[rohrpost] Sowjet-Unterzoegersdorf: Sektor II / Das Adventure-Game

2009-03-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


/// Das Adventure Game

Ein Abenteuer geht weiter!

/// http://www.monochrom.at/suz-game/

Sowjet-Unterzoegersdorf ist die letzte 
existierende Teilrepublik der UdSSR. Der Staat 
unterhaelt keine diplomatischen Beziehungen zu 
der ihn umschliessenden (sogenannten) "Republik 
Oesterreich" oder zur Festung "Europaeische 
Union". Das Zerfallen des Kernlandes der 
Sowjetunion in den fruehen 1990ern wirkte sich 
schlecht auf die inneroekonomische Situation der 
Enklave aus. Doch auch direkte externe 
Einflussnahme durch reaktionaere Kraefte bedroht 
die Rest-Konfoederation. Erst letztens wurde der 
Parteisekretaer Wladislav Gomulka nach 
US-Oberzoegersdorf verschleppt. Dem Genossen muss geholfen werden!

Denn Kommunismus ist keine Meinung, sondern ein Versprechen.

// Special Guest Non Player Characters:
/ Jello Biafra, Bruce Sterling, Cory Doctorow, 
Emmanuel Goldstein, Mitch Altman, Bre Pettis, 
David 'DaddyD' Dempsey, Kyle Machulis, MC 
Frontalot, Eddie Codel, Irina Slutsky, Christian 
'plomlompom' Heller, Jason Scott Sadofsky, Hans 
Bernhard, Robert Stachel (maschek) -- und viele mehr.

// Mit Synchrostimmen von:
/ Jevgeni Beliaikin, Sergey Teterin, Mikhail A. 
Crest, Daria Prawda, Bre Pettis -- und viele mehr.

// Mit Musikbeitraegen von:
/ The Fat Man/George Alistair Sanger, Q-Burns 
Abstract Message, Zoe Keating, Neil Landstrumm, 
Jonathan Mann aka GameJew, Blockwerk, The Extra 
Action Marching Band, The Lazy, antivolk - Torsun 
feat. classless Kulla, Jan Klesse & Felix Knoke 
(left), Savant Trigger, Rioteer, MC Orgelmueller, 
Magic Jordan, Schaua, Horace, The Vladivostoks, 
Limpopo, Eric Skiff, Prometheus X, Kertal (feat. 
sunsetfactory), Bolschewistische Kurkapelle 
Schwarz-Rot, Farmer's Market, Attention, 
Cosmonauts!, Woodn Earf, Trishes, Krach the 
Robot, Prosperity Denied, Arteom Denissov, Dan 
Oberbauer aka DJ Chronos, LFO DEMON.

// Betriebssysteme / Bandbreite:
/ Windows, Linux, OSX. Freundschaftlichen Dank an 
die GenossInnen von CodeWeavers 
(http://www.codeweavers.com) fuer die 
heldenhaften Linux/OSX-Versionen. "Freundschaft!" 
auch an die Leute vom Silver Server 
(http://www.sil.at) fuer Bandbreiten-Sponsoring.

/// http://www.monochrom.at/suz-game/

// Für IBM PC und nicht-kompatible
 Grenzenlose Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten
// Ansprechende grafische BenutzerInnenoberflaeche
 Russisch mit englischen und deutschen UT
// Creative Commons Lizenz und so

Andere Projekte:

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] new work: webzen

2009-03-08 Diskussionsfäden carlos katastrofsky
title: webzen
year: 2009
webpage on server
launch artwork: http://katastrofsky.cont3xt.net/webzen

A Koan: “All things can be traced back to the One, to what, however,
can the One be traced back?” - “Untitled Document” is written on top
of the browser window. No name, no content, no design: a webpage as
simple as it can be. Still the work webzen (2009) demands outmost
concentration. Clicking from one page to the next, the neverending
quest for links is leading further, the skimming through pieces of
information and the scanning of texts and pictures is interrupted -
which is irritating. webzen is an attempt to abandon representational
thinking, to understand life as utterly art of absent-mindedness and
to experience the reality beyond duality and logic and beyond space
and time. webzen has only one assignment: the single-serving site
wants to overcome itself by means of meditating on the basic formulas
of sourcecode: , , , , system, spirit,
concept, body. But overcoming would only have been possible if the
site would have never existed.
- another Koan: “All things can be traced back to the code, to what,
however, can the code be traced back?”


rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

Re: [rohrpost] new work: webzen

2009-03-08 Diskussionsfäden Herbert Schmid

this work doesn't hold it's promises:
it has a name and a document body with content and so theres even a design.

if you really wan't the browsers do nothing -- in your sense --
 use just the following code:


carlos katastrofsky schrieb:

> title: webzen
> year: 2009
> webpage on server
> launch artwork: http://katastrofsky.cont3xt.net/webzen
> A Koan: “All things can be traced back to the One, to what, however,
> can the One be traced back?” - “Untitled Document” is written on top
> of the browser window. No name, no content, no design: a webpage as
> simple as it can be. Still the work webzen (2009) demands outmost
> concentration. Clicking from one page to the next, the neverending
> quest for links is leading further, the skimming through pieces of
> information and the scanning of texts and pictures is interrupted -
> which is irritating. webzen is an attempt to abandon representational
> thinking, to understand life as utterly art of absent-mindedness and
> to experience the reality beyond duality and logic and beyond space
> and time. webzen has only one assignment: the single-serving site
> wants to overcome itself by means of meditating on the basic formulas
> of sourcecode: , , , , system, spirit,
> concept, body. But overcoming would only have been possible if the
> site would have never existed.
> - another Koan: “All things can be traced back to the code, to what,
> however, can the code be traced back?”

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/