethom  (cost=0.00..455264.52 rows=9977252  

I have an index defined as follows:
> create index indethom_clemm_sect_ndx on indethom using  
btree(codelemm, sectref);

I also performed an ANALYZE after creating the index.
I have the gut feeling that there's got to be a better way than a  
sequence scan on 10,000,000 records, but I'll be darned if I can find  
any way to improve things here.

Thanks for any help you all can offer!!
Erik Norvelle
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud

Lets say for a second that you manage to trick it into using index scan,
and then you actually call the function with one of the values that
returns 1,000s of rows. Probably it will take 10-100 times longer than
if it used a seq scan.

I don't know if it matters (I suspect that it does) but I am using
LIMIT 1 in the sub-query/stored function.  All I need is one single
row meeting any of the criteria laid out in the stored procedure to
establish an offer_id is "pending".
	So, in your case if you LIMIT the index scan will always be fast, and the  
seq scan will be catastrophic, because you don't need to retrieve all the  
rows, but just one. (IMHO the planner screws these LIMIT clauses becauses  
it expects the data to be randomly distributed in the first page while in  
real life it's not).

	You could use EXIST to test the existence of a subquery (after all, thats  
its purpose), or you could :

When SELECT ... FROM table WHERE stuff=value LIMIT 1
obstinately uses a seq scan, spray a little order by :
When SELECT ... FROM table WHERE stuff=value ORDER BY stuff LIMIT 1
	the ORDER BY will make the planner think "I could use the index to  

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread John Meinel
patrick ~ wrote:
Hi John,
Thanks for your reply and analysis.
No problem. It just happens that this is a problem we ran into recently.
--- John Meinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

patrick ~ wrote:
Hmm... The fact is I am selecting (in this example anyway) over all
values in pkk_offer table and calling the stored function with each
pkk_offer.offer_id which in turn does a select on pkk_purchase table.
Note that offer_id is a foreign key in pkk_purchase referencing
pkk_offer table.
I don't know if it matters (I suspect that it does) but I am using
LIMIT 1 in the sub-query/stored function.  All I need is one single
row meeting any of the criteria laid out in the stored procedure to
establish an offer_id is "pending".
If you are trying to establish existence, we also had a whole thread on 
this. Basically what we found was that adding an ORDER BY clause, helped 
tremendously in getting the planner to switch to an Index scan. You 
might try something like:

SELECT column FROM mytable WHERE column='myval' ORDER BY column LIMIT 1;
There seems to be a big difference between the above statement and:
SELECT column FROM mytable WHERE column='myval' LIMIT 1;

So what is the solution? The only one I'm aware of is to turn your 
static function into a dynamic one.

So somewhere within the function you build up a SQL query string and 
call EXECUTE str. This forces the query planner to be run every time you 
call the function. This means that if you call it will a "nice" value, 
you will get the fast index scan, and if you call it with a "bad" value, 
it will switch back to seq scan.

The downside is you don't get much of a benefit from using as stored 
procedure, as it has to run the query planner all the time (as though 
you issue the query manually each time.) But it still might be better 
for you in the long run.

Well, running the query without the stored function, basically typing
out the stored function as a sub-query shows me:
pkk=# explain analyze select o0.offer_id, ( select  case when ( select 
p0.purchase_id from  pkk_purchase p0 where  p0.offer_id = o0.offer_id and (
p0.pending = true or ( ( p0.expire_time > now() or p0.expire_time isnull ) and
p0.cancel_date isnull ) ) limit 1 ) isnull then false else true end ) from
pkk_offer o0 ;

 Seq Scan on pkk_offer o0  (cost=0.00..1834.11 rows=618 width=4) (actual
time=2413.398..1341885.084 rows=618 loops=1)
 ->  Result  (cost=2.94..2.95 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=2171.287..2171.289 rows=1 loops=618)
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2.94 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=2171.264..2171.266 rows=1 loops=618)
   ->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost=0.00..37225.83
rows=12670 width=4) (actual time=2171.245..2171.245 rows=1 loops=618)
 Filter: ((offer_id = $0) AND
(((expire_time)::timestamp with time zone > now()) OR (expire_time IS NULL) OR
(pending = true)) AND ((cancel_date IS NULL) OR (pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 1341887.523 ms
(8 rows)

while deleting all statistics on the pkk_% tables I get:
pkk=# delete from pg_statistic where pg_statistic.starelid = pg_class.oid and
pg_class.relname like 'pkk_%';
pkk=# explain analyze select o0.offer_id, ( select  case when ( select 
p0.purchase_id from  pkk_purchase p0 where  p0.offer_id = o0.offer_id and (
p0.pending = true or ( ( p0.expire_time > now() or p0.expire_time isnull ) and
p0.cancel_date isnull ) ) limit 1 ) isnull then false else true end ) from
pkk_offer o0 ;

 Seq Scan on pkk_offer o0  (cost=0.00..6646.94 rows=618 width=4) (actual
time=0.190..799.930 rows=618 loops=1)
 ->  Result  (cost=10.73..10.74 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=1.277..1.278
rows=1 loops=618)
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..10.73 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=1.266..1.267 rows=1 loops=618)
   ->  Index Scan using pur_offer_id_idx on pkk_purchase p0 
(cost=0.00..20690.18 rows=1929 width=4) (actual time=1.258..1.258 rows=1
 Index Cond: (offer_id = $0)
 Filter: expire_time)::timestamp with time zone >
now()) OR (expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND ((cancel_date IS NULL)
OR (pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 801.234 ms
(9 rows)

As you can see this query (over all values of pkk_offer) with out
any pg_statistics on the pkk_purchase table is extremely fast.
Is this a bug in the PostgreSQL planner that misjudges the best
choice with pg_statistics at hand?
In order to understand your query I broke it up and restructured it

Re: [ADMIN] [PERFORM] poor performance in migrated database

2004-11-08 Thread Tom Lane
Carlos Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is one of the queries that work,and is the first
> in a 4 level nested query

Do you really need UNION (as opposed to UNION ALL) in this query?
The EXPLAIN shows that almost half the runtime is going into the
sort/uniq to eliminate duplicates ... and according to the row
counts, there are no duplicates, so it's wasted effort.

I looked at your schema and saw an awful lot of SELECT DISTINCTs
that looked like they might not be necessary, too.  But I'm not
willing to crawl through 144 views with no information about
which ones are causing you problems.  What's a typical query
that you are unsatisfied with the performance of?

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread patrick ~
Hi John,

Thanks for your reply and analysis.

--- John Meinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> patrick ~ wrote:
> [...]
> > pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_01(241 );
> >
> >  Result  (cost=2.66..2.67 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=2872.211..2872.213
> > rows=1 loops=1)
> >InitPlan
> >  ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2.66 rows=1 width=4) (actual
> > time=2872.189..2872.189 rows=0 loops=1)
> >->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost=0.00..37225.83 rows=13983
> > width=4) (actual time=2872.180..2872.180 rows=0 loops=1)
> >  Filter: ((offer_id = $1) AND (((expire_time)::timestamp
> with
> > time zone > now()) OR (expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND
> > ((cancel_date IS NULL) OR (pending = true)))
> >  Total runtime: 2872.339 ms
> > (6 rows)
> > 
> > Time: 2873.479 ms
> > 
> [...]
> > So, is this the ultimate solution to this issue?
> > 
> > --patrick
> It's not so much that correlation is < 0.5. It sounds like you're 
> running into the same issue that I ran into in the past. You have a 
> column with lots of repeated values, and a few exceptional ones. Notice 
> this part of the query:
> ->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost rows=13983) (actual rows=0)
> For a general number, it thinks it might return 14,000 rows, hence the 
> sequential scan. Before you do ANALYZE, it uses whatever defaults exist, 
> which are probably closer to reality.
> The problem is that you probably have some values for pkk_purchase where 
> it could return 14,000 rows (possibly much much more). And for those, 
> seq scan is the best plan. However, for the particular value that you 
> are testing, there are very few (no) entries in the table.

You are absoultely correct:

pkk=# select offer_id,count(*) from pkk_purchase group by offer_id order by
count ;
 offer_id | count  
 1019 |  1
 1018 |  1
 1016 |  1 (many of these)
  ... |...
 2131 |  6
  844 |  6
 1098 |  6 (a dozen or so of these)
  ... |...
 2263 |682
 2145 |723
 2258 |797
 2091 |863
  ... |...
 1153 |  96330 (the few heavy weights)
  244 | 122163
  242 | 255719
  243 | 273427
  184 | 348476

> With a prepared statement (or a function) it has to determine ahead of 
> time what the best query is without knowing what value you are going to 
>   ask for.
> Lets say for a second that you manage to trick it into using index scan, 
> and then you actually call the function with one of the values that 
> returns 1,000s of rows. Probably it will take 10-100 times longer than 
> if it used a seq scan.

Hmm... The fact is I am selecting (in this example anyway) over all
values in pkk_offer table and calling the stored function with each
pkk_offer.offer_id which in turn does a select on pkk_purchase table.
Note that offer_id is a foreign key in pkk_purchase referencing
pkk_offer table.

I don't know if it matters (I suspect that it does) but I am using
LIMIT 1 in the sub-query/stored function.  All I need is one single
row meeting any of the criteria laid out in the stored procedure to
establish an offer_id is "pending".

> So what is the solution? The only one I'm aware of is to turn your 
> static function into a dynamic one.
> So somewhere within the function you build up a SQL query string and 
> call EXECUTE str. This forces the query planner to be run every time you 
> call the function. This means that if you call it will a "nice" value, 
> you will get the fast index scan, and if you call it with a "bad" value, 
> it will switch back to seq scan.
> The downside is you don't get much of a benefit from using as stored 
> procedure, as it has to run the query planner all the time (as though 
> you issue the query manually each time.) But it still might be better 
> for you in the long run.

Well, running the query without the stored function, basically typing
out the stored function as a sub-query shows me:

pkk=# explain analyze select o0.offer_id, ( select  case when ( select 
p0.purchase_id from  pkk_purchase p0 where  p0.offer_id = o0.offer_id and (
p0.pending = true or ( ( p0.expire_time > now() or p0.expire_time isnull ) and
p0.cancel_date isnull ) ) limit 1 ) isnull then false else true end ) from
pkk_offer o0 ;

 Seq Scan on pkk_offer o0  (cost=0.00..1834.11 rows=618 width=4) (actual
time=2413.398..1341885.084 rows=618 loops=1)
 ->  Result  (cost=2.94..2.95 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=2171.287..2171.289 rows=1 loops=618)

Re: [ADMIN] [PERFORM] poor performance in migrated database

2004-11-08 Thread Carlos Lopez
This is one of the queries that work,and is the first
in a 4 level nested query

where do I find how to interpret explains???
thanks in advance,

mate=# explain analyze select * from vdocinvdpre;
 Subquery Scan vdocinvdpre  (cost=265045.23..281225.66
rows=231149 width=684) (actual
time=29883.231..37652.860 rows=210073 loops=1)
   ->  Unique  (cost=265045.23..278914.17 rows=231149
width=423) (actual time=29883.182..34109.259
rows=210073 loops=1)
 ->  Sort  (cost=265045.23..265623.10
rows=231149 width=423) (actual
time=29883.166..31835.849 rows=210073 loops=1)
   Sort Key: no_doc, seq, codigoinv, lote,
no_rollo, costo_uni, po, cantidad_total, id_pedido,
id_proveedor, udm, doc_ref, corte, id_planta, accion,
costo_total, ubicacion, cantidad_detallada,
descripcion, observaciones, factura, fecha_factura,
   ->  Append  (cost=36954.34..60836.63
rows=231149 width=423) (actual
time=4989.382..18277.031 rows=210073 loops=1)
 ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1" 
(cost=36954.34..44100.17 rows=79542 width=402) (actual
time=4989.371..8786.752 rows=58466 loops=1)
   ->  Merge Left Join 
(cost=36954.34..43304.75 rows=79542 width=402) (actual
time=4989.341..7767.335 rows=58466 loops=1)
 Merge Cond:
(("outer".seq = "inner".seq) AND ("outer"."?column18?"
= "inner"."?column6?"))
 ->  Sort 
(cost=29785.78..29925.97 rows=56076 width=366) (actual
time=2829.242..3157.807 rows=56076 loops=1)
   Sort Key:
   ->  Seq Scan on
docinvdtrims  (cost=0.00..2522.76 rows=56076
width=366) (actual time=17.776..954.557 rows=56076
 ->  Sort 
(cost=7168.56..7310.40 rows=56738 width=60) (actual
time=2159.854..2460.061 rows=56738 loops=1)
   Sort Key:
   ->  Seq Scan on
docinvdtrimsubica  (cost=0.00..1327.38 rows=56738
width=60) (actual time=14.545..528.530 rows=56738
 ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2" 
(cost=0.00..16736.46 rows=151607 width=423) (actual
time=7.731..7721.147 rows=151607 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on
docinvdrollos  (cost=0.00..15220.39 rows=151607
width=423) (actual time=7.699..5109.468 rows=151607
 Total runtime: 38599.868 ms
(17 filas)

--- Simon Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2004-11-06 at 19:52, Carlos Lopez wrote:
> > The problem is that there are many nested views
> which
> > normally join tables by using two fields, one
> > character and other integer.
> PostgreSQL has difficulty with some multi-column
> situations, even though
> in general it has a particularly good query
> optimizer.
> If the first column is poorly selective, yet the
> addition of the second
> column makes the combination very highly selective
> then PostgreSQL may
> not be able to realise this, ANALYZE or not. ANALYZE
> doesn't have
> anywhere to store multi-column selectivity
> statistics. 
> EXPLAIN ANALYZE will show you whether this is the
> case. It seems likely
> that the estimated cardinality of certain joins is
> incorrect.
> -- 
> Best Regards, Simon Riggs
> ---(end of
> broadcast)---
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose
> an index scan if your
>   joining column's datatypes do not match

Ing. Carlos López Linares
IT Consultant
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---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread John Meinel
patrick ~ wrote:
pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_01(241 );
 Result  (cost=2.66..2.67 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=2872.211..2872.213
rows=1 loops=1)
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2.66 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=2872.189..2872.189 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost=0.00..37225.83 rows=13983
width=4) (actual time=2872.180..2872.180 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: ((offer_id = $1) AND (((expire_time)::timestamp with
time zone > now()) OR (expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND
((cancel_date IS NULL) OR (pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 2872.339 ms
(6 rows)
Time: 2873.479 ms
So, is this the ultimate solution to this issue?
It's not so much that correlation is < 0.5. It sounds like you're 
running into the same issue that I ran into in the past. You have a 
column with lots of repeated values, and a few exceptional ones. Notice 
this part of the query:
->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost rows=13983) (actual rows=0)

For a general number, it thinks it might return 14,000 rows, hence the 
sequential scan. Before you do ANALYZE, it uses whatever defaults exist, 
which are probably closer to reality.

The problem is that you probably have some values for pkk_purchase where 
it could return 14,000 rows (possibly much much more). And for those, 
seq scan is the best plan. However, for the particular value that you 
are testing, there are very few (no) entries in the table.

With a prepared statement (or a function) it has to determine ahead of 
time what the best query is without knowing what value you are going to 
 ask for.

Lets say for a second that you manage to trick it into using index scan, 
and then you actually call the function with one of the values that 
returns 1,000s of rows. Probably it will take 10-100 times longer than 
if it used a seq scan.

So what is the solution? The only one I'm aware of is to turn your 
static function into a dynamic one.

So somewhere within the function you build up a SQL query string and 
call EXECUTE str. This forces the query planner to be run every time you 
call the function. This means that if you call it will a "nice" value, 
you will get the fast index scan, and if you call it with a "bad" value, 
it will switch back to seq scan.

The downside is you don't get much of a benefit from using as stored 
procedure, as it has to run the query planner all the time (as though 
you issue the query manually each time.) But it still might be better 
for you in the long run.

instead of
create function test(int) returns int as '
  x alias for $1;
  int y;
  select into y ... from ... where id=x limit ...;
  return y;
use this format
create function test(int) returns int as '
  x alias for $1;
  int y;
  EXECUTE ''select into y ... from ... where id=''
|| '' limit ...'';
  return y;
I think that will point you in the right direction.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PERFORM] vacuum analyze slows sql query

2004-11-08 Thread patrick ~
Sorry for the late reply.  Was feeling a bit under the weather
this weekend and didn't get a chance to look at this.

--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> patrick ~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  PREPARE pkk_00 ( integer )  )
> This is what you want to do, but not quite like that.  The PREPARE
> determines the plan and so VACUUMing and re-EXECUTing is going to show
> the same plan.  What we need to look at is
>   - standing start
>   PREPARE pkk_00 ...
>   PREPARE pkk_01 ...

But of course!  I feel a bit silly now.

This is what I get after following Tom's directions:

pkk=# prepare pkk_00 ( integer ) as select ...
Time: 1.753 ms
pkk=# execute pkk_00(241 );
(1 row)

Time: 0.788 ms
pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_00(241 );

 Result  (cost=10.73..10.74 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.067..0.068 rows=1
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..10.73 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.055..0.055
rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using pur_offer_id_idx on pkk_purchase p0 
(cost=0.00..20690.18 rows=1929 width=4) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=0
 Index Cond: (offer_id = $1)
 Filter: expire_time)::timestamp with time zone > now()) OR
(expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND ((cancel_date IS NULL) OR
(pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 0.213 ms
(7 rows)

Time: 24.654 ms
pkk=# vacuum analyze ;
Time: 128826.078 ms
pkk=# prepare pkk_01 ( integer ) as select ...
Time: 104.658 ms
pkk=# execute pkk_01(241 );
(1 row)

Time: 7652.708 ms
pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_01(241 );

 Result  (cost=2.66..2.67 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=2872.211..2872.213
rows=1 loops=1)
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2.66 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=2872.189..2872.189 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on pkk_purchase p0  (cost=0.00..37225.83 rows=13983
width=4) (actual time=2872.180..2872.180 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: ((offer_id = $1) AND (((expire_time)::timestamp with
time zone > now()) OR (expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND
((cancel_date IS NULL) OR (pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 2872.339 ms
(6 rows)

Time: 2873.479 ms

So it looks like after the VACCUM the planner resorts to Seq Scan
rather than Index Scan.

This is because of the value of correlation field in pg_stats
(according to PostgreSQL docs) being closer to 0 rather than

pkk=# select tablename,attname,correlation from pg_stats where tablename =
'pkk_purchase' and attname = 'offer_id' ;
  tablename   | attname  | correlation 
 pkk_purchase | offer_id |0.428598
(1 row)

So I started to experiment with ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS
values to see which gets the correlation closer to ±1.  The
trend seems to indicat the higher the stat value is set it
pushes the correlation value closer to 0:

set statistics   correlation

 800 0.393108
 500 0.408137
 200 0.43197
  50 0.435211
   1 0.45758

And a subsequent PREPARE and EXPLAIN ANALYZE confirms that
the Planer reverts back to using the Index Scan after setting
stats to 1 (even though correlation value is still closer
to 0 than 1):

pkk=# explain analyze execute pkk_02(241 );

 Result  (cost=2.95..2.96 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.068..0.069 rows=1
 ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2.95 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.056..0.056
rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using pur_offer_id_idx on pkk_purchase p0 
(cost=0.00..35810.51 rows=12119 width=4) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=0
 Index Cond: (offer_id = $1)
 Filter: expire_time)::timestamp with time zone > now()) OR
(expire_time IS NULL) OR (pending = true)) AND ((cancel_date IS NULL) OR
(pending = true)))
 Total runtime: 0.200 ms
(7 rows)

So, is this the ultimate solution to this issue?


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---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading t

Re: [PERFORM] Question regarding the file system

2004-11-08 Thread Josh Berkus

> I have been given a dual PIII with 768MB RAM and I am going to install
> PostgreSQL on it, for data warehousing reasons. I have also been given four
> 160 Ultra SCSI disks (36MB each) with a RAID controller (Adaptec 2100). I
> am going to use a RAID5 architecture (this gives me approximately 103 GB of
> data) and install a Debian Linux on it: this machine will be dedicated
> exclusively to PostgreSQL.

FWIW, RAID5 with < 5 disks is probably the worst-performing disk setup for PG 
with most kinds of DB applications.   However, with 4 disks you don't have a 
lot of other geometries available.If the database will fit on one disk, I 
might suggest doing RAID 1 for 2 of the disks, and having two single disks, 
one with the OS and swap, and one with the database log.

If you're doing Debian, make sure to get a current version of PG from Debian 

> I was wondering which file system you suggest me: ext3 or reiserfs?

These seem to be equivalent in data=writeback mode for most database 
applications.   Use whichever you find easier to install & maintain.

> Also, I was thinking of using the 2.6.x kernel which offers a faster thread
> support: will PostgreSQL gain anything from it or should I stick with
> 2.4.x?

PostgreSQL won't gain anything from the thread support (unless you're using a 
threaded front-end app with thread-safe ecpg).   But it will gain from 
several other improvements in 2.6, especially better scheduling and VM 
support.  Use 2.6.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [PERFORM] ext3 journalling type

2004-11-08 Thread Josh Berkus

> It should be fastest because it is the least overhead, and safe because
> postgres does it's own write-order guaranteeing through fsync().  You
> should also mount the FS with the 'noatime' option.

This, of course, assumes that PostgreSQL is the only thing on the partition.  
Which is a good idea in general, but not to be taken for granted ...

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] ext3 journalling type

2004-11-08 Thread Mark Wong
I have some data here, no detailed analyses though:


On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 01:26:09PM +0100, Dawid Kuroczko wrote:
> The ext3fs allows to selet type of journalling to be used with
> filesystem.  Journalling pretty much "mirrors" the work of WAL
> logging by PostgreSQL...  I wonder which type of journalling
> is best for PgSQL in terms of performance.
> Choices include:
>   journal
>  All data is committed into the  journal  prior  to  being
>  written into the main file system.
>   ordered
>  This  is  the  default mode.  All data is forced directly
>  out to the main file system prior to its  metadata  being
>  committed to the journal.
>   writeback
>  Data ordering is not preserved - data may be written into
>  the main file system after its metadata has been  commit-
>  ted  to the journal.  This is rumoured to be the highest-
>  throughput option.  It guarantees  internal  file  system
>  integrity,  however  it  can  allow old data to appear in
>  files after a crash and journal recovery.
> Am I right to assume that "writeback" is both fastest and at the same
> time as safe to use as ordered?  Maybe any of you did some benchmarks?
> Regards,
>  Dawid

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] ext3 journalling type

2004-11-08 Thread Matt Clark
> Am I right to assume that "writeback" is both fastest and at 
> the same time as safe to use as ordered?  Maybe any of you 
> did some benchmarks?

It should be fastest because it is the least overhead, and safe because
postgres does it's own write-order guaranteeing through fsync().  You should
also mount the FS with the 'noatime' option.

But  For some workloads, there are tests showing that 'data=journal' can
be the fastest!  This is because although the data is written twice (once to
the journal, and then to its real location on disk) in this mode data is
written _sequentially_ to the journal, and later written out to its
destination, which may be at a quieter time.

There's a discussion (based around 7.2) here:


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] ext3 journalling type

2004-11-08 Thread Bruce Momjian
Dawid Kuroczko wrote:
> The ext3fs allows to selet type of journalling to be used with
> filesystem.  Journalling pretty much "mirrors" the work of WAL
> logging by PostgreSQL...  I wonder which type of journalling
> is best for PgSQL in terms of performance.
> Choices include:
>   journal
>  All data is committed into the  journal  prior  to  being
>  written into the main file system.
>   ordered
>  This  is  the  default mode.  All data is forced directly
>  out to the main file system prior to its  metadata  being
>  committed to the journal.
>   writeback
>  Data ordering is not preserved - data may be written into
>  the main file system after its metadata has been  commit-
>  ted  to the journal.  This is rumoured to be the highest-
>  throughput option.  It guarantees  internal  file  system
>  integrity,  however  it  can  allow old data to appear in
>  files after a crash and journal recovery.
> Am I right to assume that "writeback" is both fastest and at the same
> time as safe to use as ordered?  Maybe any of you did some benchmarks?

Yes.  I have seen benchmarks that say writeback is fastest but I don't
have any numbers handy.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] postgresql amd-64

2004-11-08 Thread Merlin Moncure
> > Good, I'll give it a shot and see what I come up with...thx.
> >
> Do share your experience with us.

Will do.  I have to ship the server on Friday, and the parts are on
order.  If they come today, I'll have time to test Gentoo, Redhat 32/64,
and win32 by then.  If I can't get it built until tomorrow,
unfortunately the Gentoo test will have to be skipped.

The win32 test is forced because our clients prefer win32 and I have to
justify any platform change with a reasonable performance advantage.  I
have to compile and install a lot of software (including subversion,
which I'm using to manage our application binaries), and I'm wary of 64
bit library issues which will hold me up.  Any major roadblocks and I'll
be forced to drop the test.

When I'm finished I'll throw a link to this list, probably Friday.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[PERFORM] ext3 journalling type

2004-11-08 Thread Dawid Kuroczko
The ext3fs allows to selet type of journalling to be used with
filesystem.  Journalling pretty much "mirrors" the work of WAL
logging by PostgreSQL...  I wonder which type of journalling
is best for PgSQL in terms of performance.
Choices include:
 All data is committed into the  journal  prior  to  being
 written into the main file system.
 This  is  the  default mode.  All data is forced directly
 out to the main file system prior to its  metadata  being
 committed to the journal.
 Data ordering is not preserved - data may be written into
 the main file system after its metadata has been  commit-
 ted  to the journal.  This is rumoured to be the highest-
 throughput option.  It guarantees  internal  file  system
 integrity,  however  it  can  allow old data to appear in
 files after a crash and journal recovery.

Am I right to assume that "writeback" is both fastest and at the same
time as safe to use as ordered?  Maybe any of you did some benchmarks?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [PERFORM] Postgresql is using seqscan when is should use indexes.

2004-11-08 Thread Russell Smith
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 09:40 pm, Andreas Ãkre Solberg wrote:
> We have two tables, dst_port_hour and dst_port_day, which should be
> very similar, they both have about 50.000.000 rows. In both tables we
> have an index for period_id.
> We run postgresql  7.4.5 on a dedicated Debian server, with dual Intel
> Xeon 3GHz and 4GB memory.
> The problem is that on the dst_port_day table, postgresql is using
> seqscan, and not the index when it should. Forcing the use of the index
> by setting enable_seqscan to false, makes the query lighthening fast.
> When using seqscan, the query takes several minutes. The planner
> calculates the cost for Index scan to be much more than sequence scan.
> Why is our query planner misbehaving?
> Here are the exaplain analyze output with and without index-force:
> SET enable_seqscan=false;
> stager=>  explain analyze SELECT cur.portnr FROM dst_port_day cur WHERE
> cur.period_id='2779' GROUP BY cur.portnr  ORDER BY SUM(cur.octets) DESC
>   LIMIT 5;
dst_port_day cur  (cost=0.00..2019931.14 rows=546150 width=12) (actual 
time=0.038..303.801 rows=48072 loops=1)

The guess of the number of rows returned by the index scan is out by a factor 
of 10.  500k rows is greater than 1% of
the rows, so I think the planner is likely to choose a sequence scan at this 
amount, unless you have tuned things like
random page cost.

What is the selectivity like on that column?
Have you analyzed recently?

If so, you should probably increase the statistics on that column

> -
>   Limit  (cost=2022664.62..2022664.63 rows=5 width=12) (actual 
> time=831.772..831.816 rows=5 loops=1)
> ->  Sort  (cost=2022664.62..2022664.82 rows=80 width=12) (actual 
> time=831.761..831.774 rows=5 loops=1)
>   Sort Key: sum(octets)
>   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2022661.89..2022662.09 rows=80 width=12) 
> (actual time=587.036..663.991 rows=16396 loops=1)
> ->  Index Scan using dst_port_day_period_id_key on 
> dst_port_day cur  (cost=0.00..2019931.14 rows=546150 width=12) (actual 
> time=0.038..303.801 rows=48072 loops=1)
>   Index Cond: (period_id = 2779)
>   Total runtime: 836.362 ms
> (7 rows)
> SET enable_seqscan=true;
> stager=>   explain analyze SELECT cur.portnr FROM dst_port_day cur WHERE 
> cur.period_id='2779' GROUP BY cur.portnr  ORDER BY SUM(cur.octets) DESC  
> LIMIT 5;
> --
>   Limit  (cost=1209426.88..1209426.89 rows=5 width=12) (actual 
> time=299053.006..299053.053 rows=5 loops=1)
> ->  Sort  (cost=1209426.88..1209427.08 rows=80 width=12) (actual 
> time=299052.995..299053.008 rows=5 loops=1)
>   Sort Key: sum(octets)
>   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1209424.15..1209424.35 rows=80 width=12) 
> (actual time=298803.273..298881.020 rows=16396 loops=1)
> ->  Seq Scan on dst_port_day cur  (cost=0.00..1206693.40 
> rows=546150 width=12) (actual time=298299.508..298526.544 rows=48072 loops=1)
>   Filter: (period_id = 2779)
>   Total runtime: 299057.643 ms
> (7 rows)


Russell Smith

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Better Hardware, worst Results

2004-11-08 Thread Alvaro Nunes Melo
Em Qui, 2004-11-04 às 20:58, Rod Taylor escreveu:
> All 3 plans have crappy estimates.
> Run ANALYZE in production, then send another explain analyze (as an
> attachment please, to avoid linewrap).
First of all, I'd like to apoligize for taking so long to post a new
position. After this, I apologize again because the problem was in my
query. It used some functions that for some reason made the Dell machine
have a greater cost than our house-made machine. After correcting this
functions, the results were faster in the Dell machine.

The last apologize is for the linewrapped explains. In our brazilian
PostgreSQL mailing list, attachments are not allowed, so I send them as
inline text.

Thanks to everyone who spent some time to help me solving this problem.

|  Alvaro Nunes MeloAtua Sistemas de Informacao |
|UIN - 42722678(54) 327-1044|

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] postgresql amd-64

2004-11-08 Thread Radu-Adrian Popescu
Iain wrote:
I'm hoping I'll have the opportunity to build a similar machine soon and 
am wondering about the choice of 64 bit distributions.

Gentoo is obviously a possibility but I'm also condsidering Debian. 
There is also a 64 compile of redhat sources somewhere around, but I 
can't remember what they call it offhand.

RedHat's community OS is now called Fedora:
There's been two AMD64 releases of this OS, Fedora Core 1 and Fedora Core 2. 
Core 3 is just around the corner.
I've been running FC2 x86_64 with kernel 2.6 as a desktop system for quite some 
time now, with PostgreSQL 7.4.2 / 64bit installed.
I find Fedora to be a really good Linux distro, continuing and improving upon 
the fine tradition of RedHat's releases.
You can also get RedHat's commercial releases on AMD64; according to
you can also get a EM64T release.

If anyone has opinions about that, I'd be happy to hear.
Radu-Adrian Popescu
CSA, DBA, Developer
Aldrapay MD
Aldratech Ltd.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[PERFORM] Postgresql is using seqscan when is should use indexes.

2004-11-08 Thread Andreas Åkre Solberg
Hash: SHA1

We have two tables, dst_port_hour and dst_port_day, which should be  
very similar, they both have about 50.000.000 rows. In both tables we  
have an index for period_id.

We run postgresql  7.4.5 on a dedicated Debian server, with dual Intel  
Xeon 3GHz and 4GB memory.

The problem is that on the dst_port_day table, postgresql is using  
seqscan, and not the index when it should. Forcing the use of the index  
by setting enable_seqscan to false, makes the query lighthening fast.  
When using seqscan, the query takes several minutes. The planner  
calculates the cost for Index scan to be much more than sequence scan.

Why is our query planner misbehaving?

Here are the exaplain analyze output with and without index-force:

SET enable_seqscan=false;

stager=>  explain analyze SELECT cur.portnr FROM dst_port_day cur WHERE  
cur.period_id='2779' GROUP BY cur.portnr  ORDER BY SUM(cur.octets) DESC  
  LIMIT 5;
- -
  Limit  (cost=2022664.62..2022664.63 rows=5 width=12) (actual  
time=831.772..831.816 rows=5 loops=1)
->  Sort  (cost=2022664.62..2022664.82 rows=80 width=12) (actual  
time=831.761..831.774 rows=5 loops=1)
  Sort Key: sum(octets)
  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2022661.89..2022662.09 rows=80  
width=12) (actual time=587.036..663.991 rows=16396 loops=1)
->  Index Scan using dst_port_day_period_id_key on  
dst_port_day cur  (cost=0.00..2019931.14 rows=546150 width=12) (actual  
time=0.038..303.801 rows=48072 loops=1)
  Index Cond: (period_id = 2779)
  Total runtime: 836.362 ms
(7 rows)

SET enable_seqscan=true;

stager=>   explain analyze SELECT cur.portnr FROM dst_port_day cur  
WHERE cur.period_id='2779' GROUP BY cur.portnr  ORDER BY  
SUM(cur.octets) DESC  LIMIT 5;

- --
  Limit  (cost=1209426.88..1209426.89 rows=5 width=12) (actual  
time=299053.006..299053.053 rows=5 loops=1)
->  Sort  (cost=1209426.88..1209427.08 rows=80 width=12) (actual  
time=299052.995..299053.008 rows=5 loops=1)
  Sort Key: sum(octets)
  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1209424.15..1209424.35 rows=80  
width=12) (actual time=298803.273..298881.020 rows=16396 loops=1)
->  Seq Scan on dst_port_day cur  (cost=0.00..1206693.40  
rows=546150 width=12) (actual time=298299.508..298526.544 rows=48072  
  Filter: (period_id = 2779)
  Total runtime: 299057.643 ms
(7 rows)

- -- 
Andreas Ãkre Solberg, UNINETT AS Testnett
Contact info and Public PGP Key available on:

Version: PGP 8.1
Comment: My public key is available at


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match