Re: : [PyMOL] Surface Vertex Coordinates

2006-03-15 Thread Laurence Pearl
The Povray intermediate file generated when you do 'ray renderer = 1'  
contains all vertices, normals and colouring information for cartoon  
and surface object types. However you do need to produce a parsing  
script to extract these in to a useful form for importing into other  
programs. Have a look at the front cover of Mol Cell vol 20(4) - I  
generated a cartoon of the protein in PyMol, output it as a povray  
file, and then converted it to VRML using a jiffy produced by Chris  
Richardson, and then used it as an object in the Blender 3D modelling   
package to generate the picture.

Of course it would be a whole lot easier if PyMol output VRML directly   
. Warren ?

Laurence Pearl

On 15 Mar 2006, at 17:01, Benjamin Hitz wrote:

I am interested in the coordinates of the vertices of the mesh
representation of the molecular surface. Is there any method to read
them out?


Me too.  With coloring and/or other "property" information as well.

Ben Hitz
Senior Scientific Programmer ** Saccharomyces Genome Database ** GO  

Stanford University **

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  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-(0)20 7153 5422 : Secretary +44-(0)20 7153 5443
  FAX   +44-(0)20 7153 5457 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Re: [PyMOL] Slow transparency

2005-05-23 Thread Laurence Pearl
It was just me - loading a .pse created with the previous version  
seemed to be the problem. When I loaded a new coordinate file into that  
session, everything seemed to click back to normal.

On 23 May 2005, at 12:56, Laurence Pearl wrote:

Is it just me or has the new release of MacPyMol gone very slow when  
rendering transparent surfaces ?


  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-(0)20 7153 5422 : Secretary +44-(0)20 7153 5443
  FAX   +44-(0)20 7153 5457 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

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  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-(0)20 7153 5422 : Secretary +44-(0)20 7153 5443
  FAX   +44-(0)20 7153 5457 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] Slow transparency

2005-05-23 Thread Laurence Pearl
Is it just me or has the new release of MacPyMol gone very slow when  
rendering transparent surfaces ?


  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-(0)20 7153 5422 : Secretary +44-(0)20 7153 5443
  FAX   +44-(0)20 7153 5457 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] cylindrical helix problem

2004-03-18 Thread Laurence Pearl
When I set  'cartoon_cynlindrical_helices' to 1, I'm getting cylinders  
with coloured ends, but black sides 

I'm using version 0.92 on OSX 10.2.8

any ideas ??


  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Re: [PyMOL] wild card

2004-02-19 Thread Laurence Pearl
Beware of sweeping statements -  I work with nucleic acids (mostly  
bound to proteins) and I am continually irritated by the use of * in  
nucleic acid names, and I think I qualify as anyone.

Now that the ASCII code has settled down somewhat, " ' " could take  
it's rightful place in PDB files, liberating " * " to its otherwise  
universal role as wild-card.

Laurence Pearl

On Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 05:25  pm, Eric Zollars wrote:

Anyone who works with nucleic acids will certainly prefer the current  
situation.  From the PDB format guidelines:

* The asterisk (*) is used in place of the prime character (') for  
naming atoms of the sugar group. The prime was avoided historically  
because of non-uniformity of its external representation.


David A. Horita wrote:

Personally, I'd much rather have wild-card selections in atom names  
and have to deal individually with the ill-conceived PDB files than  
the other way around.

David Horita

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Warren  

Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:56 AM
To: 'John Berrisford';
Subject: RE: [PyMOL] selecting multiple atoms ie oxygen


   color red, 5paa and elem o

The problem with using asterices as wildcards in atom names is that  
some ill-conceived PDB files actually use them in atom names.

However, PyMOL does support the use of a terminal wildcard in some  
cases, such as with the delete command...

create obj01, none
create obj02, none
delete obj*

And with residue names

color red, as*
color blue, gl*
color pink, hi*


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
John Berrisford
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:42 AM
Subject: [PyMOL] selecting multiple atoms ie oxygen

I wish to select multiple oxygens (labelled O1, O2 etc..
within my pdb file) and colour them red for example. Is there
any easy way of doing this other than typing out a list of
all the oxygens I wish to select?

eg. color red, (5paa and (name o1+o1a+o2+o3+o4+o5+o1p+o2p+o3p))

I know in molscript its posible to use a o* label to select
all oxygens, is such a switch possible in pymol. It doesn't
work, or I am using the wrong syntax if its possible.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start Your Linux Apps Now.
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  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] VRML output

2003-12-31 Thread Laurence Pearl
Happy New Year 

Is there a facility for outputting a 3d-molecular object from PyMol in
VRML ? I want to load this into a general animation/rendering package
(Blender) which will read VRML. Alternatively, does anyone know of a
good Linux/Mac Povray->VRML convertor so I could convert the .pov file
optionally generated by PyMol's ray command.

Laurence Pearl

Laurence H. Pearl
Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
Chester Beatty Laboratories, 237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK
Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046 : FAX   +44-207-970

"Live Simply and do Serious Things .. "
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] Object orientation matrices

2003-12-02 Thread Laurence Pearl
Is there any way of accessing the matrices that define the orientation  
and position of an individual object relative to the world in PyMol in  
the same way that get_view and set_view do for the overall view matrix ?


  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail

  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Re: [PyMOL] you know what would be cool?

2003-11-18 Thread Laurence Pearl
I'm still not sure about all this 'cool' stuff - Python looks to me 
like the illegitimate spawn of C and BASIC, but then I used to program 
in 6502 machine code so what do I know .

Below is a variant of camera_travel (as Pythonised by Lieven Buts) 
which takes an explicit final view matrix as an argument rather than a 
PyMol selection as in the original version. This allows you to specify 
the exact view you want, rather than relying on the combination of 
PyMol 'orient' and 'zoom' command to generate it for you. This is 
particularly useful for defining a base view to which you can return.

For those with tricky E-mail clients the routine is also attached as a 
text file.



def camera_view_travel(first,nframes=30,new_view=(\
 0.0,0.0,  -50.0,\
40.0,  100.0,0.0 )):
Generate progressive view matrices to move the camera smoothly
from the current view to a new view provided as an argument.

first   - start frame
nframes - duration
new_view  - PyMol view matrix that defines the view at the end 
of the sequence


print "camera_travel: first frame must be an integer"
return -1

print "camera_travel: number of frames"


old_view = cmd.get_view(2)

#   print ( "view : (" + "%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f)" ) % (old_view)
#   print "oldtran : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % (old_view[12], 
old_view[13], old_view[14])

#   capture new zoom/clip parameters
ozc1 = new_view[11]
ozc2 = new_view[15]
ozc3 = new_view[16]

#   calculate shift in zoom/clip parameters
dzc1 = (ozc1 - old_view[11]) * ff
dzc2 = (ozc2 - old_view[15]) * ff
dzc3 = (ozc3 - old_view[16]) * ff

ozc1 = old_view[11]
ozc2 = old_view[15]
ozc3 = old_view[16]

#   capture new translation vector component
ox = new_view[12]
oy = new_view[13]
oz = new_view[14]

#   calculate shift vector
dx = ox - old_view[12]
dy = oy - old_view[13]
dz = oz - old_view[14]

dx = dx*ff
dy = dy*ff
dz = dz*ff

ox = old_view[12]
oy = old_view[13]
oz = old_view[14]

#   capture old and new rotation matrix components in quaternion 

#   m[0][0] = v[0]  m[0][1] = v[1]  m[0][2] = v[2]
#   m[1][0] = v[3]  m[1][1] = v[4]  m[1][2] = v[5]
#   m[2][0] = v[6]  m[2][1] = v[7]  m[2][2] = v[8]

qx1,qy1,qz1,qw1 = quaternion(old_view)
qx2,qy2,qz2,qw2 = quaternion(new_view)

#   calc cosine
cosom = qx1 * qx2 + qy1 * qy2 + qz1 * qz2 + qw1 * qw2

limit = 0.001
if cosom>1.0+limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (positive)"
elif cosom>1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom

if cosom<-1.0-limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (negative)"
elif cosom<-1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom

#   adjust signs
if (cosom < 0.0):
cosom = -cosom
to0 = -qx2
to1 = -qy2
to2 = -qz2
to3 = -qw2
to0 = qx2
to1 = qy2
to2 = qz2
to3 = qw2

#   calc coefficients
omega = acos(cosom)
sinom = sin(omega)
if sinom==0.0:
print "Warning: sinom corrected!"

#   restore old view
cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, " * 17 + "%8.3f") % tuple(old_view) )

#   loop interpolating over nframes generating interpolated 

for a in range(nframes+1):
scale0 = sin((1.0 - float(a*ff)) * omega) / sinom
scale1 = sin(float(a*ff) * omega) / sinom
rx = scale0 * qx1 + scale1 * to0;
ry = scale0 * qy1 + scale1 * to1;
rz = scale0 * qz1 + scale1 * to2;
rw = scale0 * qw1 + scale1 * to3;

# convert back to matrix
x2 = rx + rx
y2 = ry + ry
z2 = rz + rz
xx = rx * x2
xy = rx * y2
xz = rx * z2
yy = ry * y2
yz = ry * z2
zz = rz * z2
wx = rw * x2

Re: [PyMOL] you know what would be cool?

2003-11-17 Thread Laurence Pearl
Well even this late in my career I still aspire to be cool, so here it  
is much as requested, a python routine to make the camera travel from  
place to place in your molecule.

The arguments to the routine are :

FIRST:  frame number for start of the sequence
NFRAMES :   number of frames the sequence takes
SEL :		a valid PyMol atom selection, encased in quotes, which defines  
the view at the end of the sequence
ZFLAG :		a flag to indicate whether the final view should be 'zoomed'  
or not.
ZLEVEL :		the degree of zoom - exactly the same as the 'buffer'  
parameter in PyMol cmd.zoom

The routine generates view matrices that interpolate between the  
current view and the view specified by the atom selection, updating the  
view as it finishes so it can be applied iteratively to travel from  
way-point to way-point.

I've also included a little routine which applies camera_travel  
sequentially to each residue along a polypeptide chain - the movie is  
quite large, and when running fast on a Mac G5 can make you a little  
sea-sick, but it does illustrate the power of the routine. The major  
technical problem comes from the need to interpolate general rotation  
matrices, which is solved by using a quaternion representation. The  
code for this is adapted from an article in a magazine called  
GameDeveloper by Nick Bobick. I should add that I don't  actually know  
how to program in python and have no idea how its 'tuples' work, so  
this is a very FORTRAN-like routine - feel free to improve it.

# camera_travel - Laurence Pearl, November 2003

import cmd
import math

def camera_travel(first,nframes=30,sel='(all)',zflag=0,zlevel=2):

#   first   - start frame
#   nframes - duration
#	sel	- atom selection that defines the orientation at the end of the  

new_view = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
old_view = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
nxt = [1,2,0]
q = [0,0,0,1]

old_view = cmd.get_view(2)

#	print "view : (%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f,  
%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f,  
%8.3f)" % (old_view)
#	print "oldtran : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % (old_view[12], old_view[13],  

#   do orient operation on selection


#   if zoom to selection is required add this into view matrix

if zflag != 0:

#   get new view

new_view = cmd.get_view()

#   capture new zoom/clip parameters

ozc1 = new_view[11]
ozc2 = new_view[15]
ozc3 = new_view[16]

#   calculate shift in zoom/clip parameters

dzc1 = (ozc1 - old_view[11]) * ff
dzc2 = (ozc2 - old_view[15]) * ff
dzc3 = (ozc3 - old_view[16]) * ff

ozc1 = old_view[11]
ozc2 = old_view[15]
ozc3 = old_view[16]

#   capture new translation vector component

ox = new_view[12]
oy = new_view[13]
oz = new_view[14]

#   calculate shift vector

dx = ox - old_view[12]
dy = oy - old_view[13]
dz = oz - old_view[14]

dx = dx*ff
dy = dy*ff
dz = dz*ff
ox = old_view[12]
oy = old_view[13]
oz = old_view[14]

#   capture old rotation matrix component

#   m[0][0] = v[0]  m[0][1] = v[1]  m[0][2] = v[2]
#   m[1][0] = v[3]  m[1][1] = v[4]  m[1][2] = v[5]
#   m[2][0] = v[6]  m[2][1] = v[7]  m[2][2] = v[8]

#   convert to quaternion form

tr = old_view[0]+old_view[4]+old_view[8]

if tr > 0.0 :
s = math.sqrt(tr + 1.0)
qw1 = s / 2.0
s = 0.5 / s
qx1 = (old_view[5] - old_view[7]) * s
qy1 = (old_view[6] - old_view[2]) * s
qz1 = (old_view[1] - old_view[3]) * s
else :
i = 0
if (old_view[4] > old_view[0]):
i = 1
if (old_view[8] > old_view[i+3*i]):
i = 2
j = nxt[i]
k = nxt[j]
		s = math.sqrt ((old_view[i+i*3] - (old_view[j+j*3] +  
old_view[k+k*3])) + 1.0)

q[i] = s * 0.5
if (s != 0.0):
s = 0.5 / s
q[3] = (old_view[k+3*j] - old_view[j+3*k]) * s
q[j] = (old_view[j+3*i] + old_view[i+3*j]) * s
q[k] = (old_view[k+3*i] + old_view[i+3*k]) * s
qx1 = q[0]
qy1 = q[1]
qz1 = q[2]
qw1 = q[3]

#   capture new rotation matrix component

#   m[0][0] = v[0]  m[0][1] = v[1]  m[0][2] = v[2]
#   m[1][0] = v[3]  m[1][1] = v[4]  m[1][2] = v[5]
#   m[2][0] = v[6]  m[2][1] = v[7]  m[2][2] = v[8]


[PyMOL] turn light routine

2003-09-29 Thread Laurence Pearl
I'm having a problem with the routine described a few months ago for 
rotating the direction of the light source when the picture is rotated 
for making a stereo pair.

The problem is as follows :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/PyMOL/Darwin/modules/pymol/", line 186, 
in pars

  File "", line 1
 def turn_y_light(rot):
  # assuming "rot" has angle in degrees
  rot_rad = math.pi*rot/180.0
  X1= X0*math.cos(rot_rad) + Z0*math.sin(rot_rad)
  Y1= Y0
  Z1= Z0*math.cos(rot_rad) - X0*math.sin(rot_rad)
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong ?

  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road
  London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail
  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] rotate light routine

2003-09-29 Thread Laurence Pearl
I'm trying to run the routine described a few months ago for rotating 
the light source when rotating a picture to give stereo, and I keep 
hitting an error that I do not understand, as follows :.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/PyMOL/Darwin/modules/pymol/", line 186, 
in pars

  File "", line 1
 def turn_y_light(rot):
  # assuming "rot" has angle in degrees
  rot_rad = math.pi*rot/180.0
  X1= X0*math.cos(rot_rad) + Z0*math.sin(rot_rad)
  Y1= Y0
  Z1= Z0*math.cos(rot_rad) - X0*math.sin(rot_rad)
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Any suggestions ?

  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road
  London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail
  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] secondary structure colouring

2003-02-05 Thread Laurence Pearl
Can anyone help me with the selection commands in PyMOL to select (and 
subsequently colour) residues by their secondary structure ?

Many Thanks,



 Laurence H. Pearl

 Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research 
 Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road

 London SW3 6JB, UK

 Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
 FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail
 " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

[PyMOL] ragged ends on rendered stick pictures

2002-12-05 Thread Laurence Pearl

Fellow PyMOL enthusiasts,

I'm getting a weird problem when I make 'stick' pictures rendered with 
the built-in PyMOL ray-tracer. Sometimes (but not always ?!?!?) the tips 
of some sticks come out as jagged and incomplete, instead of having 
smooth rounded ends. This doesn't look like a problem with the 
ray-tracing itself, as these jagged sticks cast jagged shadows.

I'd be grateful for suggestions/fixes and would be happy to provide 
examples on request.

I get the problem with the X-window and native Mac OSX versions.

Laurence Pearl

 Laurence H. Pearl

 Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research 
 Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road

 London SW3 6JB, UK

 Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
 FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail
 " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin