Re: [fileapi] Pull Request on GitHub

2016-08-16 Thread Arun Ranganathan
I won't be editing it either.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 4:44 AM, Marcos Caceres  wrote:

> On August 16, 2016 at 6:31:31 PM, Zhen Zhang ( wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a PR on GitHub regarding some issues of wording in current File
> API spec:
> > , but nobody ever responded me there.
> > I wonder if I should discuss the patch somewhere else?
> It seems that no one has touched that API for about 8 months.
> Marijn, are you still editing that document? I guess Jonas won't be,
> but not sure about Arun.

Re: Directory Upload Proposal

2015-04-27 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 2:28 AM, Ali Alabbas  wrote:
> If there is sufficient interest, I would like to work on this within the
> scope of the WebApps working group.
And I'll help with the FileSystem API bit, ensuring that "full" spec.[3]
has bits about the Directory Upload proposal (outside of the sandbox).
There's an HTML WG bit, too, as Jonas and Anne v K point out. I'm not sure
what the best way to tackle that is, but I think a bug on HTML plus nudging
over IRC over attribute names will go a fair distance.

-- A*

flush() | was Re: FileSystem API Comments

2014-10-31 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings Ali!

I’ve been thinking about the discussion of flush(), and would like to see if I 
can make my previous statement a bit more nuanced. It turns out that flush() 
(in the vein of fsync/sync) is pretty useful, and after discussion with a few 
folks within Mozilla, I realize that it isn’t as simple as tacking it on to the 
“write-family” of Promises — as you point out, it is a potentially expensive 

Something like a flush feature might help the following use cases:

1. Creating a database technology on top of the filesystem technology. This 
might include IndexedDB, but also WebSQL (as a hypothetical example). Most 
transactional operations like this need the ability to do something like flush.

2. Then, there’s the use case of compiling C++ codebases to JS. Well-known 
examples of this are games, leveraging asm.js. In this genre of use case, 
sometimes a large database is brought over (e.g. sqlite). It could be memory 
backed, but it is a definite bonus if it could be filesystem backed. Something 
like flush helps make that a possibility.

Now the question is how to do this in a WebAPI, allowing for the power along 
with the mitigations that a web app might need, notably for performance? A few 
ideas below:

On Oct 21, 2014, at 4:36 PM, Ali Alabbas  wrote:

>  * flush()
>  - This is costly functionality to expose and is likely to be overused by 
> callers. It would be beneficial to automatically flush changes to disk by 
> allowing the default file write behavior by the OS. For example, on Windows, 
> we would leave it up to the filesystem cache to determine the best time to 
> flush to disk. This is non-deterministic from the app's point of view, but 
> the only time it is a potential problem is when there's a hard power-off. 
> Most apps should not be concerned with this; only apps that have very high 
> data reliability requirements would need the granular control of flushing to 
> disk. In those cases a developer should use IndexedDB. So we should consider 
> obscuring this functionality since it's not a common requirement and has a 
> performance impact if it's widely used.

I agree with the idea of obscuring the functionality a bit, especially given 
that it might not be necessary for a large class of operations. A few ways to 
do that:

1. Add this to a dictionary option when coining the FileHandleWritable from the 
Directory (e.g. add it to something like the OpeWriteOptions:

This way, the developer has the ability to “coin” a “more expensive” promise, 
if that particular set of write operations needs this feature.

2. Add this to the set of options on the FileHandleWritable.

This could be by dictionary, again. Or, it could be a boolean on the 
FileHandleWritable’s write(). This latter might not be specific enough. Like 
other implementations, ours is not going to buffer anything, but rely on the 
underlying operating system’s buffer for writes and reads.

3. Stick with the idea of a method, like flush(). In this case, we might have 
to caveat the use of this, since the possibility of inexperienced developer 
misuse is high :-) It might help to see if we can determine some boundaries on 

Any feedback on some of these options would be valuable. I am thinking of 1. 
and 2.

— A*

FileAPI | Programmatic Triggering of Downloads

2014-10-29 Thread Arun Ranganathan

At the recent F2F, I received an ACTION to strike one of the use cases from the 
File API, since the File API itself did not deliver on that use case.

This is ACTION 750: 
which asks me to remove the use case, since there isn’t a mechanism to trigger 
programmatic downloads to the underlying OS filesystem.

But upon reflection, although FileAPI itself hasn’t provided any API surface 
for this, the recently finished HTML specification has given us something 
useful, but not implemented widely yet:

The use case itself calls for things such as storing assets for later use, 
including for use with third-party apps such as Calendar apps, which I’ve 
demonstrated using the Blob constructor and the “download” feature, since not 
everyone present at the meeting knew you could do this:

In Firefox and Chrome (desktop) it works by triggering a download and invoking 
the Calendar application on your particular OS (Outlook 2013 on Windows or 
Calendar on Mac OS X). Safari shows the iCalendar entry “in the raw” and 
although Safari on iOS allows images that are Blob URLs to be downloaded, it 
doesn’t allow much to be done with other data types that are blob: URLs, such 
as iCalendar entries.

I don’t think I should remove the use case, but instead said that the actual 
requirement was handled in HTML, even if implementation status isn’t at 100%.

The File API provides additional guidance for File objects:

— A*

Re: [FileAPI] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

2014-10-26 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Oct 22, 2014, at 8:05 AM, Arthur Barstow  wrote:

>> * File API: Arun and Jonas; which v1 bugs are blocking a new LC; what are 
>> next steps; timeline for LC.
> Arun, Jonas,
> Please see the above and respond accordingly. I am especially interested in 
> the File API status but please also include a summary of your plans for the 
> the Filesystem API.

1. File API: happy to move towards LC. Only active bug is a platform bug:

which applies to FileAPI’s use of the incumbent settings object for origin 
determination of Blob URLs.

2. FileSystem API:

Plan: get feedback from implementors, fix the spec and resolve the spec.’s 
issues. Thanks to Ali Alabbas from the IE Platform Team for some early feedback.

— A*

Re: FileSystem API Comments

2014-10-22 Thread Arun Ranganathan

First, thanks for your timely comments :) I’m in the process of editing the 
FileSystem API.

Responses inline:

On Oct 21, 2014, at 4:36 PM, Ali Alabbas  wrote:

> 1.1 Use cases (3. Audio/Photo editor with offline access or local cache for 
> speed)
>   * Edited files should be accessible by other client-side applications
>  - Having the sandboxed file system share its contents between all apps 
> would allow apps to tamper with the files of another app. 

Admitedly, these use cases have been borrowed from the “File API: Directories 
and System” specification (which is now a W3C Note), at least for the purpose 
of providing equivalent functionality. In practice, everything you’ve pointed 
out makes it a hard problem to solve. 

The per-origin sandbox model also raises file lock issues on multiple access, 
but they are probably easier to solve, and not as prevalent.

Also, we’re going to forego the “temporary” and “persistent” distinctions that 
are in the draft I think. And while there’s a technical dependency on Quota 
Manager, I don’t think there’s a spec. dependency in terms of API. Of course, 
certain Directory operations may reject a promise with a quota error.

> 3. The Directory Interface
>   * Change events
>  - I would like to revisit the discussion on apps getting notifications 
> of changes to files/directories. 

This is a good point; right now there’s no way to do this. I’m open to 
suggestions. An early scratch pad version of my spec. changes proposed 
Directory as an EventTarget also, but… this won’t work for a variety of reasons.

>   * removeDeep() & move()
>  - Do these support links or junctions? If not, what is the expected 
> behavior?

No; but the entire API doesn’t support these right now.

>   * enumerate()
>  - It would be useful to have pre-filtering support for the following: 
> file/directory, ranges, wildcard search. Currently we would be forced to 
> enumerate the entire set and manually filter out the items we want from the 
> result set.

I completely agree this would be useful, but there’s a problem to solve even 
before we get there! Right now, we say that we’ll fullfill the enumerate 
promise with something called “EventStream” which was initially a Tab Atkins 
proposal, and which would be really useful to get right. It’s underspecified 
right now, but I’m a fan of it ;-)

We’ll have to think about how to return wildcard searches, etc., and how to 
annotate results in the result set.

> 4. The FileHandle Interface
>   * FileHandles
>  - Is this basically going to be the first to get the handle gets to use 
> it and all subsequent calls need to wait for the file handle to become 
> available again? Are there more details about the locking model used here?

Yes; essentially the “first invocation” uses then releases it.

A version of this problem was encountered when specifying FileReader 
( which used the internal 
state (but also accessible to the developer) “LOADING” to prevent multiple 
concurrent reads.

>   * Auto-closing of FileHandles
>  - This may cause confusion as it does not match the common developer 
> mental model of a file handle which is “opened” and then available for use 
> until it's “closed”. Perhaps it would be advantageous to have an explicit 
> close function as part of the FileHandle interface? 

There are pros and cons either way. I’d be interested in solving this for the 
lion’s share of use cases. I’m not strongly opinionated on the matter of an 
explicit close function (we have one on Blob, for example), but it seems even 
this has drawbacks.

>   * AbortableProgressPromise
>  - It is not clear how a developer would define the abort callback of an 
> AbortableProgressPromise. It seems that the user agent would be responsible 
> for setting the abort callback since it instantiates and returns the 
> AbortableProgressPromise.

We’re going to not use an AbortableProgressPromise, but we will probably have a 
new beast called CancelablePromise.

> 5. The FileHandleWritable Interface
>   * write() & flush()
>  - It might be useful to have support for “transacted” streams where the 
> caller can write to a copy of the file and then have it atomically replaced: 
> swap the old file with the new one and then delete the old file. 


>   * flush()
>  - This is costly functionality to expose and is likely to be overused by 
> callers. 

Agreed — let’s flush flush().

> 6. FileSystem Configuration Parameters
>   * Dictionary DestinationDict
>  - The DestinationDict seems to exist to facilitate the renaming of a 
> directory in conjunction with a move. However, the same operation is done 
> differently for files which makes the functionality non-uniform. Perhaps we 
> can add a rename() function to make it more intuitive?

I’ll commit to sample code and more “spec text

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-09-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Sep 3, 2014, at 6:02 PM, Aymeric Vitte  wrote:

> The fact is that most of the W3C groups impacted by streams (File, indexedDB, 
> MSE, WebRTC, WebCrypto, Workers, XHR, WebSockets, Media Stream, etc, I must 
> forget a lot here) seem not to care a lot about it and maybe just expect 
> streams to land in the right place in the APIs when they are available, by 
> some unknown magic.

I care about it. Till the API is totally baked, I’m amenable to getting the 
model right. File API now refers to chunks read, which is more correct. But I 
understand that your use cases aren’t catered to just yet; 
FileReader/FileReaderSync don’t do easily extractable partials.

I’d like to see if there’s interest in the earlier proposal, to extract a 
stream straight from Blob.

> I still think that the effort should start from now for all the APIs (as well 
> as the implementation inside browsers, which apparently has started for 
> Chrome, but Chrome was supposed to have started some implementation of the 
> previous Streams APIs, so it's not very clear), and that it should be very 
> clearly synchronized, disregarding vague assumptions from the groups about 
> low/high level and Vx releases, eluding the issue.

What issue is being eluded? Seems like another of your main use cases is to 
have URL.createObjectURL or URL.createFor return a streamable resource. I agree 
that’s a good problem to solve. 

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-09-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Aug 11, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

>> Other than “chunks of bytes” which needs some normative backbone, is the 
>> basic abstract model what you had in mind? If so, that might be worth 
>> getting into File APi and calling it done, because that’s a reusable 
>> abstract model for Fetch and for FileSystem.
> Yeah that looks good. defines chunks
> and such, but is not quite there yet. But it is what we want to build
> this upon eventually.

I’ve fixed the model according to these discussions:

1. We’ve separated the read operation and the “annotated task read operation.” 
The former uses Fetch’s notion of a body, which is a byte stream, and so is 
convenient to work with. Hopefully, it should allow plugging right back into 

2. The methods now invoke an annotated task read operation.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-08-08 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Welcome back - we missed you :-)

On Aug 5, 2014, at 9:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> There are two questions:
>> 1. How should FileReaderSync behave, to solve the majority of use cases?
>> 2. What is a useful underlying abstraction for spec. authors that can be 
>> reused in present APIs like Fetch and future APIs?
> I'm not sure.

I strongly think we should leave FileReaderSync and FileReader alone. Also note 
that FileReaderSync and XHR (sync) are not different, in that both don’t do 
partial data. But we should have a stream api that evolves to read, and it 
might be something off Blob itself.

That leaves us the next problem, and what I think is the last problem in File 

>>> Yeah, I now think that we want something even lower-level and build
>>> the task queuing primitive on top of that. (Basically by observing the
>>> stream that is being read and queuing tasks as data comes in, similar
>>> to Fetch. The synchronous case would just wait for the stream to
>>> complete.
>> If I understand you correctly, you mean something that might be two-part 
>> (some hand waving below, but …):
>> To read a Blob object /blob/, run these steps:
>> 1. Let /s/ be a new buffer.
>> 2. Return /s/, but continue running these steps asynchronously.
>> 3. While /blob/'s underlying data stream is not closed, run these
>>1. Let /bytes/ be the result of reading a chunk from /blob/'s
>>   underlying data.
>>2. If /bytes/ is not failure, push /bytes/ to /s/ and set
>>   /s/'s transmitted to /bytes/'s length.
>>3. Otherwise, signal some kind of error to /s/ and terminate
>>   these steps.
>> AND
>> To read a Blob object with tasks:
>> 1. Run the read a Blob algorithm above.
>> 2. When reading the first /bytes/ queue a task called process read.
>> 3. When pushing /bytes/ to /s/, queue a task called process read data.
>> 4. When all /bytes/ are pushed to /s/ queue a task called process read EOF.
>> 5. If an error condition is signaled queue a task called process error with 
>> a failure reason.
>> Is “chunk” implementation defined? Right now we assume 1 byte or 50ms. 
>> “Chunk” seems a bit hand-wavy and hard to enforce, but… it might be the 
>> right approach.
> Would have to discuss with Domenic, but something like chunks seems to
> be much closer to how these things actually work.

Other than “chunks of bytes” which needs some normative backbone, is the basic 
abstract model what you had in mind? If so, that might be worth getting into 
File APi and calling it done, because that’s a reusable abstract model for 
Fetch and for FileSystem.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-31 Thread Arun Ranganathan

(Sorry for the delay; I was traveling for the last part of July.) 

On Jul 17, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Aymeric Vitte  wrote:

> I don't get this, most reads inside browsers are about fetching, and fetching 
> does increment a resource while it is loaded/displayed (image, video, crypto 
> operations, etc)
> And it's question of the fetch API in this thread.
> XHR has the same issue, fortunately you can use XHR with Range, now I think 
> this issue should stop propagating

What I meant is that while I don’t think FileReader *or* FileReaderSync should 
be modified *at this stage* to include partial data, there is a workaround:

1. After obtaining the Blob or File, use .slice() to generate something like a 
mySlices[ ] array of e.g. 2K each slice.

2. Then use fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(mySlices[0]…). 

This should be relatively efficient, and in fact can be cued to work at the 
completion of the last read, based on the final event being fired (or something 
similar — you get the idea). This might be similar to XHR range.

This at least allows chunked reads. I agree that we need a stream-based API, 
but I don’t agree that it should be FileReader or FileReaderSync. That’s simply 
doing too much with too little. However, I think the next step would be to 
generate stream-based reads directly off the Blob, e.g. have something like…) which returns a stream, which can be cued with API calls.

> 1. Decoding was an issue with *readAsText*. I suppose we could make that 
> method alone be all or nothing.
> I don't see where the issue can be, it should behave like textdecoder and 
> reinject the undecoded bytes to the next chunk, personnaly I find really 
> useless to offer the 'text' methods in files/fetching APIs.

The issue is that it isn’t possible to know the total number of decoded bytes 
is till the whole file is decoded, but of course we could only represent the 
bytes read thus far in progress events. Again, I don’t think FileReader or 
FileReaderSync are the right APIs for that.  

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-31 Thread Arun Ranganathan

(Sorry for the delay; I was traveling for the last part of July.) 

On Jul 17, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Aymeric Vitte  wrote:

> I don't get this, most reads inside browsers are about fetching, and fetching 
> does increment a resource while it is loaded/displayed (image, video, crypto 
> operations, etc)
> And it's question of the fetch API in this thread.
> XHR has the same issue, fortunately you can use XHR with Range, now I think 
> this issue should stop propagating

What I meant is that while I don’t think FileReader *or* FileReaderSync should 
be modified *at this stage* to include partial data, there is a workaround:

1. After obtaining the Blob or File, use .slice() to generate something like a 
mySlices[ ] array of e.g. 2K each slice.

2. Then use fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(mySlices[0]…). 

This should be relatively efficient, and in fact can be cued to work at the 
completion of the last read, based on the final event being fired (or something 
similar — you get the idea). This might be similar to XHR range.

This at least allows chunked reads. I agree that we need a stream-based API, 
but I don’t agree that it should be FileReader or FileReaderSync. That’s simply 
doing too much with too little. However, I think the next step would be to 
generate stream-based reads directly off the Blob, e.g. have something like…) which returns a stream, which can be cued with API calls.

> 1. Decoding was an issue with *readAsText*. I suppose we could make that 
> method alone be all or nothing.
> I don't see where the issue can be, it should behave like textdecoder and 
> reinject the undecoded bytes to the next chunk, personnaly I find really 
> useless to offer the 'text' methods in files/fetching APIs.

The issue is that it isn’t possible to know the total number of decoded bytes 
is till the whole file is decoded, but of course we could only represent the 
bytes read thus far in progress events. Again, I don’t think FileReader or 
FileReaderSync are the right APIs for that.  

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-07-17 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 30, 2014, at 7:13 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:

> Why would the identifier not just be the blob URL itself?  


> Also, both Chrome and Firefox treat the entire URL as case-sensitive, eg. 
> "Blob:..." won't revoke the URL, or uppercasing the hostname portion in 
> Chrome.  Using the whole URL as the identifier makes this easy to do.
> "Subsequent attempts to dereference url must return a network error" should 
> be removed.  That should already be the consequence of unregistering the URL, 
> so this is a redundant requiremen


— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-17 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jul 16, 2014, at 8:20 AM, Aymeric Vitte  wrote:

> Example:
> var myfile=new Blob();
> //chunks are coming in
> myfile=new Blob([myfile,chunk],...)
> //mylink A tag
> mylink.href=URL.createObjectURL(myfile)
> click on mylink --> does not work
> Expected behavior: the file (a video for example) should play as it is 
> incremented.
> This is inconsistent with the standard files behavior (see [1] for example), 
> this example should work without having to use the Media Source Extensions 
> API.

This is a great use case, but breaks File API currently (and the abstract 
model, too).  

Options to consider might be:

1. Including partial Blob data with the existing FIle API. But we already ship 
as is, so we could forego decoding to get this right, but that doesn’t seem 
optimal either. 

2. Use a new API for this, such as Streams. Since we’ll use streams for 
non-file cases, it could be useful here (and might be a better fit for the use 
case, which features heavy video use).

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-17 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 14, 2014, at 3:47 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> On Jul 3, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>>> That would mean you would get different results between using
>>> FileReaderSync and XMLHttpRequest. That does not seem ideal
>> The implementation train has already left the station on this. The 
>> movitation of an “ideal" match-up with XMLHttpRequest doesn’t seem strong 
>> enough to revisit this by filing browser bugs across implementations (but 
>> Cc’ing K. Huey also).
> Well, surely if we support both, we'd like them to work in the same
> way so they can share the same underlying abstraction.

There are two questions:

1. How should FileReaderSync behave, to solve the majority of use cases?
2. What is a useful underlying abstraction for spec. authors that can be reused 
in present APIs like Fetch and future APIs?

I don’t think it is necessary to mix the two questions for APIs that are 
already shipping. Do you think that FileReaderSync AND FileReader should 
support partial Blob data in read results? Or that stream-based reads should do 
this with a different API?

>> We agreed some time ago to not have partial data.
> Pointer? I also don't really see how that makes sense given how
> asynchronous read would perform.

Well, the bug that removed them is: and dates to last year.

Problems really include decoding strings according to the encoding 
determination for incomplete Blobs:

Another thread covered deltas in progress events:

I don’t have pointers to IRC conversations, but:

1. Decoding was an issue with *readAsText*. I suppose we could make that method 
alone be all or nothing.

2. Use cases. MOST reads are useful with all data, after which you could use 
Blob manipulation (e.g. *slice*). New result objects each time didn’t seem 
optimal. And, it was something punted to Streams since that seemed like a 
longer term direction. There was also the idea of a Promise-based File API that 
could be consumed by the FileSystem API.

But it might be useful to have an abstract read that helps Fetch and other 
things like Streams also:

> Yeah, I now think that we want something even lower-level and build
> the task queuing primitive on top of that. (Basically by observing the
> stream that is being read and queuing tasks as data comes in, similar
> to Fetch. The synchronous case would just wait for the stream to
> complete.

If I understand you correctly, you mean something that might be two-part (some 
hand waving below, but …):

 To read a Blob object /blob/, run these steps:

 1. Let /s/ be a new buffer. 

 2. Return /s/, but continue running these steps asynchronously.

 3. While /blob/'s underlying data stream is not closed, run these

1. Let /bytes/ be the result of reading a chunk from /blob/'s
   underlying data.

2. If /bytes/ is not failure, push /bytes/ to /s/ and set
   /s/'s transmitted to /bytes/'s length.

3. Otherwise, signal some kind of error to /s/ and terminate
   these steps.


To read a Blob object with tasks:

1. Run the read a Blob algorithm above.
2. When reading the first /bytes/ queue a task called process read.
3. When pushing /bytes/ to /s/, queue a task called process read data.
4. When all /bytes/ are pushed to /s/ queue a task called process read EOF.
5. If an error condition is signaled queue a task called process error with a 
failure reason.

Is “chunk” implementation defined? Right now we assume 1 byte or 50ms. “Chunk” 
seems a bit hand-wavy and hard to enforce, but… it might be the right approach.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-10 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 3, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> OK, this is fixable. I’ll ensure that the read operation’s synchronous
>> component does return the results thus far, but that FIleReaderSync itself
>> ignores them in case of a midstream error, unless we collectively agree that
>> it SHOULD return partial instead of “all or nothing” as an API. My
>> understanding of the FileReaderSync requirement is all or nothing, but I’m
>> open to being wrong via bug filing.
> That would mean you would get different results between using
> FileReaderSync and XMLHttpRequest. That does not seem ideal

The implementation train has already left the station on this. The movitation 
of an “ideal" match-up with XMLHttpRequest doesn’t seem strong enough to 
revisit this by filing browser bugs across implementations (but Cc’ing K. Huey 

We agreed some time ago to not have partial data.

> The tasks are still a bit of a concern as a normal implementation
> would not queue tasks. E.g. it's not even clear what task loop Fetch
> would retrieve this from as fetch is itself a different process.

Then let’s have a different read operation that doesn’t use the FileReader Task 
Source. The primary API in File API uses the event loop (FileReader), so for 
that purpose, the existing read operation is important. Early discussions about 
this made me feel that a task queue based system to asynchronously read blobs 
could be reusable by Fetch, and by future Promise-based APIs. 

Since it’s not reusable for Fetch, let’s not try and force it. We’ll do a new 
one along the lines you described at the start of this email.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jul 3, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> So most of Fetch is asynchronous. If it's invoked with the synchronous
> flag set it's just that it waits for the entire response before
> returning. That's why I'd like to use the asynchronous path of reading
> a blob. But I'd like that not to be observably different from using
> the synchronous path of reading a blob. That seems wrong.

OK, this is fixable. I’ll ensure that the read operation’s synchronous 
component does return the results thus far, but that FIleReaderSync itself 
ignores them in case of a midstream error, unless we collectively agree that it 
SHOULD return partial instead of “all or nothing” as an API. My understanding 
of the FileReaderSync requirement is all or nothing, but I’m open to being 
wrong via bug filing.

Are you agreed (as far as it is possible for you to agree with me on anything) 
that the event loop async read might allow us to address cases like JPEG 
progression? It seems imminently usable here.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jul 3, 2014, at 4:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> It's unclear to me why we'd want to use the event loop for this,
> basically.

The FileReader object uses the event loop; your initial request for Fetch was 
to have a reusable “abstract” read operation which used tasks. You’ve since 
changed your mind, which is totally fine: we could have a different read 
operation that doesn’t use the event loop that’s put in place for Fetch, but 
FileReader needs the event loop. 

We’re talking about an abstract model in specification land on which to pin 
higher level concepts that culminate eventually in JS objects. It’s useful (I 
agreed long ago), but overhauling the current read operation for a change of 
mind/model is a lot of pain without elegant gain. 

Also, since there isn’t an observable stream or an object, but merely things 
like load progression (JPEG progression), tasks does seem useful for that. The 
one thing I suggested which we could do better is the “one byte vs. 50ms” 
model, and use the “chunk” concept of bytes that the streams folks use. The one 
thing I’m not clear on here is how to get to a pull-chunk size for files, but I 
think we could do this better.

> Also, the current set of synchronous steps (which I could
> opt not to use, granted, but other APIs already might, and I'd like us
> to be consistent) simply return failure when something bad happens
> rather than returning the bytes read so far. It seems like that is a
> problem, perhaps following from not having this lower-level
> description.

OK, this could be a problem. But this is really immediately usable by the 
FileReaderSync object on threads, for which a use case for partial data didn’t 
materialize (and in general, the spec. shunned partial data — references to 
those threads date way back in time, but they’re there). It seems that for a 
synchronous block of file i/o, "all or nothing" catered to most use cases.

But if it IS a problem — that is, if you think synchronous I/O has implications 
outside of FileReaderSync, OR that FileReaderSync’s return itself should be 
partial if a failure occurs, then let’s file bugs and solve them.

I’d REALLY like to have solid abstract models in place for Fetch, since I buy 
into the cross-purposability of it. But I’d also like shipping implementations 
to be defined (99% done in File API), with the small delta remaining — Blob URL 
autorevoking and Blob closing — to be nailed down.

— A*

Re: File API: reading a Blob

2014-07-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 2, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> So what I need is something like this:
>  To read a Blob object /blob/, run these steps:
>  1. Let /s/ be a new body. [FETCH]
>  2. Return /s/, but continue running these steps asynchronously.
>  3. While /blob/'s underlying data stream is not closed, run these
> substeps:
> 1. Let /bytes/ be the result of reading a chunk from /blob/'s
>underlying data.
> 2. If /bytes/ is not failure, push /bytes/ to /s/ and set
>/s/'s transmitted to /bytes/'s length.
> 3. Otherwise, signal some kind of error to /s/ and terminate
>these steps.

Are you sure this simply cannot be done with the existing read operation, which 
uses annotated tasks for asynchronous use? The existing read operation serves 
FileReader and FileReaderSync (and maybe other APIs in FileSystem) and 
hopefully Fetch too.

For instance, I thought the idea was that within Fetch to read /blob/ we’d do 
something like: 

1. Let /s/ be a new body.  Return /s/ and perform the rest of the steps async.
2. Perform a read operation [File API] on /blob/.
3. To process read…
4. To process read data, transfer each byte read to /s/ and set /s/’s 
transmitted to the number of bytes read.

// Chunked byte transfer is possible within the 50ms delta for process read 
data. We could specify that here better.//

5. To process read EOF ...
6. Otherwise, to process read error with a failure reason on /s/ ….

Why is something like that unworkable and why do we need another variant of the 
read operation exactly?

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-07-01 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jul 1, 2014, at 2:32 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> That works for me. That way we can make this a more generic store if
> god forbid we get more of these schemes.

While I think mediastream URLs may have died on the vine, using the same store 
for filesystem URLs would be good.

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-07-01 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 30, 2014, at 7:13 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:

> Why would the identifier not just be the blob URL itself?  The spec currently 
> makes the identifier just the scheme data, which seems much more complex than 
> it needs to be.  revokeObjectURL should simply be "Remove the entry from the 
> Blob URL Store for URL."  If we want to allow revoking URLs that have a 
> fragment attached it'd still need to strip it off; Firefox does this, but 
> Chrome doesn’t.

There’s no good reason not to do this. The scheme data identifier is a 
hold-over from the “only UUID” model that Fx has right now (the original intent 
was to have a table full of UUIDs and blob references). I’m happy to change to 
this model.

> Also, both Chrome and Firefox treat the entire URL as case-sensitive, eg. 
> "Blob:..." won't revoke the URL, or uppercasing the hostname portion in 
> Chrome.  Using the whole URL as the identifier makes this easy to do.
> "Subsequent attempts to dereference url must return a network error" should 
> be removed.  That should already be the consequence of unregistering the URL, 
> so this is a redundant requirement.

OK, this is a good nit too.

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-06-30 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 30, 2014, at 4:57 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> They are! That is, at the time the method URL.createObjectURL(blob) is
>> called on blob, that method adds an entry to the Blob URL Store:
>> I’ve only defined identifier extraction for use with adding an entry. Is
>> that wrong?
> It seems like you could define identifier creation, use that, use the
> return value to add an entry, and then return "blob:" + the return
> value. Creating a URL first and then parsing it again to extract
> something seems needlessly complicated.

Well, the best way to define URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL) seemed to be in terms 
of parsing to extract identifier (scheme data) and then delete the entry 
corresponding to identifier.

But you’re absolutely right that URL.create* methods shouldn’t have a 
dependency on the basic URL parser, and so I’ve redefined those methods along 
the lines you say above (namely, defining identifier creation, and then Blob 
URL creation).

That’s in today’s 
editor’s draft.

(So *now* maybe the path is clear for Fetch with Blobs.)

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-06-30 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 30, 2014, at 4:20 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> I don't really understand this. Entries should be added when a blob
> URL is created.

They are! That is, at the time the method URL.createObjectURL(blob) is called 
on blob, that method adds an entry to the Blob URL Store:

I’ve only defined identifier extraction for use with adding an entry. Is that 

> And should be checked/removed when a blob URL is used
> (through parsing it in the URL parser, as defined by the URL parser).

Yes, this is when URL parser *checks* the Blob URL Store, *after* entries have 
either been added or are not present (which generates a network error).

> There should be no need for such a definition in the File API specification.

Since adding scheme data as an identifer to the Blob URL Store is the 
requirement, we only use the basic URL parser to get the scheme data from a 
generated URL to add to the Blob URL Store.

— A*

Re: File API: Blob URL origin

2014-06-30 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 28, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> I now defined the origin for blob URLs:
> Sorry for the delay.
> Still need to work out the correct Fetch integration.

Thanks :)

Removed origin extraction from FIle API, but added identifier extraction (based 
on the same model — that is, running the basic URL parser). This makes adding 
entires to the Blob URL Store clearer.

I think the Blob pieces for Fetch are in place now.

— A* 

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-06-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 10, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> Right now, the Blob URL Store is defined in terms of units of similar-origin 
>> browsing contexts; each unit is required to have a Blob URL Store. As you 
>> point out, that allows all origins within document.domain access to a given 
>> Blob URL Store.
> Yeah, so unlike what the discussion claimed thus far, we did not in
> fact allow that much cross-origin blob URL usage. Only origins within
> the document.domain reach.
>> 1. Require that entries in the Blob URL Store also store origin
> I thought this was the idea. The "identifier" would be
> "http://someorigin:70/uuid”.

Yes; there was some discussion about tuples vs. strings on IRC, but I think one 
leads to the other, and we can define how to extract the origin from a parsed 
Blob URL in terms of another use of the URL Parser instead of string parsing.

>> 2. Define it strictly as a same-origin store. I’m a bit fuzzy on how exactly 
>> to define this; for instance, strictly the origin and not the effective 
>> script origin of a Document?
> We could say that the store is bound to a global object. And then both
> URL.createObjectURL() and places that parse URLs hook into the entry
> setting object's global object's blob URL store.
> At that point the only benefit of putting the origin into the URL is
> so that new URL(blob).origin works.

This seems right; I think it would be rare that a developer would need to check 
origin, but it’s been pointed out that there some use cases for that. It seems 
better to introduce a method that doesn’t require creating a new object, but I 
don’t feel strongly about it.

> Something that is still unclear to me is what happens when you
> navigate to a blob URL. I guess that still technically works as the
> URL parsing would happen within the correct global.

If URL parsing doesn’t occur within the correct global, a network error will be 
the result, since there won’t be a corresponding entry in the Blob URL store 
that matches the identifier. So I think this sounds workable.

— A*

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-06-09 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 9, 2014, at 3:23 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> However, I wonder if this at a standards level should come into play
>> in the URL parser. After all that creates a structured clone of the
>> blob in question. The lookup for the blob ID should probably fail at
>> that point meaning it does not really matter when you then try to
>> fetch that URL as it will simply not have an associated blob.
> I filed a bug for
> this, but it seems worth discussing here.
> A blob URL store is already limited to all the origins that can reach
> each other through document.domain. So cross-origin blob usage was
> already limited per the specification. It seems like what we should do
> is instead make this a same-origin store. And then when URLs are
> parsed you'd only have access to the same-origin (and *not* effective
> origin) blob URL store. In turn that means it does not matter much
> whether you put origins in the blob URLs, but I suppose we cold do it
> for clarity. It would also make new URL(blobURL).origin work.

Right now, the Blob URL Store is defined in terms of units of similar-origin 
browsing contexts; each unit is required to have a Blob URL Store. As you point 
out, that allows all origins within document.domain access to a given Blob URL 

We could:

1. Require that entries in the Blob URL Store also store origin (namely the 
effective script origin of the settings object when the URL was created), in 
addition to identifier and reference to the Blob object. Requests without same 
origin as that of the entry in the Blob URL store for that identifier must 
fail. This keeps the Blob URL Store requirement as is, but adds origin as 
something in the store.

2. Define it strictly as a same-origin store. I’m a bit fuzzy on how exactly to 
define this; for instance, strictly the origin and not the effective script 
origin of a Document?

— A*

File API For Review | was Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-06-04 Thread Arun Ranganathan
The 2 June 2014 Editor’s Draft of the File API solves some bugs and technical 
issues with Blob URLs. Review is encouraged, with a view towards a LCWD 

In particular:

1. It nails down syntax differences between user agents on Blob URLs. 
2. It specifies origin and origin extraction from Blob URL strings.
3. It provides other pieces of plumbing that specifications like URL and Fetch 
can use.

A few issues remain, but all of these have dependencies:

Notably, dependencies on Fetch (for Fetch of Blob URLs), and dependencies on 
WebIDL (e.g. removing DOMError altogether requires something done for error 
handling; supplanting FileList with array requires this part nailed down). I’m 
happy to have provisional specification text in place before WebIDL adopts 
fixes, but with guidance from the editor(s) of WebIDL.

I expect a CfC to follow about the specification.

— A*

On May 29, 2014, at 5:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>>> For fetching blob URLs (and prolly filesystem and indexeddb) we
>>> effectively act as if the request's mode was same-origin. Allowing
>>> tainted cross-origin requests would complicate UUID (for the UA) and
>>> memory (for the page) management in a multiprocess environment.
>> Hmm.. I think that is effectively it yes. I.e. even though  says
>> that it wants to permit cross-origin loads, we'd override that if the
>> fetch is for a blob: URL and only permit same-origin loads. Is that
>> what you mean?
> Yes.
> However, I wonder if this at a standards level should come into play
> in the URL parser. After all that creates a structured clone of the
> blob in question. The lookup for the blob ID should probably fail at
> that point meaning it does not really matter when you then try to
> fetch that URL as it will simply not have an associated blob.
> -- 

Re: File API - Writer suspension

2014-06-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jun 1, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Julian Ladbury 

> I fail to understand why work on this API has been suspended.

Just to be clear, by “this API” I think you mean:

> HTML5, JavaScript and CSS together are becoming a natural platform of choice 
> on which to write portable applications. Indeed, I have just started work on 
> just such a project, welcoming the chance it gives to break away from 
> proprietary solutions.
> An essential part of any mature application is the ability to share data with 
> other applications. As an example, JSON provides an ideal way to do this: but 
> to be useful, it has to be possible to save a JSON file on a local system 
> (internet access cannot, and should not, be taken for granted) which can be 
> transmitted by email or other simple means.

I think this is the primary family of use cases around the FileSystem API:

which is a successor specification.

A few things:

1. You can already create Blobs without using the BlobBuilder API (which has 
been deprecated), and you can already save them, but through a user prompt (the 
“File Save As” dialog).

This Specifiction discourse thread is useful for other workarounds, and a 
discussion of their shortcomings:

Yes, this area of the platform is currently underspecified. Hopefully not for 
long though :)

2. In the interim, you can probably use IndexedDB to address the immediate use 

— A*

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-28 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On May 22, 2014, at 4:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> Thanks, I'm convinced.
> So now I'd like to know what policy we want so we can carefully define it.

The lastest editor’s draft of the File API specifies what we discussed in this 
email thread as syntax for Blob URLs:

and origin, including how to serialize the Blob URL.

> For blob URLs (and prolly filesystem and indexeddb) we put the origin
> in the URL and define a way to extract it again so new
> URL(blob).origin does the right thing.

I wonder if .origin should be static?

> For fetching blob URLs (and prolly filesystem and indexeddb) we
> effectively act as if the request's mode was same-origin. Allowing
> tainted cross-origin requests would complicate UUID (for the UA) and
> memory (for the page) management in a multiprocess environment.

We’re not allowing them.

— A*

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-21 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 21, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:

> Hmm.  One factor that might change my mind on this: If I pass a blob URL, 
> revoking the URL appropriately becomes hard.  Even if it gets implemented, 
> auto-revoke can't help with this.  That brings back all of the problems with 
> non-auto-revoking blob URLs, and adds a new layer of complexity, since I have 
> to coordinate between the site creating the blob URL and everyone receiving 
> it to figure out when to revoke it.
> On the other hand, I can just post the blob itself.  That avoids all of that 
> mess, and the other side can just create a blob URL from it itself if that's 
> what it needs.
> That suggests that it's not worth trying to make blob URLs more accessible 
> cross-origin.  I can't think of any case where I'd rather pass a blob URL 
> instead of just posting the Blob itself.

I agree with this.

Blobs themselves can be used in a cross-origin way, provided there’s 
caller-callee understanding (w.r.t. postMessage).

It’s easy to work with Blob URLs in the context of the script origin of 
URL.create*, since then Blob URLs can be used within that origin as an 
additional convenience. Keeping Blob URL origin as a script origin concept 
rather than a UUID concept makes sense to me. Also, that’s how they’re already 
implemented. The only thing missing is a formalization of syntax that’s closer 
to what’s already implemented.

— A*

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-20 Thread Arun Ranganathan
I think it should be easy to add CORS to the limited subset of HTTP headers 
already specified when dereferencing Blob URLs. The idea was always that we’d 
add headers that seemed useful incrementally. I think we assumed CORS would be 

On May 20, 2014, at 3:24 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 1:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:00 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
 Again fair, but do we consider that something we want to fix or do we
 want to enshrine this?
>>> Given that there's no way to set CORS headers on these (yet), I think
>>> there's very limited value in allowing them to be read cross-origin.
>> I meant fixing not generating unique enough IDs. The way I see it such
>> a URL is effectively a capability URL (given a unique enough ID) and
>> at that point it should not be that different from handing out a Blob
>> object across origins.
>> The perceived danger is apparently people sticking these URLs in
>> things sans sandboxing and shooting themselves in the foot. So it
>> seems reasonable to treat such URLs as cross-origin for  and
>> workers (CSP's child-src), but for  that does not seem that
>> clear.
> I think you are confusing issues. Or at least talking about two
> separate issues at once in a way that I'm not sure what you are
> talking about. The issue of "is there an XSS issue with treated blob:
> like we treat data:" is a separate issue from "should we treat
> cross-origin blob: like cross-origin http:, i.e. should we allow
> pointing an  to a cross-origin blob:".
> I had hoped that we had settled the former and decided that blob:
> should not be treated as data:. And I think we've also decided that we
> should use the explicit origin syntax, i.e. something like
> "blob:";
> Now that leaves the question of if blob: URLs should be loadable
> cross-origin. I.e. if a page from should be able to use
> Yes, we could demand that that implementations generate unguessable
> UUIDs. And then define that a page from can use  src="blob:";>, but if it then used that element to
> drawImage into a , that the canvas would get tainted.
> But there appears to be very little utility of doing this. Rather than
> spending time implementing an unguessable UUID generator, and then
> worrying that someone would still accidentally pass a blob: URL where
> they shouldn't, I'd rather implement a way to generate a blob: URL
> which is explicitly usable cross-origin. But in  and in XHR. I.e.
> a Blob URL which responds with CORS headers.
> / Jonas

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-19 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 19, 2014, at 5:33 AM, Frederik Braun  wrote:

> On 15.05.2014 22:46, Glenn Maynard wrote:
>> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Jonas Sicking > > wrote:
>>On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 6:52 AM, Anne van Kesteren >> wrote:
>>> I was thinking about the latter and that would not work if the URL was
>>> revoked. Unless we store origin at parse time.
>>Good point. Without using the explicit syntax we couldn't return a
>>consistent result for the origin.
> I'm not against the explicit model, but I think it would be very
> desirable if there was a way to get the origin out of the blob URL with
> some sort of API.
> It's not unlikely that developers will implement their own (flawed) URL
> parsing to determine the origin of a blob URL, if it's explicitly in the
> blob URL.

I think this could be done with the existing URL API’s origin attribute so that 
it does the right thing with a Blob URL: 

Of course, right now that won’t work in Fx. I wonder if we could fix that? Or 
add another static function to URL.


Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-13 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On May 12, 2014, at 8:28 AM, Anne Van Kesteren  wrote:

> It still seems a bit sad though to tie these URLs to origins in this
> fashion. Jonas is correct that there are inconsistencies in how data
> URLs and origins behave across browsers, but it seems like we should
> sort those out first then if we want a consistent story.

Since Blobs can be passed around in a number of well-known ways, it seems that 
the most legitimate origin of a Blob URL is the origin of the script that 
coined it. I’m not entirely sure how to take action on “it still seems a bit 
sad” though. Sad because of security considerations? After drying my tears, I 
can’t construct a meaningful attack, but I’d welcome more information about 
what benefits are gained by encoding certain “HTTP-reserved” components of URL 
nomenclature (and here, Chrome is inconsistent between blob: and filesystem:). 
Sad because of aesthetics? It’s pretty enough for Safari.

And really, all user agents seem to agree that the origin is that of the 
settings object today. That model seems to work. The remaining question is the 
pro and con of denoting this in the URL’s syntax. abarth’s advice is to put the 
syntax horse in front of the origin cart:

Also, if it’s “sad” because it doesn’t match data: URL’s way of reckoning 
origin, that doesn’t seem sad to me. 

— A*

Re: data:, was: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 12, 2014, at 6:26 AM, Julian Reschke  wrote:

> Could you please clarify what spec you are referring to, and in which way 
> it's not implemented correctly?

Well, I think is is supposed to be 
normative for data: URL origin. But, implementations don’t behave this way; the 
problem is inheriting origins. Here’s the pertinent thread:

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 12, 2014, at 10:31 AM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:

> On 5/12/14, 5:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> so blob:https://origin:42/uuid would be fine.
> I'd really rather we didn't make web pages parse these strings to get the 
> origin.  A static method on Blob that takes a valid blob: URI and returns its 
> origin seems like it should be pretty easy for UAs to implement, though.

We actually aren’t obliging web pages parse these strings to get the origin. In 
fact, blob: URL strings shouldn’t even be of interest to web pages. They aren’t 
today, and I don’t envision them being of interest even with “origin tagging.” 
That is, I can’t think of why exactly a web developer would want to look into 
the blob: URL strings. UA’s should just “do the right thing” once a Blob URL is 

The question is really whether origin should be implicit or explicit. Fx’s 
implementation makes it implicit. so that there’s no way to deduce origins from 
the Blob URL itself, but it just “does the right thing” in terms of origin 
strictures. That hasn’t been a problem, but it’s hard to spec. it that way. 
Also, it makes Blob URLs only usable within APIs that are aware of them, which 
honestly is the case today.

So what if we tag origin into the strings? Would that be so bad? It’s not doing 
anything other than denoting the incumbent script setting object’s origin, no? 
Even in the Chrome/Safari cases, I can’t think of web developers using that 

— A*

Re: Blob URL Origin

2014-05-11 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On May 9, 2014, at 5:29 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:

> Only Firefox follows the letter of the present day specification correctly.

It’s been pointed out in off-list correspondence that this statement is a bit 
misleading. ALL current browsers do follow the specification correctly, but 
because of RFC2119 language not being strict on what MUST be implemented, but 
only a suggestion about what SHOULD be implemented:

Also, no string in JavaScript is truly opaque; this should also be fixed.

Useful input from implementers will be about URL-nesting and security 
implications, including the pros and cons of URL-encoding components of origin 

— A*

Blob URL Origin

2014-05-09 Thread Arun Ranganathan
This email is about the origin of a blob: URL, and corresponds to this 
specification bug

1. Syntax on the web, present day.

This is what a blob:URL might look like in Safari:


Chrome does it like this:


Firefox and FxOS, like so:


You can see that Safari and Chrome *both* preface the UUID part of the scheme 
data with a string corresponding to the origin of the URL that coined the blob: 
URL; they differ on the matter of the ":" (U+003A COLON) character (either 
using %3A URL encoding or “:” itself).

Only Firefox follows the letter of the present day specification correctly. 
But, all of these treat the origin of the blob: URL as the origin of the 
incumbent script settings object of the script which coined the blob: URL. In 
Firefox, however, you cannot deduce this from the URL alone; it is hidden and 
part of the context of the URL. 

So this is problematic: we don’t have a common syntax on the web, and even 
implementations which share code don’t do it exactly the same. Of course, blob: 
URLs aren’t supposed to be human readable, or really viewed by the developer. 
But not having a good way to denote origin within the URL that signifies the 
origin of the incumbent settings object is problematic for Fetch and Parse 
specifications that need origin information.

I’ll also note that the filesystem URLs, used to access temporary or permanent 
filesystems on a per domain basis (works only in Chrome for now), look like 
2. Syntax on the web, future day.
I think we should officialize the Safari version of the blob: URL, and apply 
some formal strictures around it. For instance, should we allow:
(or other variants of things)? Or leave those undefined?
I think we can safely spec. things for at least the lion’s share of the use 
cases, but some edge cases will exist.
The origin policy might be that we maintain that the origin is that of the 
incumbent settings object, and denote this syntactically in the blob: URL, and 
that the origin of a resource identified by the blob: URL is of that origin, 
even in cross-origin cases like . This should apply for various 
proliferating schemes; for instance, filesystem: and mediastream:, which 
haven’t been formally defined yet.
Feedback / thoughts on this welcome, either on list or in the bug.
— A*

Re: [April2014Meeting] Building an Issue and Bug focused agenda

2014-04-09 Thread Arun Ranganathan
I took the liberty of adding File + FileSystem to Thursday's agenda, taking 
place at 11.30 AM PT. I am happy to dial in on either day, so this isn’t set in 
stone if someone strongly objects.

— A*

On Apr 9, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Arthur Barstow  wrote:

> On 4/9/14 12:03 AM, ext Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> Would the WG be willing to put Web Components related topics on Friday when 
>> building the agenda? (Note: there are at least some Apple folks who will be 
>> there both days in any case.)
>> On Apr 8, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Dimitri Glazkov > > wrote:
>>> Actually, Friday sounds better for me too!
> For a relatively large subject area (3 specs and the various discussion 
> topics Dimitri identified [1]) and broad interest, it could be better to 
> start discussions on Thursday and try to narrow the more contentious topics 
> (and potentially benefit from discussions during that "evening's gatherings" 
> and/or a "good night's sleep"). On the other hand, having a long-ish 
> dedicated time slot on Friday also has benefits.
> Having seen no objections to putting Web Components on Friday's agenda, I 
> just added it to Friday's 09:00 - 12:30 time slots [2].
> -AB
> [1] 
> [2] 

Re: [April2014Meeting] Building an Issue and Bug focused agenda

2014-04-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Apr 2, 2014, at 6:50 AM, Arthur Barstow  wrote:

> File API; led by Jonas (will Arun join remotely?); which high priority bugs 
> need discussion; status of LC processing; next steps

If a dial-in is provided, I’d be delighted to join remotely.

— A*

Re: On starting WebWorkers with blob: URLs...

2014-03-14 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 12, 2014, at 6:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

>> For blob: URLs we agreed to make this pretty explicit: 
> Unfortunately, scripts don't have origins these days, so this definition 
> doesn't really work.

It didn't work since it wasn't formally specific about effective script origin 
according to the script setting object, but I've fixed that so hopefully this 
definition should work:

-- A*

Re: On starting WebWorkers with blob: URLs...

2014-03-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Feb 19, 2014, at 7:09 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Travis Leithead
>  wrote:
>> Seems like our specs are getting a little behind implementations. In IE11 we 
>> are finding that several new sites, notably those using WebGL content, have 
>> a dependency on starting web workers with a Blob URL. As I understand it:
>> The W3C Web Workers spec (CR stage) forbids use of the data and [implicitly] 
>> blob protocols
>> The WHATWG HTML spec (Living stage) allows data protocol, but not blob.
>> Implementations of Firefox and Chrome support blob protocols
>> 1. Seems like a spec should say this somewhere...
> Agreed! It's a bit tricky since the concept of origins and thus "same
> origin" for data: and blob: is a bit unclear still. I.e. browsers
> don't behave consistently. Definitely not between each other, and
> sometimes not internally within a browser IIRC.

Well, for data: URLs what's normative might be: but sadly that's not really clear 
(what's "host" here?).

For blob: URLs we agreed to make this pretty explicit:

Also, Blob URL Stores apply to each unit of similar origin browing contexts, 
which means that URL.createObjectURL and URL.createFor essentially give URL 
fetch and URL parse license to operate only within the origin of the script 
those methods apply to; URL.revokeObjectURL only applies to that origin also.

So now, we've made it pretty explicit for Blob URLs.

>> 2. In the W3C where would we spec this? (Workers V2?)
> I care less strongly about this. There's also the synchronous message
> passing API which I'd still like to see added to the workers spec.

IMHO it makes sense in Workers V2.

-- A*

Re: [File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?

2014-02-05 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:51 AM, Sebastian Kippe wrote:

> For what it’s worth, we’re currently building a mobile app for use with both 
> Cordova and Web browsers.
> The main use case of our app is caching large video files and playing them 
> back directly from the filesystem. So filesystem URLs are a critical feature 
> there.
> Other than that, the callback-based approach of the Google proposal let us 
> end up in callback hell right from the start, so we wrapped the whole API in 
> promises as best as we could, just to make it usable for our app developers. 
> In that department, Mozilla’s promises-based proposal might be much cleaner 
> and easier to work with.

This is really useful feedback :-)  Specifics about the API as it develops 
would be really helpful as well.

-- A* 

Re: [File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?

2014-02-05 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Feb 5, 2014, at 11:12 AM, Ian Clelland wrote:

> The great thing about Cordova is that it doesn't have to be a single platform 
> -- every developer has the power to choose the APIs that they want to use, 
> and every published app is essentially running on its own custom web platform.
> I wasn't presenting the Cordova data point as "we're doing this already, and 
> it's going to be too much work to change now". Far from it; Cordova is a 
> flexible platform, and someone could write a plugin providing the 
> Mozilla-backed Filesystem API tomorrow, and it wouldn't cause any hardship to 
> developers who didn't choose to adopt it.

My point was merely to say that  "every published app running on its own custom 
web platform" is a different kind of implementation than a web browser, that's 
all :-)

I think it's *really great* that Cordova provides a flexible platform for web 
APIs to land, and that plugins can be deployed rapidly. I'd *gladly* welcome an 
implementation of the FileSystem proposal in Cordova, or at least more feedback 
on the proposal as it stands currently.

-- A*

Re: [File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?

2014-02-05 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Feb 5, 2014, at 7:03 AM, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:
> Similarly the issue here is not whether we can make a specification for
> one or the other approach that *could* be a standard, since it seems we
> can, but whether one or the other is a clear candidate to be a real
> standard - i.e. what people *will* actually do...
> I think one of the mistakes with IndexedDB (and appcache for that matter)
> was that the participants in the discussion were too heavily biased toward
> browser implementors, without enough input or involvement from "working
> developers". Which meant that we standardised something that didn't meet
> people's expectations as well as we and they hoped.

Of course I agree that the path to standardization should involve input from 
developers, and should be based on "what people will actually do."  There's 
been some support for a Promises-based FileSystem API in lieu of a 
callback-based one, both on this listserv and on public-script-coord, which is 
where the proposal started:

To borrow an expression from that thread, we're not "blank-slateists" here: 
there are 3 separate APIs for JavaScript file system APIs, including the one in 
node.js (implemented as a posix-style API, familiar from other programming 
environments), from Google (implemented in Chrome as a callbacks-based 
asynchronous API), and from Mozilla (implementing the proposal we're discussing 
here [1], but sandboxed as of now). This is a call for feedback, from web 
developers and implementers.  I only made the point that when considering 
*implementations* we should consider similar beasts.

The thread about having a FileSystem API is a long one, and goes back a long 
time.  The motivation is to provide something asynchronous (but not callbacks 
stapled to posix shells), in keeping with the flavor of APIs currently deployed 
for the web (Promises, not events or callbacks), that is easy to use and with a 
low probability of doing bad things.  Feedback from web developers about that 
endeavor is invaluable.

> I hope that when we make a choice it's one that not only matches the
> reality of what gets implemented, but helps us provide what the market
> really wants. I presume everyone here hopes for that. I think a key part
> of how to get there is to listen carefully to the feedback we get, and
> look around at what people are doing, rather than just relying on
> formulaic rules of thumb or bureaucratic tallying of test results.

I agree with the spirit behind this comment, and am optimistic that you don't 
actually think that the call for opinions on a proposal, or the call for 
implementor support, is a sign of a "formulaic rule of thumb" or a 
"bureaucratic tallying of test results."

-- A*
[1] Interfaces only:

Re: [File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?

2014-02-04 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:15 AM, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:09:53 +0400, Arthur Barstow  
> wrote:
>> On 1/31/14 10:44 AM, ext Ian Clelland wrote:
>>> Hi Art,
>>> For what it's worth, theFile API: Directories and System is also 
>>> implemented (and supported) by Apache Cordova[1]. The implementation is 
>>> essentially complete for mobile applications on Android, iOS and FireOS, 
>>> with nearly-complete support on Blackberry and Windows Phone.
>>> While our plugin registry was counting downloads, it was the 
>>> most-downloaded plugin for the platform by a wide margin, so I believe it 
>>> is being used actively.
>> Thanks for this information Ian!
>>> I don't know if Cordova should count as a browser implementation for the 
>>> purposes of this WG, but we are implementing the APIs and making them 
>>> available to (hybrid) web application developers.
>> The group has some flexibility regarding the specifics of the 
>> interoperability criteria used to advance a spec along the Recommendation 
>> track, but we haven't talked about the criteria for these specs since they 
>> are still working drafts.
> And the particular question here isn't about CR criteria, but about whether 
> one or other approach is more likely to achieve the consensus of 
> interoperable implementation.
> Which essentially means whether implementations are likely to switch, or 
> credible future implementors have a strong preference for one over the other.
> In which case, what Cordova does (and more to the point what developers do 
> with it) seems relevant information to consider as we try to find a consensus.

Two interoperable implementations of a specification should determine the way 
forward. While I think distributions like PhoneGap are extremely useful as 
"web-like abstractions" on top of disparate mobile platforms, it is not 
straightforward to make a clear "apples to apples" comparision for API 
interoperability between PhoneGap and a web browser, or conduct common test 
cases. Naturally, the distinctions blur, but I still think they exist.

A web page using the FileSystem API in JavaScript and working in two separate 
browser implementations seems like a good measure of interoperability, and I 
think this should be what helps us make a determination.

-- A*

Re: [File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?

2014-01-31 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jan 31, 2014, at 10:21 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Hi Eric, Arun, Jonas, All,
> We also have this spec from Arun and Jonas:
> * FileSystem API . The 
> last update of the ED was 2-Oct-2013 and this spec has not been published as 
> a TR.
> My understanding is the only implementation of Eric's APIs is Chrome. I do 
> not know the implementation status of Mozilla's spec. If anyone has 
> additional information about the implementation status or plans of either 
> effort, please let us know.

The specification is being implemented in Fx with the interfaces as in the 
document you link to, but the current implemention in Fx is sandboxed and not 
exposed to web content.  We'd like to change that at some point.

> The last discussion about the relationship between these different efforts 
> was August 2013 [Aug-2013] and prior to that, there was some discussion 
> during the April 2013 f2f meeting [April-2013].
> Ultimately, I think there is broad agreement a single API that is broadly 
> implemented and deployed would be `best` (f.ex. reduces FUD, lightens 
> implementation costs, lightens deployment costs, etc.). Although I would 
> (still) like to be optimistic we can agree to converge on a single API, 
> previous discussions about this do make me skeptical ...
> Eric, Arun, Jonas - can you agree and commit to converge your efforts, f.ex. 
> just have a single API?

We can certainly commit to editing the proposal we put forward, and would like 
to hear from other browser vendors about their opinions.  That will inform what 
we should do collectively.

-- A*

Re: CfC: publish Candidate Recommendation of File API; deadline November 28

2013-12-24 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Dec 18, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> Are there any other open bugs, issues, comments, etc. for File API?

is the current list.  Some came up on 12/15/2013 and are minor.

> Unless I hear otherwise, I will assume the group wants to address the above 
> before a new Technical Report is published and depending on the outcome of 
> these issues, the next publication could be a Last Call Working Draft or a 
> Candidate Recommendation.

I agree with this.

-- A*

Re: File API: closed Blob objects

2013-12-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Dec 12, 2013, at 3:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> This does seem like an argument to create a asynchronous error rather than 
> throwing an exception though, since for form submission there would be no 
> place to throw an exception from.

Just to be clear, are you proposing an asynchronous error reported through an 
error event firing off of FileReader with a DOMError?

Also, it isn't clear what fileListObject.files[0].close() would do for an 
asynchronous error, so perhaps both are necessary: treating it as "0 bytes" 
(empty byte sequence) *and* (where possible) using an asynchronous error 
reporting mechanism.

-- A*

Re: File API: closed Blob objects

2013-12-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Dec 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> On Dec 12, 2013 9:55 AM, "Arun Ranganathan"  wrote:Reading 
> from a Blob that has been closed() is a developer error with high degree of 
> certainty. Nothing useful can come out of that.
> So I think we do the developer a benefit by treating it as such and signaling 
> an error through whatever mechanism is appropriate depending on how the 
> reading was done.
> We can certainly debate if throwing an exception or if asynchronously 
> reporting a network error is the right thing to do for things like 
> XHR.send(closedBlob) or FileReader.readAsX(closedBlob).

So right now (in spec.) any Blob URL operations on a closed Blob must result in 
a network error. FileReader.readAsX(closedBlob) operations are equivalent to 
reading a Blob of size 0.  

I can understand the argument that the above might be a bit inconsistent; after 
all, we could do a Blob URL operation on a Blob of size 0 (where nothing 
happens, since no bytes are fetched), just as we allow FileReader reads on a 
resource of size 0 (e.g. result is a 0 bytes ArrayBuffer).   We should pick one 
thing: treat it as 0, and proceed accordingly (often, this is silent failure), 
or treat it as something that should be reported back as an error.

If we go the throw or error route, since we've already spec'd a network error 
for fetched Blob URLs when the underlying Blob has been closed with .close(), 
the choice of what to do for FileReader.readAsX(closedBlob) is whether to throw 
or to asynchronously use an error event with a DOMError (possibly with a 

On December 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM, bzbarsky wrote:
>> Or form submission after fileInput.files[0].close() ?

This example makes me think that on balance, for consistency, maybe we should 
throw, and so should XHR.send(closedBlob).

-- A*

Re: File API: closed Blob objects

2013-12-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Dec 12, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> See for context.
> What's the use case for close()?

Essentially, the use case is for web developers to be able to flush a Blob 
reference that isn't used, allowing the user agent to manage resources.

This was expressed in:

> If we are to have close(), let's define it in such a way that once you
> invoke it the Blob represents the empty byte sequence. This way other
> code that takes and operates on Blob objects does not have to special
> case closed Blob objects, but can just treat them as Blob objects that
> happen to be empty.

Currently, we say that :

"Calling the close method on a Blob must disable it such that it cannot be used 
again; dereferencing a blob: URL bound to a Blob object on which close() has 
been called results in a network error. A Blob on which close() has been called 
must have a size of 0. This must be an irreversible and non-idempotent 
operation; once close() has been called on a Blob, that Blob cannot be used 

Is "size of 0" a sufficient constraint? I'm inclined to think so, and that we 
already support your suggestion.

Also, note that neutering a transferable object and calling close on Blob are 
*different things.*  We can make Blob's size 0 on close().  But, neutering a 
transferable object should throw on subsequent access.  You'll recall that we 
forced them to be different things based on bugs such as:

1. and

-- A*

-- A*

File API | lastModified and Date attribute change

2013-12-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings public-webapps,

I'm interested in feedback from imlementors about the lastModifiedDate 
attribute exposed on File objects.  The latest draft of the File API spec. 
describes an attribute "lastModified" which is no longer a Date object, but 
rather an integer representing milliseconds since the epoch (Unix Epoch).

TC-39 (which oversees ECMAScript) raised a number of issues with a Date 
attribute used as a property.  A lengthy exposé can be found in this email 

And note that "Date" within WebIDL itself is on shaky ground:

Among the problems with a Date property is that it is possible to have 
file.lastModifiedDate == file.lastModifiedDate test false (which is what 
happens in Gecko) and allowing modifications.

Mozilla is willing to remove lastModifiedDate completely, and migrate 
developers to file.lastModified, which is an attribute that returns an integer 
(long long) representing milliseconds since the epoch.  The Date API provides 
syntactic sugar for working with these integers, so I don't think the developer 
ergonomics resulting from the move from a Date object to an integer are too 

If any other implementors have feedback about this change, we would like to 
hear it.  My proposal is to have developer facing documentation deprecate 
.lastModifiedDate and migrate web developers over to .lastModified.  The spec. 
will have .lastModified only.  Keeping both isn't desirable.

-- A*

Re: CfC: publish Candidate Recommendation of File API; deadline November 28

2013-12-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Dec 1, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Since this CfC was started, Arun reopened [23853] on November 28 and [23946] 
> was filed on November 30.
> Arun - what's the plan here vis-à-vis this CfC?
> -Thanks, ArtB
> [23853] 

Timely implementor feedback will help close this one out.  I will initiate a 
separate email thread about this issue.

> [23946] 

I don't believe this issue is accompanied with a strong enough use case, and 
think it likely that it will be marked WONTFIX during the timeframe of the CfC.

-- A*

Re: [FileAPI] LC Comment Tracking

2013-11-21 Thread Arun Ranganathan

All LC commentary ( has 
been addressed and I think the draft is ready to be published as CR status.

The draft is:

-- A*

On Nov 8, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

> Hi Art,
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Since it appears you will not be at WebApps' f2f meeting next week, I would 
>> appreciate it if you would please summarize the status of the comment 
>> processing, your next steps, etc. I am especially interested in whether or 
>> not you consider any of the bug fixes you applied as "substantive" and/or 
>> add a new feature (which would require a new LC).
> Most LC commentary that was substantive became a spec bug; I've fixed most 
> such spec. bugs, and the contributor/commentor has been notified.
> In my opinion, the biggest change is to the File constructor.  This is 
>  I don't think this is 
> a new feature, since the previous document pushed to "/TR" had a constructor, 
> athough a different signature.
> Other changes include moving Blob URL to be redefined in terms of terminology 
> in the WHATWG URL spec, in lieu of ABNFs.
> If you provide a dial-in on the day that you discuss File + FileSystem, I can 
> try and dial in, but this depends on time.  There will be others present from 
> Mozilla  :)  The LC commentary is tracked at 
> -- A*
>> -Thanks, ArtB
>> [1] <>
>> On 9/12/13 10:39 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
>>> [ Bcc public-sysapps ; comments from SysApps are welcome ]
>>> This is a Request for Comments for the 12 September 2013 Last Call
>>> Working Draft of File API:
>>> <>
>>> The comment deadline is October 24 and all comments should be sent to
>>> the list with a subject: prefix of "[FileAPI]".
>>> The spec's bug list is [Bugs] and the few `approved` tests we have can
>>> be run in a browser at [Tests].
>>> -Thanks, ArtB
>>> [Bugs] <>
>>> [Tests] <>

Re: Why no TypeError in FileReaderSync.readAsArrayBuffer

2013-11-11 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 5:57 AM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> In this particular case, I think it's the right behavior: FileReaderSync
>> expects a valid File or Blob reference, and isn't able to identify one, so
>> says one isn't found.
> No, NotFoundError is for when some search is unsuccessful but
> necessary.  Looking at the type of an argument doesn't seem like a
> search without a *lot* of stretching.  It's a TypeError, if you're
> going to throw anything.

You're right, a TypeError is less of a stretch.

This should be a browser bug, though.

-- A*

> ~TJ

Re: Why no TypeError in FileReaderSync.readAsArrayBuffer

2013-11-11 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Norman Rzepka | scalable minds wrote:

> because I didn't know a FileEntrySync was actually not a File, I passed an 
> instance of FileEntrySync to a FileReaderSync. Instead I got a NotFoundError 
> which I found very confusing as I know the file was present. So I was 
> wondering why there is no TypeError for such situations?

The API you're testing -- namely code which uses FileEntrySync primitives -- is 
likely to work in Chrome only, and isn't a standard with other browser vendors, 
which do implement the File API.

Currently, the FileSystem API (which, going forward is this draft; doesn't have a FileEntrySync 
primitive.  And the File API is .

In this particular case, I think it's the right behavior: FileReaderSync 
expects a valid File or Blob reference, and isn't able to identify one, so says 
one isn't found.

-- A*

> Best, 
> Norman
> --
> Norman Rzepka
> scalable minds
> UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
> Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRA 5753
> Geschäftsführer: Dominic Bräunlein, Tom Bocklisch, Tom Herold, Norman Rzepka, 
> Thomas Werkmeister

Re: [FileAPI] LC Comment Tracking

2013-11-08 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Hi Art,

On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Since it appears you will not be at WebApps' f2f meeting next week, I would 
> appreciate it if you would please summarize the status of the comment 
> processing, your next steps, etc. I am especially interested in whether or 
> not you consider any of the bug fixes you applied as "substantive" and/or add 
> a new feature (which would require a new LC).

Most LC commentary that was substantive became a spec bug; I've fixed most such 
spec. bugs, and the contributor/commentor has been notified.

In my opinion, the biggest change is to the File constructor.  This is  I don't think this is a 
new feature, since the previous document pushed to "/TR" had a constructor, 
athough a different signature.

Other changes include moving Blob URL to be redefined in terms of terminology 
in the WHATWG URL spec, in lieu of ABNFs.

If you provide a dial-in on the day that you discuss File + FileSystem, I can 
try and dial in, but this depends on time.  There will be others present from 
Mozilla  :)  The LC commentary is tracked at

-- A*

> -Thanks, ArtB
> [1] 
> On 9/12/13 10:39 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> [ Bcc public-sysapps ; comments from SysApps are welcome ]
>> This is a Request for Comments for the 12 September 2013 Last Call
>> Working Draft of File API:
>> The comment deadline is October 24 and all comments should be sent to
>> the list with a subject: prefix of "[FileAPI]".
>> The spec's bug list is [Bugs] and the few `approved` tests we have can
>> be run in a browser at [Tests].
>> -Thanks, ArtB
>> [Bugs] 
>> [Tests] 

Re: [FileAPI]

2013-10-31 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Note that all LC Commentary, including that sent on this listserv, is tracked 

-- A*
On Oct 31, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Hi,
> For the purposes of tracking your comments for the September 12 File API Last 
> Call Working Draft, please let us know if Arun's reply is satisfactory or 
> not. In the absence of a reply from you by November 7, we will assume Arun's 
> reply is OK with you.
> -Thanks, ArtB
> On 10/23/13 6:04 PM, ext Arun Ranganathan wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> On Oct 23, 2013, at 12:32 PM, psweatte wrote:
>>> 7.2 Interface File:
>>> -add creationDate property
>> Thanks for your feedback.  *Most* filesystems don't really have a creation 
>> time.  While Windows does, Unix-style OS return the *change time" or last 
>> modified time.  Since we want fidelity with OS filesystems wherever 
>> possible, I'm not sure this is a viable property to add.
>>> -add size property
>> This already exists via the inheritance relationship with Blob.
>>> -If the last modification date and time are not known, the attribute must 
>>> return an empty string
>> Currently the spec says to return the current date and time.  It's a Date 
>> not a String.
>>> 8.3. Event Handler Attributes
>> I think the current set of event handler attributes is sufficient, 
>> especially given the backdrop of event models in general not being the best 
>> way to asynchronously access large data sets such as File and Blob.
>>> -add onNotfounderror event handler
>>> -add onReaderror event handler
>>> -add onSecurityerror event handler
>>> -add onHTTPerror event handler
>>> -add onSelectfrombrowse event handler

Re: [FileAPI]

2013-10-23 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Hi there!

On Oct 23, 2013, at 12:32 PM, psweatte wrote:

> 7.2 Interface File:
> -add creationDate property

Thanks for your feedback.  *Most* filesystems don't really have a creation 
time.  While Windows does, Unix-style OS return the *change time" or last 
modified time.  Since we want fidelity with OS filesystems wherever possible, 
I'm not sure this is a viable property to add.

> -add size property

This already exists via the inheritance relationship with Blob.

> -If the last modification date and time are not known, the attribute must 
> return an empty string

Currently the spec says to return the current date and time.  It's a Date not a 

> 8.3. Event Handler Attributes

I think the current set of event handler attributes is sufficient, especially 
given the backdrop of event models in general not being the best way to 
asynchronously access large data sets such as File and Blob.

> -add onNotfounderror event handler
> -add onReaderror event handler
> -add onSecurityerror event handler
> -add onHTTPerror event handler
> -add onSelectfrombrowse event handler

Re: Problem in the Entry interface description (filesystem)

2013-10-10 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings Alexis,

The specification actively edited now is:

-- A*

On Oct 10, 2013, at 10:00 AM, alexis dufrenoy wrote:

> Hello,
> In the description of the Entry interface located here:
> I noticed the following sentence:
> "An abstract interface representing entries in a file system, each of which 
> may be a File or DirectoryEntry.", with a link leading to the File interface. 
> Obviously, the File interface is not a descendant of the Entry interface, but 
> FileEntry is, as can been easily checked on both descriptions:
> File is a Blob.
> I hope it helps, but I'm sure I'm not the first to notice.
> Regards,
> Alexis Dufrenoy

Re: [FileAPI] Questions on using Blobs for img src and a href

2013-10-07 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Oct 3, 2013, at 6:35 PM, Brian Matthews (brmatthe) wrote:

> First is the status bar display for anchors while hovering over them. As 
> expected, it's the blob URL. While this is completely correct and exactly 
> what I'd expect, I'm not sure how useful it is. For an anchor with a "normal" 
> URL, the user is told something about where the resource is (the domain name 
> and path, "";), and what it is (the last element of 
> the path, "invoice.pdf"). With a blob URL, they're told where it is (at least 
> for those who know what a blob URL is, or accept that "blob:..." is something 
> magic they don't need to know about :-) ), but nothing about what it is.

This is an implementation issue that goes beyond the spec. (as others have 
remarked, this kind of thing falls under the purview of UI/UX, which web 
specifications rarely touch on meaningfully), but I think it is probably a 
useful informative comment that I'll add as part of "LC Commentary" changes.

I think you should file bugs on all browser projects that you'd like to see 
this kind of thing implemented in.  It's a useful feature for end-users.

> Second, and related, is what happens when someone saves an image or target of 
> a link. In both cases with "normal" URLs, there's a name component and the 
> user agent can use that as the name of the resulting file, or suggest it if 
> doing a Save As With blob URLs, there is no name, so the user agent has 
> to make up a name. So with Firefox one gets fun names like index.gif (when 
> saving an ), or bf_UK+0O.gif and y+f+wR9a.pdf (when saving the target of 
> an anchor), and Chrome uses the opaqueString part of the URL, resulting in 
> names like 49c122d8-0958-4dfd-ac9c-0a6245c5f91f..gif. None of those exactly 
> brim with semantic content.

OK, I've filed

I'm not fully convinced by other commentors on this listserv that we should use 
Content-Disposition as how to do this.  I think "how" Save As is implemented is 
a detail left to browsers, but I think the part of using file name is useful 
during Save As.

> Also, 8.5.6 step 1 in the spec starts "Fire a progress event called error. 
> Set the error attribute;". Doesn't firing an event call the event handlers 
> immediately? If so, this seems to be saying to call the error handler 
> *before* setting the error attribute,  which seems backwards.

Yes, I agree!

Thanks for your thoughtful LC commentary.

-- A*

Re: [file-{writer,system}-api] Seeking status and plans

2013-10-02 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Oct 2, 2013, at 12:29 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> If any of the data for your two File APIs in [PubStatus] is not accurate, 
> please provide corrections.
> Also, if you have any new information re your plans for these specs (last 
> published 17-Apr-2012), or the specs' status with respect to being feature 
> complete, please let us know.
> All - besides Chrome, if there are other implementations of these specs, 
> please let us know.
> -Thanks, ArtB

I've created a draft of the FileSystem API in GitHub, based on discussions with 

This API is different than the Google FileSystem API proposal, athough it will 
refine the concept of the filesystem: scheme, initially proposed by Google.

-- A*

Re: CfC: publish LCWD of File API; deadline August 23

2013-09-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
The LCWD of File API is

LC comment period is till October 24 2013 -- comments strongly encouraged!

-- A*

On Aug 16, 2013, at 8:35 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Arun proposed (see below) WebApps publish a Last Call Working Draft of File 
> API and this is a Call for Consensus to do so, using the following ED as the 
> basis:
> <>
> This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to "record the group's decision to 
> request advancement" for this LCWD. Note the Process Document states the 
> following regarding the significance/meaning of a LCWD:
> [[
> Purpose: A Working Group's Last Call announcement is a signal that:
> * the Working Group believes that it has satisfied its relevant technical 
> requirements (e.g., of the charter or requirements document) in the Working 
> Draft;
> * the Working Group believes that it has satisfied significant dependencies 
> with other groups;
> * other groups SHOULD review the document to confirm that these dependencies 
> have been satisfied. In general, a Last Call announcement is also a signal 
> that the Working Group is planning to advance the technical report to later 
> maturity levels.
> ]]
> The proposed review period for this LC is 4 weeks.
> There are two open [Bugs] for this spec.
> If you have any comments or concerns about this CfC, please send them to 
> by August 23 at the latest. Positive response is 
> preferred and encouraged and silence will be considered as agreement with the 
> proposal.
> -Thanks, AB
> [Bugs] <>
>  Original Message 
> Subject:  File* Specifications | Status and some Promises
> Resent-Date:  Thu, 15 Aug 2013 17:50:25 +
> Resent-From:  
> Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 13:49:38 -0400
> From: ext Arun Ranganathan 
> To:   Web Applications Working Group WG 
> Greetings WG,
> There are three moving proposals in the File* arena, and I thought I'd 
> catpure what these are and what the status of these are.
> 1. The File API, currently updated as editor's draft at 
> Review strongly encouraged :)  Notable fixes are:
> i. A File constructor has been added, which has been a longstanding request.
> ii. A new static method on URL called URL.createAndRevoke has been added that 
> gets defaults right, and does away with autoRevoke, which nobody implemented 
> for URL.createObjectURL.
> iii. A Blob URL Store and a Revocation List, useful for URL Fetch (see 
> This draft should be ready for LC and should be considered the File API v1.
> 2. Re-writing File APi to be Promises based, which should be considered a v2. 
>  The biggest departure from the current state of technology here would really 
> be that we can have Promises right off the Blob itself, which is zeitgeist 
> thinking about these things (and admittedly makes life easier than an 
> XHR-inspired FileReader, which will be made legacy).  The best stab at a 
> strawperson was this one by Jonas:
> But Stream itself temporarily lives here without too much implementation 
> backbone:
> I think we *should* have a Promises-based File API off of Blob, but I'm not 
> totally sure about the Stream API as it is currently written; I'm amenable to 
> editing the File API v2 portion, modulo our proposal for Stream.
> 3. Then there's the FileSystem API, currently discussed here: 
> This was the upshot of discussions on this listserv, as well as internally at 
> Mozilla.  I'm amenable to editing this, which is separate but related to 1. 
> and 2.
> -- A*

Re: File API: File's name property

2013-09-06 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Sep 6, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>>> The problem is that once you put it through the URL parser it'll
>>> become "/". And I suspect given directory APIs and such it'll go
>>> through that layer at some point.
>> I don't follow.  Backslashes in filenames are escaped in URLs
>> (, like all the other things that require
>> escaping.
> If the raw input to the URL parser includes a backslash, it'll be
> treated as a forward slash. I am not really expecting people to use
> encodeURI or such utilities.

I think it may be ok to restrict "/" and "\".  I don't think we lose too much 
here by not allowing historically "directory delimiting" characters in file 

The question is what to do with a "/"  or a "\".   I'm inclined to say UAs 
should treat those as U+FFFD.

>>> Well, my suggestion was rawName and name (which would have loss of
>>> information), per the current zip archive API design.
>> Having a separate field is fine.  This is specific to ZIPs, so it feels like
>> it belongs in a ZipFile subclass, not File itself.
> Is it? There's no other file systems where the file names are
> effectively byte sequences? If that's the case, maybe that's fine.


Some file systems don't store names as unrestricted byte sequences (older 
Windows), but GNU systems usually do.  Some byte sequences are not valid names. 
Conversely, names of existing files may not be representable as byte sequences 
(and sometimes there are two representations -- e.g. Amèlie.txt will either use 
00e9 or 0065 0031 for the è  -- both are Unicode equivalents, but are different 
byte sequences). Some file systems perform Unicode canonicalization on file 
names, which is more or less what I think the Web should do.

I think we run only a small risk of information loss, but I DO think that File 
name should be an [EnforceUTF16] DOMString.  That way, we have the best shot at 
byte sequences based on the underlying characterization.

Summary: I'll punt on File.rawName till a rainier day than today, but I will 
restrict "/" and "\" since they are historically directory separators.  I know 
that there are OTHER characters that we can also restrict, but these two are 
the big ones and get us some 80-20 sanitization :)

Glenn said:

>> It might be better to wait until we have a filesystem API, then piggyback on
>> that...


-- A*

Re: File API: File's name property

2013-09-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Sep 3, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>>> I don't think you want those conversion semantics for name. I do think
>>> we want the value space for names across different systems to be
>>> equivalent, which if we support zip basically means bytes.
>> I don't really understand the suggestion of using a ByteString for
>>  Can you explain how that wouldn't break
>>, if the user picks a file named
>> "漢字.txt"?
> ByteString doesn't work. A byte sequence might. If the platform does
> file names in Unicode it would be converted to bytes using utf-8.

Which in fact is how I think we should do  We'll stick to DOMString, 
but think it should specify a conversion to a byte sequence using utf-8.  And, 
restrict separators such as "/" and "\".

-- A*

Re: File API: lacks model

2013-09-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan

This feedback is a bit vague. 

> I think you should describe the underlying model for Blob/File so
> other specifications can more easily hook into it. E.g. if I want to
> represent a File object with a name /x/ and type /y/ there's not a
> clear way to do that right now. This also leads to issues such as [value 
> space of properties]

Why isn't there a clear way to do that now? notwithstanding, you can 
either obtain a File from the underlying file system with a "best guess" type 
by the UA, OR create one with a constructor.  What's missing exactly?

> E.g. "A |blob| provides asynchronous access to a byte sequence. A blob
> has an associated |type| which is a MIME type." (Which could be a link
> to the variant of MIME type you use.) And then you build the API on
> top of this model.

I treat as relatively normative here.  What 
am I missing?

-- A*

Re: File API: File's name property

2013-09-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Well, is to make the 
'type' attribute a ByteString.  Is that your request here for the name 
attribute as well?

It wouldn't be wise to restrict '/' or '\' or try to delve too deep into 
platform land BUT the FileSystem API introduces directory syntax which might 
make being lax a fly in the ointment for later.

On Aug 29, 2013, at 10:48 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> As currently specified File's name property seems to be a code unit
> sequence. In zip archives the resource's path is a byte sequence. I
> don't really know what popular file systems do. Given that a File has
> to be transmitted over the wire now and then, including it's name
> property value, a code unit sequence seems like the wrong type. It
> would at least lead to information loss which I'm not sure is
> acceptable if we can prevent it (or at least make it more obvious that
> it is going on, by doing a transformation early on).
> We may also want to restrict "\" and "/" to leave room for using these
> objects in path-based contexts later.
> -- 

Re: Extending createObjectUrl to MediaStream?

2013-08-29 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Aug 28, 2013, at 9:48 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:

> Hi WebApps WG,
> The Media Capture Task Force (responsible for specs that deal with
> MediaStream objects [1]) has been considering whether one should be able
> to assign a MediaStream to  and  elements via an URL
> obtained via createObjectURL or not, and is seeking feedback on the
> question.
> More precisely:
> A. we define a new srcObject attribute on HTMLMediaElement objects that
> can take directly a MediaStream object and make it playable
>  video.srcObject = mediastream;
> B. the spec also supports assigning a MediaStream via the src attribute,
> via an URL obtained through createObjectURL:
> video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediastream);
> While there are ongoing discussions on how to spec B properly [2] (which
> will require coordination with the WebApps Working Group), we are first
> and foremost wondering if that option is needed at all.
> We are thus looking for input on the use cases for createObjectURL as
> used for the File API, and whether these use cases would also apply to
> our MediaStream case. In general, is there a need for any object
> readable by media elements to support an URL-based approach for
> consistency with the rest of the platform?

The fact that URL.createObjectURL exists at all is hitched to the ongoing use 
of strings as URLs in places like Image ("img src=") and CSS.  This also 
created the discussion about autoRevoke (namely the automatic revocation of 
these references), for which we added URL.createFor.  As it stands, developers 
should bear the onus of calling URL.revokeObjectURL coupled to 
URL.createObjectURL, which may be a tall request.

MediaStream may not be as ubiquitous as Blob, and you may be able to avoid URL 
strings altogether.  If that's a fair assumption, option A seems like a good 
plan.  If you go the option B route, then you'll have to also think about 
revocation and URL.createFor, since you'll have the same problem.

On balance, I favor Option A, unless you make the case for strings :)  If you 
choose Option B, I'm happy to work with your WG to make sure File API has the 
right hook for MediaStream objects, per

-- A*

-- A*

Re: FileSystem API

2013-08-26 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Aug 26, 2013, at 8:01 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Hi Eric, Arun, Jonas, All,
>> 2) Is any vendor other than Mozilla actually interested in this
>> proposal?  When it was brought up on public-webapps, and at the
>> WebApps F2F, it dropped with a resounding thud.
>> Given the standardization failure of the Chrome FileSystem API, this
>> could be a massive waste of time.  Or it could just be a way for
>> Mozilla to document its filesystem API, since we've already got
>> documentation of the Chrome API, but then you don't need to drag
>> public-script-coord into that.
> These are good questions and points. I don't feel real strongly here re our 
> next steps other than I think we should try to get consensus on a high-level 
> plan to help set expectations accordingly.
> It seems we have a few options, some are not necessarily mutually exclusive 
> ...
> 1. Leave Eric's specs in WD state
> 2. Move Eric's specs to LC->CR (feature set should probably be 
> restricted/limited to what is already implemented in Chrome); block in CR 
> until there are two or more implementations
> 3. Move Eric's specs to WG Notes and stop work (as was done with Web SQL 
> Database)
> 4. Merge the two proposals
> 5. Formally start work on Mozilla proposal knowing there is some overlap with 
> Eric's specs

I don't actually think it's possible to merge the two proposals.  I'm in favor 
of option 5.

-- A*

Re: File API - Progress - Question about Partial Blob data

2013-08-23 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Aug 22, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> I think you might have misunderstood my initial comment.
> I agree that the current partial data solution is not good. I think we
> should remove it.

I'd really like other implementors to weigh in before we remove Partial Blob 
Data.  Cc'ing folks who helped with it.

> I think we should instead create a better solution in v2 of the API
> which is based on something other than FileReader and which has the
> ability to deliver data on the form of "here's the data that was
> loaded since last notification".

I agree that we should do a better way.

-- A*

Re: File API - Progress - Question about Partial Blob data

2013-08-21 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Aug 20, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

> The specs says :
> " It can also return partial Blob data. Partial Blob data is the part of the 
> File or Blob that has been read into memory currently; when processing the 
> read method readAsText, partial Blob data is a DOMString that is incremented 
> as more bytes are loaded (a portion of the total) [ProgressEvents], and 
> when processing readAsArrayBuffer partial Blob data is an ArrayBuffer 
> [TypedArrays] object consisting of the bytes loaded so far (a portion of the 
> total)[ProgressEvents]. The list below is normative for the result attribute 
> and is the conformance criteria for this attribute"
> What is the rationale for that? The result attribute should better contain 
> for progress events the latest data read and not the data read from the 
> begining that you could easily reconstitute while the contrary requires more 
> work.
> Use case: calculate the hash of a file while you are reading it.

The ask for "deltas" to be sent with progress notifications came up on this 
listserv before -- see the thread starting at

I agree that the deltas model is also useful, but you can see there's some 
implementation history with XHR here as well.  The use case is to receive the 
file bits as they are constituted from the read (just as with an HTTP request, 
where you get the bits "so far" till the rest are constituted).

A good way to solve the use case of meaningful deltas might be with the Streams 
API, still TBD.

> PS: I did not test it in all browsers, but unless I am using it wrongly, the 
> result attribute is always null for progress events.

But not null for the onload ?  In many cases, a progress might not fire, 
depending on file size.

-- A*

Re: File* Specifications | Status and some Promises

2013-08-20 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Aug 20, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> ii. A new static method on URL called URL.createAndRevoke has been added 
>> that gets defaults right, and does away with autoRevoke, which nobody 
>> implemented for URL.createObjectURL.
> My problem with these names is that they suggest you get a URL object
> whereas you actually get a string. They also seem longish. I suggest
> we name the revoking variant just "create" or a synonym that has less
> of a suggestion of creating a URL object.

I agree, and got the same feedback in off-list correspondence.

The ship has already sailed on URL.createObjectURL unfortunately, but we can 
get the newer function's name right.  Jonas proposes URL.createFor in lieu of 

-- A*

> -- 

FileSystem API

2013-08-19 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings Eric and WG,

The Chair and I were discussing setting up repositories for the specifications 
discussed here 
notably the FileSystem API and File API v2.  Before creating a repository to 
edit the FileSystem API, we thought we'd check with you about the first 
proposal, which Chrome implements, and get the Google perspective.

You've edited the first FileSystem API proposal, which currently lives here 
(  Can I create a repository and edit 
the other proposal for FileSystem API, which currently exists as an email 
( ?

Just checking to see if there are any objections or concerns that would stop a 
draft or future WG activity.  Of course, technical nits should be heard as 
well, and can proceed concurrently with a draft :)

-- A*

File* Specifications | Status and some Promises

2013-08-15 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings WG,

There are three moving proposals in the File* arena, and I thought I'd catpure 
what these are and what the status of these are.

1. The File API, currently updated as editor's draft at

Review strongly encouraged :)  Notable fixes are:

i. A File constructor has been added, which has been a longstanding request.
ii. A new static method on URL called URL.createAndRevoke has been added that 
gets defaults right, and does away with autoRevoke, which nobody implemented 
for URL.createObjectURL.
iii. A Blob URL Store and a Revocation List, useful for URL Fetch (see

This draft should be ready for LC and should be considered the File API v1.  

2. Re-writing File APi to be Promises based, which should be considered a v2.  
The biggest departure from the current state of technology here would really be 
that we can have Promises right off the Blob itself, which is zeitgeist 
thinking about these things (and admittedly makes life easier than an 
XHR-inspired FileReader, which will be made legacy).  The best stab at a 
strawperson was this one by Jonas:

But Stream itself temporarily lives here without too much implementation 

I think we *should* have a Promises-based File API off of Blob, but I'm not 
totally sure about the Stream API as it is currently written; I'm amenable to 
editing the File API v2 portion, modulo our proposal for Stream. 

3. Then there's the FileSystem API, currently discussed here:

This was the upshot of discussions on this listserv, as well as internally at 
Mozilla.  I'm amenable to editing this, which is separate but related to 1. and 

-- A*

Re: File constructor

2013-07-16 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 16, 2013, at 8:40 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> On Jul 15, 2013, at 8:01 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>>> So exposing FormData's contents came up again.
>> Can you send me a pointer to that discussion, so I can plug into it?
> My bad:
>> Sounds like mapping FormData to a File hasn't come up yet.
> That's the third thread referenced in that bug. Seems like there's not
> much actual objections. I thought implementers had concerns.

I don't think there's actual technical objections (though at one point, I did 
argue for leaving File as something that held "real file objects" from the 
underlying file system, and exposing a name on Blob).  But I think a File 
constructor can be added.

-- A*

Re: File constructor

2013-07-15 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 15, 2013, at 8:01 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> So exposing FormData's contents came up again.

Can you send me a pointer to that discussion, so I can plug into it?  

> The natural model is to
> have FormData be map of string to either a string or File object. This
> is very much equivalent to exposing a constructor for File to create a
> Blob with a filename. I was told people objected to that in the past.
> What were the objections and are they still relevant?

Here's a bug with references to the "objections"( which were really wondering 
what the right use case is):

Sounds like mapping FormData to a File hasn't come up yet.

-- A*

Re: Blob URLs | autoRevoke, defaults, and resolutions

2013-05-07 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 7, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> The only thing that's different about XHR is that the first step in my
>> list lives in one function, and the other steps live in another
>> function. Doesn't seem to have any effect on the discussions here
>> other than that we'd need to define which of the two functions does
>> the step which grabs a reference to the Blob.
> Fair enough. So I guess we can indeed fix this by changing
> to get a reference to the
> Blob/MediaStream/... before returning early as Arun suggested.

\o/ :-)


-- A*

Re: Blob URLs | autoRevoke, defaults, and resolutions

2013-05-01 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On May 1, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Eric U wrote:

> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> 2b.To adopt an 80-20 rule, and only specify what happens for some cases that 
>> seem common, but expressly disallow other cases.  This might be a more muted 
>> version of Bug 17765, especially if it can't be done within fetch [5].
> Ugly.
>> This could mean that the "blob" clause for "basic fetch"[5] only defines 
>> some cases where a synchronous fetch can be run (TBD) but expressly 
>> disallows others where synchronous fetching is not feasible.  This would 
>> limit the use of Blob URLs pretty drastically, but might be the only 
>> solution.  For instance, asynchronous calls accompanying , "defer" 
>> etc. might have to be expressly disallowed.  It would be great if we do this 
>> in fetch [5] :-)
> Just to be clear, this would limit the use of *autoRevoke* Blob URLs,
> not all Blob URLs, yes?

In fact, Glenn has me convinced that this will actually affect ALL Blob URLs.  
I can't see a way around that.  In this case, autoRevoke does the right thing 
with respect to revoking URLs, but the same restrictions apply to manual revoke 
as well, since it is possible to create concurrent revocations with manual 

>> Essentially, this might be to "do what Firefox does" but document what 
>> "dereference" means [6], and be clear about what might break.  Most 
>> implementors acknowledge that use of Blob URLs simply won't work in some 
>> cases (e.g. CSS cases, etc.).  We should formalize that; it would involve 
>> listing what works explicitly.  Anne?
>> 2c. Re-use oneTimeOnly as in IE's behavior for autoRevoke (but call it 
>> autoRevoke).  But we jettisoned this for race conditions e.g.
>> // This is in IE only
>> img2.src = URL.createObjectURL(fileBlob, {oneTimeOnly: true});
>> // race now! then fail in IE only
>> img1.src = img2.src;
>> will fail in IE with oneTimeOnly.  It appears to fail reliably, but again, 
>> "dereference URL" may not be interoperable here.  This is probably not what 
>> we should do, but it was worth listing, since it carries the brute force of 
>> a shipping implementation, and shows how some % of the market has actively 
>> solved this problem :)
> I'm not really sure this is so bad.  I know it's the case I brought
> up, and I must admit that I disliked the "oneTimeOnly" when I first
> heard about it, but all other proposals [including not having
> automatic revocation at all] now seem worse.  Here you've set
> something to be oneTimeOnly and used it twice; if that fails in IE,
> that's correct.  If it works some of the time in other browsers [after
> they implement oneTimeOnly], that's not good, but you did pretty much
> aim at your own foot.  Developers that actively try to do the right
> thing will have consistent good results without extra code, at least.
> I realize that img1.src = img2.src failing is odd, but as [IIRC]
> Adrian pointed out, if it's an uncacheable image on a server that's
> gone away, couldn't that already happen, depending on your network
> stack implementation?

Well, that's why I documented it as a possible solution, but didn't document 
not having automatic revocation at all :)  Yes, Adrian's example serves to 
illustrate that this *could* already happen, depending on network stack.  But 
in the case of a file reference, this probably shouldn't happen.

-- A*

Blob URLs | autoRevoke, defaults, and resolutions

2013-05-01 Thread Arun Ranganathan
At the recent TPAC for Working Groups held in San Jose, Adrian Bateman, Jonas 
Sicking and I spent some time taking a look at how to remedy what the spec. 
says today about Blob URLs, both from the perspective of default behavior and 
in terms of what "correct" autoRevoke behavior should be.  This email is to 
summarize those discussions.

Blob URLs are used in different parts of the platform today, and are expected 
to work on the platform wherever URLs do.  This includes CSS, MediaStream and 
MediaSource use cases [1], along with use of 'src='.   

(Separate discussions about a "v2" of the File API spec, including use of a 
Futures-based model in lieu of the event model, took place, but submitting a 
LCWD with major interoperability amongst all browsers is a good goal for this 

Here's a summary of the Blob URL issues:

1. There's the relatively easy question of defaults.  While the spec says that 
URL.createObjectURL should create a Blob URL which has autoRevoke: true by 
default [2], there isn't any implementation that supports this, whether that's 
IE's oneTimeOnly behavior (which is related but different), or Firefox's 
autoRevoke implementation.  Chrome doesn't touch this yet :)

The spec. will roll back the default from "true" to "false".  At least this 
matches what implementations do; there's been resistance to changing the 
default due to shipping applications relying on autoRevoke being false by 
default, or at least implementor reluctance [1].

Switching the default to "false" would enable IE, Chrome, andFirefox to have 
interoperability with URL.createObjectURL(blobArg), though such a default 
places burdens on web developers to couple create* calls with revoke* calls to 
not leak Blobs.  Jonas proposes a separate method, 
URL.createAutoRevokeObjectURL, which creates an autoRevoke URL.  I'm lukewarm 
on that :-\

2. Regardless of the default, there's the hard question of what to do with Blob 
URL revocation.  Glenn / zewt points out that this applies, though perhaps less 
dramatically, to *manually* revoked Blob URLs, and provides some test cases 

Options are:

2a. To meticulously special-case Blob URLs, per Bug 17765 [4].  This calls for 
a synchronous step attached to wherever URLs are used to "peg" Blob URL data at 
fetch, so that the chance of a concurrent revocation doesn't cause things to 
behave unpredictably.  Firefox does a variation of this with keeping channels 
open, but solving this bug interoperably is going to be very hard, and has to 
be done in different places across the platform.  And even within CSS.  This is 
hard to move forward with.

2b.To adopt an 80-20 rule, and only specify what happens for some cases that 
seem common, but expressly disallow other cases.  This might be a more muted 
version of Bug 17765, especially if it can't be done within fetch [5].  

This could mean that the "blob" clause for "basic fetch"[5] only defines some 
cases where a synchronous fetch can be run (TBD) but expressly disallows others 
where synchronous fetching is not feasible.  This would limit the use of Blob 
URLs pretty drastically, but might be the only solution.  For instance, 
asynchronous calls accompanying , "defer" etc. might have to be 
expressly disallowed.  It would be great if we do this in fetch [5] :-)

Essentially, this might be to "do what Firefox does" but document what 
"dereference" means [6], and be clear about what might break.  Most 
implementors acknowledge that use of Blob URLs simply won't work in some cases 
(e.g. CSS cases, etc.).  We should formalize that; it would involve listing 
what works explicitly.  Anne?

2c. Re-use oneTimeOnly as in IE's behavior for autoRevoke (but call it 
autoRevoke).  But we jettisoned this for race conditions e.g.

// This is in IE only
img2.src = URL.createObjectURL(fileBlob, {oneTimeOnly: true});

// race now! then fail in IE only
img1.src = img2.src;

will fail in IE with oneTimeOnly.  It appears to fail reliably, but again, 
"dereference URL" may not be interoperable here.  This is probably not what we 
should do, but it was worth listing, since it carries the brute force of a 
shipping implementation, and shows how some % of the market has actively solved 
this problem :)

3. We can lift origin restrictions in v2 on Blob URL; currently, one shipping 
implementation (IE) actively relies on origin restrictions, but expressed 
willingness to phase this out.  Most use cases needing Blob data across origins 
can be met without needing Blob URLs to not be origin restricted.  Blob URLs 
must be unguessable for that to happen, and today, they aren't unguessable in 
some implementations.

-- A*


Re: File API: Blob.type

2013-04-05 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Apr 5, 2013, at 3:17 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

> 03 апр. 2013 г., в 13:11, Arun Ranganathan  написал(а):
>>> My only concern is that blob.type should never contain parameters.  
>>> Comparing it to "text/plain" or "image/jpeg" should work, and not 
>>> mysteriously fail a year later when somebody eventually throws a MIME type 
>>> parameter into the mix.  Today, all browsers expose text files at 
>>> text/plain.  If a browser a year from now decides to call text files with a 
>>> UTF-8 BOM "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", it'll break interop.
> What specifies how a File gets its type? The only requirement I can find is 
> that "User agents must not attempt heuristic determination of type", which I 
> think implies that something like inputElement.files[0].type is always "" for 
> a file chosen by a user via .

The spec. now overreaches a bit :-( 

Not allowing heuristic mechanisms was merely to restrict encoding determination 
as per at lease one implementation's experience with it being substandard:

But now maybe we're going a bit far.  Should we standardize how UAs do 
auto-detect of file type, including something about extensions and some BOM 
methods?  This seems to be complicated and may be unnecessary -- most UAs do 
this just about right in the absence of a standard.

> Guessing MIME type from file name or metadata is always a heuristic, as not 
> all platforms will know that "archive.sit" means "application/x-stuffit".
> At the same time, browsers do autodetect types for many files. We'll need to 
> autodetect when serializing a form for submission anyway, so exposing this 
> information a little earlier only makes sense.
> I think that these concerns can be resolved by specifying what File.type is 
> more explicitly. The spec can just say that parameters are not allowed in the 
> browser chosen type.

That seems sensible!  By *not* allowing charset parameters in types determined 
by UAs, these are now set by web applications only, which may mitigate Glenn's 

Maybe the way forward is to leave this to UAs, and:

1. Say UAs should return file type, if known.
2. UAs must not use heuristics or statistical methods to determine encoding and
3. UAs must not set the charset parameter in the returned type for text/plain.  
This will then defer to the encoding spec. and attempt fallback decoding.  
Where a web application sets a charset parameter, this will do the right thing 
for readAsText with fallback decoding.

>>> Additionally, determining a blob's file type seems like the most obvious 
>>> use of this property, and making people say "if(blob.type.split(";")[0] == 
>>> 'text/plain')" is simply not a good interface.
>> OK -- you're strongly opinionated on the matter of NOT allowing a charset 
>> parameter.  I'd like to see if implementers who had an opinion on its 
>> usefulness can weigh in -- Darin?  Alexey?
> I do not have a very strong opinion. I like the simpler API of passing 
> parameters through the type attribute, as it's specified currently. This also 
> matches XMLHttpRequest API better. And of course, keeping existing behavior 
> means that we won't break the web.

I like it too.  We keep charset, but don't let user agents set it for 
auto-detected files; it can only be set with a Blob constructor or a slice 
call.  Blob.type is a string that can be set by developers and has normative 
requirements that are not strict tokenization requirements, so I think we're 
fine here.

-- A*

Re: File API: Blob.type

2013-04-03 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 19, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote: 
> > 2.Convert every character in relativeContentType to lower case.
> I recommend referencing "Converting a string to ASCII lowercase" in HTML.  


> > 1.If relativeContentType contains any non-ASCII characters, then set 
> > relativeContentType to the empty string and return from these substeps.
> > 3.If relativeContentType contains any line break characters like "CR" 
> > or "LF" or any CTLs or separators, then set relativeContentType to the 
> > empty string and return from these substeps.
> #3 is too vague.  I recommend combining #1 and #3, saying: "If any character 
> in relativeContentType outside of the range U+0020 to U+007E".  That's the 
> printable ASCII range, and excludes all control characters.

Done (+ thanks).

> > 4.Parse relativeContentType as an RFC2616 media-type, tokenizing it 
> > according to the ABNF for media-type [RFC2616] with the ASCII "/" character 
> > separating tokens representing the type and subtype productions. If 
> > relativeContentType cannot be tokenized according to the ABNF for 
> > media-type [RFC2616], then set relativeContentType to the empty string and 
> > return from these substeps.
> I'm not sure we should be this strict.  I'd lean towards keeping it simple, 
> allowing any string at all as long as it contains only lowercase, printable 

Done -- we restrict it now, but don't mandate tokenization along the lines of 

> You don't need to say "The following requirements are normative for this 
> parameter".  That's what the normative language that follows ("must") means.


> My only concern is that blob.type should never contain parameters.  Comparing 
> it to "text/plain" or "image/jpeg" should work, and not mysteriously fail a 
> year later when somebody eventually throws a MIME type parameter into the 
> mix.  Today, all browsers expose text files at text/plain.  If a browser a 
> year from now decides to call text files with a UTF-8 BOM "text/plain; 
> charset=UTF-8", it'll break interop.
> Additionally, determining a blob's file type seems like the most obvious use 
> of this property, and making people say "if(blob.type.split(";")[0] == 
> 'text/plain')" is simply not a good interface.

OK -- you're strongly opinionated on the matter of NOT allowing a charset 
parameter.  I'd like to see if implementers who had an opinion on its 
usefulness can weigh in -- Darin?  Alexey?

-- A*

Re: File API: why is there same-origin restriction on blob URLs?

2013-03-28 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 28, 2013, at 1:55 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:16 PM, Arun Ranganathan  wrote:
>> They're very different than data URLs.  What's a good use case for making 
>> them cross-origin, that isn't addressed by use of postMessage?
> Well, the question we started with was why they're restricted to same
> origin. That does not appear to be answered yet.

The restriction was due to the (perhaps misguided?) safety assumption that it 
was prudent to restrict file references via this scheme to the origin invoking 
URL.createObjectURL.  The initial proposal was scoped to origin, and dates to 
some antiquity in email from Hixie, which said: 
"URL in this scheme would have an intrinsic origin that is equal to the 
origin of the script context (the "first script" in HTML5 terms) that 
invoked the API to get the URL. This URL could then be passed around as a 
string and would be treated as a resource from the same origin as that 
script, and could thus be used with  and  and so on."

We can relax this requirement, since it has been pointed out that it is a bit 
restrictive, but I'd like to ensure that Bad Things won't happen. Implementor 
feedback is welcome.

> As for a use case, you could have a widget that does something given a
> URL. E.g. put Googly eyes on the image resource. This widget could be
> embedded anywhere and all you'd need to do is postMessage() it a URL.
> Requiring a special code path for URLs generated from a Blob seems
> annoying for both the consumer of the widget and the producer of it.

Glenn adds that there may need to be some special casing anyway 
(, with 
respect to revocation, but I'm open to relaxing the origin restriction if 
assumptions about this being prudent prove to be invalid.

-- A*

Re: File API for Review

2013-03-27 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 25, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Arun Ranganathan
>  wrote:
>> So just to be clear, do you think we should remove "500-style" responses 
>> altogether, and *completely defer* to network error, which essentially 
>> involves throwing on expired / revoked / invalid Blob URLs?  I'm ok with 
>> that if so.
> Yeah, I would prefer if we used "network error" consistently
> throughout the platform for "something went wrong with this URL"
> rather than try to re-imagine a non-HTTP situation in terms of HTTP.
> Because it gives nicer to work with events and such out of the box and
> because it makes exposing more detailed information in the future
> easier.


-- A*

Re: File API: why is there same-origin restriction on blob URLs?

2013-03-27 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 26, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any particular reason why we restrict blob URLs to the same
>> origin as the script that created them? In effect they are pretty much
>> like capability URLs (containing an unguessable token). So if someone
>> decides to share one, that should be okay I think. This would be
>> useful in the context of sandboxed code () and
>> presumably elsewhere too.
> I think the original concern was that implementations might not be
> able to reliably generate unguessable URLs. Potentially that's
> something that we could require though.

We already require this -- "opaque strings" should be globally unique.  

> However we'd still need to nail down what the new behavior should be.
> Should it behave like data: URLs? The main advantage of those is that
> implementations still don't agree on how those should behave.

They're very different than data URLs.  What's a good use case for making them 
cross-origin, that isn't addressed by use of postMessage?

-- A*

Re: File API for Review

2013-03-25 Thread Arun Ranganathan
- Anne vK said:  -
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Arun Ranganathan 
> wrote:
> > On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> > We're not actually leaving what exactly to return open to
> > implementors.  They *must* return a 500.  They *may* additionally
> > provide a message, which is akin to console messages.
> No, an HTTP status message is an actual thing and exposed via
> XMLHttpRequest.

You're right; this should be defined better in the File API.

> >>  Also, networkerror isn't really strongly defined; XMLHttpRequest
> >>  uses this to throw on network errors (NetworkError), and there
> >>  isn't currently a Fetch in HTML that leverages networkerrors.
> >>   This is not obviously reusable here in the blob: URL context.
> I think it is. Network error is for whenever something goes wrong
> with
> the request. Otherwise this would give a load event rather than an
> error event. data: URLs use network errors too now:

So just to be clear, do you think we should remove "500-style" responses 
altogether, and *completely defer* to network error, which essentially involves 
throwing on expired / revoked / invalid Blob URLs?  I'm ok with that if so.

-- A*

Re: File API: Blob.type

2013-03-19 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Mar 7, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

> The current File API spec seems to have a mismatch between type in 
> BlobPropertyBag, and type as Blob attribute. The latter declaratively states 
> that the type is an ASCII lower case string. As mentioned by Glenn before, 
> WebKit interpreted this by raising an exception in constructor for non-ASCII 
> input, and lowercasing the string. I think that this is a reasonable reading 
> of the spec. I'd be fine with raising exceptions for invalid types more 
> eagerly.
> This is the text in question:
> (1)
>> type, a DOMString which corresponds to the Blob object's type attribute. If 
>> not the empty string, user agents must treat it as an RFC2616 media-type 
>> [RFC2616], and as an opaque string that can be ignored if it is an invalid 
>> media-type. This value must be used as the Content-Type header when 
>> dereferencing a Blob URI.
> (2)
>> type
>> The ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type of the 
>> Blob, expressed as an RFC2046 MIME type [RFC2046]. On getting, conforming 
>> user agents must return the MIME type of the Blob, if it is known. If 
>> conforming user agents cannot determine the media type of the Blob, they 
>> must return the empty string. A string is a valid MIME type if it matches 
>> the media-type token defined in section 3.7 "Media Types" of RFC 2616 
>> [RFC2616]. If not the empty string, user agents must treat it as an RFC2616 
>> media-type [RFC2616], and as an opaque string that can be ignored if it is 
>> an invalid media-type. This value must be used as the Content-Type header 
>> when dereferencing a Blob URI.

This is now clarified; the mismatch is a spec. bug.  Thanks for pointing this 

> It would be helpful to have the terminology corrected, and to have this 
> generally clarified - for example, validity is mentioned here, but seems to 
> be unused.

Conditions for validity have been clarified; this doesn't warrant throwing a 
SyntaxError, but it does specify when implementations should ignore poor use of 
MIME type strings, e.g. here's additional clarification in the slice call:

> It seems pretty clear from normative text that charset parameter is supposed 
> to work. A non-normative example supports that too. I agree with Arun that 
> this seems best to keep as is.


> However,  is about a 
> different case - it's about posting multipart form data that has Blob 
> elements with invalid media-types. I'm not even sure which spec is in charge 
> of this behavior - I don't think that anything anywhere says that Blob.type 
> affects media-type of posted multipart data, even though that's obviously the 
> intention. XMLHttpRequest spec defers to HTML, which defers to RFC2388, which 
> mentions files "returned via filling out a form", but not Blobs (which is no 
> surprise given its age).

In fact, I'm not sure if Blob.type should influence the type of multipart form 
data.  Consider the concatenation of several Blobs into a new Blob, as the Blob 
constructor allows.  What should the type of a newly constructed Blob be,  if 
it consists of several differently typed Blobs?  The spec. suggests 
disregarding the type of each Blob, but encourages the right use of type within 
the Blob constructor.  

I'm also not sure multipart form data falls under the aegis of the File API, 
but at least Blobs with invalid types is the same us having no type now (empty 

> Making Blobs only hold valid media-types would solve practical issues, but it 
> would be helpful to know what formally defines multipart data serialization 
> with blobs.
> We also previously had 
>  for sending 
> non-multipart data. Back then, we determined that "Content-Type: " should be 
> sent when the value is invalid. I'm no longer sure if that's right. For this 
> case, XMLHttpRequest authoritatively defines the behavior, although heavily 
> leaning on File API to decide when the type attribute is empty:
>> If the object's type attribute is not the empty string let mime type be its 
>> value.
> Note that "mime type" is then directly used as default media-type for 
> Content-Type header, but it's not parsed to set encoding variable. The 
> encoding could be needed to update a charset in author provided Content-Type 
> header field in later steps of the algorithm. This is probably not right, as 
> Blob should know its encoding better than code that sets header fields on an 
> XMLHttpRequest object.

Yes, but implementations can't heuristically determine a Blob's type now.  Type 
has to be specified correctly or ignored.   What "Blob should know" is now as 
good as what it is constructed to have as its type, though at read time, thanks 
to the Encoding Spec, we can determine a fallback encoding.

-- A

Re: File API: Blob.type

2013-03-19 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Mar 7, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> Chrome, at least, throws on new Blob([], {type: "漢字"}), as well as 
> lowercasing the string.

Stricter rules are in place for "type" both while constructing Blob and for 
slice calls:


I agree with previous comments you've made about ByteString not solving any 
problems that Anne vK brings up; instead, I think using DOMString is probably 
ok, with tighter rules on what is valid and what should be ignored.  Throwing a 
SyntaxError might be overkill to developers and a bit too punitive; instead, I 
advocate sticking with the original spirit of the opaque string idea and 
ignoring bad use of "type."

> A couple points:
> - I disagree that we should discourage comparing against Blob.type, but 
> ultimately it's such an obvious use of the property, people will do it 
> whether it's encouraged or not.  I'd never give it a second thought, since 
> that appears to be its very purpose.  Web APIs should be designed defensively 
> around how people will actually use the API, not how we wish they would.  
> Unless lots of Blob.type parameters actually include parameters, code will 
> break unexpectedly when it ends up encountering one.
> - The RFC defines a protocol ("Content-Type"), not a JavaScript API, and a 
> good protocols are rarely good APIs.  Having Blob.type be the literal value 
> of a Content-Type header isn't an elegant API.  You shouldn't need to do 
> parsing of a string value to extract "text/plain", and you shouldn't have to 
> do serialization to get "text/plain; charset=UTF-8".

So the "type" attribute of a Blob object isn't the *literal* value of the 
header; it's the type of the Blob, expressed as a MIME type.  When 
dereferencing Blob URLs, you get this type back with the Content-Type header, 
as you do normally in HTTP scenarios.  This is a well-understood behavior, and 
I agree with points you've made about not being beholden to the RFC when 
designing an API.  

I think the question here is whether or not to include *separate attributes* on 
the Blob interface for the rarely used Charset Parameter, namely anything after 
the semicolon in MIME types of the sort: "text/plain;charset=UTF-8".  I've 
considered all your arguments by way of developer advocacy, and actually think 
we'll do developers a disservice by adding to the Blob interface:

1. The Charset Parameter consideration applies only to text/plain.  There are 
numerous other MIME types that don't use it: application/*, audio/*, image/*, 
video/*, etc.  Complicating the interface on the off-chance that a stray use of 
the Charset parameter breaks a direct equality comparison is "too much API for 
too little."

2. The Charset Parameter even in the context of text/plain isn't common enough 
to warrant a special case for text/plain within the API.

3. In general, it's a pretty stable assumption to conclude that developers will 
expect "type" to be surfaced later along with "Content-Type" when dereferencing 
a Blob URI.  I don't think we've made an assumption that's terribly galling.

-- A*

Re: File API for Review

2013-03-19 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

>> Specification bugs still exist
> I think we should rename URI to URL. That's what everyone is converging on.


> I'm also not convinced that leaving what exactly to return in the HTTP
> scenario open to implementors is a good thing. 

(There isn't an HTTP scenario here).

> So what I actually think we should do here is treat this as a networkerror. 
> XMLHttpRequest already knows about that concept and every other end point 
> also deals with network errors in a predictable and standardized way. 
> Phrasing such as "Act as if a network error occurred" seems sufficient for 
> now (until Fetch provides hooks).

We're not actually leaving what exactly to return open to implementors.  They 
*must* return a 500.  They *may* additionally provide a message, which is akin 
to console messages.  Also, networkerror isn't really strongly defined; 
XMLHttpRequest uses this to throw on network errors (NetworkError), and there 
isn't currently a Fetch in HTML that leverages networkerrors.  This is not 
obviously reusable here in the blob: URL context.

The spec. doesn't need to mention anything about throwing -- we're returning a 
500 if a blob: URL cannot be dereferenced, not throwing an exception.  This is 
specific, and not left to implementations to determine.

> Just like HTML, CSS, etc. this specification should defer to
> for its encoding related
> requirements.

Done (and uses most of your proposed changes):

> I don't think we should throw for limitations on URL length. We always
> leave undefined lengths unaddressed in specifications, including with
> regards to how to handle them.


-- A*

Re: File API for Review

2013-03-13 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:

> Additionally, I think should
> clarify that the browser must not use statistical methods to guess the
> charset parameter part of the type as part of "determining" the type.
> Firefox currently asks magic 8-ball, but the magic 8-ball is broken.
> AFAICT, WebKit does not guess, so I hope it's possible to remove the
> guessing from Firefox.
> (The guessing in Firefox relies on a big chunk of legacy code that's
> broken and shows no signs of ever getting fixed properly. The File API
> is currently the only thing in Firefox that exposes the mysterious
> behavior of said legacy code to the Web using the default settings of
> Firefox, so I'm hoping to remove the big chunk of legacy code instead
> of fixing it properly.)

I think we can jettison Fx's use of magic 8-ball code with this update:

Additional spec'ing on when to ignore the string if provided incorrectly will 

-- A*

Re: File API for Review

2013-03-07 Thread Arun Ranganathan

> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Arun Ranganathan 
> wrote:
> > 3. Progress events have been clarified.
> You're still using the old IDL syntax for event handlers.


> I think we should rename URI to URL. That's what everyone is
> converging on.


> I'm also not convinced that leaving what exactly to return in the
> scenario open to implementors is a good thing. We've been through
> such
> things before and learned that handwaving is bad. Lets just pick
> something.

Just to be clear, are you referring to the 500 Error Condition for Blob URLs?  
If so, the only handwaving is about the text of the error message.  I'm happy 
to tighten even this.

> Just like HTML, CSS, etc. this specification should defer to
> for its encoding related
> requirements.

I fully agree that what we've currently got, which favors a "heuristic guessing 
model" for encoding, and forces UTF-8 in a void, isn't sufficient.  AND I agree 
that the encoding spec. is much more detailed.  But what exactly does deferring 
to it entail?

Right now, the specification encourages user agents to get encoding from:

1. The encoding parameter supplied with the readAsText.
2. A byte order detection heuristic, if 1. is missing.
3. The charset component of Blob.type, if provided and if 1. and 2. yield no 
4. Just use utf-8 if 1, 2, and 3 yield no result.

Under the encoding spec., it returns failure if encoding isn't valid, and it 
returns failure if the BOM check fails.  So should the spec. say something 
about throwing?

> I don't think we should throw for limitations on URL length. We
> always
> leave undefined lengths unaddressed in specifications, including with
> regards to how to handle them.


-- A*

Re: File API: Blob.type

2013-03-07 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote: 

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote: 
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote: 
> Blob.type is a MIME type, not a Content-Type header. It's a string of 
> codepoints, not a series of bytes. XHR is a protocol-level API, so maybe it 
> makes sense there, but it doesn't make sense for Blob. 

>> It's a Content-Type header value and should have those restrictions. 

>>> It's not a Content-Type header, it's a MIME type. That's part of a 
>>> Content-Type header, 
>>> but they're not the same thing. 

In fact, the intent is that the value of Blob.type is reflected in the 
Content-Type, and that setting Blob.type means that when fetching that Blob as 
a blob: you'll get the value of Blob.type in the Content-Type header. This 
model *did* allow for charset params -- it always has (perhaps not advertised, 
but it always has). 

At some point there was a draft that specified *strict* parsing for compliance 
with RFC2046, including tokenization ("/") and eliminating non-ASCII cruft. But 
we scrapped that because bugs in all major browser projects showed that this 
spec. text was callously ignored. And I didn't want to spec. fiction, so we 
went with the current model for Blob.type, which is, as Anne points out, pretty 

>>That doesn't make sense. Blob.type isn't a string of bytes, it's a string of 
>>Unicode codepoints that happens 
>> to be restricted to the ASCII range. Applying WebKit's validity checks 
>> (with the addition of disallowing nonprintable characters) will make it have 
>> the restrictions you want; 
>> ByteString has nothing to do with this. 

I'm in favor of introducing stricter rules for Blob.type, and I'm also in favor 
of allowing charset params; Glenn's example of 'if(blob.type == "text/plain")' 
will break, but I don't think we should be encouraging strict equality 
comparisons on blob.type (and in fact, should *discourage* it as a practice). 

But I'm not sure about why we'd choose ByteString in lieu of being strict with 
what characters are allowed within DOMString. Anne, can you shed some light on 
this? And of course we should eliminate CR + LF as a possibility at constructor 
invocation time, possibly by throwing. 

Glenn: I think that introducing a separate interface for other parameters 
actually takes away from the elegance of a simple Blob.type. The RFC doesn't 
separate them, and I'm not sure we should either. My reading of the RFC is that 
parameters *are an intrinsic part of* the MIME type. 

-- A* 

- Original Message -

> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren <
> > wrote:

> > On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Glenn Maynard < >
> > wrote:
> > > Blob.type is a MIME type, not a Content-Type header. It's a
> > > string
> > > of
> > > codepoints, not a series of bytes. XHR is a protocol-level API,
> > > so
> > > maybe it
> > > makes sense there, but it doesn't make sense for Blob.

> > It's a Content-Type header value and should have those
> > restrictions.

> It's not a Content-Type header, it's a MIME type. That's part of a
> Content-Type header, but they're not the same thing.

> But String vs. ByteString has nothing to do with the restrictions
> applied to it.

> > Making it a ByteString plus additional restrictions will make it do
> > as
> > required.

> That doesn't make sense. Blob.type isn't a string of bytes, it's a
> string of Unicode codepoints that happens to be restricted to the
> ASCII range. Applying WebKit's validity checks (with the addition of
> disallowing nonprintable characters) will make it have the
> restrictions you want; ByteString has nothing to do with this.

> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Darin Fisher < >
> wrote:

> > So the intent is to allow specifying attributes like "charset"?
> > That
> > sounds useful.
> I don't think so. This isn't very well-defined by RFC2046 (it seems
> vague about the relationship of parameters to MIME types), but I'm
> pretty sure Blob.type is meant to be only a MIME type, not a MIME
> type plus content-type parameters. Also, it would lead to a poor
> API: you could no longer simply say 'if(blob.type == "text/plain")';
> you'd have to parse it out yourself (which I expect nobody is
> actually doing).

> Other parameters should have a separate interface, eg.
> blob.typeParameters.charset = "UTF-8", if we want that.

> --
> Glenn Maynard

File API for Review

2013-02-06 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings WebApps WG!

Review on the File API is encouraged:

A few substantial changes that might need particular attention before we 
initiate a call for LCWD or something comparably official:

1. autoRevoke behavior of Blob URIs has changed.  Previous drafts made the 
autoRevoke behavior on by default (by consensus), but didn't harness revocation 
to a suitable and unambiguous "scope."  Thanks to a fix to HTML[1] we can 
leverage the global script clean-up jobs list, to which we add revocation of 
Blob URIs.  Blob URIs are thus either scoped to the next time global script 
clean-up jobs are processed (by default), OR when document unloading steps are 
processed if the developer opts out of the default but never pairs it with a 
call to URL.revokeObjectURL, OR when URL.revokeObjectURL is called.

In particular, this behavior defers from shipping implementations such as IE10. 
 This is possibly the biggest change:

2. An utility to smooth line ending variations (Unix vs. Windows) has been 
added, but is an orphan interface currently.  Nobody's fussed over this, and it 
might not be a problem at all, but I'd like to draw your attention to it :)  
While currently only relevant for DOMString arguments to the Blob constructor, 
we might work with the utility to add other arguments (including 
ArrayBufferViews, etc.).

3. Progress events have been clarified.

4. readAsDataURL currently makes progress notifications throughout the read, 
but only returns a non-null return value at the end of the read.

Specification bugs still exist, and this draft doesn't address all open bugs 
[2]; further bugs and issues, if any, should be logged or discussed on this 
listserv.  The remaining bugs present use cases that aren't major enough to 
warrant feature extensions.

-- A*



Re: Please add constructors for File and FileList

2013-02-06 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Greetings Victor!

On Dec 10, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Victor Costan wrote:

> Dear Web Applications WG,
> 1) Please add a File constructor.

This has cropped up a few times :)  I've logged a spec bug for this feature:

Could you flesh out your original use case a bit more?  As currently expressed, 
it sums up to "I could write better unit tests" which doesn't constitute what 
I'm looking for in a use case.

It strikes me that the chief ask is to bind a Blob to name.  This would make 
life simpler with FormData and with existing server applications.  It's been 
pointed out that the barrier between Blob and File is pretty thin, and I'm open 
to jettisoning the thought pattern that we should think of File objects as 
strictly filesystem backed ("on disk").  So, what if we allowed the Blob 
constructor to take a name also?  This might allow Blobs to fall into the "80" 
of the "80-20" rule :)  

Could you update the bug (or this listserv) with better use cases?  

I'm a bit less upbeat about:

> 2) Please add a FileList constructor.
> What I really want is "some way to add files to an  type="file">" listed in
> I think that one reasonable way to get there is to have a FileList
> constructor that takes an array of File instances, and have the
> ability to assign that FileList to the files attribute of the .
> This avoids making FileList mutable.
> This would also help me write better tests for my code. Currently,
>  is the only form field whose value can't be set
> inside JavaScript, so I can't write automated tests for  type="file">-related code.
> Asides from improving testing, this would allow me to implement the
> following _easily_:
> * "filters" for uploaded content (e.g. resize a big image before uploading)
> * "saving" the file a user selected in an IndexedDB, and "loading" it
> back into the  if the page is accidentally
> refreshed
> These features can be implemented without FileList support, but they
> impact the application's design. For example, filters can be
> implemented using FormData from XMLHttpRequest level 2 to upload
> Blobs, but switching from plain form submission to XHR-based
> submission can impact other parts of the application code, whereas
> changing the files behind the  would be a localized change.

As it stands currently, a FileList object typically stems from user action.  
For instance, interacting with the file picker or with drag and drop.  In 
general, this model is desirable for security reasons -- the legacy HTML form 
and file picker ensures that web applications aren't doing things they 
shouldn't be doing with the underlying file system without user participation. 
I don't actually think it is desirable to modify  from 
within JavaScript.

I'd like a better understanding of the broader implications of a FileList 
constructor, just out of abundant caution.  I have similar concerns about which is also filed on the 
FileList object, but these seem easier to manage.

Hope to hear back,

-- A*

Re: [File API] About Partial Blob Data, XHR and Streams API

2013-01-29 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Jan 22, 2013, at 9:42 AM, Cyril Concolato wrote:

> Hi Arun,
> Le 22/01/2013 15:04, Arun Ranganathan a écrit :
>> Hi Cyril,
>> 1) I'm wondering why in progressive mode, does the spec say: " partial Blob 
>> data is an ArrayBuffer [TypedArrays] object consisting of the bytes loaded 
>> so far". Why isn't it the bytes loaded since the previous progress event? 
>> AR: It is always a new ArrayBuffer.  The phraseology "so far" could be 
>> replaced by "bytes loaded since the previous progress event" though I'm not 
>> always sure that will be the case. 
> I understood from Jonas' answer that it was a new ArrayBuffer. What remained 
> unclear was the content of the ArrayBuffer: all the data from the beginning 
> of the read operation (which was problematic), or only the data read since 
> the previous progress event (which I prefer). If, as you say, this is latter 
> option, then please fix the spec. as "so far" is very ambiguous.

Hi Cyril: the model you propose, of deltas since the last read, is actually 
*not* what the spec's intent is.  Your model does have advantages, but released 
software follows the former model, namely *all* the data since the beginning of 
the read operation.  The partial results consist of all the bytes, starting 
from the beginning, but perhaps not the last byte, depending on progress event 
and file size.

I'll have to clarify the prose, since from your question, it is clear that this 
isn't well described.

-- A*

Re: [File API] About Partial Blob Data, XHR and Streams API

2013-01-22 Thread Arun Ranganathan
Hi Cyril, 

1) I'm wondering why in progressive mode, does the spec say: " partial Blob 
data is an ArrayBuffer [ TypedArrays ] object consisting of the bytes loaded so 
far ". Why isn't it the bytes loaded since the previous progress event? 

AR: It is always a new ArrayBuffer. The phraseology "so far" could be replaced 
by "bytes loaded since the previous progress event" though I'm not always sure 
that will be the case. 

> In my use case, the binary data resource might have an infinite size,
> in which case the result objects will grow forever.
> I looked at the Streams API [1] to see if there was any difference
> for that but I couldn't see any. Reading with the FileReader
> interface a Stream (dynamic length) or a Blob (fixed length) seems
> to always return the whole content.
AR: Here, do you mean, you never get a progressevent other than load and 
loadend in your tests? Certainly, if you had binary data of infinite size, 
you'll get  several result objects. The file API, particularly 
FileReader, shouldn't be used in streaming scenarios. 

-- A* 

Re: [admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15

2012-10-16 Thread Arun Ranganathan
- Original Message -
> On 10/9/12 4:13 PM, ext Arun Ranganathan wrote:
> > On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> >
> >> * File API - Arun can you get this spec ready for LC by October
> >> 15?
> >
> > Yes.
> ATM, File API has 8 open bugs [1]. 

I've rationalized these down to 2 bugs.  

1. Bug 17125[1] is a feature that we should mark; it calls for the 
ability to retroactively "unselect" an erroneous selection that is present in 
FileList.  I don't think this is a pressing feature.

2. Bug 19554[2] is a spec. request feature in WHATWG/HTML5, especially useful 
for autoRevoke semantics for Blob URLs.  I'm not sure whether autoRevoke is at 
risk because of this bug, since implementations have shown that stable state 
(what the spec. uses now) is problematic for autoRevoke.  But I'll let this be 
discussed in LC commentary or in upcoming TPAC discussions.

>P.S. Dom's WebIDL checker reports a bug in the Blob constructor 

Thanks for catching that :)  I think that particular bug is fixed.

And I'm sorry this is a day late (e.g. not ready by Oct. 15).  I've gotten it 
PubReady, using a "push out" date of Oct. 18.  Hope that works:

-- A*


Re: [admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15

2012-10-09 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> * File API - Arun can you get this spec ready for LC by October 15?


-- A*

Re: [FileAPI] Blob constructor should probably take a sequence, not an IDL array object

2012-09-13 Thread Arun Ranganathan

On Sep 11, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> Arun Ranganathan:
>> I've pinged heycam to see if this is a proper use of the sequence type.  I'm 
>> not sure it allows for such a variation in parameters.
> I agree with Boris, it makes sense to use sequence<> here.  Whenever you just 
> want to take a list of values in an operation argument, and you don't want to 
> keep a reference to a platform array object, you should use a sequence<>.


-- A*

Re: [FileAPI] Blob constructor should probably take a sequence, not an IDL array object

2012-09-10 Thread Arun Ranganathan
I've pinged heycam to see if this is a proper use of the sequence type.  I'm 
not sure it allows for such a variation in parameters.

-- A*

On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> On 9/9/12 12:13 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
>>In particular, a Blob represents immutable binary data.  That means
>>that it has to copy the input anyway.  Given that, it doesn't make
>>sense to pass the input by reference if the caller _does_ happen to
>>have an WebIDL array object.
>> That doesn't mean it copies the array itself, though.
> That's true, but in most cases (certainly the ones where a JavaScript array 
> will be passed in) that would happen anyway.
>> (Though both ways, this seems like an implementation detail
> It's not quite.
>> I'd expect a mature binding system to let you annotate implementations to say
>> things like "make a copy for me instead of passing it in by reference"
>> and "don't make a copy even though WebIDL requires it, because we
>> fulfill that requirement as a side-effect".)
> Those are both incredibly fragile.  Consider some other random spec that has 
> IDL like this.
>  interface Foo {
>// Returns the argument passed to the constructor
>(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView or Blob or DOMString)[]
>  getInitData();
>  };
>  Blob implements Foo;
> Now suddenly your annotation is a bug.
> So in practice binding systems aren't particularly likely to implement such 
> annotations because of the increased fragility they introduce.  The whole 
> point of having IDL for bindings is to _reduce_ fragility
> The upshot is that there are practical drawbacks (slowing down the common use 
> case, as far as I can tell) and at best theoretical benefits (since nothing 
> actually _produces_ platform arrays of the above union!).
> By the way, note that if something produces a DOMString[] and you pass _that_ 
> to a blob constructor as currently defined, then what will happen per spec is 
> that the input will be converted to a sequence and then a new 
> platform array object will be created and the sequence copied into it.  So 
> you'll still get passing by value, not by reference.  The only way to get 
> passing by reference is if you're given a T[] where T exactly matches your 
> array element type.
> Basically, platform arrays are only useful if you both produce and consume 
> them in the same interface, as far as I can tell...
> -Boris

Re: [FileAPI] blob: protocol need a content-length header

2012-08-13 Thread Arun Ranganathan

I filed the following:

I think we should add Content-Length.

-- A*

On Aug 12, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Benjamin BERNARD wrote:

> I build de demo script (for firefox) here : 
> You will also notice that the player's load event isn't called.
> Content-Length should be added to firefox (maybe open a ticket on 
> but it should also be recommended in the 
> section "11.7.3. Request and Response Headers" of the spec.
> Thanks for responding.
> Benjamin BERNARD
> Le 12/08/2012 21:23, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 2:56 AM, Benjamin BERNARD
>>   wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was developing an offline music web App when I discover that is no
>>> "Content-length" header specified here :
>>> So when you play an audio/video file stored as a blob (under a blob URI)
>>> it's considered by the player as streaming content which means you can't get
>>> the duration of a song for instance (it has an infinite duration). I think
>>> it might be the consequence of not providing a content-length header.
>>> I experienced it using Firefox I heard Internet Explorer already provide
>>> this header.
>>> Moreover, I don't understand why there is no content-length header
>>> recommended in the spec because when you use URL.createObjectURL(blob), blob
>>> has a finished size (correct me if I'm wrong). So a content-length header
>>> should also be provided and recommended in the spec.
>> Yes, I agree, we should have a content-length header similar to the
>> content-type header.
>> In Gecko things are a bit complicated because we don't have headers on
>> anything but http channels. But we do have the concept of a length of
>> a response for all channels so that should take care of it. Not sure
>> off the top of my head why it doesn't. Filing a bug with an example
>> would be great.
>> / Jonas

Re: [File API] File behavior under modification

2012-07-12 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On Jul 11, 2012, at 10:02 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> What's the main problem with it being nullable?  A fabricated date seems 
> strange, but instead of being nullable we could spec what the fabricated date 
> is.  I'm just not totally sure what the pros and cons are here.
> If you call "d.getYear()" and d is null, you get an exception, which has a 
> very high chance of breaking the app if it's not checked for.  Giving an 
> arbitrary (but well-defined) default is much less likely to break things that 
> badly.  This is much more important when the null case is rare, because 
> nobody is going to remember to test for it.
> Can you log a bug so that I can provide guidance for this in spec?
> Sorry, but to avoid rereading the thread, a bug for what exactly?  Do you 
> need anything beyond

Bug 17746 is for better definitions of snapshots.

I minted Bug 17762 ( to 
replace a nullable Date with something better.  Strawperson suggestions welcome 
for what this arbitrary date should be, or else I may arbitrarily choose an 
unlikely Towel Day in the past ( -- don't panic).

-- A*

Re: [File API] Blob URI creation

2012-07-11 Thread Arun Ranganathan
On May 30, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> On your main question, I've had the same thought in the past--a "url" 
> property on Blob which simply creates a new auto-revoking blob URL.  I didn't 
> bring it up since I'm not sure if creating a URL for a blob is actually 
> something you do so often that it's worth having a shortcut.  If so, a 
> function is probably better than a property--more future-proof, and it'd be 
> unusual on the platform to have a property that returns a different value 
> every time you read it.
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Rich Tibbett  wrote:
> Yes, this might be a better solution. I was working on what was available in 
> the editor's draft and looking for a way to remove the need to ever call 
> revokeObjectUrl.
> This is part of what's wrong with oneTimeOnly--it *doesn't* actually 
> completely remove the need to call revokeObjectUrl.  For example:
> function f(blob) {
> var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob, {oneTimeOnly: true});
> if(showImage)
> img.src = url;
> else
> URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
> }
> Without the revoke case, the URL (and so the whole blob) is leaked as it's 
> never actually used.  autoRevoke doesn't have this problem.
> Arun/Jonas: Can we hide this feature in the spec before more people implement 
> it, or at least tag it with "not ready for implementations" or something?

I'll do one better, and introduce autoRevoke semantics:

By default, this does not need a corresponding revokeObjectURL() call.  In 
order for Blob URLs to persist past a stable state (for that unit of script) 
createObjectURL has to be invoked with autoRevoke set to false.

> That is, you shouldn't ever have to pass a Blob URI obtained via Blob.getURL 
> through revokeObjectUrl because it assumes some auto-revocation behavior. 
> Using microtasks to release at the next stable state does seem ok as long as 
> developers have a very good understanding of when a Blob URI will be 
> implicitly revoked. Saying that you can use a Blob URI exactly once, as per 
> onetimeonly could still end up being easier to understand though.
> (s/microtasks/stable states/; they're not quite the same)
> It's actually a bit hard to understand (or easy to misunderstand), since 
> there's no clear concept of "using a URL".  For example, if you start two 
> XHR's on the same URL one after the other in the same script, the order in 
> which the fetches actually begin is undefined (they happen in different task 
> queues), so which would succeed is undefined.  (Some work would also be 
> needed here for the autoRevoke approach, but it's much simpler.)
> autoRevoke is pretty simple from the user's perspective: the URL is revoked 
> when your script returns to the browser.

In fact, I think this addresses the lion's share of use cases, and if a 
developer wants to explicitly create "longer lasting" Blob URLs, they have that 
option (just not by default).

-- A*

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