[qubes-users] How to add "nouveau.modeset=0" to boot settings in Qubes 4.x? (ASUS ROG GL552VW-DM141 laptop)

2018-02-22 Thread @LeeteqXV (Twitter & Mastodon.technology)
Hi all. I initially thought to save some time and cleared a reply to an 
existing thread to do a new post, but that did not work. Sorry about the 
wrong post. Reposting it here now. Thanks for the reply and pointing it 
out, Yuraeitha.

See my reply + follow-up question at the bottom, below the quoted posts:


My original post, incl. a reply by "Yuraeitha" below..:

"I am considering Qubes 4.x for an ASUS ROG GL552VW-DM141 laptop with 
NVIDIA graphics and built-in/onboard "fallback" Intel graphics.

In order to get for example Ubuntu Mate installed onto it, to get past 
the installer incompatibilities with NVidia, it is necessary to edit the 
boot menu and add "nouveau.modeset=0" to the startup command. Then 
Ubuntu boots fine.

Can this be done with Qubes 4.x?
How/where to affect such boot commands; can that be done from the boot 
media/USB stick directly, as we do with other Linux live USB sticks?

Thanks, "



Reply from "Yuraeitha" on Feb. 19th..:

- show quoted text -

It's probably best you start a new thread, this thread is about a whole 
different issue altogether.

But since this is an old thread, I'll briefly answer you.
This what you seek, directing a GPU directly into an AppVM, or any other 
work arounds, can currently be done in Qubes 3.2. nor Qubes 4.0.

However, it is planned for Qubes 4.1, which may reach release. Just 
don't get hyped yet, things can change, 4.0. is barely finished and 4.1. 
is currently only on the drawing board. Look here for quick information 
about 4.1. https://github.com/rootkovska/qubes-roadmap 
 you can see the GTX 
passthrough ability on the map.

Also, you don't really need Ubuntu for these kind of things, it can 
easily be fixed up in both Debian and Fedora. You can use Intel graphics 
just fine for 4k videos, you don't need nvidia for stuff like that on 
modern motherboard/CPU systems. You may need powerful graphic cards for 
gaming and high end graphics, but this too isn't possible, at least 
before Qubes 4.1. anyway. If you didn't need these in Qubes 4, then it 
will likely make no difference to you to use Intel graphics. Also Qubes 
dom0 frequently has nvidia graphic issues and may require a full 
properitary driver download/install, with a manual install.

To get a bit back on-topic, it saves you whole lot of hassle if you get 
adjusted to not be depending too much on Ubuntu and others that give 
everything on a silverplate. Although DVM protected content is never 
stable regardless of the Linux distribution, unless you download the 
Google Chrome browser from Google (Not Chromium), which usually always 
have working DVM videos in any Linux. Issue being, that Firefox and 
others, often loose the ability to play the video, especially Microsoft 
silverlight videos, which the work-arounds frequently break.

Essentially you can play the codecs fine, HTML5 is for example extremely 
easy to install in Fedora through enabling the RPMFusion repositories, 
which can easily be done in Qubes fedora template (best make a copy 
first). But it does not include HTML5-DVM.

Essentially, DVM is so messed up, you ma/y just want to download the 
Google Browser specifically for these videos, and just be done with the 
crapware copyright protectors throw at us. It's not like they care about 
Linux anyway, so why would changing to Ubuntu make any difference? 
Ubuntu is just as unstable in this regard of protected content due to 
lack of developer support of protected contents.

However, Fedora+Firefox+RPMFusionRepositories+ffmpeg+Firefox's own DVM = 
Netflix and all HTML5 videos on youtube, and similar modern websites, 
works smoothly without issues.

Try not to get too dependent on a system, really it makes little 
difference if you adjust yourself to it.

Also install Qubes with LegacyBIOS/Grub and press the E key during the 
Grub menu, then add after or before "quiet" on the module code-line. Or 
just temporarily disable nvidia in your UEFI, works too, more or less 
does the same as nouveau.modeset=0."'


The final part of Yuraeitha's answer is relevant for my case as it is 
about installing Qubes itself, not inside a VM..:

Also install Qubes with LegacyBIOS/Grub and press the E key during the 
Grub menu, then add after or before "quiet" on the module code-line. Or 
just temporarily disable nvidia in your UEFI, works too, more or less 
does the same as nouveau.modeset=0."

So; 1. That (ASUS ROG GL552VW-DM141 laptop) AMI BIOS does not have any 
function to disable NVIDIA for UEFI (or anything about disabling 
graphics at all), as far as I can see.

2. I add the modeset to the startup, then get to the actual startup GUI 
first page, but then cannot proceed. I manage to restart the installer 
in TEXT mode, which actually lets me install th

[qubes-users] How to add "nouveau.modeset=0" to boot settings in Qubes 4.x?

2018-02-19 Thread @LeeteqXV (Twitter & Mastodon.technology)
I am considering Qubes 4.x for an ASUS ROG GL552VW-DM141 laptop with 
NVIDIA graphics and built-in/onboard "fallback" Intel graphics.

In order to get for example Ubuntu Mate installed onto it, to get past 
the installer incompatibilities with NVidia, it is necessary to edit the 
boot menu and add "nouveau.modeset=0" to the startup command. Then 
Ubuntu boots fine.

Can this be done with Qubes 4.x?
How/where to affect such boot commands; can that be done from the boot 
media/USB stick directly, as we do with other Linux live USB sticks?


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[qubes-users] How to add "nouveau.modeset=0" to boot settings in Qubes 4.x?

2018-02-19 Thread @LeeteqXV (Twitter & Mastodon.technology)
I am considering Qubes 4.x for an ASUS ROG GL552VW-DM141 laptop with 
NVIDIA graphics and built-in/onboard "fallback" Intel graphics.

In order to get for example Ubuntu Mate installed onto it, to get past 
the installer incompatibilities with NVidia, it is necessary to edit the 
boot menu and add "nouveau.modeset=0" to the startup command. Then 
Ubuntu boots fine.

Can this be done with Qubes 4.x?
How/where to affect such boot commands; can that be done from the boot 
media/USB stick directly, as we do with other Linux live USB sticks?


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