Re: [PHP] Alternate Colors in Rows

2007-10-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Steve Marquez wrote:

I am attempting to alternate the colors of the container DIV. Anyone know
how to do this? 

I've used variants of this:

?php while ($condition): ?
   div style=background-color: #?= ($i++%2) ? 'ff' : 'ee' ?;
?php endwhile ?


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Re: [PHP] Secure Image Storage

2007-10-01 Thread Jon Anderson

Kevin Murphy wrote:

Hello all,

Following up with my success last week with putting downloadable files 
in a directory above the web root and then using a combination of 
fopen and stuff to download the file, I am now trying to do something 
similar with images.

However, what I am trying to do is to put an image file above the web 
root, then use PHP to display that image in the web page, and not 
download it. I have the feeling that this isn't possible (all 
solutions I've seen involve using header() function, which won't work 
since this is midway down the page), but I wanted to make sure. This 
will return the binary source of the file:

print file_get_contents($file_path);

but doesn't display the image. Is there any way to have this (or 
something else) generate the image?

What I get from the text above is that you're trying to actually display 
the image *inside* the HTML, which you can't do. You need to link to the 
image (which may be an image fetcher script), for example:

img src=image.php?img=123456 /

And have a corresponding image.php script that does the header and 
binary output.


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Re: [PHP] Strategy for Secure File Storage

2007-09-24 Thread Jon Anderson

Kevin Murphy wrote:
I'm working on a intranet site that uses an LDAP server to 
authenticate users and then a integrated CMS (kind of like a wiki with 
security features so only certain people can post things or upload 
files) runs the whole thing. (The CMS is custom built with PHP).

I've got a need to make certain files secured so that if someone 
uploads a file they can specify that no one except certain people can 
view the file. I've got all the security features set up, what I need 
to do is come up with the best way of securing those files. Obviously 
the link won't show to those files if the user doesn't have access to 
it, but I'm worried that someone might know the link and be able to 
access the file that they are not supposed be able to see.

This doesn't need to be NSA level security, but I do need to protect 
against some computer savvy users. So, I'm pondering the following 
ideas for hiding those files. Any insight on the best method would be 

1) Write secure files to MySQL as a blob (only secure files would be 
written there)

2) Write secure files to the level below the web root and come up with 
a way of copying the files over to a temporary directory for access, 
then delete the files as soon as they are accessed.

3) Use Unix passwords to protect a folder in the web level and then 
the CMS knows the password and can pass the password for access (so 
that the user doesn't know this password, but the CMS does).

4) Some various forms of link obfuscation, where the CMS goes through 
all the secure files once an hour or so and rewrites the file name 
with a random string.

5) Or  I'm open to suggestions. 

You can easily force all file access to pass through a PHP script - 
just do this kind of thing:

- Fetch file information from a get variable, like file.php?fileid=12345 
(or even file.php?filename=somefile.bin)
- Check if the user is allowed access to that file (yes: continue, no: 
display an error)

header(Content-Type:  . $file-getContentType());
readfile(/path/to/secure/ . $file-getFileName());

Then just make sure that the /path/to/secure/ (as in the example 
above) is not readable by web users by some means.


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Re: [PHP] PHP 5.2.3 - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

2007-09-12 Thread Jon Anderson

Per Jessen wrote:

Uh, how do know you it's do with the version-number??  Did I miss that

Not necessarily to do with the version number itself - it's that PHP is 
dying before having actually done anything - it never gets to any PHP code.

From the first post - the last line of what I pasted below:

php -v:

PHP 5.2.3 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 12 2007 08:59:52)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

In my experience, the Suhosin patch (while excellent for security) 
caused significant instability in several modules. I ended up having to 
scrap it. (It may not have been the patch - it could easily have been 
several of the PECL modules we were using. Regardless, they didn't 
segfault without the Suhosin patch.)

If possible, you could try building without the patch.

Assuming your machine isn't overclocked and has been tested for hardware 

If the version of PHP you're using is a binary package, you should 
probably generate a backtrace from the core that was dumped and report 
it as a bug to the provider of that binary. The same goes if it was 
built as a FreeBSD port - they should probably know that their default 
port builds are segfaulting.

I think Stut's advice for troubleshooting is a good path to take as well.


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Re: [PHP] UTF-8 support

2007-08-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Naz Gassiep wrote:
The functions trim() and explode() appear to be munging multibyte 
UTF-8 strings. I can't find multibyte safe versions of them in the 
manual, do they exist, or do I have to make my own?

In what way are they munging the strings? I just tried with a bunch of 
UTF-8 characters pasted into a string, and it did exactly what I'd expect.


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Re: [PHP] Premature Ajax-ulation

2007-08-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Stut wrote:
Validation, validation, validation. The big danger with doing anything 
on the client-side is that it's all to easy to fall into blindly 
trusting what the client is giving you, even the smallest assumption 
can create a big hole in your app.

Don't assume events will happen the way you expect them to. Don't 
assume users won't be able to make requests just because your logic 
*should not* allow it.

In short, don't treat it any different to any other web application. 
There is no difference, you still need to do all the validation on 
every request whether it's AJAX or not. 

Beyond data validation, the thing that *really* bothers me about 
AJAX/JSON, etc is functions that can read or even modify data. Until 
recently, AJAX frameworks didn't do much verification on the source of 
the request, so If you happened to be logged to some private/sensitive 
site, a 3rd party site in another tab/window could call your AJAX 
functions and glean whatever data from the responses, or even modify 
data. (e.g. ajax_getUsers(), or ajax_launchAllNukesNowNowNow()!)

I think all the major frameworks added protection against this, but 
home-brewed or out-of-date AJAX/JSON framework users beware!


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Re: [PHP] Strategy when working with designer(s)?

2007-07-23 Thread Jon Anderson

Steve Finkelstein wrote:
I was curious how do you folks who strictly do development and not 
designing, strategically work with a designer in this fashion? Do you 
have a skeleton you follow or preload some existing templates and then 
code around that? If there's even a book which focuses on such 
concepts, I'd be more than happy to purchase and read it. 

This is just my opinion. I have only ever worked with a limited set of 
professional designers...Your mileage may vary.

Having worked with a designer I very much respect for almost two years 
now, my only real suggestion is to make sure you write very 
standards-compliant xhtml. Lay out your pages so that they flow from top 
to bottom without any formatting whatsoever (think extreme simplicity). 
Output data naturally - tabular data in tables, paragraphs in p tags, 
headings in hN tags, inputs with labels, etc. Conceptually different 
parts can be split into div tags too. (Like div id=headerPage 
Title/div, div id=contentPage data/div etc.)

It should look something like:

Global Header

* Page 1 link
* Page 2 link
* Page 3 link
* Page 4 link

Page Data

Here's why:
- A good web designer can work absolute magic with CSS - they can turn a 
well written xhtml page into a beautiful page that looks consistent 
across all modern browsers. (I'm lucky enough to work day-to-day with an 
absolute design wizard.)
- It's very accessible - even simple mobile browsers screen readers and 
will have no problems with it.
- If you don't like the work the designer has done, you can hire another 
and plug-in different style sheets.

Depending on the calibre of designer, I think that integration may be a 
bit of a headache in the end though.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Brain Teasers

2007-07-12 Thread Jon Anderson

Daniel Brown wrote:

   Did you come before or after the chicken egg?

Relevant to the above:

$a = array('Chicken','Egg');
echo The  . $a[array_rand($a)] .  comes first.;

I appologize if this one's already been done...I've only glanced at a 
few entries in this thread, entertaining though it is. :-)


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Re: [PHP] how PHP is batter?

2007-07-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Andrei wrote:

I saw there is a free version of Studio, but I think it's for
students... You cannot go build a corporate project with it I think...

They're just designed for students and hobbyists (i.e. they stipped 
out the cool stuff), but you can use 'em for whatever.

From the faq:

*4.**Can I use Express Editions for commercial use?*

Yes, there are no licensing restrictions for applications built using 
the Express Editions.


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Re: [PHP] A Guide to running Apache 2, PHP 4 PHP 5 on Windows XP

2007-05-17 Thread Jon Anderson

Richard Davey wrote:

Sure, but you're in the minority*, so what do I care? :)

* I just took the Zend PHP IDE research poll, and at the end it gives
you the chance to view the stats of everyone else who took the poll.
Interestingly, 70% of them use Windows XP for development.

I actually use a combination of Vista and OS X, which puts me in the
11% and 19% categories respectively.

I find it funny that the addition of the numbers above would logically 
put me in the 0% category.

My $0.02...I use Linux almost 100% of the time at work, and consider 
myself to be a linux guy. That said, I disagree with people who 
discard Windows as an option. If you develop in PHP, chances are pretty 
good that more than 85% of the people you're developing for will use 
Windows to view your end result. In my book, that makes a WAMP 
workstation/laptop a pretty good self-contained development environment.

Argumentum ad populum doesn't apply in the usage-for-development case. 
It's not asking If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you jump 
too? It's asking If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you 
design your bridge with a soft fluffy landing spot?


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Re: [PHP] Blocking the direct download of a file

2007-05-07 Thread Jon Anderson

pw wrote:

I have a phtml file that contains a reference to
a java archive (jar) file.

I only want the archive used in the context of
a specific html page. I don't want the archive
to be downloaded directly. 

I can think of two easy ways to do this. If you're using Apache, you 
could fiddle with the config a little to deny non-local downloads:

SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ^; local_ref=1
FilesMatch \.jar
   Order Allow, Deny
   Allow From env=local_ref

(Stolen from: 
Have used something similar, but don't want to dig through my own configs.)

Alternately, you can do something like this - similar to your idea, but 
in this case, the download actually happens from the PHP script:

if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],'') === 0) {
   header('Content-Type: application/java-archive');

There are probably lots of other ways to do that kind of thing.


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Re: [PHP] Blocking the direct download of a file

2007-05-07 Thread Jon Anderson

Greg Donald wrote:

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is unreliable. 


In the context, I think the only thing that matters is that other people 
don't link to his jar file from other websites.


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Re: [PHP] Blocking the direct download of a file

2007-05-07 Thread Jon Anderson

Greg Donald wrote:

There will be legitimate requests that will fail since not all
browsers send a referer.

How many browsers out there that support the Java plug-in will not 
support referrers?

Besides, the simple solution to that problem is just check for a 
non-existant referrer. If the browser doesn't support it, then it works 


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Re: [PHP] Keep-Alive problem

2007-03-23 Thread Jon Anderson

Julien Allali wrote:

Then, the second call is blocked until the first call is entirely done.

Now, If I explicitly ask the browser for closing the connection:
all work fine.
I believe the reason for this is specifically because of the connection 
to one apache process. Since apache prefork just uses one 
single-threaded (forked) process to handle each connection, when you 
issue a connection: keep-alive header, that one process is busy handling 
the first request, so the second request just sits and waits for the 
first to complete. If you issue a connection: close header, it works 
simply because your first request hits one apache process (which will be 
busy for some time), and your second request hits an entirely different 
apache process.

For other apache threading models, replace process above with 
thread. Same idea.

To my question is really simple:
  How could I tell to php to notify apache that the response is done so
it will treat the second response hence if the first call is not 
It's one process (or thread). AFAIK, it can't do that. You're asking one 
thread of execution to understand (automagically) that it has to pause 
execution, handle the next request, then resume the first.

Using connection: close does almost exactly what you need, with the 
unfortunate side effect of having to re-establish a connection...Why not 
just stick with that? Alternately, you might be able to spawn off 
another command-line PHP process by calling system() or similar.
 *I think there is no php functions/way to do so, so isn't it a bug? 
(missing important

IMO, it's expected behavior.


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Re: [PHP] Re: CONTENT-type for sending HTML attachments

2007-03-20 Thread Jon Anderson

Angelo Zanetti wrote:
So if the HTML files are attachments and the text is just plain text 
then will the content-type of the message be text/plain and then each 
attachment be multipart/alternative. Please note that the HTML files 
need to be sent as attachments and not part of the body.

On my email client I was receiving the emails correctly (IE: message 
body and HTML files as attachments) but on my client's email client 
they were just receiving blank messages.

I'm just a little confused about the content types as you might have 

You're trying to do this, right?

MIME Email
- Part 1: Text Message (The message that you want displayed)
- Part 2: HTML Attachment
- Part 3: HTML Attachment
- ...
- Part N: HTML Attachment

Because it's a mime email, your text part will be a mime part (an 
attachment) as well, but basically any mail reader these days will 
render that as the main part.

You want your main email (MIME Email above) to have a 
multipart/alternative content type. Your text part (Part 1 above) 
should be text/plain. Each HTML part (Part 2 to Part N above) could 
be text/html. If you want to force those HTML parts as attachments you 
could use application/octet-stream for the content type - mail readers 
should treat them as binary. Whatever mime class you're using should 
hopefully take care of any encoding that may or may not be necessary.


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Re: [PHP] different and logic between PHP4 and PHP5

2007-03-13 Thread Jon Anderson

Vieri wrote:

I didn't code this. We have inherited some code that
worked this way in php4:
if string1 and string2 exist then return true or 1
else return false or 0
in php5 it just doesn't behave the same way.
Rather than echo, try var_dump. You'll find that it's returning a 
boolean, which is what you want according to the above paragraph?


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Re: [PHP] Back to security

2007-03-13 Thread Jon Anderson

jekillen wrote:

For what it is worth, I am only aware of one drawback to https with
respect to how requests are handled that makes it difficult to use
with virtual hosting. I am a little hazy  on how it works but when
https is used only the ip address of the request is available to the
server before the rest of the request is decrypted.
I might be able to shed a little more light on that point...It's pretty 
simple actually...

The client establishes an SSL connection with the server. That involves 
verifying the identity of the server (via a signed certificate). This is 
all done prior to the client sending the HTTP Host header. So you have a 
chicken and egg problem:

You want to tell the server what virtual host you want via a header, but 
that requires a connection first. However, the server needs to tell you 
who it is before you can even connect.

End result? Only one domain per vhost. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Launch a seperate process

2007-03-06 Thread Jon Anderson

fedt wrote:
pcntl_ fork() and pcntl_ wait(), yo 
If you're using PHP as an apache DSO, you may find that those functions 
aren't available. If you don't have the pcntl_* functions available, 
there a less attractive options...I've done a request with curl with a 
short timeout to spawn the second request from PHP. You could likely 
also do it with JavaScript/AJAX. There are probably lots of other ways, 
in fact there may have been a discussion here some time ago about it 
though I don't remember the outcome.


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Re: [PHP] operational musings

2007-02-27 Thread Jon Anderson
Without any more than a few minutes worth of work, you can make MySQL do 
that with replication. Your in-store system could act as a slave to for 
the central system databases (any central updates trickle down to the 
slave automatically) and your in-store machine could be the master for 
the store_xyz database(s).

Network disconnect? No problem!
Network reconnect? Easy!
In-store machine failure? No problem! Just update the tables from the 
central master!

Work? Almost none!

And since this is a PHP list...

?= 'jon' ?

Jay Blanchard wrote:

Howdy cats and kittens!

I had an interesting thought after watching a demo of a POS system and
wondered if the same type of methodology could be applied in a PHP
application. I haven't thought this all the way through, but a
fully-hatched idea like this could signal a major change in applications
designed with PHP.

In the POS if the network connectivity was lost the store could continue
to operate, once the network connectivity was restored the data from
each store would sync back up and data would be sent to the central
server, yadda, yadda, yadda. Of course this is in a client/server
application with an executable residing on each workstation.

So, if you wanted to do this with PHP you would likely have to have a
local web /database server (each store), establish a socket (primary and
store servers?) to watch for an outage/restore and then write the code
to support the sync up. Can it be done with PHP? It would definitely be
worth the trouble given the frequency that connections to stores get

Thanks in advance for ideas, thoughts, etc.


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Re: [PHP] can this be fone with PHP?

2007-02-22 Thread Jon Anderson
Bruce Gilbert wrote:
 I have created forms with PHP where the information in the fields is
 sent via sendmail to an email, but is there a way to have the
 information extracted and a pdf form created when the user hits the
 submit button?

Yep, probably. See


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Re: [PHP] php and .net webservice

2007-02-21 Thread Jon Anderson

Arno Coetzee wrote:
I have a php client that needs to interact with a .net web service. 
The method I call returns a strongly typed dataset (some or other .net 
object). I cannot seem to get my php client to understand what this 
dataset is. I can see the information with a tcpdump, but for the life 
of me I can’t get php to display the results returned. 
Assuming you're using PHP's built-in SOAP handling stuff, it should work 
fine. Just var_dump or print_r the returned object to see what you get.

.NET SOAP likes to do some inconsistent/odd things. By default, I 
believe it wraps one message in an additional object/array layer for no 
apparent reason, but doesn't for messages traveling in the other 
direction, at least that has been the case in my very limited experience 
with dotnet/php SOAP interaction. (Dumping the resulting messages should 
provide you with the odd object structure.)


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Re: [PHP] PDO database drivers

2007-02-20 Thread Jon Anderson

Sandy Keathley wrote:
I upgraded PHP 5.2 = 5.2.1 and added PDO support.  It installed 
the SQLLITE driver by default.  I wanted to add the MYSQL driver.

I ran pecl install PDO_MYSQL and it failed with an autoconf error.
It probably depends on how you're installing PHP. If you're using a 
distribution's built-in PHP support, there should be a PDO/mysql package 
or in Gentoo's case pdo and mysql use flags. If you're compiling from 
source, just add --with-pdo-mysql to your ./configure line.
I then downloaded the driver from pecl and unpacked it, but there 
were no instructions on installing it, and there is no configure script.

Why use pecl? It's built-in to PHP.


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Re: [PHP] Deny processing of non included files

2007-02-15 Thread Jon Anderson
Easy answer: deny access to them. Use your web server to prevent 
execution of the files. Generally, if you're using Apache, you can just 
do this:

Directory /path/to/modules/
   Order Allow,Deny
   Deny From All

You may also be able to do that from a .htaccess file.

If you can't configure the server, just use a define at the top of your 
index script:


Then just check it with a one-liner at the top of each script that is 
for inclusion only.

Tim wrote:

1. My included files assume the top file has initiated an instance of an
certain object thus being able to use the resources of the instanced objects
in the top file..(obviously i have the necessary checks to make sure the
instance has been created before including the file)
-Should i be initializing new instances of the object at the top of each
included file to prevent errors from appearing incase someone access the
file directly? Or should i believe it doesn't really matter as in a
production environment display_errors is set to off so no error output will
be shown...
I don't think you ever want include files to be executed in the wrong 
context. Just deny access.

If anything, just make an index.php page in each module dir that 
contains only Thanks for visiting this page, but the link you followed 
is probably mistyped. Try a href=\$document_root\this/a instead.

2. what is the assesed security risk if someone access a file directly even
if it does not output anything?
Depends on what the file contains. If it contains this: `sudo rm -r 
$directory/*`, then the results could be disastrous, but let's hope 
that it wouldn't contain code like that. :-)

3. is their a way to check that a file has been included by such and such
file or should i develop a hash system where the top page that includes
files generates a hash, stores it in the db for the length of the script and
in a variable, and have the included file check that the variable from the
top file and the hash in the db correspond?
See above define(...) bit, which is really based on the old C header 

#ifndef __SOME_FILE_H
#define __SOME_FILE_H

a bunch of stuff



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Re: [PHP] Accessing cookies in PHP and Javascript

2007-02-15 Thread Jon Anderson
Your favorite search engine would provide you with far better JavaScript 
answers than a PHP mailing list...

Otto Wyss wrote:

Assuming I have a cookie

setcookie (username,$_SESSION['Username'], $expires);

how can I access the same cookie in Javascript?

Parse out document.cookie.

Or how do I have to create a cookies so it's accessable as


document.cookie = username= + escape(username);

You can add expiry, path, etc. with JavaScript, but you can google for that.


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Re: [PHP] round to nearest 500?

2007-02-13 Thread Jon Anderson


hah yeah, always worth a little skepticism, but it seemed to make some kind of 
sense.   If you always round up or always round down, that's obviously not 
right and you end up losing potentially a lot of money or over-estimating the 
money involved.

Founding up for 5 through 9 and down for 0 through 4 seems like it makes some 
kind of sense, but apparently it doesn't work out that way.

I'm sure someone out there knows what I'm talking about (it might be the first 
time, but I know I'm not making this up hah), but rounding 0.75 up to 0.8 and 
0.65 down to 0.6 (or vice versa) is supposed to be more accurate or at least 
leads to fewer anomalies.

Someone feel like writing a quick script that generates random numbers and does 
the rounding based on these two ideas (doing it the 'hard way') and see how 
much variation there is after like 10,000 iterations?  If I have time later, 
I'll do it.  Now I'm even more curious.
I wasn't aware of the accounting trick before today, but I believe I can 
explain it: If your numbers are statistically random, then the above 
solution will lead to an even distribution of rounding up and rounding down.

The reason is simple:
0: No rounding. It's already there. (8.0 doesn't need to be rounded to 8 
- it already *is* 8.)

1-4: You round down - 4 of 9 times you round down.
5-9: You round up - 5 of 9 times you round up.

So you round up 11.1% more often than you round down. As a result, if 
you round up when it's odd, and down when it's even, you eliminate the 
11.1% difference in when you'd round up then round down.

That said, if someone were aware of the above rounding trick, it 
wouldn't take someone very much effort to come up with things like fee 
structures or pricing structures that could take advantage of that 
scheme to force rounding errors to remain permanently in the person's favor.

I certainly hope that PHP continues to use the standard technique, and 
not the accounting trick above. :-)


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Re: [PHP] round to nearest 500?

2007-02-12 Thread Jon Anderson

blackwater dev wrote:

Is there an easy way in php to round to the nearest 500?

So if I have 600, I 500 and if I have 800 I want 1000? 
Multiply by 2, round to 1000, divide by 2. Maybe there's an easier way, 
but that's what I use.

600*2 = 1200, round(1200,-3) = 1000, 1000/2 = 500
800*2 = 1600, round(1600,-3) = 2000, 2000/2 = 1000


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Re: [PHP] base64-encoding in cookies?

2007-02-10 Thread Jon Anderson

Myron Turner wrote:

Jon Anderson wrote:

Fletcher Mattox wrote:

In terms of the behavior, I think it makes total sense. The only case 
where it would ever bite you is yours (which is rare because most 
people wouldn't mix perl and PHP in the same system).

I'm not going to get into the middle of the base64 argument, but I 
don't think that mixing perl and php is rare.  I've seen the mix 
occasionally crop up up this list, and I know from myself.  I've been 
using Perl for 10 years and PHP for only 2.5.  It's inevitable that 
I'll choose Perl for certain uses and that I'll call the Perl as cgi 
from  pages scripted in PHP.  Then there are things which I've already 
got written in Perl that I also call as cgi from PHP pages.  Or 
operations that are not compiled into all installs of PHP and are 
standard with Perl, like fork(), and there's nothing you can do about 
it because you don't have control over the installation.  Each 
language has its strengths.  What's true of Perl, I think is probably 
true of Python as well.  There are lots of programmers and web sties 
that must mix Python and PHP.
I should have qualified my argument. I believe that mixing languages is 
likely to be _relatively_ rare compared with PHP-only systems. I have 
absolutely no hard evidence to back that up other than my own experience 
- I've seen only a few hundred sites, which is obviously a very small 
sample next to the probably millions of sites running PHP.

Of those few hundred sites, I'm the only one that directly mixes 
languages that I've seen. (I'm in sort of the same boat as you - I also 
started out with perl about 10 years ago, and started moving on to PHP 
around the PHP 4.0 era. I also regularly write python and C, among others.)


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Re: [PHP] Reflection API Questions

2007-02-09 Thread Jon Anderson
Check out the runkit extension to PHP 
( It should let you do all 
the class mucking you need to do.


Jim Wilson wrote:

Dear PHP Users,

I have two questions regarding PHP 5's Reflection API (I apologize if 

isn't the right list to ask):

1) Is there a way to inject a method into a Class such that future
instantiations of that Class will have the method?  For example:

 Before ---
class A {
   // Nothing
 Before ---

 After ---
class A {
   // method which was injected
   public function injectedFunc($someArg) {
 After ---

Obviously I'm not looking for a way to modify class A's source code, just
the effective class A specification.

I know that PHP supports extending classes and interfaces, but in my
use-case that isn't really an option since I don't control the code which
instantiates the objects, and they're not using any kind of Factory 

for object construction that I could overload with my extended

2) Is there a way to change a method which already exists, as in by
overwriting it with a new function?  I'm looking to do the equivalent of
JavaScript's 'function as member' treatment, where it's easy to do 


 Snip ---
// Obj is some object
Obj.meth = function (arg) { /* do something with arg */ };

// Then later on ...
Obj.meth('hello there');
 Snip ---

Thanks in advance for any help, or for redirecting me to the correct 
list if

this isn't it.

-- Jim R. Wilson

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Re: [PHP] base64-encoding in cookies?

2007-02-09 Thread Jon Anderson

Fletcher Mattox wrote:

Actually, wouldn't you say it is left up to whoever is sending the cookie?
But more on that later.
It is totally left up to the user with PHP as well, but you agree with 
that (grudgingly) later. There is no way that you can argue the fact 
that there are two mechanisms. One leaves total control up to the user, 
the other is totally automatic. Personally, I think that's having your 
cake, and eating it too.

I won't argue that this behavior should probably be documented with 
$_COOKIE, but it is documented with it's counterpart, setcookie: Note 
that the value portion of the cookie will automatically be urlencoded 
when you send the cookie, and when it is received, it is automatically 
decoded and assigned to a variable by the same name as the cookie name. 
If you don't want this, you can use setrawcookie() instead if you 
are using PHP 5.

In terms of the behavior, I think it makes total sense. The only case 
where it would ever bite you is yours (which is rare because most people 
wouldn't mix perl and PHP in the same system). Nearly every other case 
is neatly wrapped up - newbies will find that setting whatever cookies 
they want just works, regardless of content. Others who are aware of the 
encoding behavior probably don't care - it's what they'd do manually if 
PHP didn't do it for them. Even if you use cookies in JavaScript, you'll 
have to know that certain charaters would have to be escaped, so you'd 
run escape on your cookie and find that in PHP you don't even have to do 
anything and it just works. (And more or less vice-versa.)

As far as I'm concerned, that is the mentality of PHP: there's a 
function called: do_exactly_what_i_want(), and it just works.

I think some of the negativity aimed at you stems from the fact that the 
behavior has been explained and is quite clear. There isn't much point 
in arguing what it should be. It is exactly what it is. If you want to 
argue what the behavior should be, try php-dev. (Making that kind of 
argument here is like yelling at your neighbor 'cause Vista 
sucks...assuming Bill Gates isn't your neighbor. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Javascript and $_POST

2007-02-08 Thread Jon Anderson
I'm no JavaScript expert, but I could maybe suggest an alternate method: 
use document.getElementById() or document.getElementsByName()

AFAIK, the direct doesn't work exactly the same way accross 
browsers (if at all).


function checkInputValue(item,onError) {
   if (item = document.getElementsByName(item)[0]) {
  if (item.value != ) {

function checkForm() {
   elements = new Array('cc_phone_number');
   errors = new Array('Please enter a phone number');

   for (i=0;ielements.length;i++) {
   if (!checkInputValue(elements[i],errors[i])) {


Dan Shirah wrote:
Okay, I edited my page per some suggestions here.  Below is what I now 

script language=JavaScript
function checkForm() {

// ** START **
 if (inputForm.cc_phone_number.value == ) {
   alert( Please enter a phone number. );

**Lots of other checks here, just left out for length**


LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=../../CSS/background.css
div align=center h2/h2
  h3Submit a New Payment./h3
form name=inputForm action=save.php method=post

**Lots of form data here**

table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
td width=64 align=lefta href=javascript:checkForm()
td width=616 align=lefta href=javascript:closeThis()

Now when I submit my page it still perfroms all of the javascript checks
correctly, but once it gets to the document.inputForm.submit(); part it
returns the following error.

Error: Object doesn't support this property or method.
Code: 0

On 2/7/07, Paul Novitski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 2/7/2007 01:34 PM, Dan Shirah wrote:
I have a form that uses Javascript to validate form field entries, 
and if

they are incorrect it returns an error to the user.

After the Javascript processing is complete, it submits the form to my
page. However it seems that once the processing is complete and it 

the save page, none of my $_POST variables are being passed.

Of course, all of your form fields need to be inside the same
form/form tags as your submit button.  The sample HTML you posted
did not indicate that you'd done this.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Javascript and $_POST

2007-02-08 Thread Jon Anderson

Dan Shirah wrote:

Tried your method and still got:

*Error: Object doesn't support this property or method.
Code: 0*
*I don't know what browser/platform you're using, but the following 
works for me on IE7/Windows, FF2/Linux, Opera9/Linux.


script language=JavaScript
function checkInputValue(item,onError) {
  if (item = document.getElementsByName(item)[0]) {
 if (item.value != ) {
**   alert(onError);

function checkForm() {
  elements = new Array('cc_phone_number');
  errors = new Array('Please enter a phone number');

  for (i=0;ielements.length;i++) {
  if (!checkInputValue(elements[i],errors[i])) {

form name=inputForm method=post enctype=multipart/form-data
table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 

tdinput type=text name=cc_phone_number /
td width=64 align=lefta href=# 
onclick=javascript:checkForm();return(false); title=SaveSave/a/td



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Re: [PHP] Javascript and $_POST

2007-02-08 Thread Jon Anderson

Jon Anderson wrote:

**   alert(onError);
Sorry about the *s everywhere (there aren't supposed to be any). I 
pasted the code in, and Thunderbird thought it was supposed to be bold 
for some reason, then converted the bold text to text with *s 
everywhere while sending as plain-text only.


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Re: [PHP] base64-encoding in cookies?

2007-02-08 Thread Jon Anderson

Fletcher Mattox wrote:

I have learned that apparently PHP silently runs urldecode()
on all cookies before copying them into the $_COOKIE variable, under
the assumption that all cookies have been urlencoded.

This seems like a bad assumption to me, and is perhaps an attempt to be
consistent with $_GET and $_REQUEST, which as Brad points out, have to
be url encoded.  But cookies aren't urls.  I thought their purpose was
to transfer data transparently, but maybe I am wrong about that.

Warning: this is my opinion. :-)

I don't believe is is a bad assumption; I can see exactly why it would 
have been done that way...

Cookies must be encoded somehow: Because a raw cookie will contain 
var=val; expires=time; path=/path/ type stuff, PHP would *have* to 
encode it. If a user runs setcookie('mycookie','this is my cookie; have 
a bite!');, PHP has to pick some kind of encoding, and urlencoding 
makes the most sense given its similarities to GET and POST.

Since PHP urlencodes values it sets, it follows logically that it would 
also urldecode values it retrieves.

If you don't want PHP's automagic cookie handling you can do it manually 
as well with header('Set-Cookie: ...') and $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] on 
the other end - which I believe is what you decided on.


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Re: [PHP] Javascript and $_POST

2007-02-07 Thread Jon Anderson

Dan Shirah wrote:

And this is my Save option at the bottom of my page

form name=Submit action=save.php method=post
table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
td width=64 align=lefta href=javascript:checkForm()
ErWhy aren't there any input elements within the form tag? Maybe 
you just condensed-out the inputs, but if your inputs aren't within the 
form, they won't be submitted.

E.g. if you have:

form id=dataForm
input ... /
input ... /

form id=submitForm

If you submit submitForm, nothing will get posted. You want to post 
dataForm in the above example. (Or whatever inputForm happens to be 
in your example.)


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Re: [PHP] Encoding problem

2007-02-05 Thread Jon Anderson

Guus Ellenkamp wrote:
I have a string with an n with a tilde. mb_detect_encoding says it's UTF-8. 
I set the http encoding to UTF-8 and also the internal encoding. However, I 
cannot produce proper output with echo $varwithtilde.

echo  $returnArray[$i]-address1.' has 
does NOT produce correct output in a browser or with the W3C validator, 
although it says the encoding of the var is UTF-8.

What's wrong?

Character set issues can be very complex, but I'm going to take a guess

If you're outputting something that is actually UTF-8, you'll need to 
make sure that you've done these:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

I believe that IE6 requires this one as well within your html head.

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /

If that doesn't work, then it could be that your character isn't 
actually UTF-8 encoded.


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Re: [PHP] Who uses PHP

2007-02-01 Thread Jon Anderson

Eric Gorr wrote:
 PHP has to many security issues and should not be used with a 
user authentication system.
 We should use XXX. 
Well, people's complaints about PHP probably stem from some security 
pitfalls built-in for simplicity's sake. (The most common being 
register_globals.) For that reason, I strongly agree with the general 
sentiments of many posters: code is as secure as the least capable 
developer can make it.

I write code in C, python, Perl, PHP, Java, C#, JavaScript, etc, etc... 
I don't find PHP to be inherently less secure than any other language.

I've recently run into a company that has a payment web service that 
handles outgoing transactions. They have a hole in their system that 
could be used to rip off e-commerce sites accross the internet. (Site 
thinks the person has paid, where they have not.) Their code is written 
in ASP. Is it ASP's fault? No. It's the programmers who failed to 
recognize the hole in their protocol.


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Re: [PHP] Parsing mail file

2007-01-30 Thread Jon Anderson
I realize I'm probably stepping on some toes here, but I'm going to 
assume that there is (judging from the wording) a language barrier here. 
While I'm all for the teach a man to fish philosophy, I'm not sure 
that language isn't getting in the way of the lesson...

Pierre Pintaric wrote:
I don't what want to rebuild the wheel if somebody works on it and 
made a good job...
I believe you're looking for a MIME message parser. (I think that's the 
piece of the puzzle you were missing. People were trying to steer you in 
that direction.)

The one ready-made solution that I'm aware of that will help you is the 
PECL mailparse package:

Otherwise, #6 (and maybe #7) in your search results list should do it...

If somebody uses a great function and want to share, I will please 
him... :-)

Please don't. ;-)


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Re: [PHP] Help wtih a query?

2007-01-30 Thread Jon Anderson

Wrong list. Putting $sql=... in there doesn't make it a PHP question. ;-)

Skip Evans wrote:

Is that what the left/right joins do???
Yea. LEFT JOIN will give you NULL entries in the left joined table, so 
you'd just have to say WHERE ISNULL(left joined table.some field in 
that table). Of course, you'll need to do the right JOINs in there for 
that to work.

Personally, I think that implicit joins are sloppy, so I would suggest 
using JOIN with ON or USING...but I suppose that's a preference thing, 
and some (all?) might disagree with me.


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Re: [PHP] which package to use for unzipping zipped files with PHP

2007-01-29 Thread Jon Anderson
I've used the PECL zip extension. I believe it was originally based on 
zzip, but is now based on another zip library.

I won't make any claims about it being better or worse than the other 
two you mention ('cause I really don't know), but I can tell it works 
reliably. :-)


Angelo Zanetti wrote:

Dear all.

I have been googling to find out which is the best way to use PHP to 
unzip a zip file I have found the following:




but still can't really decide without doing alot of tests etc..

Can anyone give advice as to which one to use. and which one not to 
and why?



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Re: [PHP] SQL Readability.. (was Re: most powerful php editor)

2007-01-26 Thread Jon Anderson
This may not be an option for many people, 'cause ISPs and web hosts may 
not be forward-thinking enough to install PDO or recent PHP, but...

PDO can do do this in a very database independant way, without having to 
do the equivalent of mysql_real_escape_string:

$table = 'xyz';
$data = array(
   'Field1' = Data1,
   'Field2' = Data2

$fields = implode(',',array_keys($data));
$placeholders = ':' . implode(',:',array_keys($data));
$stmt = $dbh-prepare(INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES($placeholders));

With the added bonus that you can insert multiple rows quickly without 
having to rebuild any queries...


(And PDO is super-fast compared to some other similar PHP-based libraries.)



My contribution to the insanity..  INSERT statements made easy:

$genericQY  = INSERT INTO MOD_LMGR_Leads (;  $genericQYvalues  =  
$genericQY .=  FirstName,;   $genericQYvalues .=  
$genericQY .=  LastName; $genericQYvalues .=  
$genericQY .=  );$genericQYvalues .=  

$genericQY .= $genericQYvalues;
$genericRS = mysql_query($genericQY);

You call that readable??

$vals = array();
$vals['FirstName'] = 'John';
$vals['LastName'] = 'Smith';
$query = mysql_query(BuildInsert('MOD_LMGR_Leads', $vals));

function BuildInsert($table, $values)
foreach (array_keys($values) as $key)
$values[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($values[$key]);

$sql = 'insert into `'.$table.'` (`';
$sql.= implode('`,`', array_keys($values));
$sql.= '`) values (';
$sql.= implode(',', array_values($values));
$sql.= ')';

return $sql;

Note that this is a *very* cut down and untested version of BuildInsert.


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Re: [PHP] memory_limit Setting?

2007-01-26 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Paulson wrote:

Hi everyone,

I¹m trying to upload a 25MB file via PHP and I¹m setting the memory limit
way high so I don¹t get a fatal error from php (the error is below).  What I
find really odd about this is that the error message says that PHP tried to
allocate almost 54MB.  First question is why is PHP allocating so much
memory when I¹m only uploading a 25MB file?
Question is what does your code look like? AFAIK, PHP uploads files to a 
temp directory where you can do whatever you want with them. If you 
don't read them into memory, it won't use a lot of memory (just the 
overhead required for the $_FILES array).

Second question is why is PHP
failing when obviously the memory limit is set to just over 100MB?
It's trying to allocate over 50M, but fails because existing memory 
usage + attempted memory usage  is greater than 100M. Call 
memory_get_usage() right before the line on which it fails to see how 
much memory is being used by your script.


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Re: [PHP] bit wise math? Is there a function to easily return the bits?

2007-01-25 Thread Jon Anderson

function bits($num) {
   $bit_array = str_split(strrev(decbin(intval($num;
   $val_array = array();
   foreach ($bit_array as $pow = $bit) {
   if ($val = $bit * pow(2,$pow))
   $val_array[] = $val;

(I wanted to see if I could write it in few LOC.) I wonder if there's a 
faster way...


blackwater dev wrote:

Is there a php function I can call to pass in a number and get the values

For example, pass in 7 and get 1,2,4 ?


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Re: [PHP] most powerful php editor

2007-01-24 Thread Jon Anderson

Miles Thompson wrote:
More seriously, many times I've taken a It's right, but not working, 
dammit! SQL statement,
broken it up so it's listed vertically and discovered the error. 

Just my 2 cents worth...

SQL actually does lend itself rather well to normal code style 
indenting, even though not many seem to do it...Breaking it (and PHP 
code of course) into 78/80-char lines makes great sense for readability 
within PHP code:

$sql = 
   (list of fields),
   CASE ... END AS field
   FROM (table)
   JOIN (table) USING(column)
   JOIN (table) ON(column=column)
   GROUP BY (column)

These things are a real pain to read without formatting! :-)

I think writing unformatted SQL queries is like writing code like if 
($var) { statement; statement; statement; foreach ($var as $v) { 
statement; statement; statement; } statement; etc. }


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Re: [PHP] md5

2007-01-17 Thread Jon Anderson
Be warned, crypto isn't a strength of mine, so any/all of this may be 
total BS.

Ross wrote:

Does md5 really offer much in terms of protection?
Depends on what you're doing with it. AFAIK, md5's weakness comes in the 
form of collisions - it has been cryptanalysed to the point where it is 
no longer reasonable for high security purposes. It is possible to 
create two different strings (i.e. documents, passwords) that result in 
identical md5 hashes. It is likely possible to find alternate passwords 
if the md5 is known - if a user can get a hold of your md5'ed passwords, 
they may be able to come up with another password that will create the 
same MD5 hash, thus would be capable of logging in to the system.

If what you're trying to protect is reasonably sensitive, don't use it 
to verify that a document hasn't been tampered with, and don't use it to 
hash passwords though salting may help.

The algorithm is really well known.
IMO, that's a good thing. I'd much rather have an algorithm that is well 
known, well analysed and *still* secure over an unknown and untested 

I would like to hear your thoughts and poosible alternatives (mcrypt?)
sha1 has also been cryptanalysed but should be more secure than md5. I 
think sha256 is believed to be secure. PHP 5.2 seems to have a 'hash' 
function that can generate many atypical hashes like sha256.


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Re: [PHP] Script's length, echo, and execution speed

2006-12-23 Thread Jon Anderson

Casey Chu wrote:

Yeah, try testing. Maybe something like this:
$form = form action=' ' method='post'textarea
name='code'/textareabr /button
if ($_POST['code']) {
 echo div style='border: 1px';
  $time_start = microtime_float();
  $time_end = microtime_float();
 echo br /Loading took: . $time_end - $time_start. '/div';
echo div style='float: left'$form/div;
// Note: This script is extremely dangerous and is not tested.
I haven't been following this thread, so I don't know if this has been 

If you can run a local server, IMO, xdebug is *the* way to go...xdebug2 
has an excellent profiler built-in. You can use kcachegrind or 
wincachegrind to see some pretty mind-boggling detail about where your 
performance goes. It's much easier than inserting timing statements into 
existing code.


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Re: [PHP] Count empty array

2006-12-21 Thread Jon Anderson

Kevin Murphy wrote:

I'm wondering why this is.

$data = ;
$array = explode(,,$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 1

$data = Test;
$array = explode(,,$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 1

$data = Test,Test;
$array = explode(,,$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 2

Why doesn't the first one give me an answer of 0 instead of 1.

Returns this:
   array(1) {

And oddly, This:
Returns this:
   array(1) {

That explains the count() result. It seems to me that the first case 
could go either way (The part of  before the ',' is still ), but I'm 
unable to think of a logical reason why the second doesn't return an 
empty array.
I know I could do a IF $data ==  [empty] and then not count if its 
empty and just set it to 0, but am wondering if there was a better way.
$array = empty($data) ? array() : explode(',',$data);  /* That what 
you're looking for? */


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Re: [PHP] Trying to insert a large number from php to mysql

2006-12-20 Thread Jon Anderson

WeberSites LTD wrote:

I'm trying to insert the number 1970324970930197 into a mysql BigInt(20)
If I do a direct insert from mysql command prompt and select the record I
back the same number.
If I do this from PHP I get back 197032497093. Notice that the 197 at

end is not 000.
AFAIK, PHP uses 32-bit (signed) integers, so you're stuck to values no 
bigger than around 2 billion. Anything larger, and you have to store it 
as a string: use a BigInt class, or GMP functions to do calculations. 
I believe MySQL will do the right thing if you insert a string integer 
into an integer field.


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Re: [PHP] Byte order Mark (BOM, UTF-8, Header)

2006-12-06 Thread Jon Anderson

Bernhard Zwischenbrugger wrote:.

My Question:

Is PHP UTF-8 ready?
Is there an other reason to stick on iso-8859-1 or ascii beside the BOM?
Is it a PHP bug, or is it a bug of the editor software?
My opinion is that it is basically a code problem. You have data before 
the ?php (the BOM), and PHP is outputting it as such. How is PHP 
supposed to know that you didn't intend to ouput a BOM? It could be an 
intentional thing, e.g. output of a UTF-8 text file:

header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');

In your case, it is an unwanted side-effect. The answer, I believe, 
should be to educate your student about the BOM and recommend the use of 
an editor that is a little smarter about UTF-8 output. When I use 
Windows (which is rarely), I use Notepad++, which gives you the option 
to save files as UTF-8 with or without the BOM.


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Re: [PHP] Process of creating invoices requiring human thought!

2006-11-28 Thread Jon Anderson

James Nunnerley wrote:

Can anyone see an easy way of putting that sort of “human thinking” into a
script?  Any guidance would be gratefully received…
You could include a fuzz factor that is acceptable to your 
application. You could also provide a nicer fuzz factor to people who 
don't use up all the hours in other time periods.

E.g. (pseudo-code, time represented in seconds)

$fuzz = 1800;
if ($client['end']-$fuzz  $timePeriod['start']) // freebie

or for the unused time thing:

if ($client['end']-($fuzz+$unused)  $timePeriod['start']) // freebie

Of course you can probably think of dozens of variations on that theme, 
but you get the idea.


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Re: [PHP] security question

2006-11-22 Thread Jon Anderson

Alain Roger wrote:
I've heard that cookies and sessions can be easily what do 

use to secure your web page.
which methods ? 
If you want to be secure, don't trust anything. Cookies are easily 
modified by a user, so never store anything sensitive in there without 
masking it well. Personally, I don't like $_SESSION either, 'cause it 
doesn't work across clustered servers by default, and isn't usually 
terribly secure on a shared web host.

I tend to use hashed data in the cookie for anything that needs to be 
semi-secure, and store everything sensitive in a database, one-way 
hashed wherever possible.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Space in regex

2006-11-16 Thread Jon Anderson

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I should add more information. This is the entire regex:

-:underscore:]+)\]/i' , findLinks, $text);

This regex should match any pair of square brackets, with two bits of
text between them seperated by a pipe, like these:
[Gili and Gush|pets]
[Bill Clinton|horny]

I would expect that the . would match spaces, but it doesn't. So the
first three examples that I've shown are matched, but the last two are
not. I've even added \w, \s,  , and :space: to the regex, but
of course that's not matching, either. What am I doing wrong? Note
that I've been honing my regex skills for the past few days, but I've
not so much experience with them. Thanks in advance to whoever can
help me understand this. 

This appears to work for me:

1|Test 2]',$matches);


   [0] = [Test 1|Test 2]
   [1] = Test1
   [2] = Test2

Alternately, I would use the following regex: /\[([^\|]+)\|([^\|]+)\]/ 
which is a little cryptic, but very flexible for what you mention above. 
It works for me as well...


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Re: [PHP] How to output an MP3 file?

2006-11-15 Thread Jon Anderson

Brian Dunning wrote:
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');   
What should I change? 
I think you should use a content type more specific to MP3s. My install 
of firefox seems to think the appropriate content type for those is 
audio/mpeg - try that, and see what happens.


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Re: [PHP] cURL uses

2006-11-15 Thread Jon Anderson

Philip Thompson wrote:
I've been doing some reading trying to figure out why I would want to 
use cURL. I have not found a solid reason yet. Does anyone have a 
useful example on why you would want to use cURL? 
It allows significant configurability and flexibility over PHP's more 
direct functions, for example, the ability to set a timeout, or get more 
direct control over output. You only have to read the curl documentation 
to see that it can do a lot of things that other PHP functions just 
can't do.

I would suggest that you probably shouldn't try to find a reason to use 
curl, rather a reason to use curl will find you.


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Re: [PHP] one click - two actions?

2006-11-14 Thread Jon Anderson

Mel wrote:

YES YES! that is exactly what I want.
But I don't know how to do what you are suggesting! 
You'll have to read some documentation about AJAX if that's what you 
want, but thankfully there are some easy AJAX toolkits out there. Of the 
ones I've tried, I find xajax ( to be the simplest. For 
example, the following is a rough (completely untested) example that 
illustrates my point:

In your HTML, you could have: div id=logoDiv/div and div 
id=textDiv/div somewhere...

Then the xajax PHP code:
function twoActions() {
   $xR = new xajaxResponse();
   $xR-addAssign('logoDiv','innerHTML','img src=images/logo.jpg /');
   $xR-addAssign('textDiv','innerHTML','Here is an explanation of the 


Then the link:

a href=# onclick=xajax_twoActions();return(false);Logo/a


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[PHP] PHP product licensing...

2006-11-12 Thread Jon Anderson
I'll get right to the point, then explain after... I'm looking to 
release some PHP code as partially open-source. Basically a GPL-like 
license for non-commercial use, and proprietary license for anyone else.

I'm wondering about people's experience with various licenses 
(open-source or not). I'd be really glad to hear opinions and 
experiences about any successes and failures.

As for my reasoning:

As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), the GPL leaves some holes 
with regards to code used internally within a company (especially web 
stuff) where GPL'd PHP code can be used and changed internally by that 
company without returning changes even if the code is used in a 
public-facing website - so long as they don't re-distribute the software.

I've read through a bunch of other licenses, but I'm no lawyer. So 
rather than jumping blindly, I thought I'd seek out the opinions of 
those who've been there. There's no substitute for the concrete 
experience. :-)

I really like the idea of open-source software, so I would very much 
like to release my code so that it can benefit the open-source 
community, but make sure that commercial use is appropriately controlled 
at the same time.

Please reply to the list only, no need to cc.



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Re: [PHP] pdo and mysql 5

2006-11-10 Thread Jon Anderson

jonathan wrote:
I know that PDO has drivers only for MySQL 3/4. Is anybody  getting it 
work with MySQL 5. I'd like to try out the Zend Framework but our db 
uses MySQL 5. We could create a second db in 4.1 and run it with that  
but I'd rather not to.

It's kinda surprising how long MySQL 5 has been out and these drivers 
don't exist. 
PDO works fine with MySQL 5. I've been using PHP5.1/PDO with MySQL 5 for 
quite some time, and recently PHP5.2/PDO with MySQL 5. I'm using it for 
an AJAX app for work, and a high-performance web log system for personal 
use. I haven't had any problems so far.

A superficial look at the docs only says 3/4, but from experimental 
evidence, 5 seems fine.


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Re: [PHP] why so slow?

2006-11-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Thu, November 2, 2006 3:01 pm, Alan Milnes wrote:

Don't call files .inc - call them .inc.php if you really must have the
inc somewhere, that way the Web Server will actually treat it as a php
file and not display your details to the world if accessed directly.

A Bad Guy can surf to them, and your PHP code gets executed completely
out of context, which you have never ever ever done any QA work on to
see what effect that would have...

Or, you could put your .inc files outside the web tree, and set correctly, and then the Bad Guy cannot
surf to them at all.

And you can name them .inc or .class or .dingdongthewickedwitchisdead
for all the difference it will make from a technical stand-point.

IMHO, the second option is much better.
Or you can .htaccess Deny From All them out... That's my preferred 
solution. It keeps the include tree near the code that accompanies it 
without risking anything even if they're called *.php.


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Re: [PHP] why so slow?

2006-11-03 Thread Jon Anderson

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Fri, November 3, 2006 1:12 pm, Jon Anderson wrote:

Or you can .htaccess Deny From All them out... That's my preferred
solution. It keeps the include tree near the code that accompanies it
without risking anything even if they're called *.php.

Until you upgrade Apache and forget to enable .htaccess.

Or somebody turns .htaccess off for performance.

Or Junior Programmer wipes out your .htaccess file.

Or you tar up the site to move it to Production, but your tar command
doesn't do .htaccess unless you work at it.

Or Junior Programmer over-rides your .htaccess in a lower-level .htaccess

All of the above are simply too easy to happen in the real world, imho.

You have to work a lot harder at it to intentionally expose a
non-web-tree file to the web, even on accident.
These problems are trivial to overcome, and not PHP related. You can 
argue it if you want, but there are upsides and downsides to both 
solutions...I can easily come up with parallel problems with the 
non-web-tree solution even though it is obviously a very good solution 
to a common problem. I really don't see the point in having two 
professionals butt heads over something so trivial. I'd much rather 
just have both solutions in my arsenal, and use whichever one fits the 
situation best.


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Re: [PHP] PHP Memory Allocation (checked via TOP)

2006-10-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Cabbar Duzayak wrote:


I have written a simple test program to see how php allocates memory.
Test code allocates ~10 Meg of RAM in an array within a loop till it
runs out of memory as:

 $str = rand(65, 95) . rand(65, 95) . rand(65, 95) . rand(65, 95) .
rand(65, 95);
 $aa[] = str_repeat($str, 200);

What I don't understand here is, for every 10 Meg memory it allocates,
mem usage goes up about 19 Megs when I look at this via top. 
Just looked over this really quickly, so I might have missed something, 
but it seems to me that you're allocating almost 20 megs...

your $str is 10 bytes long (plus terminator and PHP overhead, whatever 
that turns out to be...), and you're repeating it two million times. 10 
bytes times 2 million is 20 million bytes. 20 000 000 divided by 
(1024*1024) is 19.07 - it seems to me that you're allocating 19.07 
megs, and top is showing you that it's allocating 19 megs...?  Seems 
about right.


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Re: [PHP] How does the Zend engine behave?

2006-10-25 Thread Jon Anderson
Take this with a grain of salt. I develop with PHP, but I am not an 
internals guy...

Are the include files only compiled when execution hits them, or are 
all include files compiled when the script is first compiled, which 
would mean a cascade through all statically linked include files. By 
statically linked files I mean ones like include ('bob.php') - i.e 
the filename isn't in a variable.
Compiled when execution hits them. You can prove this by trying to 
conditionally include a file with a syntax error: if (false) 
include('script_with_syntax_error.php'); won't cause an error.

Secondly, are include files that are referenced, but not used, loaded 
into memory? I.e Are statically included files automatically loaded 
into memory at the start of a request? (Of course those where the name 
is variable can only be loaded once the name has been determined.) And 
when are they loaded into memory? When the instruction pointer hits 
the include? Or when the script is initially loaded?
If your include file is actually included, it will use memory. If it is 
not included because of some condition, then it won't use memory.
Are included files ever unloaded? For instance if I had 3 include 
files and no loops, once execution had passed from the first include 
file to the second, the engine might be able to unload the first file. 
Or at least the code, if not the data.
If you define a global variable in an included file and don't unset it 
anywhere, then it isn't automatically unloaded, nor are function/class 
definitions unloaded when execution is finished.

Once you include a file, it isn't unloaded later though - even included 
files that have just executed statements (no definitions saved for 
later) seem to eat a little memory once, but it's so minimal that you 
wouldn't run into problems unless you were including many thousand 
files. Including the same file again doesn't eat further memory. I 
assume the eaten memory is for something to do with compilation or 
caching in the ZE.
Thirdly, I understand that when a request arrives, the script it 
requests is compiled before execution. Now suppose a second request 
arrives for the same script, from a different requester, am I right in 
assuming that the uncompiled form is loaded? I.e the script is 
tokenized for each request, and the compiled version is not loaded 
unless you have engine level caching installed - e.g. MMCache or Zend 
I think that's correct. If you don't have an opcode cache, the script is 
compiled again for every request, regardless of who requests it.

IMO, you're probably better off with PECL/APC or eAccelerator rather 
than MMCache or Zend Optimizer. I use APC personally, and find it 
exceptional - rock solid + fast. (eAccelerator had a slight performance 
edge for my app up until APC's most recent release, where APC now has a 
significant edge.)
Fourthly, am I right in understanding that scripts do NOT share 
memory, even for the portions that are simply instructions? That is, 
when the second request arrives, the script is loaded again in full. 
(As opposed to each request sharing the executed/compiled code, but 
holding data separately.)

Yep, I think that's also correct.
Fifthly, if a script takes 4MB, given point 4, does the webserver 
demand 8MB if it is simultaneously servicing 2 requests?

Yep. More usually with webserver/PHP overhead.
Lastly, are there differences in these behaviors for PHP4 and PHP5? 
Significant differences between 4 and 5, but with regards to the above, 
I think they're more or less the same.

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Re: [PHP] connectivity weirdness

2006-10-20 Thread Jon Anderson
For what it's worth, for me telnet 80 (then GET ...) takes ~25 
seconds, most of which seems to be the reverse lookup. If I just telnet 
directly to's IP directly and do the same, it's instant. Doing 
file_get_contents takes less than 1s numerically or not.


(Replied directly to the list, 'cause I know you're on it, and I don't 
see the need for you to get two copies of the same thing. :-)

Richard Lynch wrote:

The canonical PHP example of web-scraping:
?php echo file_get_contents('');?
fails on a machine I'm using.

I'm laying out here all the things I've done and eliminated, and it
got awfully long...

Short Version:

FC4 + LAMPP on 2 different private IP boxes at day job

file_get_contents('') hangs and times out after 2 minutes.
telnet 80 | GET / HTTP/1.0 hangs and times out after 2 minutes.
wget WORKS
links WORKS

My windows/cygwin desktop on the same subnet WORKS
[Well, windows is broken, of course, but that's not relevant here :-)]

ping and traceroute both work fine everywhere

What configuration boo-boo from a stock FC 4 + LAMPP install could
manage to break file_get_contents and telent, but wget and links

Long Version:

I've checked allow_url_fopen with phpinfo() and php -i
allow_url_fopen = On = On

Further analysys reveals some odd info:
telnet 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
[yes, I hit enter here]
just sort of hangs until it times out in TWO MINUTES

So you'd think that it's obviously the DNS records screwed up somehow,
with an extra-long 2-minute timeout instead of the usual 30 seconds.
works flawlessly
works flawlessly

I can ping just fine -- which is maybe a no-brainer with wget
and links working, but I like to check.
traceroute also looks normal to me, though I'm no expert

[aside: How come guys set things up so complex they gotta bounce my
routing between four of their own machines in the same data center? 
What's up with that? (shrug)]

So, apparently, wget and links are doing something extra that breaks
through whatever this roadblock is for file_get_contents and telnet

I thought it might maybe be some kind of header redirect support that
is lacking, but then telnet 80 would behave differently, and
file_get_contents should work for that.  Plus I tried it on my own
site that does not have any kind of redirect headers going out, and
got the same results.  file_get_contents/telnet fail.  wget/links

Now I realize that wget and links are vastly superior weapons and send
all kinds of extra headers.

But I can do the above script on other boxes, and it works fine, so
it's probably not the web-servers denying access on the basis of
sparse headers.

Now this could be a TWO MINUTE warning since the Bears are 5-0 or
whatever, but I think I'll ignore that possiblity for now.

I'm also fairly sure it's not even a PHP problem, but don't know where
to turn, so I'm posting here in time-honored fashion :-)

If it was consistently failing no matter the software used to scrape
(php, wget, links) I'd know it was DNS or the network card or

But what would make telnet and file_get_contents fail and timeout
after 2 minutes, while wget and links work flawlessly?

Where would I even start?  I'm checking in-house with our IT guys, but
they're mostly Windows guys, so if this is something specific to LAMP,
I'm down the tubes there.

The box is a duplicate of another box, and I installed everything
rather quickly to make them both match as far as I could tell.

Fedore Core 4

I don't know much about LAMPP, except they put everything in /opt
which was annoying, but it all works, so I just left it alone.

The RELEASE_NOTES document it as:
[2006-01-08] XAMPP for Linux 1.5.1

Since telnet is not acting right, I doubt that LAMPP is the culprit...

Oh, and of course I checked the other box, of which this is a
duplicate, and it behaves the same way.

The only thing I can tell you about our network topology is:
Box #1: (the bulk of the email is about)
Box #2: (the original just referenced)
Desktop: (Windows box, with Cygwin, works fine)

All other Internet things I've done from my desktop work just fine --
Including the file_get_contents() referenced above.  So now I've
narrowed it down to FC4 and/or LAMPP configuration, but have no idea
what to do next.

I'm definitely not a hardware guy, and not a network admin guy either,
so hopefully all this has made the answer painfully obvious to
somebody who is and they can help this poor befuddled application
developer out. :-)

Apologies for this NNOT post, but even a pointer of where to start
would be good.  I suppose LAMPP would be my next guess, since it's
inconceivable that FC4 would be this borked without a zillion alarms
going off, but how could LAMPP manage to break this?


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Re: [PHP] What is the smallest, fastest web server to run PHP and SSL (on a soekris box)

2006-10-18 Thread Jon Anderson
I've been through the research on that one a couple years ago, and I 
found that lighttpd/php-fcgi is the best combination...

I've run lighttpd/php (FastCGI) on many soekris boxes. PHP runs 
beautifully. I've even done it in less than 8 megs of CF with 
uClibc/busybox. I've used the Soekris net4801s, 4501s and PC-Engines 
WRAP boards. I really have to say that I'm pretty impressed at how well 
PHP performs on a minimal CPU.

If you want to chop resource usage, lighttpd is pretty slim and you can 
compile PHP with only the required modules built-in, and you only need 
to install the php fastcgi binary, nothing else. I've benchmarked apache 
v.s. lighttpd on my full-size box, and lighttpd holds it's own. It would 
probably destroy apache on a resource-limited box.

On one of my 4801s, lighttpd is currently using 2M of memory, 10 PHP 
fastcgi processes appear to be using 36M. You could probably cut that 
down to however few processes you need.


Daevid Vincent wrote:

I need to run a httpd server that can serve up PHP, SQL Lite, and SSL on a
little Soekris box (ie. a 486 with 32MB RAM and 32MB CF storage).

Can anyone recommend something?  

How small can Apache get?


What about lighthttpd?

Or the httpd that comes in the kernel?


Related, does anyone know of a tutorial or something that will help to
reduce Apache to only the things really needed for PHP, mySQL, SSL? Right
now, our Apache memory footprint is an astounding 120MB !!



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Re: [PHP] Send process to background

2006-10-13 Thread Jon Anderson

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Fri, October 13, 2006 11:05 am, André Medeiros wrote:

I am working on a backup system that needs to be called through a
webpage to start the process. I am trying to do this on a
one-file-only sollution.

The thing is, the first request to the site needs to start the backup,
but I didn't want to use any command-line tools, since some of our
servers rely on safe_mode. Is there any way to send output to the
browser on this first instance, finish the request, but keeping the
PHP running and making the backup.

Probably not, at least not in a portable way.

In *some* OS configurations this might work:

?php ` `;?

No promises.

A hack I've used was to make a standalone script, then call it via curl 
(http://localhost/path/to/script.php) with a timeout set to something 
short. Output can be sent to a file or database somewhere that can be 
read back and deleted later. That isn't pretty though...


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Re: [PHP] PHP Denial of service

2006-10-13 Thread Jon Anderson

Ryan Barclay wrote:
Thanks for the reply.  I can't seem to find ignore_user_abort in my 
php.ini.  I would like to do it at server level, rather than 
individual scripts.  Do you know roughly where is it?  I think there 
were some versions with this missing in the ini, which was later fixed.

I'm guessing that if ignore_user_abort is set to on, this could be the 

Would simply adding the following to the ini work?
Ignore user abort defaults to off, and doesn't necessarily help you if 
the clients don't terminate their connections properly, or they're 
actually trying to DoS you. I think your best bet is to either use some 
lightweight detection in PHP (and maybe send an HTTP error header if 
you're getting hit), or better yet, use a firewall if one is available 
to prevent the connections from even getting to your webserver and 
wasting its resources. (If your server is running on Linux, iptables 
should be able to do what you need, and there are more complicated 
solutions too.)


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Re: [PHP] Memory

2006-10-12 Thread Jon Anderson
Maybe I'm doing my math wrong here, but for 1 to 9, make a 
string 9 bytes long, 10 including terminating null. (And PHP probably 
includes a little extra for overhead)...

9 * 10 bytes = 90 bytes - that's about 9 and a half gigs...


Doug Fulton wrote:
I'm running out of memory even though I upped it to 
memory_limit = 500M in php.ini.

Error messages and script are below.  Thanks in advance for any tips.

$ php -c /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini createPseudoIDs.php  crosswalk.txt
php(780) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=1069056) failed (error code=3)
php(780) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
php(780) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
FATAL:  emalloc():  Unable to allocate 37 bytes


// Create a complete mapping of SSNs to random Pseudo Keys

// Create array with all potential Pseudo Keys
$pseudoKeys = array();
for ($i=1;$i=9;$i++) {
$pseudoKeys[] = padToNine($i);

// Loop through all possible SSNs
$numLeft = 9;
for ($i=1;$i=9;$i++) {
$ssn = padToNine($i);
// Get random index into remaining pseudo keys
$maxRand = $numLeft-- - 1;
$randIndex = rand(0, $maxRand);
$pseudoKey = $pseudoKeys[$randIndex];
// Output it.
print $ssn.:.$pseudoKey.\n;

function padToNine($num) {

$final = '';

$cnt = strlen(strval($num));
$padding = 9 - $cnt;
for ($i=1; $i=$padding; $i++) {
$final .= '0';
$final .= strval($num);

return $final;


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Re: [PHP] MySQLDump and master/slave Behavior

2006-10-03 Thread Jon Anderson

David Giragosian wrote:
So, Question 1 is: does mysqldump's connection to the slave db exist 
for the

entire script execution time, or just for the length of time of its own
execution? I imagine if I used mysql_connect() in the script that it 

be for the entire length of the script execution, but mysqldump makes its
own connection, so I'm just not sure about this.
Running mysqldump (an external program), the connection will only exist 
while mysqldump is running. PHP's connections and that of external 
programs are mostly unrelated. Besides, your problem isn't the 
connection, it's the locking that you're worried about. You can pass 
options to mysqldump to tell it to do as little locking as possible. 
That's what I do, considering that running mysqldump on a live database 
doesn't give you a totally up-to-date snapshot anyway. (I.e. as soon as 
you take a snapshot with mysqldump, it's out of date the instant there's 
another insert/update.)
Question 2: Should I, just to be on the safe side, break out the 
code into its own scipt, and run it, say, 30 minutes before the tar 
I don't think it matters. See above. I put my sql dump scripts into 
simple bash scripts that run from cron, but if you're more comfortable 
with PHP, I don't see any reason to switch nor to break it out.


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Re: [PHP] Alternative to FCKeditor

2006-09-24 Thread Jon Anderson

John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
Anyone know of a good alternative to FCKeditor? Or a decent file 

Even after paying for a little help, I get zip for FCK.
I need another solution, another editor with an active forum or support,

TinyMCE...I don't know how good/bad TinyMCE is, but if you can't use 
FCK, you could try it.


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Re: [PHP] Object to array conversion oddity

2006-09-23 Thread Jon Anderson

Marcus Bointon wrote:
Sure, but don't you think that coding should at least try to be driven 
by logic rather than luck? I'm also not denying that it's not too hard 
to work around (with a function not dissimilar to what you suggested), 
but I'd really prefer it if it just did what it says on the tin. By 
its very nature, casting from object to array indicates that you no 
longer want the constraints of property protection, which an array 
can't preserve anyway, and it's not as if there are not intentional, 
documented methods of obtaining this information.
Along those lines, I think that logically, if you were to cast an Object 
to an array, it should only export the public properties. Since the 
private/protected properties aren't visible outside the class, it would 
be safe to assume that they're not for public consumption. After all, 
they're intended (by design of the class) only to be accessed via 
functions defined in the class. I think PHP's behavior is a bit odd, but 
still somewhat logical.

If you just want an array of properties, add this to your class.

   public function getPropertyArray() {
   $refClass  = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
   $properties = $refClass-getProperties();

   $propArray = Array();
   foreach ($properties as $property) {
   if (!$property-isStatic()) {
   $name = $property-getName();
   $propArray[$name] = $this-$name;

And that'll do essentially what you're asking for. You could just call 
it toArray() too, and even check for isPublic/isPrivate/isProtected for 
some additional granularity.


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[PHP] Object Memory Leakage...

2006-09-22 Thread Jon Anderson
Sorry folks, this is a long one...I've re-read a bunch of the 
documentation, and I can't find a solution.

In debugging an out of memory condition, I found that PHP doesn't seem 
to garbage collect unreferenced objects. It seems to work fine for 
anything other than objects. (Arrays, strings, integers, etc.)

Here's a simple example: define a class, create 3 instances, destroy 
them in reverse order. I would expect that after each unset and/or NULL, 
the memory usage would go down, they don't. See the output below.


class Tester {
   protected $test1;
   protected $test2;
   protected $test3;
   protected $test4;

   public function __construct() {
   $test1 = rand();
   $test2 = rand();
   $test3 = rand();
   $test4 = rand();

echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
$t1 = new Tester();
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
$t2 = new Tester();
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
$t3 = new Tester();
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
$t3 = NULL;
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
$t2 = NULL;
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
echo memory_get_usage() . \n;

This outputs:


Note: the memory usage remains constant after the objects are allocated, 
even when they're unset/NULL'ed.

Some of the user contributed notes on the PHP documentation suggest that 
the memory is actually freed and available for use by other 
variables/objects even though memory_get_usage() says otherwise. Another 
little test seems to disprove that too... The idea here is to allocate 
close to 8 MB, then free it to show that it can allocate that data 
within the memory limit. Then allocate enough class instances and free 
them again such that the memory usage increases enough that the same 
data allocated and freed initially doesn't fit anymore. If PHP did 
indeed free the objects, the data would fit the second time too...



class Tester {
   protected $test;

   public function __construct() {
   $this-test = rand();

echo Initial Memory Usage:  . memory_get_usage() . \n;

$mb = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
echo Allocating 7 MB of data...;
$dat = ;
for ($x=0;$x$mb;$x++) {
   $dat .= x;
echo Memory Usage:  . memory_get_usage() . \n;
echo Unset Usage:  . memory_get_usage() . \n;

$num = 32767;
$objects = array();

echo Initial Memory Usage (2):  . memory_get_usage() . \n;
echo Allocating $num objects...;
for ($x=0;$x$num;$x++) {
   $objects[$x] = new Tester();
echo Done. Memory Usage:  . memory_get_usage() . \n;
echo Freeing $num objects...;
for ($x=0;$x$num;$x++) {
   unset($objects[$x]); $objects[$x] = NULL;
echo Done. Memory Usage:  . memory_get_usage() . \n;

$mb = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
echo Allocating 7 MB of data...;
$dat = ;
for ($x=0;$x$mb;$x++) {
   $dat .= x;

This gives:

Initial Memory Usage: 44248
Allocating 7 MB of data...Memory Usage: 6335888
Unset Usage: 8
Initial Memory Usage (2): 44504
Allocating 32767 objects...Done. Memory Usage: 7752920
Freeing 32767 objects...Done. Memory Usage: 2807080
Allocating 7 MB of data...
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate 1 bytes) in /home/janderson/svn/memtest.php on line 44

Am I missing something? (Is there a force_garbage_collection() function 
somewhere that I'm missing?) Any suggestions/workarounds/anything would 
be most appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] Object Memory Leakage...

2006-09-22 Thread Jon Anderson

Richard Lynch wrote:

If you get no satisfaction on  PHP-General, PHP-Internals may be able
to help...
Might have to give that a shot...Subscribing to one more mailing list 
can't hurt I guess. :-)

Thanks for the suggestion.

You really need to specify PHP version and platform and all that,
though, as what you are seeing may not be universal.
Linux 2.6.14.(something), PHP 5.1.6 (dotdeb), Apache 2.0.54, Debian 
Sarge i386. All that running on dual Opterons with a couple gigs of ECC 
with a couple hundred gigs of mirrored hardware SCSI raid. The kernel is 
x86-64, but most of userland is 32-bit.



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Re: [PHP] Frustrated trying to get help from your site

2006-09-18 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Blanchard wrote:

So let me send a rant to other users, in fact a general list of users,
because I cannot read. If I could I would know that I subscribed to a
list where questions are asked to other users rather than me trying to
send an e-mail to the president of PHP (a hat worn proudly). The entire
sire is documentation and anywhere from one to five minutes of even the
lightest reason would have spelled that out, not to mention that the
second link across the top of the page says in very vague terms,
'documentation'. Is this a run on paragraph? I am asking because English
is incredibly frustrating and difficult to use.

Department of Technology indeed.
As an aside, I think that the online and offline (downloadable) PHP 
documentation is probably the clearest, best organized and complete set 
of documentation for any programming language I've run into online.

I honestly think that the PHP coders/documentors deserve a lot of 
gratitude for the immense effort that must have gone into documenting 
the immense list of built-in stuff that PHP has.


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Re: [PHP] security include from remote server

2006-09-15 Thread Jon Anderson

Miguel Vaz wrote:
Yes, 10 minutes after i sent my last email i realized that. 
They would be txt files, easily read anywhere.

Encoders, you say? What do you mean? 

This is one example. There are many more.

I'm not sure if there are any open-source encoders, but I wouldn't be 
surprised either way.


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Re: [PHP] security include from remote server

2006-09-14 Thread Jon Anderson

Brad Fuller wrote:

Miguel -

 If my solution is not viable, is there any other way of hosting my 
 files someplace else, but still access the local database?

Yes.  Your remotely hosted code would call the database on your local
server.  Something like:

? $link = mysql_connect(, bar, PASSWORD); ?

You would also need to allow the connection from the remote host in mysql.

If you don't want to expose your database directly to the internet, you 
could have a PHP intermediary service - your local code could be limited 
to one PHP script that would enforce HTTP authentication (over https to 
maintain security), and could forward SQL queries and responses from the 
database. Your remote code could call the local intermediary service.

I personally don't understand why you'd need to store code remotely but 
execute it locally, unless you're concerned about the office stealing 
your code, or using it without permission...If you aren't concerned 
about code theft, there are lots of ways you could store code remotely, 
e.g. a very raw/simple/uncomplicated/ugly:

$src = file_get_contents('http://server/code.php.txt');

But there are at least a few reasons why I wouldn't recommend doing that...


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Re: [PHP] Iteration through letter

2006-09-14 Thread Jon Anderson

Norbert Wenzel wrote:


just for fun I tried the following code:

for($letter = 'A'; $letter = 'Z'; ++$letter) {
echo($letter . ' ');

What surprised me was the output, which looked like this:

A B C [...] Y Z AA AB AC [...] YY YZ

I don't have any idea how these letters get printed out, so I'd 
appreciate any guesses or explanations. 
This was discussed a lot a couple months back (Rasmus answered it about 
20 times). This is my rendition.

When you increment a string, you get:

'A' + 1 is 'B'
'Z' + 1 is 'AA'

Because of how string comparisons go, 'AA' is greater than 'Z' (strings 
are compared letter by letter), so the loop won't terminate at 'Z', like 
you'd expect.


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Re: [PHP] security include from remote server

2006-09-14 Thread Jon Anderson

Miguel Vaz wrote:
Yes, right on the spot. Main reasons being code theft and 
using it on other projects. This being done by our office (its 
actually a college and i work in a multimedia department) system 
administrators, which are nothing left than arrogant leaches.

All i was missing from your suggestion was the fact that i 
would need to have my files remotely hosted and not using the .php 
extension. Great help, thanks. 
If your sysadmins are trying to steal the code, all they'd have to do is 
download the same code your local scripts refer to 
(http://server/code.php.txt)...Seems to me that you might be better off 
using an encoder of some kind so they don't get their hands on the 
source. Using what I suggested is in no way secure or fast.


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Re: [PHP] Question on explode and join.

2006-09-13 Thread Jon Anderson

Beauford wrote:

I have a form which I want to check for inappropriate words before it is
posted. I have used explode to put the string into an array using a space 

the delimiter and then I check it against another array that contains the
inappropriate words.
I then replace the inappropriate words with *'s and join the array back 

a string.

This works perfectly except for one thing.

If the word in the string has a any kind of punctuation after it (period,
comma) it won't be matched.

So if  moron is an inappropriate word then you are a moron works, but 

are a moron. won't.

Any ideas?

$filtered = 


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Re: [PHP] Re: Newbie question about ?= ?

2006-09-11 Thread Jon Anderson

Satyam wrote:

for ($x=0;$x1000;$x++) {
   echo ' trtdX is ' , $x , '/td/tr';
This seems to be a hair faster. I extended the test to 1 requests 
(still concurrency 10) to make the test a little more reproducible:

echo str,var,str did 604.65 requests a second where trtd?= $x 
?/td/tr did 599.63 requests a second. I also tried echo str . var . 
str, and it came in at about 584.55 requests a second.  printf(str %i 
str,var) came out at 547.01 requests a second and printf(str %s 
str,var) was only 452.03 requests a second.
Can you try and time that one so we have comparable results?  This one 
should be second best:

for ($x=0;$x1000;$x++) {
   echo trtdX is $x/td/tr;

Approximately 330 (?!) requests a second for that one.
Back again to what would be 'longer', well, in your example, the whole 
header, up to the loop itself should be faster if sent out of PHP. 
Likewise, you could echo $buffer right after the loop, drop out of PHP 
and send the footer as plain HTML.  This, of course, is harder to time 
since it happens only once.  I admit though that I did time the 
options I listed and on the 'dropping in and out of PHP' I'm relying 
on the PHP manual ( see, the first 
paragraph after the examples) and the source of the lexical scanner, 
which supports that, though your numbers do contradict it.  Interesting. 
I'm not sure that my results would count as contradictory - I'm running 
APC which would likely throw performance related numbers out of whack as 
compared to out-of-the-box PHP.

Because of that, I wouldn't recommend anyone take my numbers too 
seriously - they're just an example taken from my server: 1.8 GHz 
SMP/1G/RAID5/Linux 2.2.3/PHP 5.1.6/APC 3.0.12p2. Anyone 
else's results would probably vary widely.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Newbie question about ?= ?

2006-09-10 Thread Jon Anderson

Al wrote:
Structurally, there is a far better way to compile your html pages.  
This approach is easier to design and debug and it is faster since it 
sends one complete packet instead of one for every short tag. And, it 
saves using ob_start() and ob_flush().


$report= '';

$report .= function() [or whatever]

. repeat as necessary to assemble your complete page.

Then simply

echo $report;
I thought I'd look into this, because I'm a bit of a performance nut - I 
like  my code to run as fast as possible at all times. I wrote up a 
quick buffer v.s. direct benchmark for this, and the winner is clear: 
direct output is much faster. (If my example below isn't  what you 
meant, please let me know. I'm always happy to hear  new ways  to 
improve my code.)

Best of 3 runs with apache bench (concurrency 10, 1000 requests total):
Direct output: 582 requests a second
Buffer var: 286 requests a second

I believe the margin would get wider with real-world usage, as the 
buffer variable would increase in size. My test code is copied below.


--- Direct output: testecho.php ---

style type=text/wastespacetosimulateastylesheet
style1 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style2 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style3 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style4 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;

?php for ($x=0;$x1000;$x++) { ?
   trtdX is ?= $x ?/td/tr
?php } ?


--- Buffered output: testbuffer.php ---


$buffer = '
style type=text/wastespacetosimulateastylesheet
style1 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style2 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style3 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;
style4 {
   a = 1;
   b = 2;
   c = 3;
   d = 4;
   e = 5;
   f = 6;

for ($x=0;$x1000;$x++) {
   $buffer .= trtdX is $x/td/tr;

$buffer .= '/table/body

echo $buffer;

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Re: [PHP] Memcache function usage

2006-09-09 Thread Jon Anderson

Chris wrote:

 I'm trying to use memcache ( ) but I'm having a 

When using the add/set functions I want to set an expire time, but dont want 
the data to be compressed (using small strings it seems silly to try to and 
compress), what do I put for flags to allow me to use the extra expire 
Just pass NULL or 0 as the flags argument, and pass the expiry time as 
usual. E.g. $obj-add/set($var,$val,0,$expiry)


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Re: [PHP] Re: How to add user to linux using php

2006-09-08 Thread Jon Anderson

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Am 2006-09-05 08:36:21, schrieb Jon Anderson:

Or create a simple shell/perl/php/whatever wrapper for adduser, and 
allow sudo for that wrapper by the web server user only.

For example, you could create a wrapper that only allows one 
alphanumeric argument for the username, and another for the password. 

That would not be POSIX compliant...

A USERNAME must be:


So the allowed chars should at least:

IMO, what characters you allow in usernames on your systems is unrelated 
to POSIX. It's a policy decision. POSIX merely defines what compliant 
operating systems (and components) must support.

I only allow usernames with 5-8 alphabetic characters on systems that I 
manage - as a human, I'm not POSIX compliant? ;-)

But his can be easily checked in PHP.
And ONLY after this passed to your wraper script.
They can also be easily checked from your wrapper with sed, wc, grep, 
etc. - if your web server is compromised, you don't want to allow the 
person to execute a script that doesn't properly check it's input 
parameters. (That's my paranoia talking. :-)


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Re: [PHP] How to add user to linux using php

2006-09-05 Thread Jon Anderson

J R wrote:
1. give user apache the addusser priviledge (which is very unsecure), 

execute shell_exe as root would.
2. create a root process like a cron job which will start at boot of your
server, then on your shell_exe pass your command to that process and have
that root process execute that command (bit more secure). 
Or create a simple shell/perl/php/whatever wrapper for adduser, and 
allow sudo for that wrapper by the web server user only.

For example, you could create a wrapper that only allows one 
alphanumeric argument for the username, and another for the password. 
The wrapper could use defaults like /home/webusers/username, and 
/bin/false as the shell, etc, etc.


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Re: [PHP] Is this unsecure?

2006-09-05 Thread Jon Anderson

Ruben Rubio wrote:

md5 is unsecure.
Use sha1 ( ) instead
SHA1 has also been partially broken. Until more hash algorithms work 
their way into PHP, using both md5 and sha1 plus the remote IP as 
mentioned in a previous email would certainly add to the security of the 

Personally, I think that md5 is fine for the purpose outlined. I believe 
that md5's weakness is in that it's possible to generate collisions, so 
since in this case the original email is known, collisions are less 
relevant. (They're trying to crack the password that is the appended 
letters, by brute-forcing combinations of character group 
1emailcharacter group 2. It seems to me that collisions don't 
help. Please correct me if I'm wrong - I'm definitely no cryptographer. ;-)


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Re: [PHP] How to add user to linux using php

2006-09-04 Thread Jon Anderson wrote:
is there any way to add user and apply password by executing shell 

through php?
Depending on the distribution, you should have a user addition command 
that takes a password argument. In my case, useradd other args -p 
'password' user. Check the manual page for adduser , useradd or your 
distribution's variant.

Worst case, you can even make a wrapper around the command with shell 
script that'll do the multiline echo for you.


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Re: [PHP] Texture and wrap

2006-08-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Emil Edeholt wrote:
I would like to output an image from php where an input image is 
textured and wrapped around a frame. Like when you assemble a canvas 
on a frame (on, not under). So I get a sort of canvas looking texture 
on the image and that the edges of the image are wrapped around the 
sides of the frame in a 3d-ish look.

Your description is pretty ambiguous, so I'm going to take a guess...

I think what you're talking about is essentially doing 3D rendering. 
Taking an abitrary shape made of polygons (the frame) and wrapping a 
texture around it to form a 3d-ish looking object...?

I'm not familiar with any way of doing it, but:
- might be a start
- has a pretty neat 
little writeup on how to do software 3D rendering in PHP. You could use 
the same principles to do 3D.


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Re: [PHP] Re: character set when sending emails with PHP

2006-08-30 Thread Jon Anderson

Angelo Zanetti wrote:
thanks for the reply, I've got the classes now how do I know which 
character set to use for the TM to be shown correctly?

Character sets can be a nasty business...

You were using the ISO-8859-1 character set in your headers. TM doesn't 
exist in that character set. That's why it showed up as a box in many 
email clients.

You should probably find out what character set you're 
using/storing/sending - if you're using Windows, it's probably Windows 
CP1252 ( UTF-8 (any many others) 
also support(s) the TM symbol, but chances are that your OS doesn't use 
UTF-8 by default.

You can use PHP's multi-byte string functions to manipulate character 
sets, but be warned that there are tricks to it, for example, 
mb_detect_encoding will detect CP1252 as ISO-8859-x, so you have to 
manually specify CP1252 for conversion if you're sure that's the source 
character set. (There are other character sets that seem to have similar 
behavior too.)

Of course email needs to be sent in 7-bit ASCII, so you'd need to encode 
your message with quoted-printable or equivalent. The classes mentioned 
earlier probably accomplish this.


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Re: [PHP] S: function to remove break URLs

2006-08-27 Thread Jon Anderson

RalfGesellensetter wrote:

Dear list,

does anybody of you know these spammers filling up your guestbook with 
URLs? With strip_tags, I managed to remove the html tags. But what I 
want is this:

1. Detect such entries (to hide them by default)
2. Destroy URLs 

As for 2. I am thinking of adding spaces after at least every 12 
characters (or even after every dot) - what do you recommend?

Just removing http://; still leaves the domain behind.

A good start could be to replace . by .  and / by  / .
Guestbook spam (and comment spam) is something I'd like to try to 
eliminate altogether myself. I don't think there are any one-size-fits 
all solutions out there yet for detection/elimination. I'd personally 
like to hear any effective solutions people have found in PHP to combat 
this stuff.

In reference to the detection part; In my case, 95%+ of the spam entries 
have links that contain one of about 5 words (casino, pharm, drug, 
stock, or invest), so I could eliminate most spam by automatically 
trashing all entries that contains a link with one of those key words. I 
don't know if you're lucky enough to have spammers as predictable as 
mine, so that may not be an effective solution for anyone but me.

In terms of destroying URLs, what happens when a real guest wants to  
put a URL in their entry? Seems to me that you might be overshooting...

You might be better off finding some way of preventing the data from 
even entering the system, for example, a captcha type system. They have 
accessibility problems, but I've read about solutions that use simple 
JavaScript to automatically enter the captcha code into the correct 
field and hide the captcha and the field so that the whole process is 
transparent to the user (including users with screen readers), whereas 
if JS is disabled, the captcha is shown and the code must be entered. 
This is based on the assumption that current spam robots that don't 
incorporate a JavaScript execution engine. Not sure how effective it is, 
but it's an interesting idea.

Anyone want to share some spam-fighting success stories?


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Re: [PHP] Mail reply-path

2006-08-15 Thread Jon Anderson

bob pilly wrote:

Im trying to send emails using the mail() function but im having a problem. 
Because the box that the scripts sit on is a shared web-hosting package the 
Reply-path part of the header always comes up as [EMAIL PROTECTED] but i have 
set the from part of the header to [EMAIL PROTECTED] A lot of people are not 
getting the emails (most are) and im picking that its because the domains on 
the 2 header parts are different and they have some sort of antispam policy 
which blocks these. Apart from changing the domains or email addresses to be 
the same has anyone seen this problem before and if so can you give advice or 
point me to some relevant docs on it? I have tried to change the Replay-path: 
part of the header with code but it seems to default to the above.
I think you're looking for the 'Return-Path' header rather than the 
reply-path. (Or perhaps even Reply-To?)

Try something like this:

$from = 'A User [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$eol = \r\n; /* or sometimes \n */
$headers  = Return-Path: $from$eol;
$headers .= From: $from$eol;


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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Andrei wrote:

Then get a SSL certificate and let the browser do the job. If you do it
with JavaScript or open-code language why shouldn't I just take your
code and sniff the data you/the browser sends and decrypt it.
Just playing devil's advocate here...But I believe that if implemented 
properly, encryption/decryption on the client could be secure, for 
example a diffie-hellman key exchange with AJAX, followed by encryption.


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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Blanchard wrote:

Just playing devil's advocate here...But I believe that if implemented 
properly, encryption/decryption on the client could be secure, for 
example a diffie-hellman key exchange with AJAX, followed by encryption.


Doesn't matter the key, you must use SSL to encrypt from client to
Why *must* you use SSL? Again, devil's advocate here (SSL is probably 
much better) but that doesn't mean that you can't use some crazy JS and 
PHP to implement some alternative encryption technique. (Say a symmetric 
algorithm that isn't implemented in any standard SSL implementations, or 
a proof of concept etc.)

For example:
- Client (javascript) and Server (PHP script) decide on some key via 
secure key negotiation.
- One end encrypts message using key and wacky encryption algorithm, 
other end decrypts it. Same thing again, client/server reversed.

SSL is obviously the recommended, trusted, proven, and accepted way of 
sending secure data, but there could potentially be cases where someone 
would want to try something else. It's not that it can't be done, it's 
more that there's no reason to do it that way. :-)


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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Blanchard wrote:

This still leaves any Javascript exposed, doesn't it?
Yes, but that shouldn't matter. The algorithms for RSA, AES, etc, etc 
are all publicly available, why bother hiding their JavaScript 
implementations? Only the data would be encrypted.


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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Blanchard wrote:
Yes, but that shouldn't matter. The algorithms for RSA, AES, etc, etc 
are all publicly available, why bother hiding their JavaScript 
implementations? Only the data would be encrypted.


So, you're suggesting that you can use Ajax or some other mechanism to
hide the key on the server?
There's no hiding. You could use a secure key exchange mechanism, such 
as Diffie-Hellman.

Diffie-Hellman is used to generate a shared key between two hosts (say 
A and B) such that each host knows the key, but any third party 
listening in on the information is unable to trivially reconstruct the key.



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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Jay Blanchard wrote:

I am quite familiar with diffie-helman and have used it extensively with
PGP and can see how it would be used like this, but isn't this a munged
fix as opposed to using SSL?

Yep. :-)

There are cases (testing new algorithms, proof of concept, something I 
haven't thought of, etc.) where you either can't or might not want to 
use SSL. Though as myself and others have said, SSL should clearly be 
the preferred option. The question isn't whether it should be done, but 
whether it could. ;-)


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Re: [PHP] AES client side

2006-07-31 Thread Jon Anderson

Robin Vickery wrote:

How about if the third party can control one side of the transaction
by altering the javascript that implements it while in transit -  for
instance by adding a couple of lines that transmit the key to the
third party after the key exchange? 
If the algorithm written in JavaScript is both trusted and installed 
beforehand (like SSL libs)

You're right though. Without having some trust mechanism, the whole 
thing could collapse. In fact, if you're using Diffie-Hellman, and have 
a third party in the middle that is capable of altering data, they don't 
even have to alter the code. They can simply use the man-in-the-middle 
attack, and I don't think anyone would bother writing certificate 
handling functions in JavaScript to authenticate each party. :-)


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Re: [PHP] APC - problems with CLI odd return values from apc_clear_cache()

2006-07-28 Thread Jon Anderson
Just replying to the list on this one 'cause I'm pretty sure you're on 
it. :-)

AFAIK, with many caches the web server cache and CLI caches are 
exclusive to each process. The APC manual seems to suggest that the CLI 
cache is not connected to the web server cache:


apc.enable_cli *integer*

   Mostly for testing and debugging. Setting this enables APC for the
   CLI version of PHP. Normally you wouldn't want to create, populate
   and tear down the APC cache on every CLI request, but for various
   test scenarios it is handy to be able to enable APC for the CLI
   version of APC easily.


Jochem Maas wrote:

hi people,

PHP version:5.1.1   (last built: Dec 28 2005 16:03:22)
APC version:3.8.10
Apache version: 2.0.54  (last built: Dec 29 2005 14:04:16)
OS: debian

I have a script that runs via the cmdline, it's used to import/update data
in a database, after the script is run the APC cache needs to be cleared so that
that the new/updated data is visible on the website. to do this I call a static
method of my cache management class which effectively performs the following:


this used to work, but now it does not (atleast not on the cmdline; calling the
above mentioned method via a webrequest still works). I have not recently 
php, apc or apache, neither have made any changes to the php.ini configuration.
someone else may have updated the OS/system (and I can't rule out that .

to test the problem I ran the following code at the cmdline:

# php -r 'var_dump( ini_get(apc.enable_cli),
apc_clear_cache(user) );'

this is the output I get:

string(1) 1

so apc is enabled for the cli, cache clearance seems to work but when I 
checking the output
of the apc.php file (shipped with the apc package) I see that nothing has been 
cleared; performing
the same apc_clear_cache() calls (by way of pressing the buttons on the page 
output by apc.php) via
the webserver module *does* clear the cache.

it seems all of a sudden that the CLI and then apache SAPI are looking at 
different caches -
running apc_cache_info()  apc_sma_info() on the commandline show nothing in 
the cache whereas
viewing the stats produced by apc.php (via the webserver) shows plenty of stuff 
in the cache (both
before and after running apc_cache_info()  apc_sma_info() on the commandline)

can anyone offer some help/idea/etc?

Another Thing:
although the manual states that apc_clear_cache() should always return a boolean
calling it calling the function without any args *always* returns NULL. can 
anyone say whether
this is a bug or a documentation problem?

My APC ini settings (as defined in a seperate apc.ini):

; Enable APC  extension module
extension   =

apc.enabled = 1
apc.shm_segments= 2
apc.shm_size= 128
apc.optimization= 0
apc.num_files_hint  = 2000  ; ?
apc.ttl = 180
apc.gc_ttl  = 0
apc.slam_defense= 0
apc.file_update_protection  = 0 ; 1
apc.cache_by_default= 1
apc.enable_cli  = 1
apc.filters = -.*\.class\.php

;   +\.tpl\.php,+.*\.interface\.php,+.*\.funcs\.php
;   +.*\.class\.php

;apc.max_file_size  = 8M
apc.user_entries_hint   = 0
apc.user_ttl= 0

; this fixes a bug that causes $_SERVER not to be defined on 2nd/subsequent 
auto_globals_jit= Off


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Re: [PHP] captcha and blacklist

2006-07-25 Thread Jon Anderson
So you want a blacklist that bans IPs for some amount of time, and 
that's capable of sharing the blacklist between multiple HTTP servers...

Seems to me that you need some sort of central or shared database...I'm 
not quite sure why SQL wouldn't be an option, but it seems to me that it 
should be. You could also use something like memcache on one of the 
servers to store blocked IPs. It would likely be somewhat faster than 
SQL, and is simpler as well. Memcache has a built-in timeout mechanism 
that could work rather well for that sort of thing as well.

If you need to block IPs without using a PHP solution, you could hack 
something together with your platform's native firewall utility (e.g. 
iptables/netfilter for Linux). It seems to me that DNS would be even 
more of a kludge.

I believe that memcache or SQL would be a significantly cleaner solution.


nicolas figaro wrote:


I'd like to set a captcha on my web server(s).

The code works quite fine, but I'd like to blacklist (for an amount of 
time) the ips that failed

with the captcha x times.

The web server works with an SQL server, but I cannot ask the page to 
check for each IP

with a request to the database.

I can't also store the blocked IP to a filename on the server, because 
the site is served by several

http servers.

I thought about a DNS server for the blacklist (the same way it works 
for antispam), but

perhaps someone has a better idea ?



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Re: [PHP] Error Reporting for file commands

2006-07-25 Thread Jon Anderson

You could try prefixing the unlink function call with an @:

if (file_exists($fn)) {

The @ should suppress any errors.


James Nunnerley wrote:

We've created a file manager which allows users to access their web space on
a server.  It's working brilliantly, except that it would seem there are
some caching issues, either by the system cache or the web server cache that
are causing us a headache.

When the script tries to delete a file, we always check (using file_exists)
to see whether the file exists before it's deleted.

The check comes back true, but the unlink then fails, saying no file or
directory there!

We've tried turning off all errors (using error_reoprting(0) ) but this
would seem to have little difference in the error - it still comes back with
a failure.

We are using our own error handling, but before the command is carried out,
there is this 0 call...

Does anyone know how we can stop these errors?



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Re: [PHP] UTF-8 With content-type text/xml problem.

2006-07-21 Thread Jon Anderson

I'm somewhat new to this stuff as well, so take this with a grain of salt...

Someone else was hinting at this, but more directly, try running 
utf8_encode() on whatever part of your data that requires utf8 encoding. 
In the case of your example, you could just utf8_encode the test get 
variable. To extend your example a little:

header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
print ?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\utf-8\ ?\n;
print test\n;
print  origEncoding . mb_detect_encoding($_GET['test']) . 

print  utf8data1 . utf8_encode($_GET['test']) . /utf8data1\n;
print  utf8data2 . mb_convert_encoding($_GET['test'],'UTF-8') . 

print /test\n;

I tried this with: 會意字/会意字, which I stole from Wikipedia. I don't 
have a clue what it means.


Mathijs wrote:

Hello ppl,

I have a big prob.

I have a page which post some input.
This input can be UTF-8 like chinese or other utf-8 chars.
Also i need it to return UTF-8 and it has to be xml.

For some strange reason this isn't working.

Small example.

PHP Code:
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
print '?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?'.\n;
print 'testdata'.$_GET['test'].'/data/test'.\n;

as GET var fill in something like ?test=éëêæ

This will break it..
Only Opera does a good job. Firefox and IE both can't handle it.
If i remove the header Firefox goes well.
IE Still can't handle it.

I Just need simple XML with UTF8 data.

This also breaks database saving, it doesn't save correct.
And i have mbstring installed.

Thx in advance.

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Re: [PHP] Setting cookie on one domain for an other domain

2006-07-20 Thread Jon Anderson
AFAIK, this could be a security risk, so even if PHP would allow it 
(which it might - I don't know), there is a good chance most browsers 
would not. I certainly wouldn't count on being able to do so.

You could however use something like AJAX to do an asynchronous request 
to domain2, which would be allowed to set the domain2 cookie by virtue 
of actually being domain2.


Peter Lauri wrote:

Best group member,


When a user does a specific action on I want a cookie to be set
so that and can reach it. Ok, after reading the
manual for setcookie() I tried this:


setcookie(thevariable, thevalue, time()+60*60*24*30, /,;

setcookie(thevariable, thevalue, time()+60*60*24*30, /,;


However, I can not detect the cookie at


A solution would be to just make a redirect to the other domain where the
cookie is set and then return.


Question is: Can I not set a cookie at to work at


Best regards,

Peter Lauri




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Re: [PHP] User defined function problem

2006-07-18 Thread Jon Anderson

This would be the simplest work-around I can think of.

In your config script, wrap an if around your function call:

if (!function_exists('clean_sql')) {
   function clean_sql() {


Stephen Lake wrote:

Hey Guys and Gals,

I am having a small problem with a user defined function, I placed it in a 
config file and it works as expected, but the problem seems to arise only 
when I try to use my login script for a members area I am redeveloping.

The error message that comes up is the following:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_sql() (previously declared in 
C:\Apache2\htdocs\braille\config.php:94) in 
C:\Apache2\htdocs\braille\config.php on line 108

The problem is its claiming that I am trying to redeclare the function in 
the config file when there is only the original function.

I checked in other area's where this config file is being used and I do not 
get this error. Nor am I including other files that have the config included 
in them.

The problem is only in my login script. If anyone can give me a little 
insight into this error I would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


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Re: [PHP] User defined function problem

2006-07-18 Thread Jon Anderson
Oh, and the other obvious thing that I omitted would be to try using 
either the include_once() and require_once() functions wherever you 
include() or require() config.php.


Stephen Lake wrote:

Hey Guys and Gals,

I am having a small problem with a user defined function, I placed it in a 
config file and it works as expected, but the problem seems to arise only 
when I try to use my login script for a members area I am redeveloping.

The error message that comes up is the following:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_sql() (previously declared in 
C:\Apache2\htdocs\braille\config.php:94) in 
C:\Apache2\htdocs\braille\config.php on line 108

The problem is its claiming that I am trying to redeclare the function in 
the config file when there is only the original function.

I checked in other area's where this config file is being used and I do not 
get this error. Nor am I including other files that have the config included 
in them.

The problem is only in my login script. If anyone can give me a little 
insight into this error I would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


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