Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Beginners Problem

2008-01-22 Thread Rene Brehmer


Thanks for your comment. What I posted is only part of my code though, 
as the entire thing is a bit long, and with all the includes rather hard 
to follow unless I posted the whole file set. Above the piece I posted I 
have code to do slashing, and some MD5 hashing, as well enforcing string 
lengths. So the $password I use in the query is actually MD5 hashed 
already. I know I need to improve the security though, as my current 
code do not counter for every possible attack, so your input is much 


Could I recommend a more secure approach:
1) using two hashes to protect the data (in case the database is
compromised they are both one-way hashes, and using two protects
against collision attacks whereby a different password string
generates the same hash as the original password)
2) escaping user input to protect against SQL injection attacks (nasty
queries can get more data from the database than your original query
intended, or change the query's intended functionality).

Instead of:
  $chkuserquery = SELECT userID
  WHERE `loginID`='$loginID' AND `password`='$password'
  LIMIT 1;
  $chkuser = $db-query($chkuserquery);

This example utilises the mdb2 database layer:

$user_credentials = array(   //these are the credentials the user supplied
'user_name' = addslashes($username),   //escape username input
'user_password_md5' = md5($password),  //generate hash, no
injection is posisble
'user_password_sha1' = sha1($password)  //due to 'scrambling' of string

foreach ($user_credentials as $k = $v) {//build string
$query_values .= $k . '=' . $db-quote(trim($v)) . ' AND ';

$query_values = '(' . substr($query_values, 0, -5) . ')';   //format
string and remove AND

$sql = SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS user_count FROM user WHERE $query_values;

$result = $db-query($sql);

//this if not only returns a row from the database query, it then
checks if the user_count
//field contains more than one or more results. if so, login is correct
if (($row = $result-fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))  $row['user_count']){
$valid_login = true;
//session - database etc

for this example, using 'root' and 'password', $query_values is:

(user_name='root' AND
user_password_md5='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' AND

This code is identical in functionality to the previous example,
except the query has no LIMIT - this is not required as it prevents
the possibility of coding error handling for multiple accounts
(perhaps unnecessary, excepting very secure applications).



Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Beginners Problem

2008-01-11 Thread Rene Brehmer

Peter Westergaard wrote:

You should probably check out for more 
information on this function.  The difference between empty result 
and invalid query is significant.  Once you've determined that the 
query is valid, you must also then check to see if it returned any 
rows, possibly using a function like mysql_num_rows.
I usually skip the validity check and simply check for rows. But then I 
also write my code a little differently, which may be why it doesn't break.

This is part of my login code:

 $chkuserquery = SELECT userID
  WHERE `loginID`='$loginID' AND `password`='$password'
  LIMIT 1;
 $chkuser = $db-query($chkuserquery);

 if($db-num_rows($chkuser)) {
   $userID = $db-result($chkuser,0);
   $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
   // update active session

 SET `userID`='$userID',`logintime`=NOW(),`loginIP`='$ip'
 WHERE `sessionID`='$sessionID'
   $result = $db-query($query);
   $alert_level = 1;
   $alert_message = 'You are now logged in. Please remember to logout 
when done.';

 } else {
   $alert_level = 3;
   $alert_message = 'Username and/or password incorrect';

May deserve some elaboration, as this is just a piece of a much bigger code.
$TB_USERS and $TB_SESSIONS are merely variables (constants) set earlier 
so that I can re-use the code more easily for different projects. $db is 
a simple database object that's merely a wrapper for the mysql 
functions. Inside $db, all the mysql functions have the or die() part 
set with mysql_errno() and mysql_error() which catches invalid queries.

I built my own sessions system, using the database and cookies. There's 
always a session active, that's why this part of the code doesn't check 
for it. I made it this way so I can run the login/logout script at any 
phase of the code, without having to worry about setting sessions and 
cookies before it sends the headers.



Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

We have nothing to fear from free speech and free information on the 
Internet but pop-up advertising!
References, tools, and other useful stuff...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2005-07-03 Thread Rene Brehmer
Documented research indicate that on Fri, 1 Jul 2005 16:16:27 +0100, Chris
Ramsay wrote:

 Please follow our instructions in order to keep your computer safe.
 Oh jolly good, I've been waiting for those damn instructions for ages...

It's starting to get really annoying with those failed mail delivery
viruses ... It should help a bit if the server simply refused any post that
contains attachments, or routed it to /dev/null, whatever's simplest...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

We have nothing to fear from free speech and free information on the
Internet, but pop-up advertising!
My little mess of things...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: UPDATE command

2005-06-20 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Documented research indicate that on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:47:56 +0100,

 The trick is your using the wrong ' instead you need ` ...
 go away from kl;-' and go to `-123 ;)
 The key above the (Tab) key, or the key next to the number 1 above the q.  

I hope you realise those directions only work for US keyboards (might work
for UK too, never seen those), but just about every other keyboard layout
it's in a different place (like on DK keyboards it's next to the backspace
key, and you have to first hit, then hit space, to make it show up alone,
because it's actually an accent aigu)... not sure where Ron is from, but it
is something worth considering when giving keyboard directions ...


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Re: [PHP-DB] registration form with activation code sent to user

2005-06-19 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Documented research indicate that on Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:20:31 +0100 (BST),
babu wrote:

 Ya joseph u r right, i am thinking of the url to be generated to be send to 
 the user.
 I followed u r steps but did not understand some points.
2.) Store that string to the database somewhere
 where to store in database, i mean when the user clicks the 
 activation code how to check the users identity.?

I actually made this exact functionality for one of my projects a few weeks
ago. I made a seperate table simply called 'confirm', that contains the
userID for the user in question, the confirmationcode to match, and the
expiration time for this confirmationcode, plus an auto-incremented index

In the users table I then simply have a boolean field called 'confirmed',
that's set to 0 (false) by default. When a user's email address have been
confirmed, this field is changed to 1 (true).

The only reason I have expiration time in this table is for cleanup

3.) Email the mail to the address specified with the url to the confirm page
   one must send the email manually or is there any automatic generator 
 for email sending to users.?

Read up on the mail() function. It's actually pretty simple.

All you have to do is send an email, with some proper explanatory text,
with a link to your confirm.php script (or what you choose to call it),
either with a direct link with a get statement including the confirmation
code, or with a link to the confirmation script, and then the confirmation
code and instructions on how to enter it. Or at best: offer both options.

Then simply have your user registration/signup code send the email whenever
a user registers.

this will confirm that they did in fact check thier email.
  how exactly, can explain little bit.?

Make the code generate a unique confirmation code (this is pretty simple),
and then just have your confirmation script compare the confirmation code
with the one in the database. If there's a match then the user to whom you
sent that particular code is confirmed.

All of the code needed to do this is actually fairly simple to write.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Why does this code/query hang time out ?

2005-04-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
... inline ... for ease:
At 23:53 31/03/2005, Juffermans, Jos wrote:
So far, I have found a few mistakes in your SQL:
$query .=  OR `variant` LIKE '%.$_GET['search'].%';
Why do you have backtick-quotes around variant? Know that backticks are used
to call system commands. You also use these backticks in the ORDER BY lines.
My guess is the backticks are causing your problems.
Because they have to be there for MySQL to understand the query ? I 
sometimes have field names where part of the name is the same as a command, 
so without the ticks MySQL can't understand the queries. They're actually 
in the documentation for MySQL, so I don't get why it would cause problems. 
I always use them, and when I don't, I have problems. And the ORDER clause 
DOESN'T WORK without them... ever, when I try to do without them and have 
more than order clause.

$query .=  AND make.makeID='.$_GET['make'].';
$query .=  AND make.makeID0;
If make.makeID is a number field, why is the value in quotes for the cases
where $_GET['make'] is set? Same with socket.socketID a few lines down.
Because it doesn't matter, function-wise, if they're there or not for 
numbers. And it's easier and faster to just put them in for everything, 
than remembering to exclude them for numeric fields, and include them for 
non-numeric. Yeah, it takes MySQL a little longer to have to convert from 
text to number and such, but it's a microscopic amount of time.

Unrelated but very important, putting form variables (either GET or POST)
directly into a query is dangerous. If I create a copy of your form and fill
$_GET['search'] with eg:  a%';DELETE * FROM model;SELECT * FROM model WHERE
something LIKE '%a
Your query will be like this: SELECT .. FROM  WHERE  AND
model.modelName LIKE '%a%';DELETE * FROM model;SELECT * FROM model WHERE
something LIKE '%a OR VARIANT 
You can't trust incoming variables.
Yeah, I know ... this code was from before I learned how to check and 
escape form fields though, just didn't put the error checking/correction 
into the code yet ... haven't worked on this thing for like a year cuz I 
got sick of it after putting the several hundred rows manually into the 
database. I wrote this script originally before I knew anything about using 
relational tables in SQL, I simply just changed the query code to use the 
relations instead, and that's when it died.

That said, the query worked when being put directly into a MySQL prompt, 
albeit extremely slow and far beyond what's normal. But I gave up trying to 
fix it as I couldn't find the problem, so I dumped the entire query part of 
the code, and started over with new code, from another script that uses the 
same tables, but have never caused me any problems ... and it works now. 
And almost 10 times faster than before. It can pull the entire 882 rows, 
and generate the entire page, in 12 seconds. And all I did was use a 
different query as basis, write completely new query generating code from 
scratch, and add some functionality to the form ...

I haven't added the LIKE part to the new code, but I've changed the field 
select boxes to multi-select instead of single-select, and the order 
picking now lets you choose 3 orders, instead of just 1, so the code's a 
bit different now. I know it looks like it does some double-checking of the 
same thing, but it's to be damn sure it doesn't run the code parts unless 
it has to. And the code works, and much, much faster than the old one. In 
fact it takes it longer to ship the data over my network than it takes the 
server to run the script. I don't get why it's so much faster now, as 
there's very little difference in the query, but it does, and it's all I 
really wanted. It still needs some fine-tuning to handle the addslashes and 
such, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

// array holding possible fields for sorting. It's used in 3 drop-downs in 
the query form.
$arrsort = 

if ($_POST['do'] == 'search') {
  $filterwhere = '';
  if (! empty($_POST['make'])) {
if (is_array($_POST['make'])) {
  $arrmake = array_values($_POST['make']);
  if (! in_array('all',$arrmake)) {
if (count($arrmake)  1) {
  $filterwhere = cpu_maker.makeID 
IN('.implode(',',$arrmake).') AND;
} else {
  $filterwhere = cpu_maker.makeID='{$arrmake[0]}' AND;
  if (! empty($_POST['socket'])) {
if (is_array($_POST['socket'])) {
  $arrsocket = array_values($_POST['socket']);

  if (! in_array('all',$arrsocket)) {
if (count($arrsocket)  1) {
  $filterwhere .=  cpu_socket.socketID 
IN('.implode(',',$arrsocket).') AND;
} else {
  $filterwhere .=  cpu_socket.socketID='{$arrsocket[0]}' AND;

  $filterorder = '';
  for ($i = 0; $i  3; $i++) {
$num = $i+1;
$sort = 'sort'.$num;

[PHP-DB] Why does this code/query hang time out ?

2005-03-31 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang
My CPU database ( - still a work 
in progress - used to be in 1 table, but for several reasons I've decided 
it's better to split the data into multiple related tables. Obviously this 
means I have to rewrite the query tool for it, and that's where my problem 
lies. I've included the code I'm working with below, it's a little 
different than the one for the above URL, as it uses my new faster 
templates and relies more on the database than the old code did.

All the DB connect stuff is in the template, and I use MySQL. The new 
version isn't available online, it's only on my local development server. 
I'm pretty sure it's simply a coding problem, but for the life of me I 
can't find anything that looks wrong ...  but then I've been staring at it 
for hours...

My problem came after I tried making it possible to pick 'all' as a search 
option in make  model, and now, nomatter whether it's set to all or not, 
and nomatter what's in the search field, the code stalls and hangs ... and 
in the last tries, Firefox ended up closing down ...

I tried putting athlon in the search box, and just leave everything on 
default, and the generated query looks like this:

FROM cpu_maker AS make,cpu_model AS model,cpu_socket AS socket,cpu_cpus AS 
cpu WHERE make.makeID=model.makeID AND socket.socketID=model.socketID AND 
cpu.modelID=model.modelID AND model.modelName LIKE '%athlon%' OR `variant` 
LIKE '%athlon%' AND make.makeID0 AND socket.socketID0

Leaving the search box empty produces no result - it's an unintended 
leftover from the old code that I haven't found a good way to get around yet.

The code I'm working on looks like this (beware, it's rather long):
// load dependencies
// set data for template
$section = 'tools';
$style2 = 'cputables.css';
$title = 'CPU Database';
$menu = true;
// begin to build query string
$query = 'none';
$basequery = 'SELECT 
  FROM cpu_maker AS make,cpu_model AS model,cpu_socket AS 
socket,cpu_cpus AS cpu
  WHERE make.makeID=model.makeID AND 
socket.socketID=model.socketID AND cpu.modelID=model.modelID';

// part 1, search parameters
if (! empty($_GET['search'])) {
  $query = $basequery;
  $setorder = true;
  $query .=  AND model.modelName LIKE '%.$_GET['search'].%';
  $query .=  OR `variant` LIKE '%.$_GET['search'].%';
  if ($_GET['make'] != 'all') {
$query .=  AND make.makeID='.$_GET['make'].';
  } else {
$query .=  AND make.makeID0;
  if ($_GET['socket'] != 'all') {
$query .=  AND socket.socketID='.$_GET['socket'].';
  } else {
$query .=  AND socket.socketID0;
  $linkquery = 
substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'order'));

// part 2, sort order
if ($setorder) {
  switch ($_GET['order']) {
case 'socket':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `socketName`';
case 'vcache':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `vcache`';
case 'vcore':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `vcore`';
case 'l2':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `l2`';
case 'l1':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `l1`';
case 'fsb':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `fsb`';
case 'multi':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `multi`';
case 'clock':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `clock`';
case 'variant':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `variant`';
case 'model':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `modelName`';
case 'make':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY `makeName`';
  // part 2b, asc/desc
  switch ($_GET['ad']) {
case 'd':
  $query .= ' DESC';
case 'a':
  $query .= ' ASC';
// include template
if ($query != 'none') {
  $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Unable to do 
  $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
  if (! isset($numrows)) {
$numrows = 0;
p align=left class=txtThis is a beta version of this database. As 
such some minor errors in the operation
can be expected, and all features may not work equally reliable. The 
detailed information for when you click makes or model have not yet been 
made for all CPUs,
but this work is underway. The database is not entirely up to date, or 
complete, but as time permits and information becomes available,
it will be updated with the missing
If you find any errors, or would like some additional functionality, plz 
use the a href=../contact.php class=linkcontact form/a to message 

div align=center
form action=?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ? method=get
table width=560 

[PHP-DB] Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at once

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang
I'm in need of, if at all possible, cutting down the processing time for 
sending messages to multiple recipients with my insite messenger. The 
current version runs 1 query to get the names of all recipients, then 1 
query per recipient, and then 1 query to deliver a copy to the sender.
The code in question is below. $userID and $username is the current user, 
and are set by the login system much further up. $_POST['rcvID'] is a 
multi-select select box where the user can choose which users to send the 
message to. The rest should be pretty obvious. I use a couple flags on the 
messages so the system can tell received and sent messages apart in the 
message boxes.

  // add slashes as needed
  if (! get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$subject = addslashes($_POST['subject']);
$message = addslashes($_POST['message']);
  } else {
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
  // get names of recipients
  if (count($_POST['rcvID'])  1) {
$where = `userID` IN('.implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']).');
  } else {
$where = `userID`='.$_POST['rcvID'][0].';
  $rcvquery = SELECT userID,nickname
   FROM hf_users
   WHERE $where;
  $rcvdata = mysql_query($rcvquery) or die('Unable to get recipient 

  // send messages
  while ($rcv = mysql_fetch_array($rcvdata)) {
$msgquery = INSERT
 INTO hf_privmessages 
$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert 
$to_name = $rcv['nickname'];

  // create sent copy
  if (count($_POST['rcvID'])  1) {
$toID = implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']);
$to_name = 'multiple';
  } else {
$toID = $_POST['rcvID'][0];
  $msgquery = INSERT
   INTO hf_privmessages 
  $result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert 

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Re: [PHP-DB] how to find

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
1. learn the basics of arrays
At 12:27 11-11-2004, peppe wrote:
Hi ,
I have numbers in my array
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
how can I find the first 1 and the last is there a function for it
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 13:42 11-11-2004, Sebastian Mendel wrote:
// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages` 
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
   ' . (int) $userID . 'AS `fromID`,
   `userID` AS `toID`,
   ' . $username . '  AS `from_name`,
   `nickname`   AS `to_name`,
   ' . $_POST['priority'] . ' AS `priority`,
   NOW()AS `date`,
   ' . $subject . '   AS `subject`,
   ' . $message . '   AS `message`,
   inbox  AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')
mysql_query ... ;

// place copy
$toID = implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']);
if ( count($_POST['rcvID'])  1 )
$to_name = 'multiple';
// get recipient name
$to_name = 'multiple';
$msgquery = INSERT INTO hf_privmessages 

$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert 

your databes lags normalization!!!
My lack of normalization is open for debate, the tables are designed this 
way to suit the flexibility I need ... the reason I have the ownerID in the 
table is simply to make the code easier for me to read. I do know it's not 
strictly needed because I can find the right owners by using the read and 
sent flags, but it made the code harder for me to read when I did it like 
that. Because this project is nowhere near finished, I need to keep the 
code a little easier to read, at the cost of a little performance. I'm 
aware that having the to/from names with the messages don't look 
immediately like a good idea, because it adds apparently superflous data to 
the table, but it serves a specific purpose. If I didn't have the names 
with the messages, then I'd have to use joins to get those in when pulling 
the messages from the database. That in itself isn't the problem. The 
problem comes with deleting users. If a user is deleted, there's no 
information to attach to the corresponding ID in the message, and thus the 
join would omit any messages sent to/from users no longer in the system, 
and in the case of userID recycling, there's the risk of it appending the 
wrong username to the message.

The sheer number and size of the fields in the userprofiles in this system 
makes it unpractical to simply mark them as deleted when deleting them. It 
would mean a serious waste of diskspace that goes beyond what the little 
lack of normalization in this one table causes. I have the username 
fallback fields in 3 of 14 tables, with the planned design that will 
eventually become around 20-22 total tables, because of alot of needed 
cross-linking between tables. It goes back to the practicality of not 
keeping user profiles in the system for any other purpose than making joins 

I'm by far not an expert on neither PHP nor SQL or database design, and 
never claimed to be. I learned to program when I was 8, in Basic, and 
learned about databases by fooling around with MS Access. It's been 20 
years, and till last fall I've mostly never touched creating or designing 
databases at all cuz I've mostly worked with the HTML side of things, and 
otherwise only done coding for databases made by others, where I've had no 
say in how the database was organized.

Everything I do these days is about learning how to push the limits of what 
the code and the database allows. And to learn how to get the functionality 
I want in the most efficient and practical way. Slandering my work will not 
do me any good. If you wanna come with constructive criticism that's fine, 
but have you ever considered that there are reasons for everything ? If you 
don't know the reason for the design choice, or the whole picture, any 
criticism you make will always and only be objective, and not constructive.

But most the entire database have fields cut back to make the normalization 
as great as possible. I'm still largely working on getting all the 
functionality working primarily, and thus I'm still doing some 
experimentation with the database design, as in what fields I need and 
don't need to do what I need to do. The 3 tables that aren't fully 
normalized contain posts and messages in various forms. For the simple 
reason of being able to display those posts/messages, and do so with the 
correct original username, I slack a little on the normalization to make 
that work. 

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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
yeah, I noticed that ... haven't had a chance to check for certain, but I 
believe the server I have to work with is 3.23 ... and since my space is 
rented, I don't have alot of say in upgrading ... although it might be 
possible to get them to do it ... their PHPMyAdmin is really old too ... :-s

At 16:17 11-11-2004, Norland, Martin wrote:
Please note that his solution uses a subselect - and your version of
mysql may not support subselects.  Subselects were introduced (I
believe) in Mysql 4.1
- Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257
The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily represent
those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
-Original Message-
From: Sebastian Mendel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple
similar inserts at
// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages`
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
' . (int) $userID . 'AS `fromID`,
`userID` AS `toID`,
' . $username . '  AS `from_name`,
`nickname`   AS `to_name`,
' . $_POST['priority'] . ' AS `priority`,
NOW()AS `date`,
' . $subject . '   AS `subject`,
' . $message . '   AS `message`,
inbox  AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')
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RE: [PHP-DB] Book recommendation for using MySQL w. PHP

2004-11-04 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Thanks Rich
I'm aware of that problem, but without getting my hands on the book it's a 
little hard to see if it covers my needs. It's the same with my PHP books 
... everyone told me to get Sterling Hughes' PHP Developer's Cookbook, 
but beyond the chapter on constructing and using objects, and a little bit 
in the regular expressions part, I've not really had any use of that book 
at all - it simply does not cover the kinda stuff I work with... It was 
cheap enough though, so I'm not complaining, but alot of the things it 
covers aren't done deep enough for my needs. I'm sure there are others that 
could find more use of it, but for me it's limited...

Undoubtfully the same with books on other parts of the coding ... most my 
C++ books are pretty useless, same with the ones on alot of other things. 
The computing books market seems to be filled with more crummy books than 
good ones

At 13:56 04-11-2004, Hutchins, Richard wrote:
My _opinion_ only here, but I own the Welling and Thompson book and used it
when I was starting out with PHP and MySQL but don't use it much anymore. I
have found much better information and practical advice in the MySQL manual
and in the MySQL forums. I'm not ragging on the W  T book by any means; it
was a good book for beginning and intermediate needs. But you may find it
deficient when looking for advanced, bleeding edge stuff. And one man's
advanced may be another man's intermediate so take that into
consideration too. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific recommendations
for an advanced MySQL book, but I would strongly suggest you investigate
other books in addition to the Welling and Thompson book.
Please let us know what you (or your girlfriend) end up buying since I'm
sure there are others that are facing the same decision.
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
If your life was a dream, would you wake up from a nightmare, dripping of 
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[PHP-DB] Book recommendation for using MySQL w. PHP

2004-11-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang
Any recommendations for a book that goes into depth with the SQL language 
and specifically MySQL's variant, and especially using that with PHP 

I don't need a beginner's guide, cuz I've gotten far beyond that on my own, 
but I need some help at figuring out the more complex possibilities, and 
how to put them into practical use, with both the PHP commands and the SQL 
language itself.

I'm primarily using MySQL, and want to learn that properly, before I start 
moving on to PostGres and the others...

Any recommendation would be beneficial, thanks alot in advanced :). 
Christmas is coming up, and my girl wants to know what to give me ... heh :P

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Book recommendation for using MySQL w. PHP

2004-11-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Thanks ... the reviews for that one are pretty promising :p
At 04:37 04-11-2004, David Orlovich wrote:
I'd recommend Welling and Thomson PHP and MySQL Web Development.  It's 
nice and thick and a new (3rd) edition has just come out.
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Book recommendation for using MySQL w. PHP

2004-11-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 04:42 04-11-2004, Manuel Lemos wrote:
On 11/04/2004 01:22 AM, -{ Rene Brehmer }- wrote:
Any recommendations for a book that goes into depth with the SQL language 
and specifically MySQL's variant, and especially using that with PHP 
I don't need a beginner's guide, cuz I've gotten far beyond that on my 
own, but I need some help at figuring out the more complex possibilities, 
and how to put them into practical use, with both the PHP commands and 
the SQL language itself.
I'm primarily using MySQL, and want to learn that properly, before I 
start moving on to PostGres and the others...
Any recommendation would be beneficial, thanks alot in advanced :). 
Christmas is coming up, and my girl wants to know what to give me ... heh :P
You may want to take a look here for some of the books like you want 
including reviews:
Heh, thanks ... nice list of reviews :)
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Database Design Recommendations

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
 through the database itself, and as a policy, I don't 
allow anyone except me within 6 feet of the running system database. 
Securing sensitive information goes beyond just having a fancy login 
system, you'll need to control access to the system that stores the 
information as well.

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
X-posted to MySQL and PHP DB
Hi gang
Task at hand: deleting or selecting (same difference) several numbers of 
records using only 1 query.

My first version simply looped through all the ticked off IDs and ran a 
single query for each delete routine. I've still not suceeded in getting 
the delete queries to work on multiple tables at once, despite the column 
names being the same. But besides this:

My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR 
`ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'

or similar with the SELECT statement.
On some occasions this can result in a very large amount of OR statements, 
like for 50 IDs totally.

I've been reading through the MySQL manual and the comments in the select 
and delete parts, but cannot seem to find any mentioning of an easier way 
to do this. Or it's been deluting me cuz English is my second language, so 
the MySQL manual doesn't always make much sense to me.

I'm looking for something like passing on an array (as comma-seperated-list 
maybe), and then just do statements like:

DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Did I totally miss that part of the manual, or is it just not possible with 

Now, for my script it doesn't really matter much which approach to use, but 
was more thinking performance wise it ought to be faster and less taxing 
for the server to parse an SQL statement that's closer to table structure, 
rather than the OR statements that has to be transformed first.

Sorry if I'm just a blind mouse that can't seem to find things in the MySQL 
manual. It's not really my best friend...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 02:37 03-11-2004, Jennifer Goodie wrote:
 My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:

 DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR
 `ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'

 or similar with the SELECT statement.
[snip lots of stuff]
 DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)
use IN
If you know all the values in the array are escaped and safe you can just 
use implode() to make the list for IN

$string = implode(',',$array);
$sql = SELECT FROM $table WHERE col_name IN('$string');
Notice I added single quotes around the string, that is because they will 
be missing since implode only sticks the string between array elements.

However, you'd need a join that makes sense for a multi-table delete.  I 
don't know if it will work with a union, I have never tried, maybe somone 
else will chime in.
thanks a whole bunch ... can't believe how close I was ... and I couldn't 
even find it in the manual :-/

and for some reason I've never thought of implode :-s ... anyways, live and 
learn ...

thanks :)
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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RE: [PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
so close heh ... thanks mate :)
and whether they're to actually be deleted, that depends on the application 
... I have a few different where I use it.

At 02:13 03-11-2004, Bastien Koert wrote:
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` IN(1,2,3,4,5,6) will work just fine. The 
trick is to be sure that
those records indeed are to be deleted. I prefer to mark the record as 
deleted for a time before permanent deletion. That way its recoverable 
should something really bad happen.

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] How do I reverse-finding root entry in tree-structure ?

2004-10-30 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang
This is possibly insanely simple, but I've been coding on it for the past 
11 hours, so my head's gone a little fuzzy.

been through the MySQL manual, but it's not really agreeing with me on 
finding anything useful...

I've got a table of categories, organised in a tree structure:
table wp_categories
catID int(10) UNSIGNED
parentID int(10) UNSIGNED
rootID int(10) UNSIGNED
level tinyint(3) UNSIGNED
cat_title varchar(255)
cat_desc text
catID being the primary key, parentID the parent's ID, and rootID the ID of 
the root category of the branch this category belongs to. Level is simply a 
number as to how deep in the tree the given category is. I only use it to 
make it simpler to build the graphics.

Here comes the problem: I need to be able to build visually the branch from 
root to a given folder, using only the given folder's ID as starting point. 
That is, traversing backwards up the branch from any given folder, and 
reattaching the branch till the root is reached.

Building the entire tree from root down is easy enough, but for some reason 
I've got a brainfart as to how I can go backwards.

That said, I know I could probably do this using recursive SQL statements, 
but I'd rather use as little talking with the DB as possible. The goal is 
to do this one task with as few SQL calls as entirely possible, preferably 
1, 2 at most...  since I found building arrays and traversing them is much 
faster than SQL calls...

the root ID is 0, so any category in root, will have parentID of 0, and 
rootID of 0.

I figure using the rootID to just pull the relevant branch might be part of 
it, but my problem comes with reattaching the branch correctly, and finding 
the root folder and stick the branch to it ... and doing all of this in 
reverse since that's what I need for the visual part...

Using MySQL btw ...
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL max records

2004-10-15 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
How many records it can hold before becoming too slow for practical use 
depends entirely of the hardware that makes up the server.

Current versions of MySQL has a finite limit of 2^64 records per table, but 
how many billion records you can shove into it before you start seeing 
performance issues depends on the RAM size, the RAM/CPU roundtrip speed, 
and the pure processing power of the CPUs, as well as the overall load of 
the server. Obviously dedicated DB servers/clusters will be able to handle 
alot higher record counts than mixed-purpose servers.

At 01:32 16-10-2004, ApexEleven wrote:
I tried a little research on the mysql list but didn't find what I was
looking for.What is the limit of a MySQL database? How many hundreds
of thousands of records can a database hold before it gets too
sluggish to work on a production server?
Rene Brehmer
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[PHP-DB] How to optimize select of random record in DB ?

2004-10-14 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I made this code to pick a random record from a changeable number of 
records in a given table.
I'm just curious if any of the more awake coders out there can see a way to 
optimize this for better performance, since there's several other DB 
queries on the same page.

  $records = mysql_query(SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM persons) or 
die('Unable to get record countbr'.mysql_error());
  $totalcount = mysql_result($records,0) - 1;
  $rndrecord = rand(0,$totalcount);
  $personquery = mysql_query(SELECT personID FROM persons LIMIT 
$rndrecord,1) or die('Unable to get random recordbr'.mysql_error());
  $personID = mysql_result($personquery,0);
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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Re: [PHP-DB] unsubscribe me

2004-09-22 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
it says very nicely in the headers:
list-help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
list-unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
list-post: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
At 16:23 22-09-2004, Joseph Crawford wrote:
also check john's signiture on how to unsubscribe ;)
On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:23:52 -0400, John Holmes
  unsubscribe me
Rene Brehmer
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[PHP-DB] MySQL: Problem optimizing multi-table row deletion ... errors out :(

2004-09-13 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang
I'm working on optimizing the SQL for my forum system, but have run into a 
problem trying to optimize the function for deleting a thread with 
accompanying stats data and posts from the database using 1 query.

The current function, that works, looks like this:
// delete all traces of a thread
function delThread($threadID) {
  $result = mysql_query(DELETE FROM hf_threads WHERE 
  $result = mysql_query(DELETE FROM hf_thread_stats WHERE 
  $result = mysql_query(DELETE FROM hf_posts WHERE `threadID`='$threadID');

I went through the MySQL manual, to try and find a way to optimize this, 
and came up with this variant:

// delete all traces of a thread
function delThread($threadID) {
  $result = mysql_query(DELETE FROM hf_threads,hf_thread_stats,hf_posts 
WHERE `threadID`='$threadID') or die('Unable to delete 

only it doesn't work at all ... the error output says this:
Unable to delete thread
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'hf_thread_stats,hf_posts WHERE 
`threadID`='85'' at line 1

(Obviously I attempted to delete the thread with ID 85 here)
I'm dealing with MySQL 3.23.56-log and PHP 4.3.0 ...
Any ideas for optimizing this will be greatly appreciated, esp since I'm 
not all that great with the more complex SQL syntax...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] Handling missing rows on joins

2004-04-21 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Working with PHP 4.3.0 and MySQL 4.0.14 (but code MUST be compatible with

For my forums, I've got this 4-way join to load (and output) the posts with
info on the poster:

$fullthread = SELECT
   FROM hf_posts,hf_users,hf_user_stats,hf_levels
   WHERE hf_posts.threadID='$threadID' AND
hf_posts.userID=hf_users.userID AND hf_user_stats.userID=hf_users.userID AND
   ORDER BY hf_posts.time ASC;

I'm not gonna paste the entire table structure, cuz it comes to rather many
rows those 4 tables make up. But it's pretty basic really: hf_posts contain
the posts in the forum. hf_users contains the static userinfo = the user's
profile, level assignment and a few control values. hf_user_stats contains
the dynamic user info - number of posts  threads, last login and logout,
last IP, and things like that. hf_levels contains information and general
perms for the user levels.

hf_posts has postID as primary key, and threadID and userID as foreign keys.
hf_users has userID as primary key, and levelID as foreign key.
hf_user_stats is basically an extension of hf_users, and thus only have
userID as primary key, but it also functions as foreign key.
hf_levels has levelID as primary key, and no foreign keys (it's a top-level
table in the relations).

The way it's made, when a post is made, the poster's userID and displayname
is stored in hf_posts under 'userID' and 'name' respectively.
But the poster's current displayname is always in hf_users.nickname. Posts
by unregistered users (or those not logged in) are stored with userID 1.

Since the system allows unregistered users to post, I've got a guest user
implanted into the hf_users table on ID 1, just so the join won't fail to
display those posts. When the script outputs the posts, it checks the userID
of the posts. If the userID = 1, then it prints the displayname stored with
the post, and skips the userdata for that post, otherwise it uses the
displayname from the users table.

But here comes the problem: If a user is deleted, the records from hf_users
and hf_user_stats will be gone. On the join, this means that any posts made
by the deleted users will not be included, and thus not displayed -- they
become dangling posts in the database ...

I haven't actually written the code to delete users yet, but my current idea
for a workaround is that on deleting the users, changing all their posts to
userID 1 (the system guest level). This would atleast let the posts be
displayed, although make those posts display as posted by a guest, and
because the displayname is stored with the post, it would not list as

What I have problem with is figuring out whether this is a kludge or the
only way to do it. Or is there a better way to make the join so it will
include the posts even if it cannot find anything to join with in hf_users
and hf_user_stats ???

I know it looks like deleting levels will cause problems as well, but the
code for that has been made so deleting a level will move all users assigned
to that level to a different one.

Any suggestions for handling this better would be appreciated ... 


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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Re: [PHP-DB] Handling missing rows on joins

2004-04-21 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
 it. Or is there a better way to make the join so it will
RB include the posts even if it cannot find anything to join with in hf_users
RB and hf_user_stats ???

RB I know it looks like deleting levels will cause problems as well, but the
RB code for that has been made so deleting a level will move all users assigned
RB to that level to a different one.

RB Any suggestions for handling this better would be appreciated ... 

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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Re: [PHP-DB] How to write file store file-name to DB...

2004-04-19 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Why not just save the information to the database and generate the HTML 
when needed ??? In the long run, this would mean alot less disk space needed...


At 02:15 19-04-2004, you wrote:
Hi, I want to save pages that show records for each user's identity, to HTML
files then add the file-name to database..
Each page contain information of certain user..

How to save page to HTML file with PHP...??

Nicholas Sk2
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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RE: [PHP-DB] Mail() - Preposterous Accusation

2004-04-09 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I think where the bounces goes is really a matter of mailserver 
configuration more than PHP itself... not sure about that really though ... 
I only use the mail() function to send mail from the website to the 
webmaster ... so that I don't have to expose the actual email addy on the 
site itself... so never had a bounce...


At 00:25 09-04-2004, Ryan Jameson (USA) wrote:
He says later in his email that:

The reason I mention this is because any email delivery failures will
not be sent back to you, but to our servers (due to the way that PHP
writes the email headers when using the mail() command).
... Is there a way to get the bounces to go to the reply to address?
I've never really cared to, but now that he mentions it ... It would be
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Mail() - Preposterous Accusation

2004-04-09 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 03:02 09-04-2004, Jochem Maas wrote:
Justin Patrin wrote:

Sounds alot more like advertising than sanity ... there's not much
trickery in using the mail() function ... only if you want to attach
files can it get a bit tricky (encoding the file and inserting the
result), but in reality, there's not much in using that function
properly ...
you'll find that phpmailer is a quite nice wrapper for the mail function - 
it presents 1 clear object interface and handles all the mundane tasks of 
CC, BCC, Attachments, Encoding, MIME etc. I have been using it for quite 
sometime now. just drop 2 files into your project include/class directory 
and your pretty much off using a simple Mailer object.

I think advertising is a bit harsh considering it free software. I usually 
interested in what people think are good tools/classes, even if its the 
writer (is that even the case here?). let the code speak for itself.
I meant more the wording in that paragraph ... to me it sounds like someone 
that's given up figuring out how to do it himself. I've always learned, in 
the classic programming, that you need to learn how it's done, before you 
start using others code to do the work. In my oppinion, if you use a module 
you don't fully understand how works, or why it works how it does, then 
you'll never be able to take full advantage of it, or know what to do 
if/when errors occurs.

code re-use is good right? which is why ideas like PEAR a good for 
everyone. and in the interest of starting a flame war (which there seems 
to be a bit of going around lately) I'll say that IMO most of PEAR (incl. 
the core is bloatware) and that PHP5 will make alot of it redundant, they 
should tear down all but the package manager and a few the gems and start 
Actually ... in school (Advanced Computer Studies = programming/system 
development) we basically learn that copy/paste is the most important 
function for a programmer ... despite the crudeness of that statement, 
it's just a matter of saying that we shouldn't rewrite everything 
everytime, but try to reuse as much of the code as entirely possible ... so 
yes, code reuse is good, but if you don't understand the code you reuse, 
you're not really benefitting much of it (other than ending in the same 
category as script-kiddies)...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Mail() - Preposterous Accusation

2004-04-08 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 00:01 08-04-2004, Ryan Jameson (USA) wrote:
I know this isn't technically DB related but this is the list that I
use. I'd just like to know if anyone else thinks the below statement is
accurate. If it is, why hasn't the mail function been modified in the
more recent builds? I've been using PHP since it was invented  never
had a problem with mail.
Also note that your form page is currently using the PHP mail()
function, which doesn't work very well anymore.  You would be best
advised to use another solution (one example is PHPMailer - for doing PHP script-based email delivery.

Sounds alot more like advertising than sanity ... there's not much trickery 
in using the mail() function ... only if you want to attach files can it 
get a bit tricky (encoding the file and inserting the result), but in 
reality, there's not much in using that function properly ...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Overhead on mylsam type mysql database

2004-04-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Do you have an auto-increment key field that's used up ??? ... As in no 
more free numbers in its positive range ???


At 10:35 03-04-2004, you wrote:
Hi all

I get a overhead in my mysql database, records are not getting inserted,
and it looks like, if i delete one another can be inserted.
This is what i see.Data 362,692 Bytes
  Index 5,120 Bytes
  Overhead 22,568 Bytes
  Effective 345,244 Bytes
  Total 367,812 Bytes
Your help will be very much appreciated.


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Tree structure - how to show only current branch ??

2004-04-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 20:03 30-03-2004, you wrote:

I did a similar system for my CMS sollution. If I understand you
correct you want to sort the main branch, keeping the subs.
Not really ... I want to be able to expand the current sub to the current 
sub's level, list the subfolders contained within the current sub, and have 
it not expand any other subs of the root... and then still list the entire 
root folder structure before and after ... my main problem is really 
finding an easy way to locate the root folder to start branching, with 
using as few queries as possible ...

The sorting is really completely irrelevant in this connection, it's more a 
matter of locating the right branches to expand...

I've not looked at it since I did the first test ... been busy with other 
things ... but was considering doing a series of reverse recursive SQL 
pulls, where I start with the requested folder's ID, put that in an array, 
then find the parent of that folder, put that into the same array, find the 
parent of that folder, put that ID into the array, and keep doing that till 
I reach the root folder. Then load the root folders and print them out till 
I reach the root folder in the array, and then start branching out from 
there, listing the contents of the subfolders, and branching out the ones 
in the array...

The reason I don't like to keep the level of the folder in the database is 
that I want to be able to move any and all folders around across levels in 
the database ... and keep their subfolders attached ...

Sofar I'm a bit blank in regards to this  especially because I'm doing 
it to figure out how to do it, but don't really have anything specific I 
want to use it for yet, that requires more than 2 level of folders...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] How to get only 2nd row in result set ???

2004-04-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I couldn't find anything like this from my archive searches ... so here goes:

I've got this query:

$levels = mysql_query(SELECT levelID from hf_levels ORDER BY levelorder 
DESC LIMIT 2) or die('Unable to get levelsbr'.mysql_error());

but I can't figure out how to write the rest of the code ... I need to skip 
the first row and get the data from the 2nd row... but because there's an 
optional up to 255 possible rows in this table, and the order of these are 
determined by a user customizable field called levelorder ... so I can't 
just pick the specific numrows - 1 ... :-/

I know this is a kludge to do it this way ... but it's what I need for now 
... later I'll get to do it a more brilliant way...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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RE: [PHP-DB] Tree structure - how to show only current branch ??

2004-03-30 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Eh ... now, I dunno what part you missed ... but that's JavaScript, and I'm 
working in PHP ... why would I care what's been done in JS ??? That won't 
get me much further with what I'm trying to do...

Not to mention that I hate using others code, and never have sofar, then it 
will take about as long to convert that to something workable in PHP, as it 
will figuring out how to do it in PHP


At 14:15 30-03-2004, you wrote:
Already been done:

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] What's the difference here????

2004-03-25 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

I ran into a minor, but weird problem yesterday ...

Query one:

  $catpermsquery = mysql_query(SELECT cat_view FROM hf_category_perms 
WHERE `catID`='$catID' AND `levelID`='$levelID' LIMIT 1) or die('Could not 
get cat perms'.mysql_error());
  $catperms = mysql_fetch_array($catpermsquery);
  $cat_view = $catperms['cat_view'];

  $perms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(SELECT may_view FROM 
hf_level_perms WHERE `forumID`='$forumID' AND `levelID`='$levelID' LIMIT 
1)) or die('Unable to get permsbr'.mysql_error());
  $may_view = $perms['may_view'];

Both queries are on the same page ... the first one makes the script 
determine whether or not to run the query that generates the loop where the 
second query is inside ...

If I write the first query like the second one:

  $catperms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(SELECT cat_view FROM 
hf_category_perms WHERE `catID`='$catID' AND `levelID`='$levelID' LIMIT 
1)) or die('Could not get cat perms'.mysql_error());

Then all it displays is my error message: Could not get cat perms ... and 
no MySQL error message. I cut it up like above, and it works fine.

All I really wonder about is WHY it behaves like this in one query, but not 
the other

the two tables that are used in here have similar structure, one primary 
key, ID, that's merely an auto-increment that I don't use for anything but 
the required indexing, then catID in the first table, forumID in the 
second, and levelID in both. For each combo of levelID and catID/forumID 
there's 1 row in each table. The only structural difference is that the 
second table has 10 more fields than the first one...

This is the only time I've had a problem with putting 
mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query()) inside each other ... some of the queries 
I naturally have to split because I need to check if there's any result 
returned from the query ... but with these perms query the data they look 
for will always exist (unless MySQL makes a mistake and dumps a row without 
being told to), because they're only run inside other queries that look for 
the respective catID/forumID these uses, so they won't be called unless 
that particular category/forum exists. So there shouldn't be a problem 
combining the two statements into 1 ... (other than it not exactly being 
textbook coding :p )


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] Looking for simpler way to do this...

2004-03-22 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I'm working with PHP 4.3.0 w. MySQL 4.0.14b on Windows XP

I've written my own (pretty advanced actually - or it will be once I get 
the code completed) forum system (why? because I wanted to learn how to 
handle relational databases with PHP/MySQL, and then I just decided to 
complete the thing) ... it uses a multitude of 1-to-many relations across 
several tables, to keep track of categories, forums, threads, posts, perms, 
users and so on ...

This particular chunk of code is part of the show forum code. What the 
first query does is pull out all the threads in the current forum ($forumID 
... this valuable is set further up the code), and all the posts in each 
thread to find the last post in that thread.

The second query is simply to figure out how many posts are in each thread. 
If at all possible, I'd like to combine these two query pulls (to keep the 
number of DB pulls per page down - there's currently 1 more, but going to 
be 2-3 more queries on this page than just this), but since I'm still 
rather n00bish at the SQL statements, I can't figure out how...

Code in question:

// get all the threads in current forum, and for each thread find the last post
$threadquery = SELECT * FROM hf_threads,hf_posts WHERE 
hf_threads.forumID='$forumID' AND hf_posts.threadID=hf_threads.threadID 
GROUP BY hf_threads.threadID ORDER BY hf_posts.time DESC;
$threads = mysql_query($threadquery) or die('Error in thread 

while($thread = mysql_fetch_array($threads)) {
  // info from hf_threads
  $threadID = $thread['threadID'];
  $threadtitle = $thread['threadtitle'];
  $threadmaker = $thread['createnick'];
  $threadstart = $thread['createtime'];
  // info from hf_posts
  $lasttime = $thread['time'];
  $lastposter = $thread['name'];
  // number of posts in thread
  $threadposts = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(SELECT COUNT(`postID`) AS 
numposts FROM hf_posts WHERE `threadID`='$threadID')) or die('Threadposts');
  $numposts = $threadposts['numposts'];

  // output thread data
  echo(tdbBy:/b $threadmakerbrbAt:/b $threadstart/td);
  echo(td align=\center\a 
  echo(td align=\center\$numposts/td);
  echo(tdbAt:/b $lasttimebrbBy:/b $lastposter/td\n);
  echo(td align=\center\input type=\Checkbox\ 

Structure of tables in question:
#TABLE hf_threads:
threadID   // ID of current thread
forumID   // ID of forum where the thread belongs
userID   // ID of thread creator (for perms reasons)
createtime   // time of thread creation
createnick   // name of thread creator
threadtitle   // title of thread
sticky  // not implemented yet
closed   // not implemented yet
#TABLE hf_posts:
postID   // ID of post
threadID   // ID of thread where the post belongs
userID   // ID of poster (for perms reasons)
name   // name of poster
time   // time of post
post   // actual post content
edit   // tracking data of editings
not that it's really relevant in this case, but these 2 tables are through 
the relations tied together with 8 other tables handling the forums and 
perms and users and statistics and such ... that's the reason why I want to 
keep the number of queries down, as it has to do join searches on a couple 
of these to handle the perms and other things on each page...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] how to do query on partial field contents ???

2004-02-23 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang

I've mentioned this project before a couple of weeks ago ... just been busy 
with school, so haven't had time to work on it that much

But anyways ... the test version is running here:
it's running with debug code, which should be obvious if you test it ...
It's MySQL database ... testes it on both my webhost and my local test 
server, result is the same.

If you fill in the search field and click the search button, I want it to 
list all records where the fields partially matches... but as it is now, it 
will only list records where the entire field matches. That is, if you 
search for Athlon, it will only list those where a field exactly is 
Athlon, whereas I want to list Athlon, Athlon XP, Athlon MP, and so 
on ...

Figure that it would require some sort of wildcard, but the traditional 
ones I've tried didn't work, so I'm at a dead end once again...

This is the 90 lines of code that generates the queries. Probably room for 
improvement, but then I'm no expert at this:

$query = 'none';
$basequery = 'SELECT * FROM cpu';
if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
  $query = $basequery.' WHERE cpuID  0 ';
  $setorder = true;
  $query .=  AND `model` LIKE '.$_GET['search'].'; // this block split 
for debug reasons
  $query .=  OR `variant` LIKE '.$_GET['search'].';
  $query .=  OR `type` like '.$_GET['search'].';
else if (isset($_GET['make']) || isset($_GET['model']) || 
isset($_GET['socket'])) {
  $query = $basequery;
  $setorder = true;

  if ($_GET['make'] != 'All' || $_GET['model'] != 'All' || $_GET['socket'] 
!= 'All') {
$query .= ' WHERE ';
if ($_GET['make'] != 'All') {
  $query .= `make`='.str_replace('+',' ',$_GET['make']).';
if ($_GET['make'] != 'All'  $_GET['model'] != 'All') {
  $query .= ' AND ';
if ($_GET['model'] != 'All') {
  $query .= `model`='.str_replace('+',' ',$_GET['model']).';
if ($_GET['model'] != 'All'  $_GET['socket'] != 'All') {
  $query .= ' AND ';
if ($_GET['socket'] != 'All') {
  $query .= `socket`='.str_replace('+',' ',$_GET['socket']).';

  $linkquery = str_replace(' 
if ($setorder) {
  switch ($_GET['order']) {
case 'socket':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY socket';
case 'form':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY form';
case 'vcache':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY vcache';
case 'vcore':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY vcore';
case 'l2':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY l2';
case 'l1':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY l1';
case 'fsb':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY fsb';
case 'multi':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY multi';
case 'clock':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY clock';
case 'type':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY type';
case 'variant':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY variant';
case 'model':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY model';
case 'make':
  $query .= ' ORDER BY make';
  switch ($_GET['ad']) {
case 'd':
  $query .= ' DESC';
case 'a':
  $query .= ' ASC';

The order part is of course not that relevant in this case, but I left it 
in the snip for the variables set in the query part to make sense... 
Question is simple: What do I change in the code to make it do partial 
field matches, instead of complete ???

Hoping for help :) ... TIA

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] Not having mysql_close() ... is that a big problem ???

2004-02-03 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang

simple question really (for once): I've written a forum system ... most of
it (still lack the edit and perms things, but otherwise it's fully working),
over the past 4-5 days ... but I've noticed that on some of the scripts I've
forgotten the mysql_close ()  

will that cause any protential problems, or should I go through the files
and put it in where missing 

the thing is that it does a few includes criss-crossing a few files ... so
finding where to put the damn thing is not always possible, with SQL pulls
from 7 tables and such ...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP and mail forms

2004-02-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I wrote mine specially ... it runs with a preview phase which was pretty
tricky to put in ... but the to-value is hardcoded in the script, cuz it
just sends mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... when the user fills in the
form the script checks it for errors, and then either bounce back to the
form if there are any errors, or to the preview if there's not (atleast I
think I kept the preview in there, not sure anymore, been a long while) 
and then on to a thank you message 

I control it all using hidden form fields ... pretty simple ... it's coded
to my old site-structure, before I started to use templates ... so it's a
bit difficult to peel it out and show it to you though  but will try if



Fate would have it, that on Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:41:11 -, Ricardo Lopes

There are several ways to do this.
Some people like the approach:

if ($submit) { send_email(); }

or you can put a hidden field in your form, like op:

input name=op type=hidden id=op value=send /

and use:

if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['op'])  ($HTTP_GET_VARS['op'] == 'send'))

and there are many others.
by the way in the code you wrote you have:

form method=post .

and then you use:

$id=$_GET['id'];  ---  if this is the same than $HTTP_GET_VARS['id'] this
wont work

Where does that mail function (is it a function?)  go?

The function sends an email, for more details consult the php manual.

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] How to do freeform text search across multiple fields ??

2004-01-24 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang

okay, freeform may not be the right term, but dunno what else to call it...
I gave up finding anything with google, so now I'm turning to you lot

This is an early beta version of the DB over all x86 CPUs ever made, that
I'm working on:

It still has all the debug code, so should be pretty evident how it works
 the part in question is running off 1 table with 14 fields and hundreds
of records (when all the data is entered into the DB atleast).

the table is called cpu, fields are as follows:

What I wanna do is make it possible to search for partial content in
model,variant, and type fields, all 3 at the same time, or each individually
as the user insentive too ...

But I have no idea what a query for that looks like ... none of my
references do something like that 

Basically ... if you search for athlon, it should be able to find Athlon,
Athlon XP, Athlon MP, and Athlon64 ... (which are all in the model field)
... or like you enter Thunderbird, and have model,variant, and type
checked, it will be able to list only those that have Thunderbird in the
type field...

also ... how do I do range searches ... like listing all speeds from 500 to
1000 or something like that ??? 

yeah, I seriously need some decent documentation for constructing SQL search


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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2004-01-22 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hmm ... I have unsigned auto_increment fields in all my tables that use
unique field IDs...

But i use very long counter fields as it's pretty big tables I have (or
gonna be once I get them finished)...



Fate would have it, that on Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:47:01 -,

I have had similar problems before.  I have just created your table in
MySQL.  Seems you can't have an AUTO_INCREMENT column that is UNSIGNED.
Doesn't mention this in the manual though.

Neil Morgan

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] Selecting last record only

2004-01-21 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

this is probably ridicously simple, but I'm new at this SQL stuff, so am a
bit stumped.

It's pretty simple: how do I get only the last record from a single table?

Trying to convert my file-based website into DB-based, but can't quite
figure out how to do this simple task.

Table name is history, and only have 3 fields:
histID, date, entry

I need it to pick the last record without knowing the date of it. Got
picking specific records down good, but be damned if I can figure this one


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Selecting last record only

2004-01-21 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
thx a bunch :) ... figured it would be something simple ... :p


Fate would have it, that on Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:55:23 -0800, Micah Stevens

Reverse the order and limit the result to 1. 

For example, change:
SELECT date, item from some_table


Select date, item from some_table ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1

to get the latest dated item. 


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...

PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] **Happy New Year**

2003-12-30 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
A day early =) ... but happy new year to you too


Fate would have it, that on Tue, 30 Dec 2003 12:17:29 +0530,

Hi PHP Coders,

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous 2004.


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] MySQL 4.x: Access denied for users when password is set...

2003-12-24 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

as subject says ... I've got a pretty weird situation. For all users I 
create in the 'user' table in 'mysql' DB, if I set a password, that user 
becomes unable to access any DBs ... it doesn't matter if I set the pw as 
ASCII or password, still won't allow access...

I've tried making new users and copying all settings of the default root 
user (which I've not set a PW for cuz I loose access to the main DB when I 
do that) ... nomatter what, all users can access the DBs fine when no pw is 
set, but if a pw is set, MySQL reports access denied...

and yes, it actually also does this when using the MySQL command line tools 
which makes it even weirder...

This is a single-user test setup for development use only ... I run MySQL 
4.0.14b on Windows XP Pro SP1 ... with Apache 2.0.48 and PHP 4.2.3 on CGI. 
Doesn't matter what kind of DB access I try; the MySQL binaries, 
PHPMyAdmin, custom made PHP/MySQL apps, or PHPBB ... if I set a PW for a 
user, that user becomes unable of accessing the DBs ...

I've tried opening up the firewall for the MySQL server modules to access 
the Internet, but does not make a change ... hostname is set to 'localhost' 
in the mysql table (since all it has to work with are connections from the 
same windows session anyways)...

is there any other place in the mysql table that I have to add/change stuff 
than 'user' to get this to work???

so lost here ... any help appreciated

(and as far as I can tell, I've done every step in all MySQL install guides 
I could find ... atm I'm running on a restored version of the default mysql 
DB with the % users set ... since the firewall locks out remote access, I 
didn't think it's a big deal)...

n00b at SQL


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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[PHP-DB] MySQL: How to properly extract fields from retrieved single record ???

2003-09-22 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

Still working on this DB for my gameclan not that it's essential what 
it's for... and be warned: Never worked with any form of DB in PHP before I 
began this project, so I'm a total n00b at these MySQL commands (and the 
manual for MySQL is by far nowhere near as good as the PHP one).

Anyways, I'm retrieving a single record from the DB table, and then, 
because of the way the data needs to be displayed and manipulated, need to 
extract every single field from that record as a seperate value.

I tried this:

$num2edit = $_POST['edit'];
$link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password)
  or die('Could not connect : '.mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($database) or die('Could not select database');
$query = SELECT 
FROM a2a WHERE countryNum=$num2edit;
$result = mysql_query($query);

$countryNum = mysql_result($result,1,'countryNum');
$country = mysql_result($result,1,'country');
$nw = mysql_result($result,1,'nw');
$gov = mysql_result($result,1,'gov');
$strat = mysql_result($result,1,'strat');
$spy = mysql_result($result,1,'spy');
$troops = mysql_result($result,1,'troops');
$jets = mysql_result($result,1,'jets');
$turrets = mysql_result($result,1,'turrets');
$tanks = mysql_result($result,1,'tanks');
$ally = mysql_result($result,1,'ally');
$owner = mysql_result($result,1,'owner');
/* Free resultset */
/* Closing connection */
But all it gives me are errors like this:

Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 350
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 351
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 352
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 353
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 354
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 355
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 356
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 357
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 358
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 359
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 360
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in E:\web\mpe\a2aedit.php on line 361

Obviously, the first mysql_result line is line 350 in the full code. I've 
also tried changing the row number to 0, but results in the same errors.

I can't find any decent reference on the web that shows how to do this - 
field extraction - when there's only the single record. So I've been mixing 
code from various places. And I don't even know if it retrieves the right 
record, or any record at all (how do I test that?).

Any help is highly appreciated :)


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
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Re: [PHP-DB] How to do error feedback when adding to indexed table?

2003-08-25 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Sorry if I was being vague. But naturally, about half an hour after I 
posted this, I found a simple and fool-proof way to do what I wanted: 
Simply just have MySQL lookup the ID after all the other error checking was 
done, like this:

  if (! isset($error)) {
  // DB check to ensure number is not already in DB
  // only do this if no other errors are present, because it consumes more
  // resources and time.
$link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password)
or die('Could not connect : '.mysql_error());
// echo('Connected successfully');
mysql_select_db($database) or die('Could not select database');
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ally2ally WHERE id='.$_POST['num'];
$result = mysql_query($query);
$numrows = mysql_numrows($result);
if ($numrows  0) {
  $error = 'The country number you entered already exists in the 
database. To edit an existing entry,
please use the edit tool/function.';

Well, this is a simple way to me atleast. This is run after initial prost 
procedure, and after all the other error checkers, so that it can bump it 
back to the edit form without going through the preview first.

Thus I managed to figure it out on myself, although going about it quite 
differently from what I originally thought I had to. So, I'm so sorry for 
wasting everybody's time with this.

Should perhaps be said that the edit tool mentioned in the code above 
isn't coded yet, so I might come back to you nice people once I get to that.

But, to answer Sebastian's questions:

At 19:15 24-08-2003, Sebastian Haag wrote:
 For a game clan I'm in (MPE 1A in Earth: 2025 - 1a), I'm working on a DB
 store some rather game-specific info. It's only a single table in the DB,
 but the table is indexed by the field 'id'.

Is that your Primary Key? Does this ID have a meaning to you, or is it
Yes it is primary, and yes it has meaning. Each player in the game have a 
single country. Each country have a unique number, generated by the game. 
We use these numbers to indetify the countries, and thus it's only natural 
to use it for the same purpose in my database.

 Whenever someone wants to add data to the table, they fill out a form, hit
 submit and either get an error about wrong or missing data, or if ok get a
 preview before being able to finally add it to the table. As the script is
 now, it will attempt to add the data to the table, but if already there,
 nothing happens, and there's no response to the user about it.

Do you mean if the ID is already there?

 The rest of the code is not essential in this aspect. I just need some
 to figure out how to make the script tell the user that it can't add the
 data because the ID is already in the database...(that's the first field
I'm still not sure what exactly you want to do. But usually you make your
ID an AUTO_INCREMENT. That way you don't have to worry about giving the
same ID twice.
I am aware that :-). Problem here is that the information stored in the 
database must match the content of the game, and therefor also use the same 
ID numbers. I should probably have mentioned that in my initial posting, 
sorry. The country we store information about, may only exist once in the 
database, therefor I use the country's number as ID. If I used an 
auto-incremented ID, it would be possible to enter the same information as 
many times as one would like, which is not desirable.

If you don't know the game, I do realise that understanding what I talk 
about may be a bit difficult. I apologize for that. But if anyone have 
anymore questions to this project, I'll happily ask them. If it's about the 
game, better keep it offlist, thank you.

Thanks for the help


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] How to do error feedback when adding to indexed table?

2003-08-24 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
I'm not sure how to explain this, I'm totally new to MySQL and SQL as a 
whole, this is my first ever code using SQL at plz bare with me 

I'm working with PHP 4.2.3 and MySQL 4.something (not certain what version 
the end-server runs).

For a game clan I'm in (MPE 1A in Earth: 2025 - 1a), I'm working on a DB to 
store some rather game-specific info. It's only a single table in the DB, 
but the table is indexed by the field 'id'.

Whenever someone wants to add data to the table, they fill out a form, hit 
submit and either get an error about wrong or missing data, or if ok get a 
preview before being able to finally add it to the table. As the script is 
now, it will attempt to add the data to the table, but if already there, 
nothing happens, and there's no response to the user about it.

I want it to give a feedback message that the data is already in the table, 
and bump ppl back to the edit form with that message. For the other things 
the script checks, all it does is load the variable $error with the 
error-message and set a phase-flag to the right value, and then the page 
generation part knows that there's been an error, and regenerates the entry 
form with the submitted data. So what I want, is to have the add data part 
to just change the two variables needed for the error system to see there's 
something wrong, but I've got no idea what I need to change in the code to 
do that. I've searched google and the archives, but come up with nothing...

Here's the add-data part of the code...the variables in the comment is just 
so that I know what kind of data are in each variable, rather than what 
they're actually set to in the DB:

elseif ($phase == 3) {
  num / id = int
  country = string
  nw = int
  gov = string
  strat = string
  ally = string
  spies = int
  totdef = int
  totoff = int
  owner = string
  @mysql_select_db($database) or die('Unable to select database');
  $query = INSERT INTO ally2ally VALUES 


the error message part is simply this:

  // if there is an error in the submitted data, display the error message
  if (isset($error)) {
td?php echo($error); ?/td
The rest of the code is not essential in this aspect. I just need some help 
to figure out how to make the script tell the user that it can't add the 
data because the ID is already in the database...(that's the first field btw).


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Compiling 4.2.3 with MySQL ... what does it look for?

2003-07-05 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
X-posted to PHP General, PHP DB, and MySQL

Hi gang

Attempting to get my Linux test-server working, but ran into a problem when 
making PHP...

System is RedHat 8, Apache 1.3.27 (compiled myself, tested OK), MySQL 4.0.13.

The Apache 2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.2 that came w. RH8 didn't work correctly, 
thus I've ventured into my own creation.

Trying to build PHP 4.2.3 (because that's what my webhost runs, so need 
that version to test correctly) w. support for MySQL. Running

./configure --with-mysql=/[path to mysql] --with-apxs=/[path to apxs]

Found the path to the apxs to be /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs, but for the 
life of me I cannot figure out what path to give it for MySQL. I installed 
MySQL from the the RPM files:

client and server first, the rest second ... used --force to get them in, 
because it complained about version issues with the one already there (even 
though the package manager was told not to put the Mysql in, it still put 
MySQL 3.something in...)

When doing the configure above, I get this error:

configure: error: Cannot find header files under /usr/include

or whatever path I give it ... I'm having a hard time figuring out where 
the RPM puts everything, and an even harder time figuring out what path to 
stick to PHP ...

Some detective work gave me these paths:

MySQL (bins):
MySQL daemon (mysqld):
MySQL headers (.h):
I've tried them all, but they all result in the above error. Anyone care to 
guess which path I should give to the configure?

Or is it something else that causes this?
I haven't ever used MySQL before, or any other SQL for that matter, so got 
0 experience in getting the system up and running with it...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Headers in body - what am I doing wrong???

2003-06-12 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 22:48 11-06-2003, you wrote:
You are already pretty far in determining the problem. Indeed the border 
between the header and content of a mail is an empty line.

What if i just give a hint?
Look closely:
  $from = \$name\ $address\r\n;
  $headers .= From: .$from.\r\n;
See ?
Yup ... too many header fields, and just one that ain't ... so hadn't 
noticed it ...

PS some mailservers do not like \r\n, check the manual on mail() and see 
what they suggest, i think it was just \n.
I actually wrote this according to the manual, ... this is an extract of 
the offline version of the PHP 4.2.3 I've got:

Multiple extra headers are separated with a carriage return and newline.

Note: You must use \r\n to seperate headers, although some Unix mail 
transfer agents may work with just a single newline (\n). 

Sounds like you're reversed there ;-)

Mercury only cares about whether or not it's conformant to RFC822 and the 
siblings. Anything non-compliant is simply ignored or discarded ... but my 
webhost use sendmail on Linux, and since I've got another mailscript that 
uses the same basic format, and it works exactly as intended, then I don't 
think it's a problem with the \r\n header seperators...

Thanks to y'all ... now I just gotta figure out why Mercury doesn't process 
the commands. ... commands sent by regular mail are processed ... so it 
must be a problem with the script...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
PHP Database Mailing List (
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