Re: [Rosegarden-user] Play function doesn't work anymore

2016-11-12 Thread J.P. Morris
On Fri, 21 Oct 2016 21:37:38 -0200
"Fernando A. Martin"  wrote:

If anyone's posted an update on this, I've missed it.
I've upgraded the kernel to 4.8.7 and this appears to have fixed
the regressions.  Rosegarden is happy now.

The changelog for 4.8.7 includes the following:

"The recent rewrite of the sequencer time accounting using timespec64
 in the commit [3915bf294652: ALSA: seq_timer: use monotonic times
 internally] introduced a bad regression.  Namely, the time reported
 back doesn't increase but goes back and forth.

  The culprit was obvious: the delta is stored to the result (cur_time =
  delta), instead of adding the delta (cur_time += delta)!

  Let's fix it."

JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief etc
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Cross-platform Rosegarden

2016-07-24 Thread J.P. Morris
On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 16:05:53 -0400
"D. Michael McIntyre"  wrote:

> After some initial work that was good for other platforms at the expense 
> of being too destructive to Linux, I am taking a hard look at switching 
> from ALSA to RtMidi, which Richard reports as "just about" recording and 
> playing MIDI in the original Windows fork.
> I haven't begun on any of this yet, but it does look encouraging. 
> RtMidi can use JACK MIDI or ALSA, in that order, which addresses all of 
> the users who wish we had JACK MIDI support.
> The plan I am currently sketching out is to switch Rosegarden over to 
> RtMidi on Linux, get that working, and then the resulting Rosegarden 
> will be easier to port to other platforms.  This removes the biggest 
> dependency that is absolutely Linux-specific.

Excellent, I have been curious about trying to run it in FreeBSD,
ALSA of course being the fly in the ointment for that.  It would be
really nice to abstract that dependency away.

The big question for me is this: how is this refactoring work going to
affect MTC synchronisation, i.e. where Rosegarden chases against an
incoming timecode signal?

That's the single most mission-critical feature of Rosegarden for me
and last time I looked at the code the gubbins for slaving to an external
MTC source were spread all across the Alsa-specific code. 
> Before I really dive into pulling all of this together, I thought it 
> would be appropriate to see how both the developer and user communities 
> feel about all this.
> In the meantime, I'm off to see the new Star Trek movie in IMAX.
> -- 
> D. Michael McIntyre

JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief etc
Project Future - A web comic

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] An oddity!

2015-06-14 Thread J.P. Morris
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 17:37:48 -0400
Ted Felix  wrote:

>It's strange that rg allows two devices connected to the same port, 
> but you can do this directly in the Manage MIDI Devices window.  Feels 
> like a bug, but maybe there are legitimate uses.

Yes.  Daisy-chaining devices has been around since MIDI began.  If you
spend more than about $300 on a synthesizer, chances are you're going to end
up with something that attaches to just a couple of channels.
A minimoog, for example, appears on one channel because it's a monosynth.
Hammond organ: One channel for each manual plus a third for the bass pedals.
The Manikin Memotron: six channels, each one dedicated to a single tape set.

While you could buy a dozen USB interfaces or a couple of expensive 4x4s,
the more realistic scenario is that you're going to chain some of the
synthesizers using the THRU port, so the minimoog, the organ and the 'tron
are all hooked up on the same port, but allocated to different channels,
say ch.1 for the Minimoog, 2-4 for the organ and 6-12 for the 'tron.

Unless you're sending a massive flood of control changes to all of them at once
this usually works pretty well.  Assuming you remember to disable the
automatic channel allocator, of course.

JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief and Ultima
Project Future - A web comic
The DMFA radio series project
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Default to "fixed" for old documents

2012-05-23 Thread J.P. Morris
On Mon, 21 May 2012 22:39:29 -0400
"D. Michael McIntyre"  wrote:

> Is this sufficient in of itself, or do you still think some global option to 
> override the fixed/floating thing is necessary?  How are you getting on with 
> new documents in the age of floating channels?

Cool, I will try and give this a go over the weekend.  Most of my compositions
are actually imported from SONAR as MIDI files, so I'm not sure if this will
have so much effect on my particular setup.

If anyone is curious, this was the song I recorded to test out 12.04.
Aside from the 'Fixed' thing it went very well.  I had meant to post this 

JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief and Ultima
Project Future - A web comic
The DMFA radio series project
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] ROSEGARDEN 12.04, codename "Freedom" RELEASED

2012-05-08 Thread J.P. Morris
On Tue, 8 May 2012 14:04:27 -0400
"D. Michael McIntyre"  wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 08, 2012, wrote:
> > Is it possible to disable this behaviour by default?
> No, but please do experiment and see how you fare.  The theory is you should 
> only experience the minor inconvenience of having to go set a bunch of things 
> from 'auto' to 'fixed' and you should be on your merry way.

Yes.  Unfortunately it meant having to set ALL of them to fixed, but it was
possible to get it to work in the end.  I wouldn't have thought that an override
to force all instruments to be Fixed would have been a terribly complex job,
but then I haven't looked at the code yet.

Basically, it took down the seven(!) synthesizers in my rig which weren't
fully multitimbral (why the MVS-1 only listens on ch1-ch6 I have no clue).

The JV1010 is fully multitimbral in theory, but in practice some sounds
(like the lead sound on the song I tried) will only work correctly on
channel 1 owing to some quirk of the voice architecture.  Likewise, the
Korg Triton is multitimbral in Song mode (which I use most of the time),
but when put into Program mode to use its onboard effects engines properly,
it will listen on channel 1 only.

On the song I was playing, I had three sounds off the JV1010 - the lead organ,
bassline, and some tubular bells.
I set the lead organ to 'Fixed' and Rosegarden promptly sulked and wouldn't play
the bass or bells either until they were all set to 'Fixed' as well.
At first I assumed that having some channels locked but not others makes the
voice allocator wig out, but it hasn't done that again since, so I don't know.

Once they were all set to 'Fixed', it worked happily, but the default behaviour
does only work on workstations, most of the expensive specialty synthesizers,
e.g. anything made by Hammond, Cheetah, Waldorf, Creamware, Moog and probably
Nord as well is likely going to have to be set to Fixed.

Granted, if you're not daisy-chaining them and have exactly one machine per
MIDI interface, you could set most of the the machines into OMNI mode anyway
and it would work out of the box, but I do wonder if it's worth adding a FAQ 

If I hadn't caught the announcement and found out the hard way, I would have
gone mental...

Maybe something like:

Q: My synthesizer won't work with Rosegarden 12.04 or above
A: If it's set to respond on a specific MIDI channel, try setting 'channel'
   to 'Fixed' instead of 'Auto' in Rosegarden's Instrument panel.


Anyway, that's what I've found.  Other than that it seems to be working
fairly happily, I will have to look at installing it on the 'production'
laptop as well.


JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief and Ultima
Project Future - A web comic
The DMFA radio series project
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Unexpected Bank Selection

2011-08-09 Thread J.P. Morris
On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:13:00 -0500
"Mark E. Skeels"  wrote:

> All,
> I am a total newbie to all of this midi stuff.
> (A guitar player looking for a band inside my Korg)

Okay, what I think you need to do is go into global settings.
Somewhere inside you will find 'Bank Map' - this will probably be set
to GM2.  Change it to 'Korg' instead, and that should solve the problem.

JP Morris - aka DOUG the Eagle (Dragon) -=UDIC=-
Anti-walkthroughs for Deus Ex, Thief and Ultima
Project Future - A web comic
The DMFA radio series project
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