Re: [PHP] mysql_fetch_array() vs mysql_fetch_assoc() WAS: Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 06:19:56PM -0400, Daniel Brown wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 18:13, Paul Halliday  wrote:
> >
> > Whats the difference between fetch_assoc and fetch_row?
> >
> > I use:
> > while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($theQuery)) {
> > ? ?doCartwheel;
> > }
> >
> > on just under 300 million rows and nothing craps out. I have
> > memory_limit set to 4GB though. Although, IIRC I pushed it up for GD
> > not mysql issues.
> >
> > Same OS and php ver, MySQL is 5.1.48
> Please don't hijack other's threads to ask a question.  I've
> started this as a new thread to address this question.
> mysql_fetch_array() grabs all of the data and places it in a
> simple numerically-keyed array.
> By contrast, mysql_fetch_assoc() grabs it and populates an
> associative array.  This means that the column names (or aliases, et
> cetera) become the keys for the array.  With mysql_fetch_assoc(), you
> can still call an array key by number, but it's not vice-versa with
> mysql_fetch_array().

I'm not seeing any numeric keys in my mysql_fetch_assoc() arrays.

However, mysql_fetch_row (by default) does both: the array will be
indexed numerically from 0 to N-1 corresponding to the table's N
columns, and the array will also have string key indices which
correspond to the query's column names.  So by default,
mysql_fetch_row uses twice the amount of data, because each field
appears in the array twice.

var_dump( $row ) will show in graphic detail.

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Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 02:57:02PM -0700, Tommy Pham wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Jim Long  wrote:
> > I'm running PHP 5.3.8 on FreeBSD 8.2 with MySQL 5.1.55.
> >
> >
> Jim,
> Installed from packages or standard port tree build?  Did you do any tweak
> for the ports build?  Any special compiler parameters in your make.conf?
> I've noticed that you used MySQL extensions.  Have you tried MySQLi to see
> if there's any difference?
> Regards,
> Tommy

MySQL server and PHP and extensions built from ports, without any
local tweaks.  Nothing very interesting in /etc/make.conf:

NO_ATM=true # do not build ATM related programs and libraries
NOUUCP=true # do not build uucp related programs
NO_UUCP=true # do not build uucp related programs

Port options for php5-extensions are:


As Daniel suggested, using mysql_query_unbuffered works a treat,
at the expense of a small amount of additional programming
complexity.  In my prior work with Postgres, I found that it
would handle small or large datasets with equal ease, so I was
surprised to find that MySQL blew up given a sufficient number of
repeated calls to mysql_fetch_row();

Thank you for mentioning MySQLi.  Although it is alphabetically
adjacent in the documentation, it had never drawn my attention.
I'll build the PHP extension and take a look when time permits.


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Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 03:42:48PM -0400, Eric Butera wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Daniel Brown  wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 13:25, Jim Long  wrote:
> >>
> >> Eric:
> >>
> >> Thanks for your reply.
> >>
> >> "process row here" is a comment. ??It doesn't do anything. ??The
> >> script, exactly as shown, runs out of memory, exactly as shown.
> >
> > ?? ??My response presumes that you're planning on placing something
> > into this comment area, in which the memory will only further
> > increase. ??If *presumed* should be replaced by *ASSumed* in this case,
> > skip mysql_unbuffered_query() and go straight for mysql_num_rows().
> > Do not pass GO. ??Do not collect $200.
> >
> > --
> > 
> > Network Infrastructure Manager
> >
> >
> I was glad to learn what comments were.

Eric: Please forgive me if I was curt in my message to you.  I
don't mean to bite the hands that are trying to help.  As Daniel
rightly observed, my concern is just that if a pretty much empty
while loop runs out of memory when trying to step through each
record, I'm really going to be hosed if I try to start doing some
productive work within the while loop.

Daniel's memory trend analysis is helpful.  I'm testing from the
command line, so there's no Apache overhead, but the memory usage
starts as:

  1 12145496
  2 12145976
  3 12146408
  4 12146804
  5 12147200
  6 12147596

I normally prefer to work in PostgreSQL, but the client has already
gone down the MySQL road.  Just for edification's sake, I exported
the table in PostgreSQL and re-worked my code:

if (!($db_conn = pg_connect( "host=$db_host user=$db_user dbname=$db_name 
password=$db_pwd" )))
die( "Can't connect to SQL server\n" );

$qry = "select * from test_table order by contract";

if ($result = pg_query( $db_conn, $qry )) {

$n = 0;
while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
unset( $row );
echo sprintf( "%7d %12d\n", $n, memory_get_peak_usage() );
} // while

echo "$n\n";

} else {

die( pg_last_error() . "\n" );


Using PostgreSQL (on a completely different machine), this runs
to completion, and memory consumption is nearly flat:

  1   329412
  2   329724
  3   329796
  4   329796
  5   329796
 295283   329860
 295284   329860
 295285   329860
 295286   329860
 295287   329860

If one were to describe the memory consumption as a 'leak', then
PostgreSQL is leaking at a much slower rate than MySQL.  Postgres
leaks as much over the entire run (329860-329412=448) as MySQL
does on each row.  Put another way, the MySQL version leaks
memory almost 300,000 times faster.

My PostgreSQL machine also has MySQL installed, so I ran the
MySQL version of the code on that machine for testing, a second
opinion if you like.  It leaked memory almost as bad as my
client's PHP/MySQL installation, but a little more slowly, 396
bytes or so per row.  The slower memory consumption enabled the
code to run to completion, barely:

  1 12149492
  2 12149972
  3 12150404
  4 12150800

So is this just a difference in the programming quality of the 
database extensions for MySQL vs. PostgreSQL that one gobbles up
memory profusely, while the other one has only a slight, slow

I will try experimenting with Daniel's idea of unbuffered
queries, but my understanding is that while an unbuffered result
resource is in use, no other SQL transactions can be conducted.
Maybe I can get around that by using one MySQL connection for the
unbuffered query, and another separate MySQL connection for the
incidental SQL queries that I need to perform as I process each
record from the large dataset.


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Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 03:24:37PM -0400, Jim Giner wrote:
> If all you want to do is count the records, why are you not letting sql do 
> it for you instead of doing the while loop?  That's all that script is 
> doing, if that is the exact code you ran. 

Hi, Jim.

Thank you for replying.

One of the key concepts of troubleshooting is that when you
encounter a problem, you try to state the problem with as simple
a test case as possible, so that testing will not be complicated
by extraneous variables or code that may or may not have any
impact on the problem.

I don't want to just count the records, I want to get some work
done for a client.  That work involves processing every record in
the result set.  "Counting" is just a simple process to conduct
for the purpose of debugging this loop algorithm.

The problem is that this algorithm fails to process all the
records in the result set.

I appreciate any insights you have as to why that is happening.


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Re: [PHP] BP for Looping through an Array

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:09:24PM -0600, George Langley wrote:
>   Hi all. Am wondering if there is a best practice for looping through an 
> array, when you need both the item and its position (ie. 1, 2, 3). The 
> two ways I know of:
> // the for loop tracks the position and you get each item from the array
>   $allFiles = array("coffee.jpg", "tea.jpg", "milk.jpg");
>   $numberOfFiles = count($allFiles);
>   for ($i=1; $i<=$numberOfFiles; $i++) {
>   $currFile = $allFiles[$i - 1]; // since arrays start with 0
>   doThisWith($currFile);
>   doThatWith($i);
>   }
> OR:
> // the for loop gets each item and you track the position
>   $allFiles = array("coffee.jpg", "tea.jpg", "milk.jpg");
>   $counter = 1;
>   foreach ($allFiles as $currFile) {
>   doThisWith($currFile);
>   doThatWith($counter);
>   $counter += 1;
>   }
>   Both are the same number of lines, but my tests (see code below) 
> indicate that the foreach loop is twice as fast.
>   Anyone have a "better" way - faster, more efficient, "cooler", etc.? 
> (Or see some flaw in my test code below?)
>   Thanks.
> George Langley

If you are certain that your array is consecutively indexed from 
0, you can shave two lines off your code with:

$allFiles = array("coffee.jpg", "tea.jpg", "milk.jpg");
foreach ($allFiles as $key => $currFile) {

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Re: Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 01:32:32PM -0400, James wrote:
> >
> >On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Jim Long  wrote:
> >> I'm running PHP 5.3.8 on FreeBSD 8.2 with MySQL 5.1.55.
> >>
> >> The script below is designed to be able to WHILE it's way through
> >> a MySQL query result set, and process each row.
> >>
> >> However, it runs out of memory a little after a quarter million
> >> rows. ??The schema fields total to about 200 bytes per row, so
> >> the row size doesn't seem very large.
> >>
> >> Why is this running out of memory?
> >>
> >> Thank you!
> >>
> >> Jim
> >>
> >>  >>
> >> $test_db_host = "localhost";
> >> $test_db_user = "foo";
> >> $test_db_pwd ??= "bar";
> >> $test_db_name = "farkle";
> >>
> >> $db_host = $test_db_host;
> >> $db_user = $test_db_user;
> >> $db_name = $test_db_name;
> >> $db_pwd ??= $test_db_pwd;
> >>
> >> if (!($db_conn = mysql_connect( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd )))
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??die( "Can't connect to MySQL server\n" );
> >>
> >> if (!mysql_select_db( $db_name, $db_conn ))
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??die( "Can't connect to database $db_name\n" );
> >>
> >> $qry = "select * from test_table order by contract";
> >>
> >> if ($result = mysql_query( $qry, $db_conn )) {
> >>
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??$n = 0;
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
> >> // process row here
> >> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??$n++;
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??} // while
> >>
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??mysql_free_result($result);
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??echo "$n\n";
> >>
> >> } else {
> >>
> >> ?? ?? ?? ??die( mysql_error() . "\n" );
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >> ?>
> >>
> >>
> >> PHP Fatal error: ??Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried 
> >> to allocate 20 bytes) in xx3.php on line 24
> >>
> >> Line 24 is:
> >>
> >> ?? ??24 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
> >>
> >
> >Not sure what is happening inside "process row here," but I'm sure
> >that is where your issue is.  Instead of building some giant structure
> >inside of that while statement you should flush it out to the screen.
> >
> >--
> >PHP General Mailing List (
> >To unsubscribe, visit:
> Try unsetting the $row variable, you may be fetching extremely
> large rows but that's a big if, because your script is allowed to
> allocate 128MB of memory before puking. Are you dealing with very
> large data sets from the database? If you are dealing with large
> data sets, then try redefining your query.


Thanks for taking time to help.

The row size is small by my standards (see below).  The query result
has just under 300,000 records, and it's puking about 90% of the way

Changing the while loop to:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
echo sprintf( "%7d %12d\n", $n, memory_get_peak_usage() );
} // while

the tail end of the output becomes:

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate 240 bytes) in xx3.php on line 26

Changing the while loop further to:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
unset( $row );
echo sprintf( "%7d %12d\n", $n, memory_get_peak_usage() );
} // while

the tail end of the output becomes:

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate 240 bytes) in xx3.php on line 27

So it does get a little farther through the dataset, but not much.


mysql> describe test_table;
| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| contract | int(11) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| A| int(8) unsigned | NO   | | 0   |   |
| B| datetime| YES  | | NULL|   |
| C| int(8) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| D| char(8) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| E| char(8) | YES  | | |   |
| F| int(4)  | YES  | | 0   |   |
| G| int(1)  | YES  | | 0   |   |
| H| char(8) | YES  | | 00:00   |   |
| I| varchar(100)| YES  | | XXX |   |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: [PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 01:21:36PM -0400, Eric Butera wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Jim Long  wrote:
> > I'm running PHP 5.3.8 on FreeBSD 8.2 with MySQL 5.1.55.
> >
> > The script below is designed to be able to WHILE it's way through
> > a MySQL query result set, and process each row.
> >
> > However, it runs out of memory a little after a quarter million
> > rows. ??The schema fields total to about 200 bytes per row, so
> > the row size doesn't seem very large.
> >
> > Why is this running out of memory?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >  >
> > $test_db_host = "localhost";
> > $test_db_user = "foo";
> > $test_db_pwd ??= "bar";
> > $test_db_name = "farkle";
> >
> > $db_host = $test_db_host;
> > $db_user = $test_db_user;
> > $db_name = $test_db_name;
> > $db_pwd ??= $test_db_pwd;
> >
> > if (!($db_conn = mysql_connect( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd )))
> > ?? ?? ?? ??die( "Can't connect to MySQL server\n" );
> >
> > if (!mysql_select_db( $db_name, $db_conn ))
> > ?? ?? ?? ??die( "Can't connect to database $db_name\n" );
> >
> > $qry = "select * from test_table order by contract";
> >
> > if ($result = mysql_query( $qry, $db_conn )) {
> >
> > ?? ?? ?? ??$n = 0;
> > ?? ?? ?? ??while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
> > // process row here
> > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??$n++;
> > ?? ?? ?? ??} // while
> >
> > ?? ?? ?? ??mysql_free_result($result);
> > ?? ?? ?? ??echo "$n\n";
> >
> > } else {
> >
> > ?? ?? ?? ??die( mysql_error() . "\n" );
> >
> > }
> >
> > ?>
> >
> >
> > PHP Fatal error: ??Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried 
> > to allocate 20 bytes) in xx3.php on line 24
> >
> > Line 24 is:
> >
> > ?? ??24 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> >
> >
> Not sure what is happening inside "process row here," but I'm sure
> that is where your issue is.  Instead of building some giant structure
> inside of that while statement you should flush it out to the screen.


Thanks for your reply.

"process row here" is a comment.  It doesn't do anything.  The
script, exactly as shown, runs out of memory, exactly as shown.


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[PHP] Why does this script run out of memory?

2011-10-28 Thread Jim Long
I'm running PHP 5.3.8 on FreeBSD 8.2 with MySQL 5.1.55.

The script below is designed to be able to WHILE it's way through
a MySQL query result set, and process each row.

However, it runs out of memory a little after a quarter million
rows.  The schema fields total to about 200 bytes per row, so
the row size doesn't seem very large.

Why is this running out of memory?

Thank you!


PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate 20 bytes) in xx3.php on line 24

Line 24 is:

24  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {

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[PHP] re: sort comma from $value

2003-02-28 Thread Jim Long

Figured it out.

I needed to reset my output array $numeric_array.

//strip the commas from numeric array so it can sort properly---

foreach($numeric_array as $key => $value ) {
$value = ereg_replace(",","", "$value");
  $numeric_array[$key] = $value; //<reset the output array
echo "comma stripped";

Thanks again for all your help,

Jim Long

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[PHP] re: strip comma from $value

2003-02-28 Thread Jim Long

Thanks to those who are helping me.


Same result, echo's sucess, but commas are still out put in the $numeric_array.

Jim Long

Matt Wrote:

> foreach($numeric_array as $key => $value ) {
> if(strstr($value,","))
> {
> $value = ereg_replace(",","",$value);
> echo "comma stripped";
> }
> }

Hugh Wrote:

> try ereg_replace(",","",$value);

Orignal post:

> Hi,
> I've figured out the way to solve my problem is to get rid of the commas
> before I sort.
> Trying to use this:
> //strip the commas---
> foreach ($numeric_array as $key => $value) {
> if (stristr($value, ",")){
> //test to see if it worked
> echo("comma striped");
> }
> }
> --
> It passed the test but,
> I'm doing something wrong because the commas are still there.
> TIA,
> Jim Long
> Jim Long Wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to make the flag "sort_numeric" work?
> > Will it work with asort?
> >
> > asort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
> > I've tried this but it looks like it's having problems with the comma in
> > big numbers.
> > I'm not absolutely sure, but it looks like it's ignoring everything
> > after a comma when it sorts.
> >
> >
> > BTW: asort is the one I need as I must maintain the keys
> >
> > JanetVal Wrote:
> >
> > > sort() sorts by value but assigns new keys as numbers.
> > > asort() sorts by value, but keeps the same keys
> > > ksort() sorts by key.
> >
> > THANKS !

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[PHP] re: strip comma from $value

2003-02-28 Thread Jim Long

Trying this:

//strip the commas from numeric array so it can sort properly---

foreach ($numeric_array as $key => $value) {
if (ereg_replace ("," , "", $value)){
echo("comma striped");

Does the same thing as before, echo's comma stripped, but does not
actually remove the commas

THANKS.. any other ideas?
Jim Long

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[PHP] strip comma from $value

2003-02-28 Thread Jim Long

I've figured out the way to solve my problem is to get rid of the commas
before I sort.

Trying to use this:

//strip the commas---
foreach ($numeric_array as $key => $value) {
if (stristr($value, ",")){
//test to see if it worked
echo("comma striped"); 


It passed the test but,
I'm doing something wrong because the commas are still there.

Jim Long

Jim Long Wrote:
> Does anyone know how to make the flag "sort_numeric" work? 
> Will it work with asort?  
> asort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
> I've tried this but it looks like it's having problems with the comma in
> big numbers. 
> I'm not absolutely sure, but it looks like it's ignoring everything
> after a comma when it sorts.

> BTW: asort is the one I need as I must maintain the keys
> JanetVal Wrote:
> > sort() sorts by value but assigns new keys as numbers.
> > asort() sorts by value, but keeps the same keys
> > ksort() sorts by key.

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2003-02-28 Thread Jim Long

Does anyone know how to make the flag "sort_numeric" work? 
Will it work with asort?  

asort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
I've tried this but it looks like it's having problems with the comma in
big numbers. 
I'm not absolutely sure, but it looks like it's ignoring everything
after a comma when it sorts.

Jim Long

BTW: asort is the one I need as I must maintain the keys

JanetVal Wrote:

> sort() sorts by value but assigns new keys as numbers.
> asort() sorts by value, but keeps the same keys
> ksort() sorts by key.

| Jim Long Network - Web Design  |
| |
| Jim Long - Rep: Manhattan Dance Orchestra  |
| |

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2003-02-27 Thread Jim Long

I've got to sort the $numeric_arry

This doesn't seem to work:
sort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
I think its sorting $key

asort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
sorts as a string

Jim Long

JanetVal Wrote:
> Well, as long as you know exactly what you are looking for, you can use 
> >  if ($value != "n/a")) {
> Janet

Jason Lange Wrote:
> Try this code (tested):
> <-- Begin Code -->
> foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
>  // If elements value is a numeral add to numeric_array
>  if (is_numeric($value)) {
>  $numeric_array[$key] = $value;
>  // If value is not a numeral (presumably 'n/a') add to na_array
>  } else {
>  $na_array [$key] = $value;
>  }
> }
> // Re-combine arrays placing all "other" values at the end
> $final_array = array_merge($numeric_array, $na_array);
> <-- End Code -->

Original Question:
>>>I have an array with an html link as key and different $vars as val:
>>>$list = array (
>>>'";>some place' => $vendor1_total,
>>>'";>another place' =>
> $vendor2__total,
>>>[snip] etc..
>>>some vals are numeric and some vals are "n/a"
>>>asort works to sort the array as a string, however, I need to sort the
>>>numeric vals numeric, then have the n/a's go away or be output at the
>>>bottom of the sort.

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[PHP] separating value="n/a" from array

2003-02-27 Thread Jim Long

Thanks to those who have helped me.

Jason Lange Wrote:
> Try this code (tested):
> <-- Begin Code -->
> foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
>  // If elements value is a numeral add to numeric_array
>  if (is_numeric($value)) {
>  $numeric_array[$key] = $value;
>  // If value is not a numeral (presumably 'n/a') add to na_array
>  } else {
>  $na_array [$key] = $value;
>  }
> }
> // Re-combine arrays placing all "other" values at the end
> $final_array = array_merge($numeric_array, $na_array);
> <-- End Code -->

This works.. THANKS!  HOWEVER:

I think PHP is seeing a comma, in a large number and think that it IS
NOT NUMERIC, because when I test a large number it put it in the $na_array

Do I need to add something to this code to stip the commas?

Jim Long

Kevin Stone wrote:
> To append my own answer.  In order to sort the non "n/a" values you're going
> to have to build a separate array and perhaps this will simplfy the problem.
> So instead of what I suggested below.. loop the array and start TWO new
> arrays within the loop.  One array for "n/a" values and one for non-"n/a"
> values.  After the values are sorted to their separate arrays do
> asort($nonnavals); then concatonate the two arrays together using
> array_merge(), putting the "n/a" array second.
> - Kevin
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kevin Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] restating plea for help with sort
>>Hmm well upon first glance looks like all you need to do is loop that
> array
>>and start a new array within the loop.  An If/Else construct checks If the
>>value is "n/a" then append to the back of the new array Else prepend to
> the
>>front of the new array.You append the values manually or use
>>array_push() and array_unshift().  Search the manual for more information.
>>Hope that helps.
>>- Kevin
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Jim Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:35 AM
>>Subject: [PHP] restating plea for help with sort
>>>I have an array with an html link as key and different $vars as val:
>>>$list = array (
>>>'";>some place' => $vendor1_total,
>>>'";>another place' =>
> $vendor2__total,
>>>[snip] etc..
>>>some vals are numeric and some vals are "n/a"
>>>asort works to sort the array as a string, however, I need to sort the
>>>numeric vals numeric, then have the n/a's go away or be output at the
>>>bottom of the sort.
>>>Please be clear and gentle.. I'm not schooled in php, just a tinkerer
>>>trying to make this mess work.
>>>Thanks In Advance,
>>>Jim Long

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[PHP] help with arrays

2003-02-27 Thread Jim Long

Origninal Post:

> I have an array with an html link as key and different $vars as val:
> $list = array ( 
> '";>some place' => $vendor1_total,
> '";>another place' => $vendor2__total,
> [snip] etc..
> some vals are numeric and some vals are "n/a"
> asort works to sort the array as a string, however, I need to sort the
> numeric vals numeric, then have the n/a's go away or be output at the
> bottom of the sort.

Kevin Stone wrote: (THANKS)

> In order to sort the non "n/a" values you're going
> to have to build a separate array and perhaps this will simplfy the problem.
> So instead of what I suggested earlier.. loop the array and start TWO new
> arrays within the loop.  One array for "n/a" values and one for non-"n/a"
> values.  After the values are sorted to their separate arrays do
> asort($nonnavals); then concatonate the two arrays together using
> array_merge(), putting the "n/a" array second.

I can't fiqure out how to set up arrays inside the while loop.

Using this:

while (list ($key, $val) = each ($orderd_list)) {
if ($val == 'n/a'){
$no_plan_list = array ($key => $val);// need an array here for "n/a" 
$plan_list = array  ($key => $val);// need an array here for numeric 

Thanks In Advance,
Jim Long

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[PHP] restating plea for help with sort

2003-02-27 Thread Jim Long

I have an array with an html link as key and different $vars as val:

$list = array ( 
'";>some place' => $vendor1_total,
'";>another place' => $vendor2__total,
[snip] etc..

some vals are numeric and some vals are "n/a"
asort works to sort the array as a string, however, I need to sort the
numeric vals numeric, then have the n/a's go away or be output at the
bottom of the sort.

Please be clear and gentle.. I'm not schooled in php, just a tinkerer
trying to make this mess work.

Thanks In Advance,

Jim Long

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] sort mixed array

2003-02-27 Thread Jim Long

I have an array with an html link as key and different $vars as val:

$list = array ( 
'";>some place' => $vendor1_total,
'";>another place' => $vendor2__total,
[snip] etc..

some vals are numeric and some vals are "n/a"
asort works to sort the array as a string, however, I need to sort the
numeric vals numeric, then have the n/a's go away or be output at the
bottom of the sort.

Please be clear and gentle.. I'm not schooled in php, just a tinkerer
trying to make this mess work.

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[PHP] connecting to db

2002-08-21 Thread Jim Long


Just setting up a new db at a new domain and the connection script does
not work.
I've always been able to connect to a db using the following:

Unable to connect to the " .
  "database server at this time." );

The host support suggests the following:

> Root as the mysql user and localhost as the server, unless you selected remote mysql
> connections from the web control panel.

BTW: I DID select remote mysql. Should I unselect it?

FMI (forgive my ignorance):

What connection script should I use?

Thanks So Much in Advance,
Jim Long

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[PHP] defining separate form element within While statment

2002-08-04 Thread Jim Long


I'm having trouble passing "$the_score" to "edit_s1_php3":

// Display the scores
  while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
echo( "" . "" . 
$row["last_name"] . " , " . $row["first_name"] . "" . 
$row["s1"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" ."" .
$row["s2"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s3"] .  "   "
edit score" . " " . 
$row["s4"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s5"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s6"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s7"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s8"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s9"] .  "   "
. "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s10"] .  "   " . "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s11"] .  "   " . "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s12"] .  "   " . "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s13"] .  "   " . "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s14"] .  "   " . "  
edit score" . "" . 
$row["s15"] .  "   " . "  
edit score". "");

I'm pretty sure it's because I don't have the form action defined.. however,
each input goes to a diffent action.  How do I do this?

Thanks In Advance,

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[PHP] sort and maintain varible names

2002-04-29 Thread Jim Long

I have a basic sort:

 $orderd_list = array ("$onec_rounded_total", "$aps_rounded_total",
"$bo_rounded_total", "$cap3_rounded_total", "$cap3_rounded_total",
"$cap_rounded_total", "$cfl_rounded_total", "$ecg_rounded_total",
"$ldd_rounded_total", "$png_rounded_total", "$spr_rounded_total",
"$ist917_rounded_total", "$tciac_rounded_total", "$tcicl_rounded_total", 
 sort ($orderd_list);
 reset ($orderd_list);
 while (list ($key, $val) = each ($orderd_list)) {
 echo "[".$key."] = ".$val."\n";

It returns

[0] = 4.90
[1] = 4.99
[2] = 5.06
[3] = 5.60
[4] = 6.00
[5] = 6.00
[6] = 6.90
[7] = 6.90
[8] = 6.95
[9] = 7.00
[10] = 9.00
[11] = 10.50
[12] = 11.00
[13] = 11.26
[14] = 13.10

How do I maintain a varible name (for identification) in this output
list ie: 

onec = 4.90 //from the varible $onec_rounded_total
cfl = 4.99 
bo = 5.06
and so on... 

Thanks In Advance,

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Re: [PHP] simplify if/then statement

2002-04-27 Thread Jim Long

Using pull down for $state.

This works great!

> $incfilename = "Calc".$state."";
> if (file_exists($incfilename))
> include($incfilename);
> else
> echo "Please select a State.\n";  

Thanks To Everyone, 


> I'd do something similar to this, along with 
> putting all states in an array to make sure 
> $state is actually a state (in_array).  And 
> maybe you want to add guam :)
> a) be sure $state is set, else load default
> b) be sure $state is not bogus, else yell at them
> c) be sure the $state file exists, if so, include 
>it else houston we have a problem

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[PHP] simplify if/then statement

2002-04-27 Thread Jim Long


I've got the following statement for a state options menu.
How can this be expressed in a simple manner for all 52 states?

//choose state

if ($state == "AL") {

// include class

else if ($state == "AR") {

// include class

else if ($state == "AZ") {

// include class

echo "Please select a State.\n";

Thank You Very Much,

Jim Long

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[PHP] re: passing inputs

2002-03-13 Thread Jim Long


You ablility to explain php concepts in simple langauge is exactly why I
signed up for this list! 

I will be deeply greatful for any other tutorials like this one on
passing imputs.

Jim Long

>Erik Price wrote:

> John,
> It seems that you're using two different conventions here.  This is 
> inconsistent, and confusing to me (at least, and possibly others trying 
> to help you).  Let me show you what I am talking about:

> Please don't be insulted if I make an assumption about what you know 
> about the use of variables within scripts, I'm going to do my best to 
> explain this and I can't know how much you know or don't.  Here's how it 
> works:

> On a script, you have access to any variable that you create within that 
> script.  Thus, if you create a variable named "$inp", you can then echo 
> that variable or manipulate it in any way.  Like this:
> $inp = "blue";   // this assigns the string "blue" to the $inp variable
> echo $inp;   // this echoes "blue"
> $outp = "green";  // this assigns "green" (a string) to the $outp 
> variable
> $outp . $inp;   // this combines ("concatenates") the two variables 
> together
>  // and results in the string "greenblue"
> Okay, you probably already know all of that.  But my point is that these 
> variables are accessible to this particular script.  NOT TO OTHER 
> SCRIPTS.  If you need a variable to be accessible to another script, you 
> must "pass" the variable along.  There are a few ways to do this:
> etc..etc..etc..

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[PHP] archive

2002-03-12 Thread Jim Long


Is there a searchable archive of this PHP- general subscriber list?

Thanks in Advance,
Jim Long

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