[ANN] BleachBit 0.3.1

2009-02-04 Thread Andrew Ziem
BleachBit is a Internet history, locale, registry, privacy, and
temporary file cleaner for Linux on Python v2.4 - v2.6.

Notable changes for 0.3.1:
* Clean the cache and temporary files of Acrobat Reader, GIMP, Google
Earth, Second Life Viewer, and winetricks.
* Clean Firefox version 3's URL history without deleting the entire
places.sqlite file (which also contains bookmarks).
* Clean more localizations.
* Vacuum the Firefox databases (which becomes fragmented).
* Fixed bug that blocked cleaning of some localizations for some using
Ubuntu 8.04.
* Fixed bug that prevented starting BleachBit when the language was not set.
* Fixed bug that prevented cleaning of the clipboard.

Release notes


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Re: Good or bad use of __repr__?

2009-02-04 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Alaric Haag a écrit :


Is the use of __repr__ below a really bad idea? 

I'd probably do the same as Stephen Hansen (Dimension(size=50)) or 
at least something quite similar.

Now on a totally unrelated point (micro optimization anyone ?):

class Dimension():
def __init__(self, setp, name):
ptr = setp.contents.dim
while ptr.contents.name != name:
ptr = ptr.contents.next
self.name = ptr.contents.name
self.size = ptr.contents.size
self.unlimited = bool(ptr.contents.unlimited)
self.coord = ptr.contents.coord

In the above code, you're constantly refering to ptr.contents, and never 
use ptr directly. Attribute lookup is not free, so it's better to avoid 
them. Local bindings lookup, OTHO, is quite fast. IOW, this would better 
be written as:

 def __init__(self, setp, name):
 contents = setp.contents.dim
 while contents.name != name:
 contents = contents.next
 self.name = contents.name
 self.size = contents.size
 self.unlimited = bool(contents.unlimited)
 self.coord = contents.coord


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Gabriel Genellina a écrit :
En Mon, 02 Feb 2009 19:51:11 -0200, Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com 

Suppose a library developer (or a module developer on a large team)
uses leading underscores. Now suppose that, for whatever reason
(pressure from the users, perhaps), the library developer decides to
change a private attribute to public. Now all occurrences of the
identifier need to be changed. If an assignment to the previously
private attribute is missed, no warning will be issued (because
Python allows new attributes to be added anywhere, even completely
outside the class definition itself). And if the library is widely
used, the probability of such bugs occurring is very high.

So _foo becomes foo. Then:

class X(object):
def get_foo(self): return self._foo
def set_foo(self, value): self._foo = value
foo = property(get_foo, set_foo)

FWIW, if there's no other need for the property, I'd do it the other way 
round : directly make foo a plain attribute, and add a _foo property 
whose accessors would raise a deprecation warning. Then there's no 
chance I miss a an assignement to _foo !-)


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

thmpsn@gmail.com a écrit :

On Feb 3, 1:14 am, David Cournapeau courn...@gmail.com wrote:


after all, we have used FILE* for years and I have no idea about the FILE

Your lack of knowledge about it doesn't mean that it has somehow
magically private members. The only reason that most of us don't
know what a FILE is is that it's definition is implementation-defined
(i.e., every compiler may define it differently).

That doesn't have anything to do with private members. For example, on
my system, stdio.h defines FILE as:

struct _iobuf {
char *_ptr;
int   _cnt;
char *_base;
int   _flag;
int   _file;
int   _charbuf;
int   _bufsiz;
char *_tmpfname;

Didn't you notice kind of a pattern here ?

typedef struct _iobuf FILE;

Given this information, nothing prevents me from writing things like:

FILE* fp = fopen(file.txt, r);
if (!fp) { /* do something */ }

printf(fp-_cnt = %d\n, fp-cnt);
printf(fp-_flag = %d\n, fp-_flag);
printf(fp-_file = %d\n, fp-_file);

fp-_flag = 0x20; // OOPS!!

Indeed - and that's exactly the point : nothing prevents you from 
accessing the implementation, *and yet, you don't* - unless of course 
you have a very strong reason to do so for a very specific corner case 
*and* you pretty well know what you're doing *and* you accept the 


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Russ P. a écrit :

On Feb 3, 4:14 pm, Rhodri James rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk wrote:

On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 05:37:57 -, Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com wrote:


If a library developer releases the source code of a library, any user
can trivially defeat the access restrictions. But if a team of
developers is checking in code for a project, the leader(s) of the
project can insist that the access restrictions be respected to
simplify the management of interfaces. The larger the team, the more
useful that can be. That's why Java, C++, Ada, Scala, and other
languages have a private keyword.

Indeed he can.  He can even do that in Python; it just requires a little
self-discipline from the team, or a validation script on the code
repository if he really doesn't trust them.  Not only can this be done
without forcing the rest of the world to play, it makes things a little
less daunting when those nice clean interfaces turn out to be
incomplete/too slow/not what you thought.

This has already been refuted several times on this thread alone,


subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Helmut Jarausch


using e.g.
import subprocess
EQ_output= EQ.communicate()[0]

EQ_output is a string containing multiple lines.

I'd prefer a file-like object, e.g. EQ_OUT
so that I can loop over the lines of it like

for line in EQ_OUT :

I could use StringIO.StringIO applied to EQ_output
but this reads all of the command's output into a big
string first.

On Unix/Linux a pipe is a file-like object after all,
so how to get hold of it.

Many thanks for a hint,

Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

Re: How do i add body to 'email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart' instance?

2009-02-04 Thread Justin Ezequiel
On Feb 4, 2:50 pm, srinivasan srinivas sri_anna...@yahoo.co.in
 Could someone tell me the way to add body content to 
 'email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart' instance?


excerpt from one of the modules I use:

def build_body(html, text=''):
text = text.strip() and text or html2text(html).encode('ascii',
body = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
body.attach(MIMEText(html, 'html'))
return body




Load / Reload module

2009-02-04 Thread Marius Butuc

First I must state that I'm a beginner in Python, so all help would be
more than welcomed.

I want do declare some classes (classes.py) in an external editor,
than import the file and use the classes. After I change the file, I
want to reload the definitions w/o leaving the interactive

So far I have tried
- import classes   # doesn't import my classes
- from classes import * # imports, but I can't reload
- reload(classes)  # I have the same class definition
after this

I've tried the documentation but I got lost, so please help.


Re: Code critique xmlrpclib

2009-02-04 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
flagg ianand0...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Feb 3, 7:32?am, Nick Craig-Wood n...@craig-wood.com wrote:
  flagg ianand0...@gmail.com wrote:
   ?This xmlrpc server is designed to parse dns zone files and then
   ?perform various actions on said files. \
   ?It uses dnspython, and xmlrpclib
   ? I'd like to know what some of the more experienced python users
   ?think. Where I could improve code, make it more efficient, whatever.
   ?All suggestions are welcome. ?This is my first functional python
   ?program, ?and I have tons of questions to go along with whatever
   ?suggestions. ? How could I do sanity checking; right now nothing
   ?checks the input to these functions, error-handling in this program is
   ?almost non-existant how do you integrate decent error handling into a
   ?piece of software..ill shut up now.
  I made a few comments, some about error handling! ?See below
   ?import dns.zone
   ?from time import localtime, strftime, time
   ?import os, sys
   ?from dns.rdataclass import *
   ?from dns.rdatatype import *
   ?from string import Template
   ?import xmlrpclib
   ?from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
   ?from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
   ?zoneDir = /dns
   ?def openZoneFile(zoneFile):
   ? ? ?
   ? ? ?Opens a zone file. ?Then reads in zone file to dnspython zone
   ? ? ?
   ? ? ?global zone
   ? ? ?global host
   ? ? ?global domain
   ? ? ?domain = ..join(zoneFile.split('.')[1:])
   ? ? ?host = ..join(zoneFile.split('.')[:1])
   ? ? ?try:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?zone = dns.zone.from_file(zoneDir + domain + '.zone',
   ? ? ?except dns.exception, e:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?print e.__class__, e
  Don't use global variables!
  This function should probably return 3 things
  ? ? return zone, host, domain
  And whenever you use it, say
  ? ? zone, host, domain = openZoneFile(xxx)
  It should probably be a method of DNSFunctions. ?I'd avoid setting
  self.zone etc as that is making a different sort of global data which
  I'd avoid too.
  Also if the dns.zone.from_file didn't work (raises dns.exception) you
  set the host and domain but the zone is left at its previous value
  which probably isn't what you wanted. ?I'd let the error propagate
  which I think will do something sensible for the xmlrpc.
   ?class DNSFunctions:
   ? ? ? # Not exposed to xml-rpc calls, used internally only.
   ? ? ?def _writeToZoneFile(self, record):
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?Checks if zone file exists, if it does it write values to zone
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?for (name, ttl, rdata) in zone.iterate_rdatas(SOA):
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?new_serial = int(strftime('%Y%m%d00', localtime(time(
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if new_serial = rdata.serial:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?new_serial = rdata.serial + 1
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rdata.serial = new_serial
   ? ? ? ? ?if os.path.exists(zoneDir + str(zone.origin) + zone):
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?f = open(zoneDir + str(zone.origin) + zone, w)
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?zone.to_file(f)
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?f.close()
   ? ? ? ? ?else:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?print Zone:  + zone.origin +  does not exist, please
   ?add first
  This should probably be raising an exception to be caught or
  propagated back to the client via xmlrpc.
   ? ? ?def showRecord(self, record):
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?Shows a record for a given zone. Prints out
   ? ? ? ? ?TTL, IN, Record Type, IP
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?openZoneFile(record)
   ? ? ? ? ?try:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rdataset = zone.get_node(host)
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?for rdata in rdataset:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return str(rdata)
   ? ? ? ? ?except:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?raise Exception(Record not found)
   ? ? ?def changeRecord(self, record, type, target):
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?Changes a dns entry.
   ? ? ? ? ?...@param record: which record to chance
   ? ? ? ? ?...@param type: ?what type of record, A, MX, NS, CNAME
   ? ? ? ? ?...@target: if CNAME target points to HOSTNAME, if A record
   ?points to IP
   ? ? ? ? ?
   ? ? ? ? ?openZoneFile(record)
   ? ? ? ? ?try:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(host, rdtype=type)
   ? ? ? ? ?except:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?raise Exception(You must enter a valid record and type.
   ?See --usage for examples)
  Don't catch all exceptions - find out which exceptions are thrown.
  Consider just letting it propagate - hopefully the find_rdataset error
  is descriptive enough.
  Thanks for taking the time to reply I appreciate it.

No problems.

  Are global variables bad?  Or just inefficient?

They make code a lot more difficult to follow because you have to
wonder where the variable has been set.  If you create multiple
instances of DNSFunctions (more than likely in a multi-user server)
you'll find that global variables will cause your program to go wrong
quite badly!

In general only ever use global variables in quick and dirty scripts.
For static configuration which you might think globals are good for
you can easily do that in a module namespace or in a 

Re: Cross platform compilation?

2009-02-04 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de wrote:
  John Harper schrieb:
  I am trying to build Python to use in an embedded system which uses a 
  ppc_440 CPU. The only information I've found is something written by 
  Klaus Reimer a few years ago, which was based on Python 2.2. So far I 
  seem to have successfully built Python itself, but building the 
  extensions fails miserably with complaints about library format. It 
  insists on referring to i686 which is indeed the platform it is 
  actually running on.
  Before I try to reverse engineer completely setup.py, is there 
  something obvious that needs to be done to get it to use the right tool 

I spent some time mucking about trying to do this for ARM.  I almost
got it to work using qemu but not quite!  What I did in the end was to
use a pre-compiled python (from debian) then copy the headers and
library files into the cross compiling environment so we could embed
python into our code and build our extensions.

  More generally, it seems like this would be something that lots of 
  people would want to do. I'm surprised there isn't support for it built 
  into the distributed version of Python, without having to hack all the 
  setup files...?
  I'm sorry to inform you that Python doesn't support cross platform
  compilation. Python eats its own dog food and uses Python to compile
  optional extension modules.

It isn't an impossible problem...

If you've ever cross compiled gcc you'll find that it first uses the
host compiler (possibly not gcc) to compile itself to make a gcc which
runs on the host but makes code for the target.  It then uses that new
compiler to compile a gcc for the target architecture.

I could imagine a similar scheme for python, but it would involve lots
of fiddling about and some commitment from the python maintainers.

Nick Craig-Wood n...@craig-wood.com -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be wrote:

 using e.g.
 import subprocess
 EQ_output= EQ.communicate()[0]

 EQ_output is a string containing multiple lines.

 I'd prefer a file-like object, e.g. EQ_OUT
 so that I can loop over the lines of it like

 for line in EQ_OUT :

Is there some reason that:

for line in EQ_OUT.splitlines():

Does not meet your needs?


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: Locating python

2009-02-04 Thread andrew cooke
On Feb 3, 7:35 pm, David Sevilla sevil...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am quite new to Linux, and thought that by using yast2 there would
 be no user problems (I am asked for the root password). I will sudo it
 to see if it solves the problem.

yast asked you for the password so that easy_install could be
installed correctly.

you are now using sudo easy_install to install mnemosyne and sudo is
asking for the root password.

each time you install something you need to change public files on the
system, and so each time you need to use root in some way.  yast does
this by logging in as root for you, but needs the password to do it.
sudo does the same thing, but again needs the password to do it.

hope that makes senses (and that this worked).


Re: x64 speed

2009-02-04 Thread Robin Becker

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

I follow David's guess that Linux does better IO than Windows (not
knowing anything about the benchmark, of course)

I originally thought it must be the vmware host stuff offloading IO to
the second core, but watching with sysinternals didn't show a lot of
extra stuff going on with the vm compared to just running on the host.

I'm not talking about vmware. I'm suggesting that Linux ext3, and the
Linux buffer handling, is just more efficient than NTFS, and the Windows
buffer handling.

If you split the total runtime into system time and user time, how do
the 30s split up?

so here is one for the vm clock is bad theorists :)

[rpt...@localhost tests]$ time python25 runAll.py


Ran 193 tests in 27.841s


sys 0m0.917s
[rpt...@localhost tests]$

magical how the total python time is less than the real time.
Robin Becker

Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 12:09:46 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

I love Python, and I'm greedy and want it all: I want a dynamic,
easy-to- use language *and* a compiler that can protect me from myself

That's not what compilers are for.

So you say.

While it's quite clear that a compiler for a statically typed language 
can catch at least some type errors, this is still not what a compiler 
is for. A compiler is here to compile you source code into a suitable 
representation for the execution environment. And FWIW, some compilers 
are rather weaker than Python when it comes to protecting you from 


and bad data.

I definitly fail to see how a compiler could protect you from *runtime*
issues ???

I'm surprised you can't. Any time a compiler prevents an error by 
detecting it at compile-time (say, attempting to store a 96-bit float 
into the memory space allocated for a 32-bit int),

Oh, you meant type error. But this is a programming error, not bad 
data. bad data is something you get (usually from the outside world) 
at runtime only. Well, the way I understand it, at least.

Perhaps what you are thinking is that I meant compilers can protect you 
from all runtime issues. That would be silly. Although, in principle, 
we can get close, for some definition of close.

Here's a toy function, and a specification:

def inverse(x):
return 1.0/x

Specification: input must be a float, output must be a float.

Is that function correct? No, because it will raise an exception if 
x==0.0. Python's compiler is dumb and will allow you to write incorrect 
functions, but a smart compiler could look at that function and see that 
it was incorrect. The fix would then be to change the code, or the 
specification, or both.

Ok, let's see. What happens if you pass 0.0 to the function as-is ? Yes, 
indeed, you get a runtime error. Now what happens if you add error 
handling to the function itself ? What will the error handler do ? Yes, 
raise a runtime error. So far, I don't see any gain here. No, no, don't 
answer yet. Sure, what you need here is a compiler that can inspect the 
whole code source using this function to make sure it is always properly 
invoked. Mmm, wait - will this work with shared libs ? I'm afraid not. 
Ok, so you have to change the specification to : input must be a 
non-zero-float, and use the type system to define non-zero-float type.

Smart compilers turn some runtime errors into compile-time errors.


earlier you catch the error, the easier it is to fix it.


Now, that's a toy example. Languages like Ada make correctness proofs, 
well, perhaps not easy, but merely difficult compared to impossible for 
languages like Python.

Indeed. And that's fine : if we want maximum type safety and 
as-possibly-proved code, we know which tool to use. Now good luck doing 
web development, system admin, app scripting and quite a lot of other 
things (well, perhaps more that 80% of ordinary application programming) 
in Ada.

Can you understand that not everybody needs maximum type safety / 
correctness proof etc for all his code ? That all this security stuff 
comes with a price that may not be worth paying ?

To bring it back to private/public attributes, side-effects make 
correctness proofs difficult. Modifications of attributes are side-


Then use a functional language !-)

When attributes are subject to being modified by arbitrary code, 
it is harder to reason about the correctness of the code:

Indeed. Not the right tool, obviously. OTHO, it makes it way easier to 
use as glue between different, sometimes not highly compatible components.


There are two usual approaches to dealing with that problem which are 
available to Python programmers:

(1) Paranoia. Make the developer responsible for checking everything all 
the time:

Paranoiacs (also known as control-freaks) are not happy using Python. 
They usually prefer Ada or, at least, Java.

def invert(self):
x = self.x
if isinstance(x, float) and x:
return 1.0/self.x
raise MyError('post-condition x a non-zero float violated')

The correct solution is indeed to make x a property with a sanity check 
in the setter - in which case you'll have a useful traceback - or as a 
read-only property, or even better to just declare it as implementation 
(naming it _x).

(2) Hope the error never occurs, and if it does, let the caller deal with 

If the attribute is either a read-only property or an implementation 
attribute, then the guy that messed with it is responsible for the 
possible consequences. That's the contract, yes.

Hopefully you aren't your own caller.

I'm usually the first user of my own libs, and my coworkers comes 
immediatly after. IOW, I eat my own dogfood, thanks.

That's often the Python approach.

As I explained above, the Python approach is actually a bit different.


Re: How to call python from a foreign language thread (C++)

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Hammond

On 4/02/2009 4:51 AM, Victor Lin wrote:

It may looks like this.

 void operator() (double time, const AudioDatadata) {
 // acquire lock
 m_Function(time, data);
 // release lock

You want something like:

  void operator() (double time, const AudioDatadata) {
  PyGILState_STATE old = PyGILState_Acquire();
  m_Function(time, data);

Note that Phillip is also correct; you will need to initialize threading 
if this is an app which embeds Python...



Re: Load / Reload module

2009-02-04 Thread Scott David Daniels

Marius Butuc wrote:

I want do declare some classes (classes.py) in an external editor,
than import the file and use the classes. After I change the file, I
want to reload the definitions w/o leaving the interactive

So far I have tried
- import classes   # doesn't import my classes

Use this and refer to the class from the imported module.

import classes
instance = classes.SomeClass()
instance = classes.SomeClass()

This is by far the best way, but if you _must_,
from classes import *
instance = SomeClass()
from classes import *
instance = SomeClass()

--Scott David Daniels

Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Helmut Jarausch

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be wrote:


using e.g.
import subprocess
EQ_output= EQ.communicate()[0]

EQ_output is a string containing multiple lines.

I'd prefer a file-like object, e.g. EQ_OUT
so that I can loop over the lines of it like

for line in EQ_OUT :

Is there some reason that:

for line in EQ_OUT.splitlines():

Does not meet your needs?

It works, but it still reads the complete output of the
command executed by Popen at once.


Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

Re: Locating python

2009-02-04 Thread Tino Wildenhain

andrew cooke wrote:

On Feb 3, 7:35 pm, David Sevilla sevil...@gmail.com wrote:

I am quite new to Linux, and thought that by using yast2 there would
be no user problems (I am asked for the root password). I will sudo it
to see if it solves the problem.

yast asked you for the password so that easy_install could be
installed correctly.

you are now using sudo easy_install to install mnemosyne and sudo is
asking for the root password.

each time you install something you need to change public files on the
system, and so each time you need to use root in some way.  yast does
this by logging in as root for you, but needs the password to do it.
sudo does the same thing, but again needs the password to do it.

hope that makes senses (and that this worked).

actually su needs the root (or the target users') password
and sudo needs _your_ (the current users) password.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kill a function while it's being executed

2009-02-04 Thread Noam Aigerman
Hi All,
I have a script in which I receive a list of functions. I iterate over
the list and run each function. This functions are created by some other
user who is using the lib I wrote. Now, there are some cases in which
the function I receive will never finish (stuck in infinite loop).
Suppose I use a thread which times the amount of time passed since the
function has started, Is there some way I can kill the function after a
certain amount of time has passed (without asking the user who's giving
me the list of functions to make them all have some way of notifying
them to finish)?
Thanks, Noam

Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Helmut Jarausch

Clovis Fabricio wrote:

2009/2/4 Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be:

using e.g.
import subprocess
EQ_output= EQ.communicate()[0]
EQ_output is a string containing multiple lines.
I'd prefer a file-like object, e.g. EQ_OUT
so that I can loop over the lines of it like

EQ.stdout is the filelike object you're looking for.
communicate() grabs entire output at once so don't use it.

import subprocess
Package = 'app-arch/lzma-utils'
EQ = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/equery', 'depends', Package],
for line in EQ.stdout:

Thanks a lot, I haven't found that in the official documentation.

Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

Re: python libpcap equivalent

2009-02-04 Thread Juergen Kareta

Gabriel schrieb:


I need to write a software router [yes, software equivalent to a 
hardware box that is routing packets .)]. It's a school

Question is: is possible write this kind of application in python? and 
if it's, what module should i use?
I tried search for some libpcap equivalent in python and found 
pylibpcap, but can't find documentation and tutorial.

Hello Gabriel,

you might look into scapy:

which easily allows you to fetch, manipulate and send network packages.


Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Clovis Fabricio
2009/2/4 Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be:
 using e.g.
 import subprocess
 EQ_output= EQ.communicate()[0]
 EQ_output is a string containing multiple lines.
 I'd prefer a file-like object, e.g. EQ_OUT
 so that I can loop over the lines of it like

EQ.stdout is the filelike object you're looking for.
communicate() grabs entire output at once so don't use it.

import subprocess
Package = 'app-arch/lzma-utils'
EQ = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/equery', 'depends', Package],
for line in EQ.stdout:

Re: Locating python

2009-02-04 Thread andrew cooke
On Feb 4, 9:16 am, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:
  actually su needs the root (or the target users') password
  and sudo needs _your_ (the current users) password.

 argh, sorry for the confusion.

actually, no.  sudo requires the root password.  at least on opensuse
11.1 default config.  i just tried it:

 Python-2.5.4: sudo make install
root's password:

this is explained in the sudoers file:

 # In the default (unconfigured) configuration, sudo asks for the root
 # This allows use of an ordinary user account for administration of a
 # installed system. When configuring sudo, delete the two
 # following lines:
 Defaults targetpw   # ask for the password of the target user i.e.
 ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL   # WARNING! Only use this together with
'Defaults targetpw'!


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia

Quoting Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com:

  Indeed he can.  He can even do that in Python; it just requires a little
  self-discipline from the team, or a validation script on the code
  repository if he really doesn't trust them.  Not only can this be done
  without forcing the rest of the world to play, it makes things a little
  less daunting when those nice clean interfaces turn out to be
  incomplete/too slow/not what you thought.
 This has already been refuted several times on this thread alone, so I
 will not bother doing it again.

Please, point out where, because I don't recall you explaining why is not enough
to use a validation script on the code if you wish to. I _do_ recall you
saying that you didn't want the validation script unless it is integrated with
python, but I'm yet to see the difference.

Luis Zarrabeitia
Facultad de Matemática y Computación, UH


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia

Quoting Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com:

 Imagine you own a company, and you decide to lease an office building.
 Would you expect the office doors to have locks on them? Oh, you
 would? Why? You mean you don't trust your co-workers? What are locks
 but enforced access restriction?

This analogy is nonsense. There is no way you will execute code on my system if
I don't authorize it, regardless of how public are the variables declared in
my code. No one will execute code on _your_ system either, without your
authorization. That puts you in a different position: you can easily _check_
that everything is alright before executing, whereas in the office example, it
cannot be done.

Of course, if the analogy is flawed in such an essential aspect, I won't even
humor it. I worry, though, that you obviously believe that it is not flawed.

Luis Zarrabeitia
Facultad de Matemática y Computación, UH


Re: v 3.0 mpkg

2009-02-04 Thread Simon Brunning
2009/2/4 John Forse johnfo...@talktalk.net:
  Does anyone know if Python v3.0 is available as an .mpkg installer for Mac
 10.5.6. I have used 2.5  updated to 2.6.1 this way, but can't find any
 reference to one on the Python.org download site. I've downloaded the Python
 3.0 folder but can't follow how to install it without a .mpkg file. Any help
 would be really appreciated.

AFAIK there's no Python 3.0 installer for the Mac. You'll have to
build it yourself - see http://tinyurl.com/6zkem7.

Simon B.

Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Pat

Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:27:02 -0500 Pat p...@junk.net wrote:

Tobiah wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why was len() made to
be it's own function?  I often find myself
typing things like my_list.len before I
catch myself.



I'm surprised that no one responded to that question.

Huh? Gabriel Genellina replied about 46 minutes after it was posted.
Might it be that your newsserver is a bit laggy?


Might be laggy.  Who knows.

Why didn't you answer the len() question?

Re: kinterbasdb + firebird 1.5 with python 2.6 ?

2009-02-04 Thread Uwe Grauer
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get firebird 1.5 driver (kinterbasdb) for
 FireBird 1.5?
 My problem:
* python 2.6 already installed on a server
* there is a firebird 1.5 database on the same server
* I need to access it from python 2.6
 Any thoughts?

Get it from here:

You should have mentioned your OS to get better answers.



2009-02-04 Thread Luke
Hello, I'm an inexperienced programmer and I'm trying to make a
Tkinter window and have so far been unsuccessful in being able to
delete widgets from the main window and then add new ones back into
the window without closing the main window.

The coding looks similar to this:

from Tkinter import *
def MainWin():
frame1=Frame(back_ground,width=213,height=480,bg='light gray')
close_frame1=Button(frame1,text='close',bg='light gray',
close_frame1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N,pady=25)
if frame1.destroy==True:

It may just be bad coding but either way I could use some help.


Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Marco Mariani

Pat wrote:

Why didn't you answer the len() question?

It's a bit of a FAQ: len() cannot be a method of list objects because it 
works on any sequence or iterable.


Re: x64 speed

2009-02-04 Thread Floris Bruynooghe
On Feb 4, 10:14 am, Robin Becker ro...@reportlab.com wrote:
  [rpt...@localhost tests]$ time python25 runAll.py


  Ran 193 tests in 27.841s


  real    0m28.150s
  user    0m26.606s
  sys     0m0.917s
  [rpt...@localhost tests]$

 magical how the total python time is less than the real time.

Not really.  Python was still running at the time that it prints the
time of the tests.  So it's only natural that the wall time Python
prints on just the tests is going to be smaller then the wall time
time prints for the entire python process.  Same for when it starts,
some stuff is done in Python before it starts its timer.



Re: Locating python

2009-02-04 Thread Tino Wildenhain

andrew cooke wrote:

On Feb 4, 9:16 am, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:

actually su needs the root (or the target users') password
and sudo needs _your_ (the current users) password.

argh, sorry for the confusion.

actually, no.  sudo requires the root password.  at least on opensuse
11.1 default config.  i just tried it:

argh. This Nürnberg Windows ;-)

But this shows that a sensible configuration of the
system is usefull before you start installing
services on it :-)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

tkSimpleDialog window focus problem

2009-02-04 Thread inkhorn
Hi all,

As part of the program I've created and am maintaining, the user has
to type in his/her username and password into tkinter simple dialog
windows.  What you'll see below is that I've nested an askstring
dialog window within a call to use the ftp module to login to an FTP

result = self.ftp.login(self.userid, tkSimpleDialog.askstring
(Password Entry,
  Password:, show=*))

Annoyingly, every time this password entry window pops up, the focus
does not go on it automatically.  Anyone know what I can do to put the
focus on it automatically, while *not* storing the user's password in
my script for the remainder of its runtime?

Matt Dubins

Re: Kill a function while it's being executed

2009-02-04 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 13:40 +0200, Noam Aigerman wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a script in which I receive a list of functions. I iterate over
 the list and run each function. This functions are created by some other
 user who is using the lib I wrote. Now, there are some cases in which
 the function I receive will never finish (stuck in infinite loop).
 Suppose I use a thread which times the amount of time passed since the
 function has started, Is there some way I can kill the function after a
 certain amount of time has passed (without asking the user who's giving
 me the list of functions to make them all have some way of notifying
 them to finish)?
 Thanks, Noam

Noam, did you hijack a thread?

You could decorate the functions with a timeout function.  Here's one
that I either wrote or copied from a recipe (can't recall):

class FunctionTimeOut(Exception):

def function_timeout(seconds):
Function decorator to raise a timeout on a function call
import signal

def decorate(f):
def timeout(signum, frame):
raise FunctionTimeOut()

def funct(*args, **kwargs):
old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)

result = f(*args, **kwargs)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old)
return result

return funct

return decorate


func_dec = function_timeout(TIMEOUT_SECS)
for func in function_list:
timeout_function = func_dec(func)
except FunctionTimeout:



RE: Kill a function while it's being executed

2009-02-04 Thread Noam Aigerman
About the hijacking - I *might* have done it without understanding what
I did (replied to a previous message and then changed the subject), if
that's what you mean...

-Original Message-
From: python-list-bounces+noama=answers@python.org
[mailto:python-list-bounces+noama=answers@python.org] On Behalf Of
Albert Hopkins
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 5:26 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Kill a function while it's being executed

On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 13:40 +0200, Noam Aigerman wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a script in which I receive a list of functions. I iterate over
 the list and run each function. This functions are created by some
 user who is using the lib I wrote. Now, there are some cases in which
 the function I receive will never finish (stuck in infinite loop).
 Suppose I use a thread which times the amount of time passed since the
 function has started, Is there some way I can kill the function after
 certain amount of time has passed (without asking the user who's
 me the list of functions to make them all have some way of notifying
 them to finish)?
 Thanks, Noam

Noam, did you hijack a thread?

You could decorate the functions with a timeout function.  Here's one
that I either wrote or copied from a recipe (can't recall):

class FunctionTimeOut(Exception):

def function_timeout(seconds):
Function decorator to raise a timeout on a function call
import signal

def decorate(f):
def timeout(signum, frame):
raise FunctionTimeOut()

def funct(*args, **kwargs):
old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)

result = f(*args, **kwargs)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old)
return result

return funct

return decorate


func_dec = function_timeout(TIMEOUT_SECS)
for func in function_list:
timeout_function = func_dec(func)
except FunctionTimeout:




Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Russ P.
On Feb 4, 5:35 am, Luis Zarrabeitia ky...@uh.cu wrote:
 Quoting Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com:

  Imagine you own a company, and you decide to lease an office building.
  Would you expect the office doors to have locks on them? Oh, you
  would? Why? You mean you don't trust your co-workers? What are locks
  but enforced access restriction?

 This analogy is nonsense. There is no way you will execute code on my system 
 I don't authorize it, regardless of how public are the variables declared in
 my code. No one will execute code on _your_ system either, without your
 authorization. That puts you in a different position: you can easily _check_
 that everything is alright before executing, whereas in the office example, it
 cannot be done.

I don't follow your point, but I think you are reading too much into
the analogy. Obviously, an office building cannot be copied in a few
seconds as a software library can, so the analogy obviously cannot be
taken too far.

The locks on the doors are analogous to enforced access restrictions.
When you lease the building, you are presumably given a complete set
of keys, including master keys. The keys are analogous to the source
code, which allows you to trivially disable the access restrictions.

People like you are saying that keys are not enough. You don't want to
be bothered with keys. You want the office doors to come with no locks
on them at all, because you don't intend to lock them anyway, and
someone could possibly get locked out someday. You are saying that
locks are unnecessary because you trust your co-workers (aren't you
lucky!), and you can just put keep-out signs on the doors (leading

Well, that may be reasonable for a small group of developers working
on a small, cool project. It is inappropriate, however, for a large,
safety-critical project with dozens or hundreds of developers that are
hired off the street in accordance with current labor laws. Now, if
you concede that Python is just not intended for such projects, then
fine, but please don't claim that access restrictions are useless for
all applications and domains. That's just ridiculous.

wsdl2py/ZSI and complex types with arrays

2009-02-04 Thread eviljonny
Hello all,

I have been trying to write a web service using ZSI with wsdl2py. I have 
read 'The Zolera Soap Infrastructure User’s Guide Release 2.0.0' and some 
older guides (a guide by Nortel called Using ZSI with wsdl2py) and am 
unable to find any working examples of how to use arrays in complex 
types. I have a Request method which takes an array as an argument and 
responds with an array.

Assume I am just trying to write a client at this point. I have tried a 
lot of variations on this and can get a call made but using a tracefile 
the element SOIID is always empty no matter what I do.

Please excuse me if the code is not fantastic. I am very new to python.

from GraphingReporter_services import *
from GraphingReporter_services_types import *

loc = GraphingReporterLocator()
fp = file(/tmp/PYTHON-TRACE,w)
port = loc.getGraphingReporterPort(tracefile=fp)

request = GraphRequestSOIID()
graphRequest = request.new_soiid()
graphRequest.Soiid = [123456,123457]
response = port.GetGraphsForSOIID(request)


The outgoing call in the trace shows 
SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=urn:GraphingReporter

Can anyone provide me an example (or a link to an example) of how to 
populate the arrays in complex types? Even pointing me in the right 
direction would be wonderful.


[Web 2.0] Added-value of frameworks?

2009-02-04 Thread Gilles Ganault

If I wanted to build some social web site such as Facebook, what do
frameworks like Django or TurboGears provide over writing a site from
scratch using Python?

Thank you for your feedback.

Re: [2.5.1] Comparing dates?

2009-02-04 Thread Gilles Ganault
On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 22:00:53 +0100, Martin mar...@marcher.name wrote:
as suggested, the DBA should seriously think about defining the
correct type of the column here, for intermediate use and getting
stuff to work you could use a view and define some stored procedures
on it so that inserting properly works...

Right, but SQLite only has two types: Numeric or text, so I figured
it'd be better to turn dates into the usual -MM-DD before saving
data into an SQLite file.

Thanks for the feedback.

Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Tino Wildenhain

Marco Mariani wrote:

Pat wrote:

Why didn't you answer the len() question?

It's a bit of a FAQ: len() cannot be a method of list objects because it 
works on any sequence or iterable.

Thats only half of the truth :-)

len() can use some internal optimizations on certain objects
where sequences indeed have a len() method called __len__()


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Locating python

2009-02-04 Thread andrew cooke
 actually su needs the root (or the target users') password
 and sudo needs _your_ (the current users) password.

argh, sorry for the confusion.

Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Vincent Davis
Do to laking knowledge my google searches have not turned up an answer for me.
I know this is wrong it uses the items in the list as the filename,
how do I refer to the dataname and not the items in it.

def savedata(dataname):
filename = str(dataname)  # this does not do what I would like it to
ext1 = '\.csv'
flex = filename + ext1
datawrite = csv.writer(open(flex, wb))

Vincent Davis

Re: How to call python from a foreign language thread (C++)

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Hammond

On 4/02/2009 8:43 PM, I wrote:

PyGILState_STATE old = PyGILState_Acquire();

Make that PyGILState_Ensure();


Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Clovis Fabricio
2009/2/4 Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be:
 EQ.stdout is the filelike object you're looking for.
 communicate() grabs entire output at once so don't use it.
 Thanks a lot, I haven't found that in the official documentation.

That would be a documentation bug.
Fortunately it is not true. Here is it in the documentation:


Re: subprocess.Popen - file like object from stdout=PIPE

2009-02-04 Thread Helmut Jarausch

Clovis Fabricio wrote:

2009/2/4 Helmut Jarausch jarau...@skynet.be:

EQ.stdout is the filelike object you're looking for.
communicate() grabs entire output at once so don't use it.

Thanks a lot, I haven't found that in the official documentation.

That would be a documentation bug.
Fortunately it is not true. Here is it in the documentation:



For people like me which don't always read until the end of a document
it would be nice if just after the paragraph

stdin, stdout and stderr specify the executed programs’ standard input, standard output and standard error file handles, 
respectively. Valid values are PIPE, an existing file descriptor (a positive integer), an existing file object, and 
None. PIPE indicates that a new pipe to the child should be created. With None, no redirection will occur; the child’s 
file handles will be inherited from the parent. Additionally, stderr can be STDOUT, which indicates that the stderr data 
from the applications should be captured into the same file handle as for stdout.

there would some lines like

These pipes are exposed as file-like objects which can be accessed via the
stdin, stdout or stderr (resp.) attributes of an object of class 
subprocess.Popen .

Please be indulgent to people like me.


Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

Re: Added-value of frameworks?

2009-02-04 Thread Matimus
On Feb 4, 8:08 am, Gilles Ganault nos...@nospam.com wrote:

 If I wanted to build some social web site such as Facebook, what do
 frameworks like Django or TurboGears provide over writing a site from
 scratch using Python?

 Thank you for your feedback.

Why not just look at the frameworks themselves and see what they have
to offer. Django and Turbogears both have pretty good tutorials. You
can be up and running in 20 minutes with each one. You be the judge.

The frameworks provide a lot of boilerplate code that I would rather
not write. They are probably more secure and scalable than something I
would come up with. You also get many extras for free. I think in both
of the frameworks you mention you get an administrative back end for
free. Other people have created apps/plugins that you can use with
those frameworks. So, for example, you might be able to borrow the
code to help you add a forum to your site.

I'm not sure I know the advantage of not using a framework. Unless I
get to write more code is an advantage. Creating your own framework
might be fun, but if you really just want a website don't do more work
than you need to.


Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Gary Herron
Vincent Davis wrote:
 Do to laking knowledge my google searches have not turned up an answer for me.
 I know this is wrong it uses the items in the list as the filename,
 how do I refer to the dataname and not the items in it.

 def savedata(dataname):
 filename = str(dataname)  # this does not do what I would like it to
 ext1 = '\.csv'
 flex = filename + ext1
 datawrite = csv.writer(open(flex, wb))


I need more information to answer this question -- because I have no
idea what the question means.

  What is dataname?
  What would you like filename to be after that line.

One example of dataname and the desired filename is probably enough to
answer your question.
 Vincent Davis


Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Chase

I know this is wrong it uses the items in the list as the filename,
how do I refer to the dataname and not the items in it.

Without a sample value for dataname, it's hard to tell what 
you're trying to do.  Do you mean

  dataname = ['path', 'to', 'file']
  filename = os.sep.join(dataname)

Or you have a list of one value, and just want its first item?

  filename = dataname[0]

def savedata(dataname):
filename = str(dataname) # this does not do what I would like it to

It would help if you detailed what you *would* like it to do...

   from MindReading import answer
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 6, in comp.lang.python
  ImportError: No module named MindReading

Similar failure attempting

   import dwim



Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Catherine Heathcote
Firstly hi, I don't know any of you yet but am picking up Python and 
will be lurking here a lot lol. I am a hobbiest coder (did 3 out of 4 
years of a comp tech degree, long story) and am learning Python, 'cos I 
saw some code and it just looks a really nice language to work with. I 
come from C++, so I am bound to trip up trying to do things the wrong way!

I have been working with Project Euler to get the hang of Python, and 
all goes well. I have an idea for a small project, an overly simplistic 
interactive fiction engine (well more like those old choose your own 
adventure books, used to love those!) that uses XML for its map files. 
The main issues I see so far is the XML parsing (I should pick that up 
ok, I have a blackbelt in google-foo), but more importantly splitting 
code files.

In C++ I would obviously split .cpp and .h files, pairing them up and 
using #include. How do I do this in Python? I see that you don't tend to 
split logic from defenition, but how do I keep different classes in 
different files? My google-fu fails me so far.


Re: Load / Reload module

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Otten
Scott David Daniels wrote:

 Marius Butuc wrote:
 I want do declare some classes (classes.py) in an external editor,
 than import the file and use the classes. After I change the file, I
 want to reload the definitions w/o leaving the interactive
 So far I have tried
 - import classes   # doesn't import my classes
 Use this and refer to the class from the imported module.
  import classes
  instance = classes.SomeClass()
  instance = classes.SomeClass()
 This is by far the best way, but if you _must_,
  from classes import *
  instance = SomeClass()
  from classes import *
  instance = SomeClass()

Also note that only instances created after the reload will have the new

 import classes
 a = classes.SomeClass()
 print a
 open(classes.py, w).write(class SomeClass:
...   def __str__(self): return 'new'
... )
module 'classes' from 'classes.py'
 b = classes.SomeClass()
 print b
 print a

Sometimes you may be able to fix this manually by assigning to the

 a.__class__ = classes.SomeClass
 print a

but I recommend that you put all your code into a another script rather than
resorting to such tricks

$ cat main.py
import classes
a = classes.SomeClass()

If you want to experiment with a in the interactive interpreter you can
invoke main with the -i option:

$ python -i main.py
 print a


Re: Kill a function while it's being executed

2009-02-04 Thread Steve Holden
Noam Aigerman wrote:
 About the hijacking - I *might* have done it without understanding what
 I did (replied to a previous message and then changed the subject), if
 that's what you mean...

That's what he meant. A lot of news reading and email software uses
In-Reply-To and various other message headers to determine how messages
are threaded, so (for example) in my Thunderbird Window this appears to
be a part of the thread that started out as Locating Python.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC  http://www.holdenweb.com/


re.sub and named groups

2009-02-04 Thread Emanuele D'Arrigo
Hi everybody,

I'm having a ball with the power of regular expression but I stumbled
on something I don't quite understand:

theOriginalString = spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)
aReplacementPattern = \(\?Pfirst.*\)
aReplacementString= foo
re.sub(aReplacementPattern , aReplacementString, theOriginalString)

results in :


instead, I was expecting:

spam:foo ham:

Why is that?

Thanks for your help!



Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Vincent Davis
Sorry for not being clearI would have something like this
x = [1, 2, 3,5 ,6 ,9,234]

def savedata(dataname): ..


this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my problem, getting the
name to be x.csv which is the same as the name of the list.

and the data in the file would be
1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this parts works

Vincent Davis

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.comwrote:

 I know this is wrong it uses the items in the list as the filename,
 how do I refer to the dataname and not the items in it.

 Without a sample value for dataname, it's hard to tell what you're trying
 to do.  Do you mean

  dataname = ['path', 'to', 'file']
  filename = os.sep.join(dataname)

 Or you have a list of one value, and just want its first item?

  filename = dataname[0]

  def savedata(dataname):
filename = str(dataname) # this does not do what I would like it to

 It would help if you detailed what you *would* like it to do...

   from MindReading import answer
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 6, in comp.lang.python
  ImportError: No module named MindReading

 Similar failure attempting

   import dwim



Re: MySQLdb and MySQL stored functions

2009-02-04 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
kurt.forrester@googlemail.com kurt.forrester@googlemail.com wrote:
  Any ideas on how to suppress the warning output:
  __main__:1: Warning: No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or

You can use the warnings module to suppress these I would have

Nick Craig-Wood n...@craig-wood.com -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread MRAB

Vincent Davis wrote:
 Sorry for not being clear I would have something like this x = [1, 2,
 3,5 ,6 ,9,234]

 Then def savedata(dataname): ..


 this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my problem, getting
 the name to be x.csv which is the same as the name of the list.

 and the data in the file would be 1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this parts works

The list itself doesn't have a name. You need to pass in both the name
and the list:

def savedata(name, data): ..

savedata(x, x)

Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 4, 10:47 am, Catherine Heathcote
catherine.heathc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Firstly hi, I don't know any of you yet but am picking up Python and
 will be lurking here a lot lol. I am a hobbiest coder (did 3 out of 4
 years of a comp tech degree, long story) and am learning Python, 'cos I
 saw some code and it just looks a really nice language to work with. I
 come from C++, so I am bound to trip up trying to do things the wrong way!

 I have been working with Project Euler to get the hang of Python, and
 all goes well. I have an idea for a small project, an overly simplistic
 interactive fiction engine (well more like those old choose your own
 adventure books, used to love those!) that uses XML for its map files.
 The main issues I see so far is the XML parsing (I should pick that up
 ok, I have a blackbelt in google-foo), but more importantly splitting
 code files.

 In C++ I would obviously split .cpp and .h files, pairing them up and
 using #include. How do I do this in Python? I see that you don't tend to
 split logic from defenition, but how do I keep different classes in
 different files? My google-fu fails me so far.

You just use the keyword import. Here's a goofy example:

1) foo.py contains a class called Foo
2) bar.py contains a script that imports Foo:

import foo

# create an instance of the Foo class
myFoo = foo.Foo()

I hope that was clear.


Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Catherine Heathcote

Mike Driscoll wrote:

On Feb 4, 10:47 am, Catherine Heathcote
catherine.heathc...@gmail.com wrote:

Firstly hi, I don't know any of you yet but am picking up Python and
will be lurking here a lot lol. I am a hobbiest coder (did 3 out of 4
years of a comp tech degree, long story) and am learning Python, 'cos I
saw some code and it just looks a really nice language to work with. I
come from C++, so I am bound to trip up trying to do things the wrong way!

I have been working with Project Euler to get the hang of Python, and
all goes well. I have an idea for a small project, an overly simplistic
interactive fiction engine (well more like those old choose your own
adventure books, used to love those!) that uses XML for its map files.
The main issues I see so far is the XML parsing (I should pick that up
ok, I have a blackbelt in google-foo), but more importantly splitting
code files.

In C++ I would obviously split .cpp and .h files, pairing them up and
using #include. How do I do this in Python? I see that you don't tend to
split logic from defenition, but how do I keep different classes in
different files? My google-fu fails me so far.

You just use the keyword import. Here's a goofy example:

1) foo.py contains a class called Foo
2) bar.py contains a script that imports Foo:

import foo

# create an instance of the Foo class
myFoo = foo.Foo()

I hope that was clear.


Perfect, thanks ^^

Re: re.sub and named groups

2009-02-04 Thread MRAB

Emanuele D'Arrigo wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I'm having a ball with the power of regular expression but I stumbled
 on something I don't quite understand:

 theOriginalString = spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)
 aReplacementPattern = \(\?Pfirst.*\)
 aReplacementString= foo
 re.sub(aReplacementPattern , aReplacementString, theOriginalString)

 results in :


 instead, I was expecting:

 spam:foo ham:

 Why is that?

 Thanks for your help!

The quantifiers eg * are normally greedy; they try to match as much as
possible. Therefore .* matches:

spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)

You could use the lazy form *? which tries to match as little as
possible, eg \(\?Pfirst.*?\) where the .*? matches:

spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)

giving spam:foo ham:(?Psecond.*).

Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Vincent Davis
I know nothing but that sucks. I can think of a lot of times I would like to
do something similar. There really is no way to do this, it seems like there
would be some simple way kind of like str(listname) but backwards or
Vincent Davis

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM, MRAB goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Vincent Davis wrote:
  Sorry for not being clear I would have something like this x = [1, 2,
  3,5 ,6 ,9,234]
  Then def savedata(dataname): ..
  this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my problem, getting
  the name to be x.csv which is the same as the name of the list.
  and the data in the file would be 1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this parts works
 The list itself doesn't have a name. You need to pass in both the name
 and the list:

 def savedata(name, data): ..

 savedata(x, x)



Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Vincent Davis
I guess what I am saying is that it does not seem like I am adding any
information that is not already there when I have to enter that list and
list name after all they are the same.
Vincent Davis

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Vincent Davis vinc...@vincentdavis.netwrote:

 I know nothing but that sucks. I can think of a lot of times I would like
 to do something similar. There really is no way to do this, it seems like
 there would be some simple way kind of like str(listname) but backwards or
 Vincent Davis

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM, MRAB goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Vincent Davis wrote:
  Sorry for not being clear I would have something like this x = [1, 2,
  3,5 ,6 ,9,234]
  Then def savedata(dataname): ..
  this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my problem, getting
  the name to be x.csv which is the same as the name of the list.
  and the data in the file would be 1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this parts works
 The list itself doesn't have a name. You need to pass in both the name
 and the list:

 def savedata(name, data): ..

 savedata(x, x)



Re: re.sub and named groups

2009-02-04 Thread Emanuele D'Arrigo
On Feb 4, 5:17 pm, MRAB goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:
 You could use the lazy form *? which tries to match as little as
 possible, eg \(\?Pfirst.*?\) where the .*? matches:
 spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)
 giving spam:foo ham:(?Psecond.*).

A-ha! Of course! That makes perfect sense! Thank you! Problem solved!




Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Gary Herron
Catherine Heathcote wrote:
 Firstly hi, I don't know any of you yet but am picking up Python and
 will be lurking here a lot lol. I am a hobbiest coder (did 3 out of 4
 years of a comp tech degree, long story) and am learning Python, 'cos
 I saw some code and it just looks a really nice language to work with.
 I come from C++, so I am bound to trip up trying to do things the
 wrong way!

Welcome.  I suspect you'll enjoy Python.  (Far more than C++ ).

 I have been working with Project Euler to get the hang of Python, and
 all goes well. I have an idea for a small project, an overly
 simplistic interactive fiction engine (well more like those old choose
 your own adventure books, used to love those!) that uses XML for its
 map files. The main issues I see so far is the XML parsing (I should
 pick that up ok, I have a blackbelt in google-foo), but more
 importantly splitting code files.

Several modules exits to do the parsing of XML:  elementtree, xml, and
beautifulsoup come to mind immediately.

 In C++ I would obviously split .cpp and .h files, pairing them up and
 using #include. How do I do this in Python? I see that you don't tend
 to split logic from defenition, but how do I keep different classes in
 different files? My google-fu fails me so far.

Use the import statement for this.

If file a.py defines some classes or functions
  class UsefulClass:
  def UsefulFn(...):

Then your main Python file imports it and uses the things define in a.py
like this:
  import a
  ob = UsefulClass(...)

Good luck,

Gary Herron



Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Vincent Davis
can I do it the otherway, that issavedata('nameoflist')

Vincent Davis

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Vincent Davis vinc...@vincentdavis.netwrote:

 I guess what I am saying is that it does not seem like I am adding any
 information that is not already there when I have to enter that list and
 list name after all they are the same.
 Vincent Davis

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Vincent Davis 

 I know nothing but that sucks. I can think of a lot of times I would like
 to do something similar. There really is no way to do this, it seems like
 there would be some simple way kind of like str(listname) but backwards or
 Vincent Davis

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM, MRAB goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Vincent Davis wrote:
  Sorry for not being clear I would have something like this x = [1, 2,
  3,5 ,6 ,9,234]
  Then def savedata(dataname): ..
  this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my problem, getting
  the name to be x.csv which is the same as the name of the list.
  and the data in the file would be 1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this parts works
 The list itself doesn't have a name. You need to pass in both the name
 and the list:

 def savedata(name, data): ..

 savedata(x, x)



Re: Date Comparison

2009-02-04 Thread Colin J. Williams

Bill McClain wrote:

On 2009-02-03, mohana2...@gmail.com mohana2...@gmail.com wrote:

I need to compare two dates and find the number of days between those
two dates.This can be done with datetime module in python  as below,
but this is not supported in Jython.

There are julian day routines in this astronomy package:


and in Mark Lemburg's mxDate

Colin W.



Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Chase

I know nothing but that sucks. I can think of a lot of times I would like to
do something similar. There really is no way to do this, it seems like there
would be some simple way kind of like str(listname) but backwards or

Python does the only reasonable thing:  doesn't give you access 
to the name.  Consider the following situation:

  a = [1,2,3,4,5]
  b = a


Do you want a or b as the variable-name?  Both are valid 
names for the same list.

If it matters, you can do something like this hack:

  def savedata(**kwargs):
assert len(kwargs) == 1, Just pass one parameter
filename, data = kwargs.iteritems().next()
ext1 = '\.csv'
flex = filename + ext1
datawrite = csv.writer(open(flex, wb))

which can then be called with something like


to create foo.csv containing that data.

Or you could just pass it explicitly which would make more sense 
and be easier to understand.



Re: re.sub and named groups

2009-02-04 Thread Yapo Sébastien

 Hi everybody,

 I'm having a ball with the power of regular expression but I stumbled
 on something I don't quite understand:

 theOriginalString = spam:(?Pfirst.*) ham:(?Psecond.*)
 aReplacementPattern = \(\?Pfirst.*\)
 aReplacementString= foo
 re.sub(aReplacementPattern , aReplacementString, theOriginalString)

 results in :


 instead, I was expecting:

 spam:foo ham:

 Why is that?

 Thanks for your help!


I think that .* in your replacement pattern matches .*)
ham:(?Psecond.* in your original string which seems correct for a regexp.
Perhaps you should try aReplacementPattern = \(\?Pfirst\.\*\) or use
replace() since your replacement pattern is not a regexp anymore.


Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Chase

can I do it the otherway, that issavedata('nameoflist')

for limited cases where your variable is defined globally, you 
can use:

   a = [1,2,3,4]
   def save(s):
  ... print globals().get(s, UNDEFINED)
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
   b = (6,5,4,3)
  (6, 5, 4, 3)

However, it's a hideous hack, and fragile as demonstrated by

   x = 7000
   def baz():
  ... x = (7,8,9) # this isn't in save()'s globals()
  ... save(x)
   x = 8000

and using locals() doesn't help either:

  print locals().get(s, globals().get(s, UNDEFINED))

and has even weirder (but totally understandable) behavior:

   save(s)  # s hasn't been defined in globals()

Just pass the filename as a string, and skip trying to sniff 
internal variable-names.  Or you'll experience a world of headaches.



Re: Use list name as string

2009-02-04 Thread MRAB

Vincent Davis wrote:

I guess what I am saying is that it does not seem like I am adding
any information that is not already there when I have to enter that
list and list name after all they are the same.

If you write:

y = x

then both x and y refer to the same list.

The actual names of the variables and functions shouldn't matter to the
outside world; the name of an output file shouldn't depend on the name
of a variable.

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Vincent Davis
 vinc...@vincentdavis.net mailto:vinc...@vincentdavis.net wrote:

 I know nothing but that sucks. I can think of a lot of times I
 would like to do something similar. There really is no way to do
 this, itseems like there would be some simple way kind of like
 str(listname)but backwards or different.

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM, MRAB goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com
 mailto:goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Vincent Davis wrote:
   Sorry for not being clear I would have something like this
  x = [1, 2, 3,5 ,6 ,9,234]
   Then def savedata(dataname): ..
   this would save a to a file called x.csv This is my
   problem,getting the name to be x.csv which is the same as
   the name of the list.
   and the data in the file would be 1,2,3,5,6,9,234 this
parts works
 The list itself doesn't have a name. You need to pass in both
 the name and the list:

 def savedata(name, data): ..

 savedata(x, x)


Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread rdmurray
Quoth Catherine Heathcote catherine.heathc...@gmail.com:
 all goes well. I have an idea for a small project, an overly simplistic 
 interactive fiction engine (well more like those old choose your own 
 adventure books, used to love those!) that uses XML for its map files. 
 The main issues I see so far is the XML parsing (I should pick that up 
 ok, I have a blackbelt in google-foo), but more importantly splitting 

Others have answered your other question, but I thought I'd mention
that you will probably want to take a look at the ElementTree module.



Running CVSNT commands from python to Automate the job

2009-02-04 Thread sandeep
Hi All,

i want to automate my task for of doing cvs checkout for different
modules. I am on Windows XP and i am using Python 2.6. here is my
attched python code. The thing is when i am running this nothing is
happening. I am not sure at which end the problem is. am i giving
wrong parameters or what? any help or pointers to write directions
will be helpfull.

CVS_PATH='C:\Program Files\CVSNT\cvs.exe'

Filters the directories only from the list of files
and directories excluding the directories starting with name '.'
@param dirList=List of all the files and directories
@param basePath=path where we are doing our filtering

def filterDir(dirList,basePath):
import os
for data in dirList:
return temp

def main():
import os

curr_dir=os.getcwd()#current working directory
curr_list=os.listdir(curr_dir)#list of all files and directories
in current working directory

for mydir in temp:
CVS_COMMAND='checkout -r '+BRANCH_NAME+' -P '+dir_name
print ''+CVS_PATH+''+' -q '+CVS_COMMAND



Re: Added-value of frameworks?

2009-02-04 Thread J Kenneth King
Matimus mccre...@gmail.com writes:

 On Feb 4, 8:08 am, Gilles Ganault nos...@nospam.com wrote:

 If I wanted to build some social web site such as Facebook, what do
 frameworks like Django or TurboGears provide over writing a site from
 scratch using Python?

 Thank you for your feedback.

 Why not just look at the frameworks themselves and see what they have
 to offer. Django and Turbogears both have pretty good tutorials. You
 can be up and running in 20 minutes with each one. You be the judge.

 The frameworks provide a lot of boilerplate code that I would rather
 not write. They are probably more secure and scalable than something I
 would come up with. You also get many extras for free. I think in both
 of the frameworks you mention you get an administrative back end for
 free. Other people have created apps/plugins that you can use with
 those frameworks. So, for example, you might be able to borrow the
 code to help you add a forum to your site.

 I'm not sure I know the advantage of not using a framework. Unless I
 get to write more code is an advantage. Creating your own framework
 might be fun, but if you really just want a website don't do more work
 than you need to.


In other words, it boils down to what you get paid to do.

If you're being paid for a frob (the product, in this case a website)
then you use a frob-maker (a framework).

If you're being paid to make frobs, then you make the frob-maker.

Most frob-makers are good at producing frobs of a certain kind. Just
choose the frob-maker that makes the frobs you need.

In rare circumstances you'll need a really customized frob. Call on me
when you get there. ;)

Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Wed, 04 Feb 2009 12:38:04 -0200, Pat p...@junk.net escribió:

Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:27:02 -0500 Pat p...@junk.net wrote:

Tobiah wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why was len() made to
be it's own function?  I often find myself
typing things like my_list.len before I
catch myself.

I'm surprised that no one responded to that question.

Huh? Gabriel Genellina replied about 46 minutes after it was posted.
Might it be that your newsserver is a bit laggy?

Might be laggy.  Who knows.
Why didn't you answer the len() question?

Why should he? Why didn't you look for the answer yourself, after being  
told that it existed? Why do you expect *us* to repeat ourselves again and  
again? Don't be so lazy...

You can read all these posts using the mailing list  
(python-list@python.org), Usenet (comp.lang.python), Google Groups, and  
many other mirrors. See this same thread in 3 different ways:

Google groups:



and many others, like the forum look  feel provided by  

Gabriel Genellina


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 04 Feb 2009 07:05:22 -0200, Bruno Desthuilliers  
bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid escribió:

Gabriel Genellina a écrit :
En Mon, 02 Feb 2009 19:51:11 -0200, Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com  

Suppose a library developer (or a module developer on a large team)
uses leading underscores. Now suppose that, for whatever reason
(pressure from the users, perhaps), the library developer decides to
change a private attribute to public. Now all occurrences of the
identifier need to be changed. If an assignment to the previously
private attribute is missed, no warning will be issued (because
Python allows new attributes to be added anywhere, even completely
outside the class definition itself). And if the library is widely
used, the probability of such bugs occurring is very high.

 So _foo becomes foo. Then:
 class X(object):
def get_foo(self): return self._foo
def set_foo(self, value): self._foo = value
foo = property(get_foo, set_foo)

FWIW, if there's no other need for the property, I'd do it the other way  
round : directly make foo a plain attribute, and add a _foo property  
whose accessors would raise a deprecation warning. Then there's no  
chance I miss a an assignement to _foo !-)

Yes, that would be better. In any case, one has both static analysis tools  
(e.g. pylint) and dynamic warnings (like you said above) so I don't see a  
problem here.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Terry Reedy

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

Scott David Daniels s..@acm.org wrote:

You might enjoy looking at QNX, since I think it is built along the
lines you are describing here.  I have an ancient copy of their OS,
but haven't followed for more than couple of decades.

I vaguely know about it, and I know they claim to be hot on 
real time stuff.  I have never pursued it in any depth because

of the real tiny nature of the processors I have been working
with (8031).

When I had a cursory look at it a long time ago, it seemed
to be almost unix like in its make up, and I doubted that
I could persuade it to run on of them. (I may be dead 
wrong of course - I don't know)

I will put it on my list of stuff to try to get done.  

Slightly OT: QNX was open-sourced, at least for non-commercial use, a 
little more that a year ago.  So it might be worth a new look.


Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Terry Reedy

Pat wrote:

Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:27:02 -0500 Pat p...@junk.net wrote:

Tobiah wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why was len() made to
be it's own function?  I often find myself
typing things like my_list.len before I
catch myself.



I'm surprised that no one responded to that question.

Huh? Gabriel Genellina replied about 46 minutes after it was posted.
Might it be that your newsserver is a bit laggy?


Might be laggy.  Who knows.

Why didn't you answer the len() question?

I didn't respond because it has been asked and answered before, so the 
answer can be found in the google archives or even maybe the FAQ.



2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
I'm reading Mark Summerfield's Programming Python 3.0 at the moment,
and I'm puzzled by some of his uses of sys.float_info.epsilon. I
appreciate the issues of comparing floating point numbers, but I'm
puzzled by code like:
x = float(input(msg))
if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon:

What could the float() conversion return that would give different results for:
if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon
and (to my mind, more obvious):
if abs(x) == 0.0

I didn't realise that float() could return anything with an absolute
value less than sys.float_value.epsilon other than 0.0 (which I think
all representations can represent exactly).  What am I missing here?

Tim Rowe

Re: Tkinter

2009-02-04 Thread Francesco Bochicchio

Luke ha scritto:

Hello, I'm an inexperienced programmer and I'm trying to make a
Tkinter window and have so far been unsuccessful in being able to
delete widgets from the main window and then add new ones back into
the window without closing the main window.

The coding looks similar to this:


It may just be bad coding but either way I could use some help.


I fixed your code to do what you want, although I have no idea why you 
want it...

The main change is that you need to place the code to be executed when 
the button is clicked in a different function, and use the name of that
function as value of the on_command property of the button. Then you 
need to give back the control to Tkinter, calling the mainloop function

and when the button is clicked, your function is called.
This sort of ping-pong is called event-driven programming, and it is how 
most GUI toolkit work. The functions called when a GUI event occurs are 
called callbacks.

A secondary thing is that since both the main function and the callback 
read and change some 'variable' pointing to the widgets, you need to 
share them using python 'global' statement. Now, a better way to do it
would be incapsulate all in a class, but I wanted to stay as much as 
possible close to your code.

Finally, if you plan to to something that requires to dynamically create 
and destroy - or move arounds - graphical objects (not widgets), you 
might want to  have a look to the 'Canvas' widget.

Code follows after signature. Since the frame and the button are 
recreated just after having been destroyed, you just see them flicker.



# Module-level variables referring to widgets
# used/changed by more than one function
back_ground = None
frame1 = None

def make_frame_and_button():
global frame1, back_ground
print 'background', back_ground
print 'Frame1',  frame1
close_frame1=Button(frame1,text='close', bg='blue',
command=on_close_button )
print 'close_frame1', close_frame1
close_frame1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N,pady=25)

def on_close_button():
global frame1

def MainWin():
global back_ground, frame1


Re: Tkinter

2009-02-04 Thread Scott David Daniels

Luke wrote:

Hello, I'm an inexperienced programmer and I'm trying to make a
Tkinter window and have so far been unsuccessful in being able to
delete widgets from the main window and then add new ones back into
the window without closing the main window.

The coding looks similar to this:
from Tkinter import *
def MainWin():
close_frame1=Button(frame1,text='close',bg='light gray',
close_frame1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N,pady=25)
if frame1.destroy==True:

It may just be bad coding but either way I could use some help.

I'll tell you what I find helps me in exploring Tkinter: running
Idle in the no-subprocesses mode.  Now the resulting system _is_
less stable and may well require you to restart from time to time,
but there is a compensation: you can see the effect of each
operation as you do it by hand, as well as checking expressions:

If in Windows:
run cmd
C:\ python -m idlelib.idle -n

If in Linux / MacOSx:
Start a terminal:
$ python  -m idlelib.idle -n 

Once idle shows up,
 import Tkinter
 main = Tkinter.Tk()
a window shows up

Following through your code, you'll see you start the frame,
add the button, and, immediately after getting everything set
up, you check:
 if frame1.destroy==True:
Which it will never be (frame1.destroy is a method, not data).
Once you get the base set up, your code should runfrom events.

So, to get a single step farther:
At the top of the MainWin function, insert:
global frame1, close_frame1
Replace your close_frame1 = line down to end-o-function with:
def on_click():
global frame1, close_frame1
frame1 =Frame(back_ground,width=213,height=480,bg='white')
close_frame1 = Button(frame1,text='retry', bg='light blue',
close_frame1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N,pady=25)
close_frame1 = Button(frame1,text='close',bg='light gray',
close_frame1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N,pady=25)

The global lines are needed so that on_click and MainWin (which both
set the two names) are talking about the same objects.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: x64 speed

2009-02-04 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Is it the
 x64 working faster at its design sizes

Another guess (still from the darkness of not having received the
slightest clue what the test actually does): if it creates integers
in range(2**32, 2**64), then they fit into a Python int on AMD64-Linux,
but require a Python long on 32-bit Windows; long operations are much
slower than int operations.


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread thmpsn . m . k
On Feb 4, 3:11 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
 thmpsn@gmail.com a écrit :

  On Feb 3, 1:14 am, David Cournapeau courn...@gmail.com wrote:
  after all, we have used FILE* for years and I have no idea about the FILE

  Your lack of knowledge about it doesn't mean that it has somehow
  magically private members. The only reason that most of us don't
  know what a FILE is is that it's definition is implementation-defined
  (i.e., every compiler may define it differently).

  That doesn't have anything to do with private members. For example, on
  my system, stdio.h defines FILE as:

  struct _iobuf {
          char *_ptr;
          int   _cnt;
          char *_base;
          int   _flag;
          int   _file;
          int   _charbuf;
          int   _bufsiz;
          char *_tmpfname;

 Didn't you notice kind of a pattern here ?

You mean the leading underscores? I don't think they're used for the
same purpose as in Python. In C/C++, identifiers that begin with an
underscore are reserved (at least at the outer level). Thus, if the
member '_ptr' would instead be named 'ptr', something like this would
break things:

#define ptr // OOPS!!
#include stdio.h

That shouldn't happen with '_ptr', since programs are not supposed to
define those kinds of names (yeah, right).

  typedef struct _iobuf FILE;

  Given this information, nothing prevents me from writing things like:

  FILE* fp = fopen(file.txt, r);
  if (!fp) { /* do something */ }

  printf(fp-_cnt = %d\n, fp-cnt);
  printf(fp-_flag = %d\n, fp-_flag);
  printf(fp-_file = %d\n, fp-_file);

  fp-_flag = 0x20; // OOPS!!

 Indeed - and that's exactly the point : nothing prevents you from
 accessing the implementation, *and yet, you don't*

I sure don't, but I still *can*.



Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Scott David Daniels

Tim Rowe wrote:

I'm reading Mark Summerfield's Programming Python 3.0 at the moment,
and I'm puzzled by some of his uses of sys.float_info.epsilon. I
appreciate the issues of comparing floating point numbers, but I'm
puzzled by code like:
x = float(input(msg))
if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon:

What could the float() conversion return that would give different results for:
if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon
and (to my mind, more obvious):
if abs(x) == 0.0

I didn't realise that float() could return anything with an absolute
value less than sys.float_value.epsilon other than 0.0 (which I think
all representations can represent exactly).  What am I missing here?

You are missing the whole thing that mes floating point tricky.
I _believe_ that the epsilon is the smallest positive x such that
   1.0 != 1.0 + x
That doesn't mean that x is the smallest representable. for example,
   .0125 + epsilon / 4 != .0125

To avoid using epsilon, do something like:
if 1 + abs(x) != 1:

To learn a bit more, look into numerical analysis -- there is a whole
field dedicated to figuring out how to make floating point behave a
little bit like real numbers.  The reason it is tough is that addition
is not associative in real numbers, and associativity is at the core
of a lot of proofs in arithmetic (and group theory).

--Scott David Daniels

Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 4, 7:18 pm, Tim Rowe digi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I didn't realise that float() could return anything with an absolute
 value less than sys.float_value.epsilon other than 0.0 (which I think
 all representations can represent exactly).  What am I missing here?

There are many positive floating-point values smaller than

sys.float_info.epsilon is defined as the difference between 1.0 and
the next largest representable floating-point number.  On your system,
the next largest float is almost certainly 1 + 2**-52, so
sys.float_info.epsilon will be exactly 2**-52, which is around
2.2e-16.  This number is a good guide to the relative error
from rounding that you can expect from a basic floating-point

The smallest positive floating-point number is *much* smaller:
again, unless you have a very unusual platform, it's going to
be 2**-1074, or around 4.9e-324.  In between 2**-1074 and
2**-52 there are approximately 4.4 million million million
different floating-point numbers.  Take your pick!

If you want a specific example, how about float('6.626e-34').


Re: Using lxml to screen scrap a site, problem with charset

2009-02-04 Thread Stefan Behnel
Tim Arnold wrote:
 ?? ??? gdam...@gmail.com wrote in message 
 So, I'm using lxml to screen scrap a site that uses the cyrillic
 alphabet (windows-1251 encoding). The sites HTML doesn't have the META
 ..content-type.. charset=.. header, but does have a HTTP header that
 specifies the charset... so they are standards compliant enough.

 Now when I run this code:

 from lxml import html
 doc = html.parse('http://a1.com.mk/')
 root = doc.getroot()
 title = root.cssselect(('head title'))[0]
 print title.text

 the title.text is ? unicode string, but it has been wrongly decoded as
 latin1 - unicode
 The way I do that is to open the file with codecs, encoding=cp1251, read it 
 into variable and feed that to the parser.

Yes, if you know the encoding through an external source (especially when
parsing broken HTML), it's best to pass in either a decoded string or a
decoding file-like object, as in

tree = lxml.html.parse( codecs.open(..., encoding='...') )

You can also create a parser with an encoding override:

parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding='...', **other_options)


Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 4, 7:52 pm, Scott David Daniels scott.dani...@acm.org wrote:
 You are missing the whole thing that mes floating point tricky.
 I _believe_ that the epsilon is the smallest positive x such that
     1.0 != 1.0 + x

Nitpick alert:  this isn't quite the same thing, since that
definition is affected by rounding.  For example, if you're
using IEEE 754 doubles but (somehow) you've got a round-half-up
rounding mode then this makes epsilon 2**-53 rather than 2**-52,
because 1 + 2**-53 rounds to 1 + 2**-52 != 1.

(This confused the hell out of me many years ago when I was
reading Numerical Recipes, and trying to figure out why
on earth IEEE 754 and the VAX format had different epsilons
even though both had 53-bit mantissas.  The answer is that
IEEE 754 uses round-half-even as standard, and VAX uses
round-half-up.  Oh, and the authors of Numerical Recipes
used the 1 != 1+x definition...)

Python's float_info.epsilon comes straight from C's
DBL_EPSILON, which is defined very carefully in the C99 standard

the difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1
that is representable in the given floating point type

(taking the 'given floating point type' to be double).



how to compile in jython 2.5b1??

2009-02-04 Thread pellegrinodj
I have to use jython 2.5b1 couse with the stable version it's not
possible to use sympy library for mathematic operation but the
jythonc.bat it's not included.
I look to this link: http://www.jython.org/Project/jythonc.html
..jythonc is unmaintained and will not be present in its current form
in Jython 2.5...
so what can I do??
thank you for the answer!!

Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Steve Holden
Tim Rowe wrote:
 I'm reading Mark Summerfield's Programming Python 3.0 at the moment,
 and I'm puzzled by some of his uses of sys.float_info.epsilon. I
 appreciate the issues of comparing floating point numbers, but I'm
 puzzled by code like:
 x = float(input(msg))
 if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon:
 What could the float() conversion return that would give different results 
 if abs(x)  sys.float_info.epsilon
 and (to my mind, more obvious):
 if abs(x) == 0.0
 I didn't realise that float() could return anything with an absolute
 value less than sys.float_value.epsilon other than 0.0 (which I think
 all representations can represent exactly).  What am I missing here?
epsilon is the difference between *1.0* and the next smallest number in
the representation.

It seems pretty obvious that the smallest representable number will be
way smaller than that. To me, at least. Think about the representation
of 1. + epsilon - the mantissa will have a leading 1, then all zeros but
for a trailing 1, and the exponent will effectively be 0.

For numbers close to zero the exponent will have a large negative
effective value (exponents are usually stored as biased positive
numbers), and so the smallest value will be tiny compared with epsilon.

Though it's a long time since I did my numerical analysis, and it isn't
clear to me exactly what the test *is* supposed to do.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC  http://www.holdenweb.com/


Re: [Web 2.0] Added-value of frameworks?

2009-02-04 Thread James Matthews
They provide a nice framework that will handle most of the annoying things.
With Django you don't need to write SQL (in a sense). etc..

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Gilles Ganault nos...@nospam.com wrote:


 If I wanted to build some social web site such as Facebook, what do
 frameworks like Django or TurboGears provide over writing a site from
 scratch using Python?

 Thank you for your feedback.



Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Wooding
Russ P. russ.paie...@gmail.com writes:

 Imagine you own a company, and you decide to lease an office building.
 Would you expect the office doors to have locks on them? Oh, you
 would? Why? You mean you don't trust your co-workers? What are locks
 but enforced access restriction?

Huh?  The lock on the door isn't to keep the coworkers out.  It's to let
them /in/ while keeping everyone else out.  So I don't really see the

Or are you talking about the individual offices?  If so, then I'd expect
the locks to be /used/ only under rather unusual circumstances.  If
someone in the office has something to hide, I think that's rather
suspicious, actually...

-- [mdw]

Upgrade 2.6 to 3.0

2009-02-04 Thread joviyach
I am fairly new to Python, the first version I loaded was 2.6. I have
since downloaded 3.0 and I was wondering what the best practice for
upgrading is? I am using Windows XP Pro for my OS.



Re: Upgrade 2.6 to 3.0

2009-02-04 Thread Scott David Daniels

joviyach wrote:

I am fairly new to Python, the first version I loaded was 2.6. I have
since downloaded 3.0 and I was wondering what the best practice for
upgrading is? I am using Windows XP Pro for my OS.

On Windows, X.Y.* all go in one directory (over-riding each other)
So the whole 2.6.* family should work just fine alongside the 3.0.*
family.  In just a bit, 3.0.1 is coming soon, correcting some problems
in 3.0, so if you do install 3.0, check in a few weeks for an update.
The 2 - 3 change was pretty substantial, so it will be a bit until the
3.0 line gets lots of outside packages.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Wooding
Steven D'Aprano ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au writes:

 Now, that's a toy example. Languages like Ada make correctness proofs, 
 well, perhaps not easy, but merely difficult compared to impossible for 
 languages like Python.

Say `generally impractical' rather than `impossible' and I'll agree with
you.  But I'm not actually sure that the situation for Python with
respect to correctness proofs is significantly harder than it is for C.
Certainly Ada (or at least dialects of Ada) have features which make
proof-supporting tools easier; I'm not aware of such proof support for
other languages.

Actually, if you're starting from a formal specification in Z, say, and
implementing in Python, well, the Z checker will already have ensured
that your specification is well typed; your proof that the
implementation follows the specification will automatically contain a
well-typed-ness proof of your implementation regardless of whether the
compiler provides static verification.

 To bring it back to private/public attributes, side-effects make 
 correctness proofs difficult. Modifications of attributes are side-
 effects. When attributes are subject to being modified by arbitrary code, 
 it is harder to reason about the correctness of the code:

 class Inverter(object):
 def __init__(self, x):
 # Pre-condition: x is always a float
 if x:
 self.x = x
 raise ValueError(x must not be zero)
 # Post-condition: if self.x exists, it is a non-zero float
 def invert(self):
 return 1.0/self.x

 Is method invert correct?

I'd argue that it isn't, and in fact that the specification is wrong.
In particular, it ought to be a precondition that x is nonzero.  At this
point you can dump the explicit check at the cost of imposing a proof
obligation on the caller.

 No, it is not, because the invariant that self.x is non-zero may have 
 been broken by some arbitrary piece of code elsewhere. 

It's not stated as an invariant.  It's stated as a post-condition, which
is indeed true (almost[1]) regardless of the behaviour of other parts of
the program.

[1] A subclass may have already set self.x before invoking
Inverter.__init__.  If you explicitly `del self.x' before raising
the exception, the subclass can still defeat you by passing the
reference to the half-constructed object to another thread which
mutates the object at an inconvenient time.  I mention all of this
merely to avoid pedantry in follow-ups.

I'd also argue that maintaining the invariant about self.x is the
responsibility of code that messes with self.x, and therefore it is
/legitimate/ to modify self.x from external code which maintains the

 Our ability to reason about the correctness of the code is weakened
 significantly.  Sticking an underscore in front of x does not help:
 there's nothing to stop some arbitrary function elsewhere changing _x
 to zero.

Dichotomy for you.

  * EITHER the other code is written to the same high standards, in
which case it will come with appropriate specifications,
preconditions, postconditions, invariants and proofs for whatever it
does, even -- especially -- if it involves grubbily messing about
with your module's innards (so everything is fine);

  * OR the other code doesn't meet your high standards, in which case
all bets are off anyway, from the point of view of formal-methods
types at any rate (so you can wash your hands of the whole affair).

 (1) Paranoia. Make the developer responsible for checking everything all 
 the time:
 (2) Hope the error never occurs, and if it does, let the caller deal with 
 There is a third strategy, sadly not available to Python programmers: 
 prevention by catching potential errors at compile-time.

Four: Describe your interface clearly, specify the behaviour of
functions and so on; and leave whoever messes with your module with the
task of proving -- to whatever level of formality is required by their
project -- that what they've done is sane and reasonable.

In fact, since whatever one does in a project should be held to this
standard, whether it involves grubbing about inside undocumented
internals or not, there's nothing particularly special about this case.
Good job, really, since Python doesn't distinguish either. ;-)

-- [mdw]

Re: how to compile in jython 2.5b1??

2009-02-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

pellegrin...@gmail.com schrieb:

I have to use jython 2.5b1 couse with the stable version it's not
possible to use sympy library for mathematic operation but the
jythonc.bat it's not included.
I look to this link: http://www.jython.org/Project/jythonc.html
..jythonc is unmaintained and will not be present in its current form
in Jython 2.5...
so what can I do??
thank you for the answer!!

What do you need jythonc for? That's purely for a somewhat neater 
integration of *Java* with jython - nothing to do with sympy.


Re: Where how to deallocate resources in Python C extension

2009-02-04 Thread Mark Wooding
fredbasset1...@gmail.com writes:

 I've written a C extension, see code below, to provide a Python
 interface to a hardware watchdog timer.  As part of the initialization
 it makes some calls to mmap, I am wondering should I be making
 balanced calls to munmap in some kind of de-init function?

The kernel should remove the mapping when your process exits anyway --
otherwise the world would be left in an inconsistent state if your
process got killed by SIGKILL for example.

 Do Python extensions have d'tors?

No.  But you can cheat: stash some object whose tp_del slot does your
cleanup in your extension's module under some funny name.  (And woe
betide anyone who dels the funny name prematurely!)  I'm not sure I'd

-- [mdw]

Re: structs

2009-02-04 Thread Keith Thompson
Scott David Daniels scott.dani...@acm.org writes:
 To avoid using epsilon, do something like: 
 if 1 + abs(x) != 1:

An OK effort, but you're wrong.  That's not how to do it at all.

Re: how to compile in jython 2.5b1??

2009-02-04 Thread ruelle
 What do you need jythonc for? That's purely for a somewhat neater
 integration of *Java* with jython - nothing to do with sympy.


I need jythonc to compile a simple script in java,
this script import SymPy library.

thank you


2009-02-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2009-02-03 19:30, KMCB wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone was aware of a JDBC DBAPI module for
 cpython.  I have looked at PYJDBC and was interested in avoiding using
 that extra level of ICE.  I was thinking maybe someone would have back
 ported zxJDBC from Jython.  Or used that as a starting point, to
 create a module and had a C based wrapper for the driver.  This type
 of activity was talked about back in 2004 on this forum, but I was
 wondering if anyone had newer information.

Why not use ODBC instead ?


(zxJDBC is based on and was inspired by mxODBC)

Or, if you don't have ODBC drivers for your database, use an
ODBC-JDBC bridge such as:


Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Feb 04 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: structs

2009-02-04 Thread Keith Thompson
Gary Herron gher...@islandtraining.com writes:
 Python *is* object-oriented

I disagree. Care to provide proof of that statement?

Re: x64 speed

2009-02-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2009-02-04 11:14, Robin Becker wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 I follow David's guess that Linux does better IO than Windows (not
 knowing anything about the benchmark, of course)

 I originally thought it must be the vmware host stuff offloading IO to
 the second core, but watching with sysinternals didn't show a lot of
 extra stuff going on with the vm compared to just running on the host.

 I'm not talking about vmware. I'm suggesting that Linux ext3, and the
 Linux buffer handling, is just more efficient than NTFS, and the Windows
 buffer handling.

 If you split the total runtime into system time and user time, how do
 the 30s split up?
 so here is one for the vm clock is bad theorists :)
 [rpt...@localhost tests]$ time python25 runAll.py
 Ran 193 tests in 27.841s


 sys 0m0.917s
 [rpt...@localhost tests]$
 magical how the total python time is less than the real time.

time(1) also measures the Python startup and shutdown time, so
I don't quite see the magic :-(

FWIW: VMware VMs need the VMware tools installed to make their
clocks work more or less. With Linux, you need some extra tweaks
as well, otherwise the clocks are just completely unreliable.

See these notes:


Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Feb 04 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: Kill a function while it's being executed

2009-02-04 Thread Ben Finney
Noam Aigerman no...@answers.com writes:

 About the hijacking - I *might* have done it without understanding
 what I did (replied to a previous message and then changed the
 subject), if that's what you mean...

Right. The message still declares itself (via fields in the header) to
be a reply to the original, regardless of the subject change. If your
reply actually has no bearing on the original, then that's what is
known as hijacking a thread.

To start a new thread, you need to compose a new message to the forum.

 \   “[Freedom of speech] isn't something somebody else gives you. |
  `\  That's something you give to yourself.” —_Hocus Pocus_, Kurt |
_o__) Vonnegut |
Ben Finney

Re: Unzipping a .zip properly, and from a remote URL

2009-02-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2009-02-03 15:32, Tino Wildenhain wrote:
 Christopher Culver wrote:
 Tino Wildenhain t...@wildenhain.de writes:
 so instead you would use archive = zipfile.ZipFile(remotedata)

 That produces the following error if I try that in the Python
 interpreter (URL edited for privacy):

 import zipfile
 import urllib2
 remotedata = urllib2.urlopen(http://...file.zip;)
 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(remotedata)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.py, line 346, in __init__
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.py, line 366, in _GetContents
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.py, line 376, in _RealGetContents
 endrec = _EndRecData(fp)
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.py, line 133, in _EndRecData
 fpin.seek(-22, 2)   # Assume no archive comment.
 AttributeError: addinfourl instance has no attribute 'seek'

Try this:

 import urllib, zipfile, cStringIO
 zipwebfile = 
 buffer = cStringIO.StringIO(zipwebfile.read())
 zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer)
File Name Modified Size
locale/Makefile.pre.in 1997-10-31 21:13:06 9818
locale/Setup.in1997-10-31 21:14:04   74
locale/locale.c1997-11-19 17:36:46 4698
locale/CommandLine.py  1997-11-19 15:50:02 2306
locale/probe.py1997-11-19 15:51:18 1870
locale/__init__.py 1997-11-19 17:55:020

The trick is to use a StringIO buffer to provide the .seek()

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Feb 04 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

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