Re: [pinhole-discussion] coverage

2003-06-26 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Richard Koolish Cameras that are half cylinders or whole cylinders, like the classic oatmeal box cameras have different falloff patterns. Half cylindrical cameras have a fall off of very close to just Cosine of the angle, as a result, a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] polaroid pinhole question

2003-06-14 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Trent Dowler Perhaps I've missed it, but why does the Polaroid film packs produce strong magenta tones? Could it be improper developing time? Reciprocity failure.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Sized needles

2003-06-11 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Becky Ramotowski If I drill my own pinhole and want the smallest possible hole with the number 15 needle, do I understand correctly to just get the point through, then sand the rough edge and that's the end of it? I'd do 2 more things:

Re: [pinhole-discussion] WPPD2003

2003-05-01 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Wally Wolfgang Thoma-Schuermans Shelley, I think you didn't get Rosanne's earlier posting. This is a technical discussion and not a chat box. Sorry for being rude, I have been with this list since almost its inception, the above post does

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Zone plates pinhole sieves

2003-04-29 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Wally Wolfgang Thoma-Schuermans Very interesting. I have a Lubitel myself (bought in a second hand shop in Prague for 10 USD) that I wanted to use for serious 6x6 work, but it leaks light like hell, so why not transform it. Can you give me

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole light falloff vs. circle of coverage question

2003-04-11 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Uptown Gallery If one set up a 4x5 bellows camera for pinhole with an appropriate pinhole for double extension (say 300 mm), placed the bellows at 300 mm but used a 4 x 5 filmholder, would that place the worst of the edge falloff

Re: [pinhole-discussion] new to list/pinhole photography

2003-04-11 Thread G.Penate
Shelley, Pinhole photography is in technical aspects not different than glass lens photography. Focal length, aperture (not aperture size), exposure, angle of view, light fall off at the edges of film, reciprocity corrections, etc., are all concepts that function the same whether the lens is a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] I need some e-mail addresses please!

2003-03-31 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Tom Lindsay Hi, it's Tom Lindsay here and I need to have those people who know me send me your e-mail addresses so I can contact you directly. I'm at my honeys'' house and don't have all the addresses that I would like to have. While

Re: [pinhole-discussion] disposible camera

2003-03-27 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: I recently got a copy of the disposible camera handout, thank you very much. But I was at the gallery where I work the other day, taking a disposible cameera apart. And one of the security guards dave asked me what I was doing, when I said I

Re: [pinhole-discussion] f64,f90,f128?...

2002-10-12 Thread G.Penate
Andrew, f/stops progress by a factor of 1.414 which is the square root of 2, therefore, the numerical value of f/stops double every other stop. If we start at f/11 (we could have started with any f/stop), the next one is f/16, since they double every other stop, the progression would go like

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 35 mm pinhole camera

2002-10-12 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Zami Schwartzman the buurs on the oposit side had to be very carefuly treated with no. 400 sandpaper to get a perfect hole . Although not a sraight forward job , I can get perfect holes as small as 0.05 mm diameter FYI, such small

Re: [pinhole-discussion] polga

2002-09-07 Thread G.Penate
300 US bucks for a Polga!!? Imaging how much a Piana could go for! Guillermo (who do know Dianas are not in production anymore)

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 4 questions from a beginner

2002-08-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Bre Pettis Question 1 I've got a .013 needle hole and 1#34; from the hole to the film. I've got it loaded with 400 speed bamp;w film. How long should I try for an exposure on a sunny day? Am I right in gauging the f stop at f/77?

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole mounted in bodycap on EOS cameras

2002-08-17 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Rune Tallaksen How do I measure the distance from the filmplane til the pinhole? Here is what I did to measure the same in my Nikon camera, before I got hold of the Nikon specs: Make a hole 1/2 or so in the center of your bodycao, mount

[pinhole-discussion] Sad note

2002-08-13 Thread G.Penate
In case someone here did not know: World-renowned wilderness photographer and writer Galen Rowell, and his wife and business partner Barbara Cushman Rowell, a photographer and writer in her own right, died early Sunday morning in an airplane crash outside of Bishop, Calif.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Strange Problem and I need some help.

2002-08-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Eric S. Theise And the source online that talks about using silver foil and blackening that with selenium toner always seemed very elegant to me. That's Larry Bullis, if memory serves me well. I tried to find a local place that'd roll

Re: [pinhole-discussion] stereo pinhole

2002-08-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Bre Pettis To: Pinhole-Discussion@p at ??? Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 4:05 AM Subject: [pinhole-discussion] stereo pinhole Hi, I'm Bre Pettis out of Seattle and I've become completely obsessed with pinhole photography. I'm just

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 5x4 too small to contact print?

2002-08-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: I'm currently making pinhole pictures on 5x4 film, with a Leonardo camera. At the moment I scan the negs and print digitally, but for a bit of a change I'm thinking about contact printing them on Printing out paper of some kind, maybe

Re: [pinhole-discussion] (OT) Enlarger help?

2002-08-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Steve Bell I know another off topic post, but it's kind of on topic, right? i mean, enlargers are often times used with pinholed negs! anyway, my question is, can anyone give me some advice regarding enlargers? i'm building a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Newbie Intro. and a few questions

2002-08-12 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Fox, Robert Are there any practical reasons to shoot at 4x5 rather than 8x10? 4x5 is more, well, practical: smaller, less costly to operate, easier to carry and you don't have to get a second mortage to buy an enlarger (if you wanted larger than

Re: [pinhole-discussion] (OT again)Alt Process list??

2002-08-10 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Steve [Eazy E] Bell So here's a question for all of you. I've heard mention of an alternative process list existing, and i'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me find it. Here is how to subscribe:

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Checking pinhole sizes (again?)

2002-08-09 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: John Moore The pocket comparator (Item No.: L1873D) is $28.50 the reticle insert (Item No.: M1599D) is $12. $50.50 seems like a good deal for an item that can be used for more than just checking pinhole sizes... of course, I can't seem

Re: [pinhole-discussion] hello.....

2002-08-09 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Mark Interrante Ok, I've a question. I recently saw Martha Casanave's Lenin photos ( and I think they are beautiful. She uses a non-optimial pinhole, and I'd like to know if people have any idea how much

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Camera Size?

2002-08-08 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ROBERTSON,TRAVIS J Thanks for your reply. I am learning about the science of pinhole cameras and I must tell you my head hurts at times trying to figure it out. Stop hurting yourself!!, we really don't need to figure out any science, that

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Camera Size?

2002-08-07 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ROBERTSON,TRAVIS J I would like to make 16X20 prints (That is I want to put the paper in the camera) and I'm trying to figure out how large of a pinhole camera I would need. Any suggestions on how to figure this out? Travis,

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Reciprocity

2002-08-01 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: James Noel What a complicated answer. Simply put, most film is designed to react to light in a linear fashion from about 1/2 second to 1/1000 second. Thanks James, I knew somebody would have a way to explain it in an easier way than me,

Re: [pinhole-discussion] nail hole camera

2002-07-30 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: My names Ben I have been a member of the discussion group for a few weeks, but have never posted anything, I just wondered, what is the diameter of the 20 foot tube. Also I dont understand what reciprocity is. Cheers Ben Ben, phographically

Re: [pinhole-discussion] I have a question.

2002-07-25 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ROBERTSON,TRAVIS J I have a passion for photography, but the cost of large format cameras and enlargers prevent me from doing the work I want to. Today I found your web site and I have that excited feeling about pinhole photography. You

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole and strobe?

2002-07-24 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Margaret Crowe Hi all, I hope I'm posting this in the right place!! Just wondering if anyone can explain to me why it's not possible to take photos with my pinhole using flashes (strobe)? MARGARET I am afraid that can't be explained, as

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole size

2002-07-22 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Jean Hanson I have the math on how to figure the ideal size of the pinholes but how do you actually measure them. Does everyone but me have a microscope, a micrometer? what? Jean Risking being redundant with some of the many good

Re: [pinhole-discussion] HP5, Delta films and reciprocity

2002-07-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Shannon Stoney What do you call this sort of shareware and how would you find it on the internet? A search with the argument best curve fit shareware or just curve fit would do it. In the past I have used one called wincurvefit.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinholes and film speed

2002-07-05 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Shannon Stoney So, I guess it doesn't really matter WHY this is so, as long as I can figure out HOW to make a negative that works for me. That's correct! My intention was not to over analize the WHY but to just point to you there

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinholes and film speed

2002-07-03 Thread G.Penate
Shannon, Numerically, an EI of 1000 may seem as a big jump from ISO-400, but it is really just 1 1/3 stops faster, which probably can be accounted by a combination of factors like: how thin you want the negatives low zones to be, a bit of anomalies in the reciprocity correction (I

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 126 pinhole camera

2002-06-17 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ROGER ARMOUR I am still using this camera ( camera box made from black card and attached to a cartridge of 126 film - increasingly difficult to get hold of! The pinhole is made from aluminium pastry foil) despite manual wind-on

Re: [pinhole-discussion] increased sharpness?

2002-06-01 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Jim Kosinski it makes any difference... does anyone know the range of wavelengths that bw paper is sensitive to? Both Ilford and Kodak have spectral sensitivity curves for their papers in their respective sites. Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] used enlargers

2002-05-23 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Eric S. Theise Are there any 4 x 5 enlargers that will handle the full negative or do I need to go to a larger size? Yes, a 5x7 would do what you want. A cheap option, if you can find one, is an old 5x7 Elwood Guillermo

Fw: [pinhole-discussion] focal plane shutter theory

2002-05-11 Thread G.Penate
I was reading my own post and noticed a mistake when converting inches to millimeters. I used a factor of 24.5 when in fact an inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters. The time to move across I talked about, therefore, should be: Time to move across film: (5 x 25.4) / 120 = 1.058333 seconds Not a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] focal plane shutter theory

2002-05-10 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Uptown Gallery This may be off topic, but the breadth of knowledge within this group may provide me an answer (off list , if necessary). I would like to understand (actually, analyze) the operation of a focal plane shutter, for the

Re: [pinhole-discussion] speed of paper versus film

2002-05-09 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: I'm struggling to understand the relationship between film and photographic paper. Specifically, calculating exposures, etc. Where film may be considered ASA 100, paper may be considered P100. Obviously, it's not the same 100...but

Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole is not about sharpness?

2002-05-07 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Pinhole can be about sharpness, as well as softness... it's also about time, and light, perspective, art, science, chance and fun! In the very far past I've been nailed in this list because of my interest on the scientific and

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Optimal pinhole size question - theoretical practical

2002-05-06 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Tom Harvey It's the very, very that I wonder about. I believe that Zernike Au has said that he used the smaller aperture because tested out sharper. Aside from lengthening exposure times, would using small size pinholes on cameras

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Film transport system for 120 film

2002-05-04 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Maria Grant Were can I buy a film transport system for 120 film? I hope I'm using the correct terminology. I've seen cameras made from coffee and tea containers with film transports,but can't seem to find this item,would I have to find

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Not on Subject

2002-04-24 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: James Kellar I know this is not on the subject of pinhole or even photography, but I just couldn't help myself. Goto, and then scroll down to Apple Macintosh: This is kind of

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Ultraviolet Light Pinhole Camera Project

2002-04-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Adam Leiferman First I shone the UV laser on a front-surface convex mirror. I then made pinhole lenses specifically constructed to create the best images for the wavelength of light that I was using. The pinhole's size was

Re: [pinhole-discussion] darkrooms in Toronto

2002-04-21 Thread G.Penate
Liav, Check the darkrooms at Gallery44 in downtown Toronto, here is their URL: Guillermo - Original Message - From: Liav Koren To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??? Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 6:01 PM Subject: [pinhole-discussion]

Re: [pinhole-discussion] best viewfinders for close-up work

2002-04-19 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Sarah Heidt My younger brother does woodworking and has generously offered to build me a large format pinhole camera. He even bought a set of micro drills for his Dremel (are these small enough, I don't know!) Nothing like the love of

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Film Development

2002-04-15 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Richard Heather neither of us are right. 24x36x36 =31,104mm2 8(x2.5)x 10(2.5) = 50,000 mm2 Richard Heather Richard, Remember that the actual length of film allows for 36 frames + leading and trailing portions of film

Re: [pinhole-discussion] my first photo

2002-04-15 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Matti Koskinen I have Corel PhotoPaint) I use only Linux and Gimp, win98 crashes almost every time I try to scan. You're doing the plugging but not the praying, obviously. Remember W98 is plug and PRAY! I placed a #0 filter behind my

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Developing 8x10 sheet film

2002-04-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Greg Newberry Well, I've been going along happy as a clam designing my 8x10 pinhole camera when all of a sudden I realized that if I shoot sheet film, I'm going to have to develop it! So I know you can do it in a tray, and I've seen the

Re: [pinhole-discussion] paper negative tricks

2002-04-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Andy Schmitt or build a developing tube or 2..then you just load roll...sort of.. 8o) andy That's another possibility. Here is a link to a design I have read is effective: Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] paper negative tricks

2002-04-13 Thread G.Penate
You are in Suomi, isn't that right Matti? I visited Turku (University of Turku) and Helsinki, way back in the spring of 1978, Finish people were very friendly and kind to us every where we went and stayed. Anyway, there are daylight tanks that allow you to process 4x5 film without a darkroom,

Re: [pinhole-discussion] paper negative tricks

2002-04-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Matti Koskinen I finally got my wooden 4x5 camera lightproof and taken few test shots using paper negatives. Problem with paper negative seems to be the total lack of details in the sky, getting the sky with some clouds make the

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Brand New Pinhole User Questions

2002-04-07 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Katharine Thayer Just remember, if you're using an 8x10 filmholder, that 8x10 paper is bigger than 8x10 film, and you'll need to shave a little off each side of the paper to make it slide into the holder smoothly. Katharine Thayer Try

Re: [pinhole-discussion] human subjects

2002-04-07 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Joe Rollins GlacierI am trying to build a pinhole camera to use to take photos of human subjects. I need to get the time down to under 10 or 15 seconds. I shoot with Ilford MGIV. What focal length and diameter pinhole would be sugested.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: image circle relative to focal length/fstop

2002-03-27 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Zernike Au If you want to control the circular image to 2' or 3 (the range is quite big!), the main factor is the thickness of the front panel of your camera that hold the pinhole and where you mount the pinhole, and also the size of

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Ideas for finishing pinhole

2002-03-26 Thread G.Penate
Jeff, You could probably find Aluminum oxide at a science store or if there is one in your location, at a lapidary supplier. You could also use the rubbing paste auto painters use to polish cars after they have been painted. A better idea would probably be to thin the material by

Re: [pinhole-discussion] image circle relative to focal length/fstop

2002-03-26 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Thom Mitchell Would then a thick material create a smaller circle with the same image quality (or not) as a thinner material? These may be simple questions but I want to be able to control the size of my image circle, either through

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Slightly Off Topic

2002-03-25 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Jim Kosinski ophotography_and_CCD_Imaging/ Jim K Jim, your link broke down, this happens to me all the time. I have found this site in which you paste a long link

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Epson Perfection 1250 Photo Flatbed Scanner

2002-03-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Derek Clarke TBH these dual-use flatbeds are still better for opaque material than transparency use, especially 35mm. So they are still inferior to a true film scanner at the same scan resolution. Also the transparency illuminator is

Re: [pinhole-discussion] RESOLUTION AND PINHOLE

2002-03-18 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Philippe Monnoyer I still have to read the interesting paper. So if my optimal pinhole diameter for a 100 mm FL is 0.36 mm, this means that my 24x30 cm film will record an image where every point will have a blur of 0.36 mm. So it is

Re: [pinhole-discussion] RESOLUTION AND PINHOLE

2002-03-18 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Philippe Monnoyer Image point radius = 0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length / pinhole_radius Indeed, according to that equation, the bigger the pinhole, the smaller the Image point radius and the sharpest the image. Mea culpa! I admit.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Calculations

2002-03-11 Thread G.Penate
Hello photoian at Trying to answer all your questions, after Richard answers would be redundant. I will though, answer a question Richard did not addressed: - Original Message - From: {USER_FIRSTNAME} {USER_LASTNAME} The formula is pinhole(in) =

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Zero 6x9 pinhole

2002-03-10 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: cfowler I am getting ready to order the zero 6x9 multiformat pinhole camera, has anybody used this camera's ? is it worth 200 Bucks ? I don't own the camera, but I've seen it and -as I have said before, the darn thing is a beauty, no

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: mini-pin + photo flo sub

2002-03-08 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Christian Harkness Well, I once used a liguid detergent for dishwashers instead of Photo-Flo it throughly ruined my negatives, much worse then if I had not used Photo-Flo. so Did you use a lot? You just need a drop on a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Photo-flo

2002-03-06 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Tim Midkiff This may be a bit off topic but, is there a readily available subsitute for kodak photo-flo? I happen to be at home today and need to develop some images, both pinhole and otherwise, and i'm being plagued with spots and such.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Favorite Cameras?

2002-03-04 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Liav Koren This makes me wonder: has anyone else also been working with a converted disposable and 35mm film? It took me a few tries to figure it out, but once I learned to chop the thing in half properly, I got a camera that I'm pretty

Re: [pinhole-discussion] countdown timer

2002-02-27 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Gordon J. Holtslander Its called a parking timer. Its a keychain with a clock and countdown timer. You can set it to time a certain interval of time. when the time has expired it will beep. Cost $6.00 Canadian (thats $0.25 US)

Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity and TMY film

2002-02-26 Thread G.Penate
Allow me just 1 more try, pls: corrected time | (100,300) P | _ |_ | _ | _ |

Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity and TMY film

2002-02-26 Thread G.Penate
Told you they were axis of evil, can't get the chart to format correctly, here is the last try: corrected time | (100,300) P | _ |

Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity and TMY film

2002-02-26 Thread G.Penate
** Resending the message, hopefully the ascii chart won't break up this time. - Original Message - From: I Zarkov Unfortunately the Kodak product search engine gives nothing for the topic of 'reciprocity'which is too bad because they once had a very good chart

Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity and TMY film

2002-02-26 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: I Zarkov Unfortunately the Kodak product search engine gives nothing for the topic of 'reciprocity'which is too bad because they once had a very good chart in an old professional products catalogue that gave a good long and short range

Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity and TMY film

2002-02-25 Thread G.Penate
Try this values: Indicated,Corrected 10,15 12,21 15,27 20,35 25,47 30,62 40,1:24 50,1:50 60,2:25 80,3:10 100,4:10 Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] New image saloon uploaded on behalf of Pete Eckert

2002-02-24 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: pete eckert Guy, You are right it is a zone plate shot. No doubt Guy, you are a pinhole detective par excellence. Congrat, BTW, Guy, on Canada winning the ice hockey GOLD medal. Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] New image saloon uploaded on behalf of Pete Eckert

2002-02-24 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Sally Bowker Saloon is a great photo, evocative and inviting. Thank you for showing us! But I had to scroll to see the whole work, can you make it to fit on a monitor? You probably have a under 17 monitor. That image is in progressive

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Angle of ligh

2002-02-14 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Joao Ribeiro The idea is producing a kind of a triptico (I don't know the name in English). Triptych

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Angle of ligh

2002-02-14 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ISHIKAWA Masaru I don't know how the angle of image cone is detemined. But I think it is equal to 2xArctan(d/t) where d is a diameter of pinhole, t is the thickness of pinhole-material. Masaru, You are right, that is

Re: [pinhole-discussion] HORSE, isn't it?

2002-02-14 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Richard Heather Guillermo, do you want a hung bao? Richard Heather (in-law to the Lo clan) Yes I do, I want a pinhole hung bao! Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Angle of ligh

2002-02-13 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Joao Ribeiro Now, what I intend to do is to place 2 sheets of film not at the end of the camera, but at the walls that are perpendicular to the pinhole plane. I imagine that the light absorbed by these walls will also form images,

Re: [pinhole-discussion] HORSE, isn't it?

2002-02-12 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ISHIKAWA Masaru Celebrating Chinese New Year, a Year of Horse. (Unfortunately Asian not always understand Chinese. ) Kung hei fat choi is virtually universal these days, no need to be Asian Cantonese speaking person to know that's

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Angle of ligh

2002-02-11 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Joao Ribeiro When the light enters the camera, it enters in an angle the depends on the pinhole diameter or this angle is constant? Imagine I have a pinhole of 0.5 mm. If I make a bellows camera and set it to say 50 mm focal distance

[pinhole-discussion] HORSE, isn't it?

2002-02-11 Thread G.Penate
Kung hei fat choi !! to all our Asian friends in this list. Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] list is fine (?)

2002-02-10 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: jaugusta Hello! Newbie here, just getting my first posts all of which ask why no one's posting! Is this a joke? Yes and no! This list goes into remission for couple of days from time to time. Usually hapens around holidays, I guess

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinholing with SLR and extension tubes

2002-02-04 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Dennis Johanson since I believe that a thin pinhole cap makes more sharp pictures. The pinhole itself does not need to be made on the cap (unless that's what you want). The pinhole can be made using thin material (0.002 shim stock for

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinholing with SLR and extension tubes

2002-02-02 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Dennis Johanson This week I got an old SLR back from service, and I have a set of extension tubes for it. An idea came to my mind, namely to use one or more of the extension tubes with a pinholed lens cap or aluminum foil at

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Agradecimentos - Antes tarde do que nunca :) (Cleber)

2002-01-30 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Uptown Gallery I can't read Portugese, so I didn't know if this was intended for the pinhole list, but I did find the word 'pinhole' at the end of Cleber's posting I don't read Portuguese either but being somewhat similar to Spanish

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Art 21: Ann Hamilton

2002-01-25 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Lisa Reddig There have been a number of well known photographers who have done sneeky pictures like that. (My favorite Harry Callahan to name one) The dillemma as always with these kinds of things is the moral one. I know legally

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Help for the new experimenter

2002-01-25 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Tim Midkiff Where I need help in getting started is finding information on making-buying-using, a cap in an old minolta slr I have. This would allow me to process film in the darkroom at the university I have access to. BTW, i'm a 37 year

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Macro Pinhole Photos

2002-01-25 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Markus Birsfelder I used my Nikon camera with a body cap fitted with a hole approx. 2.5 mm. With a focal length (distance of hole to filmplane) of approx. 50 mm, Are you sure it was 2.5mm? That pinhole size would be infinity-optimum for a

Re: [pinhole-discussion] (no subject)

2002-01-22 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Kosinski Family all this left right up down is a little dyslexic, especially if you can't see, I suggest to you that blind persons are probably better at this dyslexic matters than people with good eye sight. Besides, whether you are able

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Hello...

2002-01-22 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Bob Anyway, I've got plans for 5x4 and 10x8 pinhole cameras plus some shims to make the pinholes from. What I would like to do though is some panoramic pinholes in a 6x17 sort of format. I'm not the biggest fan of light fall off at the edges

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Silver Gem

2002-01-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Guy Glorieux Hi Zernike, I feel sorry for you on this. It is very disgracefull. Zernike, I'd suggest that before you start paying high BSL fees (BSL=blood sucking lawyers), you should get hold of one of the suspect

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Silver Gem-

2002-01-21 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Zernike Au I am now looking for a lawyer in the England, any friends from England can introduce one to me please help. Go get them cowboy! Guillermo

Re: [pinhole-discussion] transparency film...xray duplication film

2002-01-18 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Andy Schmitt I bought some Kodak Contact 2000 film that requires other than Daylight or Tungsten enlarger light...pitty 'cause it was cheep...wonder why? Think I saw itwasn't Clinton Mandela the guy selling it?...may be not!

Re: [pinhole-discussion] intrododuction Frans van Dijk

2002-01-04 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Frans van Dijk Since I whould like to share some images with you (one images is a thousand words) and get your comment on them, I tried to upload some files however I donĀ“s come through. Can anyone give me some aid. I do have a password, and

Re: [pinhole-discussion] focusing zoneplates

2002-01-04 Thread G.Penate
--- Gordon J. Holtslander wrote: I'm going to try making some zoneplates. I've read about that zoneplates require focussing. None of my cameras pinhole cameras can focus. Is zoneplate focusing necessary in all cases? Is focusing needed only for subjects that are

Re: [pinhole-discussion] new postages

2002-01-03 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Guy Glorieux Nice pictures, Hughes. I was absolutely amazed by the beauty of your hand built cameras. Everybody on the list, don't miss it: it's a source of great inspiration as to what someone can do with a little bit of skill. I

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Close-up pinhole photography

2002-01-02 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: ROGER ARMOUR Thank you Guillermo and Bill for your comments. How do you make pinholes as small as 0.035 mm Guillermo? Thanks Roger, If you really mean 0.035mm, I can not make them that small, couldn't use them if I

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 12 day exposure

2002-01-02 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: George L Smyth When I go to that link, I am redirected to http://www.p at ???/discussion/. Here is the direct link to B.E excellent image: http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/gallery2001.php?cmd=maxstart=pic= bathtub_copy.jpg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] oops.. wrong fixer dilution...

2002-01-01 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: R Duarte what's going to happen? will the film police come after me? is my family going to suffer dire consequences because of my stupidity? and how do you all keep track of 2 dilutions of fixer, When using Ilford Universal Fixer, I use

Re: [pinhole-discussion] loading paper into a cancamera

2001-12-22 Thread G.Penate
- Original Message - From: Tom Miller Another thing I've done with small can cameras is glue a strip of mat board to the inside of the can on either side of where the paper should be. This was with a cylinder camera using film for negatives and the force of the film

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