Re: [racket] Off-topic: Scheme for JVM?

2010-06-11 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
All I know is what I read here:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Off-topic: Scheme for JVM?

2010-06-11 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> [...] and a scripting language for the App Engine.

That would be news to me!

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] How can I save all the definitions in racket to a file?

2010-06-24 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Is it running Racket underneath?

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz  wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24 2010, Insik Cho wrote:
>> I see.
>> Do you think if emacs is a good tool for editing, saving and executing
>> racket programming?
>> I prefer command-like environment to GUI. But, It's inconvenient to
>> edit a file and enter! it separately in a shell.
>> What environment or editor are you using for racket programming?
> If you're familiar with Emacs, you might give Geiser a try (full
> disclosure: i'm Geiser's author). See for a
> bit of documentation (once i finish writing the user manual, i'll make
> the first relase; for now, you may consider it beta quality :)).
> (As an aside, and answering to another thread, Geiser let's you send
> individual sexps to the REPL, among other things).
> Cheers,
> jao
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Racket & Netbook

2010-06-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I find DrRacket very hard to use on older machines and netbooks.

I recently upgraded to an Acer Aspire 1810T.  This is about $600 and
has a netbook form factor (same chassis as the 1410T, which is their
netbook).  The 1366x768 screen makes the keyboard nice and wide and
great for use in travel.  What's good about it is that it has a real
(non-Atom) dual-core processor, and I got it with 4Gb RAM.  (It also
has an HDMI output port, and 3 USBs.)  It's been absolutely wonderful,
and I finally understand how people can work with DrRacket instead of
Emacs.  Now I launch DrRacket with impunity.

This was a great buy, because it costs about a 1/3 of a "proper"
laptop but has enough computing for many of my tasks.  It was very
hard to find something between netbook and notebook, and all the
reviews I saw indicated that Acer had found that sweet spot.  I bought
it, and can confirm it's true.

Of course, you won't get Apple-level support from Acer.  But that cuts
both ways (Acer support staff don't assume they are inherently more
advanced genetic beings).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] two languages at a time in DrRacket

2010-06-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Surely someone here has done something like this before, and I'd like
advice on how to do it.

We're in the process of converting Margrave, our security analysis
tool, over to Racket, and to exploit DrRacket as its user environment.

What we'd like to be able to do is this: in DrRacket,

  Interactions Window:

  Click Run to "load" this policy

  Definitions Window:

That is, just as the REPL explores the values of the program in the
definitions window, the policy query language explores the firewall
policy in the definitions window.

One analogy might be that it's like writing a Java program up top, and
using Scheme in the REPL to explore it.  But that's only an analogy as
far as syntax goes.  Semantically, our problem is worse (in the Java
case, one could compile the Java into Scheme, a la ProfJ; we don't
even have such a common intermediate language; the policy compiles to
first-order models, and the query runs against them).

Any thoughts on how to structure such an interaction?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Racket & Netbook

2010-06-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

You can already run WeScheme on your Android:

Due to a complete rewrite this summer, WeScheme and Racket will come
ever closer together.

But I may be misunderstanding what you mean by "client".

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] two languages at a time in DrRacket

2010-06-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
"easy" is great.  I assume I should ignore the comment that says

  ; XXX This is almost certainly wrong.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Anyone using Dorodango? Any other movement towards an R6RS package system?

2010-07-01 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> The only thing needed beyond creating the tarball is an
> info.rkt file.

You underestimate the Scheme "community"'s ability to divide.  The
controversy will shift entirely to what is acceptable in info.rkt
files.  Soon you will end up with the Revised^n Reports on the Racket
Information File Format, which will be accused of all sorts of
unSchemely practices like being too static, allowing square brackets,

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Anyone using Dorodango? Any other movement towards an R6RS package system?

2010-07-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> But I doubt raco could understand a .plt file that was
> un-base64-encoded to just be a .tar.gz.

There are language implementations that can import directly from zip
files...  JARs *use* zip, but Python can load directly *from* zip.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Anyone using Dorodango? Any other movement towards an R6RS package system?

2010-07-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I'm told Gambit does, too.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi  wrote:
>> But I doubt raco could understand a .plt file that was
>> un-base64-encoded to just be a .tar.gz.
> There are language implementations that can import directly from zip
> files...  JARs *use* zip, but Python can load directly *from* zip.
> Shriram
  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] why isn't this a list?

2010-07-24 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

> #reader"five.rkt"abcde

Why is the string "abcde" not in a list?
  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] scoping rules and define-for-syntax

2010-07-24 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I don't quite know where to read to understand, and to work around,
the following scoping rules.

Here's a very simple module (details not important, only the functions
being define-for-syntax'd):

  (module my-new-syntax racket

(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket) lambda)
 (rename-out (my-lambda lambda)))

(require (for-syntax racket))

(define-for-syntax (f3 e)

(define-syntax (my-lambda e)
  (syntax-case e ()
[(_ arg body) ;; _ is lambda
 (with-syntax ([not-transformed-body (f3 (syntax body))])
   (syntax (lambda arg not-transformed-body)))])))

If I load this module and run run

  (module tester 'my-new-syntax
(define f (lambda (x) x x)))

in the definitions window I get a syntax error, whereas for

  (module tester 'my-new-syntax
(define f (lambda (x) x)))

I don't.  So far, so good.

However, if I change the source of my-new-syntax to be

  (module my-new-syntax racket

(provide ... same as before ...)

(require ... same as before ...)

(define-for-syntax (f1 e)
  (f3 e))

(define-for-syntax (f3 e)

(define-syntax (my-lambda e) ... same as before ...))

and Run, I get

expand: unbound identifier in module (in phase 1, transformer
environment) in: f3

highlighting the use inside f1.  If I swap the order of definitions of
f1 and f3, this works fine.

This, however, is just an illustrative simplification of my real
program, which has non-trivial mutually-referential functions.  The
only solution I have is effectively

  (define-for-syntax (shell e)

(define (f1 e) ...)
(define (f3 e) ...)

(f3 e))

which works, but is pretty unsatisfactory.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] universal Pong question

2010-07-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Would it help you to have a Battleships in Universe as an example?

On Jul 25, 2010 3:27 PM, "Todd O'Bryan"  wrote:
> In the three-week intro course I'm teaching, the students have
> expressed a desire to program Pong played over the network, so that
> they can play against each other when they get home from camp.
> I've never done universe programming before, so I'm not sure what kind
> of messages the worlds should send back and forth.
> Obviously, each world needs to report on the position of the paddle
> (left or right) that its player controls, but what about the ball?
> Should I just let the worlds handle that with on-tick, or should I
> check that the ball is in the same spot on both worlds every so often,
> or should I have the universe server control the ball and tell the
> world everything except their own paddle position each time something
> changes?
> I think all of these are reasonable choices, but I'm pretty sure some
> will be more or less nice in terms of performance, so I'd like not to
> head down a blind alley.
> Todd
> _
> For list-related administrative tasks:
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] writing a define-world macro

2010-07-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

Danny has defined updaters for his world.  However, the reason we
didn't make these public is because we ultimately need to deal with
lvalues, which (a) are arguably not a good idea, and (b) we certainly
can't do as a macro anyway.  Make sure you think about that.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] writing a define-world macro

2010-07-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Todd O'Bryan  wrote:
> Huh?
> Are you talking about the set-posn-x! and set-posn-y! mutators or
> something else?
> I just want something of the form:
> ;; posn-update-x: posn number -> posn
> ;; posn-update-y: posn number -> posn
> Completely non-mutational--just recreates the exact same structure,
> except for the updated value.
> Which lvalues am I missing?
> Todd
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi  
> wrote:
>> Todd,
>> Danny has defined updaters for his world.  However, the reason we
>> didn't make these public is because we ultimately need to deal with
>> lvalues, which (a) are arguably not a good idea, and (b) we certainly
>> can't do as a macro anyway.  Make sure you think about that.
>> Shriram
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] writing a define-world macro

2010-07-26 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
If you're satisfied with that, then simple updaters will do the trick,
and you'll be fine.  But in practice you tend to have complex nested
structures, and this form of updaters turns out to be rather less

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] importing signatures

2010-07-26 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Here's the file "sig":

  #lang racket
  (define-signature Foo (make-foo foo?))

Here's another file:

  #lang racket/unit
  (require "sig")
  (export Foo)
  (define-struct foo ())

When I execute this, I get

  define-unit: unknown signature in: Foo

I would have thought that the the signature is precisely what the
(require "sig") line would have imported.  I must be missing something
in the grammar -- anyone?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] module-path=?

2010-07-26 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Funnily enough, I asked Matthew a similar question earlier this
evening.  Without permission, I quote his reply:

>> When do two module designators designate the same module?

> Do you mean "the same for any installation" or "the same for the
> current installation"?
> For the former: normalize each module path using `collapse-module-path'
> and compare the results using `equal?'.
> For the latter: build a module path index using
> `module-path-index-join', resolve it using `module-path-index-resolve',
> and then compare the resolved paths using `eq?'.
  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] more liberal CSV parsing?

2010-07-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Neil's superb CSV reader seems to unfortunately conflict with the
notion of CSV on the OS that maybe loves CSV the most: Windows.  I
spent a while tracking down a CSV reader failure, and was able to
isolate it to the program below:

#lang racket
(require (planet neil/csv:1:6/csv))
((make-csv-reader "\"x\" a"))

Output (error):

[csv-reader] : Erroneous CSV format: Junk after close of quoted field: #\/

In other words, Windows sometimes produces CSV that looks like this:

  d1,d2,"foo" bar,d3

It appears that Neil's reader (undoubtedly rightly) barfs on text
beyond the closing quote and space.

Do one of the options in the library parameterize against this
behavior?  It doesn't appear so  And sadly, I certainly have no
hope of changing Windows. (-:


Neil, if you want a concrete context, try the output of

  wmic process get commandline /format:csv

on Windows 7.  You get lines like

ROUBAIX,"C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe" /autoRun,2940
ROUBAIX,"C:\Users\sk\Local Settings\Apps\F.lux\flux.exe" /noshow,3048

Mmph: it looks like the output may be just plain broken.  I see
another line that looks like

ROUBAIX,cthelper 49170 xterm :erase=^?:size=24,80,4064

which looks like it has one field too many

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket-users] parts as the top-level unit in books

2021-04-21 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
The Scribble Book format

has the *chapter* as the highest-level unit. For a book with lots of 
chapters, it's useful to have a higher-level unit, like a *part*. (E.g., *How 
to Design Programs* is broken down by parts, and the parts contain 

What's the cleanest way to configure Scribble to do parts atop chapters?


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Re: [racket] New user wanting to know where to go

2011-08-31 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Stephen Bloch mentioned his book Picturing Programs.  I am happy to
recommend it, too, so you don't think only its author likes it:

It has many similarities to, but also some real differences from, both
HtDP and HtDP 2/e.  At a *very* coarse level,

HtDP: numbers first
HtDP 2/e: animations first
PP: lots of images first, animations somewhat later

It's great that we have so many different choices available for
readers; pick the one that works best for you.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] syntax-parse and literals

2011-09-02 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I am having some trouble figuring out how to use syntax-parse in
combination with wanting literals (aka, internal keywords) in a macro
definition.  I have

  (syntax-case stx (:)

and am trying to achieve a similar effect.  I tried

  (syntax-parse stx #:literals(:)

but that resulted in

  syntax-parse: literal is unbound in phase 0 (phase 0 relative to the
enclosing module) in: :

I don't see an example of this in the docs.  Since I have only one
literal, I was hoping to avoid the complexity of literal-sets --
basically, attain the equivalent of the (:) in syntax-case.


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] syntax-parse and literals

2011-09-02 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
That fixed the problem, thanks.

I was disappointed by some of the resulting error messages, though.
I'm bringing these up here because I don't know whether these error
messages are an artifact of the strategy Jay suggested.

To simplify, suppose I have

(define-syntax (defvar: stx)
  (syntax-parse stx #:literals(:)
   [(_ i:id : C:expr b:expr)

Here are some errors:

  (defvar: y : 4)
  -> defvar:: bad syntax in: (defvar: y : 4)

Could have indicated a missing expression?

  (defvar: y number? 4)
  -> defvar:: expected the identifier `:' in: number?

I have two nits with this:

- : is meant to be a literal, not an identifier, and

- the prose "expected the identifier `:' _in_ number?" is particularly
bad (putting a ":" inside "number?" isn't going to change anything --
it means "in place of" or "before", not "in").

It might have been better to just say that the literal : is missing,
and it was expected in the position where "number?" is.

  (defvar: : number? 4)
  -> defvar:: expected the identifier `:' in: number?

Ditto.  It would have been more useful, I think, to indicate that an
identifier needs to precede :.  Now the literal/identifier confusion
seems especially strong because it seems to have taken : for the i:id.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] parse-define-struct too liberal?

2011-09-02 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
parse-define-struct will parse an expression with anything in the
"define-struct" position; e.g.,

(let ([s #'(anything-goes m (a b))])
(parse-define-struct s s))

succeeds.  However, it is strict about what goes in the field
positions, e.g., it cannot be used to parse

(let ([s #'(anything-goes m ([a : 2] [b : 3]))])
(parse-define-struct s s))

Is the conservatism of the head position just an artifact of an _ in a
macro, or is it an actual feature that is used for some purpose?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] syntax-parse and literals

2011-09-02 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I guess to me, the term "literal identifier" is an oxymoron.  It's
either a literal (5, #f, in this case :) or an identifier (foo, car,
+).  Unless "identifier" means nothing more or less than "symbol".

When I write (:) in syntax-case, I'm saying ": is not a binding form;
I want to see literally a :, and I don't want to bind the : in the
pattern to whatever you find in that position".  I'm trying to
reproduce that effect here.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] build-struct-generation

2011-09-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
build-struct-generation is a really useful utility, but I don't
understand how to use it.  Specifically, see

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.1.3 [3m].
Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.
> (require syntax/struct)
> (build-struct-generation #'p (list #'x #'y) #f #f)
'(let-values (((struct: make- ? acc mut)
()  ;; <---
(   ;; <---
(make-struct-field-accessor acc 0 '.#)
(make-struct-field-mutator mut 0 '.#)
(make-struct-field-accessor acc 1 '.#)
(make-struct-field-mutator mut 1 '.#)))

Note the two empty lists in the output [()'s with the default printer;
in constructor mode they come out as empty's].  They correspond to

  props : (listof (cons/c struct-type-property? any/c)) = null
  immutables : (listof exact-nonnegative-integer?) = null

However, these are in code that it meant to subsequently be
evaluated.  When used, for instance, in a macro, I get

  #%app: missing procedure expression; probably originally (), which
  is an illegal empty application in: (#%app)

Is it possible to get a simple example of how to use this?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] build-struct-generation

2011-09-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
That fix worked -- thanks!

Yep, it did have a "mzscheme" whiff about it.

It would be good for b-s-g to cross-reference d-s/d (I see a
define-struct/derived, not struct/derived) -- I wouldn't have found it
from the docs alone.

However, I am a little unclear on the value of d-s/d.  Is it solely to
improve error messages?  For all other intents, is it equivalent to
writing define-struct without that first syntax object argument?
Perhaps a additional sentence in the docs to either confirm this or
explain the difference would help.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] splicing into local

2011-09-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I have a define form that expands into two two definitions.  Usually I can write

(my-define ...) ==> (begin (define ...) (define ...))

However, this doesn't interact well with local.  Is there a way of
identifying that I'm in a local context and expanding into something
else so that this "just works"?

[I don't suppose local would be willing to accommodate such forms by
splicing begin's...]

Naturally, documentation pointers/terms welcome.  Thanks.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] splicing into local

2011-09-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I hadn't realized I was getting the wrong local.  Your suggestion did
the trick and the result made my library far better than I'd hoped.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] recognizing undefined; shared in TR

2011-09-03 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Is there a way of checking whether a value position is undefined?
Specifically, I'm trying to recognize the undefined value put in
structures by SHARED.  It appears that a undefined value is sometimes
EQ? to another one, but this doesn't seem to be specified in the
documentation (ie, that there is only one undefined value).



Separately, I tried to get inspiration from Typed Racket, but I'm not
sure it works well with SHARED even though it's in the TR language.
To wit:

#lang typed/racket
(define-struct: m ([x : Number]))
(shared ([-a- (make-m -b-)]
 [-b- 3])

produces an error at the binding of -a- saying

  Type Checker: insufficient type information to typecheck. please add
  more type annotations in: -a-

(NB: The error message could use some sprucing up.)

So I instead tried

(shared ([#{-a- : m} (make-m -b-)]
 [#{-b- : Number} 3])

and got several errors:

Type Checker: untyped identifier make-reader-graph imported from
module  in: (shared ((-a- (make-m -b-)) (-b- 3)) -a-)
. Type Checker: untyped identifier make-reader-graph imported from
module  in: (shared ((-a- (make-m -b-)) (-b- 3)) -a-)
. Type Checker: Bad arguments to polymorphic function in apply:
Domain: a ... a
Arguments: Nothing *
 in: (shared ((-a- (make-m -b-)) (-b- 3)) -a-)
. Type Checker: Expression should produce 2 values, but produces 1
values of types Nothing in: (shared ((-a- (make-m -b-)) (-b- 3)) -a-)

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] return value of build-struct-names

2011-09-04 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
The docs for build-struct-names says

The result is a list of identifiers:
* struct:name-id
* ctr-name, or make-name-id if ctr-name is #f
* name-id?
* name-id-field, for each field in field-ids.
* set-name-id-field! (getter and setter names alternate).

I presume this last line () is just a typo?

Also, the above text would suggest that all the getters precede all
the setters, but if both omit-sel? and omit-set? arguments are given,
the getters and setters are interleaved.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] getting the term in syntax-id-rules

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
In a syntax-case, I can obtain the term being processed: eg,

(define-syntax (foo stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
   [... (with-syntax ([term stx]) ... #'term)]))

In syntax-id-rules, the RHS is like a syntax-*rules*, so I don't know
of a way of obtaining access to the source.  This would be
particularly useful since my id macros are expanding into regular term
macros, but I'd like the user to see errors in terms of the id text
(which I'm storing in a structure, hence the #'term above).

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious; hopefully an archival answer
to this will help anyway.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] getting the term in syntax-id-rules

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> Is there a reason not to just use `syntax-case' (or even better,
> `syntax-parse')?

Sheer ignorance, my dear chap.  I didn't realize that that worked!
(A docs hint may be in order)

For those reading this later, here's an example:

(define-syntax (String$ stx)
  (syntax-case stx (String$)
 (with-syntax ([term stx])
   #'(first-order-sig string? #'term))]))

but also note the discussion on the thread "syntax-parse and literals"
on why syntax-parse is better than syntax-case (and it's not just
because of the parsing).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] recognizing undefined; shared in TR

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi  
> Is there a way of checking whether a value position is undefined?
> Specifically, I'm trying to recognize the undefined value put in
> structures by SHARED.  It appears that a undefined value is sometimes
> EQ? to another one, but this doesn't seem to be specified in the
> documentation (ie, that there is only one undefined value).

Anyone have any thoughts on this?  Is it okay to use EQ?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] turning off shared printing in pconvert

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
This program

#lang racket
(require mzlib/pconvert)
(parameterize ([show-sharing false])
   (shared ([-a- (list 0 -b-)]
[-b- (list 1 -a-)])

produces this output in 5.1.3:

Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.
'(shared ((-0- `(0 (1 ,-0- -0-)

How do I get pconvert to suppress sharing?

(The only option I see right now is to supply #t as the second
argument to print-convert, so that it suppresses sharing for DAGs and
only shows true cycles.)

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] turning off shared printing in pconvert

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Just in case my example is misleading, I want to suppress ALL shared
printing if possible.
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] turning off shared printing in pconvert

2011-09-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I'd be perfectly happy with printing a prefix followed by 

It's not clear that there's a way to create cycles w/out shared or
mutation in the source, but what I'm trying to ensure is that shared
doesn't show up in output before I want it to.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt  wrote:
> What would be printed for cycles?
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi  
> wrote:
>> Just in case my example is misleading, I want to suppress ALL shared
>> printing if possible.
>> _
>>  For list-related administrative tasks:
> --
> sam th

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Why check-expect only at the top level?

2011-09-06 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I suspect everyone who teaches has run into just such a desire.  But
there's a "when" problem.

We WANT students to be able to write checks before they write the
function.  That means their file can look like

(check-expect (f 10) ...)
(define (f x) ...)

But if check-expect's just ran like regular code, this would no longer
work.  So c-e effectively rewrites the file to

  ... everything else ...
  ... all the c-e's, wrapped in reporting code ...

(as you note in the excerpt you quote).

The problem with such a scheme is that it's not immediately clear what
to do with those inner c-e's.  It's tricky to extract them to the
top-level; also, since they are under a lambda, they presumably aren't
run until the function does.  But that means the expectation that all
c-e's were run has been violated.

One could imagine alternate interpretations of c-e, but the current
one is simple, consistent, and useful.  One possibility is that you
want to implement some kind of "internal-check-expect" that has the
semantics you have in mind; another is that you want to move past c-e
to talking about testing and predicates, which is a bigger discussion.
An assignment like this may then be of interest:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Keyboard shortcut for switching between definitions area and interactions window

2011-09-07 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I thought I saw that (ie, C-x o not working) a few times, but to be
sure I tested just now in a fresh DrRacket 5.1.3, and C-x o works for
me (phew!).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] syntax-parse and literals

2011-09-07 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Thanks for the very informative thread.

Piecing together what Asumu, Jay, Robby, and Eli said, I think I
understand what's going on, and I think this actually answers a
question I asked last year and didn't get an answer to: Why do require
and provide export their sub-forms as macros rather than just make
them local keywords.

What I understand now is that by exporting the sub-forms as macros,
one can ensure that the binding structure is just right.  I think this
is what Jay means when he says "I consider insisting on bindings a
feature, because it promotes well-behaved macros".

The downside is that a single "feature" now has a whole bunch of
exports, and anyone who wants to re-export the feature has to know
about and re-export all the other bound names as well.  For instance,
I can't just re-export "require" -- I have to track all the require
sub-forms and re-export those as well.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] beware DrRacket and Dexpot interaction

2011-09-07 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
In Windows 7:

Over the past four days I've been using DrRacket intensively.  During
this time it has crash on me at least twice a day, each time exiting
with error code 3 (according to the Puttycyg shell).

I eventually noticed that Dexpot (a virtual window manager for
Windows), which has otherwise been running fine, seemed to be
exhibiting some instability -- not immediately after the DrRacket
crashes, but also roughly 1-2 times a day.

So I turned off Dexpot entirely.  For 1.5 days since, DrRacket has not
crashed at all.

If you're using Dexpot, you may want to be wary of this.

For reference, I was running 1.5.9, Build 1503.  I have just upgraded
to the latest version/build and will start using the two together
again to see whether this continues.

[Of course, I can't rule out a hardware failure either.]

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Take an element from a set

2011-09-07 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
This looks like a reasonable way to get an element, but thinking
ahead, you will probably want something both like "first" (which you
have) and a corresponding "rest".

The problem is that which element you get from the "first" operation
is nondetermistic in a set.  Therefore, you have to either

- pass the returned first element to the rest operation, or

- accept that
  (set-union (set (set-item S)) (set-rest S))
  is not the same as S

A better design would be to use a different signature:

  get-one/rest : (forall (A) (Set A) -> (values A (Set A)))

This performs the split "atomically", so it can ensure that the
combination of "one" and "rest" is the same as the original set.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] abstracting over codeblock

2011-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I'm trying to convert some old slatex'ed documents into scribble and
running into trouble.  I don't seem to have a clear enough handle on
how to use codeblock.

I can, for instance, convert





  @(define(mycode . terms) (apply verbatim terms))

works fine.  However, codeblock is syntax, not a function, so I can't
just replace "verbatim" with "codeblock" above.  I can't replace
"apply verbatim" with "codeblock", either:

  string-append: expects argument of type ; given '("foo" "\n" "bar")

It'd be very helpful to see the mycode function such that it uses
codeblock and sets the optional line-numbering flag (#:line-numbers
) to 1, say.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] abstracting over codeblock

2011-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Thanks: that makes sense.  But in that case, setting aside the
abstraction issue for a moment, could you explain why

   (define (f x) (x "three"))

works as expected -- it colors the sub-parts as the appropriate
syntactic categories, not all as string -- but

   (define (f x) (x "three"))

does not:

  define: not allowed in an expression context in: (define (f x) (x

?  That doesn't quite match my understanding of "`codeblock' expects
code, and it's a macro that does the quoting itself".

I did see in the Scribble docs the difference between {} and [], but
now the interaction between macros (which work top-down) and
expressions (which work bottom-up) is not so clear to me.

Also, related to this and going back to the abstraction issue, when I
type the very thing you suggested:

 @(define-syntax-rule (mycode code ...) (codeblock code ...))


I get:

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.1.3 [3m].
Language: scribble/manual; memory limit: 128 MB.
. expand: unbound identifier in module in: foo

pointing to the foo inside the [brackets], whereas

   (define (f x) (x "three" 1 #\c))

is handled and colored correctly


  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] new visual tool for student program understanding

2011-09-09 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Over the summer, we built a new tool for visualizing program
execution: think of it as a complement to the Stepper.  It is similar
in that it shows you the steps of program execution, what they
evaluate to, and thus how the result is obtained (though it focuses
only at the level of user-defined functions, ignoring the primitive
operations).  However, the Stepper presents a linear view of the
computation, whereas the Tracer presents a tree-shaped view.

It's easiest to understand this by looking at an example, which you
can do from the documentation.  This also gives you instructions on
how to run the Tracer.

Here are some other example programs that you can try out to see the
Tracer at work:

Tracer was built by two Brown undergrad students, Jeanette Miranda and
William Zimrin.  Please let us know if you have any feedback!

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] fruit flies

2011-09-12 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Robby --

I don't know enough about how the internal drawing routine of DrRacket
works, so you could help clarify that.

In 2htdp/universe, the act of "movement" is represented by
reconstructing the entire scene.  Of course, there may be sharing:

(define bg ... something complex ...)

;; at time 1
(place-image I 50 50 bg)

;; at time 2
(place-image I 70 70 bg)

When this is finally rendered as a single image in the window, how
much work is done?  Is it proportional to the size of the scene, or is
it only proportional to the pixels that changed between the scene at
time 1 and the scene at time 2?  Does the library perform a diff
between the two scene graphs?

In Whalesong's web-world, the act of "movement" is represented by a
cursor finding the object and functionally updating its CSS.  After
web-world does its tree-diff, it uses a *mutative update* to change
the CSS attributes.  My understanding is that the browser DOM
implementation then uses this information to update the screen as
efficiently as possible (using Z depth to avoid unnecessary redraws,
clipping, bitblit, etc).

Thus, in web-world, the amount of work should be proportional to the
number of affected pixels and *independent* of the number of
unaffected ones.  Is this true of 2htdp/image/universe?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] fruit flies

2011-09-12 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Time isn't the only measure.  And in terms of space, I don't think
you're accounting for all of it.

When you make universe scenes bigger, you tend to see GC pressure.
This *suggests* to me that there is not a lot of sharing from one
display to the next; rather, an entire WIDTHxHEIGHT bitmap is being
generated (and thrown away) each time.  Yet I'm pretty certain this is
not how the DOM works.  That means the space difference is much more
than the space for representing the circles.

At least on laptops, increasing the size of the scene seems to induce
more GC, and for large enough images the GC can actually induce a
pause in an animation.  I'm pretty sure this is a qualitative
difference between the two models.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] I don't understand structural recursion.

2011-09-17 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Hi Charlie,

Yep, Catalan numbers!

Here's something that may help.  Add the following two lines to the
top of your file --

#lang planet tracer/tracer


-- and put a concrete call at the end, eg:

(num-distinct-trees 3)

Go to Language | Choose Language... and select the option at the top
(Use the language declared in the source).  When you Run the program,
this will fire up a browser window which will visualize the calls
you're making and the answers they're returning, as trees.  (If you
modify your program to return the actual trees, not just the counts,
you can see them printed as values, too.)

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] I don't understand structural recursion.

2011-09-17 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I understand.  It would help if you could tell me what would have been
useful to drop from the output -- this feedback helps us a great deal.

There is *some* configurability:

- no trace command = just run the program

- (trace-all)

- (trace-failed-checks) = just the tests that failed

- (trace-explicit) = failing checks and (trace ...) expressions


If what you want is to view only some calls (eg, num-distinct-trees
but NOT accumulate), however, that still doesn't help.  But because
the tracer gives you the top-down view of evaluation, you can at least
safely skip over calls you're not interested in (though they are still
taking up screen and brain acreage).

There is actually a way of obtaining the above effect.  The tracer
only traces functions in the current module.  So if you wanted
num-distinct-trees but not accumulate, you could move accumulate to
another module, export it from there, and import it here.  Of course,
that is a pretty clumsy thing to have to do in the middle of trying to
solve a different problem; but for a project where the tracer is
essential, at least it gives you *a* way to accomplish this.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Yep, that's what he's saying.

I know why you're confused.  Let me see if I can help.

Here's an input program:

  '(1 2 3)

Now be careful to make the following distinction:

- what it computes
- what it prints

What it computes is a list with three values.  There are at least
three different ways to PRINT this:

1.  (1 2 3)
2.  #
3.  (quote (1 2 3))

The first has the disadvantage Matthias pointed out: you can't paste
the value back in in a bigger computation.  The second has the same
disadvantage.  The third has the advantage you can paste it back in.

You're probably concerned that pasting it back in "makes a new list".
Yes, it does.  But if the expression '(1 2 3) were part of some bigger
computation -- eg,

  (length '(1 2 3))

-- then no "new list" would be created.  So it's only if you try
copying the output of one computation as the input of another that
there might be new allocation.  But look at the word I just used:

This isn't the full answer, but I think you need to make sure you've
got at least these steps under your belt before we go further.  Do ask

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I used different words than Matthias because we were trying to offer
somewhat different explanations of what is happening.  You chose to
use his words in response to mine, which only confuses things further.

(There is, incidentally, a good reason why (+ 1 2) could, but does
not, evaluate to (+ 1 2).)

But overall, since I appear to be talking nonsense, I'll avoid
following-up and aggravating you further.  Good luck.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
You keep thinking (1 2 3) is the canonical form of a list.  It is
not.  It's just a particular *print representation* of list.  So is
# or one of the many alternatives Eli proposed.

Your attempt to use an interpreter model is commendable but falls
short.  That is because you only described the READ and EVAL steps of
a REPL.  The L(oop) is not relevant here, but the P(rint) is actually
the most critical part, and that's the one you left out of your
attempt at explaining what's happening.

Also, Matthias asked you about substituting answers inside bigger
expressions.  You gave him a mechanical answer of why (you think) it
won't work, but you failed to understand the bigger point he was
trying to make in the first place.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Off topic: A curriculum (books, papers, essays) for how to design and implement compilers and interpreters?

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
It depends on what kinds of compilers/interpreters they were trying to
build.  A course of study for Fortran would like quite different from
one for ML would look quite different from one for JavaScript (though
there are of course many overlaps).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> It's just that I don't understand why you (i.e.
> Racket implementers) choose Racket by default prints list this
> way (different than all other lisps). I think this choice can confuse
> [...] users who switches from different lisp
> implementations [...]

Then it nicely accomplishes the task of alerting them that there are
many more surprises ahead.

(If Racket were just the same as some other Lisp, it would have no
need to exist.)


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
We are not teaching Lisp.  We're teaching Racket.
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Quoted expressions in #lang racket

2011-09-18 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> Ok, maybe this is not something that's important in other programming
> languages, but it *is* important in lisps. As a lisp educator, how can you
> *not* to teach this fundamental fact about lisp?

It's funny that here you're berating Robby, who's put more time into
different ways of printing than anyone I can think of in the Lisp
community.  Take a look at the options offered in the "Show Details"
part of language selection.  In particular, the quasiquote
representation is probably a better way to help students understand
the issues you think are vital.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] using scribble --pdf on Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
On Windows 7, I have had no trouble using scribble --html.  For the
first time in 5.1.3 I tried using scribble --pdf, and it does not
work.  Does anyone recognize whether I'm doing something wrong?

ventoux ~/Desktop/r/sk/tycs> scribble --pdf doc.scrbl
run-pdflatex: did not generate a log file at doc.log

 === context ===
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files (x86)\Racket\5.1.3\collects\scribble\run.rkt:105:0: build-docs
C:\Program Files (x86)\Racket\5.1.3\collects\scribble\run.rkt: [running body]

The problem can't be with finding the pdflatex executable, because the
expression used in scribble/private/run-pdflatex.rkt finds it fine:

> (or (find-executable-path "pdflatex")
  (and (eq? 'windows (system-type))
   (find-executable-path "pdflatex.exe")))

Anyone else seeing this problem?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] red underline of language name

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
In #lang scribble/manual, if I type

#lang racket

the output (in HTML) has the word "racket" underlined, which seems
fair enough; ditto for

#lang typed/racket

But if I type

#lang planet foo/bar

only the word "planet" is underlined, which seems odd ("planet" is not
the name of the language; the analog of "racket" should be either
"planet foo/bar" or "foo/bar" but not "planet").

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] using scribble --pdf on Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Sorry, should have pointed that out.  No, I don't see a log file.
There are no output files of any sort when scribble is done.  I would
have anyway thought scribble was doing all this in some tmp directory
somewhere else.

Aha, I just found out that there's a scribble --latex option.  I ran
that and it produced a .tex file, which went through pdflatex without
a problem (yes, I used the explicit path to pdflatex printed by
DrRacket), and the resulting PDF looks good.  So the problem is
presumably in the interaction between scribble and pdflatex.

Running scribble --pdf in that same directory, however, still produces
the same error, reinforcing my belief that scribble is running
pdflatex in some temp directory where it's still looking for a
non-existent .log.

[Incidentally, I found out about --latex from running scribble --help.
 This claims that the default is --text.  I believe this is wrong: the
default appears to actually be --html.]

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] using scribble --pdf on Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Yes.  That's why I ran scribble --pdf afterwards in that directory (in
the hope it'd pick up that log file, but it didn't, ergo my belief
it's running somewhere else).

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Robby Findler
> When you run pdflatex yourself, do you get a .log file?
> Robby
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi  
> wrote:
>> Sorry, should have pointed that out.  No, I don't see a log file.
>> There are no output files of any sort when scribble is done.  I would
>> have anyway thought scribble was doing all this in some tmp directory
>> somewhere else.
>> Aha, I just found out that there's a scribble --latex option.  I ran
>> that and it produced a .tex file, which went through pdflatex without
>> a problem (yes, I used the explicit path to pdflatex printed by
>> DrRacket), and the resulting PDF looks good.  So the problem is
>> presumably in the interaction between scribble and pdflatex.
>> Running scribble --pdf in that same directory, however, still produces
>> the same error, reinforcing my belief that scribble is running
>> pdflatex in some temp directory where it's still looking for a
>> non-existent .log.
>> [Incidentally, I found out about --latex from running scribble --help.
>>  This claims that the default is --text.  I believe this is wrong: the
>> default appears to actually be --html.]
>> Shriram

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] using scribble --pdf on Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
No problem, thanks for trying.  For now I anyway intended to publish
only HTML output.  What I immediately wanted was to periodically test
to make sure the eventual PDF will look okay, and the two-step --latex
option is good enough for that.

If whoever maintains Scribble/Windows would like to work with me to
debug this, do get in touch and I'm happy to try things you suggest.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] red underline of language name

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Thanks, though I'm not sure that was my main point.  Though I now see
that "planet" really is considered a whole language in its own right,
so I guess this red underlining is inevitable by the semantics.

Incidentally, for those who find this thread later, there's another
option you will may useful after you employ Danny's advice:


This makes the documentation point to the Racket docs site rather than
to a path on your location machine (which are not paths you usually
want to publish to the world).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] scribble/text language

2011-09-25 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Does the scribble/text language work in 5.1.3?  Here's the first
example in the docs:

#lang scribble/text
Programming languages should
be designed not by piling
feature on top of feature, but
blah blah blah.

ventoux ~/Desktop/r/sk/gradelang> scribble try2.scrbl
dynamic-require: name is not provided: 'doc by module:

 === context ===
C:\Program Files (x86)\Racket\5.1.3\collects\racket\private\map.rkt:18:11: map
C:\Program Files (x86)\Racket\5.1.3\collects\scribble\run.rkt: [running body]

[Same if I run scribble --text .]
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] scribble/text language

2011-09-26 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Right.  Also, I like how the @syntax document very simply states, up
top, "It might be easiest to do ... to run the examples in this
section".  A similar sentence at the top of this documentation would
make a big difference.  (It's not obvious that some #lang scribble/...
things can be run through scribble but others must be run through


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Matthew Flatt  wrote:
> At Sun, 25 Sep 2011 21:35:08 -0400, Eli Barzilay wrote:
>> 50 minutes ago, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
>> > Does the scribble/text language work in 5.1.3?  Here's the first
>> > example in the docs:
>> >
>> > #lang scribble/text
>> > Programming languages should
>> > be designed not by piling
>> > feature on top of feature, but
>> > blah blah blah.
>> >
>> > ventoux ~/Desktop/r/sk/gradelang> scribble try2.scrbl
>> > [...]
>> Run it with just `racket'.  (The `scribble' command line tool is for
>> compiling documentation, which is really unrelated to
>> `scribble/text'.)
> Can you fix the docs to explain that? One observation to add to the
> introduction might be that `scribble --text' produces a text version
> for a Scribble document, while `scribble/text' is for a different task.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Academic journals publishing Scheme/Lisp related research

2011-09-27 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Journal of Functional Programming

are both excellent choices. There are also other qualified venues such as


Pardon terseness and mistakes -- sent from phone.
  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] wrapped TR functions given new name?

2011-09-29 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I have two different files that provide a function called "isort".
One comes from untyped Racket and the other from typed/racket.  I am
importing them thus:

(require [rename-in "untyped-sort-server.rkt"
(isort u:isort)])

(require [rename-in "typed-sort-server.rkt"
(isort t:isort)])

when I invoke t:isort on a badly typed argument, the error shows as

> (t:isort "xyz")
. . isort2: contract violation, expected , given: "xyz" ...

There is no function called "isort2" in any of the source files that
I've written.  Is it known that Typed Racket does this kind of
artificial renaming, or do I have to work harder to track down why
this might be happening?  (And if this is known, why does it do this?)

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Poll: Does anybody besides Doug use 'plot'?

2011-09-30 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
If you mean this library --

-- I do use it in Scribble documents.  (And it's just amazing that
with two lines of code I can have graphs in my HTML and PDF --

I would be able to easily swap it out for something else, though.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] typo in signatures?

2011-10-04 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Hendrik Boom  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 12:50:36PM -0400, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> For testing, you want to use check-within because check-expects fails.
>> For real programming, you actually want to use inequality comparisons,
>> so that they see how to program with Doubles elsewhere.
>> For teaching abstraction, you may ask why repeat all these (<= n x n+epsilon)
>> everywhere. Oh, let's write inexact=?
> Not sure what inexact=? does.  What's needed is something like a
> three-argument function that tests |x-y| < epsilon.  Epsilon should
> not be implicit.
> This can generalise to inexact points in any metric space, and the
> like.
> -- hendrik
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Learning Scheme and Racket

2011-10-05 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> Some of the other commenters in that thread point out a few big things
> I missed, like Scribble.

Even more than Scribble is the fact that Racket enables Scribble to be
constructed in and then integrated into the language.  The phrase "a
much, much more expressive macro system" is in your reddit list but I
think does not capture this flavor (but what can?).

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Poll: Does anybody besides Doug use 'plot'?

2011-10-07 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
How about a synonym instead?  I propose "Scheme". <-;

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 8:09 AM, David Van Horn  wrote:
> On 10/1/11 2:51 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:
>> You know what would convince me the most? Find me a great name for the
>> new library that contains the word "plot". It should be clever and sound
>> official.
> David
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] check-fact would be nice...

2011-10-14 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I admire the consistency of this position - I really do - but we also have

Pardon terseness and mistakes -- sent from phone.
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Sounds in Universe?

2011-10-19 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
John, have you run your audio stuff w/ world?  How hard would that be?

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen
> No. -- Matthias
> On Oct 19, 2011, at 7:59 AM, Yaron Minsky wrote:
>> Is there any support for playing sounds within the Universe teachpack?
>> y
>> _
>>  For list-related administrative tasks:
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] impersonators/chaperones for lists

2011-10-22 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I'm missing why there are impersonators and chaperones for various
datatypes but not for lists.  There's surely a good reason why, but I
am having trouble reconstructing what it might be.  Anyone?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] impersonators/chaperones for lists

2011-10-22 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Thanks to you and Sam -- I had wondered if the run-time system wasn't
partly driving this, and certainly chaperones on immutable data don't
make as much sense.  But I don't see them on mutable lists either
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] match in Advanced Student?

2011-10-31 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I found this confusing when I first encountered it -- the patterns are
at the TOP of the page (but not linked from the match docs).  Scroll
to the top and look for "pattern" in the BNF.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Jay McCarthy  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Prabhakar Ragde  wrote:
>> Is there a written description (suitable for students) of which patterns are
>> legal for `match' in Advanced Student, or do I have to dig into the
>> implementation and then write one myself? Thanks. --PR
>> _
>>  For list-related administrative tasks:
> --
> Jay McCarthy 
> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] scribble --pdf, skull.sty, and stabular.sty

2011-11-09 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
+1 on Windows for skull!
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] the full glory of drracket

2011-11-09 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
You're missing the

PLaneT: Installing ...

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] profiling

2011-11-10 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Here's a program:

#lang racket

(define (even? n)
  (if (zero? n) true (odd? (sub1 n

(define (odd? n)
  (if (zero? n) false (even? (sub1 n

Go to Language | Choose Language, click on Show Details, and at the
top-right, select "Debugging and profiling".

Now run the program and in the interactions window, run

> (even? 25)

Go to View | Show Profile.  At the bottom of your screen will be the
profiling information, showing 13 calls each to even? and odd?.

If you run

> (even? 25)

again in the interactions window, the profile doesn't appear to
change.  But click on Update Profile (bottom-left) and it'll now show
26 calls each.

>From there, mess around!

  For list-related administrative tasks:

[racket] article about Racket

2011-11-11 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

If you participate in a social media site, you may want to post or
upvote it (it's already on Hacker News).
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] article about Racket

2011-11-11 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> so the tools
> might let anybody do a new language, but the ability to use those
> tools seems to me to be a whole 'nother kettle of fish?

Obviously, a tool can be used to produce both good and bad artifacts.
But the better the tool, the easier time the toolsmith has with the
basics, so the more energy they have left to put into making their
product better.  With bad tools you're doomed from the start.

That's certainly been my experience with #lang in Racket, which is
what this article is about.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] article about Racket

2011-11-12 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Why don't you spend a little time writing down your thoughts, and then
post them.  Maybe there are things that you're just missing that are
already in there.  Or perhaps you find what you want but the path to
getting there is unintuitive, and seeing the feedback will help
improve the user experience.  Or maybe some things you want aren't
there *for a reason*.  Right now everything you've written is simply
too vague (and, if you don't mind my saying, a bit too inflammatory)
to act on.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] DrRacket needs work

2011-11-13 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:
> apparently i can't higlight a sub-section of code and "run" just that.

When you do this in Eclipse, what exact steps do you follow?  And what
does Eclipse do in response?  Can you show an example?


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] DrRacket needs work

2011-11-14 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> i do it in emacs usually if we are talking about being able to
> evaluate chunks.

But Emacs is not an IDE.  You began by complaining that DrRacket is
not more like other traditional IDEs, and making platform-specific
complaints.  Is there ANY sense in which Emacs is more
platform-specific than DrRacket?  (I use Emacs all the time,
everywhere; I'm typing this in Emacs on Windows 7.  But virtually
nothing about Emacs's look is "native".)

In short, you're expecting that DrRacket's functionality is going to
include a traditional IDE AND Emacs?  Is that a reasonable demand?

And even if it is reasonable, is it a *consistent* one?  Emacs lets
you perform all sorts of evaluation tricks but without any promise of
program integrity.  IDEs, in contrast, have the ability to track the
connection between program and evaluation, and hence try to provide
some kind of coherence about what you're seeing in the output.
DrRacket is in the latter category.

Here is a useful little puzzle.  I strongly urge you to do this before
you go forward in this thread.  It involves writing only a very small
program, and it is an enlightening experience.

Let's call this program v.1 (for version 1).  Evaluate it.  Now change
one of the definitions.  Let's call the resulting program v.2.  But
re-evaluate just that changed definition, not the whole program.  Now
evaluate an expression E that makes sense in both v.1 and v.2 (ie,
refers to the same variables, etc).  However, E must have the property
that the answer it produces now is different from the answer it would
have produced if run against v.1 AND different from the answer it
would have produced if run against v.2.  That is, the answer that you
DO get cannot have originated from either version of the program.

At that point you will fully understand Bloch's post and why DrRacket
does not do what you seem to want it to do and why DrRacket's position
is an eminently sensible one.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] DrRacket needs work

2011-11-14 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> having said that, "eminently sensible" is in the eye of the beholder.
> after all, racket didn't have static type checking for most of its
> life, no? i am not saying it is or is not eminent in my own view, i am
> pointing out that it is pretty subjective so you can't actually call
> it "eminently sensible" since to some people it might actually be
> eminently a pain in the ass.

This is a pretty poor example to illustrate your point, because Racket
still does not have static type checking.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] DrRacket needs work

2011-11-14 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Right.  A Racket Declaration of Independence. (-:
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Sending a method as a symbol

2011-11-15 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Right.  In other words, Racket would become a true scripting language. <-;

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Grant Rettke  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Matthew Flatt  wrote:
>> At Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:00:55 +, "" wrote:
>>> Is there a function to send to a class with a dynamic symbol instead of a
>>> static one?
>>> As in (send  'method-name)
>> I'll look into this more, but you can write
>>  (send-generic o (make-generic (object-interface o) 'method-name) arg ...)
>> which suggests that there really should be a variant of `send' that
>> works with symbolic method names.
> That is like eval but for talking to objects?
> _
>  For list-related administrative tasks:

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Why internal definitions?

2011-11-16 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
> Your question suggests that you come from a teaching language
> background where we introduce only local definitions. In ISL
> and ISL+lambda, the use of local makes it easier to move global
> transformations into a local scope and vice versa. Most importantly,
> these movement preserve the exact semantics of the definitions,
> including errors.

Well, internal define could have done this just as well.  It is
because of the historic Scheme legacy that internal define meant
something else, so it was necessary to invent local.

But given where we are now, is it fair to say that the use of local
make_s_ is easier, rather than _made_?

  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Units/measures library

2011-11-17 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi

(Since I believe Bigloo and/or Gambit implemented DSSSL, lurking in
their implementations is code that does this...)
  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] Racket documentation for web development is just awful!

2011-12-17 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Hi R. Noob,

> Do the URLs of pages that use continuation
> mechanism have to look ugly and cryptic?

Yes they do.  The URLs are ugly *because* they are cryptic.  They are
cryptic because it is a route to system security.  If they were
pretty, people could guess them, and that would adversely affect
security in a huge way.

Incidentally, this is something we stressed from the very beginning
(~late 2000).  It meant that certain kinds of Web attacks over which
people and Web sites spent a great deal of time (such as CSRF attacks)
could simply never occur for systems built atop the PLT Web server.

This idea is also incorporated into Google's Belay project:

If you look at the list of features they state, essentially every
single one of these maps onto "ugly and cryptic" URLs.


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket] formlets with radio button & checkbox example?

2011-12-26 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Let's just agree to ignore the troll, please.

  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] Engineering Tradeoffs of ANF transforms and the Stateless Server

2011-12-31 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Noel Welsh  wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Galler  wrote:
>> I note that no one has discussed throwing a significant amount of physical
>> memory at the problem.
>> Empirically, is that because garbage-collection of a large heap creates its
>> own performance problems?
> Yes, GC pauses get annoying when the heap gets large. This can lead to
> timeouts on the client side.

In my experience, GC pauses were less of an issue than paging.  I
could literally hear the system paging when it hit certain
continuation load thresholds.

It may be the GC was causing some of this paging to happen (especially
since, in those days, the GC was not very sophisticated and may have
been touching pages it should have left alone).  But as Jay has
already said, even if you have a sophisticated GC, you literally
cannot collect very much, so you're going to run into the distinction
between physical and virtual memory sooner or later.

If you *know* an old continuation is never going to be used again, you
can use something like send/finish to dispose of it.  But you don't,
and when someone does use it, a whole bunch of old memory has to get
sucked in and a bunch of warm data sucked out.  [One of the things
that the generation raised on SSDs will miss out on is the visceral
auditory feedback of a disk at work.]

Continue moved off the (then) PLT Scheme language because there were
no good solutions to these problems at that time.  It is now a heavily
Ajax application, which means the load on the back-end is (I'm
guessing and intuiting) far less than it used to be.  The server side
code is now relatively dumb (and intentionally so), and almost all the
interesting action happens on the client.


  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] Engineering Tradeoffs of ANF transforms and the Stateless Server

2011-12-31 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
That's a fine position in theory, but I doubt it works well in
practice even today.  When Jay talks about 3-4 GB, he doesn't mean
over the course of a conference -- that could sometimes add up in just
a few hours.  No amount of cheap RAM is going to combat that.

But, as I said, in an Ajax world there is much less need for the rapid
accumulation of continuations.


On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Neil Van Dyke  wrote:
> Regarding paging... The only three situations in which I consider paging
> acceptable nowadays on workstations and servers, when a handful of dollars
> buys you a few GB RAM:
> 1. For resilience in exceptional/emergency situations, when the alternative
> would be an OOM kill or a crash.
> 2. When an application with massive memory requirements was designed/tuned
> specifically to work well with OS's virtual memory behavior.
> 3. Cloud and shared-hosting servers that don't care if performance blows.
> None of my personal machines even have swap partitions, and I don't recall
> using even half of my RAM.  In this screenshot of lower-right corner of my
> screen, it tells me I'm using 16% of 3GB RAM on this workstation that's
> running Linux, X, XMonad, PostgreSQL server, Apache, and several different
> Racket SCGI servers, in addition to my bloated email client:
> --
>  Racket Users list:

  Racket Users list:

[racket] feeding trolls

2012-01-02 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Hi all,

We have until now never barred anyone from this mailing list.  We like
to keep it that way.  Eli Barzilay and I talk about such issues
periodically, and have been doing so a LOT lately.

Trolls are obviously problematic.  We're starting to get unsubscribe
messages, which does not help -- the goal of having this list is to
build a community, not to break it down.  So, we're being forced to
confront our principles.

I'd still like to stick to our principles.  That requires your
cooperation.  I'm going to ask, one last time, that people NOT FEED
TROLLS.  Our egos are not too fragile; you don't need to come to our
defense.  We appreciate the shows of support, but that just leads to
building out another round of the spiral.


  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] The value of a language

2012-05-09 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
The Scribble language is a great instance of this, though
unfortunately there isn't yet really an easily accessible document
that lays out the argument crisply for a lay audience.  But if you can
persist a little, try the Scribble ICFP paper.

  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] Congratulations to Shriram: Milner Young Researcher Award

2012-06-13 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
Thank you all for your kind words, both public and private.

You know the line about standing on shoulders, but it turns out that
if the shoulders you stand on are sufficiently tall, mere crouching is
sufficient.  Those shoulders belong not only to Matthias but also
especially to Robby Findler, Cormac Flanagan, and Matthew Flatt, each
of whom is smarter than me and whom I continue to look up to.  And
(rest PLT), notably John Clements and Eli Barzilay, has also kept me
on my toes.

At Brown I've been fortunate to have outstanding PhD students -- Paul
Graunke, Greg Cooper, Jay McCarthy, Arjun Guha, Joe Politz -- as well
as several undergrads, post-docs, and collaborators (Kathi Fisler and
Dan Dougherty) who've similarly constantly been several steps ahead of
me and been kind enough to bring me along.


  Racket Users list:

[racket] on-line programming languages course

2012-08-06 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
We are making freely available our upper-level programming languages
course.  People anywhere are welcome to participate in this on-line
version.  All the details are here:

Please feel free to disseminate this information.

If you have questions, please post them here:

I look forward to seeing you in class!

Shriram Krishnamurthi, Instructor
Joe Gibbs Politz, Associate Instructor

  Racket Users list:

[racket] scribble/lp issues

2012-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I'm trying to start using scribble/lp and ran into some issues.

1. When I switch a buffer from scribble/base to scribble/lp, if I have
no chunks I get an error.  Why is this?  It certainly isn't needed for
typesetting; for assembling code during execution, when there are no
chunk's why isn't it equivalent to require'ing an empty file?

2. There is an lp-include but this is like include, not
include-section.  This makes it difficult to use in a larger document.
I am currently creating an empty shadow file like this:

  #lang scribble/base
  @(require scribble/lp-include)

and @include-section'ing that.  (But hey, at least "it works".)

3. When I switch to scribble/lp, all my non-chunk codeblocks seem to
lose their color formatting!  The exact same @codeblock{...} that is
nice and colored in scribble/base now looks more like @verbatim{...}
in scribble/lp; only the code associated with @chunk[...]s is colored.

Is there a reason for (1), a better way to do (2), and a way around
(3)?  The third is the closest to a show-stopper.



  Racket Users list:

[racket] scribbling a stand-alone scribble/lp file

2012-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
It also appears that one cannot scribble a stand-alone scribble/lp
file: it produces

dynamic-require: name is not provided
  name: 'doc

(This, for instance, is scribbling the very example in .)  But scribbling the
wrapper seems to work fine.

If true this might be useful to mention in the documentation, because
it's a bit of an obstacle to getting started with the LP system (the
example there *looks* like a complete document that one ought to be
able to Scribble!).


  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] [plt-edu-talk] Does a Scheme procedure "return" a value?

2012-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
The function phone-directory consumes a name, then produces/computes a
phone number.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Richard Cleis  wrote:
> I am writing documentation. What are acceptable words for the following
> brackets?
> The function f [what verbs are ok?] a name, then [what about here?] a phone
> number.
> rac
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:07 AM, Joe Marshall wrote:
> A Scheme procedure might return a value, or it might delegate to another
> procedure (via tail recursion).  This is a key point: languages without tail
> recursion cannot delegate to another procedure. They can do a limited
> simulation of delegation by chaining the returns, but this adds an O(n)
> space overhead to the computation and consumes stack space, which is a
> finite resource (hence the limit).
>  Racket Users list:
>   Racket Users list:

  Racket Users list:

Re: [racket] [plt-edu-talk] Does a Scheme procedure "return" a value?

2012-09-08 Thread Shriram Krishnamurthi
I concur w/ Joe that there's something to be said for using "returns"
since you're presumably writing documentation that you want
non-Racketeer to read and immediately understand -- your goal here
(presumably) isn't to be pedantic.  This is in contrast to a
programming or programming languages course, where this bit of
pedantry is sort of the point.


On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Joe Marshall  wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2012 8:19 AM, "Richard Cleis"  wrote:
>> I am writing documentation. What are acceptable words for the following
>> brackets?
>> The function f [what verbs are ok?]
> Takes, accepts,
>> a name, then [what about here?] a phone number.
> Computes, evaluates to, reduces to,
> (Or even "returns", if you don't mind if Ellen and I cringe. We'll know what
> you mean.)
>> rac
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:07 AM, Joe Marshall wrote:
>>> A Scheme procedure might return a value, or it might delegate to another
>>> procedure (via tail recursion).  This is a key point: languages without tail
>>> recursion cannot delegate to another procedure. They can do a limited
>>> simulation of delegation by chaining the returns, but this adds an O(n)
>>> space overhead to the computation and consumes stack space, which is a
>>> finite resource (hence the limit).
>>>  Racket Users list:
>   Racket Users list:

  Racket Users list:

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