[qubes-users] Re: 4.0 rc-4 Blank screen on booting

2018-02-13 Thread SM
Hi Yuraeitha

As for the laptop part it’s a fairly old machine, and it does satisfy the 
hardware requirements. I did have Debian stretch installed previously and it 
was working great. 

For the hardware warning part the installation starts without any warnings and 
boots into graphical installer and the installation completes normally with no 

After booting into qubes initially the boot is successful but the screen never 
displays the login screen, it goes blank. I’d like to try if there is anything 
I can do on the machine before I take the drive to other machine or something 
like that. 

The last solution you mentioned about updating dom0 by getting into current 
installation could expand on that please. Could you guide me on how that can be 


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[qubes-users] Re: 4.0 rc-4 Blank screen on booting

2018-02-13 Thread Yuraeitha
On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 5:54:01 AM UTC+1, SM wrote:
> Hi
> I installed qubes 4.0 rc-4 on my hp laptop the installation went perfectly 
> fine. I rebooted after the installation was over, laptop boots into qubes and 
> after a few lines passing by there is a blank screen endlessly. 
> I am dual booting with windows. Is there anything that I need to modify I 
> order for this to work correctly. 
> Thanks

If you're installing Qubes for the first time, then the most obvious first 
place to look is if you're using nvidia or other high-end graphic cards on 
Qubes, especially and most importantly, nvidia does frequently not work 
out-of-the-box. Intel graphics tend to work quite nice out-of-the-box though. 

If your laptop have two graphic cards as many laptops tend to have these days, 
then try make a temporary solution and disable the extra graphic card, and use 
the one that is considering onboard. For example you may very well have an 
Intel graphic card on that HP laptop. This would probably be the first thing to 
try if you haven't tried this already.

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[qubes-users] Re: 4.0 rc-4 Blank screen on booting

2018-02-13 Thread Yuraeitha
On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 5:54:01 AM UTC+1, SM wrote:
> Hi
> I installed qubes 4.0 rc-4 on my hp laptop the installation went perfectly 
> fine. I rebooted after the installation was over, laptop boots into qubes and 
> after a few lines passing by there is a blank screen endlessly. 
> I am dual booting with windows. Is there anything that I need to modify I 
> order for this to work correctly. 
> Thanks

Also remember the act of taking out your drive which also has Windows installed 
on it, and putting it in another machine, as I suggested in one of the examples 
above, may break Windows's ability to boot in UEFI/EFI once you put it back in 
again. So be sure you backup your Windows and any valuable data on the drive if 
you try this approach, just to be safe. Windows is generally more robust when 
it comes to restoring UEFI/EFI, but you can never be too careful with this kind 
of buggy crapware that is UEFI, not to mention, Windows. So be careful here if 
you go with the drive swap approach, there may be dragons for any existing 
data, both on the drive itself, and the other machine's UEFI/EFI paths too.

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[qubes-users] Re: 4.0 rc-4 Blank screen on booting

2018-02-13 Thread Yuraeitha
On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 5:54:01 AM UTC+1, SM wrote:
> Hi
> I installed qubes 4.0 rc-4 on my hp laptop the installation went perfectly 
> fine. I rebooted after the installation was over, laptop boots into qubes and 
> after a few lines passing by there is a blank screen endlessly. 
> I am dual booting with windows. Is there anything that I need to modify I 
> order for this to work correctly. 
> Thanks

It's unlikely to be caused by Windows, just be sure you know what you do in 
advance so you don't wipe your Windows install or make it unbootable. Also take 
note, Qubes is less secure when using dual-boot, although if you have to 
dual-boot, then Qubes is still worth it in terms of security, it's just "less" 
secure than it could be, although the risk are typically exotic attacks, but in 
the future they may become common attacks.

As for the black screen, 
- It sounds a lot like a graphic driver issue, did Qubes 4 work on previous 
- Does Qubes 3.2. work on this machine? 
- Does other Linux/kernel's work on this machine?
- Did you check and make sure settings are correct in UEFI? Sometimes unobvious 
settings, even graphic settings in UEFI, can cause boot issues for Qubes.
- Did you try change between UEFI/EFI and LegacyBIOS/Grub boot?'
- Does your laptop support Qubes minimum specifications? Do you get a lack of 
hardware-support warning during early Qubes install? Do you have virtualization 
on your Intel or AMD CPU/Motherboard? Is it enabled in UEFI? 

If the graphic driver is bad, then you can try change it in Grub menu (assuming 
you installed with Grub, which makes this easier to fix). As for which driver 
to change into, I'm not sure, but there are people around here far, far more 
knowledgable than I, so maybe wait for those and hope someone will post. You 
can also find a lot of graphic boot fixes in other Linux discussions, try 
google it up. If this is the fault, then it's not uniquely a Qubes issue, and 
you can find a lot of topics on this on the internet. Meanwhile I can offer 
some other work-arounds you can try.

Please read them all before picking one, one may be more attractive to try than 

- - - - -
One alternative is to try install RC-3 or RC-2 instead, these are direct 
updateable to the same updates in RC-4. The reason they released new RC-x 
versions, as far as I can tell, is only because of two reasons, first better 
working out-of-the-box with fewer required updates to get things started, and 
second and more importantly, boot issues and hardware support, for example like 
these. Odds are that something was changed which might not work for your 
hardware, so it's worth trying to see if you install RC-3 or RC-2. 

Don't install RC-1, as noted here:
"As a consequence of the partition layout change, it will be necessary for 
current 4.0-rc1 testers to perform a clean reinstall of 4.0-rc2 rather than 
attempting to upgrade in-place." 

But you can install RC-2, as noted here: 
"Current users of Qubes 4.0-rc2 can upgrade in-place by downloading the latest 
updates from the testing repositories in both dom0 and TemplateVMs." 

And you can install RC-3, as noted here:
"Current users of Qubes 4.0-rc3 can upgrade in-place by downloading the latest 
updates from the testing repositories in both dom0 and TemplateVMs. As 
explained in QSB #37, Qubes 4.0-rc4 uses PVH instead of HVM for almost all VMs 
without PCI devices by default as a security measure against Meltdown, and this 
change will also be released as a patch for existing Qubes 4.0 installations in 
the coming days. Therefore, current Qubes 4.0 users will benefit from this 
change whether they upgrade in-place from a previous release candidate or 
perform a clean installation of 4.0-rc4." 

* * * * 
Keep in mind to follow the link above in case you pick a RC-3 version to try, 
to read up on any details, for example RC-3 to RC-4 has some upgrade details to 
take note on.

- - - -
A third approach could be to take out the drive and install Qubes on another 
machine, then update everything on the other machine, before putting it back in 
your first machine again. This way you can often bypass issues that are later 
fixed, or only occurring during install. Just make sure you trust your second 
machines hardware, and remove any existing drives during install, and don't 
install with UEFI/EFI on the second machine if you got existing UEFI/EFI 
installs on it, it can sometimes be messy to restore UEFI/EFI paths, you may 
loose these OS systems. Use LegacyBIOS/Grub install, it's much safer. I've 
managed to install a good handful Qubes 4 systems using this approach, which 
otherwise would not have worked despite hours of debugging. So this may be 
worth a shot for you too.

- - - - - 
Last approach I can think of right now, is to boot i