Re: [PyMOL] Series of general questions

2004-04-10 Thread Gareth Stockwell

I'll answer the easy questions, and leave the tough ones to the real

 1)  I would like to show certain residues and have no problem getting the
 ones I want selected and displayed as sticks or whatever.  The problem is
 color.  When I change the color of the selection, it changes the color of
 the associated section of the ribbon.  I would like to leave the ribbon, say
 green, and show the residues in yellow. 

The easiest way is to use two objects.  Say you already have your
protein object (my_protein) and the selection of required objects

hide everything
create copy, my_protein
show ribbon, my_protein
color green, ribbon
show sticks, my_sel
color yellow, my_sel

 2)  When selecting specific sidechains, it is often preferable to choose
 only the sidechain atoms instead of the sidechain+backbone.  In the good ol'
 molscript days you would say select and not c or n or o but if you do that
 in pymol it thinks you mean all carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms instead
 of their id in the PDB file.  I'm sure this is worked out but I don't see it
 in the example scripts I've found on line.

PyMOL distinguished between element types and PDB atom names.  For

select all_oxygen, (e;o)
select backbone_oxygen, (n;o)

So to select sidechain atoms of an existing selection my_sel:
select sidechain_of_my_sel, (my_sel  !n;n,c,o)


 Gareth Stockwell
 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Cambridge CB10 1SD
 Tel 01223 492548

Re: [PyMOL] Series of general questions

2004-04-10 Thread Andreas Förster
Tony, Gareth,

when I display sidechains only, I want to see the proline nitrogen. 
After I've loaded all objects, I select all mainchain atoms (except
proline nitrogen) and display sidechains like this:

select mainchain, n;C,O,N and not pro/n
show sticks, object and not mainchain

The advantage is that the mainchain selection works for all objects that
have been read into pymol before selection, like so:

show sticks, object2 and not mainchain
show sticks, object3 and not mainchain



  2)  When selecting specific sidechains, it is often preferable to choose
  only the sidechain atoms instead of the sidechain+backbone.  In the good ol'
  molscript days you would say select and not c or n or o but if you do that
  in pymol it thinks you mean all carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms instead
  of their id in the PDB file.  I'm sure this is worked out but I don't see it
  in the example scripts I've found on line.
 PyMOL distinguished between element types and PDB atom names.  For
 select all_oxygen, (e;o)
 select backbone_oxygen, (n;o)
 So to select sidechain atoms of an existing selection my_sel:
 select sidechain_of_my_sel, (my_sel  !n;n,c,o)
Andreas Förster
Dept of Biochem, Univ of Utah, 20N 1900E, #2460 Eccles Bldg.
Salt Lake City, UT 84132, phone: 001.801.585.3919
home: 465 3rd Av, SLC, UT 84103, 001.801.364.0529

RE: [PyMOL] Series of general questions

2004-04-10 Thread Warren DeLano
 1)  I would like to show certain residues and have no problem 
 getting the ones I want selected and displayed as sticks or 
 whatever.  The problem is color.  When I change the color of 
 the selection, it changes the color of the associated section 
 of the ribbon.  I would like to leave the ribbon, say green, 
 and show the residues in yellow.  Is there a way to uncouple 
 the color assignment of the ribbon and the residue.  For 

   set ribbon_color, green

Same goes for cartoon_color, sphere_color, surface_color, dot_color, and

Note that these are for global, full-object, or full-state uniform color.
If you need finer-grained color control, then you have to create separate
objects as Garrett suggested.

 3)  Is there a way to change the particular rendering of the 
 beta-strands at a paritcular residue.  If you use 'flat 

Yes -- new in version 0.95:

   flag no_smooth, selection, set

For example, if residue 200 is shown both in sticks and in a flat sheet, you
can force that sheet to pass through the resi 200 CA position as follows:

   show sticks, resi 200 and (pro/n | !*/n+c+o+h)
   show cartoon
   flag no_smooth, resi 200, set

The alternative, which I personally find distasteful, is to drag the CA atom
position into the plane of the sheet using the mouse in editing mode
(ctrl-shift-left-click-and-drag) in order to create an unreasonably long
CA-CA bond.  This is best done with a separate copy of the object so that
the cartoon itself doesn't move.  

 4)  This is the hard but cool one.  Is there a way to make a 
 particular atom or object the light source for an image.  You 
 can imagine if you turned off all other lighting and put your 
 omnidirectional light on your cooridnated metal atom it could 
 look pretty cool (or just have a dim headlight seeting).
 Does anyone know how to arbitrarily set the lighting in this fashion?

PyMOL can't do this -- you'd need to export to POV-Ray...but PyMOL's current
export code is quite dated.
