Re: [Resin-interest] Compelling reasons to use Resin?

2007-10-17 Thread Yong Bakos

We're listening to your feedback regarding documentation, and are in  
the process of improving it across the board, starting with Hessian.

On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Jan Kriesten wrote:

hi hari,

i have been using resin since early version 2 and haven't regret it.

there are some cases which i'd say are compelling reasons to use it  
over tomcat,
where you already brought up some yourself:

> To close, I should say that I personally love resin - its elegance,
> configuration simplicity and developer-friendliness.

another compelling reason i see in your requirement

> specially as look to grow and add additional
> servers

resin has an easy neat way to load-balance and easy session  
replication between
it's instances.

some things about resin aren't that good, of course, and should be  
for one the documentation - which never really was up-to-date nor  
showed more
than a glimpse of resin's capabilities (example config-cases would be  

also, there always have been problems resin being non-standard- 
compliant in some

a recent comparison between resin 3.0.9 and tomcat 5.5.3 can be found  

on this comparison maybe scott could comment?

regards, --- jan.

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Re: [Resin-interest] How To View Servlets w. Resin

2007-09-24 Thread Yong Bakos

You need to have the servlet mapped in web.xml.

And generally servlets belong in WEB-INF/classes.

If this is confusing, check out some tutorials on java web applications.


On Sep 24, 2007, at 2:31 PM, Steve Burrus wrote:

Hi all. I have been encountering some difficulty in trying to see a  
servlet in my web browser with Resin for a long time now! I think  
that it is a matter of the proper placement of the servlet file into  
the right folder of the whole Resin server installation. Is the  
servlet supposed to be placed into the "webapps" folder? If not then  
into which folder should it be put to be able to see it and not get  
the old server error msg. about the resource not found?
Can you find the hidden words?  Take a break and play Seekadoo! Play  
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Re: [Resin-interest] How to set default/global response encoding?

2007-06-27 Thread Yong Bakos

Hans, don't declare it manually in every jsp -- just once in your  
header portion of your view/jsp templates, which would typically be  
included in each individual jsp.

On Jun 27, 2007, at 8:59 AM, Hans Loeblich wrote:

I need to know if there is any way to make UTF-8 my default charset
encoding.  Do I really have to set the page contentType at the top of
every jsp?  It currently defaults to ISO-8559-1 if I do not explicitly
set it.

Thank you,
Hans Loeblich

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Re: [Resin-interest] application variables, j2ee - php, and shared nothing

2007-06-26 Thread Yong Bakos

(this is sorta off topic -- I suggest asking this question at Java  

I think the answer to your question always depends on what it is  
you're trying to accomplish.

I also think there is some cross-cultural confusion, as you can  
certainly create a shared-nothing Java webapp.


On Jun 26, 2007, at 7:08 AM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:


im curious about application variables under the j2ee web application  
are these used frequently in the context of application servers, like  
resin, or are they regarded as taboo?
also, has anyone heard of the shared nothing architecture?  how does  
that pertain, if at all, to the j2ee paradigm?
i was discussing application variables w/ some members of php-general  
and from the sound of it; they are taboo in the php world.

can any quercus users shed some light on this conundrum?


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Re: [Resin-interest] php4 in Quercus

2007-06-12 Thread Yong Bakos

Hey Fred, is the site very big or complex? I recommend moving to PHP5  
whenever doing so causes too much bloodshed.

Quercus is based on PHP5 with an eye on PHP6.

Good luck,

On Jun 12, 2007, at 1:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a site using PHP4 that I would like to run under Resin,
because I also have J2EE applications already running under Resin
and would like to keep it all under one roof.

I tried using Quercus but have run into problems. AFAICT, Quercus
supports PHP5 and that may be causing the errors. To confirm this, I
tried the site under Apache + PHP4 (works), and Apache + PHP5

So PHP5 seems to be causing the errors. Is there any way that I can
run this PHP4 site under Resin? If this is not possible using
Quercus, is there another option? Would using net.php.servlet and
phpsrvlt.jar work under Resin? Has anyone tried this option, is it

Thanks in advance, your advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [Resin-interest] quercus questions

2007-06-11 Thread Yong Bakos

I love caucho products and all the work Scott has done (he's the fing  
man) but if it were me, I wouldn't use Quercus in production unless I  
was 100% sure my application ran 100% correctly on it.

That said, most php applications will run *great*, especially if you  
hand built them. When you introduce a framework, you now must check  
to be sure that framework runs correctly as well.

In getting familiar with webapps 'the java way' realize that as of  
today there is of course more than one way. But start with the  

- understand jsp and servlets
-- plenty of material online (google: core servlets), but I recommend  
the Head First book

-- read Sun's servlet spec
- understand MVC aka 'model 2 mvc'
- understand struts 1
-- see the online book 'struts survival guide'
- experiment w/ Resin to learn about db connection pooling and other  
cool features

In other words, learn to build a standard Java webapp. Then learn how  
to use Quercus. Many in the java camp would cringe at the notion of  
using php for anything other than the view. In addition, the Java  
community has gone waaay past manual database interactions like the  
usual php mysql and pdo functions. So you will at some point want to  
look at ORM layers like Hibernate et al, unless you really love sql  
and string concatenation.

As for c and fun, I still have my hair and I like to keep it that  
way, but you might be a far better programmer than me.

Viel gluck,

On Jun 11, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:


bleeding edge is cool w/ me as im a gentoo user;
the only thing i worry about going w/ quercus really, is having a  
product that may be difficult to support.
my opinion of the php community is that good developers, in  
particular those w/ oo skillsets are difficult,
if not almost impossible to come by, so quercus could add yet another  
layer of complexity and make it

almost really impossible; i dont know though, just speculation.
as i mentioned im working w/ sqlite3 atm via pdo, but i intend to  
port the same db abstraction to the other
pdo drivers like i said.  i am comfortable using quercus in an  
enterprise environment for my large traffic
sites, and sticking w/ mod-php for my embedded products, but another  
thing i worry about is going under the hood.
one of the reasons quercus is attractive to me is that im much more  
proficient in java than c.  although i can write in both
i do struggle a bit w/ c.  so anyway if i do write some extensions to  
the php language itself, i would much prefer to do
it on the quercus platform, but if the code for my embedded products  
is to stay similar to that of the enterprise products
i will certainly have to write similar stuff in c anyway, should be  
fun i guess, right?
at my last job we had some hard-core java guys come in and i learned  
a lot; we were using tomcat, which i understand
may not be the greatest app server, but anyway code was being  
deployed as war files so i have just a very crude

familiarity w/ web apps, 'the java way'.
im reading tons of material atm, but i am interested in getting  
started in quercus.  if it isnt too much trouble, is there a primer
on web apps the java way online that you feel is worth mention to a  
beginner like me?

thanks for your reply.


On 6/11/07, Yong Bakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Nathan, some information is here:

Some info about PDO here

but understand that Quercus is bleeding edge stuff, and the best
thing to do is experiment. You will also want to educate yourself on
Web applications done 'the java way,' and how Resin, and servlet
containers in general, work.


On Jun 10, 2007, at 12:46 PM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
oh, right, i just remembered another critical thing;
the SPL.


On 6/10/07, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hello all,

i am interested in quercus and intend to begin experimenting with it.
just getting started, im curious if there is a list of extensions
that are known to be supported at this time.
all the extensions are listed in the php online manual, so i wonder
if theres a document that just lists
all of them and the support status under quercus.
also, i am very curious about pdo and xsl / xml.   pdo was introduced
in php5, and there are separate drivers for each database;
currently i work with sqlite3 ( corresponding pdo driver api), and in
the future will be running mysql and possibly oracle as well.
also, php5 unveiled a new xml infrastructure built on libxml2.  it
seems obvious that quercus is going to implement xml
support through some java libs, instead, but i wonder about the
simplexml and dom extensions; these are built into php5
using the new libxml2 framework; so are these extensions available in
quercus via an identical interface

[Resin-interest] quercus questions

2007-06-10 Thread Yong Bakos

Hi Nathan, some information is here:

Some info about PDO here

but understand that Quercus is bleeding edge stuff, and the best  
thing to do is experiment. You will also want to educate yourself on  
Web applications done 'the java way,' and how Resin, and servlet  
containers in general, work.


On Jun 10, 2007, at 12:46 PM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
oh, right, i just remembered another critical thing;
the SPL.


On 6/10/07, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hello all,

i am interested in quercus and intend to begin experimenting with it.
just getting started, im curious if there is a list of extensions  
that are known to be supported at this time.
all the extensions are listed in the php online manual, so i wonder  
if theres a document that just lists
all of them and the support status under quercus.
also, i am very curious about pdo and xsl / xml.   pdo was introduced  
in php5, and there are separate drivers for each database;
currently i work with sqlite3 ( corresponding pdo driver api), and in  
the future will be running mysql and possibly oracle as well.
also, php5 unveiled a new xml infrastructure built on libxml2.  it  
seems obvious that quercus is going to implement xml
support through some java libs, instead, but i wonder about the  
simplexml and dom extensions; these are built into php5
using the new libxml2 framework; so are these extensions available in  
quercus via an identical interface?
there are also a number of xsl and xslt functions.

all of these things are critical to my current system architecture  
and for a viable transition to quercus all of them would need to be
available.  a reference doc would be a great starting point for me,  
if its out there..



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Re: [Resin-interest] On the subject of JSP compilation...

2007-06-01 Thread Yong Bakos

John, check out resin's work directory for the source of the  
resulting class to which your jsp becomes.

On Jun 1, 2007, at 3:35 AM, John Steel wrote:

I've been using this pattern for some time with excellent results:
 if (user == null) {
  <%@ include file="/jsp/loginpanel.jsp" %>
} else {
  <%@ include file="/jsp/logoutpanel.jsp" %>
I'm curious how this affects performance. In once sense, the "assembled"
jsp is being changed each visit. So is it rebuilt each time? What gets


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Re: [Resin-interest] Registering Resin pro server as windows service

2007-05-29 Thread Yong Bakos

>> When i register as a windows service do i need to setup any  
windows environment variables like resin_jome, java_home or classpath  

YES. See and other doco.

On May 29, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Achuta Rao Iruku wrote:

 I am trying to register resin pro as windows service with below  
resin-pro-3.1.0\httpd -install -conf D:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0 
\conf\resin.conf  -resin-home D:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0 - 
stdout d:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0\logs\stdout.log -stderr D: 

The service is regsitering and server shows as started when i start  
service from windows services. But the web site is not accessbile. I  
see an wrror message in log directory. The file jvm.log  has an error  
showing the jvm colud not load the classes.

But when i double click on httpd.exe then it is working fine.

When i register as a windows service do i need to setup any windows  
environment variables like resin_jome, java_home or classpath etc.

Appreciate anyone's help.

Achuta rao.

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Re: [Resin-interest] debugging quercus

2007-05-13 Thread Yong Bakos
Thanks for the reply; I'll see how far I get w/ resin_var_dump(). BTW  
I wasn't necessarily interested in IDE debugging... but was surprised  
to get to just a blank screen w/ no exceptions or errors thrown.

Will contribute what I can to the bug tracker.


On May 11, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Nam wrote:

Hi Yong,

I like to place resin_var_dump() at various points in the program as
checkpoints.  It is like var_dump() but it will print to standard out
instead.  It sounds primitive but it is really effective.  Nevertheless,
we are looking into having IDE debugging integration in the future.

-- Nam

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 16:08:48 -0600
> From: Yong Bakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Resin-interest] debugging quercus
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> Hi, does anyone on the list have suggestions for getting better debug
> info while testing quercus?
> I've gotten to the point w/ a particular problem that results in a
> blank browser window, no source.
> Any ideas are appreciated.
> Cheerios!
> yong

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] debugging quercus

2007-05-10 Thread Yong Bakos
Hi, does anyone on the list have suggestions for getting better debug  
info while testing quercus?

I've gotten to the point w/ a particular problem that results in a  
blank browser window, no source.

Any ideas are appreciated.


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[Resin-interest] Quercus: constants and Qcodo

2007-05-06 Thread Yong Bakos
Hi, I'm trying to get Qcodo to work under Resin.Quercus.

I've done some simple php tests and things look good.
I've installed the mysql driver in common/lib.
I've created a webapp directory qcodo, and placed qcodo there.
I've created a WEB-INF/web.xml with the usual php mapping.

Alas, it no workie. Resin reports a servlet exception with the message

QApplicationBase::Unsupported is an unknown constant

I've tried hacking the php class QApplicationBase and explicitly  
added   'public static $Unsupported = 1;' but to no avail.

Any ideas from others working with Quercus are greatly appreciated.


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