[PHP] Re: bug in PHP

2004-02-27 Thread Michael Kunze
Kyle Goetz wrote:

> hey so i've been struggling with an apparent bug in and older version of
> PHP but i wouldn't know where to look about this bug, as it concerns the
> include function and there is no mention of a bug that i can find...
> version of php: 4.1.0
> i have a line of code
> include 'new_album.php';
> i keep getting a file not found error
> i KNOW the file is there
> i copy the code to a new file, and save it as 123.php and then change
> the line of code to
> include '123.php';
> and voile! it works!
> it seems there is something wrong with using the name 'new_album.php'
> with include but i dunno why...
> anyone got any input on this? i don't wanna have to worry about
> filenames making errors...

i assume you use linux?
if so check if the file, the directory and all parent directories have
at least read rights for the user your webserver is running under and
the directories must have the execute bit set.

Michael Kunze

JABBA - EOL: End Of Lecture

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[PHP] Re: Bug in PHP 4.22? (getimagesize problem)

2002-10-08 Thread nicos

It works fine with me on 4.2.3. Try it.


Nicos - CHAILLAN Nicolas
www.WorldAKT.com - Hébergement de sites Internet

"Pekka Saarinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news:


I have a very odd problem with PHP 4.22 (no acceleration) and Apache 1.3:

Getimagesize fails to see an image from URL randomly (1 out of 8 tries),
although the image is definitely there (trust me) and the server is under
zero load.

I tried also urlExists() from
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-exists.php and it has the same
problem - but even worse. Apache seems to reject PHP's file function
queries in random basis. Clearstatcache() does not seem to make any

If I just show the photos without getimagesize it shows ok every time, so
it is apparently not Apache's problem. It seems that PHP does not
interprete Apache's responses properly.

On other physical server I have PHP 4.0.6¨/ Apache 1.3, and with identical
code when checking the same photos (from the "faulty" server) Getimagesize
gets them right every time.

Also, on Windows PHP 4.2 / Apache 1.3 all works perfectly.

I have not updated to 4.23 to see if there's anything fixed there because
4.23 has reportedly POST corruption problems, and changelog does not say
anything about image check function fixes.

Any clues?



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[PHP] Re: Bug in PHP?

2002-07-18 Thread Richard Lynch

>I'm trying to explode an associative array element in $HTTP_POST_VARS
>retrieved from submitting am html form.  The URL to the form is:
>Now when I try to explode $HTTP_POST_VARS["domains"] it doesn't seem to have
>the desired effect. I use the syntax "$site = explode("
>",$HTTP_POST_VARS["domains"]);" and instead of the expected result of:
>$site[0] = "www.php.net";
>$site[1] = "www.jokaroo.com";
>$site[2] = "www.gnu.org";
>I get: $site[0] = "www.php.net www.jokaroo.com www.gnu.org";
>The value of $HTTP_POST_VARS["domains"] after submitting the form is
>"www.php.net www.jokaroo.com www.gnu.org".  Does anyone have an idea of how
>I can get each domain in a seperate array index?


I *suspect* that you actually have:

If so, then $HTTP_POST_VARS['domains'] is an *ARRAY* already, and doing an
explode on it is just silly.

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