[Python-Dev] Re: [RELEASE] The second Python 3.11 beta (3.11.0b2) is available

2022-06-03 Thread Robin Becker

On 01/06/2022 16:58, Pablo Galindo Salgado wrote:

Update: we have decided to release Python 3.11.0b3. Let's hope this one is
free of the curse :)

Hi I hade a couple of failures related to the compile failure for ASTs with 
wrongly ranged start-end attributes.
After spending a while sorting those I hope that b3 will still work for those 

Will the reasonable range requirement eventually be made mandatory? It does 
seem like a good idea.

Will there be an extra beta?

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] is __self__ an implementation detail

2022-03-28 Thread Robin Becker

A gentoo developer reported a symlink loop problem in reportlab's setup.py 
where we search for specific headers.

The 'fixed' function looks like this

def findFile(root, wanted, followlinks=True):
visited = set()
for p, D, F in os.walk(root,followlinks=followlinks):
#scan directories to check for prior visits
#use dev/inode to make unique key
SD = [].append
for d in D:
dk = os.stat(pjoin(p,d))
dk = dk.st_dev, dk.st_ino
if dk not in visited:
D[:] = SD.__self__  #set the dirs to be scanned
for fn in F:
if fn==wanted:
return abspath(pjoin(p,fn))

the fix is reported to have worked, but the developer is querying the lifting 
of  SD.append using the construct

SD = [].append
loop involving
  appends to the list
D[:] = SD.__self__

his objection was that using __self__ might be implementation sensitive.

I cannot tell from the documentation (eg https://docs.python.org/3.10/reference/datamodel.html) if these magic methods 
are part of python or of the implementation.

On the other hand as a longtime python programmer I wonder if such simple cases are already optimized out in the 
produced bytecode; for years I have been avoiding s += 'string' and only recently found out that it was handled as a 
special case.

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: compiled python3.10 is unable to find _ssl

2021-10-20 Thread Robin Becker

On 19/10/2021 16:45, Christian Heimes wrote:
We use the standard AX_CHECK_OPENSSL() m4 macro from autoconf-archive to detect OpenSSL. The macro uses pkg-config to 
detect OpenSSL. It doesn't check for specific version, though. We don't want to prevent people with 
outdated OpenSSL or LibreSSL from building Python without ssl support.

I would not suggest that, but if the test at the end of the configure had said it can compile against openssl, but that 
a wrong or insufficient information would prevent building _ssl then a lot of cycles could be saved.

I suppose that might be impossible as the test might need to actually try and 
build _ssl.so.
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: compiled python3.10 is unable to find _ssl

2021-10-19 Thread Robin Becker

On 19/10/2021 11:21, Christian Heimes wrote:

On 19/10/2021 11.57, Robin Becker wrote:

For PEP 644 I added new instructions how to build Python 3.10 with custom OpenSSL builds. The instructions should work 
on all major Linux distributions. They have been tested on Debian-like and Fedora-like platforms:


Unfortunately I don't have a custom openssl installation although it may not appear/behave as the python configuration 

I am using the officially approved installed version of openssl so far as I know. I'm aware that Ubuntu 18.04 is now 
somewhat out of date, but I would expect a simple configure & make dance to succeed.

I'm working with linux for dummies(self) and need to install/update/upgrade openssl, libssl-dev. After that _ssl 
_hashlib are compiled and importable. I suppose the configure 'compiling with openssl' test is a bit naive.

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: compiled python3.10 is unable to find _ssl

2021-10-19 Thread Robin Becker

On 18/10/2021 18:50, Senthil Kumaran wrote:

Your configure script did pick up openssl as the support version was not

What is your operating system? Make sure you have supported version of
ssl. Python requires openssl 1.1.1 or higher.

I tried to build this on ubuntu 18.04, but got the _ssl problem; it definitely has openssl 1.1.1 installed. On updated 
Arch linux no issue.

during configure I see that compiling and linking against openssl works.

with the simplest ./configure --prefix=$HOME/LOCAL/3.10.0 I find _ssl is not 
importable (_socket is).

If I try setting --with-openssl-rpath I get _ssl importable, but it fails 
because _socket is not importable.

It's not a big deal as I can install python 3.10.0 using 
deadsnakes-ubuntu-ppa-bionic ppa.

I think the problem here is that I don't seem to have a single openssl root


This all used to work in Python 3.9.x, but I suppose some improvement(s) have 
been made.
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: change of behaviour for '.' in sys.path between 3.10.0a7 and 3.10.0b1

2021-06-05 Thread Robin Becker

On 04/06/2021 19:29, Steve Dower wrote:

While we were investigating the reliably broken behaviour, we figured that related behaviour was 
*unreliably* broken on all platforms.

Specifically, if you imported a module through a relative path (resolved to CWD), changed the CWD, cleared the module 
cache, and reimported, you would still get the original module, contrary to the intent of getting the newly resolved 
module. ("Correct" code would have also cleared the import path caches, not just sys.modules.) This was because the 
module info was cached using the relative path, and so would be used later even though its absolute path had changed.

Someone reported this change in 3.8 and we decided to revert it in existing released, because the bugfix was for an 
obscure enough situation that it really wasn't worth breaking any existing versions. For unreleased versions, it's 
better to fix it so that imports will be more reliable in the future.

Unfortunately we are using these relative imports to implement plugins for an xml language processor so this is likely 
not just an accident of ordering the failing tests. I agree we have to get a plugin module a bit more directly using the 
import internals. I still think we might need to control sys.path as presumably the plugin code could have imports of 
parallel modules.

I'm beginning to understand that messing about with sys.path/modules/meta_path 
etc etc is a lot harder than it used to be.

Incidentally I find that I am able to import a namespace module directly; this 
code doesn't crash (at least in python >= 3.6

#timpA.py don't run with any meaningful directory A
import importlib
def main():
module = importlib.import_module('A')
print('module=%r' % module)

if __name__=='__main__':

in python 3.6-3.9 this prints out "module=" in 3.10.0b1 
it prints
I thought I had to use pkgutils or pkg_resources to mess with these new-fangled 

Likewise I find that the python statement 'import A' also doesn't fail and A is 
 a namespace. I feel quite stupid now :(
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: change of behaviour for '.' in sys.path between 3.10.0a7 and 3.10.0b1

2021-06-03 Thread Robin Becker

On 03/06/2021 18:14, Senthil Kumaran wrote:

On Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 09:55:57AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Maybe this?

04732ca993 bpo-43105: Importlib now resolves relative paths when creating
module spec objects from file locations (GH-25121)

Likely!. But
was supposed to a platform specific bug fix.

I didn't a sense that reportlab regression detected was platform
specific one.  The behavior change is an interesting one though.

The regression may well be a platform issue. I am by no means an expert at building python; I followed a recipe from the 
ARCH PKGBUILD of some time past so perhaps there are problems from my incompetence.

More interesting thing for me was developers running large test suites
between alpha and beta releases, and reporting bugs! :-)

You guys can certainly develop language changes faster than us maintainers can use them; the dead hand of past usage is 
a real handicap.

I have managed a smaller example which breaks for me in arch linux latest.

The self contained code is here


I switched to using importlib.import_module as I think that can now always be 
used in the versions we support.

To generate a test base I used an empty directory and then run (in bash)

for d in A B;do rm -rf $d; mkdir $d;echo "print('+ in module %s' % __name__)" > $d/$(echo $d | tr [:upper:] 
[:lower:]).py; done

$  for d in A B;do
>rm -rf $d
>mkdir $d
>echo "print('+ in module %s' % __name__)" \
> > $d/$(echo $d | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]).py
> done

to create two simple modules in dirs A & B.

If I run python timport-310b1.py in 3.10.0a7 I occasionally see a problem, but in 3.10.0b1 or b2 I see the problem every 
time; the TB ends like this

print(recursiveImport(mn, debug=1))
  File "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/timpbug/tests/timport-310b1.py", line 
36, in recursiveImport
return importlib.import_module(modulename)
"/home/robin/devel/reportlab/.py310/lib/python3.10/importlib/__init__.py", line 
126, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "", line 1050, in _gcd_import
  File "", line 1027, in _find_and_load
  File "", line 1004, in _find_and_load_unlocked
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'a'

The occasional problem with 3.10.0a7 make me think some random element is at 
work perhaps hashing stuff.
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] change of behaviour for '.' in sys.path between 3.10.0a7 and 3.10.0b1

2021-06-03 Thread Robin Becker
I have a failing test case in 3.10.0b1 for code that uses changes to sys.path and attempts to load unpackaged modules by 
changing directory and placing '.' into sys.path; the code works as expected in 2.7.18, 3.6-3.10.0a7.

I printed out related variables in the a7 and b1 runs and find that sys.path is identical (modulo version name changes) 
and that os.getcwd() is as expected and that os.path.isfile('./%s.py' % modulename) is True.

In a7 exec('%s as m', NS) works, but in b1 I get ModuleNotFoundError.

I can fix the problem by changing




The behaviour of '.' in sys.path has always been slightly mysterious, but is this a real bug and have we just been lucky 
for 20 years?

I have placed some details here


ReportLab has quite a large codebase and I think it would be hard to get a concise test of this behaviour change. I 
would be glad if this is an expected change a7-->b1 and if the use of '.' in this way has become somehow wrong.

I do know that during the tests the errant code is executed with different values for the target directory; the first 
usage seems to succeed.

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: seg fault in 3.10a4

2021-01-17 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/01/2021 16:54, Victor Stinner wrote:

See https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/5193 and
https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/pull/5194 for a Pillow crash
on Python 3.10. A fix is merged in master, but there is no release
containing the fix yet.


Thanks for that. I might try to build pillow from git and see if that helps.

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: seg fault in 3.10a4

2021-01-17 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/01/2021 13:49, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/17/2021 8:05 AM, Stestagg wrote:

Hi Robin

It would be ideal if you could please create a new issue here: 
https://bugs.python.org/ <https://bugs.python.org/>

If 'reportlab userguide creation' uses any 3rd party compiled C code, this may be premature.  bugs.python.org is for 
patching cpython.  Seg faults with 3rd party extensions are often, even usually due to a bug in the extension that we 
cannot fix, or for new python version, a missing upgrade.

The questions Robin asked seem like a reasonable start.  He might get additional suggestions from python-list from 
someone who has seen something similar.

Thanks, we have two C extensions & pillow so I will do as you suggest and ask 
in the python list for debugging advice.
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] seg fault in 3.10a4

2021-01-17 Thread Robin Becker
Not sure if this is where I should report, but I have a segfault in reportlab userguide creation with 3.10a4. I am 
getting this info from coredumpctl running archlinux with

Linux hostname 5.10.6-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat, 09 Jan 2021 18:22:35 + 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

the error is
   Message: Process 1530711 (python) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 1530711:
#0  0x7f7c9bf72615 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3d615)
#1  0x7f7c9bf5b862 abort (libc.so.6 + 0x26862)
#2  0x7f7c9bfb45e8 __libc_message (libc.so.6 + 0x7f5e8)
#3  0x7f7c9bfbc27a malloc_printerr (libc.so.6 + 0x8727a)
#4  0x7f7c9bfbd64c _int_free (libc.so.6 + 0x8864c)
#5  0x5631260a01dd n/a 
(/home/robin/devel/reportlab/.py310/bin/python310 + 0x1401dd)

1) I compile this from source using the standard LTO method my script looks like

CFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fno-plt 
-rpath=$HOME/LOCAL/3.10.0a4/lib -fno-semantic-interposition"

./configure \
--prefix=$HOME/LOCAL/3.10.0a4 \
--with-computed-gotos \
--enable-optimizations \
--with-lto \
--enable-ipv6 \
--with-system-expat \
--with-dbmliborder=gdbm:ndbm \
--with-system-ffi \
--with-system-libmpdec \
--enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions && make EXTRA_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" 
&& make install

1) can I get more information using a different compile setup

2) or can I get more information with the python run. I just used
$ python genuserguide.py 
Built story contains 1843 flowables...

Saved "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/reportlab/docs/reportlab-userguide.pdf"
free(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

3) I am running in an old style virtual environment generated using a modified virtualenv 16.2.0 (to fix wrong usage of 
sys.version[:3] in path names)

4) All other tests seem fine including tests of image generation and the accelerated strinGWidths etc etc so I am a bit 

Robin Becker
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 642: Constraint Pattern Syntax for Structural Pattern Matching

2020-11-19 Thread Robin Becker


Also will matching ever extend into the Typing universe?

In what way do you have in mind? With protocol support baked into PEP 634
that already ties into type hints.



thanks for the answers; the only one missing is whether there is an actual bestiary of examples, but I guess the PEPs 
will have to do for now. It's unlikely I will need any of this for a while so examples will appear over time.

Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] PEP 642: Constraint Pattern Syntax for Structural Pattern Matching

2020-11-18 Thread Robin Becker

Is there a bestiary of examples for the current pattern matching proposal(s)?

It seems I don't have a good handle on how one matches simple tests like callability, function signatures, possession of 
specific attribute(s).etc.

Also will matching ever extend into the Typing universe?
Robin Becker
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-10 Thread robin
If we are still not certain about the exact language to describe match then I 
would ask if the 'case' token is really required. It seems that I would prefer

match expr:

where the else:  clause is optional.

Also for me the unusual case is the assignment to names in the pattern and I 
would prefer that that be marked in some way; I didn't like .name, but ?name 
seems OK (or perhaps => name). Also the restriction that assigned vars should 
only occur once in a pattern seems wrong.  I would regard it as an additional 
constraint on the match, but I do admit I don't fully understand what's allowed 
in patterns.

Please disregard if the above is totally stupid.
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[Python-Dev] Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.9.0a6 is now available for testing

2020-04-29 Thread robin
Sorry for noise, but obviously most of my pasted text went wrong; not sure how 
to use this modern mailman. I see a syntax error in 3.9a6 with the code 
norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
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[Python-Dev] Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.9.0a6 is now available for testing

2020-04-29 Thread robin
While testing 3.9a6 in the reportlab package I see this difference from 3.8.2; 
I built from source using the standard configure make dance. Is this a real 

$ python 
Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr  8 2020, 14:31:25) 
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
$ python39
Python 3.9.0a6 (default, Apr 29 2020, 07:46:29) 
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
  File "", line 1
norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
SyntaxError: invalid string prefix
$ python39 -X oldparser
Python 3.9.0a6 (default, Apr 29 2020, 07:46:29) 
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
  File "", line 1
norm=lambda m: m+(m and(m[-1]!='\n'and'\n'or'')or'\n')
SyntaxError: invalid string prefix
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Re: [Python-Dev] Backport PEP 3129: Class Decorators

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Stocker
Christian Heimes schrieb:
 PEP 3107 (function annotation), PEP 3104 (nonlocal) and PEP 3132
 (extended iterable unpacking: a, *b = 1,2,3) are IMHO other useful
 feature for 2.6. nonlocal would require a __future__ import.

I'm planning to work on PEP 3107 (function annotations) after I have 
finished backporting PEP 3102 (keyword-only arguments) (issue1745).

Could someone with access rights update the spreadsheet so there won't 
be duplicated efforts?


   Robin Stocker
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-12-01 Thread Robin Bryce
Fair enough.


On 30/11/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Robin Bryce schrieb:
  Yes, especially with the regard to the level you pitch for LSB. I
  would go as far as to say that if this contract in spirit is broken
  by vendor repackaging they should:
   * Call the binaries something else because it is NOT python any more.
   * Setup the installation layout so that it does NOT conflict or
  overlap with the standard layout.
   * Call the whole package something else.

 I think that would be counter-productive. If applied in a strict
 sense, you couldn't call it Python anymore if it isn't in /usr/local.
 I see no point to that.

 It shouldn't be called Python anymore if it doesn't implement
 the Python language specification. No vendor is modifying it
 in such a way that

 print Hello

 stops working.

  Is it a bad idea to suggest that: Python grows a vendor_variant
  attribute somewhere in the standard lib; That its content is
  completely dictated by a new ./configure argument which is the empty
  string by default; And, request that it is left empty by re-packagers
  if the installation is 'reasonably standard' ?

 I'm not sure in what applications that would be useful.

  I would strongly prefer _not_ write code that is conditional on such
  an attribute. However if there was a clear way for a vendor to
  communicate This is not a standard python runtime to the python run
  time, early failure (in the application) with informative error
  messages becomes much more viable.

 Again: none of the vendors modifies Python in a way that what
 you get is not a standard Python runtime. They *all*
 are standard Python runtimes.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-11-29 Thread Robin Bryce
On 28/11/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I personally agree that Linux standards should specify a standard
 layout for a Python installation, and that it should be the one that
 make install generates (perhaps after make install is adjusted).
 Whether or not it is the *LSB* that needs to specify that, I don't
 know, because the LSB does not specify a file system layout. Instead,
 it incorporates the FHS - which might be the right place to define
 the layout of a Python installation. For the LSB, it's more import
 that import httplib gives you something working, no matter where
 httplib.py comes from (or whether it comes from httplib.py at all).

Yes, especially with the regard to the level you pitch for LSB. I
would go as far as to say that if this contract in spirit is broken
by vendor repackaging they should:
  * Call the binaries something else because it is NOT python any more.
  * Setup the installation layout so that it does NOT conflict or
overlap with the standard layout.
  * Call the whole package something else.

But I can't see that happening.

Is it a bad idea to suggest that: Python grows a vendor_variant
attribute somewhere in the standard lib; That its content is
completely dictated by a new ./configure argument which is the empty
string by default; And, request that it is left empty by re-packagers
if the installation is 'reasonably standard' ?

I would strongly prefer _not_ write code that is conditional on such
an attribute. However if there was a clear way for a vendor to
communicate This is not a standard python runtime to the python run
time, early failure (in the application) with informative error
messages becomes much more viable.

Eg sys.vendor_variant would be orthogonal to sys.version and sys.version_info

python -c import sys; print sys.version
GCC 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)

A regex on sys.version does not seem like a good way to get positive
confirmation I'm using the Canonical variant (pun intended)

python -c from distutils.util import get_platform; print get_platform()
Tells me nothing about the vendor of my linux distribution. Except,
ironically, when it says ImportError

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-11-28 Thread Robin Bryce
 Actually, I meant that (among other things) it should be clarified that
 it's alright to e.g. put .pyc and data files inside Python library
 directories, and NOT okay to split them up.

Phillip, Just to be clear: I understand you are not in favour of
re-packaging data from python projects (projects in the distutils
sense), separately and I strongly agree with this view. Are you
opposed to developers choosing to *not* bundle data as python package
data ? How much, if any, of the setuptools / distutils conventions do
you think could sensibly peculate up to the LSB ?

There are a couple of cases in ubuntu/debian (as of 6.10 edgy) that I
think are worth considering:

python2.4 profile (pstats) etc, was removed due to licensing issues
rather than FHS. Should not be an issue for python2.5 but what, in
general, can a vendor do except break python if their licensing policy
cant accommodate all of pythons batteries ?

python2.4 distutils is excluded by default. This totally blows in my
view but I appreciate this one is a minefield of vendor packaging
politics. It has to be legitimate for Python / setuptools too provide
packaging infrastructure and conventions that are viable on more than
linux. Is it unreasonable for a particular vendor to decide that, on
their platform, the will disable Python's packaging conventions ? Is
there any way to keep the peace on this one ?


On 27/11/06, Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 02:38 PM 11/27/2006 +0100, Jan Matejek wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Phillip J. Eby napsal(a):
   Just a suggestion, but one issue that I think needs addressing is the FHS
   language that leads some Linux distros to believe that they should change
   Python's normal installation layout (sometimes in bizarre ways) (...)
   Other vendors apparently also patch Python in various
   ways to support their FHS-based theories of how Python should install
 +1 on that. There should be a clear (and clearly presented) idea of how
 Python is supposed to be laid out in the distribution-provided /usr
 hierarchy. And it would be nice if this idea complied to FHS.
 It would also be nice if somebody finally admitted the existence of
 /usr/lib64 and made Python aware of it ;e)

 Actually, I meant that (among other things) it should be clarified that
 it's alright to e.g. put .pyc and data files inside Python library
 directories, and NOT okay to split them up.

 Python-Dev mailing list

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5b3, commit r46372 regressed PEP 302 machinery (sf not letting me post)

2006-08-09 Thread Robin Bryce
This has an sf number now #1537167, and hopefully a clearer
explanation of what I think the problem is. This is not a duplicate of
the earlier PEP 302 Fix thread.


On 07/08/06, Robin Bryce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Appologies for the lack of an sf#. I tried to submit this there but
 couldn't. (sf is logging me out each time I visit a new page and it is
 refusing my attempt to post anonymously).

 Python 2.5b3 (trunk:51136M, Aug  7 2006, 10:48:15)
 [GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)] on linux2

 The need for speed patch commited in revision r46372 included a change
 whose intent was to reduce the number of open calls. The `continue`
 statement at line 1283 in import.c:r51136 has the effect of skipping
 the builtin import machinery if the find_module method of a custom
 importer returns None.

 In Python 2.4.3, if find_module returned None the builtin machinery is
 allowed to process the path tail.

 In my particular case I am working on an importer that deals with kid
 templates that may or may not exist as .py[c] files.

 The short of it is that in Python 2.4.3 this produces a usable module
 ``__import__('foo.a/templateuri')`` wheras in 2.5b3 I get import
 error. The python 2.4.3 implementation *allows* module paths that are
 not seperated with '.' Python 2.5b3 does not allow this and it does
 not look like this was an intentional change. I believe this point
 about 'illeagal' module paths is actualy independent of the regresion
 I am asserting. Detailed session logs are attatched (following the sf
 guidance even though I'm posting to py-dev)

 The 'use case' for the importer is: Robin wants to package a default
 template file as normal python module and provide a custom importer
 that allows users of his package to reference both: there own
 templates and html files on the file system in arbitrary locations AND
 the stock templates provided as python modules under the same name
 space. He would like to leave normal imports to the standard



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] 2.5b3, commit r46372 regressed PEP 302 machinery (sf not letting me post)

2006-08-07 Thread Robin Bryce


Appologies for the lack of an sf#. I tried to submit this there but
couldn't. (sf is logging me out each time I visit a new page and it is
refusing my attempt to post anonymously).

Python 2.5b3 (trunk:51136M, Aug  7 2006, 10:48:15)
[GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)] on linux2

The need for speed patch commited in revision r46372 included a change
whose intent was to reduce the number of open calls. The `continue`
statement at line 1283 in import.c:r51136 has the effect of skipping
the builtin import machinery if the find_module method of a custom
importer returns None.

In Python 2.4.3, if find_module returned None the builtin machinery is
allowed to process the path tail.

In my particular case I am working on an importer that deals with kid
templates that may or may not exist as .py[c] files.

The short of it is that in Python 2.4.3 this produces a usable module
``__import__('foo.a/templateuri')`` wheras in 2.5b3 I get import
error. The python 2.4.3 implementation *allows* module paths that are
not seperated with '.' Python 2.5b3 does not allow this and it does
not look like this was an intentional change. I believe this point
about 'illeagal' module paths is actualy independent of the regresion
I am asserting. Detailed session logs are attatched (following the sf
guidance even though I'm posting to py-dev)

The 'use case' for the importer is: Robin wants to package a default
template file as normal python module and provide a custom importer
that allows users of his package to reference both: there own
templates and html files on the file system in arbitrary locations AND
the stock templates provided as python modules under the same name
space. He would like to leave normal imports to the standard



Description: Binary data
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

2006-07-11 Thread Robin Bryce
outbound x = 1
x = 2

evaluating using Jeremy Hilton's' list:

1. is a real word
2. For me - in python - it would mean: Is found in 'outer' scope and
is already bound.
  And the literal meaning of 'outbound 'headed away' [1] is pretty
darn close to what I mean when I spell the usual mutables kluge.

3 statement is positive form
4. I like it

could not find a use of outbound in python source (2.4.3)

[1] http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=outbound

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3103: A Switch/Case Statement

2006-06-27 Thread Robin Bryce
 PEP 3103, When to Freeze the Dispatch Dict/Option 1

2 things resonated with me for Raymond's proposal and the follow up:

- It seemed agnostic to almost all of the independently contentious issues.
- is defined tightly enough to allow room for growth and elaboration over
time [Raymond]. In particular it left room for
const/static/only/cached/etc to come along later.

I think its worth acknowledging this in the PEP.

Is nothing better than something in this case ? I don't know.

 I think we need a PEP for const/static/only/cached/precomputed or
 whatever people like to call it.

 Once we have (say) static, I think making the case expressions static
 by default would still cover all useful cases, and would allow us to
 diagnose duplicate cases reliably (which the if/elif chain semantics
 don't allow IIUC).

If the expectation is that static/const will evolve as a sibling pep,
does this not make Raymond's suggestion any more appealing, even a
little ?

Is it unacceptable - or impractical - to break the addition of switch
to python in two (minor version separated) steps ?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3103: A Switch/Case Statement

2006-06-27 Thread Robin Bryce
 But what's the point? We have until Python 3000 anyway.
Ah, my mistake. In my enthusiasm, I foolishly got the time frames of
peps 3103  275 mixed up.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Problems with revision 4077 of new SVN repository

2005-11-03 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Robin Munn wrote:
 Revision 4077 is fine now. However, the same problem exists in revision
 4284, which has a 0x01 character before the word add. Same solution:
 I now have fixed that as well.

And my script just finished running, with no further errors of this type
found. So doing an SVK mirror of the repository should work now, barring
any further surprises. I'm starting the SVK sync now; we'll see what

Thanks for fixing these!

- --
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] No more problems with new SVN repository

2005-11-03 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1

Robin Munn wrote:
 So doing an SVK mirror of the repository should work now, barring
 any further surprises. I'm starting the SVK sync now; we'll see what

Confirmed; the SVK mirror took about 18 hours, but it completed
successfully with no further problems.

Again, thanks for fixing the issues so quickly.

- --
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Problems with revision 4077 of new SVN repository

2005-11-02 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1

I'm trying to mirror the brand-new Python SVN repository with SVK, to
better be able to track both the trunk and the various branches. Since
I'm not a Python developer and don't have svn+ssh access, I'm doing so
over http. The process fails when trying to fetch revision 4077, with
the following error message:

RA layer request failed: REPORT request failed on
'projects/!svn/bc/41373/python': The REPORT request returned invalid XML
in the response: XML parse error at line 7: not well-formed (invalid
token) (/projects/!svn/bc/41373/python)

The thread at http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2004-07/0793.shtml suggests
that the problem may lie in the commit message for revision 4077: if it
has a character in the 0x01-0x1f range (which are invalid XML), then
Subversion methods like http: will fail to retrieve it, while methods
like file: will succeed. I haven't tried svn+ssh: since I don't have an
SSH key on the server.

Trying svn log -r 4077 http://svn.python.org/projects/python/; also fails:

subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:780: (apr_err=175002)
svn: REPORT request failed on '/projects/!svn/bc/4077/python'
subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:760: (apr_err=175002)
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse
error at line 7: not well-formed (invalid token)

When I visit http://svn.python.org/view/python/?rev=4077, I can see the
offending log message. Sure enough, there's a 0x1b character in it,
between the space after Added and the h immediately before the word

This problem can be fixed by someone with root permissions on the SVN
server logging in and running the following:

echo New commit message goes here  new-message.txt
svnadmin setlog --bypass-hooks -r 4077 /path/to/repos new-message.txt

If there are other, similar problems later in the SVN repository, I was
unable to find them because the SVK mirror process consistently halts at
revision 4077. If revision 4077 is fixed and I turn up other log
problems, I'll report them as well.

- --
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Problems with revision 4077 of new SVN repository

2005-11-02 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Robin Munn wrote:
 echo New commit message goes here  new-message.txt
 svnadmin setlog --bypass-hooks -r 4077 /path/to/repos new-message.txt
 Thanks for pointing that out, and for giving those instructions.
 I now corrected the log message.

Revision 4077 is fine now. However, the same problem exists in revision
4284, which has a 0x01 character before the word add. Same solution:

echo New commit message goes here  new-message.txt
svnadmin setlog --bypass-hooks -r 4284 /path/to/repos new-message.txt

If there are two errors of the same type within about 200 revisions,
there may be more. I'm currently running svn log on every revision in
the Python SVN repository to see if I find any more errors of this type,
so that I don't have to hunt them down one-by-one by rerunning SVK. I'll
post my findings when I'm done.

- --
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Problems with revision 4077 of new SVN repository

2005-11-02 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1

Robin Munn wrote:
 Revision 4077 is fine now. However, the same problem exists in revision
 4284, which has a 0x01 character before the word add. Same solution:
 echo New commit message goes here  new-message.txt
 svnadmin setlog --bypass-hooks -r 4284 /path/to/repos new-message.txt
 If there are two errors of the same type within about 200 revisions,
 there may be more. I'm currently running svn log on every revision in
 the Python SVN repository to see if I find any more errors of this type,
 so that I don't have to hunt them down one-by-one by rerunning SVK. I'll
 post my findings when I'm done.

My script is up to revision 17500 with no further problems found; I now
believe that 4077 and 4284 were isolated cases. Once 4284 is fixed, it
should now be possible to SVK-mirror the entire repository.

- --
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 340 - possible new name for block-statement

2005-04-28 Thread Robin Munn
Hash: SHA1
Guido van Rossum wrote:
| How about, instead of trying to emphasize how different a
| block-statement is from a for-loop, we emphasize their similarity?
| A regular old loop over a sequence or iterable is written as:
| for VAR in EXPR:
| A variation on this with somewhat different semantics swaps the keywords:
| in EXPR for VAR:
| If you don't need the variable, you can leave the for VAR part out:
| in EXPR:
| Too cute? :-)
Far too close to the for loop, IMHO. I read that, I'd have to remind
myself every time, now, which one is it that can receive values passed
back in: for ... in, or in ... for?
I'm definitely -1 on that one: too confusing.
Another possibility just occurred to me. How about using?
~using EXPR as VAR:
Reads similarly to with, but leaves the with keyword open for
possible use later.
Since it seems traditional for one to introduce oneself upon first
posting to python-dev, my name is Robin Munn. Yes, my name is just one
letter different from Robin Dunn's. It's not like I *intended* to cause
confusion... :-) Anyway, I was introduced to Python a few years ago,
around version 2.1 or so, and fell in love with the fact that I could
read my own code six months later and understand it. I try to help out
where I can, but I don't know the guts of the interpreter, so on
python-dev I mostly lurk.
Robin Munn
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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