[PHP] Re: Strange output by phpinfo()

2001-09-23 Thread Elias Santiago

That's the request string of the W32Nimda worm, it has propagated very fast
in the Internet.

Info and tool for removing it are at:

If you are running under an IIS webserver, it could be the server itself
that could be infected and sending the request string to itself.   The worm
sends various strange requests to ALL servers found with port 80 open,
including the infected server.

"Jeroen Geusebroek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> While viewing my phpinfo() page, i got this:
> %u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucb
> d3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u%u00
> =a
> /default.ida?XXX
> X%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9
> 090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0
> 078%u%u00=a
> Of course I wasn't using this query for my phpinfo() page. Where did PHP
> get this information from? This info was under the header "Environment"
> Not that I have any troubles with this, but it seems weird to me.
> Thanks,
> Jeroen
> Ps. Of course I know what that QUERY is, but why is it in my phpinfo()
> output when I didn't use that query?

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[PHP] Re: strange error

2001-08-24 Thread Elias Santiago

Brack wrote:

> if you have structure like
>  if (isset(...)){
> ..;
> }
> elseif (isset()){
> }
> else {
> ..
> ?>
> then you need to insert "}" before "
> or if you use syntax

Correct, in part.  The last ELSE has a starting {,  but no ending }.
It should go before the ?> not , that would place it outside the PHP
code block.

>  if (isset()):
> ..;
> elseif (isset()):
> ..;
> else:
> ..;
> ?>
> you have to insert "endif;"
> If you think you did it but still have an error, try to count your "if"
> statements and "endif;" maybe something is missing.
> Youri

the correct structure would be:

Note that curly braces (expression group) does not need the semicolon after

If the IF, ELSEIF or ELSE constructs just need to execute one line then

the constructs themselves don't need an ending semicolon


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Re: [PHP] The future of PHP

2001-08-23 Thread Elias Santiago

Almost all modern technologies are the evolution of previous ones:

C -> C++,Perl, PHP, Python;   Basic -> QBasic -> VBasic/ASP;

Even new languages like Rebol are based (in one way or another) to previous
languages.  Anyone could develop a parser/interpreter for any new language
they could devise. Eventually each language develops it's own

"Gabe Da Silveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Let's not forget the ecosystem in which these different technologies
> thrive.  It's all based on who's paying whom to do what.  The reality of
> the situation is that the people in charge don't know (or care) about
> all these different technologies.  They may make some broad decisions
> (linux vs win), but you can bet they often rely on individual techies to
> help guide them to the solution they need.  As technology advances, you
> can bet the divide between management and development will only widen.
> All that matters now is the end result.  With the disparity in developer
> skill, the difficulty in estimating development time accurately, and the
> increase in processing power there's a lot of room for developers to
> make their own decisions.
> In this kind of environment, there is a lot of room for different
> programming languages.  PHP has the benefits of lightning fast
> development cycles.  Java has the advantage of being a strict, modern,
> fault-tolerant language that lends itself to well-written code.  ASP has
> advantage of MS 'programming for dummies'-style devlopment tools.  Perl
> has the advantage of its text processing abilities.  C has the speed
> advantage by staying barebones and relatively low level for a verbose
> language.
> In order for one of these technologies to die, something has to come
> along with all the advantages and no new disadvantages.  Somehow I don't
> see this happening to open-source projects like PHP, or MySQL.  It's
> much easier to improve them then to develop something better.  I see it
> much more likely that these projects could fork to encompass different
> goals.
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave) wrote:
> > >He would see JSP at 19.9% and PHP at 11.2 and say that proves his
> >
> > And flash developers will claim that the only way to create a site is
> > the
> > whole thing Flash and crap flying across the client screen all the
> > Untill the modem access market drops below 50% of the users on the
> > hard
> > time convincing me that 100's of kb in Flash is worth it.
> >
> > He obviously is sold on JSP...  let him sink with his ship.  PHP isn't
> > anywhere anytime soon...  not while *nix boxes are still the most stable
> > performers for web.
> --
> __
> Gabe da Silveira, Web Designer
> Twin Cities Student Unions
> University of Minnesota
> http://www.coffman.umn.edu
> wFone: (612)624-7270
> hPage: http://www.visi.com/~jiblet

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Re: [PHP] Re: force download in IE -- conclusion

2001-08-22 Thread Elias Santiago

Not necessarily an answer but on my work (a computer center for medical
students) we use a propietary Perl web-based course software and when doing
attachments on email messages on the system's bulletin board, the system
sends a header with "appplication/octet-stream" and IE 5.5 "attaches" the
.html extension to some downloads (not all). It is a known IE 5.5 bug, the
only way we have done to try to circumvent it (doesn't work everytime) is to
use the "Save Link As" feature, and sometimes that does the trick.   IE 5.5
is buggy.

"Pierre-Yves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I worked on a script like yours for a looong time now!
> I need to force the download of various type of file, doc, pdf, zip, even
> html!
> Your script works fine on Opera 5.02 and netscape 4.76 on my win NT 4.0
> but
> not on IE 5.5 On this one, it offers me to download the script file but
> instead of being
> a php file it has now an html extension !!
> Anyhow, I do have a download by email attachment button also, because I
> up on trying
> to find a script to force download
> py
> - Original Message -
> From: "David Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 4:10 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Re: force download in IE -- conclusion
> > I ran some tests of different header configurations of 6
> > combinations to find out what worked and what didn't.  I didn't cover
> of
> > the platforms available, just those that my user-base uses, so this
> > complete.
> >
> > combinations tested was IE5.5, NN4, NN6 for Windows 98 and IE5.5, NN4.7
> for
> > Mac 9.1.  I tested all of these browsers using/not using 'attachment' in
> the
> > Content-Disposition header.  and also changed out the Content-Type
> > with 'application/octet-stream', 'application/download', and '*/*'.
> >
> > Here's the summary and what I did to make things work as well as
> > My goal is to prompt the user with a save-as dialog for an mp3 file.
> >
> > IE5.5 for Mac always uses the quicktime plugin to play the file no
> > what the disposition or type is.  (also no matter what the file
> > is.  Couldn't figure out how to trick it to download the file.)
> >
> > IE5.5 for Win98 would attempt to download the file if
> ("content-disposition:
> > attachment; filename=") attachment was there.
> >
> > All 3 of the Win98 browsers would do prompt with as few clicks as
> > when content-type was "application/octet-stream".  Therefore,  I test in
> my
> > script for the Mac users and give them "Content-type:
> application/downlaod"
> > while I give other users "Content-Type: application/octet-stream".  Of
> > course, this doesn't help the IE5.5 Mac users who still have to use
> > "Downlaod Link to Disk" routine to get a save-as prompt.
> >
> > Anyone who sees different ways this could be done, please respond.
> >
> > Here's my code:
> >
> > if (eregi("mac",$HTTP_USER_AGENT))
> >$type = "application/download";
> > else
> >$type = "application/octet-stream";
> >
> > // stream file to user
> > header("Content-Type: $type");
> > header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
> > header("Content-Length: ".filesize($tmp_file));
> > header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
> > readfile($tmp_file);
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

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[PHP] Re: how to disable the automated "userID/password" in Internet Explor er

2001-08-22 Thread Elias Santiago

You need to go to:

Tools -> Internet Options -> Content (tab) -> Autocomplete -> clear the box
beneath "User names and passwords on forms" also press "Clear Passwords" if
you're concerned about passwords being remembered. Just check/uncheck the
options you need.

"Gabe Da Silveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Just look through the preferences, disable forms auto-complete.  That
> should take care of it for forms, I don't know about dialog boxes.
> In article
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zhu George-Czz010) wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> >
> >Sorry, I know there is out of the topic, but you are highly possible
> >help on this.
> > My browser --Internet Exporer will remember my userID and password, and
> > next time, after I type the first char of my user ID, it will
> > fill in the userID and password. Is there a way to disablt it?
> >
> > Thanks.
> --
> __
> Gabe da Silveira, Web Designer
> Twin Cities Student Unions
> University of Minnesota
> http://www.coffman.umn.edu
> wFone: (612)624-7270
> hPage: http://www.visi.com/~jiblet

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Re: [PHP] The future of PHP

2001-08-22 Thread Elias Santiago

Just by looking at M$ history we all know that their only interest is
$$money$$.  Even if the product is not fully tested/bug-free and if 20% of
it works, they spit it out and leave the dirty work (and headaches) to the
system administrators and everyone else who's not a "plain non-technical
user" just trying to get their memo or spreadsheet done.  Then after that,
either M$ continues to "develop" the product with their famous "Service
Packs" or drop support after 1-3 years and force everyone to move in their
stream (which continues to produce $$money$$ for them).

"Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > So, the jist is, what does PHP have to offer to the web in the future?
> > think it's still a viable option that will be around for at least
> > 6-7 years. This kid thinks it's shelf life is another 3.  What do ya'll
> > think?
> Personally I would be a hell of a lot more worried if I was in the Java
> camp.  M$ with .NET and especially CLR is gunning directly for Java and
> its position in the enterprise.  PHP will roll with the punches and work
> alongside .NET and CLR and always keep up with all the latest technologies
> out there because PHP is developed by and for the web community.
> Name a single interested web-related technology that PHP can't interact
> with.  I can't think of one.  And as more come out, we'll find ways to get
> PHP to talk to them.
> -Rasmus

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Re: [PHP] Any point in learning ASP/JSP etc?

2001-08-22 Thread Elias Santiago

I have learned (and used) both PHP and ASP.  However, when I was beginning
with PHP, I always made it first on ASP then re-implemented on PHP.  I
always found PHP to be easier, shorter (but more powerful) logic (scripts
are shorter than ASP).

I guess it has served me well, I have learned to do it "the HARD" way and
then learn to do it easier and in a short time with PHP.  I guess it is  the
experience you have with programming: all the "tinkering", discoveries of
unusual command and function behaviors (c'mon we ALL have been tru this!),
OS and web server particularities, etc.  That's the kind of background any
employer would like to know and I have to agree with John in that point.

I specialize in PHP and MySQL on Windows NT/2K with IIS/Apache.  I know it's
impossible to be good in everything, but at least knowing a good piece from
each is not bad either.  For example, you don't have to be Picasso to paint
a house!  I have to admit, that not all people have the *aptitude* to do
this type of work, that's what makes the difference between exceptional
individuals and "plain Joes".  I can't judge myself on what type I am, or
believe that I'm something I may not be, that's a judgement others have to
take about me.  I just do my best to be on the "exceptionals" list.

my 2 cents.

"John Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> At 01:29 AM 8/23/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >Ah ha, but am I better off becoming a PHP guru or a
> >jackofalltrades-notverygoodatanyofthem kind of person ;-)
> I don't know.  I've learned both PHP and ASP, and neither of them have
> decreased the other in terms of learning.
> The fact is, you are going to learn what you are going to learn.  If you
> want to go with PHP only, that's your choice.

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[PHP] Re: The future of PHP

2001-08-22 Thread Elias Santiago

"Thomas Deliduka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> A little background... Skip to "THE JIST" if you wanna make this quick.
> I am on this webmaster's list where most of the people are fairly new
> webmasters. They're just getting the hang of things. I am probably one of
> the only advanced ones on there (not to toot my own horn really) and I'm
> of two who use PHP (the other is just learning.)

I don't know if you refer to this list or other one, but I've been a
webmaster since 1993 and in computers in general since 1988 and I also
consider myself of the "advanced" type.

> I tout PHP and MySQL as awesome, which they are, but I don't say they're
> only technology out there.
> There is another guy, a kid, who is a major Java guy and he's BIG into XML
> and JSP.
> Some guy on this list asked what a good dynamic web solution is, I
> immediately chimed in and said PHP was great, free, and on most all linux
> hosts.  Told him how powerful it was and what could be done with it.
> This kid chimes in and says, something to the affect of that if the guy
> wants to live in the past and not let his website go anywhere then he
> go with PHP but JSP is the wave of the future and it's more powerful, and
> has the backing of the almighty Sun and the Open Source community (as if
> doesn't).
> So, the jist is, what does PHP have to offer to the web in the future?  I
> think it's still a viable option that will be around for at least another
> 6-7 years. This kid thinks it's shelf life is another 3.  What do ya'll
> think?

He MAY be right, may not.  XML is just not so standardized (if in doubt look
how IE and Netscape each implement it "their way") I consider XML like
"freestyle HTML".   I know this technology has great potential but if
developers don't decide on how to standardize it, it could die young.  PHP
however (as an avid follower) is on a "fast track" and even Microsoft
considers it a strong contender to ASP.  However, both PHP and XML
technologies are just scripting engines.  Products like the Zend engine are
just starting to scratch the surface for truly dynamic, cached, real-time
web applications.  I'm not saying that either PHP or XML (or any other
technology that comes along) is going to die or leave the other "in the
dust" but look what has happened with Java, it has certainly lost momentum.

> --
> Thomas Deliduka
> IT Manager
>  -
> New Eve Media
> The Solution To Your Internet Angst
> http://www.neweve.com/

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[PHP] Re: Browser Detection & Redirection -- PHP or Apache ???

2001-08-19 Thread Elias Santiago

Why not use something easier like phpSniff.


You don't need a browscap.ini or troubling around with get_browser();

Elias Santiago

"Christopher Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> PHP Folks:
> Does PHP provide some mechanism for browser detection & redirection or is
> this something that Apache Directives can handle?
> For example: I don't want users with browsers less than 4.0 to actually
> a page on our site. Instead, I want them redirected to a page that let's
> them know their browser is in-compatible.
> I know this is something JavaScript can do, but again that relies on the
> browser.
> Thanks for any help,
> Christopher Raymond

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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-WIN] Installation failed ! Please Help!

2001-08-17 Thread Elias Santiago

Me too, I've never had any problems with PHP running it with or without the
%s %s.  I guess that IIS 3 required that, but IIS 4./5 not necessarily
require it (a useful bug??).   Nevertheless, it work without them anyways.
I only wish that the PHP ISAPI module is FINALLY made stable (production
quality) to use it on my sites.

"Phil Driscoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thursday 16 August 2001 7:35 pm, Elias Santiago wrote:
> > I believe that IIS passes the script name to php.exe with the first %s.
> > think IIS replaces the first %s with the script name.  From the second
> > article, I suppose that if the %s is changed to %S, the name passed to
> > php.exe would be UPPERCASE.   Can anyone verify this?
> I can't verify that, but I can verify that I've had php running without
> trouble at all ever on about a dozen NT4 boxes without %s %s anywhere in
> without any problems at all :)
> Maybe the default behaviour of IIS (since it is the sensible behaviour) is
> pass the script name to the exe it calls.
> Cheers
> --
> Phil Driscoll

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[PHP] Interesting links

2001-08-16 Thread Elias Santiago

PHP IDE for Linux Only
  a.. Coffeecup Editor (the best IDE for PHP on Linux) PHP editor
  b.. HTML/PHP editors Quanta
  c.. HTML/PHP editors Blue Fish
  d.. HTML editors AswEdit
On Windows
  a.. PHP IDE and Editor "PHP Coder" and mirror
  b.. Zend PHP IDE
  c.. IDE for PHP scripting (Web browser)
  d.. Nexidion PHP IDE
  e.. In Source Forge, enter the keyword PHP IDE in Search
PHP IDE for Windows Only
  a.. Soyal, a excellent PHP editor (Windows)
  b.. IDE for PHP editor (Windows)
  c.. IDE for PHP (Windows)
  d.. "EditPlus Text editor" Win32 (high rating 5 stars)
  e.. eNotepad Win32 (high rating 5 stars)
  f.. PHP editor Win32 (high rating 5 stars)
  g.. UltraEdit Win32 with PHP word file
  h.. ScriptWorx editor Win32 (rating 4.5 stars)
  i.. TextPad editor Win32 (rating 4.5 stars)
  j.. PHP editor "ASPEdit" (rating 3.5 stars) along with PHP code explorer
(rating 4.5 stars)
  k.. HTML/PHP editor Dreamweaver
  l.. HTML/PHP editor Homesite
  m.. HTML/PHP editor Hotdog
PHP IDE for Both Windows and Linux
  a.. PHP editor (for both Windows and Linux/UNIX) (rating 5 stars).
  b.. HTML/PHP editors Amaya
  c.. Folding text editor (Windows and Linux)
  d.. PHP Editor (Windows and Linux)
  e.. Color editor gvim for PHP (Windows and Linux) at and see also "ptags
of PHP"
  f.. Jed (Windows and Linux)
Editors for PHP


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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-WIN] Installation failed ! Please Help!

2001-08-16 Thread Elias Santiago

Found MS explanation!  (at least the only place I've found the reason WHY %s
%s must be used)


I know, this is a KB article for Python, but look closely at the line that
"(The two "%s" after the executable are required for console-based script
interpreters but would not be required for an Internet Server API
[ISAPI]-based script interpreter)."

It's the only MS explanation I've seen as to why the %s %s must be used.
If anyone finds anything more in-depth please expand on my comments.

"Phil Driscoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thursday 16 August 2001 4:45 pm, Powell, Jim (EER) wrote:
> > > Second, make the application extensions point to php.exe (you
> > > don't need the
> > > %s %s stuff).
> >
> > This I have to disagree with.  Without the %s %s, you are rolling dice
> > to whether the page will work or not.  I never had this problem with
> > under win32, but I have with IIS.  I would definitely leave them in
> I'll have to strongly disagree with your disagreement ;)
> --
> Phil Driscoll

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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-WIN] Installation failed ! Please Help!

2001-08-16 Thread Elias Santiago

I've had PHP 3 to 4.01 and now 4.06 running under NT4 SP6a and now with W2K
& IIS 5.  From my experience, the %s %s is a requirement of IIS (not PHP).
This according to Microsoft rules (apparently %s %s is CASE SENSITIVE):

The %s %s has to do with script mappings within IIS.  The closest i've found
to an explanation is:

apparently the "%s %s" are not necessary for ISAPI extensions, as seen at:

I believe that IIS passes the script name to php.exe with the first %s. I
think IIS replaces the first %s with the script name.  From the second
article, I suppose that if the %s is changed to %S, the name passed to
php.exe would be UPPERCASE.   Can anyone verify this?   Apparently, the
second %s is used by IIS to pass any additional parameters to the script.
Like running php.exe from the command line, that would be "php script1.php
parameters".  I think IIS requires the %s's to emulate that behavior.  I
know that PHP runs fine without these, but I haven't verified if the
filename of the script passed to php.exe is upper or lower case when the %s
%s is dropped.   I'll have to do some testing and post the results here.

Another MS page worth looking at:

Who on his sane mind would drop Linux in favor of Win2K and IIS5 (with all
the bugs it has, and those yet to be discovered)?

"Phil Driscoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thursday 16 August 2001 4:45 pm, Powell, Jim (EER) wrote:
> > > Second, make the application extensions point to php.exe (you
> > > don't need the
> > > %s %s stuff).
> >
> > This I have to disagree with.  Without the %s %s, you are rolling dice
> > to whether the page will work or not.  I never had this problem with
> > under win32, but I have with IIS.  I would definitely leave them in
> I'll have to strongly disagree with your disagreement ;)
> --
> Phil Driscoll

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