Re: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi Mansur, Happy New year to all! A happy New Year to you, and to all readers! :) but I get runtime errors: [/root/.pil/history:1] File lock: Invalid argument This must be the fcntl() call in lockFile() (in src/io.c). It gets passed the constant arguments F_SETLKW and F_RDLCK. What might

Re: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi Mansur, I found this: Maybe the problem is with system headers, that are not 32bit aware on FreeBSD x64 Indeed. This describes quite well the possible reason of the problems. Btw, what about x64 version of

Re[2]: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Mansur Mamkin
OK, so I made 32bit jail by this instructions: and rebuilt pil. Now all seems goes well. Now I need to get working IPv6 address inside a jail, but I should go now :) Вторник, 1 января 2013, 11:23 +01:00 от Alexander Burger

Re[2]: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Mansur Mamkin
Hi all! I tried to build x64 version of pil on FreeBSD,  but I ended up with the following errors: root@proto:/root/picoLisp/src64 # gmake x86-64.freeBsd.base.o: In function `giveupX': (.text+0x459): undefined reference to `stderr' x86-64.freeBsd.base.o: In function `execErrS': (.text+0x496):

Re: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Mansur Mamkin
ALT--LDu1Tujb1357058193 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 CkhpIGFnYWluIQpmcm9twqBzeXMvd2FpdC5oOgoKI2RlZmluZT5fV1NUQVRVUyh4KTwtLS0+KF9X X0lOVCh4KSAmIDAxNzcpCiNkZWZpbmU+X1dTVE9QUEVEPC0tLS0tPjAxNzc8LS0+PC0tLS0tLT4v

Re: picoLisp on FreeBSD 9.1 x64

2013-01-01 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi Mansur, I added following lines In Makefile: ... ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), x86-64.freeBsd) ... ifeq ($(UNAME), FreeBSD) ... This looks all right. (.text+0x459): undefined reference to `stderr' So this looks like 'stderr' etc. are not direct global variables, but macros of some