[PHP] An important, urgent question about classes?

2002-01-15 Thread Sait Karalar
Hi all,   I need to learn something about classes in PHP, that I could not understand what's going on really!?   For the following sample, what kind of class i need to create? how can i use?   For example, I have X students X: fr

[PHP] Php and PDF files...

2002-01-11 Thread Sait Karalar
  Hi,   I want to change a PDF file into the HTML, DOC, TXT... All programs that I used is not enogh to create a good document...   - HTML output is not clear enough like original PDF OR - Images inside the PDF document has been

Re: [PHP] passing parameters from one page to another

2002-01-11 Thread Sait Karalar
Hi, If you want some parameters which will be pass in your site, you can use "session" .   for example, you have parameters, fooa, foob,  fooc, ... etc.. session_start(); $fooa = 1; $foob = "sait"; $fooc = "http://ww

[PHP] eregi and alfa numeric characters.

2002-01-11 Thread Sait Karalar
Hi all, I want a regular expression process such that, no characters except for the followings will not be allowed.   0-9 a-z A-Z   ~ @ # $ %  ( ) _  - +  =  [ ]  { }  < ? >     I create a web site with membership. I have a problem. Som