Minimal home install

2015-02-18 Thread Lawrence Bottorff
I've got a shell account with an ISP and I'd like to run picolisp locally in home. Is that just a regular local install . . . or can I just move a minimal set of picolisp file structure over? I'd like to develop on this shell account. BTW, what's the difference between a "deployment" of picolisp (i

Re: Minimal home install

2015-02-18 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi Lawrence, > I've got a shell account with an ISP and I'd like to run picolisp locally > in home. I assume that you can 'ssh' to that machine, and then have a normal, non-root access, right? > Is that just a regular local install . . . or can I just move a > minimal set of picolisp file struc

Rainbow parens for vim users

2015-02-18 Thread Christophe Gragnic
Hi list. I discovered this several weeks ago and thought this afternoon that it may interest some of you. Put this in .vim/ftdetect/lisp.vim au BufNewFile,BufRead *.l set filetype=lisp Then this in your .vimrc let g:lisp_rainbow = 1 " for things like +-*/><= to stay white: hi def lispFunc cter

Re: Minimal home install

2015-02-18 Thread Lawrence Bottorff
Yes, ssh, non-root. So what would a minimum deployment install, i.e., I just want to have a running repl with code loaded and able to receive commands/data/code on, say, a remote machine? I'm interested in picolisp partly because I would find it fascinating to deploy picolisp on very tiny device