Re: [Qt-qml] how to expose nested ListModel from C++ to QML?

2010-12-09 Thread bea.lam
And ignore the duplicate 'outerDelegate' id below - that should only be in the Repeater, not the Component. On 10/12/2010, at 3:09 PM, ext wrote: Hi James, On 10/12/2010, at 2:20 PM, ext Wei, Xiaohai wrote: Thanks. another question on nested listview. How can

Re: [Qt-qml] How to think about Attached Properties?

2010-12-05 Thread bea.lam
Hi Charley, In the case where I have MyAttachedProperties, must the nested b.c.d actually be nested within each other (with each of b and c derived from QObject and exposed to QML), or is there a way I could map the b.c.d to some application-specific attribute within

Re: [Qt-qml] How to think about Attached Properties?

2010-11-30 Thread bea.lam
Hi Charley, On 27/11/2010, at 11:45 AM, ext Charley Bay wrote: I'm implementing attached properties on my custom C++ type (exposed to QML), and am unsure about the proper use model: For example, I did: (a) Implement C++ class

Re: [Qt-qml] Custom Item on a ListModel

2010-11-30 Thread bea.lam
Hi Thomas, On 01/12/2010, at 2:07 AM, ext Thomas PABST wrote: Hi, I'm currently trying to find a way to make differents items on a ListModel ! I design a general box, and I would like to add customs items on them. By exemple, I would like to add a file manager on the first one, an

Re: [Qt-qml] XML patterns and Namespace prefix

2010-11-22 Thread bea.lam
Hi Adrian, On 22/11/2010, at 5:40 PM, ext adrian hornsby wrote: Hi all, I am trying to parse an activity-stream: entry,2008:photo01/id titleMy Cat/title published2008-11-02T15:29:00Z/published link rel=alternate type=text/html href=/geraldine/photos/1 /

Re: [Qt-qml] Object passing in threaded applications.

2010-11-10 Thread bea.lam
Hi René, On 10/11/2010, at 10:49 PM, ext René Hansen wrote: And my question is then, is there any other QML objects besides ListModel I can use? Where can I find the documentation? Why isn't there support of custom objects? No, the WorkerScript doesn't support passing of custom objects;

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Listmodel signal parameters

2010-11-08 Thread bea.lam
Hi Christian, On 08/11/2010, at 8:32 PM, ext wrote: The ListModel in QML has a number of signals like: onItemsInserted onItemsChanged onItemsRemoved etc… Is there any way to know which items have actually been changed? I can’t find any documentation on

Re: [Qt-qml] Getting the id

2010-11-07 Thread bea.lam
On 05/11/2010, at 5:34 PM, ext wrote: Can the QDeclarativeEngineDebug be used in test code and in the tools somehow for this? -P These classes are private so we wouldn't recommend that you use them. Currently the declarative auto tests use objectName to locate

Re: [Qt-qml] Call C++ Slot from Workerscript.sendmessage

2010-11-01 Thread bea.lam
Hi Mike, On 01/11/2010, at 9:37 PM, ext Schmidt wrote: Hi All, how do i call a slot of my c++-Programm from the WorkerScript .js file ? class MyClass { Q_OBJECT public slots: void work() { /* do something*/ } } MyClass is given to qml via

Re: [Qt-qml] how to reload qml Image

2010-10-28 Thread bea.lam
Hi Jingzhe, On 28/10/2010, at 6:07 PM, ext wrote: Hi, I have a Image element in my QML, and I use my own ImageProvider as the source, my ImageProvider is a plugin. Image { Id: foregroundImage Source:

Re: [Qt-qml] Accessing C++ singleton from QML

2010-10-27 Thread bea.lam
Hi Alex, On 28/10/2010, at 5:04 AM, ext Alex wrote: Hi all, This is probably a silly question, but how do I access a singleton instance of a C++ class from QML? For example, I have: class Settings : QObject { public: static Settings *instance(); private: Settings(); }; In

Re: [Qt-qml] Flipable not showing content

2010-10-19 Thread bea.lam
On 20/10/2010, at 4:36 AM, ext Colin Kern wrote: On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Almo Nito wrote: Hello there, i have a Flippable like the one in the flipabe example Cant I use ids as front and back? do I have to place the real item there? It looks like you have to

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Quick examples : Charts 1.0 module : how this works?

2010-09-21 Thread bea.lam
Hi Matthieu, On 21/09/2010, at 9:36 PM, ext wrote: Hi all, I have a big interest in QML but am facing an issue where I can't understand what to do. I downloaded the latest Qt Creator snapshots and started looking at the Quick examples. In the one named

Re: [Qt-qml] SmoothedAnimation Soul Searching

2010-09-06 Thread bea.lam
On 03/09/2010, at 8:10 PM, ext Alan Alpert wrote: I'm looking for some feedback on what people think the real use case for SmoothedAnimation is. There's currently two different cases that I'm looking into. A) Move from point C to point D, smoothly, where point D doesn't change (much).

Re: [Qt-qml] Multiple qml files in one .cpp

2010-08-24 Thread bea.lam
On 21/08/2010, at 1:12 AM, ext Sulamita Garcia wrote: Hi I'm following the SameGame example - The example runs fine with qmlviewer, but I'm trying to generate a release for it. I have a main.cpp like this: #include

Re: [Qt-qml] UTF-8 vs. other encodings with XMLHttpRequest

2010-08-23 Thread bea.lam
On 20/08/2010, at 5:04 PM, ext wrote: Hi, I've run into problems in how qml handles character encodings with XMLHttpRequest. The web service I'm using returns either a block of text with following response header content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 or a

Re: [Qt-qml] Dynamically created items and properties

2010-08-23 Thread bea.lam
This does not seem to work too well for me. Or, well, not at all actually. What I have is: property alias connectionTarget: id: dummyId states: [ State { name: UnitValid when: unit != undefined

Re: [Qt-qml] enumerations in QML

2010-08-04 Thread bea.lam
On 05/08/2010, at 2:45 PM, ext Gregory Schlomoff wrote: Isn't there a way to expose an enum to QML with qRegisterType or something? If an enum is exposed to Qt's Meta Object system using Q_ENUMS, the enum is automatically available to QML. This is mentioned in

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Questions

2010-07-13 Thread bea.lam
On 14/07/2010, at 10:20 AM, ext Jason H wrote: Ok, I'm with you. So how do I make sure all the images have loaded in the model? Actually, it's probably better to avoid NumberAnimation. In your case it's not the best thing to use since your to value keeps changing. A better option is

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Questions

2010-07-11 Thread bea.lam
On 10/07/2010, at 12:37 AM, ext Jason H wrote: So I dug more into it and got this: ListView{ id: lv width: 1000 height: 700 anchors.fill: parent model: visualModel spacing: 10 NumberAnimationon contentY { from: 0

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Questions

2010-07-11 Thread bea.lam
Unable to assign [undefined] to double to // to: contentHeight Not sure about this error - I can't reproduce it myself. Could you file a bug with a standalone example? Ah, it looks like the error shows up if the ListView is enclosed within a parent item. To avoid this error, refer

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Questions

2010-07-09 Thread bea.lam
Hi Jason, To scroll a flickable, change the contentY property. E.g. change NumberAnimationon visibleArea.yPosition { from:0.0 to: 1.0 easing: Easing.Linear duration: 1 } } to something like:

[Qt-qml] Changes to pixmap loading for image elements

2010-07-09 Thread bea.lam
Hi, The Image::pixmap property has been removed as it can cause memory issues, as noted in To improve support for pixmap loading (for both Image and BorderImage), we have extended QDeclarativeImageProvider to enable it to serve QPIxmaps as

Re: [Qt-qml] Javascript include/import?

2010-06-16 Thread bea.lam
Hi Greg, On 17/06/2010, at 2:58 AM, ext wrote: Hi all, Have a look at an example of my javascript code below, it’s causing the following error, TypeError: Result of expression 'Component' [undefined] is not an object. This is caused by a known bug where the

Re: [Qt-qml] debugger for javascript in QML apps ?

2010-06-09 Thread bea.lam
Hi Sacha, On 10/06/2010, at 2:13 AM, ext Sacha Zyto wrote: Hi everyone, I've been playing with QML for a few days, with great interest, and I was wondering if there was anyway to debug the javascript code that I write for QML app. By that, I mean basic debugging: Being able to set

Re: [Qt-qml] XmlListView question

2010-05-17 Thread bea.lam
Hi Tim, On 18/05/2010, at 1:53 AM, ext wrote: Hi, I noticed there isn’t a get() method for the XmlListView. Is there any way to get at a specific index in an XmlListView model? Not at the moment. I've created to add a