[PHP] Re: php-login scripts

2004-06-28 Thread Aidan Lister
Hi, You've sent this email to a mailing list with a couple of thousand users. I'm probably not alone when I say what on earth are you talking about?. I don't know what PHP-Login is, if you have a problem using whatever software that may be - please contact them about it. You can find the PEAR

[PHP] RE:[PHP] login scripts not secure?? help!

2004-03-23 Thread Andy B
[snip] There is no way to inject any kind of data to the super-global Arrays at all [snip] duhhh...how come i didnt think of that... well..guess its long nights without coffee.. tnx... -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: php login scripts

2002-01-27 Thread John Cuthbert
$user = $HTTP_GET_VARS[user]; $pass = $HTTP_GET_VARS[pass]; $real = superduperunlieklytobeguesedpass; if($user == $validuser $pass == $real) { echo thank you for logging in here is the page; ? HTML etc ?php } else { die(You supid idiot thats not a valid login); ? and call the page as

[PHP] Re: php login scripts

2002-01-21 Thread LaserJetter
Depending on how secure the login information needs to be, you could just store it in a text file, maybe using password() to encrypt passwords. You could then access it using fopen() and save the contents of the file in an array. I'm not too hot on login and authentication though myself! I did