[polymer-dev] When do I have to call flush() in wct?

2015-07-16 Thread aroman
With Polymer 1.0, observers are now evaluated synchronously.  If I have an 
element whose behavior is driven by observers on attributes, and everything 
appears to work in synchronous tests, is there any reason to call flush()? 
 That is, is it necessary that I call it before/after each test?

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Kelly St. John
That said...it appears that the use of CSS custom properties may not be 
wise based on current browser support for that feature.  Is that the case? 

On Thursday, 16 July 2015 15:21:33 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Thanks Justin.  I just read more of the Styling documentation from the 
 Styling section of the 1.0 Developer Guide.  Here is an important extract 
 pertaining to my issue (see below).  It seems application-wide 'theming' 
 capability is a bit of a casualty stemmed from the necessary removal of 
 /deep/ and ::shadow selectors used previously in polymer 0.5.  As you 
 eluded to above, it seems I'll have to look into how to incorporate the use 
 of Custom CSS properties in order to apply 'theming' across elements.  

 One solution the Shadow DOM spec authors provided to address the theming 
 problem are the /deep/ and::shadow combinators, which allow writing rules 
 that pierce through the Shadow DOM encapsulation boundary. Although Polymer 
 0.5 promoted this mechanism for theming, it was ultimately unsatisfying for 
 several reasons:


Using /deep/ and ::shadow for theming leaks details of an otherwise 
encapsulated element to the user, leading to brittle selectors piercing 
into the internal details of an element’s Shadow DOM that are prone to 
breakage when the internal implementation changes. As a result, the 
structure of of an element’s Shadow DOM inadvertently becomes API surface 
subject to breakage, diminishing the practical effectiveness of Shadow DOM 
as an encapsulation primitive.

Although Shadow DOM’s style encapsulation *improves* the 
predictability of style recalc performance since the side effects of a 
style change are limited to a small subset of the document, using 
/deep/ and::shadow re-opens the style invalidation area and reduces 
Shadow DOM’s effectiveness as a performance primitive.

Using /deep/ and ::shadow leads to verbose and difficult to understand 

 For the reasons above, the Polymer team is currently exploring other 
 options for theming that address the shortcomings above and provide a 
 possible path to obsolescence of /deep/ and ::shadow altogether.


 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 14:15:58 UTC-7, Justin Fagnani wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Kelly St. John ke...@qfin.net wrote:

 On a somewhat related note, is there a reason the demos/docs are not in 
 place for paper-styles in the new 1.0 element catalog? (

 Should I be using paper-styles, or is it experimental?

 It's not experimental. I'm not sure why the documentation isn't showing 

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 
 to 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in 
 order to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm 
 a CSS expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really 
 use an example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  
 I like the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html 
 file) to store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would 
 presume I could then place something like this in that document level 
 external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in 
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment. 

 This is as intended. The styles are scoped on purpose so that they don't 
 leak downward. It's totally possible that in some component you're using 
 that .center is supposed to have a slightly different styling (especially 
 considering how many ways there are to center), and you wouldn't want to 
 override it.

 The correct approach is to apply the properties where you need them. In 
 the host of that div, use @apply:

 .my-class {

 div class=my-class/div

 If you want to pass styles down the tree, and through scope boundaries, 
 then you can use CSS custom properties, but it's always up to the element 
 in a scope to choose to apply the property. In that way it's opt-in from 
 the element's point of view.

 Does that help?



  I'm likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 
 1.0, or maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ 
 a theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 
 1.0.  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will 
 likely be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone 
 kindly point me in the right direction, 

[polymer-dev] ขอเรียนเชิญเข้ารับการฝึกอบรมสัมมนา หลักสูตร การสัมภาษณ์งานและรับคนเข้าสู่องค์กร

2015-07-16 Thread IOD CONSULTING
*[image: 2] *

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/การบริหารงานที่รวบรวมเอาระบบการบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ *

*หลักสูตร **“เทคนิค การสัมภาษณ์ งาน**และรับคนเข้าสู่องค์กร*
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1.ภาพรวมของการสรรหาและคัดเลือกบุคลากร(Overview of Recruitment and Selection)

2.หลักการและแนวทางของการสัมภาษณ์งานอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ (Principles of
Recruitment And Selection)

3.การวางแผนการสัมภาษณ์ร่วมเป็นคณะกรรมการสัมภาษณ์ บทบาทที่พึงปฏิบัติ  (How
to plan a Performance interviewing Planning)

4.กระบวนการขั้นตอนของการสัมภาษณ์งาน (Interview Process)

/เทคนิคการสัมภาษณ์ที่สามารถนำมาใช้ให้เกิดประโยชน์ (Different
Types of Interview)

 6.การใช้ประโยชน์จากข้อมูลประวัติในใบสมัครงาน  Utilizing the candidate
resume   หรือใช้ Biodata มาเป็นเครื่องมือทำนายในอนาคต

7.หลักการของ STAR Model : Situation (Task)-Action-Result

8.เทคนิคในการสัมภาษณ์งานอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ   (Types of Interview

8.1ประเภทของการสัมภาษณ์งาน (Types of Interviewing)

8.2การเตรียมความพร้อมก่อนการสัมภาษณ์งาน(Preparing for Interview )

8.3ชนิดของคำถามในการสัมภาษณ์ (Types of Question)

9.ฝึกปฏิบัติการตั้งคำถาม  Workshop  และเทคนิคการสัมภาษณ์ จากผู้สมัครงานจริง
พร้อมทั้งแบบการประเมินตาม core competency ขององค์กร

10.สรุปปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อการสัมภาษณ์งาน(Factor Affecting
Interview)/ปัญหาและอุปสรรคที่เกิดขึ้น และแนวทางแก้ไข

ดูรายละเอียดทั้งหมด *หลักสูตร  “เทคนิคการสัมภาษณ์งาน และรับคนเข้าสู่องค์กร”
สนใจสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่เบอร์  095-9151876,092-2633989

*หลักสูตร**“**ความรอบรู้**ในการ **บริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ **สำหรับ** HR* *”*

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*อัตราค่าสัมมนา/ ผู้สนใจทั่วไป   3,800  บาท สมาชิก  3,686  บาท *

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*1)ความรู้ความสามารถของบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ *(Capability)
จะต้องมีความรู้ด้านงานการบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ คือ การวางแผนอัตรกำลัง
การสรรหาคัดเลือกพนักงาน การพัฒนาและฝึกอบรม การประเมินผลการปฏิบัติงาน
การสร้างแรงจูงใจ การจัดสวัสดิการและการสร้างแรงงานสัมพันธ์

*2)การยอมรับจากหน่วยงานต่างๆ* (Acceptability)นอกจากเก่งงานและภาคทฤษฎีแล้ว
HR จะต้องมีความรอบรู้ในเรื่องภาคปฏิบัติการ

3)*การร่วมงานสังคมและงานพิธีกรรมต่างๆ *
HR ย่อมหนีไม่


*5) ความรู้เบื้องต้นด้านกฎหมายอาญา *
HR จะต้องเป็นผู้ให้คำปรึกษาหาทางให้พนักงานสามารถเป็นที่พึ่งได้

*6) ความรอบรู้กฎหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ในฐานะ HR ที่ต้องควรทราบ *นั้นมีอะไรบ้าง

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ดูรายละเอียดทั้งหมด หลักสูตร ความรอบรู้ในการบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ สำหรับ HR
สนใจสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่เบอร์  095-9151876,092-2633989

*หลักสูตร“กลยุทธ์การบริหารค่าตอบแทนโครงสร้างค่าจ้าง เงินเดือน*
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*อัตราค่าสัมมนา/ ผู้สนใจทั่วไป   3,800  บาท สมาชิก  3,686  บาท วิทยากร
ดร.กฤติน กุลเพ็ง  *


[polymer-dev] Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Kelly St. John
Hi All,

I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
could then place something like this in that document level external file:

style is=custom-style

.center {

.horizontal {

.vertical {


 And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in the 
app, like:

div class=horizontal center

However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0. 
 I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
me in the right direction, please?


Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
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[polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Kelly St. John
On a somewhat related note, is there a reason the demos/docs are not in 
place for paper-styles in the new 1.0 element catalog? 

Should I be using paper-styles, or is it experimental?

On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in the 
 app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0. 
  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
 me in the right direction, please?


Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread 'Justin Fagnani' via Polymer
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Kelly St. John ke...@qfin.net wrote:

 On a somewhat related note, is there a reason the demos/docs are not in
 place for paper-styles in the new 1.0 element catalog? (

 Should I be using paper-styles, or is it experimental?

It's not experimental. I'm not sure why the documentation isn't showing up.

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

This is as intended. The styles are scoped on purpose so that they don't
leak downward. It's totally possible that in some component you're using
that .center is supposed to have a slightly different styling (especially
considering how many ways there are to center), and you wouldn't want to
override it.

The correct approach is to apply the properties where you need them. In the
host of that div, use @apply:

.my-class {

div class=my-class/div

If you want to pass styles down the tree, and through scope boundaries,
then you can use CSS custom properties, but it's always up to the element
in a scope to choose to apply the property. In that way it's opt-in from
the element's point of view.

Does that help?


  I'm likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer
 1.0, or maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ
 a theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond
 1.0.  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will
 likely be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone
 kindly point me in the right direction, please?


  Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Polymer group.
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 email to polymer-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Kelly St. John
*ps:*  Of course, I meant to say that I would be able to use these document 
level styles by applying classes to any tag *in the Local DOM of any custom 
element* in the app.

On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in the 
 app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0. 
  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
 me in the right direction, please?


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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [polymer-dev] When do I have to call flush() in wct?

2015-07-16 Thread Michael Giuffrida
It would be really nice if anyone could provide a more detailed answer to
this and similar questions: It's not clear what operations are supposed to
be synchronous or asynchronous (and when async operations are at task level
vs. microtask level), which affects tests but also some more complicated UI

I started a thread last week which didn't get any responses. I would
appreciate even a simple we make no guarantees response if that's the
case, because it would help knowing how defensive our code should be.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:02 PM, 'Daniel Freedman' via Polymer 
polymer-dev@googlegroups.com wrote:

 Generally you can get away with not using flush.

 You may still need flush for testing element lifecycle callbacks in
 polyfilled browsers, or measuring DOM, but I expect very few cornercases
 like that.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 10:46 AM, aro...@flux.io wrote:

 With Polymer 1.0, observers are now evaluated synchronously.  If I have
 an element whose behavior is driven by observers on attributes, and
 everything appears to work in synchronous tests, is there any reason to
 call flush()?  That is, is it necessary that I call it before/after each

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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer 1.0 postMessage

2015-07-16 Thread Eric Bidelman
Did you try just this.$.theThing.postMessage()? Since that node is local to
your element's DOM, you shouldn't need the Polymer.dom() wrappers. Those
are mainly for cases where you're manipulating the light DOM of an element
and doing
things that could affect distribution.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 10:28 AM eric sherouse sherou...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am migrating my app from Polymer 0.5 to 1.0. I have an element with an
 embed tag in it (used to communicate with a Native Client module actually).

 embed id=theThing src={{nmf}} type=application/x-pnacl
 on-load=loaded on-message=receive

 In 0.5, I was able to use postMessage to communicate with this embed
 element like this:


 In 1.0, it appears I can no longer access the postMessage method (it is
 undefined). I have tried multiple element selector variations:

 Polymer.dom(this.$.theThing).postMessage(); //does not work
 this.$$(#theThing).postMessage(); //does not work
 Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector(#theThing).postMessage(); //does
 not work

 Is there a new way to access these sorts of methods? If this is described
 in the docs, I have missed it so far. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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[polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Nathan Hadfield
I noticed the following comment in an earlier post to this group:

 Yes, the plan is to migrate all use of /deep/ and ::shadow in Polymer 
 elements to custom properties, as it has been removed from the spec and as 
 noted Chrome has posted deprecation warnings.  The vast majority of that 
 migration was already done during the 1.0 port and anything remaining 
 should be vestigial at this point and should be cleaned up soon.  I opened 
 an issue for paper-slider; feel free to open issue on any other stragglers 
 you find (a quick search didn't find any).

 It is unlikely that Chrome will actually remove support for these 
 combinators in the immediate future and the Shady DOM styling shim does 
 support it for now so there is no immediate risk of breakage; however our 
 team rule is to not rely on them going forward, and users obviously 
 shouldn't either.

I'm thinking using the iron-flex-layout classes (rather than applying 
layout styles from CSS vars) will continue to work okay even without /deep/ 
and ::shadow support, as long as you explicitly import the HTML file in 
each element that uses them. I'd be interested in any advice on this from 
the Polymer team, though.

On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 5:16:37 PM UTC-6, Nathan Hadfield wrote:

 Kelly, *iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html* (notice the 
 */classes/* folder, as opposed to *ion-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html*) 
 provides stylesheet that includes selectors that use */deep/* in order to 
 reach through to the Shadow DOM. See the documentation in migration.md 

 IIRC the Polymer team prefers using CSS vars over classes for layout -- 
 I'm guessing so that they don't have to make changes when /deep/ is no 
 longer supported, and as Justin pointed out, so that they don't bleed 

 There is a *:root* selector that you can use to style everything in the 
 shadow root. (See 
 I believe you could use it to make your example work:

 :root .center {

 In general, though, my understanding is that best practice is to use CSS 
 vars to theme your elements, as it helps to make explicit what 
 customization options your components support. In our project, we're 
 borrowing from the way paper-styles is implemented by defining a 
 styles.html file that each of our elements import. It defines CSS vars for 
 our colors, font styles, etc.


 On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:39:25 PM UTC-6, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in 
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0. 
  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
 me in the right direction, please?


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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Kelly St. John
Thanks Justin.  I just read more of the Styling documentation from the 
Styling section of the 1.0 Developer Guide.  Here is an important extract 
pertaining to my issue (see below).  It seems application-wide 'theming' 
capability is a bit of a casualty stemmed from the necessary removal of 
/deep/ and ::shadow selectors used previously in polymer 0.5.  As you 
eluded to above, it seems I'll have to look into how to incorporate the use 
of Custom CSS properties in order to apply 'theming' across elements.  

One solution the Shadow DOM spec authors provided to address the theming 
problem are the /deep/ and::shadow combinators, which allow writing rules 
that pierce through the Shadow DOM encapsulation boundary. Although Polymer 
0.5 promoted this mechanism for theming, it was ultimately unsatisfying for 
several reasons:

   Using /deep/ and ::shadow for theming leaks details of an otherwise 
   encapsulated element to the user, leading to brittle selectors piercing 
   into the internal details of an element’s Shadow DOM that are prone to 
   breakage when the internal implementation changes. As a result, the 
   structure of of an element’s Shadow DOM inadvertently becomes API surface 
   subject to breakage, diminishing the practical effectiveness of Shadow DOM 
   as an encapsulation primitive.
   Although Shadow DOM’s style encapsulation *improves* the predictability 
   of style recalc performance since the side effects of a style change are 
   limited to a small subset of the document, using /deep/ and::shadow re-opens 
   the style invalidation area and reduces Shadow DOM’s effectiveness as a 
   performance primitive.
   Using /deep/ and ::shadow leads to verbose and difficult to understand 
For the reasons above, the Polymer team is currently exploring other 
options for theming that address the shortcomings above and provide a 
possible path to obsolescence of /deep/ and ::shadow altogether.


On Thursday, 16 July 2015 14:15:58 UTC-7, Justin Fagnani wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Kelly St. John ke...@qfin.net 
 javascript: wrote:

 On a somewhat related note, is there a reason the demos/docs are not in 
 place for paper-styles in the new 1.0 element catalog? (

 Should I be using paper-styles, or is it experimental?

 It's not experimental. I'm not sure why the documentation isn't showing up.

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in 
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment. 

 This is as intended. The styles are scoped on purpose so that they don't 
 leak downward. It's totally possible that in some component you're using 
 that .center is supposed to have a slightly different styling (especially 
 considering how many ways there are to center), and you wouldn't want to 
 override it.

 The correct approach is to apply the properties where you need them. In 
 the host of that div, use @apply:

 .my-class {

 div class=my-class/div

 If you want to pass styles down the tree, and through scope boundaries, 
 then you can use CSS custom properties, but it's always up to the element 
 in a scope to choose to apply the property. In that way it's opt-in from 
 the element's point of view.

 Does that help?



  I'm likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 
 1.0, or maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ 
 a theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 
 1.0.  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will 
 likely be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone 
 kindly point me in the right direction, please?


  Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Polymer group.
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[polymer-dev] Re: iron-media-query events

2015-07-16 Thread Emmanuel Garcia
That event has been renamed to *`on-query-matches-changed`*

*   iron-media-query*
*query=media query*

On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 11:44:27 PM UTC-7, toduu wrote:

 Anybody know why Iron-media-query does not have an event like 
 core-media-change in core-media-query.  Also I was not able to understand / 
 use the new methods listed queryChanged and queyHandler.  Any suggestions.

 I have resorted to javascript  window.addEventListener('resize', function() 
 { --  to kick off layout change from horizontal to vertical.

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Nathan Hadfield
Kelly, *iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html* (notice the 
*/classes/* folder, as opposed to *ion-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html*) 
provides stylesheet that includes selectors that use */deep/* in order to 
reach through to the Shadow DOM. See the documentation in migration.md 

IIRC the Polymer team prefers using CSS vars over classes for layout -- I'm 
guessing so that they don't have to make changes when /deep/ is no longer 
supported, and as Justin pointed out, so that they don't bleed 

There is a *:root* selector that you can use to style everything in the 
shadow root. (See 
I believe you could use it to make your example work:

:root .center {

In general, though, my understanding is that best practice is to use CSS 
vars to theme your elements, as it helps to make explicit what 
customization options your components support. In our project, we're 
borrowing from the way paper-styles is implemented by defining a 
styles.html file that each of our elements import. It defines CSS vars for 
our colors, font styles, etc.


On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:39:25 PM UTC-6, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in the 
 app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0. 
  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
 me in the right direction, please?


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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[polymer-dev] Paper-drowpdown-menu

2015-07-16 Thread 'Brandon Tearse' via Polymer
I've been searching for a paper dropdown menu but the polymer elements site
doesn't seem to have one listed... unless you guess the correct url:


Is this omission an intentional (e.g. it's not ready yet) or a mistake? In
other words: can I use it or should I wait 'till later?

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread 'Justin Fagnani' via Polymer
CSS custom properties are the way to do theming. Polymer includes support,
and the paper elements use them extensively.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Kelly St. John ke...@qfin.net wrote:

 That said...it appears that the use of CSS custom properties may not be
 wise based on current browser support for that feature.  Is that the case?

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 15:21:33 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Thanks Justin.  I just read more of the Styling documentation from the
 Styling section of the 1.0 Developer Guide.  Here is an important extract
 pertaining to my issue (see below).  It seems application-wide 'theming'
 capability is a bit of a casualty stemmed from the necessary removal of
 /deep/ and ::shadow selectors used previously in polymer 0.5.  As you
 eluded to above, it seems I'll have to look into how to incorporate the use
 of Custom CSS properties in order to apply 'theming' across elements.

 One solution the Shadow DOM spec authors provided to address the theming
 problem are the /deep/ and::shadow combinators, which allow writing
 rules that pierce through the Shadow DOM encapsulation boundary. Although
 Polymer 0.5 promoted this mechanism for theming, it was ultimately
 unsatisfying for several reasons:


Using /deep/ and ::shadow for theming leaks details of an otherwise
encapsulated element to the user, leading to brittle selectors piercing
into the internal details of an element’s Shadow DOM that are prone to
breakage when the internal implementation changes. As a result, the
structure of of an element’s Shadow DOM inadvertently becomes API surface
subject to breakage, diminishing the practical effectiveness of Shadow DOM
as an encapsulation primitive.

Although Shadow DOM’s style encapsulation *improves* the
predictability of style recalc performance since the side effects of a
style change are limited to a small subset of the document, using
/deep/ and::shadow re-opens the style invalidation area and reduces
Shadow DOM’s effectiveness as a performance primitive.

Using /deep/ and ::shadow leads to verbose and difficult to
understand selectors.

 For the reasons above, the Polymer team is currently exploring other
 options for theming that address the shortcomings above and provide a
 possible path to obsolescence of /deep/ and ::shadow altogether.

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 14:15:58 UTC-7, Justin Fagnani wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Kelly St. John ke...@qfin.net wrote:

 On a somewhat related note, is there a reason the demos/docs are not in
 place for paper-styles in the new 1.0 element catalog? (

 Should I be using paper-styles, or is it experimental?

 It's not experimental. I'm not sure why the documentation isn't showing

 On Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:39:25 UTC-7, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4
 to 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in
 order to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm 
 a CSS expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really
 use an example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.
 I like the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html
 file) to store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would
 presume I could then place something like this in that document level
 external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

 This is as intended. The styles are scoped on purpose so that they don't
 leak downward. It's totally possible that in some component you're using
 that .center is supposed to have a slightly different styling (especially
 considering how many ways there are to center), and you wouldn't want to
 override it.

 The correct approach is to apply the properties where you need them. In
 the host of that div, use @apply:

 .my-class {

 div class=my-class/div

 If you want to pass styles down the tree, and through scope boundaries,
 then you can use CSS custom properties, but it's always up to the element
 in a scope to choose to apply the property. In that way it's opt-in from
 the element's point of view.

 Does that help?


  I'm likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer
 1.0, or maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ
 a theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond
 1.0.  I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it 

Re: [polymer-dev] When do I have to call flush() in wct?

2015-07-16 Thread 'Daniel Freedman' via Polymer
Generally you can get away with not using flush.

You may still need flush for testing element lifecycle callbacks in
polyfilled browsers, or measuring DOM, but I expect very few cornercases
like that.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 10:46 AM, aro...@flux.io wrote:

 With Polymer 1.0, observers are now evaluated synchronously.  If I have an
 element whose behavior is driven by observers on attributes, and everything
 appears to work in synchronous tests, is there any reason to call flush()?
 That is, is it necessary that I call it before/after each test?

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Eric Eslinger
Does the polyfill support css variables in a standards-compliant fashion? I
personally got burned on /deep/ getting deprecated, and it kind of looks
like css variables aren't settled yet:



On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:16 PM Nathan Hadfield hadfie...@gmail.com wrote:

 Kelly, *iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html* (notice the
 */classes/* folder, as opposed to *ion-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html*)
 provides stylesheet that includes selectors that use */deep/* in order to
 reach through to the Shadow DOM. See the documentation in migration.md

 IIRC the Polymer team prefers using CSS vars over classes for layout --
 I'm guessing so that they don't have to make changes when /deep/ is no
 longer supported, and as Justin pointed out, so that they don't bleed

 There is a *:root* selector that you can use to style everything in the
 shadow root. (See
 I believe you could use it to make your example work:

 :root .center {

 In general, though, my understanding is that best practice is to use CSS
 vars to theme your elements, as it helps to make explicit what
 customization options your components support. In our project, we're
 borrowing from the way paper-styles is implemented by defining a
 styles.html file that each of our elements import. It defines CSS vars for
 our colors, font styles, etc.


 On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:39:25 PM UTC-6, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0.
 I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point
 me in the right direction, please?


  Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Polymer group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
 email to polymer-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Help with Polymer 1.0 CSS Styling

2015-07-16 Thread Nathan Hadfield
Eric, I think the var() implementation supported by the polyfill is pretty 
much standard, but my understanding is the @apply() syntax is a  Polymer 
innovation -- 

On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 5:19:06 PM UTC-6, Eric Eslinger wrote:

 Does the polyfill support css variables in a standards-compliant fashion? 
 I personally got burned on /deep/ getting deprecated, and it kind of looks 
 like css variables aren't settled yet:



 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:16 PM Nathan Hadfield hadf...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 Kelly, *iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html* (notice the 
 */classes/* folder, as opposed to *ion-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html*) 
 provides stylesheet that includes selectors that use */deep/* in order 
 to reach through to the Shadow DOM. See the documentation in migration.md 

 IIRC the Polymer team prefers using CSS vars over classes for layout -- 
 I'm guessing so that they don't have to make changes when /deep/ is no 
 longer supported, and as Justin pointed out, so that they don't bleed 

 There is a *:root* selector that you can use to style everything in the 
 shadow root. (See 
 I believe you could use it to make your example work:

 :root .center {

 In general, though, my understanding is that best practice is to use CSS 
 vars to theme your elements, as it helps to make explicit what 
 customization options your components support. In our project, we're 
 borrowing from the way paper-styles is implemented by defining a 
 styles.html file that each of our elements import. It defines CSS vars for 
 our colors, font styles, etc.


 On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:39:25 PM UTC-6, Kelly St. John wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm currently in the midst of migrating an app built on polymer 0.5.4 to 
 1.0.  In the 0.5 app I leveraged the core-style element throughout in order 
 to apply common styling amongst the various custom elements.  I'm not a CSS 
 expert by any means (a relative newbie actually), and could really use an 
 example of how to do the same using the new 1.0 styling paradigms.  I like 
 the idea of using a document-level element (via an external html file) to 
 store application-level common styles.  For instance, one would presume I 
 could then place something like this in that document level external file:

 style is=custom-style

 .center {

 .horizontal {

 .vertical {


  And use these document level styles by applying classes to any tag in 
 the app, like:

 div class=horizontal center

 However, that approach doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I'm 
 likely missing something with the scoping of CSS styles in Polymer 1.0, or 
 maybe even barking down the wrong path entirely.  I want to employ a 
 theming strategy that will continue working as Polymer evolves beyond 1.0.  
 I do not want to rewrite this application anytime soon...or it will likely 
 be necessary for me to look for other employment.  Can someone kindly point 
 me in the right direction, please?


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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[polymer-dev] Re: iron-media-query events

2015-07-16 Thread Emmanuel Garcia
That event has been rename to *`on-query-matches-changed`*

*query=media query*

On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 11:44:27 PM UTC-7, toduu wrote:

 Anybody know why Iron-media-query does not have an event like 
 core-media-change in core-media-query.  Also I was not able to understand / 
 use the new methods listed queryChanged and queyHandler.  Any suggestions.

 I have resorted to javascript  window.addEventListener('resize', function() 
 { --  to kick off layout change from horizontal to vertical.

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[polymer-dev] Polymer 1.0 postMessage

2015-07-16 Thread eric sherouse

I am migrating my app from Polymer 0.5 to 1.0. I have an element with an 
embed tag in it (used to communicate with a Native Client module actually).

embed id=theThing src={{nmf}} type=application/x-pnacl 
on-load=loaded on-message=receive

In 0.5, I was able to use postMessage to communicate with this embed 
element like this:


In 1.0, it appears I can no longer access the postMessage method (it is 
undefined). I have tried multiple element selector variations:

Polymer.dom(this.$.theThing).postMessage(); //does not work
this.$$(#theThing).postMessage(); //does not work
Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector(#theThing).postMessage(); //does not 

Is there a new way to access these sorts of methods? If this is described 
in the docs, I have missed it so far. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re: [polymer-dev] Paper-drowpdown-menu

2015-07-16 Thread Mathieu Comandon

On 07/16/2015 05:24 PM, 'Brandon Tearse' via Polymer wrote:
I've been searching for a paper dropdown menu but the polymer elements 
doesn't seem to have one listed... unless you guess the correct url:


Is this omission an intentional (e.g. it's not ready yet) or a 
mistake? In other words: can I use it or should I wait 'till later?

Follow Polymer on Google+: plus.google.com/107187849809354688692
The paper-dropdown isn't ready yet for Polymer 1.0 (the one you linked 
is actually a Polymer 0.5 element). You can follow this issue to get 
notified when it will ship: 

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[polymer-dev] Custom Element Using paper-dialog- better way to do this?

2015-07-16 Thread Darin Hensley
stackoverflow cross post 

Polymer 1.0

I have a custom element `video-player` which uses `paper-dialog`.

They way it is now, seems kind of hacky. I have a external button(it has to 
be a external button for my design) that opens it with: 

bob = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector('video-player');

link rel=import href=
link rel=import href=
link rel=import href=../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html

link rel=import href=
link rel=import href=../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html

dom-module id=video-player
  div class=layout horizontal
paper-button dialog-dismiss
  paper-icon-button icon=arrow-back/paper-icon-button
  div style=height: 100%; width: 100%
google-youtube style=height: 100%;

  is: video-player


I can not inherit the `paper-dialog` behavior(which would be `iron-overlay` 
because it won't relate to that specific `paper-dialog` element.

Since this seems kind of hacky, is there a better way to do this? 

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