Re: On Mac Ventura, Pike v9 missing GMP symbols

2024-03-09 Thread H. William Welliver

Just want to confirm that on a fresh install of Ventura on M2, pike head builds 
fine using home-brew provided nettle/gmp. I think there must be something 
strange going on in your build environment...

You can confirm that the gmp library is linked by using otool -L /path/to/pike:

otool -L ./pike  
(compatibility version 300.0.0, current version 1953.255.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current 
version 1319.0.0)

(compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1228.0.0)
/usr/local/opt/mpfr/lib/libmpfr.6.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, 
current version 9.1.0)
/usr/local/opt/gmp/lib/libgmp.10.dylib (compatibility version 16.0.0, 
current version 16.0.0)
/usr/lib/libutil.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 
/usr/lib/libnetwork.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 

(compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 1953.255.0)


> On Mar 8, 2024, at 11:05 PM, Mike Kilmer  wrote:
> Hi, all.
> Nice to meet you.
> Any Mac users around?
> Was able to easily install Pike v8 with homebrew, but am trying to compile 
> from source on my Mac (Ventura) and struggling with it not finding the GMP 
> libraries.
> Tried download as well as git clone git:// 
>  and configure/making from there.
> Trying to compile the master branch I get:
> * GMP is homebrew installed with libraries added to env: LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS 
> -L/usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.3.0/lib" 
> * Content of `build/darwin-22.6.0-x86_64/modules/Gmp/linker_options`:
> /Users/mikekilmer/Pike-v9.0-snapshot/build/darwin-22.6.0-x86_64/modules/Gmp/module.a
> * Also tried compiling GMP manually into /usr/local/lib/ and it reports that 
> many of the files contain no symbols
>   however, for example /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a contains strings that look 
> like symbols: eg ___gmp_randseed
> Error:
> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>   "___gmp_set_memory_functions", referenced from:
>   _pike_module_Gmp_init in module.a(mpz_glue.o)
> Etc...
> After checking out 8.0, (or 8.1) `make` yields this:
> ...
> warning: _AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS: you should use literals
> ./lib/autoconf/status.m4:1096: AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS is expanded from...
> the top level
> ...
> Configure arguments:
> Use `make CONFIGUREARGS="..." ...' to change them.
> They will be retained in the build directory.
> Wondering if a virtual linux solution may be necessary.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks much.

Re: How to install modules in Pike? I'd like to do GTK2 in Pike, but the module is not installed

2023-08-23 Thread William Welliver
Hi Ken,

If you’ve installed pike from a package, there will usually be a set of 
additional packages for modules that have extra dependencies, like gtk and 
various databases. You can use your package manager to explore and install 
those “add on” packages. 

If you’ve installed pike by compiling from source, then chances are you didn’t 
have a necessary dependency installed when you did the build. The easiest way 
to get just the module you want compiled and installed is to do this: 

$ cd src/post_modules/GTK2
$ pike -x module
$ sudo pike -x module install

I’m remembering the path from memory so you might need to adjust that. Also, 
you should inspect the output of the configure step during the module build to 
make sure it found the needed components. 

Hope this helps! Don’t hesitate to reply back if you have any additional 
questions or problems.


> On Aug 23, 2023, at 8:03 PM, Kenneth Wolcott  wrote:
> Hi!
> Brand-new noob here.
> How to install modules in Pike?  I'd like to do GTK2 in Pike, but the
> module is not installed
> I read the beginner guide and a great deal of the main manual.
> The hello.pike example won't execute because I don't have the GTK
> module installed.
> I have not yet seen any instructions on how to add a Pike module that
> was not installed as a part of Pike.
> Thanks,
> Ken Wolcott

Re: Pike 8.0 release 1116

2022-04-27 Thread H William Welliver
Just a quick update: I wrote a (basically empty) program that included 20 empty 
files and had no problems on 8.0.1116. So there must be something more to it. 
If you can find a minimal test case, we might have better luck.


> On Apr 26, 2022, at 11:01 AM, David Estopa  wrote:
> Hello, Friends of Pike!
> On Pike 8.0 1116,   have anybody experienced similar malloc error trying to 
> include several .h files into a program?
>   malloc(): invalid next size (unsorted)
>   corrupted size vs. prev_size
> My program includes several .h to define several languages constants. If I 
> include 18 works fine, but cannot include one more.
> Is there a max size limit to include files into a pike program?
> Thanks in advance.
> David Estopà

Re: Apache+Pike CGI scripts

2022-01-06 Thread H William Welliver
More details that might be of use:


> > I'd like to try that out as a learning medium & instant feedback!
> >
> > Anybody on this list doing this or have done? TIA ..

Re: Fredrik Hübinette Book

2021-10-19 Thread William Welliver
If you had more complex needs, you could also explore the zip file 
module/program loading feature. I think that’s present in 8.0. I could provide 
some more details if that’s of interest. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 20, 2021, at 1:44 AM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 2:44 PM James Latham  wrote:
>> Dear Pike lovers:
>> Thanks for the very informative Blog that you have created.
>> I would love to join in.
>> Is there any way to create a distributable pike program?
>> Ideally it would be all in one module.
>> Jim Latham
> Yes, absolutely! I've often made one-file Pike programs. For instance,
> I have a git hook that I use in a number of projects, and it's all
> contained in one file (called, surprisingly enough, "githook.pike"),
> marked executable, and with an appropriate shebang.
> ChrisA

Re: Fredrik Hübinette Book

2021-10-19 Thread H William Welliver
I’ve never seen this site before; I don’t see any reason why there couldn’t be 
a Pike entry. Though (I’m sure this is obvious by browsing the site) I think 
the intent is more of a one page summary than a comprehensive set of 
documentation. Could be the perfect opportunity to take on a bite-sized 
advocacy project!

Perhaps makes sense to get the tutorial sorted out before luring potential 
users to a dead end of documentation?

> On Oct 19, 2021, at 6:39 PM, Duke Normandin  wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 2021 09:26:24 +1100
> Chris Angelico  wrote:
> [snip]
>> Starting the document in my bot's repository. Can be lifted
>> straight into Pike's own docs if/when it's good enough - license
>> terms are very free (MIT).
> I'm sure the Pike community will/does appreciate your effort(s)!
> Have you guys ever considered using the following:
> Lot's of examples there! Githup-based! Could easily become a
> community effort. Standardised presentation!!
> There could be followups like "Learn More X in Y minutes"
> Where X=pike
> for more advanced stuff.
> Just a thought! Using that site would also give Pike extra exposure.
> --
> Duke

Re: Fredrik Hübinette Book

2021-10-19 Thread H William Welliver
This is a superset of a message I sent directly to Duke. I think it would be 
useful to have a wider conversation around whether there’s much to be done to 
improve Pike’s standing in the world.

The general assertion that getting started with pike is difficult because 
there’s no documentation or that it’s crummy. And I think a good portion of 
that is well-founded, but there’s also often the subtext that what’s really 
meant is “I want to paste my question into google and have a hundred answers”. 
Unfortunately, that’s an unrealistic expectation when you’re not dealing with a 
multi-million user community actively contributing toward solving the problem. 
When the somewhat limited resources available online aren’t enough, what you 
have here are mailing lists and (I believe) an IRC channel.  Here, you can ask 
questions and get polite, well reasoned answers from experienced users and 
possibly even core language developers. I get that might not be everyone’s 
ideal situation, but it’s what we have to offer at the moment.

So, I guess the questions I’d ask (with respect to the community supported 
language references) are “what do you feel is required to be considered 
complete?” And “what resources did you examine that you felt were lacking?” 

It’s been quite a while since I looked at the tutorial on the Pike website, and 
it indeed appears “incomplete”. I think what has happened is that someone 
decided to convert the material to a GitHub project and never finished the job. 
That’s truly unfortunate, and the original content is available from the 
wayback machine:

It also appears to be available from

The only major flaw I am aware of is that the GTK example doesn’t work as 
described because GTK1 isn’t supported anymore and it wasn’t updated to GTK2.

The language constructs that are missing from newer versions are (in my 
opinion) fairly minor, at least in terms of text required to describe them, and 
in many cases might not even be appropriate for inclusion in a “basics" manual. 
Automap comes to mind, as it is more likely than not to cause outright 
confusion. Pike has a fairly stringent policy of backward compatibility, so 
it’s not been my experience that being old necessarily equates with being 
un-useful. Those materials (or the book) would give you 85-90% of the 
constructs commonly used today. If you’ve got specific examples of problems 
you’ve run into, reporting those problems is always appreciated. 

At the end of the day, the situation Pike finds itself in is the same today as 
it was 15 years ago: it is largely a volunteer project. The Pike High Wizards 
are busy doing their wizarding, and they have left it up to others to fill in 
the gaps. That seems to be an entirely reasonable position for them to take. I 
took that as a call to arms and over the years spent many, many hours trying to 
fill gaps [1] and have always welcomed assistance, but almost without 
exception, it’s been a solo effort. None of it has seemed to move the needle. 
So, I find myself resigned to the idea that advocacy by one person simply comes 
across as a crazy person yelling into the wilderness. I continue to use pike 
because for almost all tasks, it continues to be the most efficient way for me 
to solve a given problem. 

I’m always happy to take time when a reasonably well defined problem is 
identified, so please feel free to do so and we’ll see if it can be solved.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?


[1] major projects like,, “the book”, 
eclipse plugin, co-organizing multiple conferences, jupyter support, magazine 
articles, among others.

Re: Fredrik Hübinette Book

2021-10-19 Thread H William Welliver
(Apologies, this originally went only to Duke)

Hi Duke-

That’s a good place to start. I think it may be less up-to-date than the 
tutorial[1] on the pike website, which is also useful if you’re completely new. 
I think Hubbe’s material has some interesting low level information, so a 
combination of the two are a good ground level introduction. 

If you want a physical object, then you might look at Pike: An Introduction[2], 
which is a greatly expanded version of the tutorial. It’s also available from 
Amazon and others, if that’s an easier approach.

Note that none of these cover the newest features in Pike 7.8 and 8.0, but I’m 
slowly working on updates that would coincide with a release of 8.2. 

If you’ve read at least one of the 3 above, then I’d recommend looking through 
the release notes[3] for 7.8 and 8.0 to get an idea of the new features. 

Some other items:

- If you’re interested in the Calendar module, there’s a pretty useful FAQ[4] 
in the source directory.
- The “Unofficial Pike FAQ”[5], which shows its age but has a lot of good 
- And there’s also the Pike Wiki[6], which contains a bunch of interesting 
articles on particular language features such as:
   Annotations, a new feature in 8.1
   Debugger, a soon to land feature in 8.1 (with some details about how to try 
it out yourself)
   Writing Testsuites
- More generally, some links from the gotpike[7] landing page.

I think there’s more information out on the internet to be found, but google 
makes this more difficult by assuming that “pike” is a synonym for “rob pike”, 
which skews results in an entirely different direction! And of course, specific 
comments and suggestions of needs are welcome. We’re also happy to help get you 
started if you want to tackle something yourself.



> On Oct 18, 2021, at 6:40 PM, Duke Normandin  wrote:
> I'm reading it online.
> Is it still recommended, or is there something more current and as
> thorough?
> --
> Duke

Re: Pike Mailing List

2021-10-19 Thread H William Welliver
I think there are a lot of lurkers on the general mailing list that are more 
active on the -devel list. My sense is that they tend to not get involved 
unless us lowly level 1 support folk fail to solve the problem ;)


> On Oct 18, 2021, at 9:18 PM, Duke Normandin  wrote:
> @Chris
> Are you pretty much the only active, knowledgeable participant in
> the Pike list?
> --
> Duke

Re: Archives

2021-10-07 Thread H William Welliver
I just sent a request off to have the archives loaded (minus the ~100 most 
ancient messages that were missing required mail headers). Will send an email 
when I hear something back.


> On Oct 7, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Duke Normandin  wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 12:59:41 -0400
> H William Welliver  wrote:
>> I noticed that pike-level already is already archived at The Mail
>> Archive[1], so I’ve subscribed this list as well. If all goes
>> well, I’ll also attempt to get the history added.
>> If all goes well, they should be accessible here:
> Thx! Hope it works. Could give new users a boost if they knew they
> could at least search the archives for solution for issues in using
> Pike. Especially that the online tutorial is still rather
> incomplete and unfinished.
> --
> Duke

Re: Archives

2021-10-07 Thread H William Welliver
I noticed that pike-level already is already archived at The Mail Archive[1], 
so I’ve subscribed this list as well. If all goes well, I’ll also attempt to 
get the history added.

If all goes well, they should be accessible here:


> On Oct 7, 2021, at 12:27 PM, H William Welliver  wrote:
> Hi-
> There isn’t really an official online archive, unless you count accessing the 
> archives via the mailing list’s email interface. There used to be an archive 
> at nabble, but that seems to have disappeared in the last month or two as 
> nabble has mostly shut down. 
> I’ve got a fairly complete full text index going back to 1996, though 
> indexing of current messages is not always instantaneous. 
> I’ve considered setting up a browsable index, but never got very far on that 
> effort. If folks think that’s useful, I could certainly put some effort into 
> that. Thoughts on the subject are always welcome.
> Bill